Shattered Episode1: From hell to heaven, and back

Story by Jax Crowley on SoFurry

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#1 of Shattered

A story about a dystopian future. Drugs and criminality has taken the strings of lives, creating a survival games between everyone.

As I'm struggling with first person writing, I decided to start a new story.

And I'm somewhat pleased with how this first small opening has formed.

It was midnight, too late for the evening patrols, streets quiet. Neon signs were flickering as if they were begging for attention as I walked, or should I say, stumbled through one of the many dark alleys. My leg was hurting, it was only natural after a neuro transplantation. Selling your own leg for cash, how pathetic huh, at least it gave me enough for a new dose of Velkhar.

Velkhar was the shit, everyone wanted this "heavenly medicine" for a trip to a better place. It was an escape from reality, better than this shit hole of a city. Reaching the main street I decided to lean against the wall of an abandoned building, eyes peering around to spot the night folks.

Dealers, hobos, night runners they were all here to do their job. "hey, scrub" a deep voice spoke, clearly aimed towards me. Turning my head to see a man with robotic arm, gouged eye and a gap in his torso that had been stitched up with metal. "What do you want?" I asked him while already knowing what he wanted.

"Got some...Medicine of heaven?" he spoke, his voice soft and almost mumbling. Shaking my head as I was ready to reply, Strong hands grasped to my throat. A push raised me up against the wall, locking my air pipe. "Filthy fuck! DON'T LIE!" the man gurgled out, foam appearing on his face. Raising my knee to push the man away, metal kneecap crashing against the feeble flesh of the weakened man.

I gasped for air before slamming my fist down to his face, his head rammed against the steel tiles before lying completely motionless. Shaking myself free from the adrenaline rush, slowly sitting down against the wall before my hand reached for my coat pocket. Grabbing a small bag and opening it to look to the content. A small needle was inside, purple liquid filled the canister.

"This time it's my own medicine" I said with a grin, placing the needle against my neck. A sharp feeling slipped into my neck while I pushed the content of the canister into my body. My hand let go of the heavenly medicine, letting it fall onto the ground before resting my head into the palms of my hands.

I felt dirty, everything in this hell hole was filthy, I was no exception. My head felt heavier, my arms like stone as my body began to accommodate to the medicine. Freezing in place as I saw how the road in front of me began to shine, rays of sunlight falling down on the streets as people began to come out of their homes.

My body began to feel light again, jumping up on my feet and walking towards the open streets. People smiled at me, laughing while dancing around in joy, it had been ages since we saw the sun. I began to celebrate as well by spreading my arms and making a silly dance. "Fuck, this has been so long, the warmth is amazing huh?" I asked a person who stood near me.

His gaze looked like he saw a ghost, feeling a cold touch against my chest, cramps taking over my body. The air began to leak from my lungs, rays of sun disappearing as clouds took their place. My hands moving to my chest as I felt how I began to breath irregularly.

Unable to speak as if my lips were stitched together, the man still gazing towards me with fear in his eyes. I felt pressure on my back, disoriented how I was placed on this world, unable to think clear. A loud wailing sound was heard, flashes of red and blue filled my eyesight.

"Dude, really, you're messed up" Was faintly repeated over and over, getting louder with each second before it felt like someone was screaming it into my ears. Hands grasping to my ears, squeezing into them as my nails began to cut them open.

And with a sudden pain in my neck I was brought back to reality. Looking around myself to see how I was lying on the cold ground. A stench filled my nostrils, turning my head to see a puddle of vomit. "Well well well, what do we have here, had a nice trip?" a man spoke, bringing my face up again. I stood eye in eye with a patrol officer, fuck, I was busted.

Strong hands raised me on my feet which were still nimble and light, unable to keep myself up. "You were going pretty bad, maybe it's better if you'll sleep a night in a comfy and safe place" one of the officers said with a laugh before guiding me to their vehicle.

"Screw you guys, it is your fault this medicine got into this city" I spoke, not realizing I was under a no speaking law. "Oh yeah? And what is your proof?" one of the men said before he slammed his fist into my stomach, making me cramp together. The other pushed me forward and brought me off balance, the cold floor underneath me again.

I felt their feet digging and prying into me, groaning in pain with every kick they gave me. This was hell, but also the hard reality. Feeling spit from the officers on my face before they began laughing at me "Leave him, he needs no shelter, if he's lucky the medicine will kill his organs quickly" one of them spoke while walking away.

The other sat on top of me, raising my head by my hair. His face was without emotion, words came out of his lips but I couldn't make anything out of them. I saw how his fist was heading towards me, pain as I never felt before filled my body before the world around me faded in black.

Opening my eyes, feeling cold raindrops fall on top of me. My body was filled in pain, a consequence I had to suffer. My body getting up to stumble back into the alleyway I came from. Checking my pockets to notice how my belongings were taken away. I then realized, my identity card, gone.

"Great, my identity is gone, I am officially a nobody" I mumbled, spitting blood to the ground. I am in deep trouble, deeper than anyone else in this hell hole we call home. Without an identity they are allowed to kill me on the spot.
