Midnight Hero

Story by GazzSalad on SoFurry

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#2 of Ties That Bind

Apart of a story series called "Ties That Bind".

About a human mage named Tera who owns a house full of vampires and one succubus. She has to juggle her social life and private life and nothing comes easy when shes in a three way relationship with two of the vampires.

The clock struck six forty-five, Tera looked up at the face and smiled as she pushed away from the desk and stood up. Tera stretched her arms before moving toward the front of the store, it was getting late and no one had entered in the last half hour. She moved around, beginning the process of straightening up and locking the doors; it had been a month since opening The Plain Antenna. Tera wanted a storefront to house all the fixed and refurbished electronics Scarlet always seems to bring home from her dumpster dives.

"I'll get home, soak my feet and settle in with a nice book," Tera spoke to herself as she locked the back door and headed out of the alley.

The sun had set and street lights were just turning on. Tera made her way down the street. Being a technomancer did have its downside, as machinery such as cars and construction vehicles reacted to her in unforgiving ways. Due to this Tera had committed herself to a life of walking or using a bike, though last Christmas, Val presented her with skates. They were the most fun to travel by far. It was another mile to the house. Tera trudged on looking both ways before crossing the main intersection.

"Should call and tell Ryder to brew coffee...yeah," she muttered, pulling her phone from her pocket.

One ring...

Two rings...

Three rings...

"Hello?" a rough southern female voice spoke.

"Hey! Ry its Tera," Tera spoke as she stood under a street lamp looking around.

"Yo baby girl, whats up?" Ryder asked, she sounded tired and grumpy.

"I'll be home in the next half hour could you brew some-" Tera's words were cut off by a large male hand cupping over her mouth, her eyes grew wide in panic as her throat seized up. Tera felt his arm grapple her torso pinning her arms at her sides. His breath was hot on her neck, it caused her eyes to water as it smelt foul like the stranger had not brushed his teeth in years.

"Tera? Tera are you there? TERA?!" Ryder's voice shouted yet falling on to deaf ears as the phone had been dropped. Tera wiggled and squirmed trying to get out of her aggressor's grasp but she was pulled on to the side street moving farther and farther from the light.

The impact dazed the brunette, her back now ached and her vision was impaired by the darkness. If she could scream she would but the stranger had already pushed himself on to her. His lips covering Tera's that nasty smell overwhelming her senses. Too many thoughts and images swirled around her mind to let Tera have a second of clear thinking, one thing was certain and it cried out in her brain. No ability to move, no ability to get this monster off her body.

She left him on his knees sniveling, Tera managed to get away from the stranger. The lack of light in the street disoriented her; Tera had no clue if she was even getting closer to the main road or moving farther down the alley. That panic from early ever present in the girl, her hand remained cemented to the wall of the building, it was her only true guide; that was until she ran out of wall the abrupt end of the brick caused Tera to trip over herself.

She had fallen in the middle of a three way alley, eyes finally adjusting to the darkness Tera could make out the shapes of dumpsters and trash cans, above her was a fire escape but what got her heart pounding was the soft glow of a light. Salvation was at her fingertips, the sound of a passing car made Tera get up from her knees and run. She sprinted toward safety of the main street. Then she was yanked, the sidewalk so close but now so far away; she was pulled back between a pair of muscled arms that crushed Tera against a familiarly large chest. His scent flooded her nose washing away any remnants of her assailants horrid breath. Every inch of her recognized him, and Tera sagged in relief. Valentino's voice was low and calm as he ducked to her ear "Should have been there to walk you home, that bastard wouldn't have had a snowball's chance in hell of disrespecting your body..." the warning edge his voice had sent a shiver down Tera's spine. That uncanny way vampires had of knowing always put her on edge; however all she could honestly do was curl herself into his arms and allow the large figure usher her the rest of the way.

They were on the street. Tera exhaled a breath she didn't realize she was holding, Valentino released her enough to inspect Tera from the top of her head to her feet. His eyes on her made the brunette squirm where she stood, finally after what seemed like an eternity Valentino brushed his fingers along her nose before he ducked down to capture her lips with his own. Valentino's kiss spun Tera's stomach into a wild swirl. He held her tightly by the hips and deftly moved his lips as he rubbed his tongue to hers. All the fear, panic and tension that had built up over the small amount of time was gone in an instant.

Tera couldn't stop herself as she pressed her nose to his neck "thank you" the whisper was almost inaudible; he clutched her tighter and she felt so safe there, his arms were around her and it was home.

A rumble vibrated deeply in his core as Valentino gathered Tera up in his arms like she weighed nothing, he carried her across the street and continued back to the house. There was nothing between them, the only sound that Tera could hear was her own heart threatening to break her chest cavity with the way it hammered. They arrived at the house sometime after eight thirty, the two were met at the door by Scarlet who embodied distress and misery.

"You are home! Is she alright? Big bear is she alright?!" the red head squeaked as she bounced around them.

Valentino looked toward Scarlet with a gentle smile as he carried Tera down the hall "yes little one, our precious bite is safe and sound," he answered.

The door to their bedroom was opened, he moved toward the bathroom Scarlet stopped just outside the door before it closed on her; though she didn't complain Scarlet knew better than to interrupt the adult time Valentino enjoyed having with just Tera, for now the red head pranced about the bedroom.

Tera wasn't ready to let go and when she wound her fingers tighter at his nape, Valentino got the message and kept an arm around her as he maneuvered to turn the shower knob. The water started falling, and he kicked off his shoes, removed hers and then stepped into the stall with her in his arms.

"Let us get you washed and ready for bed."

He ran his big hands over her wet hair, and she ended up sliding down the length of him to her feet. The water felt incredible on Tera's skin, she could feel the night's trauma wash down the drain and when he peeled off her shirt and lifted it over her head, the brunette could feel Valentino's soapy hands rub everywhere. Articles of clothing would be removed and then his hands would scrub that spot. Methodically he touched her, and though Tera was breathless from the contact, Valentino seemed the least bit affected. He pulled her arms up and slid soap into her armpits, between her legs, and took extra care around her neck; finally he joined her in nudity as he whipped his shirt off and scrubbed himself quickly. This gave Tera a chance to admire the man before her, every muscle of his torso glistened in the water.

Valentino moved to lather her scalp with more shampoo, and his attention was solely on her and her hair.

Tera looked up at him suddenly "Tell me you wont go after that man," she sucked her lip and then continued "Tell me you wont go seeking revenge for my sake."

He grabbed the shower head and angled it directly above her. She closed her eyes and allowed the soap bubbles to drip down her face, and when she opened her eyes, he was looking straight at her. Rivulets of water slid down his square jaw and clung to his eyelashes as Valentino brushed a strand of wet hair away from her forehead, and Tera became aware of the fast gait of her pulse.

He spoke in a hot whisper "If you wish me to allow that animal to live, then your word is law my precious bite."

Tera felt weak as he pampered her, the way he called her his 'precious bite' it sent quakes starting at her legs and then took over every ounce of her being. Valentino shoved open the glass door and wrapped a towel around his hips, Tera watched him as she leaned on the shower wall her eyes never leaving his person. He returned to cover her in a large towel before he hauled her to the bed; Scarlet greeted them with their pajamas ready, she was already dressed in a t-shirt and boxers when her eyes met Tera's the red head's smile formed into a knowing smirk. The two girls have experienced this treatment time and time again however it was undetermined if either would ever grow accustomed to the sensations. Valentino sat Tera down in the center of the bed, he worked the towel through her hair and over her body.

Scarlet grabbed another towel and covered Tera's breasts drying them off. The two vampires took their time cleaning off their human, as Valentino began to dry between her legs Scarlet had a brush running through Tera's hair combing out the tangles. Valentino ran the towel down the length of her legs, a burning fever followed the towel as Tera watched helplessly, she did lean back against Scarlet and looked up at her. There was an unexpected fierceness in her eyes as Scarlet cradled the side of Tera's face in her cold fingers. The moment was intimate and heavy with things unsaid. Scarlet sat her forehead on hers and inhaled deeply. Slowly, still breathing her in, Scarlet dragged her nose along the length of Tera's.

She stroked her thumb up her jaw and around the shell of her ear. Shivers ran through Tera's body as Scarlet slid her index finger across her top lip. She stroked liberally across her bottom one as well and Tera whimpered. Valentino had finished drying Tera long ago, but he was content with simply watching his two lovers. From his position he could admire Tera's body and smirk at how Scarlet was becoming quite the deviant little tease. It was not long until Tera felt him join in, she felt his hot breath on her thighs as Valentino dressed her. She shivered at the feel of chest muscles pressed in to her hips as her panties were slid up her legs.

Though the moment Tera's throat went truly dry was when Valentino took Scarlet's face between his palms and fixed his lips to hers. Drawing Scarlet's tongue into his mouth. Scarlet moaned and gripped his shoulders with her nails, she locked the large male to herself. In response to her actions, Valentino groaned and pulled her closer. Tera was under them watching, she could not look away from the two vampires. Their make out session stirred a heat inside of the brunette. A heat she didn't really want to feel at the current moment.

Scarlet felt this, she broke away from Valentino panting "sleep, big bear that is what we need right now."

He nodded in understanding. The large vampire pulled away and began to dress himself as Scarlet finished Tera draping her gown over her head. It was the little things that made this relationship wonderful in Tera's mind. She enjoyed how they doted on her and in return she doted on them even more. Once dressed, Valentino pulled back the covers and gestured for the girls to settle in first. Tonight Scarlet moved to lay on the right.

She looked over at Tera with a smile before she spoke, "you can lay in the middle, between us!"

Tera nodded her head as she crawled in next. She settled herself in before draping an arm around Scarlet. Finally Valentino joined them, he slid on to the mattress to Tera's left he shifted on to his side and pulled both girls toward him. Scarlet reached over to switch off the light, even though vampires didn't need sleep they still enjoyed the quality time snuggling with their human. Tera on the other hand was already fast asleep in their arms the safety she felt alone allowed her to sleep in peace.

The perfect end to a stressful night. In the arms of two vampires, go figure.

Breakfast in bed

Morning, the sun rising has triggered the window shields to cover and protect the inside from any sun light. Scarlet waits for the alarm to notify her of it being safe to leave the bedroom, once it beeps she continues on her way out to the kitchen. In...

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Bull headed

The alarms were going off as the specialist scrambled in a panic, someone had dropped a vial, filled with a potent experimental drug, it had been recently created to start out in a solid form and once released turn in to an invisible substance that...

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