Shattered Episode 2: Forever yours

Story by Jax Crowley on SoFurry

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#2 of Shattered

The day after a bad trip, new relationships are introduced.

"And where the fuck did you go?" I heard, feeling weight shift around on top of me. Opening my eyes, eye in eye with the love of my life, his eyes were filled with anger. Shit, now I'm in trouble, I thought before grinning.

My arms slowly wrapped around the warm male "Hey now, good morning to you too" I spoke, his face reaching closer in response. "Don't good morning me! Where have you been last night? And where is your ID card?" He asked me, my head too fuzzy to reply directly.

"Geez, what time is it anyway? My ID is in my pocket" I lied, his eyes narrowing before sitting up on my chest. He shook his head, raising his hand in the air "Say again? Your pockets?" he continued in anger, that hand ready to reach down to leave a red mark on my cheek.

"Whoa whoa, hold that!" I said nervously, hands holding the raised one. He sighed eyes closing before leaning down into me again. "You make me worry when you go out until late" he mumbled, nose pushing against my chest. Peace had returned, thank god.

"I know, I know...Sorry" I spoke, hands running down his soft back. He wiggled on top of me, the fabric of his underwear was being pushed into me while soft kisses began to reach for my neck. "God, I love you though" he said with a soft yawn, his hands running over my sides, leaving an excited feeling behind.

"I love you too, horny beast" I said with a chuckle, he was quite the sexually active guy. A warm tongue began to invade my neck, stopping abruptly, hands froze in place. My eyes widened, moving my hands to my face to cover some curse words that escaped my lips, needles leave traces behind.

"What is this?" he said as he sat up again. He shook his head, knowing fairly well what it was, a hand moved to my cheek. Feeling a sting as he had slapped me, I deserved it, a red marking left behind before I shook my head. "You've been using Velkhar..." was said in a disappointed voice.

"Calm down, please, let me explain" I tried to reason, his hand raising up again which made me whine already. One hand quickly grabbed his, the other I place on his warm chest, feeling how his heartbeat was raised in panic. "I've had to get rid of my leg, remember? The pain was unbearable so I took that shitty stuff to ease the pain" I softly spoke.

I was ashamed, I broke our promise. I saw how he relaxed, sighing softly before leaning in again. His lips connected with mine, biting into my underlip with a growl "Promise me, you'll never do that again..." He said while tugging on my lip. I nodded softly in agreement, my tongue running over his lips with a chuckle "Yeah, of course I promise" I spoke.

He huffed out while he continued to arouse me more. His hands were squeezing into my body, his crotch wet, his own fault for playing too much. I pushed him next to me, shifting position on top of him, his eyes full of joy while I licked over his lips. "You shouldn't hit your lover you know?" I spoke teasingly, bucking my hips into him to create friction between us.

"That wouldn't have happened if you didn't break our promise, asshole" he said in return, tongue out of his mouth, rubbing against my own. I wrapped my mouth around his tongue, kissing him softly to ease the mood, a soft moan was blown into my mouth in return.

Pleasure filled the room, The horny male taking lead with his tongue, my hands squeezing into his shoulder before I began to lightly hump into him. Grinning softly into the kiss, knowing this was something he enjoyed very much. My attention began to focus on the play, leaving the worries of having no ID behind.

A loud knock on the door disturbed us, My eyes widen, could they know already? I saw how Alex rolled up from underneath me, cursing while slipping his hand into his underwear, trying to hide the prominent bulge. Unable to chuckle I sat right up against the end of the bed, scared shitless for the knocks on the door.

"Coming!" Alex said, opening the door to peek his face out. I saw how he remained calm, a female voice was heard that directly made me sigh in annoyance. "If it isn't the cock block of the century" I spoke loud, seeing how my lover got shoved back. The female barged into the room, crossing her arms while leaning against the wall "Excuse me?" Ceres said while shaking her head. Her long brown curly hair waved around while she raised her middle finger.

"Yeah, I was just about to get that" Alex spoke, gazing at her middle finger. She sighed, rolling her eyes before pushing her finger at his forehead, it made me somewhat chuckle. This woman wasn't too bad, truth be told she has saved my ass multiple times now. "You're such a submissive slut, you know that?" Ceres said to my needy lover.

He licked over his lips before walking back to myself, noticing how I still sat right up with stress pounding through my body. "Oh, he lost his ID, can you fix a new one?" Alex said before getting between my legs. The woman made a gag noise before turning her head towards the door "God, can't you at least wait until I'm gone? And sure, it'll cost ya though"

She opened the door again before leaving "I'll return later, when you two are...Finished..." I heard her say while the door closed behind her. A sigh of relief escaped my lips before they were kissed by warm comfort "It'll be fine sweetheart" he said while he sat between my legs. His warm hands were resting on my crotch, a cheeky grin appeared while he began to rub.

"Just relax, I'll make sure nothing happens to you. I'm always yours remember? What would I do without you" He spoke while squeezing and rubbing into my crotch, creating a bulge that began to enjoy the attention. I chuckled, pulling him closer on top of me, his soft ass placed on my crotch before giving playful humps.

"Oh don't be so dramatic" I said before words exchanged for kisses.