Making it in Showbiz

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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Hello everyone!

This here is a gift story I did for good sir Linkin_Monroe for this birthday!

If you know him well enough, you should have guessed that this story would feature some dobers, but it seems the nubs tastes have also added in for some kangaroos and donkeys recently as well. So I decided to add them both in! I hope you all enjoy!

This story is only for those over the age of 18 and are not offended by scenarios involving two muscular men getting it on. A.k.a M/M scenarios for those of you who only look for tags. If you are offended by this sort of thing, or just don't care for it, then please close this file and go on to find something more productive to do! Like knitting for example! :D

But if not, then sit back, relax and enjoy!

Oh, and Happy Birthday Link! :D

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Making it in Showbiz

"This is it...this were I make it..."

Leroy smiled as he looked up at the massive white sign. The name "Hollywood" standing out like a shining beacon, beckoning those who dream of stardom to come to this place where movie magic was made.

He allowed himself to look up at the sign on the hill for a few more moments, as he dreamed about his future as a famous movie star. He had all the qualities for it, a booming voice, a clean complexion and heathy coat of blonde fur that was all too uncommon on most kangaroos. He had also spent the past few years training at the best acting classes he could find while working out every muscle group he could. Naturally his legs and feet where the most defined out of them all, a feature he proudly displayed through his cargo shorts and lack of shoes. But he also sported a broad and masculine chest and a set of six pack abs hidden underneath his tightly fitting undershirt and black vest.

He had the look; he had the training, now all that was left was to make it big by wowing some big-time producer in his audition today.

Letting out a slightly nervous sigh he turned and began walking down the hill, minding the tighter corners as he made his way towards the town to ensure his large tail didn't hit anyone or anything along the way. He could begin to see the main part of the town in the distance as he approached, the Chinese theatre standing out above everything else. But that was not his goal as he rounded another corner and began approaching the Wolf Brothers studio compound.

He quickly flashed his audition pass to the security guard, who gave him instructions to go to Studio 8 and to wait outside until being told that it was his turn. He thanked the large Rottweiler as he passed the checkpoint and went inside.

The entire area was massive, although it mostly consisted of a number of large sandy brown stone covered buildings with large automatic doors all arranged neatly in a row. The studios signature water tower stood in the middle of the plaza though with their famous insignia of WB plastered over the front. But for the most part the rest of the area seemed almost barren from their outward appearance, but closest studio seemed to be showing a great bit of activity with a number of people scrambling around an absolutely massive truck pulling out from the loading dock. Leroy stopped and waited for it to cross, watching the security guards and stagehands shouting out instructions to the driver. Slowly, as the large metal vehicle began to pull its way out, its cargo soon came into the light which made Leroy's inner movie geek bubble up.

"Oh my god...." He said with a wicked grin as the truck pulled out what appeared to be a large pirate ship with a unique looking figurehead that had been given a fresh coat of paint from all appearances.

"It's the Interceptor...." He muttered to himself with a smile as the truck moved its way past him and down the long rows of stone studios to the rear exit.

Leroy smiled as he remembered the ship of one of his favourite childhood movies. Treasure Island. It was the first movies that featured Drake Yearling, one of his movie star idols that had gone on to film countless other movies.

Leroy considered the sight of the ship as a good sign as he made his way down the walkway until he reached Studio 8 and spotted a small group of other people milling around outside. He quickly composed himself as he walked up to the group, some of them looking nervous while others seemed to be in complete awe of their surroundings. A few others stood huddled around each other reading lines from the script that they had all received.

The kangaroo smiled as he slapped his tail on the ground in excitement. It seemed to be fairly good competition for the part, but even he could tell there were a few guys there that wouldn't stand a chance. It was a vain outlook to have on the whole scenario he had to admit to himself, but this was an audition for an action movie as the leading man and some of these guys looked as skinny as string beans. It helped his confidence, but he knew he shouldn't get cocky.

Leroy slowly made his way towards the studio wall and leaned against it, looking down at his watch to see that he had arrived just on time. Soon then a German shepherd dressed in a security officers outfit came out from the building.

"Leroy Balkins?"

Leroy flinched as he turned to face the officer.

"That's me sir." Leroy responded as he quickly brushed himself off nervously.

"Follow me." The officer responded as he went towards the door with Leroy following shortly behind.

As they made their way inside, Leroy felt his hair stand on end.

"So soon?" He thought. He had at least expected that he would have had at least a little more time to go over the lines in his head before it was his turn.

Leroy tried to keep himself calm by looking up at the various set pieces hanging up in the air inside the building, some of which he recognized and others which he had never seen before. He soon began imagining the scene he had chosen to audition with as he was lead toward the centre of the room where a scene had been set up, an office from the looks of things with a large table and a high backed chair facing towards a window with a green screen blocking the view outside.

"Sit down here and wait." The officer responded as he gestured to the chair across from the much larger one.

Leroy nodded and thanked the officer before sitting down, first navigating his large tail through the hole in the back before sitting down.

There was a long moment where Leroy just sat there in silence, waiting for some new instruction or for someone to show up. But then suddenly the chair in front of him slowly began to turn around.

"So, you're the first one they decided to throw at me today."

As the chair turned around fully, it revealed a smartly dressed Doberman with perfectly pointed ears adoring his stern looking muzzle covered in black and mahogany fur. He was well built, his suit clinging onto his frame tightly and the signs of veins on his exposed neck and hands that were barely hidden by his black coat.

"Hmmm...well at least you look the part if nothing else."

The Doberman then stood up, his height nearly matching Leroy's as he walked around the kangaroo. He seemed to examine every little detail of his body, his steely blue eyes examining him with a predatory gaze.

"Hmmm, yes, you have the look and the build. That's a good start. But I need more than just a pretty face." Said the Doberman with a sly grin as he made his way back to the other side of the table before sitting back down.

"I-I'm ready for the scene sir." Leroy stammered out before he suddenly realised the break in his speech before coughing in a vain attempt to cover it up.

"Yes, I'm sure you have been working really hard for this. Been practicing hard I bet?" The Doberman asked as he leaned forward, his fingers tented and watching him intently.

"Yes sir, I've been working for this role for the past two years. I'm a big fan of Mr. Travis's work and when I heard he was doing a re-boot of his famous series I knew I had to try out for the lead role." Leroy explained, re-gaining some of his composure as he became a bit more comfortable around the intimidating canine.

"Well, you have got some big shoes to fill...although I don't think that will be much of a problem." The Doberman responded.

Leroy had to keep himself from rolling his eyes at that last comment. But he chose to swallow his annoyance and smiled.

There was a brief pause where the two stood there in silence before the Doberman's ears suddenly perked in realization.

"Oh shit...I just got that...HA! Sorry! I Didn't mean to take a jab at you personally." The Doberman said with a slight chuckle that displayed his bright white teeth.

"But we have never been properly introduced. I'm the producer for this film. My name is Mr. Monroe, Link by my friends, which hopefully you may be shortly." He said as he offered Leroy his hand.

"Leroy, Leroy Balkins. And there is no trouble Mr. Monroe, happens all the time." Leroy responded as he grasped the Dobermans hand in a firm, strong grip.

"Well, you have already impressed me with your look, so now lets see if your star material."

Mr. Monroe then leaned back casually with hands resting on top of his stomach.

"Alright, dazzle me!"


Leroy had to keep himself from hopping around the room in excitement.

A call back, the three most sought after words for an aspiring actor. Mr. Monroe seemed to be impressed by his performance during the initial audition, and it seemed that Leroy's guess about the other actors falling short was correct. Now it was only a fight between him and one other guy for the leading role in what may very well be the next big blockbuster of the season!

Leroy almost squirmed in his seat as he waited, the anticipation driving him mad as he sat in the studios lobby waiting for his name to be called. The past three days having been hell as he waited in his hotel room, trying to keep himself distracted in any way he could as he waited for his news. He must have watched every movie he had as well as worn in a track into the floor of his hotels tiny gym. But when that call came in, he knew he just might have a chance.

Suddenly then, Leroy heard the sound of the front door opening followed by a brief murmuring. There was a brief moment of silence which was then followed by the sound of hooves striking the tile floor. Out from around the corner then came a massive equine, a donkey judging by the ears and tail, who had at least a good 40 pounds of muscle on Leroy. The donkey then noticed Leroy and smirked, casually combing back his black mane that seemed almost a bit out of place on his slate grey hide.

"So, you're the guy I'm up against for the part eh?" he said in an almost mocking tone as he sat down at the chair across from Leroy, the seat creaking underneath the equine massive weight.

"Well, you're a pretty big guy I'll give you that, but you might as well head home. This part was made for me." Said the Donkey with a sly grin as he leaned back, exposing every inch of his muscular frame through his tightly fitting muscle shirt and denim jeans.

However, Leroy wasn't shaken by the other actor and offered him a smirk of his own.

"We will see about that Jack, but just remember, when this is all done, I'll be the one who kicked your ass." Leroy stated as he lifted up a single foot and wiggled his three clawed toes.

The donkey only snorted in response and turned away, not wanting to even acknowledge Leroy's presence in the room.

There was a brief moment of silence between the two, when suddenly the door next to them opened up to reveal a petite looking sheep dressed in a formal dress with glasses.

"Leroy Balkins and...George Dice? You are both up."

Both of them turned their heads, and then looked toward each other for a brief moment before they both got up. Some macho part of the two of them then began racing towards the door to reach it first, nearly causing them to crash into each other before they made it inside.

The inside of the studio seemed almost the same, however the centre stage area seemed to have been risen up and a few cameras were placed around the area. The rest of the area seemed a bit barren except for three chairs set around one massive bed.

"Ah, Leroy! George! Good to see you gentlemen."

Mr Monroe approached the two of them, the black and mahogany Doberman grinning ear to ear as he lead them toward the stage.

"Alright gentlemen, you both have the qualities that could make you the star of our next picture. But only one of you gets to be in the movie while the other guy gets to be his understudy. This process has been very difficult for me and the rest of the team, but we have all decided to do an "elimination" scene to decide on who gets the part." Explained Mr Monroe as he climbed up the stairs to the stage and sat down on one of the chairs surrounding the bed.

Leroy and George followed suit as they approached their chairs and prepared to sit down. However, Mr Monroe rose up a paw to stop them before they could sit down.

"Ah, but there is one more thing you should be aware of. You two are familiar with this film I would imagine yes?"

Both George and Leroy nodded as they looked towards the producer.

"Well, as you know, the original film came out quite a few years ago, so we have edited the script in a few places to make it more relatable to our new audience. One of which was an addition of a new scene where our leading man, meets with his estranged lover and they have one final night of passion before he goes off to his final mission."

"Wait, so do you mean that this is....?" The Donkey responded with his head tilted in confusion.

"A sex, scene, yes." Mr Monroe said with a sly grin.

The two actors looked at each other for a brief moment and instantly recoiled at the sight of each other.

"I'm not fucking that jackass!" Leroy responded as he glared at the donkey.

"Who says you would be the one fucking me bigfoot? If anything your tail would be up for me!" George responded as he groped himself shamelessly.

The two actors glared at each other for a moment before Mr. Monroe rose up his hand again.

"You don't have to fuck each other if you don't want to. Just jerk off, I'll have my answer then." Mr Monroe stated calmly.

Leroy instantly backed off, his ears folded as he pondered his next move, but George wasted no time at all. With a single click the donkey unbuckled his belt and slid his pants down his muscular thighs revealing his massive and plump equine sheathe. He then sat down and lifted up his shirt, revealing his defined abdominals and pierced nipples.

"Well, it's not anything I haven't had to do before for a you want me to blow over my chest? Or do you want to see me swallow it?" George stated with a lusty grin as he licked his lips and began openly fondling himself in front of both of them.

"Whatever you think is best. And might I also add...damn..." Mr Monroe responded with an appreciative nod as he watched the donkeys member slowly begin to slip from out of his sheathe.

"I...umm, should I wait for you to finish?" Leroy responded as he backed away slightly.

George snorted in response and turned to look at Leroy.

"What's the matter bigfoot, afraid you won't measure up?" George then reached down and lightly tugged on one of the ring shaped piercings adoring his nipples.

"This is a test to see which actor is willing to do whatever it takes Leroy. I understand if you're not feeling comfortable doing this, but if you don't, then you forfeit." Mr Monroe said for a brief moment before his gaze was immediately drawn back to appreciating George's growing member.

Leroy froze, realizing his dream may very well end right there. But he had come too far, he had tried too hard to get to this point. He wouldn't let himself loose out just because he was a little uncomfortable.

"No sir, I'll do it." Leroy responded.

Leroy then quickly un-did his belt, trying to drown out the moaning and grunting coming from George as his black and pink mottled cock reached its full length of 12 inches. With one swift pull, Leroy pulled down his pants and underwear to reveal his own sheathe, where his balls hung just above his own golden colored sheathe.

Leroy then reached down and pulled off his shirt completely; tossing it aside and displaying the past two years of hard work in the gym. His fur was a light blonde with a sandy undercoating around his back and legs, kept at a neat length that displayed every inch of his powerful physique perfectly. Leroy then sat down, taking care not to sit on his own tail as he began to fondle his marsupial anatomy, causing the curved pink spear of his cock to slowly emerge from its hiding place.

"So they really are upside-down...." Muttered Mr Monroe.

Leroy scowled at the producer who rose up his hands in defence.

"Sorry, continue."

Leroy grunted as his cock slowly began to emerge from his sheathe. After it had reached about half-length he used one hand and slowly began to message the length as he gently rubbed his abdominal muscles. He began working up a steady pace, closing his eyes and letting himself get lost in the pleasure as his cock grew in his hand until it reached its full 8 inches of length.

George seemed to be taking a different approach as he put on a show for the producer. He leaned back, giving his massive flared cock the occasional lick every so often before letting his thick shaft slap his pectorals. The donkey also seemed to have a fixation with toying with his nipples, twirling and tugging the metal hoops between his fingers as he smiled lewdly at the producer, who only watched on at both actors with growing interest.

Leroy soon then began to find his own pacing, using his feet to lean himself back slightly and using his tail as a prop as he began to jerk off faster and faster. His breathing was becoming more heavy and rapid, his chest rising and falling with a steady rhythm that was only broken by the occasional gasp of pleasure.

"Hawww...." George brayed as he leaned back, causing Leroy to open his eyes and glance over toward the competition.

The jack seemed to really be getting into the scene, flexing his muscles and kissing them as he continued to jerk off wildly. The flare at the tip of the equines cock had already begun to swell and it wouldn't be long until he was spent, but he seemed hell-bent on making the whole scene into a big show for the producer who could barely take his eyes off the musclebound donkey.

Leroy wouldn't be shown up and looked down at his feet and smiled. Slowly he leaned himself back down onto the ground, but then he rose up one of his massive feet and glanced at the producer and smiled. Mr. Monroe seemed to notice this and his attention was drawn off of George as he watched Leroy use his trained flexibility to lick one of his massive foot paws before placing it right underneath his cock. Slowly then, he began to thrust his hips, using his tail and his free foot as a balance as he rubbed his curved dick against the soft fur that covered his foot.

"Damn...." Mr Monroe muttered as he licked his lips and grinned towards Leroy, adjusting himself lewdly as he reached down and unzipped his pants and let loose his own red speared canine cock loose.

Leroy smiled and decided to keep up with the show. He flexed his muscles experimentally, causing the veins on his arms to pop and his chest to swell in size.

"Hawww...He-hawww!" Suddenly brayed out George.

Both Leroy and Mr Monroe turned to see George had gotten up from off his seat, thrusting his hips in tandem with jerking himself off. His cock had become a literal faucet of precum that dripped onto the floor below.


George then gave one final thrust forward and let loose a massive shot of cum that sailed past Mr Monroe and landed onto the stage a good few feet away. The donkey then continued to thrust, sending out a few more shots that arched away from the producer, but still sored a fair distance away. Finally after what must have been a good seven shots, the jacks cock finally stopped firing until it was reduced to oozing out whatever remained in his balls down the length of his cock.

George then looked like his balance was becoming uneven, his body teetering to the side before he finally sat back down, his body coated in sweat as he gasped for breath in his afterglow.

Leroy stopped for the brief moment that George had orgasmed. Although the whole spectacle turned him on even more, the feeling that he may have just lost began to quell the fire in his groin.

"Rrrrrr....fuck...." muttered Mr Monroe from across them both.

The Doberman was furiously jerking off at this point, his cock standing proud at a seven inch length with veins throbbing along the length of the pointed spear. But instead of his gaze locked at the musclebound jack that had just fired a cups worth of cum, he was looking right at Leroy. Like the Donkeys whole show had just been an opening to the main event.

Leroy smiled and continued to jerk off while playing with his feet, wiggling his toes as he thrust his cock against his paw while he flexed his muscles and rubbed his golden fur. After a few moments of this, Leroy decided to go for something more bold as he stopped what he was doing with his paws and got up. Slowly then he began to approach the producer, smiling a lusty grin as he slowly jerked his cock in his hand while giving the Doberman a full view of his entire naked form.

Mr. Monroe was definitely impressed by all this as the canine began to pant, using his free hand to un-button his suit and the formal shirt he had underneath, revealing a crest of mahogany fur that stretched across his pectorals. As he un-buttoned the rest of the way down, a similar bit of mahogany fur was revealed that covered his defined abdominal muscles and went down towards his groin.

" definitely got it...." Mr Monroe growled in a dominate tone just as Leroy turned to display his muscular rump adorned by his thick tail.

"Dammmmm...get on the bed. NOW." Mr Monroe growled as he stood up, letting his pants fall to his ankles as he walked towards the bed set up on the stage.

Leroy smiled and nodded before turning back to look at George, who still seemed comatose after his powerful orgasm. Leroy smiled as he got up onto the bed and laid down on his back, exposing himself to the muscular canine above him.

Mr Monroe growled in approval as he leaned down, rubbing Leroy's fit stomach and chest before he reached over and gave the kangaroo's nipple a playful tug. Leroy groaned in response, his cock letting loose a drop of pre that slid down the curved length.

"Your definitely star quality kid...." Mr Monroe stated as he leaned down and licked the nape of Leroys neck, moving his way towards the kangaroos muzzle before giving him a long and deep kiss.

Leroy moaned as the canine's dexterous tongue coated the insides of his muzzle. He soon returned the favour and dove into his partners kiss as well, his tongue brushing against his sharp and powerful fangs.

The two of them carried on like this for a brief time, exploring each other's bodies and diving for each other's tonsils until finally Mr Monroe broke the kiss and looked at Leroy with a lusty grin. The Doberman moved back and spat onto his hand, rubbing the length of his canine cock while Leroy laid there submissively. The dog then began to move his way down, his body only slightly smaller than the kangaroo as he reached his way towards his hole. Leroy squirmed slightly as the Doberman licked a finger before gently probing the rim of his hole before inserting a single finger inside.

Leroy felt a jolt of pleasure as Mr Monroe twirled his finger inside of him, hitting all his sensitive points and making his body tingle. The canine saw this and grinned, slowly removing his finger before leaning down with his muzzle right in front of the kangaroos hole. Gently then he let his tongue out and lapped at the roo's entrance, rimming the marsupial who squirmed in pleasure and let out loud moans of pleasure.

Suddenly , from across the stage, a groan came out from George, who had only just recently regained his senses. The jack rubbed his head and opened his eyes, only to see the sight of the producer rimming his competition while the kangaroo moaned out in pleasure.

" what about me?" Gerald suddenly asked.

Mr. Monroe grunted in annoyance, but quickly composed himself before looking up at the other actor.

"I apologize Mr. Dice, but unless you want sloppy seconds, I'm afraid your services will not be required." He stated in a professional tone before he gripped onto his cock and began positioning himself at Leroy's hole.

George gawked as he watched Mr Monroe slowly begin to slide his cock into the kangaroo that had just beaten him for the part. He then turned and grabbed his clothes and stormed off the state toward the exit, his heavy hooves slamming the ground in anger.

Leroy grinned for a brief moment before the feeling of the Dobermans cock filling him overwrote what petty comeback he was about to blurt out. He moaned loudly as the canine above him slowly leaned down and rested his head on his shoulder and began slowly fucking him, moving in and out in a steady rhythm as he gripped onto his long legs.

"Shit...fuck...he never would have made it. Too cocky and too arrogant....damn you're tight..." Mr Monroe muttered as he gave Leroy a powerful thrust, causing the both of them to moan as the Dobermans knot began to brush against Leroy's hole.

The canine soon then began to pick up the pace, fucking Leroy faster and faster as he gripped onto the kangaroos massive thighs. After a few moments he then sat up slightly and gripped onto Leroy's calves, lifting his legs up onto his shoulders as he began to pick up the pace, moving faster and faster as his knot tried to force its way into the kangaroo.

Leroy moaned in response to the sudden intensity, his fur standing on end as his body tingled in pleasure as he felt himself get closer and closer to the edge. His pinked curved shaft was beginning to leak precum that was soaking into both his and Mr Monroe's fur.

The canine began to whimper slightly as he thrust faster and faster, trying his best to push in his knot and finish off. Leroy could feel as the bulb began to press against his hole and be tried his best to relax, taking a breath before suddenly he felt the thick mass force its way inside him, sending a brief jolt of pain through him that was followed by a wave of pleasure.

"Shit...ahhhh...." Mr Monroe moaned as his thrusts became shorter and more rapid.

Leroy moaned, the addition of the canines knot adding in that last bit of length needed to hit the kangaroos sweet spot. He tried his best to last out a bit longer, but Mr Monroe soon pinned him down and growled in a dominant fashion. That was all it took and soon his cock was throbbing, spending his pent-up load all across his and the Dobermans chest.

"Grrrrrrrrrrr Fuck....FUCK!" Growled Mr Monroe as he gave one more thrust, causing his cock to throb deep inside of Leroy as he shot out his own hot load deep inside the kangaroo.

The two of them gasped for breath for a brief moment, Mr Monroe panting for breath before he fell onto Leroy's chest with a thud.

"Damn...your good..." Mr Monroe finally said, leaning up and licking Leroy's cheek softly.

Leroy smiled, his body feeling warm and tingly for more than one reason. He let their afterglows last for a few more moments as he caught his breath before finally he was able to say something.

"So...does this mean I got the part?"