Adventure (1)

Story by MaddyFerret on SoFurry

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Beth awoke to the gentle light of the rising sun leaking in through the small hole of the cubs' den, the soft white fur of her closest friend, May, pressing lightly against her. She began to pull her clothes on, and was soon dressed in the loose fitting skins that were standard for the clan. She had learned to get dressed without making much noise or movement from living in the tightly packed cubs' den for the last four years, so she didn't wake anyone in her movements. The young feline crept around the edge of the moss padded den, careful not to step on any of the sleeping furs that covered the dirt floor of the cramped den. She had to shield her eyes momentarily as she stepped out into the light, and looked around at the older furs already milling about the camp. The cub's generally slept much later than the adult and teenaged furs, who had responsibilities early in the morning, but Beth was always an early riser. There was a wide variety of furs roaming the camp; from 13 year olds nearly done with their first year of apprenticeship to greyfurs who would soon retire. There were canines, felines, and just about every sort of mammal one could imagine in the camp. There were even some avians as well. Beth smiled to herself as she glanced at the wide variety of furs that the Ninlucios clan was so proud of. The other clans, especially the Dorups,  may have mocked the way they would take in anyone and everyone but Beth didn't care, she loved that about them. Now, to say that Beth's appreciation for this acceptance was purely altruistic wouldn't really be accurate. She never knew her mother, but Beth's mom must have been some kind of clanless miscreant, as Beth had been found in the forest, alone and abandoned. Any other clan would have left her to die, as her brown and gray mottled fur made it quite obvious she was not of any well respected clan or family. It wasn't that no one here noticed, nor that she wasn't bullied for it, but Ninlucios had a tradition going back as long as the clan had existed of being

willing to accept any fur who was willing to work to better the clan. The entire clan had become her parents in place of the one who abandoned her, the other cubs her brothers and sisters. This clan was her home and her family, and she was fiercely loyal to it, always working her hardest to do what she could. That was part of the reason she always got up so early. While their real training wouldn't start until they reached apprenticeship, the cubs were always expected to help with the jobs of older members. Beth wasn't known to have potential like some of the other cubs. Everyone, especially Beth, knew Megan was destined to be part of the clan's administration, maybe even the clan leader. She had a leader's spirit, and her family had been leaders for generations. And Joseph, one of the boys Megan and Beth's age, there was no doubt that he was going to be an officer. He was already a better fighter than many of the trained apprentices, and maybe even some of the warriors. Not Beth though, and she knew it, she had no special skills or talents. She didn't have the coordination or the stomach to be either a hunter or a warrior. She most certainly didn't have the personality for a leader; she was too shy, not ambitious enough, anyway, no one wanted to follow a mixed-breed like her. That just left the farmers and the healers. The clan taught that all jobs were equal, but like just about everyone else Beth didn't want to end up as a farmer. Spending all day in the fields working to produce the less valued food wasn't exactly an appealing fate. Still though, Beth had every expectation of that being her fate, and she knew she would do well providing much needed food to her overpopulated and underfed clan. Still though, she could dream. The healers was where she really wanted to be. It seemed amazing to have the ability to save the lives of her fellows. Now, she knew it wasn't likely, not many medicine men and women were needed for the clan, and only the brightest were trusted with such a responsibility. Still though, a girl could dream, and that dream is what got her up in the mornings. She hoped that working harder than anyone else could make up for her lack of natural intelligence and ability. Would hard work be enough to get her at least and assistant spot? She hoped so anyway.      As these thoughts of the future raced through the young feline's head she heard pawsteps behind her, moments before hearing a scratchy, yet gentle voice, "You, young one, come here." She immediately recognized the voice as the head medicine women's and quickly turned to face the large bear women. Amberlyn, the medicine women, looked the young cat up and down, black eyes inspecting the girl. The medicine women had an earthy scent, probably derived from the mix of herbs she always kept in her den. Her fur had once been a deep brown, but was now almost entirely grey from age. Bowing her head to the older women Beth asked "Yes? Is there something you want from me?" Although the cubs' future jobs were never officially announced until the coming of age ceremony at the Spring Festival it wasn't uncommon for cubs to be told beforehand. Beth trembled in excitement, hardly able to stay still. But she did, not wanting to ruin her chances when she was this close by seeming immature. "Your name is... Beth, right?" The old bear asked, cold eyes staring almost blankly at the girl. "Y-yes." Beth responded, stuttering slightly with excitement and nervousness, "Is... Is there something you wanted me for?" Tilting her head back up the feline turned her blue eyes, sparkling with expectation, toward the bear's face

above her.         "Yesss..." droned the older women, sounding mildly annoyed, "I've run out of Ephedra. Even when I could still walk it took me half a day to get to the nearest grove of it." He told the girl, adding a little chuckle and shaking her leg, as though to remember when she was young. "Anyway, I don't want to bother one of our working member with something like this, can you do it?" Beth was crestfallen, she was hoping for a happy surprise not a job. Still though, the medicine lady recognized her by name, and asked for specifically to do the job, so she was still hopeful. "Sure, I'm happy to help out the clan." She said, trying not to sound too disappointed, but the previous excitement gone from her voice. "Good," said the old women, "the grove is west, near the Sregnates border. You can get there on your own?" The women asked, confirming."Of course I can." Beth said, slightly indignant, "I'm practically an apprentice, the festival is in two weeks.""Okay, okay," said the women, "then get going. Look for a green, leafless plant about a foot high." She looked to make sure the girl got it, and seeing Beth nod the bear said simply, "Well than get going.""Okay. I'll get it and be back as soon as possible." Said Beth hurriedly, scampering off into the trees. She raced through the trees, ducking through branches as she left camp, wanting to get back quickly and impress the old medicine woman. After about fifteen minutes of running though the cub realized there was no way she was going to be able to reach the edge of clan territory while maintaining this rate, and she slowed to a brisk walk. As she slowed she looked around at the unfamiliar forest. Generally the cubs weren't allowed to leave camp, but  Beth was nearly of apprentice age so this wasn't her first time out of camp. Still though, she had never been asked to go as far as the border before. She was excited to see more of the territory, and her initial disappointment began to fade and be replaced by curiosity. She was a little nervous too, but not too much. The clans were in a time of relative peace and ferals would rarely bother the intelligent furs, so Beth didn't feel she had much to worry about. The rest of her trip continued with relative ease, uninterrupted or troubled, save for tripping on a few roots. Beth always was a little clumsy. Soon enough though she reached the patch, just as described by Amberlyn. Near the Sregnates border, she came upon a patch of leafless green stemmed plants. Bending down she began to pick the brittle stalks from the soft ground. She heard a whimper and a growl coming from afar. She ignored it, continueing to pick the stems and put them into a fold in her clothing. It was from across the border, and clans didn't interfere in the business of other clans. Crossing borders was how wars got started, tensions were always high and any slight interference could be cause for an outbreak. But, soon, from the same direction as before, Beth heard a pained yelp. Again ignoring it she gathered up a few more stalks before rising to her feet again. The old women didn't tell her how much she needed to get, but this seemed like it should be enough to last awhile. She heard a cry of pain. Unlike the previous sounds this wasn't a short burst. It continued, the howling, and the sound grew worse.Beth could never stand the sound of other creatures in pain, not even the ferals they hunted, and this didn't sound like a feral. She broke out into a run, racing across the border and dropping her carefully picked herbs on the way. As she followed the sound of the pained yowls it didn't take her long to reach a clearing. She saw a dark brown feline, a rogue from the look of her,  lying on the ground, blood pooling from her cuts. Standing over her protectively was a male feline of similar coloration, her mate, Beth presumed. Both looked to be about 19 or 20.  Growling, with his claws to the male's throat, was a canine with a blueish-white coat. From his clothing and coat it was obvious the white canine was of the Sregnates clan, and Beth quickly figured out what was happening. Unlike Ninlucios, who would generally welcome any vagrants they found into their clan or else send them peacefully away, but in other clans she knew the standard protocol would be to drive them out brutally, or even kill them. She knew she had made a mistake coming here, what each clan did was not the business of the others, but Beth couldn't stand suffering. Gathering her courage Beth tried to sound confident as she yelled across the clearing, "S-Stop!" She ran toward the canine warrior, "Stop!" she said again, her voice squeaky from nervousness.   The blue furred warrior turned slowly and looked at her. "Look kit, what our clan does with trespassing rouges is none of your business. Now get back to your side of the border or there is going to be trouble!" He said with a growl, glaring at Beth. Now, Beth had no intent of fighting a trained warrior, he was probably in his twenties and she wasn't yet thirteen, and she had no training. But... But she couldn't just leave and do nothing. "They're not rouges!" She lied, hoping to sound convincing. "Those are my clanmates!" She was lucky it was a time of peace, because if it weren't that wouldn't save them. But, surely the Sregnates wouldn't risk inciting war, by killing another clans members, over a crime as minor as

trespassing. The male rouge looked at her confused, and she silently begged him to go along with it. "Then what were they doing in our territory?" He asked, scornfully.   "I'm... I'm sure they just didn't notice the border markings." She said nervously, under the contemptful gaze of the other clan's warrior. "Isn't that right?" she asked the brown feline, desperately hoping he would play along. "Y-yeah, missed it." responded the rouge, his voice trembling, possibly, even more than Beth's.The Sregnates warrior glared suspiciously, his gaze looking back and forth between cowering Beth and the brown furred rouge. "Only Ninlucios, would be stupid enough to actually miss the border." He told them, scornfully. Retracting his claws from male's throat the warrior spat at him, "It's so hard to tell rogues from your clanmates when your entire clan is just a band of filthy rogues. Get back to your territory and tell your leader if he cant teach warriors what a border is there's going to be trouble." Beth bristled at the insult, but it was obvious to everyone she was in no position to defend her clan's easy acceptance of people like... people like her. Instead she glared, but did as the warrior said, helping the male pick up his mate and hurrying back toward the Ninlucios border.   Once they had reached Ninlucios territory the male rouge, still carrying the unconscious female, turned to Beth, "Thanks for your help back there, we'll get going now. I hope we didn't cause any trouble for your clan." With that he turned away and began to head off into the woods."Wait!" Beth yelled after him, "Look at your mate. She needs a doctor. Come back with me. We can help her.""My sister," he corrected, "and anyway, thanks for the offer but I really don't think your clan wants us in their land anymore than that last one. It's better for everyone if we just go.""We're not all the same! We would never let a suffering fur be abandoned. Come with me!" She told him, and after a moment of hesitation, "You could join us. Ya know, if you wanted to." Technically Beth didn't have the authority to extend the promise of aid, and certainly not the invitation to the siblings, but she was sure her clan wouldn't refuse them. The rouge still looked uncertain, but after taking a moment to look at his sisters injuries he agreed to take the risk to travel back to Beth's camp. "If you're sure... Thank you." He told her with a look of gratitude.   The rest of the trip continued mostly in silence. Beth wanted to ask more questions of the siblings, figure out who they were, but she didn't feel like it would be appropriate. Obviously the sister couldn't talk, and the man seemed to be caught up in his own worried thoughts. She wanted to tell him they would get back and his sister would be all fixed up, but Beth didn't really know how to give comfort or reassurance. The sun was beginning to set, but they trio did seem to be reaching the camp. The call, "Beth!" suddenly rang out in the distance and a look of worry passed over the young cat's face as she realized they must be looking for her. "I'm here, I'm okay." She called out. "I brought some...." Beth fell silent, unsure of how to explain her current predicament. The rogue's eyes glanced around furiously in concern. He appeared to be re-thinking his choice to follow the girl now that he was surrounded in the heart of clan territory. His body seemed to twitch nervously, as though preparing to run, but with his sister there was really nowhere he could go. "friends." Beth finished, unconfidently as the pawsteps of her clanmates came rushing toward them. She hoped that the describer "friend" would be enough to tell her clan members the rogues were harmless.   A quintet of warriors bounded up, reaching the Beth and the vagabond siblings almost immediately. A rapid-fire set of emotions flashed across their faces as they viewed the strange trio, flashing from concern, to relief, to anger. "What took you so long? And what are these rogues doing with you?" said Markus, a senior warrior and the father Beth's friend Joseph, glaring at the young girl while also keeping a suspicious eye on the siblings."I... They..." Beth stuttered, unsure of how to explain. "We... aren't we supposed to help other creatures in need?" she asked nervously.Before Markus could respond one of the other warriors noticed the injured female. "Markus, the girl." The warrior said, redirecting his focus to the

injured, unnamed female. A look of concern flashed across the old warrior's face. Despite Beth's improper behavior she was right, they were taught to help creatures in need, and these rogues didn't seem aggressive. His voice slightly softened, though still authoritative he told Beth. "Get back to the clan. I'm sure they're worried about you, and anyway,  it's late. We'll worry about what to do with you in the morning." After a flick of his tail, signaling he was done with her, Beth turned and began to leave back to the camp. "As for you," Markus said to the rogue, "we'll escort you back to camp. The girl should see our healer immediately." As Beth reached camp Meg ran up to her. "Are you okay?" the ermine asked Beth with concern. "What happened?""Im fine. I was on a job for Amberlyn and...." Beth began to tell the story. The pair of female cubs began their way back to the den as more cubs began to gather around Beth. Such a situation, while only slightly out of the ordinary for an adult clan member, seemed the the greatest adventure ever to the cubs. Beth told of her day, forgetting that she might be in trouble tomorrow, quietly revelling in her little fame. The others were amazed at her bravery, facing down a fully trained warrior (even if there wasn't actually any fighting) and bringing back the injured rogues. She fell asleep with a smile across her face and dreams of adventure running through her head. Tomorrow was a world away, today she was a hero.Author's note thingy:So I was bored and felt like writing something fun. This is the product. I know it is amateur, that is because I'm an amateur writer. I mostly just wrote this for my own fun, but I certainly hope at least a few people enjoyed it. If even one person enjoyed it that means this was more productive than watching TV or whatever (right?). So anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, if you did leave a comment or send me a pm. If you have any helpful criticism that is also great, help improving is always something I look for. That being said I'm not a professional writer, nor do I ever intend to be so it isn't necessary to

give me five pages on sentence structure minutia. Also, while if there are any major grammatical mistakes I would absolutely like to know it is just obnoxious to nitpick tiny things that don't impede the meaning of the story. I do intend to make this a series, so if you did like it keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter. If you are disappointed because you were looking for yiff, well, get over it. I probably will write some erotica to put up here eventually, because I like that too, that isn't the only thing to write about, so get over it. Anyway, that's pretty much it. Hope you enjoyed and all that stuff.