Demon's Curse: The Fall

Story by Zorah Zsasz on SoFurry

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#1 of Demon's Curse

I'm trying out a more traditionally written, DnD inspired story to see how it goes. I hope this is the first part of a series; I plan to go on, having the party go through adventures kinda like a real DnD game.

Within the ancient ruins of the temple, the sound of clacking armor and scraping boots was the only thing breaking the still silence that held those halls within its grip for so long. To Connor, it was such a familiar sensation, the sudden gust of stale air freed from behind a heavy stone door, watching Gerard scrape his tools around the circumference of the brickwork, seeking anything amiss. The others waited patiently for the craftsman to finish his work, and when he was reasonably satisfied that it was safe, they continued.

Of the four, Connor's steps rang loudest, as his heavy greaves clashed against the ancient stone. He felt like he had done this a thousand times, marching down the musty corridors of some ancient ruin, seeking the evil dwelling within. To his front, Gerard continued to inspect the structures of the hall, always wary of triggering any ancient mechanisms. To his right, the massive frame of Travish brandished a torch, his lumbering gait belying a sort of instinctual cunning that the group had learned to rely on. Behind them, Erron crept onward, thankful to have the other three to shield him from any dangers the bookish mage might encounter on the way. Yes, it was a scenario that Connor had gone through seemingly hundreds of times, a formation tempered with years of experience. Yet, this time, it was different.

Before, the goal that hid before them was the promise of a good fight, the slaying of evil, and the riches of ages long past. This time, however, Connor felt the weight of a much more personal burden. He gripped his sword tight, and his comrades could see a sort of tension rarely seen in the normally stoic knight. Gerard stopped the group short in order to expect another ancient door. After a moment of examining it, he turned to them. "Looks like this place isn't quite as abandoned as they want us to believe." he said, motioning towards a few roots that had taken hold in the brickwork. They had been snapped off at the door, fairly recently by the looks of it.

"They're here." Connor confirmed. They could see his nervousness tighten even further, until it resembled something not quite reaching resolve.

Travish put his hand on his friend's armoredshoulder, saying, "This is it then." He smiled, knowing that Connor had been waiting for this for a long time.

"Yes, well, at the very least the leads we received haven't led us astray this time, thankfully." Erron added, clearly not happy to be here. "Let's get this over with. I've quite had it with cultists at this point."

"As have I..." Connor grumbled, taking a breath to re-focus himself.

"Well, hopefully this satisfies your vendetta." The mage stated, bluntly.

Travish furrowed his brow in disagreement. "Erron, we are helping Connor because we are friends, yes? The man has lost family! It is up to us to be doing the helping!"

"Shhh!" Gerard hissed, irritated. "Do we want ALL of 'em to know we're here? Gods, man..."

"Well thanks regardless, friends." Connor said, relaxing a little bit. They all nodded before Gerard motioned for Travish to move the door.

"I figure from the tracks there's at least five of 'em." Gerard pulled out his bow, waiting for his more muscular friend to fling the door open. Everyone prepared themselves to leap into action, and when the slab had finally disappeared from view thanks to a generous helping of physical might, the group saw what they had been searching for.

In the main chamber of the old temple, the cultists had gathered, paying homage to their demonic patrons. The five sorcerers were garbed in heavy, restrictive leather clothing, adorned with buckles and zippers, openly displaying their connections with the demons of Lust. Several of them were barely covering anything, showing off a number of risqué piercing and tattoos to further show their devotion. The corrupted men and women of the temple were encircling a glowing red rune, above which the hazy image of a white-skinned demon faded from view. Clearly, the group had just interrupted a meeting with their mistress.

One of the cultists shrieked, "Who DARES-" only to be interrupted as an arrow buried itself deep within her gut. Gerard was never one for idle banter. Chaos erupted as both sides leapt into action. Travish and Connor both charged headlong into the fray, the larger of the two dropping the torch and drawing both axes from his belt. They were greeted by a hail of purple bolts of arcane energy, and Connor could feel them slamming into the thick steel of his shield.

Connor broke off, intending to circle around and deal with the more magically-inclined of the group while Travish busied himself with those who ran to meet him with blades of their own. Gerard stayed, crouched in the doorway, plunging arrows into the fight using any openings he could afford to take. Chanting from both the sorcerers and from Erron boomed throughout the chamber, almost drowning out the clashing of steel and cries of battle.

The knives of the lunatics found their mark, sinking into Travish's flesh. The raging mountaineer, however, paid them no mind, instead taking the opportunity to slam his axes into their exposed bodies, sundering their ribs and spines with just a few mighty swings. Another cultist began weaving a spell, but was cut short as a spear of ice delivered from Erron found its way into his chest, killing him and freezing his body solid in an instant.

The priestess, still recovering from her recent arrow wound, began waving her hands, attempting to hex Connor before he reached her, but it seemed to no avail, as the holy knight shrugged off the dark energies and replied with a shield bash to her face. As she recoiled, her last attendant tried to take the chance to plunge a knife into the paladin's back, but was likewise met with another expertly shot arrow to the neck, ending his attack permanently.

The only surviving cultist writhed on the ground in agony before Travish hoisted her up by her wrists, making sure she couldn't cast any more magic. As her eyes stopped spinning in her skull and finally focused once more she saw Connor's blade pointed squarely at her throat. "How... how dare you...?" She gasped, humiliated, enraged, and terrified all at once. "What gives you the right to defile our sacred grounds!?"

Connor's gaze didn't waver. It was taking all his willpower not to kill her on the spot. "Your mistress stole my father's soul." He said, coldly.

She spat blood at him, "How DARE you speak of Lady Lilin!?"

Travish jolted her, painfully, "Will you please stop saying that?" He looked to Connor, "What do you want me to do with her?"

Connor's steely glare held on the cultist for a moment before he sheathed his sword and sighed, "Just keep her... We might need her anyway." His hand still clutching the hilt of his cross-shaped sword, he examined the large red room dominating the central space of the shrine. "Erron... could we use this to get me to Lilin?" He asked, trying to cover up the nervousness in his voice.

"Fool, that's merely a viewing portal." The priestess spat, once gain earning another painful shake from the barbarian. Erron walked over to examine the seal, carefully. Connor waited patiently for a response, but his constant fidgeting betrayed his anxiousness.

"With some modifications, I think we can." Erron said, pulling out a piece of chalk from his satchel. As the mage started drawing over some runes, the cultist began laughing.

"Twice the fool! You think you can save your father's soul!? No doubt he is already been enslaved, and then you will join him!" She spat. Connor ignored her, however, and just watched Erron's work intently.

Travish smiled a huge smile, "This is good! Always I have wanted to visit hell, just to knock some skulls! Ha ha ha! Will make a good story, yes?"

Connor looked up at his friend, grimly, causing the jolly smile to melt off his face. "No, friend. This burden is mine alone."

"But..." Travish started.

Erron interrupted, "I agree, in this case, only one of us should go on this... quest of lunacy." Gerard just nodded in the corner.

"This is my own quest. The gods will see me through. Besides, you guys have to open the portal again when I put my father's soul to rest." Connor's voice was heavy with anticipation. Travish obviously wanted to argue, looking between Erron and Gerard for support. However, it was clear he wouldn't get any, and just sighed, nodding in begrudging agreement to his friend's request. "Thank you for understanding." Connor smiled, warmly.

After Erron finished the last rune and spoke the incantation, he used the fresh blood of the dead cultists to activate the sigils. Soon the chalk marks took on the glowing crimson of the sigil, and a hazy red mist appeared over it. "Good luck, holy man. I'll open the portal again one day from now." The mage said, backing up.

Connor took a deepbreath, and then stepped forward, leaving the sound of the cultist's mocking laughter behind him as he descended into the second layer of the Inferno...

Biting winds stung his face as shrieking harpies circled overhead, kept at bay by the bright light of his holy sword. Instinctively, he marched onward through the wasteland, ignoring the bitter shrieks and the moans of ecstasy carried on the harsh gale. The blade continued to help guide him towards his target and cut through any demon foolish enough to try to get in his way. The holy blade seared their flesh and cut their bones like air, but Connor had no time to relish in their demise.

Finally, at the heart of the windstorm, the paladin found his destination. A great, phallic tower standing erect in the midst of the wastelands. The hellish structure was completely formed of smooth, shining stone as though the very walls were carved from the flesh of a great demonic being. The architecture left little doubt what kingdom he had ventured into, with every pillar, every opening an artistic testament to the basest of human needs. He clenched his teeth and marched forward. Massive doors blocked his entrance, but before he could tear them open, they swung inward automatically. A gust of wind helped push him along, into the obviously-vaginal gateway to the tower.

The knight stood in the throne room of one of the patron Demons of Lust. His eyes narrowed as he focused his attention on the creature sitting on the throne in front of him, surrounded by at least a dozen servants. Her pale white skin clashed with the otherwise dark interior, and her red eyes appraised him ominously. There was no hint of surprise on her beautiful face, only a smirk of mild amusement. "So, the little knight finally comes into my parlor..." She said, sensually. She crossed her legs and leaned forward, obviously trying to titillate him with her gorgeous form, but the knight resisted any temptations that she presented. Even he, disciplined as he was, had to admit she was beautiful, and the black lace and leather barely covering her body did all it could to accentuate her raw sexuality.

"I'm here for my father's soul!" He said, bluntly. The succubus laughed, causing her massive chest to heave up and down. She stood and spread her wings, causing her scantily-dressed servants to scatter. She was massive, at least 8 feet in height if one didn't include the large horns crowning her skull, and her wingspan had to be at least twice that. After her display, she once again folded her wings and took a few steps towards him.

"You seduced him, and stole away his life. I'm here to send him where he belongs!" Connor said, undaunted by the temptress's behavior. She licked her lips, obviously amused.

"What makes you think he belongs anywhere else?" She asked, reaching up to cup one of her own breasts. The chain linking her nipples together jingled, as from it hung a multitude of golden keys.

Connor glared. "He was a pious man... stolen away by your trickery."

"Oh is that what you think? Oh no, love. Dear Edmund came to my side willingly, as any sane man would." She said, smiling. "T'was he who summoned me to him, in fact."

Connor held his sword up, "I am NOT here to bargain or listen to your untruths!"

"She's right, boy." Connor felt his blood run cold. He turned to face the direction of his father's voice, and Lilin laughed as his rage gave way to horror.

Out of a corridor lumbered a large, muscular demon, swathed in leather and a massive collar adorning its neck. It had sickly purple skin and a somewhat draconic head, whose vague resemblance to Edmund made Connor's horror sink further into his spirit. The monster lacked the wings of a true demon, but its connection to Lust was made clear by its massive member, hanging down nearly between its knees. Its yellow eyes considered the knight standing before it a moment, and then a chillingly warm smile crept across its face.

"You followed me here, did you? Come to take your old man away from his deserved retirement?" It rumbled.

"Father... no..." Connor felt his heart sink into his gut. In life, Edmund was not so unlike his son, or so Connor had thought. He was fully expecting to come to his father's rescue, to find him captured and tormented, lamenting his decisions.

The beast shook his head, "Don't look at me like that. After a life of service to the light, of being restricted, this is the best end to my journey I could ask for. A chance to partake in everything I had forsaken. You're to young to understand, boy. How much we've both given up for nothing in return."

He spun around, facing the monster that his father had become, holding his blade in a trembling hand. "No, you're not the Edmund I knew... She's twisted you beyond reason."

"You'd raise that sword against your own flesh and blood?" He asked, more disappointed than hurt. "And whether she did or not, I'm happy here, and you've no right to end it."

"Sweetie, your dear father is being rewarded with lavish decadence, answering only to me... I play nice with mortals who swear themselves to me, and your father has vowed to become my protector against those who would do me harm." Lilin cooed her words, and the very sight of her was enough to excite Edmund enough to grant him a throbbing erection, much to Connor's disgust.

Connor turned to the succubus, raising his sword again, seething. "Then you won't be needing his services for long." He growled, advancing towards the demoness angrily. She did nothing as he charged at her, sword held high, only smiling as he neared his strike. Before the blade could touch flesh, though, it stopped mid-swing as the knight's arm was seized by a massive hand.

"Sorry boy. She's my duty now." He said, yanking him backwards and tripping Connor with his large tail. After Connor hit the ground, Edmund held him down by his shoulder, kicking the sacred blade away from his grip.

"I don't play well with upstart mortals like you, though." She said, smirking. "Such a nice boy though. Handsome too." She teased. She snapped her fingers and her other attendants surrounded Connor, helping Edmund pin him by his limbs. Lilin giggled and stepped closer to him, placing one of her massive heels just over Connor's crotch. The knight just glared at her, however, refusing to be intimidated. "What to do with you? If you were a good boy, I could show you a man's pleasures that you'd never even dreamed of." Her words melted out of her mouth like honey, but Connor just looked away.

She smirked, reaching down and, despite their size difference, undoing his belt and fishing his regretfully erect cock out of his pants. He clenched his teeth, doing his best to not give her the satisfaction of dominating his lust. She craned her head down, kissing the tip of his erection just to tease him. "That's why your father loves me, after all. I could give you the same..." She looked to Edmund, who nodded in approval. "But I won't. The boy needs to be punished."

"He'll change his mind if you show him what you've shown me." Edmund argued. Lilin swished her hips and her long, whip-like tail lashed around, striking him right in his erect cock with an audible crack. Edmund winced and covered himself, backing away.

"Please don't argue with your mistress, love." She said, pleasantly. Her tail snaked back around her body, this time slithering over to Connor's helpless form.

He struggled to escape again but the attendants held tight. He spat at her, "Do your worst, whore!" He challenged. She just smiled at him. The spade-like point of her tail drifted down to his belly, lifting up the chain-mail covering his abdomen. He saw a long, needle-like stinger spring out of it and jab his gut, causing a sharp pain but retreating quickly.

"Not my worst, but one of my favorites." She cooed, smiling at him. Instantly, Connor could feel his insides start churning. He felt like there was a fire deep inside him that was starting to consume his flesh. He let his head fall back, baring himself for the pain. He refused to scream, to cry, go groan. He wouldn't give her the satisfaction. But he could feel his body twisting around itself, sending dreadful pain down through his very bones. "The way I see it, what better punishment for a petulant boy than to see that he lives never becoming a man?"

Connor dwelled on her words for only a moment before he realized her intention. "Oh Gods..." He groaned, feeling his voice cracking. Lilim giggled and ran her clawed finger down the center of his armor, leaving a smoking trail on its surface. Effortlessly, she pulled his armor apart, leaving his chest down to his crotch perfectly exposed. Already, his body hair was retreating and his crotch was nearly featureless save for his pubic hair. She stroked his sides as his hips became more shapely and his waist narrowed. It was like she was sculpting his very flesh.

"Oooh, so pretty." She teased. She smiled and reached between his legs, stabbing a claw between them. Connor's falsetto cry only further demonstrated how much he'd changed, and he could feel the injury between his legs forming into his new sex. She pulled her finger out agonizingly slowly, making sure to drag her knuckles against the newly formed clitoris at the top of Connor's new opening.

"There we are. Just one more thing, precious." She said, She reached up, pinching Connor's nipples with her claw-like nails. Connor's teeth felt like they were going to crack against each other as she pulled upwards, flesh swelling with each breath until a pair of pert breasts rested on her chest. "Heehee. You've never had a daughter, have you Edmund."

"No, Connor's my only child..." the beast replied, somewhat crestfallen. The monster just looked over the body of his newly formed daughter, despairing that it had come to this.

"She's so cute. Bet she looks like her momma." Lilim teased, starting to rub her thumb over Connor's new sex. It took every fiber of her being not to let out an orgasmic moan. She bit her lip, unable to stifle a cute little groan from the back of her throat.

"I.. I..." Conner gasped, horrified at the sensations of her body and her feminine voice.

"Feels good doesn't it, precious?" She asked, starting to slip a claw between Connor's lips.

"Ohh..!" Connor squirmed, but the other demons held tight.

Lilin smiled, increasing the intensity of her teasing. "You're nice and full of my special love venom. No mortal aphrodisiac can compare." Lilin pulled her hand away and stood up, looking at the defiled mortal. Connor's face was red with lust and her voice was lost with confusion and panic. "Who wants to be her first? Edmund, do you want the honors?"

The big beast just looked away and Lilin laughed, "Well okay. Maybe we should start her off easy anyhow."

On cue, one of the leather-clad demons moved away from her arm, giddily scampering over to the other side. She felt her heart jump, trying to twist away yet again. "Don't you dare!!" She yelled, struggling in vain to get away. It was even less hopeful then, since the strong body she had worked so hard on was completely replaced by a slender, delicate form.

Without any fanfare, the demon leapt on top of her, plunging his pierced cock strait into her virgin cunt. Connor screamed, feeling violated in a way she never though she could have, and horrified at the ecstasy that shot through her body. She felt the metal ridges lining the monster's penis grind against her clit as he pulled out, only to ram back in, again and again and again.

The other demons licked their chops and pawed at her body, lustfully. She felt them grabbing her breasts and caressing her face as their friend hammered the newly female captive. Even with her well-honed sense of self-control, she let out a few shaky moans as he did his work. Her pride was being chipped away with each thrust, and the pleasure was only gaining exponentially over time. "Father, help me!!!" She screamed, pleading for him. He only looked away.

"Fath-Ahhh! Uuugnhh!" Connor moaned loudly, tensing up as he kept thrusting in and out of her. Her insides hugged at his flesh, welcoming him in with great relish. New muscles twitched and contracted, trying to make the ordeal pleasurable for them both. Connor could feel herself start to dry heave, feeling the slimy demon flesh pulsing inside of her body.

Despite her revulsion, the pleasure was too much to bear. Before she knew what happened, her first female orgasm ripped through her body like a tidal wave, taking some of her spirit with it. As she came, the demon pulled out, stroking itself until its pearlescent seed burst forth, splattering her exposed abdomen and chest. He came far more than any normal human ever could, finally retreating back when the flow stopped.

"Oooh, that felt good didn't it?" Lilin asked, still hovering over her other slaves.

"Ugh, uhhhn..." Connor was hardly able to vocalize at all, let alone speak.

Lilin laughed, "So easy. You holy types are so pent up, so frustrated that you turn into little whores almost immediately!"

"N-no, I'll never..." Connor gasped, her body trembling and twitching from the aftermath of her climax.

The succubus shushed her, "A few more rounds will take care of that. Get that ugly armor off her. Get her dressed up nice."

The demons let go over their captive, but Connor was too weak to do anything anyway. They went about roughly and messily tearing the rest of her armor off, leaving her completely naked. As they rent her armor, Lilin wiped some of the cum off her belly, revealing that the skin beneath had been permanently stained a milky white. "You're changing already. You'll make a fine demoness, precious."

Those words struck Connor even harder than the transformation before it. "A-A demon..? No...! Nooo!" She protested. She started struggling again but the demons put and end to that quickly, forcing her to mount another demon. He plunged into her and held her down by her legs, and instantly all the fight left her body. Stunned with pleasure, all she could do was kept babbling, "No..! No... No...!" The white pigment continued to spread over her skin like a demonically fast rash.

The dumbstruck human barely noticed the other demons returning with new attire for their latest plaything. While the one under her kept her occupied with their hard fucking, the others grabbed her still-changing legs and wrestled them into a pair of tight, thigh-high leather boots. She felt the leather squeeze around her legs, pleasantly, and they too started morphing along with the rest of her body. With each thrust of the demon, more of her changed, pulsing like a heartbeat.

Her legs got a tad longer, still remaining very thin and exaggerating her curvature. She could see her toes poking out of the holes at the bottom, and they too started getting longer, her nails morphing into short claws. Most obviously, she felt the bones of her heels elongating until they had formed into long spikes, morphing her feet into permanent high-heels.

After the boots came the gloves, wrapping them around her delicate arms up to the biceps, leaving her fingers uncovered. She could see them changing as well, once again lengthening and her nails narrowing into long, spike-like claws. Next, the demons wrapped her midsection in a tight corset, carefully cut to let her breasts hang freely, ending just under her naval. Her already thin waist continued to narrow to what would be dangerous levels for a human woman, further complimenting her now-plush rear. The other demons smiled and cooed, watching her breasts and her buttocks jiggle with every thrust of the demon under her. Now, her figure was complete. The ideal female form, exaggerated to inhuman levels.

The new, ganglydemoness moaned and groaned, climaxing yet again. The demons started once again fondling her new body, gripping her ass and large breasts, almost enviously. "Those clothes suit you, dear. Just as they should, since they're now a part of you just as much as your skin." Connor could feel the hands stroking her leather garments as though they were still touching skin. The material did not shift, or slide against her body any longer, as though her skin were fused to it.

"No more... no more... no..." She begged, panting and gasping. Lilin snapped her fingers, and the demon between her legs grudgingly pulled her off him, forcing her to her knees. Connor took the moment to start catching her breath. Now free from the constant pleasure, her thoughts started to collect themselves again when the succubus put her hand under her chin and lifted her head up. She looked into Lilin's eyes, seeing her perverse pleasure in Connor's torment.

"Well, what do you think?" She asked, smiling.

"This.... This... is an atrocity..." She gasped, horrified beyond reason.

Lilin frowned. "Still playing the holier-than-though role, hm? That's a shame. Well, there's just two more things before you're complete, and you can become my lovely little servant."

"... I'll never s-serve you willingly..." Connor stuttered.

"Even after all that pleasure I shared with you? Fine then, you can just be a slave. Bring the mask."

Connor shivered, "M-mask...?" She looked to her left and saw one of the female demons hold up a black leather mask. It would cover her entire head and neck, save for a space in the back for her hair to hang free. The "face" was completely featureless, except for a zipper across the mouth, forming a maw of inch-and-half-long steel teeth. The image was horrifying enough by itself, but knowing how the other garments reacted to her skin...

"No, no no...!" She stuttered, but Lilin just laughed. The demons grabbed her arms and held her while two more approached her, forcing her head into the mask. She screamed, fighting them as she felt the leather slide over her head and the demons tightening the buckles in the back, sealing it on. She could feel her skin start fusing to the mask, an oddly soothing sensation, but it did little to ease her horror. She found her eyes stuck shut, and soon, her lips had become one with the zipper. Her muffled cries and her thrashing turned to sobs as she started to be able to feel the hands on her face and chin.

She felt like she was going to suffocate. She could barely pass air between the long teeth of the zipper, but it was never enough to satisfy her panicking lungs. However, the need for air never reached a head; evidently, demons could hold their breaths indefinitely, though the pain of suffocation was still felt. Finally, mercifully, she felt someone grab the zipper on one corner of her mouth and slide it to the other side, letting her mouth open once more. Gasping for breath, she shivered and whimpered, now blind, but able to sense the demons surrounding her.

"Awww, even more cute!" Lilin said, giddily. Connor couldn't help but explore her mouth with her tongue. To her shock, not only had the mask fused to her lips, but her mouth had in fact gotten bigger, reaching further along her jaw line than her human one had. Her tongue slowly lengthened as well, able to extend nearly a foot out of the mask. The teeth of the zipper were grafted into her lips, now, almost like a second row of real teeth. "And now for the final touch."

"No, no more... no..." Connor babbled, her speech surprisingly unhampered by her awful maw. She suddenly felt a thick collar slip around her neck and lock in place, sealing her fate.

"Now, since you chose to be a slave instead of a servant, your life is forfeit, now. You are a toy, sweetie, though in time, maybe I might look to you as a pet instead." She stroked the new bondage-demon's hair, now tained black and lengthened down to her hips. "What do you think, Edmund? Aren't you happy with your little girl?"

Edmund was silent for a moment before he chuckled, "Well, she's certainly cute, I'll give her that."

"Well, why don't you two get to know each other a little better now that your situation's stabilized, hm? I think it'd be cute for daddy to show his little girl her new role in life." Lilin said.

"What...? Father, father, no, please..." She wanted to cry, but she no longer had a place for tears to shed.

Connor could no longer see, but Edmund was torn. Lilin noticed his hesitation and raised an eyebrow. "Come on now, dear. I don't want it to be an order." She warned.

Edmund had no choice but to relent. Connor could feel her father's massive footsteps behind her and she let out an audible sob when he picked her up off the ground. She was nearly seven feet tall now, but he was taller still. She felt his big arms cradle her in a hug, and his massive hard-on press against her back.

"Come now, Connor, I taught you better than that. Sometimes you have to do what's expected of you." He said. Connor was assaulted by memories of his loving father giving him similar lectures when he had joined the academy. Edmund spun her around, facing him. "Besides, this could be fun."

Connor felt him sit down and lay back, lifting her up so that her long legs were straddling his crotch. "Father, please, no..." She begged, weakly.

"No, call me 'daddy'. I like that." He told her, sternly.

Connor was silent a moment before sobbing again, "Daddy... please don't..."

"Shhh... here it comes baby." And with that, Connor felt her father's massive cock press against her cunt, and with a wet slurping sound, he impaled her on his huge girth. She screamed, the knowledge that she's now being raped by her own father pushing her further into despair. She could feel a pressure in her hips as her thin body struggled to accommodate the insertion. Most human women likely would have died at that moment, but her new physiology allowed her to accept him, albeit painfully. He lowered her all the way down, and then lifted her back up by her waist. He rumbled in pleasure, starting to take a perverse satisfaction in fucking his own flesh and blood. He kept forcing her up and down his shaft, eventually forcing her to squeak out a few pleasured groans. But between those, she kept sobbing and whimpering.

Eventually, Edmund reached up and zipped her mouth shut, tired of hearing her cry. "Stop sniveling, Connor. It didn't have to be like this..." He lectured, wrapping his arms around her waist and thrusting into her tight body more rapidly. "You could've stayed home, or accepted her offer. Now look at you..." He couldn't help but feel a pang of shame that his only son was reduced to a pathetic fuck toy. "You'll just have to, ahh, rise through the ranks..."

Connor was helpless to argue, or even think anymore. She felt her father reach around and slap her ass, hard, making her squeal. "Oh, don't worry. Daddy still loves you. Maybe this will work out for the best after all. I've always wanted to be closer to you, even in this afterlife." He hugged her to him, groaning gently. She felt him grab something above her rear and tug upwards on it. She had grown a long, thin, spaded tail a bit like Lilin's. He pulled up on it and reached his own tail around, sliding it into her exposed anus. She shuddered and moaned as it pushed inwards, making Edmund smile.

"Go on, come for me." He said. After just a few moments of those two large insertions ravaging both her most private holes, she unwittingly obeyed, climaxing yet again. He unzipped her mouth to savor her whorish moan of ecstasy. He leaned in, entwining his long tongue with her own and closing his toothy maw over hers in the closest thing the two demons could manage to a kiss. He held her like that, continuing to ravage her until she could feel his cock pulsing.

His tail slipped out of her ass as he leaned back, roaring in pleasure as he unloaded an insane amount of his seed into his daughter's belly. Connor moaned and screamed, feeling her womb expanding to accommodate the massive quantity of semen inside her. When he finished, her tummy had ballooned enough to make her look 9-months pregnant. He laughed, looking at her gravid belly. "How cute... maybe someday Mistress Lilin will let you actually breed. What do you think? Maybe some baby brothers and sisters to join us, hm?"

She had just collapsed against his chest, her long tongue having flopped out while she gasped for breath. Her belly slowly shrank as his cum oozed its way out from between their union. "You'll get used to your new body, as I got used to mine. You should really feel honored. Lilin made you a lesser succubus, still pretty high on the ladder around here."

Connor just shivered and gulped, trying to regain some of her wits. She aimed her head in the direction her father's voice was coming from in an attempt to look at him. "F-father... You've damned us both..." She said, quietly. "Now we'll never see Mother again..."

Edmund's heart sank and then rage overtook him. He pulled her off him and threw her to the ground, roughly. "Then you'll have to make do, SLUT!" He shouted, angrily.

"Calm yourself, love..." Lilin said, walking over to him and petting his short snout. "She'll be lost to the pleaure... she'll crave it more than you do. She will beg for abuse again and again. Just give it some time." She turned to the zipper-faced demon and smiled. "As for you, you're not done here. As a succubus, you have no need for food, air, or sleep. All you need... is love." She said, letting the last word roll off her tongue in an especially sinister way.

She looked to the other demons in the area, all of them stroking their lengths or teasing their own entrances, a few dong both. "Well, since she's new, you all feed her well while I have a word with Edmund."

The demons wasted no time dragging Connor out of the pool of white that had formed around her, pouncing on her body like wild animals. Both holes were filled with more demon flesh as she heard her father and mistress leave the chamber. As they ravaged her, she looked to the holy blade discarded to the side of the room. She sobbed, starting to say a prayer before another demon wedged her mouth open and thrust his shaft into her throat.