Mutt Ch.5 Real?

Story by Da Ermine on SoFurry

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#6 of Mutt

There were two birds fighting or fucking or some thing. Lok could hear them squawking and thrashing in the tree next to his room.He swung him self in to a sitting position on the edge of his bead, and struggled for a moment to put his thoughts together. He didn't quite know what was going on, but he felt... good. Then there was the wicked hard morning wood he had. He shrugged it off. It was way to early to even think about thinking.

Lok stood up slowly and stumbled to the bath room. He had to lean against the wall to get the stream to flow in right. Every time he blinked, he saw things. They faded before he he could figure out what the were. He washed hid hands slowly under the hot watter to try and get woken up. He looked at him self in the mirror.

Lok walked into the kitchen with the intention of eating break fest, but when he got there he found his mother sitting at the table staring into a cup of coffee. Lok walked over to her calmly. "Mom, is some thing wrong?"

Parla's head shot up. She stared at her son, and tears of joy began to pool in her eyes. Before Lok could ask what was going on, his mother tackled him with a hug. Parla sobbed as she held Lok. The happenings of the day before, were coming back to Lok now. He remembered that he had fought an A class corruption, but he wasn't sure if any thing else he remembered was true.

Narrin had been awake for a while now. She had reached orgasm from a wet dream, and hadn't been able to go back to sleep. That boy was running threw her mind. He had called her "beautiful" Some thing that so far only her family and other people like that called her. That simple word had set her passions on him. She had been fantasizing about him. About kissing him, about kissing him all over. She was so wet with these thoughts, and so was the pillow she had been rubbing her self on.

It wasn't enough. She needed some thing inside, and she knew where she could get it. Her brother's mate had been spending more and more nights over. She had brought lots of toys over and left them. Narrin knew it would be embarrassing, but she could barrow one of them. Narrin listened at the door for a moment. She herd movement that didn't sound like sex so she went a head and knocked.

Cella came to the door with a hint of frustration on her face. She smiled when she saw it was Narrin though. "Well hi there, shorty. Could you help me with some thing?"

"Um, yes."

"Thank you. I've been wrestling with it all night." Cella led the young hybrid to a strange piece of furniture that she had been putting together. It had a Base on the ground with two sturdy rods coming out of it. the other part looked like a wide cushion with two bars that would feed into the other two. The were short belts attached to each bar for binding the hands and feet of who ever was laying on the top cushion. Narrin picked the top part up and held it over the other two bars while Cella led them into there places and lowered the top to the right height. Cella also noticed the little drops of cum that were running down Narrin's legs.

Cella looked at the contraption with approval. "Perfect! Now, what was it that brought you over here?"

"Um... Well... It's hard to ask you for some thing like this, but... Um... What is this thing, any way?"

Cella smiled with a evil look in her eyes. "Its a bending post. Come here, I'll show you." Cella bent Nerrin over the post and fastened the belts around her wrist, before Narin could say any thing in protest. She started doing the same to her ankles. Narrin struggled with the restraints. "Cella! What are you doing? What is..."

Cella started rubbing Narrin's pussy threw her jammies. "Your so wet. Were you thinking about that boy?"

"Stop it, Cella! This is embarrassing."

"What's so embarrassing about being touched by another girl? It's just like touching your self, only it feels much better. Still if you really want me to stop that badly..."

"No! I mean... I just wanted to barrow one of your toys."

"Hm. That's a bold request, but it makes me wounder..." Cella yanked Narrin's pajama pants down and pulled her tail up and spread her pussy lips to look inside. Narrin shuttered from a mix of pleasure and shock. "Cella, don't do that! It's too soon. It's just too soon."

Cella talked to the younger girl in a baby voice. "I guess it is. Considering that you still have this sweet little cherry inside you. And then there's that tight little tail hole. If Lok tried to put his dick in there, it would hurt a whole lot. I've seen it, you know? He's a biiiig booooy."

That thought made Narrin feel worm. Cella felt this warmth, and blew on the soft hole. Narrin squeaked and felt tingly. Cella moved one of her fingers across Narrin's taint, and started rubbing her anus. "Do you want it? I promise I'll make you cum lots and lots."

"Do it! Please, I can't go back now! Please take me, Cella."

Cella pushed her finger in slowly and listened carefully for any indication that she was causing more then the normal amount of pain. A little pain was natural, but it was impotent to make sure she was feeling enough pleasure to counter act the pain. Narrin had played with her butt hole before so it wasn't too bad. It was more intense this time because she was being played with in stead.

Cella started pushing a second finger up Narrin's butt, And Narrin was really beginning to enjoy it. Narrin cried out as she was stretched open. Cella started spreading some more lube on the little hole. She started massaging it to help her relax the muscles. Cella stretched Narrin's tail hole and looked at her pink insides. "So, witch one of my toys did you want to barrow?"

"I was thinking, the anal plug with the loop on the end."

"That's a nice choice, but I was thinking of some thing that could be fun for both of us. Do you think you would be alright if we had some fun with a two headed toy?"

"Um yes. Just not too hard."

"Don't worry, little one. I'm going to make sure you love every minuet of this. Just relax and let me do my stuff." Cella lowered the post to where Narrin had to bend her knees a little. Then Cella pulled out a ten inch double ended dildo and started lubing it up. Cella lifted Narrin's tail and rubbed it at the base while she started teasing her tail hole toy. "Have I ever told you how much I like your tail? It has such a nice shape, and it makes your butt look good. I don't think Lok could ever resist a tail like this."

"Douse Lok like tails?"

"I think so. Sway it a little when you run into him, and see if gets hard." With that Cella poked the tip of her dildo into Narrin's tail hole. Narrin winced and trembled as her insides were stretched. Her toes curled and her pussy ran. It stung a little, but she was tingling. This feeling was so new to her. Cella stopped pushing it in, and started thrusting it in and out gently to make it loos. "I think your ready now, but first..."

Cella started an all out oral assault on Narrin's swelling pussy. Narrin started thrashing around on the post and shaking in the restraints. Cella was licking and suckling with such love and passion for her mate's sister. Narrin screamed out in a high pitch as she came on Cella's face. Cella stud back up and wiped the cum from her face. "I told you it would be better then when you touched your self."

"It was, but... Do I really need to be tied up like this?"

"Oh! I guess it isn't necessary, but some times it can make things more interesting." Cella on tied Narrin and helped her to the bed. Narrin laied on the bed with her legs hanging off. Cella put the other end of the dildo up her own ass and stated backing it into Narrin. Cella touched Narrin's pussy with her own, and rubbed it. Narin whimpered with pleasure and started gripping at the bed sheets. Cella started thrusting her hips back and forth until she found the rhythm that worked for her. Narrin was surprised to find herself joining in on this. She was also thrusting her hips at Cella.

Narrin came first with a long moan fallowed by heavy breathing. Cella sped up to finish her self off, and the two of them sated in that position for a moment before Cella separated them. Narrin's tail hole was gaping and lube was running down her slit, but it felt good. Cella picked the younger girl up and laid her down on the bed, and laid down next to her in the spoon position. "Are you alright? I hope I didn't hurt you too much... Narrin?"

Narrin was a sleep. The mixture of her lack of sleep and sexual pleasure had been to much. Cella nuzzled her for a moment before carrying her to her room and laying her in her own bed. Narrin had a dream about love. A dream about becoming a mother. A dream that more then any other she wanted to come true.

Lok didn't know what to think. He was staring at the A class corruption as it was being taken apart for what ever resources they could harvest from it. He had to wounder where the unreality of his memories began. He knew there were gods and goddesses all over the mountain, but had one really taken his virginity? If she had, then where was the "attribute" or what ever she called it? And then there was the girl. Some body had to have healed him, but was it really some pretty young girl that was clearly a hybrid like him?

His contemplation was broken by a horse writing on a tablet. "You are Lok Galsa, correct?"


"We found your tools a little while ago. I hate to tell you this, but there in real bad shape. I'm sorry if they have some sort of sentimental value, but you should be able to replace them with your payment.

"Payment? I haven't been paid for any thing."

"Oh. Well the local council appraised the corps, and got started cutting it up. The thing is we didn't know you were still alive, and if we didn't get started quickly it would have rotted and then it would be useless. No disrespect was intended, I assure you."

"I get it. I understand, but... Where are my tools any way?" The horse waved to one of the workers and that worker came running with Lok's satchel. Lok looked inside the bag, and foul mood showed on his face. His teacher had given him most of these things. The glass of his compass was turned inside out from impact. His star charts were soaked threw. His octant twisted like a pretzel. His graphometer was smashed to pits. He groaned and put his hand over his face. "Ok... Where's my money?"

"You'll have to pick it up at the town hall."

"Alright. I hope this damned thing was worth it."

Narrin woke up from her dream feeling a little let down by the fact that it had only been a dream. She rolled around in bead for a moment before getting up and putting her cloths on. When she passed her brother's room she peeked in, and saw Cella bouncing her pussy up and down on a dildo. Normally she would have told her that she was hading out, but she wasn't sure if she would be able to get away that easily. It was a nice day out, and all she wanted to swim.

Lok entered the town hall. There was a small sitting area with a desk and a few doors. The largest door led to the council chamber. Lok walked up to the desk. No one was there, but he thought there might be a note, there wasn't. Lok rolled his eyes and walked into the library to kill time. He saw a mural on one of the walls that caught his eye. There were humans flying gracefully with anthros smiling up at them and reaching to join them. The art work wasn't what caught his attention though. He was staring intently at one of the females. He couldn't look away from her.

"Her name is Sheshary."

Lok spun around to look at the old fox man that had snuck up on him. "Sheshary?"

"That's right, she's a shadow goddess, and a picky one to. Most of the others can't wait a day past the death of there Saint to find a new one, but she likes to wait until she finds a warrior that interest her."

"Saint?... Oh, right. Um, My name is Lok Galsa, I was told that my payment was here."

"Ah yes! The Rookie Pathfinder that killed the A class. Yes, right this way."

"Wait! I'm a Trained Pathfinder."

"Not any more, Rookie. The promotion comes with the payment. To be honest the even considered making you a Professional, but one promotion was enough. I remember when I made Rookie. I surprised the hell out of my mate when I started fucking her up the ass all of a sudden." The old man opened the door to the council hall and walked up to the chairman's desk. He puled an envelope and brought it to Lok. "There you go son. Have fun."

The first thing Lok did with his money was get a new cartography kit with all the tools he would need for map making. Then he went to get a new satchel. Finally he went to a black smith. "Excuse me. I lost my weapon yesterday, and I was wondering how much you would charge to forge another one."

"Free of charge, and here's your old one." The wolf placed his old chain on the table before turning back to the new chain he was forging.

Lok picked up the chain with a worm smile on his face. "Where did you find it?"

"It was stuck in that things eye ball. Nice shot by the way. I should be done with the new one in four days."

"The new one?"

"Ya. It's my way of thanking you for saving my home. You were very brave."

"Thank you." Lok wrapped the chain around his arm, and left respectfully. He didn't quite know what to think about every thing that had happened to him. It seemed that Sheshary was real, but that didn't mean that the night he had spent with her was. However he did know that if hew was a Saint he could find that out. Lok walked off to find a dragon.

Next chapter: Wings