Giving Them a Show.

Story by AkilZaire on SoFurry

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Just a random yiffy short story between brothers.

Rated 18+ For naughty bits between brothers. If you aren't into incesty fun between canines or are not legally old enough to view this in your location then you should probably not read this.

Otherwise enjoy the story, and feel free to comment and tell me what you think. :D

Panting, heavy and filled with lust, mixed with the wet noises of two bodies smacking against each other. The lewd noises filtered through the speaker on a laptop as the image of a German shepherd pounding away at the firm bottom of raccoon could be seen on the dimmed screen. The slightly plump raccoon was being pressed into the mattress as flashes of the crimson shaft could be seen from the amateur camera angle.

Watching the scene was an almost identical German shepherd, whose blue eyes stared with intense interest as he had his own canine member firmly grasped in his paw. The male canine was panting along with the video as he thrust into his paw, getting ever closer to an explosive orgasm. The dog in the video was also getting close to the end judging by the increase in speed and power in each of the thrusts. "That's it Mike.... Knot him.... Tie him like I wish you would tie me..." The sandy canine panted as he watched the video and began to stroke himself with more passion.

The young male was just about to reach his peak when an alarm rang through the wall and spooked the canine. He quickly stopped the video and glanced towards the door as a black tipped ear flicked in the direction of the wall as sounds of someone moving around could be heard. The small canine huffed lightly as his moment had passed and he accepted the fact that he was going to be pent up for a while.

His eyes wandered back to the video of the German shepherd frozen in place, hunched over the raccoon, as he took in the muscled form. "Someday brother... that will be me..." he whispered before closing the video and standing up to get dressed and ready for the day.

In the next room a large canine grumbled to himself as he flopped over and smacked the alarm, missing the snooze button a few times before he managed to silence the infernal noise box. He brought a paw up to rub his eyes as he sat up and gazed around his messy room. He sat in his bed, adjusting to the low light filtering through the curtain loosely draped over the window, as he thought about what day it was and what that meant for his schedule. A loud beep drew his attention to the computer against the wall causing the canine to frown and wonder who that was.

With a sigh the German shepherd pushed himself off the bed and walked over to the blinking monitor to check the waiting messages. A wide smile spread across his muzzle when he saw that the messenger in question was a regular on a website that he posted videos to. It turns out he had a new request, and was willing to pay for a live version.

Mike quickly gathered his laptop and a camera with a stand that had a suction cup on the end. After wrapping himself in a towel he peeked out into the hallway to make sure his little brother wasn't hanging around before walking confidently into the bathroom. Once he was inside he placed the laptop on the bathroom counter and opened it. The large male opened up the web browser and went to his preferred website before logging in and smiling at the small crowd that was already gathered in apprehension of the event.

After setting up the camera in the shower so that is would have a roughly overhead view of the scene he turned it on and set up his stream. When the older male checked his laptop to see the image of the medium sized shower he smiled and licked his lips before dropping the towel and grabbing his favorite toy, a thick and almost draconic shaft that boasted a wide knot and several ridges and barbs. Normally the muscular canine wasn't interested in taking anything up the ass, as he often enjoyed the warm sensation of his cock being buried in a tight hole, but he was being paid a hefty amount and he would hate to disappoint his fan base.

The smaller brother lay in his bed sigh in frustration as his balls ached from previous denials. He supposed he could just watch another video and paw off to that, but it was never quite going to be the same as the real thing. It was at the moment that a notification beeped on his monitor, alerting him of a new video being posted. He flicked his blue eyes to the screen idly, wondering who had posted a video this early in the day.

His eyes lit up as he saw an image of his very own brother getting into the shower that was just two doors down. His mouth fell open as he watched the large dog smile and wink at the camera before he turned around to lift his tail and show of the tight button that rest beneath it. He had never seen his older brother in such a submissive state, and he watched in disbelief as the canine began to soap up his hole.

The small canine's paw immediately slide down to his sheath to meet the growing erection as he bit his lip and whimper a little at the sight. He couldn't take it anymore as he watched his brother line up a firm toy to the quivering entrance of his ass. His brother shouldn't have to take it up the ass, that powerful tool between his legs should be pushed into any tight hole he pleases. "Today is the day..." the small German shepherd muttered as he slid out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

Mike grunted lightly as he used a paw to spread his cheeks for a better view of his hole being stretched over the blunt tip of the dragon cock that was being pushed in. It has been awhile since he has done something like this, and he was very much so out of practice. It was a welcome break from the irritating sensation of being spread open when he heard the door to the bathroom open.

He slid what little of the toy that he could fit out of his ass as he opened the curtain to see what it was and was welcomed with the sight of his little brother standing there naked, with his smaller shaft twitching in the steam filled air. "Shaun what are...." He began before his brother quickly padded over and pressed his muzzle to Mike's and kissed him with so much need that it made his knees quake.

The larger German shepherd groaned as he was pushed back into the shower and up against the wall as the little canine whimpered into the kiss. After a short time Shaun pulled away and panted lightly, a paw tracing lightly down the muscled form of his older brother down to the throbbing shaft that bobbed eagerly. The small canine wrapped his paw around the crimson member and squeezed it tight. "I've wanted this for a while Mike... and I am tired of waiting." He said as he looked up at his brother's green eyes. Shaun slid down to his knees and quickly took the large cock into his muzzle, straight to the thick knot at the base.

Mike moaned deeply as he leaned his head back and placed his hand on the back of his brother's head. The feeling of his cock being kept in such a warm and moist hole cause ripples of pleasure to roll over his body. It took everything he had to not blow his load in his brother's muzzle right there. He could hear the sounds of his stream being flooded with messages, the viewers no doubt enjoying the surprise just as much as him. The large canine smiled and pushed his brother off his cock and gave him a sultry wink. "If you want it so bad bro then I want to see that cute ass of yours bent over and begging me for my cock." He growled as he snapped his finger and gestured to the wall beside them. Shaun whined when he was pushed off the salty meat and blushed when he heard the command.

The younger male quickly and eagerly stood up, taking a quick lick at the dripping tip bouncing in front of him, before placing his paws on the wall of the shower and bending over. He lifted his tail high and shook his rump as he murred at the feeling of the warm water dripped from his fur as it plummeted from the shower head. "Please Mike.... I need to be bred by a big strong male... I need you brother..." He whimpered as he shook his ass once more.

The large German shepherd growled playfully as he took up position behind his little brother. He placed his paws on Shaun's plump ass and gave it a rough smack, enjoying the wet smack and the light moan that came from his brother, while sliding his thick cock between the fluffy mounds. Mike licks his lips as he slid his firm dick between his cheeks till the tip was pressed to the puckered entrance. "You ready bro?" He asked with a chuckle as his eager brother pushed back against him and began to spread his own hole.

Mike groaned in delight as his canine cock as enveloped in the warm tightness of the small canine's ass. A few hours ago, hell a few minutes ago, he would have never thought of mating his brother. Yet as he pushed himself into the needy depths he could think of nothing better. "Oh.... My dear brother your ass is like velvet on my cock. Do you like it?" Mike moaned as he smacked his brother's ass once more before leaning over him and biting down on Shaun's ear.

Shaun's body shook as his brother took him like he has taken so many others. Finally he had gotten what he had wanted, to be bred by his brother. To be claimed by such a strong male, it was everything he had desired and more. He had wanted this ever since his brother had taken him in when their parents found out he was gay and kicked him out. Mike was always so caring and it was hard to not fall for the hunky canine, even if it was his brother.

"Oh yes brother! Fill my tight hole!" He moaned as he pushed his hips back to try and speed up the impaling while his body shook as ripples of pleasure and lust rocked his body when he felt his brother's sharp teeth clench on his ear. Mike would have loved to take thing slow and enjoy the smaller dog, but he had to be mindful of the audience they had. So once he had pushed in till his fat knot pressed against the straining entrance he took a short time to adjust to the massive amounts of pleasure the tight passage had caused before he pulled slowly out and slammed back in.

The sudden thrusting made Shaun's mind explode in pleasure as his own aching member bounced each time his brother's hefty sack smacked his own. It was a good thing the young canine had taken the time to prep himself before coming in here, as Mike had begun to rut his brother's ass with a deep growl. Shaun wanted to be fucked and bred, and Mike was more than willing to oblige. He was going to show his fans how much his brother loved to be mated, and who knows maybe this can become a regular thing if enough of them are into it. It wasn't long before the bathroom was flooded with sounds of wet smacking and lust filled moans. Mike continued to pound and slam his thick cock into the eager hole beneath him as his toes curled and claws dug into his brother's hips. Before too long Mike was panting and grunting as he could feel his impending orgasm, Shaun was in a similar state as his body was barely able to stand from the constant powerful thrusts of the stronger male. "I want to hear you beg for my knot little bro.... I want to hear you scream my name when I jam it into you and pump you full of my cum." Mike growled into Shaun's ear as he ground his thick bulb against the pucker.

"I need it Mike! I need to feel you claim my tight ass, make me yours!" Shaun yelled as he pushed his hips back against his brother's thrusts. Mike chuckled as he nuzzled his brother's neck before biting down in the fluff there and slamming in one more time, burying the knot in the small German shepherd's used male cunt. A few more shallow thrusts was all it took for the larger canine to howl loudly into his brother's neck scruff as rope after rope of hot dog spunk burst from his tip and coated his little brother's needy hole. The sensation of being filled so thoroughly by his brother's sticky seed as all it took for Shaun's own canine cock to throb and spew his cum all over the shower all and floor. The small dog let out shuddering moans as his orgasm shook him to his very core. He had never cum so hard before, and it was only enhanced by the knowledge that it was cause by his big brother.

Mike panted and leaned against his brother as his knotted member slowly stopped pumping the tight hole with his seed. They stood there tied together for a short time, just enjoying the feelings of their orgasms before the sound of the laptop beeping interrupted their peaceful afterglow. Mike chuckled and licked his brother's ear affectionately. "Well little bro, you may have just become an internet sensation. I hope you are up for the spotlight... we may have to make a few encore performances." Mike said with a smile as Shaun just blushed and nodded his agreement, too tired from the breeding to say anything.