Treat, Your Friends

Story by nubarq on SoFurry

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Fun Fun at Strawberry D-Lite

"You like big men don't you Jim?", asked a slender effeminate gazelle.

The question fell over Jim suddenly and his stout frame stopped in the middle of the sidewalk they had been walking down. His rounded ears flicked and he grunted while turning away.

"Why do you gotta be so forward Ellie?" Jim answered.

Ellie stepped forward and placed both his hands on the donkeys hips and lean in around his side and under his pit.

"Well, sexy man, as much as I'd like to get that bite to eat, I have one other appetite and you sure as hell aren't gonna give it to me. You ass."

Jim grabbed his smaller friend's hands and wrapped his arm around Ellie's neck and ground his knuckle into the prissy little man's tidy hair.

"Don't make yourself more pathetic than you already sound." The ass let his friend go and straitened up his own shirt to appear somewhat decent again and the gazelle fussed with his hair. "You always ask me if I like bigger men... We have been room mates for months now and you see my porn collection over my shoulder all the time... Duh... Obviously... Get to the point."

Ellie glared at Jim, turning from the glass to make himself right again, and he slipped into his pocket to pull out his phone.

"Well, Asshole, I know a really good place that just opened. Its a strip club with men that tower to at least two stories tall and they are built like solid fucking stone" "You like big men don't you Jim?", asked a slender effeminate gazelle.

The question fell over Jim suddenly and his stout frame stopped in the middle of the sidewalk they had been walking down. His rounded ears flicked and he grunted while turning away.

"Why do you gotta be so forward Ellie?" Jim answered.

Ellie stepped forward and placed both his hands on the donkeys hips and lean in around his side and under his pit.

"Well, sexy man, as much as I'd like to get that bite to eat, I have one other appetite and you sure as hell aren't gonna give it to me. You ass."

Jim grabbed his smaller friend's hands and wrapped his arm around Ellie's neck and ground his knuckle into the prissy little man's tidy hair.

"Don't make yourself more pathetic than you already sound." The ass let his friend go and straitened up his own shirt to appear somewhat decent again and the gazelle fussed with his hair. "You always ask me if I like bigger men... We have been room mates for months now and you see my porn collection over my shoulder all the time... Duh... Obviously... Get to the point."

Ellie glared at Jim, turning from the glass to make himself right again, and he slipped into his pocket to pull out his phone.

"Well, Asshole, I know a really good place that just opened. Its a strip club with men that tower to at least two stories tall and they are built like solid fucking stone"

Jim looked at Ellie as he flipped through his phone and rolled his eyes as if what he was saying could only be what makes him tag along for the night like always.

"Ellie... come on. Just take me there. I'll be the judge of how big these men are. Your idea of big is me and I am just five feet tall. That's only a foot difference by the way.... You over exaggerate too much."

The gazelle put his phone away after finishing off what looked to be a text. He cocked his head at Jim and slid his hand around Jim's arm to chauffeur him in the direction of the club.

"Fine... We will get there and you will see for yourself then."

After walking a quarter mile the two could make out what seemed to be a long line. Ellie walk past every last person with Jim gawking at a few of the men in line as he was being pulled along.

"Jim, come on, there is more of that inside and they are paid to take off what you are with your dirty mind."

They weren't even inside yet and Jim's face was blushing bright red. They must have passed over a dozen large ten foot tall men with thick midsections just as he fantasizes about in front of a computer screen.

In the dark with bright lights blinding him, Jim was taken back by his troublesome friend actually coming through for once. "Is this the place? Why are we cutting in front of everyone?"

The gazelle stop walking only to be in front of a thick bulldog with the biggest and tallest outfit a rack could surely provide. The black shirt he wore said security and his jean shorts hugged his muscles in such a way that the very idea of him flexing might just rip the seam.

"They know me here, and members get to go in with a friend or two."

Just as Ellie finished the massive bulldog chuckled and bent down to pet the gazelle on the head. "Hey there Elsa", he said in a condescending tone. "This must be that hunky little ass you were telling me about huh?"

Jim had never been in the company of large men. He blushed red as a firetruck and had to turn his gaze from the bulldog to catch his breath. He found himself in a situation he had tried most of his life to avoid. Bigger men disarmed him to the point of a blubbering puddle and no matter where he turned he could see men that towered and dwarfed him. Jim was losing his nerve and felt light headed just until Ellie pulled his hand and eased him into the club.

"Jeeze, Jim... If I knew you would melt like this I would have brought you sooner. You are so cute when you swoon"

Ellie held tighter onto Jim's hand and Jim had not paid much attention since walking into the club. The sight outside had him quivering like a chihuahua and just when he thought he could have a moment to recover he gazed into the room.

There were five stages in the room each dipping into the floor with very tall and strong men working them. He switch from looking at an elk to a rabbit and just as he was to look further, a big green zebra caught his eye. He wasn't quite sure if it was the idea that an equine could be so big, the beast standing well over three times a normal person, or that the color contrast on his skin and bulging frame made him bite his lip and nearly drool.

Ellie stood next to his friend while all the men caught Jim's eye. Holding his hand firmly he could tell that something hot melted him in particular. He look in his widened and aroused eyes to find the reflection of the green zebra pulling off his first button and Ellie chuckled with delight.

"Oh my, yes" said Ellie. "Lets go watch him take that all off shall we?"

Jim was in no condition to speak. Ellie pulled him along and grabbed the front and foremost seats to the zebra's stage. Up close they could see that the stage dipped into the floor to bring the large beast at eye level and it truly presented how large he was. The large man was talking softly and no one could make out what he was saying just by straining over the crowd.

The zebra seen Jim and raised his eyebrow while lips made out the words "This delicious treat must be new." He stepped forward and slipped his massive hand onto the guard rail to pull a small headset from it. His large hands were delicate to spite their size and he slip the headset onto Jim.

Jim's eyes widened in awe and disbelief as the zebra stepped forward and acknowledged him. The warmth of the massive hand placing the sleek headset on his head made his heart flutter and his face beamed.

"My name is Zed you handsome devil. Be sure to stick around for the whole show and a lucky someone will get what they came for.." He wink at Jim and turn around to rip his shirt buttons off by pulling both sides of his shirt and buttons flew into the curtains of the back stage.

Ellie lean into the donkey's side and whisper into his ear, "Oh he liiiiikes you..."

Jim swivel and look at the gazelle and back to Zed. He really hoped what his friend was saying was more than just words. He contently stared at the zebra as his stage suit pieces flew across the stage.

The large man had a sense of urgency in his movement and as much as Jim was looking at him, he tried his best to keep no more than a seconds worth of glance at him. Money from other customers was being thrown into his pit like waterfalls of green and the job was as much in his mind as was the donkey who seemed more interested in him than the work he was doing. He took just a few steps to his pole and spoke into his microphone while dipping into it in seductive grace.

"Hold out them cards and let's see who wants to play on stage with me"

Jim's jaw dropped and he looked to the other onlookers to see them lifting red cards with black lettering. Nearly everyone but he and Ellie had been bending over the rail and Jim's ears droop in disappointment. He wasn't aware that one could get on stage and have a chance to touch the man seducing you through the night.

"It's okay", perked the voice of his friend in his ear. "You can use mine."

The donkey stood up and just about jumped for joy. Ellie handed him a card that looked slightly different from the others. It was black and had red lettering on it. Knowing his friend he assumed he slept around and got special access or something. He felt so grateful to Ellie that he kissed him on the lips in a passionate hug.

Ellie didn't expect so much affection all at once. He folded his wallet and slipped it away. Oh what a wonderful night it was becoming. Ellie sat back down and watched his friend stand at the railing with card at hand. his ears from behind showed apprehension and his tail displayed the excitement of the moment.

Zed had been working the pole and giving his admirer some time to think about the proposal without making it look like he had already set his eyes on a prize. He seen the disappointment in the donkeys eyes and realized he might just be a guest. He gazed over each other patron and the excitement caught his eye. The donkey had a card, and not just any card... it was what he was hoping to see.

Immediately the zebra stood and pressed a button on his microphone. He signaled his coworkers to patch in the microphone of the participant of choice, the donkey front row and center. He walk up to Jim and turn his microphone back on.

"So, what is your name lil man?" said the zebra to the donkey as he took his card and enter it into the card feed behind the stage.

Jim held his hand on his mouth and shook his head. He felt like a contestant winner with no words to express hi explosion of disbelief but he managed just the one that was asked. "J.. Jim."

"Mmmm well Jim. Let's take this back stage so you are less embarrassed by others."

The zebra reached over the railing and grabbed the donkey under his armpits. He lifted the little man with such ease that Jim felt like a toy. He was cradled like an infant across the large mans chest and within moments they vanished behind the curtains. Zed shut a large soundproof door behind them and while they were inside the patrons could only hear what was being said.

Jim noticed the cameras on the walls and his bashfulness didn't yet subside.

"Oh don't you worry about those little things. No one can see anything, that is for selling to the patrons outside for a very high price"

Zed walk to the padded floor covered in pillows. It look like a majestic set up from a stereotypical Indian palace. Jim relaxed in the arm of the beast and was taken back by the fact that he was so gentle throughout the night.

"I,... I have never done anything with someone so big before."

The zebra chuckled and placed the donkey soundly onto the pillows. "Mmmm, you don't say." He licked his emerald green lips slowly, drips of saliva falling to the padded floor. "It isn't every day I get someone so handsome and to top it off they are a virgin."

The little man blushed and made a cute little grunt. Zed could hear every little sound and breath of the donkey and in turn the donkey could hear the massive beast wet his lips and take deep breathes.

Jim took a breath to speak and just as he did so Zed came face to face and licked him across the brow. Jim stopped before he had even started and his struggling sounds of delight reverberated through both their head pieces. The more he struggle and whimper, the more Zed licked him and tasted him in newer untouched spots.

He start at the neck wet the little man's shirt. Zed soon became so aggressive that he grip the shirt in either hand and tear it down the middle.

Jim was so into the affection and attention that he didn't question or complain what was happening. He was so aroused by the larger man that he couldn't find words to add. It was indeed this donkey's first time being submissive to someone else. He pet at the zebra's head and stroke at his nostrils and all the while toss and turn his own head back and forth as if wanting to say no.

Zed watch that little man carefully. He was paid to do this to men, he was paid very well. He bit the belt of the donkey's pants and slide all of what kept the little man clothed in one pull of his thick neck. He wasted no time after pulling Jim's pants off. He pant heavy and the sound of him licking his lips chimed into the microphone once more.

Their combined want and Zed's piercing pants became licking, and not just any licking. One could hear the forcefulness of the zebra;'s tongue against Jim's flesh. The rough bumps of Zed's tongue nearly chime out in individual symphony for how forceful it was. The licking persisted to a point where Jim was feeling uncomfortably aroused.

Zed heard and reacted so fact to his captive. He move up to the little neck by sliding up the gut of his salty pre coated partner and the little man sit up to hug at it.

The sound of licking drowned out into the waterproof headset. it was undeniable to anyone listening to the two having their fun. Jim was now head first inside Zed's maw. Zeds deep breathing pounded into Jim's headset and the squelching sounds of tongue over his face seemed like someone rolling around in wet towels.

Jim's grunting transformed into moaning and the little man was so lost in pleasure that he had very little clue what he had just done. The zebra wasted none of his opportunity and took few deep breathes. The sound of Zeds opening throat rung out and he slid over his prey with a swift motion.

Jim had no time to think, he didn't even have time to take is own breath. He open his eyes to see nothing but darkness. His breathing was now shallow and full of a dank putrid smells. His eyes adjusted and what was the most arousing experience just became a mountain greater. He had never once thought that a man so big could actually swallow a smaller one. He was so at awe that he was starting to enter climactic breath.

"N,.. no,..", all he could manage to say as his breathes became more labored and shallow.

Zed hearing every syllable made it memorable. At the very moment he gulp as hard and loud as he possibly could. One could hear nothing but the squelching throat and wet flesh press into the little man. Jim struggled and screamed as climax overtook him. Each swallow took him deeper and deeper and every swallow forced more and more seed out.

With the very last swallows the zebra walk to the door and look into the camera. HE looked at it funny and noticed it was battery powered. He lunged at it with an open maw and bit it off its bolted mounting point. The zebra swallow the camera without a second thought and he open the door, showing everyone that last second throat bulge follow in behind his meal.

He walk out past his dancing pole and to the line of patrons formed at the start of the railing.

"Who came with this perfect little gentleman tonight?"

Without missing the beat Ellie stood up and swung through the railing to wave the zebra down. Zed walked over to Ellie and turned the public broadcasting off so only Jim and Ellie could hear each other.

"He didn't know what the black card meant, virgins don't use the black card." said Zed.

"I'm still buying the video track, besides, he paid for it... it was his money I stole to pay for my membership." Ellie was rubbing Zed's massive bulged out upper gut and Jim pushed and struggled until passing out from exhaustion and the lack of air.

"You are such an ice queen Elsa."

To everyone watching they would assumed it to be the last rights and personal gesture to those close. They heard the final struggles and the continuing digestive sounds for the rest of the night and when they left they had a chance to purchase the whole experience for later use. Every night is a different experience at Strawberry D-Lite and no good deed goes unpunished.