Unresolved Paths (Chapter 2)

Story by Kaa on SoFurry

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The next and much delayed chapter of this story. When we last saw our favorite archosaur duo, Darkthunder had arrived to his terrorclaw homeworld (with Grell in tow) after his species had asked him to come back. Grell can do nothing but watch as the event continues to unfold.

This chapter was originally much longer, but I decided to cut a good chunk of it to use for the next part. This, in turn, makes for a much better ending to this part than I had originally intended (not saying so as not to ruin it). And since cutting that part made this chapter too short, I began to come up with more ideas to incorporate for this part.

And apologies if one of the characters sort of resembles Skyrim's Paarthurnax in his speech. I thought the idea was too cool not to use, and it also introduces a bit more of the terrorclaw language in the process.

Even when I ran it through the Word 2013 spell and grammar checker, it could still have some gremlins in it, so apologies for any you may find. Though certainly is not as bad as many I've seen around in this site or others.

Now... those who may be familiar with my drawings probably have an idea of how this story may end (there will be at least two more chapters). Even then, it may not happen as anyone may be expecting. Heck, I wasn't even completely sure how I would arrive to my intended ending until recently, and was very much surprised at what I came up with. :) Feel free to share what you think may happen in the comments; I'm curious what ideas other people may have.

As always, read it and give me your comments, good or bad. I love reading them, even if I don't answer to everyone.

Unresolved Paths


Enduring the oppressive heat and humidity of the terrorclaw homeworld would had been enough torture for the armorback. Grell had expected them, although not in at the levels now felt by this thick, armorback skin. The assailment his nostrils were receiving, however, was certainly far worse.

An hour had passed since Grell had realized how futile it was for him to try continuously to hold his breath. His lungs still ached from the constant strain the armorback had put on them. Strong as his chest muscles were, the armorback had not evolved lungs like those huge, feral sea lizards that lived minutes at a time with just one strong intake of air. For an instant, Grell imagined the old and wise K'hamal using it as an opportunity to go on a long diatribe on the infinitesimal probability that Grell's now seemingly inferior organs would suddenly evolve such a desirable trait. Alternatively, he seriously considered donning the exploration suit inside the shuttle. Any reprieve from the smells assaulting his nostrils would last only a day or two, however, before the suit ran out of power.

Resignation to endure the smell of a colossal pack of terrorclaws still did not make the agony any easier for the burly herbivore.

It would be bad enough if Grell only had to fight the primeval instincts, now awakened and screaming, that the scent of hundreds of carnivores triggered in his mind. His desires to flee, strong as they were, paled against the other foul smells battering his nostrils. Terrorclaws living in their ancestral ways also seemed to indicate that baths was not something they would do often, much less daily. As bad as the scent of unwashed terrorclaws was, however, their carnivorous ways did not do wonders for their breath.

Surprisingly, the air seemed free of the smell of bodily wastes. For the moment, at least.

Grell wondered how the thought had never occurred to him. The idea that such a beautiful archosaur like his partner once lived - and smelled - like the crowds around him somehow felt surreal. Nearly unbelievable, even. Perhaps because Darkthunder, despite being a terrorclaw like the other beasts that now surrounded the tormented armorback, had adapted to the implicit norms that any civilized, well-mannered archosaur followed - including personal hygiene. As uncouth and callous as Grell and his comrades were during his days as a gun for hire, they all would bathe regularly after strenuous activities, or after sessions of hot and vigorous matings. Those norms now stood light-years away, on whichever Alliance planet was closest to the terrorclaw world.

Then again, that same terrorclaw now seemed more than eager to cast away that which he had gained from archosaur civilization to embrace the old ways of his birthplace. It was an odd scene, to put it mildly. Darkthunder raced from one terrorclaw to another, greeting every member of his pack that he recognized with seemingly limitless exuberance. The screeching sounds that passed for greetings in the terrorclaw speak were accompanied by countless rubbing of snouts, bobbing of heads, and other body posturing. It all reminded Grell of some non-sentient predators he had seen in videos and live animals in captivity. He knew Darkthunder was capable of such behavior when in a primal trance, but it was strange - and somewhat unnerving - to see his partner do the same while in full sentience.

Were it not for his dark skin, Darkthunder would had been extremely hard to find among those of his pack - jumping, screeching, and posturing in the primeval ways of the hunters. All this while naked like the day of his hatching, and naked like every single terrorclaw inside the pack. Not like nudity was an odd concept for the civilized archosaurs - on almost every world and city of the Alliance, it was not unusual to see one or more archosaurs walking around near or completely nude, if they ever felt like not wearing clothes that particular day. Grell and Darkthunder themselves had done so more than once after their marriage, as they took a relaxing stroll on whatever planet they visited when on shore leave from their duties to the Patrol. Almost every archosaur around them was fully clothed. Here in the pack, a clothed terrorclaw would be the exception. If such thing even existed.

Grell tried to push away the thoughts of what a naked, primal-acting Darkthunder really brought to his mind. The idea of losing his beloved hunter to the pack that birthed him was becoming painful. A pain that seemed to grow with each passing minute.

The armorback watched as Darkthunder poked his head inside of some of the small structures that made most of the pack commune, greeting whichever occupants were inside. More than once, the terrorclaw would back away from the odd-looking home and tip his body, arms extended and curved in a posture that seemed to Grell like yet another display that some primal creature would make in submission. Curiosity finally took a hold of the armorback, as Grell decided to look inside the closest unit to him.

The walls inside were bare of any adornments, while no chairs or other items lay on the bare ground; the soft soil and grass that seemed to extend all over the terrorclaw commune was also inside as the hut had no flooring. Inside, a nearly orange-colored female terrorclaw laid down on a hole in the ground. Looking as if half asleep, the lone female nevertheless reacted to Grell's presence. The startled hunter rose her head, seemingly surprised at the sight of the huge, walking herbivore inside their commune. Surprise gave way to anger as the female rose from the ground screeching, revealing the eggs she had been incubating.

Any displays of anger that Darkthunder had made to the armorback before both became a mated pair now paled in comparison to the furious female, who now barked and screeching as she exposed her teeth fully, arms extended to show her hand claws while her two sickle-shaped claws twitched furiously.

"Sorry!" Grell said as he backed away while the female continued moving towards her, screeching as she postured herself ready to defend her nest. "I didn't mean to intrude!"

The armorback felt his clubbed tail swinging behind him, an unconscious defense reaction. He did not want to hurt the female, but neither he was willing to let himself attacked without defending himself.

A loud voice rose above that of the fierce mother. "It would be best if you did not try not to go around exploring, nah'kk mahr!"

The suddenness of the voice - who spoke in standard archosaur language - startled Grell. He turned to see an adult, brownish male terrorclaw standing to his right. Like Darkthunder, the male's skin was mostly one tone, with several specks of three different colors and a large, tan-colored patch running down the underside of his jaws to his naked crotch, including the male's phallus. Unlike the dark terrorclaw, this male's dark skin was limited to small patches.

"And who are you?" Grell asked in a mixture of surprise and discomfort as he continued backing away from the angry female, who now stood at the entrance to her home. The male terrorclaw moved to stand between them. He repeated several times the same gesture of appeasement that Grell had seen Darkthunder make while speaking in short words in their terrorclaw language. Eventually, the female calmed down, although she continued looking and growling at Grell even as she returned to her nest.

"Thanks," Grell said to the male terrorclaw as he heaved a huge sigh of relief. "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking to disturb her."

Tipping his snout slightly downwards, the hunter placed his hands together in the typical greeting of his species. "I greet you with my claws down, visitor. My name is Keh'hal. Brightwater, in your archosaur language."

"Grell," the armorback said, repeating the same gesture. "I also greet you with my claws down."

The male smiled, seemingly amused to see someone other than another terrorclaw use the same greeting. He gestured towards the entire commune as he began speaking. "Welcome to our vektar, ak Ssresh-Mahr'n. Ssr'koh, the one you would call Riverpath, asked me to guide and help translate for you during your visit."

Grell tilted his head to the left, somewhat confused. "I'm sorry. I did not understand what you said first."

"Kretek. Apologies. Speaking your uktar saik... archosaur language is always hard for me at first. Your language... it asks me to stop thinking like a vektar'mahr. Like a terrorclaw. Not a good feeling."

The male closed his eyes. His facial expression changed slightly as he breathed deep; Grell had seen Darkthunder make the same expression when coming out of a primal trance.

"We welcome you to our pack, the Hunters of the River Valley. It would be best if you stay with me instead of exploring on your own. As you noticed, rral'n... females are vicious when they need to defend their nest. Even more so against some beast that is threatening her ek'rak'n... egg hatchings."

Grell snorted, slightly miffed. "Well, thanks for the compliment."

Brightwater shook his head gently. "I did not mean any offense. She is in a primal trance while caring for her eggs. You would seem no different from any of the beasts that terrorclaws hunt. You are certainly meaty enough to look like a young kest'aran... spikeback to her."

Grell resisted the desire to make a comment about what Brightwater's somewhat lanky body. For a moment, he could not help but feel sorry for the hunter's shape. Although it was the archosaurs in the Patrol that would seem unnatural to the terrorclaws. Darkthunder, while nowhere near as muscled as other soldiers of the Patrol, had gained mass and built a well-defined and muscular body, compared to that of anyone in his pack. However, these terrorclaws were living in their primal, natural ways. Grell and Darkthunder were certainly freaks by terrorclaw standards.

"Uktar?" Brightwater asked. The male gestured for both to continue walking. Far ahead, Darkthunder continued greeting others of his pack. "I believe you wanted to continue after your friend."

"Yes. Of course."

The male nodded, and continued talking as he walked besides Grell.

"Sorry," Grell said softly as the armorback tried to recover from the surprise. "I wasn't expecting anyone here except Darkthunder to speak in archosaur." Somehow, Grell had formed the idea of Darkthunder and his renegade brother as the only terrorclaws that spoke the common archosaur language. He never imagined he would find any others, much less inside Darkthunder's pack. Unlike both Darkthunder and Starhunter, however, the other male spoke with a rather pronounced accent. Even if the brown hunter's speak was not as clear as Darkthunder's, the thought of finding someone else to talk to in this throng of primal hunters was a welcomed change.

"Understood. We may live separate from your Alliance, but terrorclaw packs still keep the occasional contact and trade with other uktar'n. I am one of three living in the Ssresh-Mahr'n_territory who knows your language. But certainly _Kreh'ta'rrhnn speaks it better than I do."

Grell tilted his head slightly to his right. It was the first time he heard Darkthunder's name spoken in the native terrorclaw speak. Darkthunder himself had never stated it, and Grell had never thought about trying to form the name in what he had learned so far of the hunter's language. The very idea only seemed to bring Darkthunder closer to his heart. Grell shifted his legs as he walked as a sudden desire for him to mate with Darkthunder in passionate lovemaking put strong pressure on his crotch. He was thankful the thick loincloth did an excellent job at hiding his reaction.

The armorback tried to shift his attention back to the welcoming terrorclaw. "You are doing very well for being here in the middle of nowhere. How did you get to learn it?"

Brightwater pointed toward the large, stone structure that stood in the middle of the commune. The building was similar to a four-sided pyramid with the top third of it missing. A few aluminum orbs dotted the flat ceiling; Grell immediately recognized them as solar-powered transmitters. As odd as the idea was of seeing them in a primitive village, it somehow made sense. There were surveillance and communication satellites among the planetary system that housed the terrorclaw homeworld. They must have had some way to send that message to the Patrol asking for Darkthunder.

It then occurred to Grell that there had to be liaisons between the packs and the Alliance. Given the attitude that almost every archosaur seemed to have towards terrorclaws, it would had been the smaller carnivores who would have to conduct any communication in the language of the Alliance. Chances were that Brightwater had been the one who had contacted the Patrol with the order for recalling Darkthunder back to the pack. Grell could not help feel some contempt for Brightwater, even when the armorback knew this terrorclaw was not to be blame for the order given by the pack's leaders.

"Uktar dak'errak'n... your artifacts and technology are not completely unknown to us," Brightwater said. "You probably would be surprised to see what is stored on the lowest level of that structure. Vektar mahr'n still have some use of your technology and language so we can trade with a few uktar'n who visit the packs on occasions. Only a few of us go inside that room; the rest of our pack is quite content to live in our ways and do not wish to know about it. For those times we need to contact your Alliance, my pack's highest elder appointed some of us to learn what we can about your technology and language, even if the task is akzer mek haran. Pride over pain."

"Why so?"

"Your saik... your speak, your language. It is hard on my mind. Too many words. Vektar mahr saik... terrorclaw speak is simpler in comparison. Hunts did not need complex sentences and concepts. For uktar saik, I have to change my mind. As you can notice, I am not always successful. My nature is fighting my mind. I feel like I am tripping on rocks when I speak your saik. _Kreh'ta'rrhnn_is certainly strong, if he could get himself to adapt and speak it."

Grell smiled. "He still trips at times. Even fell down more than once, to use your saik."

Brightwater laughed. "I like your response! Good. Close to vektar mahr mind."

"I would like to learn your speak, and talk to Darkthunder all day. But it is hard."

Brightwater looked at Grell as if trying to understand the armorback. "And it will be hard, unless you learn to think like vektar mahr first. Then you can learn the saik."

Brightwater and Grell followed Darkthunder at a more leisurely pace while the dark hunter continued to greet almost every terrorclaw he found in his path. Those that Darkthunder was unfamiliar with, however, the dark hunter paused to greet and introduce himself.

Passing next to another of the small huts, Grell turned to take a quick glance to the interior. Like the previous one, the second hut was also devoid of any items. Again, a brooding female rose her head to look at the large herbivore. The armorback raced a few steps ahead of his terrorclaw guide, unwilling to go through a repeat of the previous incident.

"You seem curious about the small huts," Brightwater said. He exposed his teeth slightly as he smiled, seemingly amused that the large armorback was afraid of the females.

"Just that they look like a rather odd choice for a home to me. There is no much space to live in."

"Those are not homes. Not in the sense that you uktar'n would think of one. The pack uses these huts mostly for protection against strong weather. Brooding mothers use them to keep their eggs and very young ek'rak'n safe from strong rains, as you found out. The huts also offer good shade from the sun. At night we may choose one to sleep in, along with any others of the pack who chose it as well."

"You don't sleep in the same one every night? Where do you live, then?"

Brightwater pointed to one of the huts, then to a second, a third, and several more. He then waved to the entire commune and to the surrounding jungle. "Here and everywhere. We sleep where we want, with others of the pack. Different hut and group every night or elsewhere in our territory, for the land of the Ssresh-Mahr'n is the home to anyone of the pack. Those who made a nest and raise ek'rak'n will keep to the same hut, but only until the young are strong enough to leave the nest."

Grell tried to imagine what it would be to sleep every day in a different quarter inside the Tarrakhan, but gave up soon after. It would be better if he tried not to think too much of what he was missing already, nor the one, big thing that he stood to lose.

"As you already know," Brightwater continued, "vektar mahr'n_have always preferred to live by our own primal nature as much as possible. We do not want devices to control our existence, or become attached to any possessions. We will have no use for either when our lives end. Even minimal clothes are possessions; they would be a hindrance to our hunting, anyway. So my species sought to live separate from the other _uktar'n and live by our own ways." The terrorclaw snorted. "Right now, even speaking to you takes away something of my primal nature. I do not desire it."

Grell lowed, somewhat offended. "Why? Is the thought of talking to a leaf eater that abominable?"

"No, far from it. To speak as a vektar mahr, you have to think like one, and hold the primal thoughts always alert."

"A primal trance?"

"Yes. Your saik... from what I learned, it is dak'errak. Your kind made it for all uktar'n to understand each other, so it lacks what makes us hunters. My species did not want it. It is too painful."

"I guess I can understand. I did not know much about terrorclaws until Darkthunder and I began living together. What you've said explains how I've seen him acting sometimes. The archosaur ways are too ingrained in me, however. I cannot imagine living like your kind does unless I were stuck somewhere without my devices. I cannot imagine doing it my entire life."

"Understood. Hard to know how an animal tastes until you have eaten it once. Or leaves from a tree, for one like you."

The armorback turned his head and body to look for Darkthunder. Not far away, the dark hunter continued greeting more pack members as he recognized them. Smartwind and Sharpscale - Darkthunder's younger sister and brother - followed their older sibling very close behind. They had already warmed up to him, and now seemed pleased to see the dark terrorclaw being recognized by those of their pack as the older relative he had claimed to be. The same was not true for Stormclaw, however - the male terrorclaw kept his distance from Darkthunder and his two other siblings as he also followed Darkthunder around. Several other adults and younglings also followed him, perhaps out of curiosity or wanting to talk to him.

"I see Darkthunder is gathering some following."

Brightwater turned to look behind. "He is not the only one."

Grell sighed, already aware that he had his own entourage as well. Many of the pack's children, as well as some of their parents and other adults, seemed intrigued at the large herbivore in their midst. The hatchlings were the closest; chirping and warbling constantly, they followed the armorback while sniffing at his legs and tail, the only parts of the Grell's body within reach of their short, stubby snouts. It was a bit unnerving to see them open their jaws slightly, as if wondering if they could bite on what seemed like live food that was walking past them.

The armorback forced himself to tolerate the inquisitive actions of these sharp-toothed children - and some of their parents as well. Grell was not one to think about raising children. He knew there were certainly some armorback younglings carrying his genes, somewhere around the Alliance. Back then, he was just a younger gun for hire, caring mostly for the money he earned and the pleasures he could buy with it. A few of the female armorbacks that he had taken for nights of sexual pleasure had been in estrus, or near it. Some even had pleaded to him to leave them alone, but Grell forced himself on them against their wills until his lust was sated. He could not had cared less for any pain or burdens his selfish actions caused.

Grell almost never wondered whether any of his children or their mothers were still alive and thriving, nor the thought lasted much if he did. It would not do him any good to dwell on his past. He could not imagine himself as a parent, even in his current life as a soldier for the Alliance. The need for wanton sex, however, had died after marrying Darkthunder. The only thing that Grell now wanted was a life with the one male that he truly loved. A male that Grell was reluctant to relinquish to a group of naked, primitive archosaurs, even if they were the same species and pack as Darkthunder.

The crowd ahead of the armorback and his guide parted as Darkthunder came racing back towards the large herbivore. The terrorclaw stopped about two paces away. Seemingly unable to stand still, Darkthunder bobbed his head slightly in apparent excitement. The terrorclaw screeched. It took a couple heartbeats before Grell realized Darkthunder was speaking in his native language.

"Uktar! Uktar... saik?" Grell turned to use the two words he had picked up from Brightwater. Again, he had trouble trying to speak them.

The dark hunter seemed to understand, however, as he switched immediately to speak in archosaur.

"Grell! This... this is exciting! I'm back with my pack!"

"I can see that." Grell snorted slightly as Darkthunder stood right next to him. All the close greetings and excitement meant that Darkthunder had already begun to smell just as bad as his brethren did. "Seems like you have been missing your previous life."

Darkthunder continued turning around, looking at others of his kind even as he spoke to the armorback. "Yes! I had conformed to Alliance ideals and lifestyles for so long, that I had almost forgotten what it was to live like a normal terrorclaw."

The armorback forced a smile. "Well, I guess it will be good for you to go back to your roots for a while. Probably a good break before we have to return to the Tarrakhan."

Darkthunder's feathered crest rose slightly in surprise. His eyes seemed vacuous, as if the hunter already had forgotten his life in the Patrol. Grell recognized it as a signal that the terrorclaw was actually under a slight hunter trance, as Brightwater had mentioned. "The... ship? Yes. Yes, of course! We... I will. Eventually."

"Eventually? What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. I just... want to spend a few days here. Maybe longer."

The armorback paused as he fought to keep his voice level. "How... long are we talking about?"

Darkthunder focused his attention on several of his pack grouping around one of the huts. Grell recognized Riverpath and Sunstalker among the group as the older terrorclaws shouted to get Darkthunder's attention.

"I can't tell," Darkthunder said, his back to Grell as the terrorclaw shifted his weight from one leg to the other several times, apparently eager to join his elders. "There are hunting parties that my pack will ask me to join. And I will also have to join others on patrols to defend the pack's territory."

Grell grabbed Darkthunder's tail end as the terrorclaw turned to walk away. The hunter twisted his neck to look back at Grell, visibly annoyed as he hissed at his partner. For an instant, he did not seem any different from the grouchy terrorclaw Grell had met the day when Darkthunder had first set foot in the _Tarrakhan's_bridge. With a powerful twist of his hips, the hunter managed to wrest his tail free, losing some feathers in the process. His eyes narrowed as he exposed his teeth partially in anger.

"What do you want, uktar!?" Darkthunder asked, exasperated. "I told you what you need to know."

"You sound again as if you are hiding something," Grell said as he puffed his chest to indicate his displeasure. The conversation was beginning to sound like just before they had that fight in their room after Darkthunder broke the news to his crew.

Darkthunder hissed again; the sound he made indicated to the armorback that the terrorclaw seemed more frustrated than angry. "As you probably remember, the pack may not even let me return, and there would be nothing I could do about that. So try to stay calm until I can think of something that could help with this problem. In the meantime, I may as well try to get used to the life I had before I left for the Patrol."

Grell did not attempt to hide his discontent at the possibility that Darkthunder may not return, not because of his pack but of his own desires. Somehow, the terrorclaw's posture seemed to indicate this - he stood just like the others around him, as if he were proud of their primitive pack and their nudity.

"You don't sound so sure. You even look like you would not mind staying here."

Ahead, the older terrorclaws that Darkthunder had met upon his arrival called for his attention. Riverpath seemed upset at the delay.

"Kreh'ta'rrhnn! Vi gak' chotka! Nah'kk tak!"

Darkthunder responded with a loud screech before he turned to speak again in archosaur. "Could we discuss this later? They are calling me."

"Darkthunder -" Grell began to say. His voice came out deeper, as it always did when the armorback began to feel concern about something.

"I know this is hard for you, Grell. But be sure I do not intend to leave you." He turned to look at the armorback. "Not by my own choice."

The armorback nodded. He let out a very loud snort as Darkthunder raced towards the elders. Grell felt his anger and desperation growing. Years of searching for a loving partner and the struggle to earn the love from the terrorclaw were seemingly undone in a matter of days. Even if he was a leaf eater, he felt like a carnivore facing a bigger hunter that wanted to steal his kill. Grell felt his old attitude as a gun for hire resurface. Darkthunder may have been born in that pack, but the armorback would not allow those primitives to keep him. Not if he could help it.

Grell followed Darkthunder as best as he could with the throng of hatchlings still crowded around him. "At least someone is enjoying their time here."

"I feel some anger in you," Brightwater said.

Grell did not attempt to mask his displeasure. He had forgotten that Brightwater had been standing nearby, and would had been able to understand the conversation. He decided to remain silent. It was perhaps best not to incite anger in anyone of Darkthunder's pack, even if Grell thought that Brightwater would not understand some of the obscenities the armorback was thinking.

"I see you are not pleased that_Kreh'ta'rrhnn_ has returned to his pack," Brightwater continued as he walked again on Grell's right. "But his personal hunt has kept him away from his pack for too long. A vektar mahr should not hunt alone. He has now stepped back into the proper path."

Grell could not help frown, his voice deepening with anger as he struggled to find the right words. "The proper path? That... terrorclaw may have walked a path different from yours or any of your pack, one that you cannot possibly understand. Darkthunder has been not been alone as you think. Other archosaurs have been with him. I have walked with him. And back where we have lived, he has built a name. There are many who wish for him to lead their pack."

Brightwater turned to show his right shoulder to Grell, to display the tattoo of the pack, the same mark that Darkthunder had on his right shoulder. "Yet none of those vektar'n_and _uktar'n you speak of has this mark. So what name has Kreh'ta'rrhnn made there for his real pack?"

"I guess then that his life outside your territory means nothing for his own species?" Grell wondered if there was any intention that Brightwater seemed insistent in calling Darkthunder by his real terrorclaw name.

"That may be up to Kren'rriah to decide where that path should lead."

Grell tried to translate the name, but came up completely blank. "Um... Dark... uh?"

"No. Nightmarch. Highest elder of the Ssresh-Mahr'n."

"Whatever. One would imagine a hunter could go wherever he pleases. Why must he decide which path Darkthunder has to take?" Grell stressed the archosaur name of his partner; the armorback was unwilling to see Darkthunder as anything other than another archosaur.

"I will not ask you to understand the ways of the vektar mahr'n, visitor. Yet I can see why you think our species could be mistaken. From what Ssr'koh told me, I know you and Kreh'ta'rrhnn are very close. But Kreh'ta'rrhnn_is still _vektar mahr, and he is still_Ssresh-Mahr'n_. His path must follow that of the ones who really need him, his real pack."

"There is one who needs him even more," Grell said, his voice breaking slightly with grief. "If you must know, he is my partner. I do not wish to lose him to -" Grell stopped. The thought of losing Darkthunder was too painful to consider.

Brightwater turned to look Grell straight into his eyes. The male terrorclaw appeared sympathetic, even if still firm in his belief. "A hunter can feel many things that do not live. The smell of mating one of us lingers in you. I can feel that you have chosen Kreh'ta'rrhnn as your t'kre'k'k, and he as yours. That which you claim to love hatched here. One cannot be lost when he has returned to his home. This pack is his family. This territory is his birthplace. Why would you want to deny both to him?"

Grell shook his head slowly, eyes and snout cast down, his voice subdued. "I... I don't wish to. But I will be left with nothing if he stays."

Brightwater continued; his voice was firm but seemingly understanding of Grell's pain. "Uktar,_your kind is wise and capable of many things the _vektar mahr'n cannot. Your different species group and work together for survival and strength, but none understands the ways of the packs. You must have lived with Kreh'ta'rrhnn_long enough to know that sometimes a hunter has to give up on prey they have chased for a long time. It will not be long before you will have to make a choice you do not wish. _Kren'rriah_may not let him leave again. Not if _Kreh'ta'rrhnn is to stay as Ssresh-Mahr'n. If you know your t'kre'k'k as you say you do, you know there would be no greater pain for him than losing his pack."

The loud exuberance from the terrorclaws died suddenly. Grell turned to see Darkthunder trembling, his body posture signaling deep sorrow. Ahead of him, on a wooden table, the dark hunter stared at the skull of an adult terrorclaw. All flesh or any material that was not the actual bone had been stripped completely out of it. The terrorclaw grabbed it gently and held it in both hands with reverence. His eyes glistening with tears, the terrorclaw lifted his snout to the sky and wailed.

It did not take long for Grell to realize that Darkthunder was holding the skull of his father. The very thought unnerved him. Grell had come across a few of the traditions held by archosaur carnivores, but nothing he had heard or seen even resembled the scene playing ahead of him. As an herbivore, it looked too macabre - Grell tried not to think of not only how the skull was completely clean, but also how the pack disposed of its flesh.

Standing behind Darkthunder, both Smartwind and Sharpscale joined their older sibling in the lamentation. Behind them, Stormclaw watched, seemingly unwilling to take his place behind Darkthunder. Eventually, though, the male hunter stood between his siblings as he joined them in their mourning. None of the terrorclaws spoke an actual word. Their lamentation was like a loud, continuous howl.

The sight of the grieving terrorclaw was painful to the armorback. Grell had always envisioned Darkthunder as a stoic and calculating officer. Even when the Commander cared for his crew, the terrorclaw had never wanted to appear as anything other than a strong officer. While Darkthunder had previously voiced some sorrow for the loss of good soldiers in the privacy of their quarters, it was never as strong as then.

"They are mourning the passing of their sire," Brightwater said.

"I imagined as much."

"It is solemn, but very brief. Vektar mahr'n cannot dwell on their grief. Life continues, and the mahr'n_need to continue to provide for the pack. The bone will rest where the rest of the body is after they finish voicing their loss to the sky. _Kreh'ta'rrhnn will be asked afterwards to take his place as eldest of his bloodline."

Other than the rustle of leaves from the wind and some small wildlife, the only sound heard in the commune was that of the four terrorclaws voicing their lamentation while the rest of the commune gathered around them, listening in silence. Several minutes passed before the four terrorclaws finally became silent.

Riverpath and Sunstalker approached the dark hunter. Snout cast down, Darkthunder handed the skull to the elder female. Sunstalker began to walk away as the ceremony continued. Darkthunder's siblings moved to stand a short distance away as Riverpath addressed the four siblings with respect.

"Young hunters, even as we mourn a passing, Koh'tre'gon_must continue for the pack. We will remember those who have left as we rejoice in the life that still walks the path, and that which is yet to be born."_

Several terrorclaws carrying musical instruments raced to one spot of the commune. Brightwater sat on the soft soil and gestured for the armorback to follow. Around them, most terrorclaws sat to enjoy the coming spectacle.

The music was indeed primitive, with actual instruments made from local materials instead of the loud, electronic sounds that always played in the mess halls inside the Tarrakhan. However, the terrorclaws were quite proficient with their music. While percussion would be easy, their three-fingered hands handled their wind and string instruments with ease and skill. Grell had to remind himself that this species had once joined other archosaurs in exploring the galaxy.

The voice of several terrorclaws joined the music players, singing what felt like a hunting song. Grell picked up the occasional words that he understood. Life. Hunt. Together. Pack.

The armorback found the music oddly pleasant, even if unusual. He never imagined that terrorclaws would have any sort of musical inclination, much less capable of such strange yet melodious sounds.

A second song followed the first one soon after it finished. Darkthunder's crest rose; a smile formed on his toothy snout as he recognized the melody. He left his spot on the ground and raced to join the chorus. His voice was not unlike that of the other singers. It was a song that the dark hunter had probably not sang in years, and yet he seemed to remember with clarity, never missing a single high-pitched note or word from its lyrics.

Grell thought the tune seemed vaguely familiar. He then realized he had heard Darkthunder warbling it softly, inside their quarters inside the Tarrakhan. Many times the hunter had woken up in the middle of their sleep time and walked silently to the room's large window. Sitting on the floor, Darkthunder would stare at the stars or the colored lights of the tachyon traverse while singing softly to himself. Grell had wondered and listened, unwilling to interrupt whatever his partner was doing. Grell could not help wonder now if Darkthunder had always longed to return to his old ways.

The armorback turned to see a female terrorclaw approach the large herbivore with slight trepidation while carrying two ceramic bowls of different sizes. Kneeling on the ground, she offered the bowls to the armorback. The larger bowl was full of leaves and some strange, purple fruit with green spots. The smaller bowl held a greenish liquid that did not appear too pleasant on first sight.

"Umm," Grell only managed to say, not knowing if he should accept the offerings.

"Food and drink," Brightwater said as he took a piece of raw meat another terrorclaw offered to him. "You are a guest of the pack, so you eat first."

"De'vekh," Grell struggled to pronounce as he took the bowls. "Thanks."

The armorback sighed as he pondered what to do of the meal. The bowls and their contents were far from what he would get from the Tarrakhan's cooks. His experience so far with terrorclaws made him think they were rather unsanitary creatures. He pondered what sorts of microbes could be prowling inside the food, ready to cripple him after attacking his intestines. Grell also wondered what sorts of animal products could had been mixed in, whether intentional or not.

"What doesn't kill me may purge my bowels," he muttered as he slowly brought the drink bowl to the bony tip of his mouth and took a very small sip of the drink. The taste was odd. It was nectar from a fruit of some sort, but it was also mildly spicy. Certainly, an acquired taste but he could get used to it.

Sinking his teeth on the fruit, he found the taste oddly pleasant, even if rather sweet. Maybe not too nutritious, it still would allow him to extend his Patrol rations if he looked around the trees surrounding the commune for more of them.

A few terrorclaws wandered around the spectators, passing food and drinks to those watching the primitive orchestra. Darkthunder left his spot with the singers and back to where he had been sitting as Sharpscale moved to join the singers. The terrorclaw eyed a large piece of meat that offered to him, and dipped his snout in thanks before sinking his teeth with delight into the raw, bloodied meat. Darkthunder pulled a chunk out and lifted his snout up as he swallowed it nearly whole.

"Dear Maia," Grell said to himself, sighing. He had been a witness to the terrorclaw's crude eating manners before, but being with his pack only seemed to make Darkthunder behave even worse. It seemed like yet another signal that the terrorclaw would not be too upset if he was not to return to the Alliance.

"Hard to blame him," Brightwater said. "He has not enjoyed it in years. Kest'aran meat is very delicious."

"If he could take the time to taste it. What sort of beast is that?"


Grell could not help think that Brightwater was staring at him in a peculiar way. "You mean... like..."

Brightwater nodded. The hunter pointed at one corner of the commune. A large herbivorous creature - or rather, its bloodied and dismembered corpse - hung from a large rack built to hold its weight. Grell said nothing as he noticed that the fallen beast vaguely resembled a four-legged version of himself, with a similar head and spikes on its back. A few terrorclaws stood around it, soaked in the creature's blood as they cut pieces of its flesh that other terrorclaws delivered to the gathered crowd. Brightwater smiled subtly as he sank his own teeth in a piece of that beast.

Yet another thought raced in the armorback's mind. Grell wondered if one reason Darkthunder had liked the armorback was because Grell looked just like the hunter's favorite food. He tried to put the thought away as he munched on some of the leaves he in the bowl, only to wonder if he was looking even more like one of those beasts the terrorclaws were happily devouring. His answer came from some of the terrorclaws sitting close to him - they stared at him, perhaps having their own thoughts as well. Some clacked their jaws twice; Grell had seen Darkthunder make the same gesture whenever his terrorclaw had a tasty meal in front of him.

To the terrorclaws in the pack, he was probably looking very appetizing, his meat fresher than their recent kill.

"Nek nah'kk... ikeh!" Grell finally roared to the terrorclaws after struggling to recall the correct words and grammar in his limited knowledge of terrorclaw speak.

The terrorclaws laughed, and then shifted their attention back to the music and their food.

"Should I fear for my life here?" The armorback was more angry than fearful at the apparent display of terrorclaw humor.

Brightwater laughed with a loud, shrilling noise that Grell found distasteful. The terrorclaw pointed at the ones who had been staring at Grell. "Do not be upset. They just wanted to..." Brightwater paused to think of the words. "Scramble the egg. Mess up with your mind, I think is how you uktar'n refer to it. We do not eat animals that speak. At least, not anymore."

"Haven't anyone of my species ever traded with yours before?"

"Only meat eating uktar'n trade with us. Now you know why. It is hard to resist any morsels that show in our path." The terrorclaw laughed again.

Grell growled. Fuck you, he thought.

Almost three hours passed as the terrorclaws continued listening and enjoying to their own music. The planet's orange sun had long descended behind the trees that surrounded the commune, and the fading light indicated it had already begun to sink its final descent into the horizon. Lights turned on around the commune. Grell was surprised that, even when terrorclaws lighted several campfires across the commune, it was artificial light what illuminated the terrorclaw village. The primitive creatures recognized the usefulness of this piece of archosaur technology and kept them even as their lives still revolved around their primal instincts and ways of life.

Suddenly, all the music stopped as several terrorclaws screeched, calling for their kind. All the revelers and the music players dropped everything and began making their way towards the large structure in the center of their commune.

"What's going on?" Grell asked.

Brightwater rose from his spot quickly. From his body posture, Grell could sense some urgency as the terrorclaw spoke. "Nightmarch wants to address the pack."

"Where has he been, anyway? Couldn't he come out and join the celebration?"

"He is old, and prefers to keep inside the large building most of the time. However, his word still leads the pack. Hurry up, uktar. We do not wish to make him wait."

"Hey, I do have a name. Grell, remember?"

"Kretek. You do not have a vektar mahr name. _Uktar'n_names... are not spoken in the pack."

Grell sighed as he got up from the ground and began to follow Brightwater.

"If your pack elder cannot hunt, how come he still rules your pack? From what I have learned about terrorclaws, I'm surprised nobody has challenged and fought him already for domination."

"Somebody will, eventually. It will not be a fight like you may be thinking. Strength or hunting prowess are not the only things that determine leadership for the Ssresh-Mahr'n. A weak but very smart leader ensures a better survival."

The terrorclaws continued hurrying inside the large building. Once inside, and after his eyes adjusted to the lower light, Grell could see the place looked mostly like a stadium, with seats covering three sides of the pyramid. Many terrorclaws had already roosted on the seats, and more came to fill every empty space.

A small platform rested against the fourth side, with five seats on top. Right on front of it was an empty, sandy area. It was large enough for whatever game or spectacle that the terrorclaws used for entertainment. Small rocks delimited a path drawn in the sand. Darkthunder sat alone on the other side of the path and opposite to the platform. His three siblings sat close behind - Stormclaw right behind Darkthunder, while Smartwind and Sharpscale sat behind and to the left and right, respectively. It was apparent then that the gathering was about Darkthunder's return.

Brightwater directed Grell to sit several paces behind Darkthunder. The terrorclaw then sat to Grell's left. Close behind, other terrorclaws began to sit down as well.

Grell lowed his discontent as the air became increasingly warmer and even more saturated with the bodily smells that had tortured him. However, it was a much smaller discomfort than the one surging inside his mind.

"Darkthunder -" Grell began to call when Brightwater urged him not to.

"Kretek. This grouping is for the pack. The pack wants you to watch, but it requests that you remain silent. Only vektar mahr'n will speak."

Grell nodded in agreement, even when he knew it would not be in his best interest.

The chattering died as Darkthunder rose to his feet and walked to stand in front of the drawn path at the same time an old terrorclaw made his way and sat on the center seat.

"Your Nightmarch, I wager," Grell whispered to Brightwater.

Brightwater nodded. "I was asked to translate this gathering for you."

"Please do. I know only a few words of your language."

Darkthunder bowed slightly as the greeted the pack elder with the customary terrorclaw salute. "I greet you with my claws down, Nightmarch."

"The pack bids you welcome, Darkthunder,"_Nightmarch said. _"I see you have grown to become a powerful hunter. I see from your body has grown to be very strong. Your path has been most plentiful."

"Yes, good Nightmarch. It has been."

The elder did not waste time with words, and went straight to the point. "Your hunt among the stars went on for far longer than you said you would and that the pack agreed. You have arrived alone as well. Your brother, Starhunter - where is he? We sent word to the archosaurs for both of you to return, but only you were found."

Darkthunder paused for a very brief moment. Grell knew the terrorclaw paused to speak the truth in a way that would not reveal the past of his renegade brother. "He walked a different path, Nightmarch. He also seems to have taken to be like his name of Starhunter. I have looked for him, but his path and scent are unknown to me right now."

The old hunter nodded. "We will continue asking the archosaurs to look for him. But tell us. What has taken your time? Why have did you stay so long away from your pack?"

Darkthunder trilled with delight. "There was so much to see and hunt, Nightmarch. Archosaurs are of but one pack, and their territory vast beyond what any of us terrorclaws could imagine. After I learned their ways and their language, they welcomed me into their special hunting groups. And I became the lead hunter for a large group of them, inside a large vessel, like the one from the traders that I rode out of Ssresh-Mahr'n territory."

Darkthunder gestured as he talked, seemingly trying to convey the shape of his ship to the surrounding crowd. "One of the archosaur elder hunters gave me the vessel after the death of its former pack leader, one of his best and close allies. He did because I, as a terrorclaw, was the best hunter of all his pack."

The terrorclaws in the audience trilled with delight as they heard one of their own being so great and better than other archosaurs. The old hunter seemed pleased, as a brief smile formed in his snout.

Darkthunder turned around, looking for Grell. Finally noticing him among the crowd, he took a few steps towards him as he pointed to the armorback. "And our visitor, he may look like the prey terrorclaws like to hunt and eat, but he guided that vessel like a hunter with the keenest sense of smell. He hunted alongside me fiercely to catch our prey. I was very proud to have him among my archosaur pack."

Grell tried not to pay attention as hundreds of terrorclaw eyes stared at him for some time. Nightmarch turned to look briefly at the armorback before his attention turned back to Darkthunder.

"Well done, hunter. Those words reach our ears just as a delightful morsel would fill our bodies. And how did these hunts go?"

Darkthunder continued narrating a few of the experiences he and Grell had been aboard the Tarrakhan. The terrorclaws in the audience listened with what seemed like rapt attention and curiosity. As Brightwater translated, Grell noticed how much his partner had to leave out - there were no words or even concepts for many of the situations and terminology that long had become second nature for Darkthunder.

As the terrorclaw finished, his audience trilled even louder with delight, awed and amazed that one of their own pack not only had achieved so much, but also had earned the respect of other archosaurs.

Riverpath and Sunstalker got up from their seats and made a call. Almost immediately, a large number of terrorclaws got up from and began filing out of the building.

Grell turned his head to look at those who began to leave the building. "Why are they leaving?"

"They have given a call for those who wish to leave. The entire pack does not gather in one place for long. We can only be all together for so long before smells awaken our arekh... instincts and we may start fighting for territory and leadership."

"Smells have since long awakened other thoughts in me," Grell said, and stood in his place as the carnivores vacated the large room. He was glad that some of the stench began to dissipate, although it continued to linger for some time after.

Nightmarch rose to speak.

"Darkthunder, you have brought the honor of this pack higher than we expected. It is very much welcomed."

Darkthunder dipped his snout as a gesture of respect towards the pack's highest elder. "Thank you, Nightmarch. With your approval and that of the pack, I would like to continue that path."

Grell lowed with pleasure as he heard the translation. Finally, a reassuring word that Darkthunder was willing to return to the Alliance. His joy, however, was short lived. The elder terrorclaw lifted an arm and gestured as he shook his head.

"That will not be possible. As you know, with the loss of your parents, your bloodline needs its eldest member to continue that lineage. That honor should had fallen on your brother Starhunter, but in his absence, you will have to take his place. We may allow other young hunters to follow in your path among the stars. But you must stay here."

Darkthunder's crest drooped. The dark hunter bowed and walked to stand closer to his elder. "With all my respects, Nightmarch, it seems like Stormclaw could take the role of elder. He is already of breeding age. And he certainly must know the hunt as well as I do."

Nightmarch trilled with apparent displeasure. "That is not how things work in the pack, Darkthunder. Your obligations are not to change. As the eldest, you must breed and continue your bloodline. As you took charge of a pack of archosaurs, there is no one better to take charge of your own bloodline."

Stormclaw let out a loud, sharp shrill. The younger male smiled as he looked at his older sibling. "Yes, eldest brother. Nightmarch speaks wise words. Do not relinquish your obligations to the pack."

Darkthunder hesitated. He dipped his snout very low, as if embarrassed. When he next spoke, his voice was low and subdued. "I... I have obligations... with a special archosaur. And those of his pack."

The old terrorclaw growled. When Nightmarch next spoke, his voice came out strong, revealing a strength that his old body would not. Grell figured then why nobody had yet risen to challenge the elder.

"You do not owe those archosaurs anything! The_Ssresh-Mahr'n _has always been your Pack! Whatever obligations you may have had with the archosaurs ended when we called you! Why are you questioning your rightful path? You knew we would call you back at one time, and that time is now! And someone who has definitely taken the role of a leader is one that must stay with the Pack!"

Almost all the remaining terrorclaws began to voice their displeasure, hurling angry words and screeches at Darkthunder. The dark hunter looked around, seemingly upset and worried, as he tried to make his voice heard above the noise. Even Riverpath, who had always seemed amicable towards Darkthunder, joined Nightmarch and the pack in chastising Darkthunder.

The sight of Darkthunder reduced to almost a meek, subordinate hunter filled Grell's heart with pain. This was so unlike the ship commander Grell had gotten to know - the terrorclaw was always in charge and had no tolerance for disrespect. Then again, everyone in the Tarrakhan was below his rank. Certainly, the terrorclaw was respectful and obedient towards others like Zaron. Right then, however, Darkthunder appeared like the lowliest cadet, fresh from having joined the Patrol Academy, now ganged upon by older, higher ranked recruits.

The noise from the terrorclaws went down as Darkthunder turned to address his pack elder.

"Good Nightmarch, I have walked many Paths in my days outside the pack. I wish our terrorclaw speak could have all the words for me to describe all my hunts, and every wonderful thing I saw in the territories of the archosaurs. I feel those paths still call me to explore them." He pointed at the path ahead of him, marked on the sandy soil. "This path... does not feel like my life now."

The armorback grimaced as the entire building filled with even more angry screeches of the terrorclaws inside. Both Sharpscale and Smartwind also joined the chorus of disapproval, although their faces did not seem as angry as those around them did. Grell could feel angry stares and shouts from the other terrorclaws directed at him as well.

"They are blaming you for turning him against the pack."

Grell snorted. Brightwater did not voice his own thoughts, but Grell did not need wonder which side the terrorclaw had taken. "No translation needed. I could figure out that much."

The angry cries subsided as Stormclaw rose to stand between Darkthunder and Nightmarch as the younger terrorclaw addressed the pack elder. "Good Nightmarch, perhaps it is best if Darkthunder leaves as he wishes. We do not need someone who does not wish to follow the ways of the pack from leaving his white blood inside a female. His children would certainly be as weak as he is. And the way he looks, we do not need birds inside our pack."

Darkthunder turned to look at his brother with scorn. "I am more than a strong hunter to lead any pack. Even more so than you."

"Even our own? The entire Ssresh-Mahr'n? Do you wish to challenge Nightmarch now for domination?"

Darkthunder stood still, his only movement that of his chest as he breathed heavily trying to control the anger certainly building in his mind. He turned slightly to look at the old terrorclaw, seemingly preparing himself for a potential challenge to his rule. Darkthunder's crest feathers went down as the hunter turned to face away from Nightmarch.

"No. I do not wish to challenge Nightmarch."

"Why not? From what you told the pack not long ago, you could lead the Ssresh-Mahr'n_. Unless, you did not do even half of what you claim."_ He turned to bark with scorn at his older brother.

Darkthunder glared at his brother. "I did not lie to the Pack! And I never would."

"But you want to reject your kind for those who do not heed the ways of the hunters. These archosaurs that you now prefer over your own pack have nothing but scorn for terrorclaws!"

Grell's tail swung slowly behind him; the armorback lowed with anger as Stormclaw turned to look at him as the young terrorclaw continued his tirade against Darkthunder. "This big, leaf eating male. Why is he with you?"

"He... he is t'kre'k'k."

Stormclaw growled with apparent disgust. "So you abandon your pack and your family to stay with one that seems more fitting to join those that we eat. What do you see in him that you prefer him to your own kind? Are you satisfied every time you mount him that you have chosen to spare his life?"

"No." Darkthunder paused. "The archosaur... he... he mounts me."

All around the building, the terrorclaws erupted in growls of surprise and disapproval.

"So you allow a leaf eater to dominate you? You are weak!"

"Only for our time together! When I lead that vessel, I was in control of the pack. And the leaf eater obeyed me without question!"

"And how can the pack know you speak the truth? Even so, if you are the one who takes it from what should be nothing more than prey, then you are too weak to carry on our bloodline! Maybe you really should leave. You should also renounce to your own pack!"

Sunstalker turned to address the youngling. _ "That will be enough, Stormclaw! Nightmarch is the one who will decide what Darkthunder must do."_

Stormclaw nodded respectfully to the elder female. The young terrorclaw bared his teeth slightly at Darkthunder as he walked back to his spot and sat back on the ground. Stormclaw then turned to look at Grell. The armorback returned the stare, full of contempt for the young hunter.

"What's up with Stormclaw?" Grell asked Brightwater. "He has had nothing but hatred for Darkthunder ever since we arrived here."

"I would guess jealousy. He is the oldest of the three siblings here in the pack. He would had been the one who would take over the lineage and breed first. Riverpath and Nightmarch requested from you uktar'n to return his older brothers. That did not make Stormclaw happy. Now his brother looks like one who would easily take over the entire Ssresh-Mahr'n, something that Stormclaw had considered as well. If your Darkthunder were to take the spot of eldest of the pack, it would preclude Stormclaw from doing so."

That Brightwater had referred to the dark hunter by his translated archosaur name did not escape Grell's notice. It was obvious that Brightwater also felt some contempt for him. "Really? It doesn't seem like terrorclaws are much different from the rest of us archosaurs. You seem to share the same faults as well."

Brightwater trilled with slight anger at the armorback's disrespect. "I did not say our pack or our species is perfect. It is natural for some of our youngsters to challenge their elders, to test their ability to lead the pack. I am surprised that your Darkthunder does not wish to do so."

The entire arena went silent as Nightmarch rose to speak.

"The fight ends now! Even as we hold onto the ways and instincts of our ancestors, we will not allow anyone in the pack to go back onto the path of needless fighting." Nightmarch turned a stern gaze at Darkthunder and lifted his right arm to show his three-fingered hand. "I will give you three paths to choose from, Darkthunder. One, you stay in the pack, but cede your right to breed to Stormclaw while you live as a subordinate and mating partner to another male. Two, you take your rightful path and continue your bloodline. Or third, you can return to your life with the archosaurs, if you renounce to your pack." The elder paused. "Choose now, or I will do so for you."

Darkthunder trembled upon hearing the third option. He remained silent for a seemingly long time, weighing his choices. Just as it looked like Nightmarch was going to announce his own decision, Darkthunder lifted his head with pride, his voice loud as he announced his choice.

"I choose the path of the pack. I choose to breed."

The words shocked Grell. It was more painful for Darkthunder; even as he announced his choice, his crest feathers drooped down as the terrorclaw unconsciously signaled his despair. The armorback shifted in his spot, eager to get up and voice his opinion. The noise was enough for Darkthunder to turn to look at him. The armorback could feel Darkthunder asking him not to say or do anything, even when the terrorclaw did not speak a single word. Grell recalled the warning Darkthunder had made shortly after their shuttle had landed. Taking action against the pack would only have onerous consequences for both.

The armorback nodded, and sat down. He cast his eyes down as he felt them starting to moisten with tears.

Riverpath walked around Darkthunder. The elder touched the dark hunter's firm muscles and genitals, just as he had done after Darkthunder had stepped out of the shuttle. Darkthunder let out a soft cry as the touch, now visibly uncomfortable at the gesture. Riverpath snorted softly, unapologetic. Unlike the previous time, however, Riverpath kept his grip on Darkthunder's phallus.

The younger terrorclaw did nothing, even when it was clear he felt uneasy at what Riverpath was doing. The elder terrorclaw continued his grip until he elicited the expected response and Darkthunder's phallus stood erect. Slowly at first, Riverpath began to stroke the entire length.

"What... is he - !?" Grell could say no more, confused and furious. The act seemed perverted and offensive to the armorback.

"Males are tested for breeding," Brightwater said as he stretched his right arm across Grell's chest, gently urging him to calm down. "What you see is what Darkthunder's sire would had done if Darkthunder had become of breeding age while still in the pack, and his sire were alive. In his sire's death, it is the duty for a pack elder."

Darkthunder whimpered as the old male continued and increased the speed of the strokes. Almost a minute later, the dark terrorclaw screeched as Grell had heard many times before, when he was getting close to reach his peak and climax. The elder released his hold on Darkthunder's phallus, leaving the dark male to whimper and moan from the experience.

"All that and he would not give Darkthunder a good release? And why in front of everyone?" The armorback could only feel his anger and frustration grow.

Brightwater trilled, seemingly frustrated at the armorback's tempter. "Again, I ask you to understand and respect our ways. What you saw should had been private and ended with Darkthunder spilling his white blood on the ground. It is not offensive for the pack to witness, and if Riverpath did it now and wanted Darkthunder to keep his white blood, it is because Darkthunder will breed with a female tonight."

If the old bastard wants to handle some cock, I'll be happy to give him a big one down his throat, Grell thought as he fought to control his anger. What he had witnessed seemed like Riverpath had molested Darkthunder against the younger terrorclaw's desire. Even when Grell had forcefully masturbated Darkthunder many times before, he had done so during their love making in the _Tarrakhan_or elsewhere, and the terrorclaw had enjoyed it every time.

Leaving the whimpering Darkthunder, Riverpath turned to speak to Nightmarch. _ "He is ready."_

Riverpath turned to address Darkthunder with a strong voice as the rest of the terrorclaws in the building listened. Grell listened as Brightwater continued translating for him.

"Darkthunder, son of Nightriver and Bluescales. Your sire left us and followed your mother in the Path towards the plentiful hunt of the good hunting grounds. You are strong, and you are ready to share your white blood to breed strong hatchlings. Are you ready to take your place as eldest hunter of your clan?"

Darkthunder nodded. "I am."

"Do you accept your obligation to continue your bloodline?"

"I do."

Riverpath pointed to the path marked on the sandy floor of the commune. "And will you walk the Path of the_Ssresh-Mahr'n _until the day you follow your sire into the next hunting grounds?"

Grell wanted to protest, even when it was definitely not his place to do so. He felt his mind scream with desperation, contemplating anything that could sabotage the eventual outcome.

Darkthunder paused. Finally, the words came out, firm and strong as the hunter stepped firmly in the path. "I will."

The armorback let the tears flow freely as he let out a soft lament of sadness. The terrorclaw that he had loved was now lost to him.

Nightmarch rose to address Darkthunder, and the other elders followed. "Your path is again that of the Ssresh-Mahr'n_. We welcome you back to your pack, hunter. And may your future hunts be plentiful."_

Sunstalker walked down and tilted her body forward respectfully towards Darkthunder. "We have selected a mate for you, Darkthunder. She is ready and willing, and you will take her tonight."

The young hunter growled. "Am I not allowed to choose a mate myself?"

"You are overdue for hatchlings. Nightmarch does not want to wait for your decision. You will mate tonight." She turned to look at Grell, still sitting on the ground watching the events, unwilling to hold to his sadness. "As for your archosaur companion, he will be permitted to stay with the pack until the day we ask him to leave. You can enjoy his company, but there will be no mating between the two of you inside pack territory."

She turned towards Brightwater. "Guide the archosaur to one of the huts we save for the visiting traders. He can stay there with Darkthunder until the day we ask him to continue his own path."

The remaining terrorclaws began to disperse.

Grell walked towards Darkthunder. Right then, he could not care less if he was breaching any expected customs the dumb primitives could have; he needed to touch and hold what was now lost to him.

"Good Maia..." Grell could barely say the words, as his voice was heavy with sadness. "Darkthunder, how can you let this happen!? You... are a good archosaur. You don't belong here!"

"Grell," Darkthunder pleaded. "Please... I know this is painful for you. But please stay calm."

The armorback shook his head violently as his clubbed tail hit the ground twice. His voice came hard; the armorback forced the words that threatened to stick to his throat and out of his snout. The world around him turned blurry as his eyes clouded with even more tears. At that moment, he could not care less if the terrorclaws found him weak from his emotions. "They... they have... _taken_you away from me! How can you expect me to stay calm?!"

Darkthunder place his right hand over the armorback's left forearm, and closed his hand in a firm but gentle hold. "It is not over. I asked them to let me leave the pack. I will try again. With my father dead, however, it will be hard to convince them again. You will have to call the Tarrakhan to pick you up alone. I will follow later. I promise."

"Please... I don't want to go back to the Alliance without you. You... I cannot let you go!" The armorback could hardly contain his sorrow as he held the terrorclaw tightly against his almost fully naked body. "Please... they gave you another path. Come back with me. Renounce your pack."

Darkthunder struggled to free himself from Grell's tight grip. Finally succeeding, he pushed away from the grieving armorback. The look of horror in his face denoted everything. As strong as Darkthunder's love for the armorback was, it could not overcome the bond the hunter had with his pack.

"You know I cannot do that. A terrorclaw cannot renounce his pack any more they can renounce their life."

"You know someone seems to have done so. He gets to enjoy his freedom and his partner while I lose what I love the most."

"Please honor the deal we made, Grell. It was all for the Patrol and us." The terrorclaw walked back towards Grell as the armorback lowed again with pain. "I cannot ask you to forgive everything we had. But you can find another like Brakkus to please you."

Tears flew off Grell's eyes as the armorback shook his head. "No... I don't want anyone just for sex. I cannot love anyone as I love you. I will always love you! Darkthunder... please!" He turned around, desperately seeking Brightwater. He rushed towards the terrorclaw once he noticed the lanky hunter. "You! Lead me to Nightmarch! I need to talk to him!"

Brightwater rushed to block Grell's path as the armorback turned to head the way he had seen Nightmarch exit. The terrorclaw was much smaller and weaker than Grell, but he seemed much determined to face the armorback in battle as he tilted his body slightly forwards, arms to his sides in a hunting posture. "You do not speak with the elder. You are not vektar mahr. He will not speak to you."

"Damn you, I need to talk to him!" Grell shouted as he tried to get past the terrorclaw.

"You are uktar! Your kind thinks vektar mahr'n are worthless and unworthy to join your alliance!"

"No, that is not what your pack thinks it is! It is all a -!"

The armorback stopped immediately as Darkthunder's voice rose to speak louder than the distraught armorback, in a tone that Grell was very much familiar. "Lieutenant Grell!"

The armorback turned to look at Darkthunder. The terrorclaw stood with legs partially apart, arms to his sides, his crest up and eyes glaring. Even if naked and without his Patrol uniform, the terrorclaw's posture was that of the same Commander that had once guided the Tarrakhan. The sight had the desired effect, as the armorback stopped immediately to stand at attention, even when his eyes still revealed the pain inside his mind.

Darkthunder walked slowly towards Grell, his voice as authoritative as when he commanded the ship. "You took an oath when the facts were given to you, soldier. You are still a citizen of the Alliance and a soldier, so you will not break it under any circumstances. Whether I am in the Patrol or not, I am still your superior. Is that clear!?"

"Yes." The words were hard to come by for Grell even as he stood at attention. "Yes... sir."

Darkthunder stopped barely two paces away from the distraught armorback. "Dismissed. You just go and rest. I will know where to find you when I'm done." His back to the armorback, Darkthunder walked towards Riverpath and Sunstalker, who awaited him.

The armorback stood in his spot even as he rose his voice to speak. "I may be bound by my oath, sir, but I will not leave without you! Even if I have to die in this backward planet that you want to call your home!" Grell could say no more, the words finally choking his throat.

Darkthunder did not turn to look back as he spoke again. "You are a good and strong hunter, Grell. But even strong hunters have to abandon their kill when a stronger hunter comes for it."

"You know that is... sse'k't," Grell said softly, the words barely leaving his mouth. The armorback tilted his head backwards as he let out a loud wail in a manner similar to how Darkthunder had mourned the loss of his sire as the terrorclaw left with the two elders flanking him.

Grell and Brightwater were alone inside the arena by the time Grell finished his lamentation. He turned to look at Brightwater; the lanky hunter stared at him, his face unemotional as he had waited patiently for the armorback to finish.

"Sorry for your loss, uktar. But it is like I told you."

Grell wiped the tears from his eyes before firing an angry look at Brightwater. His tail swung rather menacingly as the armorback began to walk towards an exit. "Take me wherever it is that your pack wants me to sleep in. One I won't have to share it with anyone from your pack. My nose could use a break."


Unresolved Paths -- Chapter 3

** ** # _Unresolved Paths_ _Three_ Darkthunder could notice that he was walking. He could feel the rhythmic movement of his legs, the intermittent sensations of soft soil and grass on the underside of his feet, and that...

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Unresolved Paths (Chapter 1 - Revised)

** ** # _Unresolved Paths_ _One_ _"I received a recorded, private message from General Zaron to you, Commander."_ The sudden announcement had broken what otherwise had been a routine procedure as the archosaurs prepared the...

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Unresolved Paths (Chapter 1)

** ** # _Unresolved Paths_ _One_ "I have a recorded, private message from General Zaron to you, Commander." Several minutes had passed since Keana's announcement. Minutes during which the terrorclaw listened and seemingly...

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