Cody and Jason: Chapter 4 New Friends ?

Story by Jack Frostpaws on SoFurry

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#4 of Cody & Jason

The next chapter to the Cody and Jason series where Cody falls for the charms of the Clydesdale Jock "Hamish"

Hamish kissed Clara and gave her butt a quick swat as she walked in front of him getting a quick yelp out of the canine before she scampered off down the corridor.

"How does he do it?" Alex, one of the fox's on the football team asked the others as Hamish walked towards them.

"I bet having a cock as long and as thick as your arm helps." Chuckled a Panther as he leaned upon the stairs banister.

"Hey lads sup?" Hamish asked as he high fived some of his team.

"Hey Hamish, we've been talking and we were wondering who out of all of us could get anyone they ever wanted?" Alex piped up.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah so, we decided to make a bet, whoever can bed someone we'd normally never go near will be the winner." Said a Blue wolf.

"Ok...what's the odds?"

"So far it's six to one that it'll be you." The Panther replied

"I'll take some of that, who did you guys have in mind?"

At that moment, Cody walked past the team with his books in paw and his head down.

"What about him?" The Panther asked, a little more excitedly than he'd originally intended.

"What the bunny, why?"

"Didn't you hear, little faggot kissed Jason the other week." Grumbled the lion sat upon the stairs.

"Really?" Hamish asked stroking his chin in thought.

"Ok, double or nothing I can get him in bed by next Tuesday." He announced and put his hand out to the others.

"Deal." They all called in turn and slapped his hand.

With the bet now set Hamish had to find a way of how to lure the little bunny to his advances.

"Chase, I need your help with this one."

"Hey no fair." Alex called out

"its ok, it's the only time I'll need help from anyone." Hamish assured him.

"I need you to wait for Cody after school and threaten to beat his ass for what he did with Jason, and then I'll step in, big hero and all."

Chase, the lion grumbled and gritted his own teeth a little before looking away and nodding.


Hamish grinned and set off for his next class leaving the team behind to sit and converse upon the stairs. At the end of School Hamish stood with Chase outside of the campus as they sat and waited for Cody to appear.

"You know, you took this bet on a little too quick for my liking." Chase grumbled

"Aww what's the matter pussy cat, scared I'm going to get to the little bunny's buns before you?" Hamish teased and lightly shoved Chase.

"Dude I told you not to piss me off with that shit, its bad enough I have to deal with it without getting jokes from you." Chase growled.

"I really don't see what the big deal is bro, so you like dudes, so what?"

"I don't!" he snapped and went to grab Hamish only earning himself a stern stare from the powerful equine.

"I...I mean I don't, it's just a phase of something right?"

"Whatever dude, shit here he comes, ok you know what to do."

Hamish hid himself around the corner as Chase got up and approached Cody from behind and shoved him to the ground.

"Sup faggot?" Chase growled as he towered above Cody.

"Get lost Chase, I'm not in the mood for your shit." Cody grumbled as he tried to get back to his feet only to get himself hauled into the air.

"What you say faggot?" Chase snarled as he held Cody high above him in his powerful grip.

"Let me go..." Cody protested and struggled.

Chase lowered Cody down a little and readied his fist before thrusting it into Cody's stomach.

Cody felt the wind leave his lungs and flopped to the ground gasping for breath when Chase let go of him.

Chase lifted his foot to stick the boot into Cody when Hamish sprang from the corner and shoulder tackled Chase to the ground. The pair of larger males rolled around and struggled with one another as Cody watched on in shock.

"Dude enough, you almost took it too far."

"He deserves it the little queer." Chase spat

"Dude this is only meant to be messing around, chill out."


Hamish didn't really want to hurt his friend, he knew Chase was having a hard time accepting his own sexuality but he couldn't let him get up to have another go at Cody. The stud equine readied his own fist and thrust two heavy and hard punches into the Lion's gut.

Chase wheezed and let go of Hamish and rolled onto his stomach clutching his guts as Hamish crawled over him.

"I'm sorry dude but you were totally out of control."

With that Hamish got up and dusted himself down and walked over to Cody and held his hand out to him.

"Hey you ok?" He asked in his softest tone."

Cody looked up slowly and shook his head slowly as he took Hamish's hand and allowed the Stallion to help him stand.

"That really hurt." He whimpered.

"You need to go to the hospital or something?" Hamish asked with genuine concern in his voice this time.

"No, I'll be ok, I just need to get home."

"Sure well at least let me walk you there."

"Yeah ok..."

Hamish followed along and the pair talked about school and their friends and such and about what bands they liked. When they got close to Cody's home Hamish held back a little and feigned checking his watch.

"Uh listen I've got to get going soon, is this far enough?" He asked

"Uh yeah I'm just a little further down the road here, uh thanks for walking me home."

"Sure thing, uh listen this is maybe bad timing and all but do you fancy meeting up for a milkshake or something sometime?"

Cody thought about it for a moment before he nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah sure, after school tomorrow ok?"

"Yeah that would be great; I'll pick you up at the lockers ok."

"Sure see you then."

Cody flicked his headfur and smiles as Hamish winked at him as he brought their drinks.

"One Carrot juice for a cute bunny."

Cody blushed a little and looked at Hamish through his bangs.

"Mind if I ask you something?"


"Why do you do that?" Hamish asked as he cocked his head to one side.

"Do what?"

"Hide yourself like that."

Cody blushed and looked away before slowly looking back towards Hamish, the equine smiled and with a finger slowly pushed Cody's bangs aside to reveal his left eye.

"Much better."

"So uhm, what's it like being on the football team?"

"Its fine, lots of guys, lots of testosterone and a lot of jock straps." He chuckles as Cody blushes again.

"What about you, you do anything outside of classes?"

Cody looked down at his carrot juice and sighed softly,

"No, not really, I'm not big enough to be a footballer or anything and I'm not much good when it comes to playing an instrument."

"How about art?" Hamish asked taking a long swig of his root beer.

"Well I do draw a little."

"I'm sure you're much better at it than you're letting on."

"Well...a little I guess." He blushed.

Hamish smiled and nodded as he took another swig of his root beer, the pair continued to talk well past closing time. When the Shake bar finally closed they took their conversations into the park and sat on a bench watching the sun go down. Hamish smiled and slipped an arm over Cody's shoulders as a chilly breeze blew through the trees and the cute bunny had shivered.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Cody churred as he leaned a little into Hamish.

"Yeah you are." Hamish replied with a knowing smile.

"Don't tease." Cody pouted and nudged the equine.

"Who's teasing, it's're gorgeous." Hamish smiled and nuzzled the top of Cody's head.

Cody couldn't help but smile back and churred again at the nuzzle.

"Mmmh, walk me home?"


On the walk back to Cody's home, Hamish kept his arm around the young rabbit's shoulders and kept him relatively close as they walked and continued to talk about all sorts. When they stopped outside Cody's home the young rabbit stared up at the tall equine.

"What?" Hamish asked with an amused smile.

"Nothing." Cody smiled back.

"May I give you a kiss goodnight?" Hamish asked

Cody couldn't help but to blush and nodded his head slightly only to tilt it back and reach up, to receive the lips bearing down upon his own.

When they parted ways Cody was left grinning like a Cheshire cat as he walked through his front door.

"We'll someone looks like the cat who got the cream." Martin smiled as he watched Cody almost bounce into the house.

"Hmm, just met the most wonderful guy."

"ooh, who is he?"

"Hamish." Cody grinned as he hopped up the stairs.

Hamish too had a grin upon his face as he left and couldn't help but allow himself a chuckle. As he walked along the street, he failed to notice he was being followed by Alex the Fox from his football team.

"So it's going well then is it?" Alex smirks as he slips out in front of him.

Hamish was taken aback a little at first when the Fox slipped out from hiding.

"Damn it Alex, don't sneak up on me like that and yeah I guess you could say it's going well."

"Dude from the look of that kiss it's going great." The fox chirped.

"Listen Alex, I might need a little more time than I thought." Hamish said with a slight bow of his head.

"Dude why, you're clearly in there?" Alex asked as he tilted his head in that way that most canine varietys do.

"It's just that, Cody's a little more complex than he seems, it's going to take some time to win him over, come Alex, do a guy a favour yeah?" Hamish sounded almost like he was pleading with the fox.

"Hmm alright, since it's you, you can still deliver though right?" Alex asked questioningly

"Yeah one hundred percent dude."

Hamish looked at Alex who didn't seem too sure but he finally smiled and waved to the large equine and headed off.

"Ok buddy, catch you later yeah?"

Hamish let out a sigh and looked back over his shoulder towards Cody's home, could he do it, could he actually humiliate someone like this sweet little bunny?

The next few days passed and Cody felt like he was floating on cloud nine, Hamish always met him before and after school and they always took lunch together. Some of the other jocks would pull Hamish aside and ask him what the hell was going on? He wouldn't go into details; he only let them know that it was all part of a bet and that they needn't worry about him turning.

Cody did on the odd occasion get questions from some of his...occasional friends and he'd simply reply that they were just good friends. One day Hamish had stayed over at Cody's over the weekend and the pair of them lay in Cody's room watching movies. Cody had laid his head down on Hamish's chest and wrapped a small arm around his barrel like frame. Hamish looked down and just smiled as he leaned down and kissed Cody atop of the head. It was in that very moment that he decided that he just couldn't go through with it, Cody was just too sweet and too innocent, such a thing would break him and he couldn't allow himself to be responsible for that.

Hamish found himself standing outside of Cody's home with a parcel under his arm and a card in the other hand. He swallowed hard and adjusted the open collar around his neck as he watched a few other guests walk inside. Today was Cody's birthday and Hamish's time to complete his bet was running out fast. Earlier that day Hamish had been cornered by Chase. "Dude what the fuck, thought you would have fucked the little faggot by now?" Chase grumbled as he shoved Hamish into a wall. Hamish shook it off and pushed back making the lion fall backwards crashing into a set of lockers. "I am not doing it, alright, I can't he's done nothing to me to deserve something so cruel." Hamish spat back. "You become a faggot like him have you Hamish?" Chase snarled as he got up and kept his distance from the Clydesdale. "What's it matter to you anyways?" Hamish asked. "You fucking have, you've become like him." Chase growled. "Yeah, well even if I have, at least I can fucking admit it closet case!" "You will fucking do it mate, because if you don't I'll do it myself and then I'll out you." "Who'd believe you?" "Alex, he had his suspicions when he saw you kiss that sick little fuck and you know how much of a gossip he is."

Hamish grumbled and clenched his fists before quickly grabbing a hold of Chase and slammed him twice into the lockers. "You will not touch Cody, you hear me?" Hamish barked. "Then do it, fuck him and be done with the bet, then things can finally get back to normal." Hamish held Chase in one firm hand and brought his fist down hard against the Lion's face with a loud smack that forced the Lion to turn his head. "That's for what you did to Cody and fine, but if you lay a single hair upon his body I'll break you in two." Hamish warned as he let Chase go and left the locker room to go home and get changed.

On the other side of town Jason hunted high and low through all kinds of stores searching for the perfect gift for Cody's birthday. His sister Laura and his brother Aaron panting as they tried to keep up. "Jase, slow down..." Aaron called out as Jason ran from another store. "This is all your fault." Laura groaned to Aaron "How is this my fault?" " were the one who convinced him to take the bull by the horns..." "Yeah well you're the one who suggested to buy Cody a present for his birthday." Aaron puffed as they hurried up a flight of stairs.

They eventually found Jason with his nose against the window of a store looking directly at an official Van Goat, artists box, complete with sketching pencils, brushes, pastels, oil and water paints and an easel, the only problem was the fact that it was $200. "Damn it." He muttered as Aaron and Laura stood on either side of him and looked into the window. Aaron smiled and looked back behind Jason to his sister who in turn was looking back at him, the pair shared a grin and each stuffed $50 into Jason's back pocket. "Go buy it already!" they both laughed into his ears. With a beaming smile as he felt his back pocket he dashed into the store and even had the shops clerk wrap it up for him, totally forgetting all about getting changed he set off across town determind to make it to Cody's birthday before it ended.

(Sorry it's taken so long to get this updated, I hope that I can continue to keep this going, I hope you all enjoy this new chapter and I can assure you all that more is coming.)

Please, please Read and Review, the more comments I get the more I can be inspired to continue and the better I can improve.