Surgimorphs Chapter 8: A Game Of Cat and Fox

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#9 of Surgimorphs


When I woke up the next morning I found myself thinking of the Fox in the next room with a smile on my face. My smile turned into a blush as I felt further evidence of my happiness brush against the sheets and then my tail started to thump against the bed.

I glanced at my tail feeling slightly annoyed and it settled down. I liked Sukura despite all the wild stuff that happened around us lately he was still kind and charming to me. He was very protective over me I knew that much as I was pretty much the damsel in distress when he rescued me the last few times.

I frowned lightly at that assessment and then shrugged. Nothing I could have done the last two times and when Sukura had his weak moments I was there for him. I don't know how Sukura felt about me and I mean really felt about me beyond him wanting to protect me.

Sure we held hands but we never did anything really romantic towards one another. I suppose that's good. Still he had my trust with almost no effort on my part. I just trusted him. I don't know if it was from the wounds of his past that attracted me to him or if it was the look in his eyes telling me that though he knew pain and suffering he wouldn't let it touch him.

Not saying he was heartless but it was as if he had been burned and burned very badly and then emerged through the fire stronger than before and ready to fight for anyone that had either started to or already had been through what he had been through.

He had a good heart and when he looked at me I felt as if I was naked underneath his gaze. As if he knew everything I had been through with a glance and had lived with me through those moments. I'm sure anything I asked of him he would do if it made me happy.

During my musings my tail had started thumping against the bed again but I didn't mind this time. I heard movement from the room next door and the bed creaked from Sukura presumably getting up. "Hey Pengu can you hear me?" he called through the wall. Of course I can hear him. I got off my bed and said. "Yeah."

"Do you want to shower or use the bathroom before I get in there?" He asked me. "I'm good. You go head." I told him. "Thanks" he said to me and I heard him open his drawers and such to get clothes for the shower.

Honestly I found myself wondering how he would look naked and blushed heavily. Well I could either spy on him or wait to see how he feels about me. The temptation was great for me as I sat there debating I heard him to the bathroom. I noticed he left the door open just a crack. I heard the sounds of clothes hitting the floor and I took a risk and slipped from my room to watch.


As I slipped off my pants I felt eyes on me. I didn't want to frighten my peeping tom away as I had a hunch it was a certain wolf. I was flattered he was curious enough to spy on me but it also made me self-conscious. I took of my boxers and turned around to dump the whole mess into the dirty clothes basket by the door.

Pengu must have gotten a decent view of my sheath and balls. The thought of him spying had me slightly aroused so some pink was already showing. More would follow in its own due time as I felt a certain excitement to being watched and I hope the scent of my arousal would carry through the slight crack in the door and encourage his own.

I turned around after dumping the clothes and stepped into the shower like normal. Once the water was a decent temperature I began to slowly bathe my body making sure that the wolf behind the door could see as much as possible.

Once I was done bathing I teasing grabbed my member and skinned back the sheath showing it off. I stroked it a few times with a murr before saying. "I know your there Pengu." I let my sheath slide back and smiled at the running pawsteps I heard as I turned off the shower and began to dry off.


"He caught me spying! He is going to be so mad at me!" I thought to myself as I ran to my room. Once inside I locked the door and I heard him pull on his clothes. He moved to the outside of my door and said "I hope you enjoyed the view. I don't mind you looking. Still I hope I gave you something to think about."

His voice was teasing and I could just see the smirk and teasing light in his eyes. I blushed fiercely as I began to get aroused just from hearing him talk. "Stay safe Pengu. Maybe I'll spy on you next time." he said

I can't deny that thoughts of him spying on my while I showered made my tail wag furiously and a chuckle from outside my door told me that he had heard. He went to his room and entered it and I heard stuff shifting around and the noise of a computer booting up. I suppose he was about to get inside his dive and play an MMO for a few hours.


I was loading into my favorite virtual MMO. It was a medieval type game and my class was a sorcerer. It was a good challenge not to mention a laugh when I got to blast someone to smithereens with magic.

It was especially funny when they thought I was out of spells as I had switched to melee combat and then use my sword/catalyst to cast my last spell or a spell and they couldn't evade it. It is always enough to make me laugh and smile at what happens.

Today I journey towards the dueling arena and prep my weapons making sure I have plenty of health potions and the like ready to go. I checked my spell list to make sure I had good enough options and then stepped onto the dais to make sure I was entered into the battle list.

Soon enough I get the notification saying that an opponent has been found and so I wait patiently as I'm teleported to the duel arena and take a quick look around before politely bowing to my opponent who bows back.

That is the custom followed by most people but there have been occasions where I've bowed and gotten rushed by my opponent during the animation. Thankfully though I was able to dodge and strike back. Breaking a neck has never been so satisfying.

My opponent is a spear user so he has the superior reach as far as weapons go but that doesn't mean I have to lie down and take it quietly. Of course based on my weapons appearance he may already know it's a catalyst as well as a sword but in either case I always like to go into a fight with an area of effect spell. I switch out weapons to my staff and his eyes widen.

I smile politely and activate my spell after targeting him covering the area where he is at in poison mist. It's dense enough to obscure his view and I still have him targeted so I fire a magic arrow at him. I assume he dodges rolls out of both as his health isn't decreasing and there was no damage from my arrow attack.

I Fire my "Arrow Rain" spell up into the clouds and as I wait for it to come down I lift my shield. The smoke had cleared and I see that he cast the miracle that cancel's out magic for a set period of time.

"Well good thing Magic isn't my only option." I think to myself as I wait for him to draw close. He uses the standard safe method by attacking with his spear and chipping away at my stamina. I take a few hits and then I dodge roll back and back peddle as I wait for it to restore. Once the meter is full I wait letting him set the pace.

I'm in no rush and in the end the person that wins will deserve it. He attacks again but instead of raising my shield I drop it and slide under the pointy end of his weapon. Then with my sword I slice it off. Then I dodge roll back.

With his weapon broken he does have the superior reach but it will hurt less. At least I hope so. Instead of dodging out I stayed close and got personal. I kicked him back and then followed it up with a slash from my sword. That didn't do much damage but it was worth it. I cast the force wave miracle as he was getting up and it knocked him further away from me plus damage. I waited for him to get up as my stamina bar refilled.

"Nice one." He complimented and I merely nodded. "Not too bad yourself. You can take a hit." I replied back.

He had a phial in his hand and instantly I threw a talisman at him. "No healing." I told him as the talisman took effect the healing effect canceled out. That made him turn nasty but I was ready. As he rushed forward he changed out his spear for another sword and we clashed.

By game stats he had the higher strength but not apparently the higher intelligence. My muscles felt the burn as he continued to push so I let him use his momentum by twitching the blade and ducking as he slid over me and stumbled past I turned and jump kicked him hard in the back of the neck where it met the spine.

The hit made him stumble further and I moved in with my sword making a successful backstab and lowering his health significantly. I backed off and my talisman wore off. He got up and rushed me once more. "Should have stuck with the spear." I told him as we exchanged blows sparks flying from the blades and our durability values decreasing rapidly.

I won in the end though as when I disarmed him I sliced at his neck causing him to run out of health and give me the majin he had collected as payment. He ruined my good mood with that little healing stunt so sighing I wait to exit the arena.

Once the process is completed I Log out of the game and then leave my rig after I get back to my body. I move carefully to make sure everything is in perfect working order. Once I'm sure that I'm not going to fall flat on my face I start to dress intent on taking a jog to the country side.

I rap on Pengu's door politely. "Hey remember when Granny Lenora said we could visit her? Why not do it today?" I ask him once he opens the door. He clearly wasn't expecting it to be me and also probably wasn't thinking about a nice country side run.

"Yeah sure. Let me change and then we can go." He says and I nod. I check in on Luxray to see if he is home. Turns out he is and is currently gaming so I wait patiently. When he finished the match he was in he turns to me. "Pengu and I are headed to the Furry part of town." I tell him and then ask. "You been doing ok?" He nods. "Yeah I'm fine."

I nod in return and debate grabbing my sword from my bedroom. I mean it is just a run but I'm beginning to really appreciate having a weapon on paw at all times. Almost as if the sword itself sensed my thoughts I feel a sudden weight in my paw and see the base of the sword in it with the rest rapidly filling in as the bulk of the blade flows from under my bedroom door to my hand.

"I don't suppose you could give me a sheath to put the sword in could you?" I ask. As if in answer my wrist splits open and more blossoms form from the blood into a sheath as well as a belt to slip on.

"Thank you kindly" I say to my flowers and sheath the sword and then put it around my waist. I make sure the sword is secure and won't come flying out if I have to move or dodge adprutly. "Maybe someone there can teach me a few things when it comes to sword play." I muse to myself as soon as I finish speaking Pengu comes from his room dressed to go and I nod to him politely.

He doesn't ask about the sword though I notice his eyes lingering on it. I'd offer him a weapon but I don't. Not because I don't think he could handle it. I'm sure he would be quite capable of doing so. But I don't want him to have to live with the fact that he had to kill someone.

Me well yeah ok I admit I still have issues about what I did but I had to do it or Pengu or I would be seriously harmed. So I guess I don't have a problem taking a life if it needs to be done. I'm not heartless and I'm still feeling the fallout from my former actions but when it comes down to it I'm better suited to such things then I would like to admit and some part of me hates that fact.

See my equation is simple. If letting them live means someone close to me or I myself is in danger or will be in the future I take them out. No emotions no regrets. Once my decision is made I act. I can't pretend that I have to struggle to long with the decision. Not if someone's life is in the balance.

Today's walk in the country is to help me relax and to get back to being myself. I trust Pengu and having saved him and myself twice I definitely say that it would be ok to drop my guard around him. He has seen me at my worst yet didn't care about spying on me in the shower.

If that doesn't show friendship or possibly something more than I don't know what does. I care for him. I know there is pain in his past and yet his heart stays good. I want to keep him safe and don't want him to hurt anymore. Is that selfish of me? Well if it is then sue me.

Pengu during my musing must have finished dressing as he emerged from the bedroom and nodded to me. He took the lead as we headed out and I followed behind him at a light jog taking it easy.

The smog of the city soon gave way to the clean fresh air of the green lands. Pengu lead us down the path and while my sword did make quite a few furs raise their eyebrows we weren't questioned. For that I was grateful. We slowed down now and took the walk to Granny Lenora's place at a slow easy pace.

I linked paws with Pengu as we walked and though he blushed he didn't pull away. My tails wagged gently behind me as tension I didn't realize I was holding in seemed to flow easily from my body.

My better mood seemed to be affecting Pengu. He smiled at me as we walked and his tail was wagging furiously behind him. I found myself hoping that the day staid peaceful. I didn't really want to have to use the blade on my back.


The latest bulletin from the Protectorate had featured the fox currently making his way down the road. I observed from a nearby tree my feline figure fitting snuggly in the cradle of the branch where I currently sat.

The blade on his back caught the sunlight for a few moments and flashed my way. "Well at least he has gotten used to carrying a weapon." I thought to myself. Luscious had gone about the wrong way to approaching him.

With him here I hoped that I would be able to rectify the situation. However beyond his combat abilities not much was known about him. Luxray despite submitting their names didn't know their backgrounds and they didn't seem to want those backgrounds known either.

Well curiosity does have a habit of killing the cat. However satisfaction always brings the cat back. I eased from the tree and decided to approach them. Posing as a girly girl wasn't hard and they had both stopped and turned as they heard my approach.

I waved to them. "Are you lost?" I asked with an innocent expression. The fox had his eyebrow raised. So many thoughts shifting behind those eyes as their gaze slowly seemed to harden. He didn't speak however or make a grab towards his sword.

The wolf shook his head. "We are headed to Granny Lenora's up the road. We owe her a visit." He told me. The dragoness...since when did she ever have visitors?" I thought to myself before nodding and apologizing for bothering them and turned my back on them as I walked back to my home.

Let's face it I was intrigued and while I would have loved to follow them I doubted it would work out well. So time for my favorite game. Cat and Mouse and that blue furred mousey wasn't going to be getting away from me.


The cat that approached us gave me the creeps. Something just didn't feel right about her. I don't know if it was from the way she carried herself or her suddenly too friendly demeanor. Maybe I need to lighten up. Furs usually are quite friendly with each other. I should try to stop being so uptight. I thought to myself as Pengu led us to a house far down the road.

I pulled myself from my thoughts to enjoy the scenery around us and found my relaxed mood had come back. When Pengu knocked on the door Granny Lenora answered it and smiled wrapping Pengu in a hug and then hugged me too. I was surprised but didn't resist. Despite her age those arms felt like they had the power to crush a tank.

"Have a good time on the way here?" she asked us and I nodded. She went to the kitchen and came back with a tray of tea and cookies. "How did you know we were coming?" I asked curiously.

"Now an old girl does have her secrets." she said flashing me a toothy grin. I just laughed and Pengu's tail was wagging once more. "There isn't a single thing that happens here that doesn't make its way to Granny's ears eventually." Said Pengu with a grin.

I nodded and asked "I don't suppose there would be a fencing instructor around here?" Granny Lenora smiled at me and nodded. "There is. However he is very particular about whom he chooses to teach. To date I have only known him to take Five students."

Now that caught my interest. Granny chuckled. "So what's with the sudden interest in sword fighting?" So I told her about the latest events that had happened to us. Despite the grisly details she was calm during the explanation.

Afterwards she seemed to think over what she had just heard. "Well his name is Reyes. He is a Ferret. He lives with his Parent's Austin and Max. Austin was the former police captain here. Max well Max is human." She said the last part cautiously.

"Well I hope they are happy together." I said and she smiled. "That they are. One of the most well-known couples around this Area. I can get you Reye's phone number so you can phone ahead. He is a good boy quite kindhearted when he isn't teaching. "

"Hmmm" I thought to myself. I grabbed Pengu's paw as she turned to go get the number and he didn't attempt to pull away. I took comfort in his presence for a few moments. When she returned I programmed the number into my mobile and thanked her for it.

We visited a little while longer and then left. We started to make our way back and Pengu asked me. "Going to try to get Lesson's from Reyes at some point?" I nodded. "But not yet." I told him with a smile.

"I want to spend some more time with a certain wolf. He has black fur and green hair." I said playfully describing Pengu. Pengu blushed and giggled. "I think I want to spend some time with a certain fox. Here is a hint. He has these cherry blossom tattoos all over him." Pengu replied back to me with a gentle smile.

I smile back at him a gentle warmth simmering in my chest as we head back towards the city. An easy silence in between us and I fight the urge to grab him and pull him into a hug as we walk. The slight breeze blows his scent towards me and my tails begin to wag furiously behind me.


Well the fox is certainly feeling happy." I think to myself as I note the way his tails are wagging. The slight breeze keeps me from hearing their conversation but for now I'm not interested. So far they seem unaware that I'm following them.

We move to the city now and I walk in the street a few yards behind them. Still the pair doesn't seem to notice me. They do seem to like one another very much though. The fox seems softer around the wolf somehow.

The reports made him out to be a deadly fighter yet here is his soft spot. That it seems was The Protectorate's first mistake. His behavior so far has been nothing but kind despite his rough exterior.

"So protecting those he cares for seems to be one of his character traits." I thought to myself making a mental note of the fact. The next step was to find out what school he had registered in. Looks like it was time to call in Angelo. He was a hacker and a quite gifted one at that. Only thing was he wasn't seen in public that much because being a porcupine gave him light sensitive eye sight.

He wore extremely dark black glasses in public when seen. He had to in order to protect his eyes. He also wasn't much of a fan of shirts or pants. Couldn't wear them with his spines the way they were. Not that it mattered as most anyone ever saw of him was his face.

I considered Angelo a close friend. One of the few people that got to see me with my fur down. He was easy to talk to and a good listener. He never made any advances towards me other than friendship. That was probably the main reason we get along so well.

I still pay for his services as it wouldn't be right for him to do it for free. In return for my payments he does keep me informed of any little tidbits that come his way from the hacker community. More than I would like to admit his tips had saved me a load of hurt.

As for what I am well...I'm not a pen pusher. You should know that by now. As for my purpose well right now it's just to gather information on the two. I won't be taking any actions against them. I have no reason to do so.

I do have some higher ups I have to report too every now and then within The Protectorate but for the most part Luscious leaves my group alone. Our head supervisor is a German Shepard named "Annie" in reality "Annie" is a boy named Evan.

He calls himself "Annie" in reminiscent of Little Orphan Annie. He grew up on the streets of the city in a time where things were harsh on our kind and humans hated us. Most of them still do. He isn't old only thirty or so but his work leads to several dangerous situations.

One might call him a spy. He seemed to learn long ago that a red dress and lipstick did wonders for disarming his opponents. Never mind the fact that the lipstick was poisoned. Yes you heard me right. He is quite the good dancer even in high heels.

The reason for his crossdressing was to stop child and pup trafficking. I can't tell you how many kids he has saved. Or the lives he has taken in this pursuit. Suffice it to say I would never bet against him.

His mate Kova is a retired black ops soldier turned tiger. Unfortunately Furs can't serve their countries in any government or military capacity just yet. Despite this he still retained his training and on occasion has done some off the book work.

For the most part despite his hulking bulk Kova is quite the gentle giant At least with Evan he is. He is a bit rough to other people but he means well. Both of them are my boss and have treated me well. They don't know of Angelo but they trust me and for that I am grateful. I handle the more delicate situations where a gun or poison won't be effective.

Oh I've never killed but I have gotten into some bad situations. Thankfully I'm always good with my wit and never been in a situation I couldn't get out of. I watch the Fox and Wolf enter an apartment and glancing at the number I see it belong's to Luxray.

Well I'm not in the mood for a social visit and it wouldn't do for his tenants or him to be wise of my presence in the city. So I'll see if I can't find a room for the night nearby and then follow them to school when they go tommorrow.

I look around and duck into a nearby store and grab a few items that will help me with my stakeout. Then I settled in an alleyway with a clear view of their apartment and got comfortable for the night.


When my alarm clock roused me the next morning I groaned and slammed my fist into it. I was sorley tempted to just go back to bed but instead I sat up and rubbed my eyes. When I finished I just stared dully at the door as if it would suddenly come to life and start talking. I made myself stand up and slipped on my boxers and a shirt from the floor. I threaded my tails through the hole in the back of the boxers for such and then slipped on some shorts. I chose sandals for my shoes today and then made my way outside. I left the sword and sheath behind today. If I needed a weapon I'd make a few shuriken from my flowers if need be.

Still I was loath to just fling my blood around willy nilly. Don't want anyone to be able to get a sample and synthasize an "antidote" that would render my abilities ineffective. That just wouldn't be fun. I made breakfast a simple dish of oatmeal and ate quickly. Pengu joined me at the table and suprisingly Luxray didn't. I guess he was still sleeping. Hope he wasn't sick or anything.

I turned my mind to school and lightly growled before checking my minicule bank account to see that I couldn't afford to replace the machine I wrecked before. I wondered a few moments how I would get out of such obligations but then I just let it go.

Each virtual dive retained logs and video footage of what happened to the user so in the event that it malfunctioned or it was destroyed the recordings and logs could be looked at and the proper actions taken.

"Today is going to suck." I announced as I finished my thoughts. Pengu looked at me. "Why?" I explained to him the thoughts that had just ran through my head. When I finished his expression was worried and mine was grim.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break the mood. I'm just rather antsy about how much they may have seen on that recording." I told him honestly my ears going down slightly. "It's ok Sukura." he said to me and my mood lifted enough for me to smile at him.

I finished my meal and then got my things to head to class. Then with Pengu at my side I left for The Hub. It didn't take long to reach the place and we used it to reach school early. Since we still had time Pengu walked with me to my class and went in with me. My drive had been replaced and was flashing blue like it was supposed too.

"Hmmmm" I thought to myself before bidding Pengu a good day and got into the dive. It loaded like normal and I was loaded into the virtual classroom.


I left Sukura behind after he loaded into the drive and went to my own classroom. I started my lesson as well and got to work on the lesson of the day. Since I was there early I was able to complete my work much faster then usual.

With nothing more pressing to keep my thoughts occupied I found myself thinking of Sukura and our relationship. I did count him as a friend but it seemed those lines were beginning to blur as I can't deny that I am attracted to him.

Still I want to be sure that things go right this time. I'll wait for Sukura to make the first move this time around. I want to trust him and some part of me already does but I still want to be carefull. I'll just see what happens in the future.


After seeing where they went to school I called Angelo. "Yes ? What can I do for you Aruna?" Angelo asked his deep and gravely voice sounding rough over the phone.

"I need some database records on two students that go to Sirena University." I heard him take a breath and then said "Ok sure. Why the sudden intrest?" "Lucious" "He doesn't own you." "No but he is after them." "Names?" "Sukura Owen and Pengu Wolfe" I heard him set to work.

"I'll call you with the price and details when I get them. I bid you a good day Aruna." Angelo said as he hung up.


When Aruna had called I was working on updating my software on my terminal. So I had typed the information on my datapad to hold onto while my system continued to update. I studied the name's before glancing back towards my primary terminal was still updating.

I could use my secondary terminal but the software on there was a tad bit out of date. Still usefull of course but I would need to be more carefull with my advances into the network. I cycled to my inventory of premade hacks and flicked through them.

"Hmmmm. I need to make a few more before I attempt this run. " I moved to my desktop and docked my data pad. Then opened my code writer and starting to make the code for some of my premade hacks of my own.

As for what they are well like a magician a hacker never reveals his secrets. I hummed lightly as I worked and hours just seemed to melt away into nothing. When I finally glanced up at the clock I saw that at least ten hours had gone by.

I got to my feet and moved to releive myself. Then I took a quick shower and set a row of coffee pots to brew in preperation for my run. I also set a special glass of amino acids to the side to take duing the run that would keep my mind sharp as I navigated the blood of the virtual world.

Once everything was in order I got into my dive after sipping my stimulant. My mind buzzed with energy as my dive loaded and then my primary terminal's code scrolled onto the interface. I chose to go to the Sirena University Website as a starting point.

Once there I activated a modified version of a port scanner I watched my screen carefully as I waited to either be busted or for it to complete. As I waited I hummed lightly to some long forgotten song.

I got the ports list and I chose the one that was commonly used for File transfer. I began to build a packet and within it's depths I hid my program. Once inside the network it would execute. To foil the virus scanner's I had it disguised as a generic word document.

I sent my file into the mass of data spewing forth from the school and then I waited. My file made it's way through the school and spread from device to device. Once it finished it began to gather information on each device.

The users of the device would notice nothing but a single new icon in their system tray. If a few of them closed the Icon the program would still operate in the background of the computer. Very few people looked at their system tray unless they got a warning or such from their virus scanner.

One or two might have cuaght it but for the most part it should be ignored. Once the information was collected the document would intiate a File transfer request and send itself to the server who would send it to one of several proxys. Eventually it would make it's way back to me but not before it left quite the confusing trail for any would be trackers.

I flicked through the collected info and got the port numbers for the database server. I plugged it in and dived into the school's virtual interface. It looked like it would be easy. Almost to easy so I preped one of my premade hacks.

I initated the hack as I waited to realize within the school enviorment. My name was entered into the user data base and gave me administrator status. Then it promptly hid itself to avoid being detected.

Then I realized into the school virtual enviorment once the handshake was complete. Then I moved towards the User object that housed the database. I looked around and then began to check on my premade hacks before using a worm to tunnel into the database and stepping inside. The "door" closed behind me and I sat down to begin my work.

It took me about an hour to break into the database and a few moments to get the records. However I didn't find anything on Pengu or Sukura. I frowned and then backed my way out of the system and left the system. I killed my link prematurley and bounced around a common sites and back doors and other dummy sites before slipping through a purger in a remote country before bouncing back home to my dive.

I slipped out of the dive and waited for a few moments waking my body up and waiting to see what needed attending to first. The need to use the restroom took precedence and I shuffled my way towards it.

After I finished I stepped into my shower and lathered up before washing off. When I got out of the shower and dressed I grabbed my mobile and said. "Call Aruna" _Dailing Aruna. What else do you need?" _ asked my phone's AI.

"Nothing further Chelsy" I said and the AI fell silent. My phone continued to ring and finally Aurna picked up. "I couldn't find them." I told Aruna. "They aren't registered at the school. So the next place to look is the Surgimorphs Database. Thankfully they still have the old software on it."

"Ok. So how much do I owe you?" "If I find anything a $100.00 bucks. It would be more but I like a nice challange so it's cheaper." "Ok I'll wire it when the time comes. I wish you good luck Angelo." She cut the call and I decided to go to bed for the night.


At the end of the day I stumbled to The Hub and met up with Sukura who looked just a tired as I did. We both stepped into it at the same time and got blasted to a few blocks from our apartment.

Sukura and I made our way there and then I felt Sukura tense beside me. I looked around to see what could have caused his attention and his head was turned towards a nearby alleyway. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." He said ending his words with a light snarl.

The Movement emerged from the alleyway. Several guys with guns and glowing red eyes. "Join us!" the 4 men intoned as they leveled their guns at us. "Fuck you!" said Sukura and as they raised their fingers to pull the trigger Flowers wrapped around us almost instantly. Sukura stumbled and fell to his knees and I reached to pull him up but then stopped.

The noises outside were the now familiar sounds of pinging bullets but now they were being redirected as if they were shooting at someone else instead of us. "Kill!" Sukura ordered his flowers and they unwove themselves around us and dove at the soldier's spearing through their brains and killing them.

Aruna was revealed as she stepped into the light and Sukura cursed "I knew you were up to something." he muttered but he didn't attack her.

Aruna has a confident air around herself and she glanced around hearing siren's in the distance she gestured for us to follow and I moved to do so.She ducked into a building and I paused as it was a gentleman's club.

We were lead to a room and then she vanished. We heard her talk to someone named Annie and then A guy walked into the room wearing a red satin dress and I heard high heels on his paws. He was a German Shepherd and despite his attire a decidedly masculine scent clung to him underneath the smell of perfume.

"So you two are named Sukura and Pengu?" he asked me. Sukura stiffened considerably. "Chill your heels flower boy." said Annie with a glare towards Sukura. The fox beside me growled lightly but didn't do anything. Just glared right back at Annie and sliding protectively in front of me.

"Sukura you can barley stand." I said to him a bit harshly. "Yes but the same goes for you." he responded in kind. I nodded in agreement while Annie seemed to be listening carefully. "So Aruna when did you meet them?" he asked her.

"Yesterday." answered Sukura with a glance towards her. Annie nodded and then offered us a room for the night. "Give me one good reason why I should trust you." Said Sukura and as if in answer Annie held up a cell phone. "Do you want the standard prison package or the deluxe gang rape prison cell package?" Annie asked ever so sweetly his paw paused to dial which made Sukura growl low and deep in warning. I intervened. "We'll take the room. Don't mind him. His nerves are shot right now and everything he sees is a threat."

Annie nodded and closed the phone with a snap. He lead us back to a room and I sent Sukura inside first though I could tell the blue fox wanted to protest. I firmly shut the door in his face to cut him off then glanced towards Annie. "Thank you." Annie offered me a brief smile. "I take care of my own." he winked at me then turned the corner and headed deeper into the gentleman's club.

I opened the room to see Sukura on the bed meditating. He still looked to be frazzled and he kept repeating a phrase under his breathe. I doubt it was a mantra it was far to simple for that. Not to say that I knew much about meditating but still. He opened his eyes briefly to offer me a timid smile but he didn't speak.

I joined him in bed and he offered me his hand to hold. As I laid down he draped his tails over me in a protective manner as he laid down too and together we fell asleep.