Bad Romance: Hot Cooking

Story by Berserkerb on SoFurry

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#6 of Cooking Vore/Snuff

Originally posted on Furaffinity on, August 26th 2010.

This was a story I had done for my (then boyfriend, now husband), Aiden. It featured our characters (his a wolf at the time) enjoying some sexy breakfast made out of Zerky's poor poor cock and balls. I think he still reads this story sometimes...

Bad Romance: Hot Cooking** by: BerserkerB**

It was a little before noon by the time my love kicked me out of bed. He wanted me to make him a sandwich, one with plenty of grease and cheese. When I asked what kind of meat he wanted, he just looked at me with a grin and said "You know what kind."

The afternoon sun shined through the windows. The light brightened up the once dark kitchen. I glanced out the windows at the trees swaying in the wind. A bright blue sky loomed overhead, with but a scarce few clouds populating the scenery. It was all fake. Outside the kitchen, outside the place where I was, was nothing but darkness. But my love felt it would make me happier to see the outside world. Even if it was all an illusion it made me happy.

With a sigh of dismay I returned to my cooking. The meat was just starting to brown in the pan. I added several bits of diced onions and green peppers. The hot oil sent the vegetables sizzling, hot bubbles formed around every piece that touched the pan. I flipped the meat around with my spatula, and mixed the peppers and onions around to even the cooking. After lowering the heat a little, I set the spatula down and breathed a heavy sigh.

I glanced at my reflection in the shiny counter-top. My dark-red mane was a mess, and my khaki fur looked matted from the shoulders down. I never looked good in the morning, but I looked worse than usual. It was probably due to the hard night Aiden had given me. My dark wolf had come home from a hard day, sore and drenched in blood. After cleaning up, he forced me into bed and had his way with me for hours. I felt sore in so many places, though one particular area was...

"How's the sandwich coming, love?" I spun around to face my wolf. He stood in the doorway, leaning against the dark wood paneling. His black fur seemed to meld with the darkness behind him. The only things that stood out were his messy purple hair and his frosty-blue finger and toe tips. And of course, there were his piercing green eyes. Just one look in those eyes and I felt my insides turn to putty.

I hastily turned back around, grabbed the spatula, and awkwardly shuffled the contents of the pan. "It's coming along nicely. I'm doing everything just as you showed me." I felt a cool paw glide up my left side. It sent a shiver up my spine, both of fear and of excitement. "I tur...turned the heat down so the m-meat won't cook too quickly."

He ran his right paw around my hip. He gently cupped two fingers underneath my chin and guided my gaze up to his. "Very good, darling." He took a whiff of the air. "Aaah, it smells wonderful. I can already imagine sinking my fangs into the juicy, greasy sausage."

He was right, the smell was wonderful. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The quite sizzling and greasy smell washed over my senses like a tidal wave. Saliva drenched my maw. I opened my eyes when I realized I was pressing my thighs against his leg.

Aiden gave me a toothy grin and asked, "Do you miss it already?"

I blushed and looked down at the frying pan. "A little," I muttered meekly. During our night of hot and wild sex, Aiden had taken the liberty of showing me just how in control of my life he was. He had just finished sucking me dry, the last spurt of my seed barely down his gullet. When all of a sudden his hands began glowing with a dark, greenish energy. I had little time to protest, though it would not have mattered if I had. With a swift squeeze and tug, he magically removed my cock and balls without a moment's hesitation. Even though he used his dark magic to do it, the act still left a gaping wound where my groin had once been. He patched the gash up...but only after watching me squirm in pain for a few minutes.

Aiden ran his fingers over the spot where my crotch had once been; now, just smooth skin. "Mmm, it seems you healed nicely overnight." His gaze fell upon the sizzling frying pan, and the contents within. "Throw some cheese on it, slap it on a bun, and bring it to my study." He nibbled on my ear and then whispered, "Don't be late, or I'll have you cook up another piece of your body." With that, he released me and vanished into the darkness.

I nearly fainted. My entire body shivered as I reached for the bowl of shredded cheese. Dating a super villain was probably the biggest mistake I had ever made, but I was not complaining. Aiden was known as the Tormentor, a super villain who liked to terrorize Metro City. With his dark, necromancer powers, Aiden was quite the force to be reckoned with. The people of Metro City had dubbed him the Tormentor because he enjoyed causing his victims pain and anguish, whether physically, emotionally, or mentally - but mostly physically.

It was not all bad. Often times he let me assist him in his dark rituals, which were quite fascinating. Every so often he would bring home the body parts of superheroes that he had defeated. It was always a treat to receive the head or cock of a famous hero as a new toy. Why, he even brought me the cock and balls of Iron Horse, a hero once thought to be invincible. It was always hard to sit down the next day whenever my wolf decided to use Iron Horse's dick as a dildo. I'm not so normal myself (if that weren't already obvious), but unlike Aiden I can't throw around my powers without serious consequence.

I glanced at the clock and realized I needed to hurry. I shut off the stove, ruffled the cupboards for a loaf of bread, and slapped together the greasiest, filly-cheese cock this side of the Dark Dimension. It pained me to see my cock and balls resting comfortably between two slices of bread. It almost felt like they belonged there. Oy! Was my life complicated.

Aiden's study was what you might expect of one who studied the dark-arts. On one side of the room was a giant bookshelf, lined with hundreds of books ranging from the middle ages to modern times, and some in languages I could not even pronounce. He decorated the room with his favorite spoils of super villainy. Heads of various heroes were mounted on the walls, along with a variety of groins. My love had a habit of collecting feet, especially those from bunnies. Nearly every rabbit hero who he had captured and butchered had their feet dangling like a necklace around their necks. He even enjoyed keeping a few full-body statues as well, though only of creatures he could not find a means of chopping to pieces.

The entire room was lit by free-floating balls of green light. They cast the room in an eerie glow, though I had grown used to it by now. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the unnatural light before entering. Aiden sat in his favorite chair, made of dark leather and draped with the skin of some tiger. At the feet of the chair was another skin, this one once belonged to hero known as Red Rush. He had claimed to be the fastest thing on two feet, but Aiden found a way to slow him down long enough to remove the cat's head.

As I approached, carrying a plate with my sandwiched cock, my love spoke. "I see you are right one time. Good for you." As I neared, I saw he was sitting lazily in his chair. He sat at an angle, with his left leg strewn over one of the chair's arms. With his legs spread apart I could easily make out a bit of red poking from the sheath between his legs.

"Here you are, my love," I said with a bow. I extended my arms and handed him the plate. "Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to make myself something to eat." I turned and headed for the door.

"Wait!" His voice froze me in my tracks. I could feel a dark energy wrapping around me, tugging at me, nudging me to return. "What kind of mate would I be if I did not get my sweet hyon something to eat?" I had a feeling I knew where this was going. I turned around just as the dark energy set me down in front of the chair. I looked down and saw the wolf's shaft, red, throbbing, and nearly erect. Aiden smiled warmly. "I've got plenty of protein for you to ingest right here. Go on. Don't be shy. Dig in."

It was a corny gesture, but it made me smile anyway. "If you insist," I replied coyly. I dropped to my knees, and he spread his legs out to accommodate me. I leaned in a little, putting my snout right up to his glorious member. A small sniff of his musk gave me a shiver. My tongue snuck past my lips, and gently caressed Aiden's cock from the middle to the tip. He murred lightly, and beamed down at me. I used my tongue to caress the entire length. The slick organ teased at his lupine knot, and tickled the point at the head of his shaft.

"Oooh honey, that's it." He spoke softly, but I knew it would grow into fiery passion once things heated up. I cupped one paw under his balls and massaged the furry orbs roughly. He grit his teeth and huffed. "Ah! Good boy." I noticed his eyes dart to the dripping sandwich in his grasp. "Keep going, I'm just going to dig in to my lunch." He brought the sandwich containing my cock to his lips. Those wolfish fangs gleamed in the faint glow as he opened his muzzle wide. I stopped for a moment, transfixed on the sight before me. His jaws clamped shut, bladed teeth ripping through bread and meat. He tore away a piece of the sandwich, teeth munching and pounding my fried manhood into pulp. I could not look away. He chewed the food up a few more times, and then... Gulp!

I watched the mass of bread, veggies, and my cock-meat slide down his gullet. The lump passed by quickly and disappeared behind his chest. If I still had balls, they would have shrunk back after watching that.

"Delicious!" He said with his slobbery tongue hanging out. He looked at me with eyes of hunger and lust. "Start sucking, bitch." He tore off another piece of the sandwich. My heart skipped a beat.

The time for gentleness was over. I opened my maw and accepted as much of the wolf cock as I could. My snout pressed against his pubic area, and the hot, musky scent overwhelmed me. I purred on instinct, using my maw and throat to give my love a little vibration while I worked. His thick, warm cock fit perfectly between my cheeks. As I pulled my head up, my tongue pressed firmly against the bottom of his shaft.

"Mmm! More! More!"

I did not hesitate, not when he ordered me. After shifting my knees to get a good balance, I started bobbing my head up and down over his meat in rapid movement. His legs tensed, and I heard a low moan rumble up from his belly. I angled my head as I came up, twisting my lips around his manhood, sucking tightly to boost the pleasure.

"Oh fuck yes!" He chomped once more into his sandwich. The grease dribbled down his arm and off his chin while he chewed. I felt something warm and wet splatter on my snout. I looked up and realized he was deliberately letting the grease drop on me. I could smell the hot juices, and it made me drool. I knew it was my groin that I was drooling over, but I did not care. The wet saliva lubricated my maw, quickening the pace of the blow-job. He placed a hand on my head, and forced me to slow down.

I gazed up at him while he eat even more of the sandwich. He smiled while he chewed, letting me see the meat that was my cock being smashed into pulp for his belly. From what remained of the sandwich, he had devoured my entire shaft, and only my balls remained. I looked down and prepared to suck him off once again, but he held me back.

"Get off your knees." I did so in a hurry. He licked some juices from his lips and raised a brow. "You don't deserve my cock in your mouth." Hearing this, I felt downhearted. But then, he chimed in slyly, "You deserve it wedged inside your ass. Now get on me so I can fuck you hard." He added, "And if you're a good bitch and moan loud enough, I may give you a present."

I nodded so quickly I thought my head was going to fall off. Though given the chance, Aiden would have loved to see that happen. I nearly jumped onto his lap, a bit too excited for my own good. His raging erection pressed comfortably between my ass cheeks, sandwiched in like a hotdog. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and stared madly into his beautiful green eyes.

"Aiden," I whined happily.

"Shhh." He silenced me with a press of a finger against my lips. "No talking." He pressed his muzzle up to my ear, his warm breath causing me to quiver in anticipation. "All I want to hear from you are moans." He gripped my left ass cheek and motioned for me to sit up. His shaft slid out from between my ass, but not for long. He carefully positioned the tip of his cock until it pushed against my pucker. The tight ring tensed at the pressure. He slipped his other arm around me - still holding the rest of the sandwich - and whispered, "Easy now, sweetie. Just relax for me."

I nodded and took a deep breath. The tight ring slowly loosened up, allowing the head of his cock to gradually slip in. The penetration made every muscle in my body go tight, but he whispered more soothing words and I eventually relaxed once more. The lupine member slipped in easier this time, aided by the fresh coat of hyon saliva and the dripping pre-cum from his tip.

As his cock rubbed against my prostate, I felt an immense sense of pleasure jolt through me. I gripped his fur tightly, and he continued pushing in until his knot stopped his progress. I kept my eyes closed, ready for the next part.

His hips dropped from under me, and then slammed against my ass. The thick member grated against my insides, sending another jolt of pleasure through my body. I moan meekly, but he wanted more. He did it again, forcing his hips hard against my body, pounding his cock deep, hard, and fast. He picked up the pace in no time, and had me bouncing off his lap like a baby.

My moaning turned louder and louder as wave after wave of hot ecstasy rushed through my veins. I felt an arousal that had no words, one that was so familiar, and yet so much different from some simple orgasm. Each grinding he gave my prostate sent me to heaven, and the brief moments in between were nothing short of hell.

"Oh Aiden!" I shouted it, not caring if he wanted it hear it or not. "Oh, fuck yes! Fuck! Ah-!" I shut my eyes and groaned like a complete slut. Even without seeing, I knew he was staring at me, his muzzle grinning and his eyes alight with lust. Instinctively I reached down for my groin, but remembered that nothing was there. I could have cared less, and out of habit tried to rub the soft flesh against his belly - with little success. But what did I care, I was getting humped by my love. I was a tool for pleasure and received pleasure in the process.

"Open you eyes." I did so and was surprised at what I saw. In his mouth was the rest of the sandwich, but he held only half in his mouth. The other half dangled just past his lips, jiggling precariously. He nodded, and I knew exactly what I had to do. I opened my maw, and bit down into the wiggling sandwich. We both bit down at the same time, and tore the rest of the food in half.

I chomped on one of my own balls. The salty, cheesy, greasy flavor immersed my taste buds. It was the first time I had ever done such a thing, and I hate to admit it, but I was fucking tasty. We pummeled our respective bites into mush. He gulped his portion down first, and then I followed suite. All the while we continued making sweet, rough love.

After licking his lips, Aiden asked "Did you like it?" I nodded feverishly, unable to form words at the moment. He smiled. "Good. No more distractions." He wrapped both arms around my torso and pulled me close. I had no time to ready myself as he assaulted my ass with all his might. The thrusting from his unnatural power and speed were overwhelming. If I still had my cock and balls I would have released my seed then and there. His moans mixed with mine, and we both closed our eyes as pleasure enveloped us. His body rocked into me nonstop. My anus was growing sore from the abuse, but secretly I wanted more. I heard him say between his moans, "Yes... Yes... Almost.... Al-most...!"

It was then that I remembered the knot at the base of his shaft. My eyes burst open as the thick bulb penetrated my anus, forcing the pucker to spread wide. He let out a howl as his seed finally rushed out.

I leaned my head back, and soon felt his teeth sink into my shoulder. I grit my teeth at the pain, but accepted it. Hot, sticky ropes coated my insides. The tight confines could not hold it all in, and wolf cum splattered out, cascading down his balls like white tears. We stayed like that for a moment, his cock lodged deep into me, his fangs piercing my shoulder in a dominant alpha-male bite, and me, heaving heavily from the entire experience.

Eventually he let go of my shoulder. The wounds were not deep, but there was some blood. He licked it from his lips and eyed me softly. I adjusted myself in his lap, and felt his knot rub against my prostate by accident. I moaned and stiffened, and he laughed casually. "Come here." He pulled me into a loving embrace, followed by a strong kiss. Our tongues wrestled inside our mouths. The taste of the filly-cheese cock lingered on his tongue, giving me a chance to wonder what the rest of my manhood tasted like. We kissed as lovers do for a while. I'm not sure how long it was, but eventually he pushed me away.

"You know, I'm still hungry." He helped me off his lap, but he stayed seated. "Why don't you run down to the kitchen and fry me up that hot ass of yours?" He licked at his lips and beamed mischievously at me.

I grabbed my butt protectively. "You mean you want me to slice up my own rump?"

He laughed heartily. "Oh no, no, no. I want you to sit on the frying pan while it cooks."

I felt my stomach twist. "Oh no, not again." I whimpered like a little kitten and tried to give him the cute-eyes. It did not work.

"Yes, now get going. Oh wait!" He reached forward and touched the soft skin where my crotch used to be. After chanting some incomprehensible spell, a glowing green energy flowed from his arm to my pelvis. A mass of flesh took form. It slowly grafted into my skin, merging tissue and cells together. It took the shape of my penis, and then two soft orbs dropped underneath it. My eyes lit up when I saw it - I had my manhood once again!

He waved me away. "Now go and bring fry me up some hyon rump."

I turned to leave, but then something crossed my mind. Looking down at my newly formed crotch, I could not help but realize my balls lacked any fur. I twisted my neck and eyed my wolf suspiciously. "I just realized, but...won't my balls fry too if I'm sitting in the pan?"

Aiden shot me an expression of surprise. Fake surprise most likely. "Oh my," he said in an astounded tone, "I didn't even think of that." He shrugged and nonchalantly quipped, "Well I guess I better eat them as well. No sense in letting them go to waste." He shined his fangs and waved me away.

I sighed and left the room. It was going to be a long day. And I knew I was going to be cooked over a hot stove for most of it. I rubbed at my erection while I made my way into the kitchen. Oy! Was my life complicated.

The End