I am, du bist Chapter 7: Brotherhood of the unborn

Story by JuiceWolf96 on SoFurry

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#8 of I am, du bist

Finally! I hope you like it :3

That's the last chapter of I am, du bist BUT!

Don't worry they will come back in a new titled series :) There will be more love, romance and sex :)

I will write shorts for now about shopping and things like cooking :D

See ya soon and comment please! I beg you! :P


I was sitting alone in my room. I glared at the door. It was a week after Martin left. I knew he came everyday under my door and stood there. He didn't say anything just waited. Everyone else gave me time. Kiba took care of my so called "brother", my parents were still in the house and took care of themselves, sometimes giving me food. I felt like a prisoner but it was all my choice, right? Christmas was just a week. I sighed. I choose what to do but still was too afraid to say it. I felt that I am someone equal to God. Still it was just a stupid urge that my parents planted in me. I didn't take my pills for all the time I was locked. I waited for Harvey to appear. I was waiting for my sleep. I wasn't sure at all if I want to feel the enormous pain for someone I knew but didn't at the same time.

Suddenly someone knocked at my door. It wasn't Martin, I could tell from just seeing the shadow under my door. I stood up and came closer to the door. I grabbed the doorknob and... Did nothing. No matter who it was I knew that this talk will bring me closer to that pain. I opened the door and looked at the intruder. Harvey or rather the shell of my brother was standing there. He stared at me. We were parts of the same coin.

'Yes?' I wasn't sure how to talk with a mirror. He came closer and touched my head. It felt like heis touch was burning. I tried to push him away but... I couldn't.

'I made my choice' I finally said with wet eyes. He nodded and walked away. I had no idea what he was thinking. I sure knew that I just opened up my prison and had to make another step. I walked out of my room and slowly walked downstairs. I saw that Harvey sat next to Kiba on the couch. Kiba was watching tv. The lion moved in for now. He told me about his problems and I understood them. He wanted love and he found it in Harvey or more in me... I walked to the kitchen and saw my parents. They were happy to see me. My mom hugged me and my dad just smiled.

'I made my choice' I said with a serious face. I had a problem to speak out what I was thinking since a week but it was natural I think. 'When would you be ready to make the operation?'

My dad glared at me. He was the biggest mystery to me. What was he thinking, feeling? He just nodded and whispered something to himself.

'Tomorrow, hun' My mom answered and hugged me again. I smiled blankly and walked to Kiba who just noticed me. I jumped on him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He just smiled. I had to do one more thing.

I walked out of my house and crossed the street. I knocked on the door of Martins house. I waited about ten minutes before a fox vixen opened up the door.

'Was kann ich fur dich tun? (How can I help you?)' She asked with her strong german accent. I guessed it was Martins mom.

'Ich bin Martins... (I am Martins...)' I didn't know what to say! Did his parents know that he was gay? '...Freund' I quickly ended my sentence. She let me in and showed me the way to Martins room. I slowly opened the wooden door and entered the room leaving the vixen behind. My boyfriend was sleeping. He looked so cute when he cuddled to his pillow and his saliva flowed out of his muzzle. I sat at the edge of the bed and rubbed his arm. He opened sightly his eyes and smiled.

-I knew you would come- He said and kissed me.


The big day! I was exited while my sons lay down on the tables. Me and my assistant slowly took care of both our little wolfs. Harvey was asleep and Alexander slowly cut up a hole in his head. Blood flowed down the snow white, long hair. I came closer to Jasper and looked him deep in the eyes. I wanted to comfort him.

After a while I took the scalpel and slowly cut his head. He screamed in pain. No matter how much he would beg me to stop. I had to do all this for their sake and... Own pleasure. I loved the smell of blood. I cut his head and made my way to his skull. I started to make a hole in it. Jasper yelled and cried. Alexander wrapped safety belts around our sons body.

'Please... Make it stop' He screamed in pain.

I finally get hid of a part of skull and blood flew on the ground. Jaspers vision got blurry. I smiled furiously when I saw a part of a brain I implanted there many years ago. I took it out. For a minute I was thinking how does it feel to have a hand in your head. I passed the brain to Alexander, who took it and run to the machine we were working on since a week. He put the part of the brain into the mechanism. The computer analyzed the brain and started to produce the rest of the organ. I was so glad that it worked. I looked at Jasper who stared with no motion into the ceiling. He lost a lot of blood and his skull was still wide open. I saw his brain working. I bit my lip in excitement. The brain, such a beautiful thing. Without the brain we are nothing. It is a controller to the body. Whoever gains control over the brain, gains control of the body. I truly doubted in a soul which would make us immortal. We are born, we live and than we die. End of the story... But the brain... It's a disk with everything we knew, saw, felt... Memories, habits, actions...

'Don't make him suffer more' Alexander said not taking his eyes from the mechanism. He knew how I worked and what I felt about such experiments. I nodded and took care of Jasper. He was slowly drifting away. I closed his skull and sew up his head. I kissed his fore head as he closed his eyes. Now, he could even die! I wouldn't care! Thanks to the experiment I could make him alive again and again. I was now a God I never believed in. Alexander grabbed the new created brain and went to Harvey. Just minutes shared us from having both sons again.


They were asleep. Both Harvey and Jasper lay on the beds we made for them in the living room. Me and Kiba wanted to be the first they would see. Hours went by... Than a day passed... And I lost hope. I cried every minute until there were no more tears. Still I staid next to the beds. The twins lived, I knew it. They were breathing slowly and regular.

'Everything will be okay' Kiba said with a sad smile. 'On Christmas we will hug our wolfies'

I took a deep breath and forced myself to smile. Yeah... The vision of spending Christmas together was really pleasant. I sat at the edge of Jasper bed and hold his paw. It was warm. I slowly bowed and kissed him on the cheek.

'I love you, Jasper' I whispered to his ear. I felt pressure on my paw. It was him! My boyfriend reacted on my voice. 'Jasper? You awake? Wake up, baby!'

'D... Don't...' Jasper tried to say but he was too exhausted.

'Shush... Don't speak' I said happy. 'I am glad you woke up'


'What about me?' Harvey whispered. I jumped in hurry and grabbed the wolfs body. I hugged him with love. Harvey looked much better than Jasper.

The white haired wolf slowly sat up when I finally released him from my hug. Harvey was smiling just like he did on the day we met. A rebellious aura surrounded him and I loved it. I couldn't stop looking at him, he was so beautiful. My hand got lost in his white, long hair and I purred when his paw rubbed my cheek.

'How is my lovely, Kiba?' Harvey asked with care in his voice. We haven't talked to each other for months... Well... It was rather unable to make contacts with someone who was just a piece of brain, right? I grinned and lay down next to him. We cuddled, ignoring Jasper and Martin on the other bed.

'I missed you' I said with tears in my eyes. I loved that guy so much even if we spend only one day together. He meant the world to me. I slowly rubbed his naked chest. I could see a blush appearing on his cute muzzle.

'I missed you too' He pulled me into a kiss. I forgot how much pleasure it gave me.

Tomorrow we start a new life