Snowbound Stream 3: The Real Monster Within

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of Power Hour

The Final in my Snowbound Streams, for the lovely Artemis

Sometimes the true enemy a superhero faces is from within.

Artemis whistled to himself as he walked down the sidewalk, backpack slung over his shoulder as he walked among the crowd in order to get to his destination. It was always fun to walk amongst 'normal' people in his opinion when you had a secret, especially one that couldn't be told to anymore. For most that would be a nagging sensation, but deep within the arctic fox felt a sense of pride. Of course that feeling could only improve his world view so far, the wind drove snow into his fur as he walked with one arm covering his face.

A sudden explosion caused the entire scene to change, people going about their daily business panicked and ran away as Artemis tried to pick out the direction of the blast. When he finally found the smoke amongst the snow he saw it was in an industrial section of the city and immediately sprang into action. He found the first building that would open and ducked inside, everyone in the building was either too concerned or scared about the events outside to even look twice at him as he darted to the bathroom in the back of the building. Once he was inside he unlocked the door and pulled his clothing off, revealing a white patterned spandex suit underneath. Once he had completely stripped he opened his backpack and pulled out the remaining accessories of his costume; strapping on his gloves, boots, and finally pulling the helmet over his vulpine face. "Your hero has once again come to the rescue!" He said happily as he put his clothes back in the bag and snuck outside.

About ten minutes later Artemis, now clad as a White Ranger, stood on the ridge overlooking the factory, the chill wind hardly felt against the tight spandex and matted down fur underneath. Though more times than not the fox felt arousal at the feel of material against his skin he was all business now, looking down at the strange sight that was unfolding. What appeared to be several works ran out of what looked to be a tire manufacturing plant, their bodies in various states of encasement as they ran out of the building. As he jumped down the hill the anthros that had become completely encased let out a roar and looked at the White Ranger as they showed their claws.

"Stand down, if you can!" Artemis shouted, but the rubber creatures would have none of it and rushed him. Their moves were so clumsy though that it was easy to counter their attacks and throw them on the ground, and though they were quite resilient they were no match for his fighting style and soon there was half a dozen rubber-covered factory workers groaning on the ground. "Don't worry, I'll revert you back."

Artemis continued inside, trying to sneak up as best he could until he could see what sort of threat he was dealing with. It soon became very apparent what he was dealing with, the nearly seven-foot tall wolf looked like he was covered head to toe in shiny latex, though its face was buried in what appeared to be a vat of liquid rubber. As it drank it down there was one other thing that Artemis noticed, a thick cock that dangled between his legs that seemed to drip the same type of substance what he was drinking. "Stop what you're doing, you monster!" He shouted, loud enough to cause the rubber wolf to stop and look at him.

"Well well, if it isn't the White Ranger, come to stop me!" The wolf said with a deep, throaty laugh. "I've been looking forward to our encounter, my name is Ragnor and I will be your doom!"

If Artemis could he would have stifled a laugh; it hadn't been the first time that a monster had said that they would utterly defeat him or his kind, and time and time again they were proven wrong. "Let these good people go, Ragnor, and perhaps I won't destroy you!" Artemis retorted. When the rubber werewolf hunched down it was clear he had no intention of stopping and Artemis reading himself for a fight, pulling out his weapon. Ragnor charged at Artemis and the fox was ready to step aside, but he was suddenly caught by surprise as a set of four large tentacles shot out from his back and hit him square in the chest.

"Ungh!" Artemis grunted as he flew back into a girder, then hit the ground. It was times like that he had a dampener field to blunt such blows, but it still felt like a wrecking ball to the chest as he quickly got to his feet. "That the best you got!?"

Once more Ragnor charged him but this time the fox was ready, slashing upwards with his blades before he was smacked in the helmet by another tentacle on the creature's shoulder. "Damn, how many of those things does he have?" Artemis grumbled as he jumped up to the skywalk. Before his feet could even touch the metal one of Ragnor's back tentacles wrapped around his arms and chest, squeezing him tightly and bringing him over the vat of liquid rubber.

"Perhaps I should show you how the true embrace of rubber really feels." The wolf said with a grin as he slowly lowered him down, Artemis struggling as he felt several more tentacles begin to branch out from the one wrapped around him and try to wiggle past his suit. "But first... I want to see who I am dealing with..."

Artemis could feel the tip of the rubber tentacle begin to slide under his helmet and the fox took the opportunity to pinch it between the edge of the metal and his body, hoping he could feel pain. To his surprise and relief the rubber wolf led out a howl and the tentacle loosened, enough for him to escape. He started to fall but grabbed onto one of the chains, swinging back and hitting Ragnor square in the chest. The werewolf stumbled back and fell into one of the still active machines, letting out a howl as its rubbery body squeaked down into the shoot and disappeared. When it didn't come back Artemis sighed and brushed the dirt off of him, then went outside. There the media was there as usual and he gave his speech as the White Ranger about how he would always be there to defend the weak and enforce justice, then dashed off looking for the nearest place to change, and as he did the tiny piece of black tentacle that had been cut off melted down into the suit leaving only a shiny residue...

About two hours later Artemis arrived at his own apartment, his backpack in one hand and a arm full of take-out in the other. Saving the world was hungry work, but before he could indulge in his food he had to take care of his suit at first. "I hope that guy didn't tear it, I don't know how many more secret stitch jobs I can afford." The fox said as he pulled the suit out of his bag. "Wait, what the hell?"

Instead of his usual spandex white suit was something entirely different, the zentai appeared to be made out of rubber and was one solid piece of glimmering white. As he looked it over he saw the usual zipper and other seams, even the pattern that had once been there, but other than that it was a one piece rubber suit. "Aw man, now I have to get another one made!?" Artemis said as he sat down on the bed, rubbing the material between his fingers. "Well, it's not like it's broken, some paint will put the pattern back on..."

Artemis' frustration had turned to curiosity and arousal as he kicked off his street clothes, eager to see what the suit was like. As he pulled it up over his body he found it to hug his features even better than his old suit, accentuating his muscles as he pulled it up over his head. Even the hood seemed better fitted, once he had gotten the tail situation he nearly skipped over to the mirror in order to look at himself. "Yeah, I could get used to this." He said as he rubbed between his legs, the delightful feel of the material against itself making him shudder.

Suddenly, as he continued to rub, he began to feel the suit conform even more, his erect cock pushing out past the confines of the material until it was like he wore a rubber cocksheath on his suit. "Well, going to have to get that changed." Artemis said with a giggle, unaware that the rubber had also begun to press into his ears, against his mouth, and even into his tailhole as he continued to stroke himself. He immediately flopped back on his bed and began to jerk himself off more and more, his other hand roaming against his chest as he moaned into the rubber that covered his mouth.

As Artemis continued to moan and stroke the rubber suit's slow push into him suddenly advanced, beneath the white latex the fox's eyes shot open as he suddenly felt something push into his tailhole. He tried to gasp out but the rubber that surround his muzzle took the opportunity to flood it as well, forming into a solid tentacle that reached all the way back into his throat. He tried to pull his hands away from his member in order to try and pull the suit off but they were stuck tight to it, causing himself only more pleasure as his body writhed from the sudden penetration. He cursed himself as he realized how hasty he had been, Ragnor hadn't just changed his suit, he had infected it! Now he was forced to lay there in an endless loop of pleasure as every move just moved his hands on his cock and the tentacles in his mouth and tailhole continued to push inside him...

With a loud snort Artemis awoke, his head darting around and looking at the empty bedroom before he turned his gaze to himself. As he found his fur was still there he began to wonder if it had all been a dream? When he looked in his duffle bag he found that his suit was still there... something that caused him both a bit of anxiety and relief. That relief was quickly replaced with shock as he saw the time and realized that he was late and hastily put on clothes before he ran out the door, his White Ranger outfit left behind for the first time since he had gotten it.

When he reached the office building he had worked at he sighed as he realized he had gotten there just in time, though only by a hair. As he began to buckle down for work though he quickly became distracted by a strange smell in the air, something that was extremely enticing to the point it caused his mouth to water. After only an hour he got up from his chair to track the scent, going from his section to an area that was under construction. With complete disregard, he was a superhero after all, he ignored the restricted signs and wandered into the construction zone.

It did not take long from that point to find where the smell came from, as Artemis knelt down he opened one of the metal cans to see it filled with paint. At first he was confused, why paint, but as he looked at the label he realized that it wasn't paint at all but a type of liquid rubber for construction. His entire body quivered as he stuck a finger in, the black substance oozing over his fingers as he looked on it at awe. The fox hardly had enough time to strip his clothes before he brought over a tarp and poured the rubber over his head, his body screaming in pleasure as it soaked into his fur.

"Oh God... that's so good..." he said as he brought a second can to his lap. Before he could open it though he began to feel something shift in his back, it soon went from a mere inch to a pressure that caused him to let out a loud cry as he felt several... things slide out from his back. He didn't need to look behind him to know what they were, the rubber tentacles writhing in the open air as the black rubber turned to white. He began to feel shame at what he was doing, even as his fur began to melt and the rubber of Ragnor reassert itself into the same suit he had worn the night before.

"But, but it's okay..." Artemis said to himself as he began to stroke his cock, which had grown longer and thicker in his rubber covered paw as he used new claws to rip open the second can. "It's just for my pleasure, right? Can't hurt anyone if it's just for my pleasure..." Artemis closed his eyes and gave in as he dumped the second can over his head, his tongue forming into a thick tentacle the wrapped around and absorbed all the stray latex around him. He was just about to tear into a third when a man walked in, he looked at the cheetah with solid white eyes as it looked at the creature on the tarp in sheer shock.

"Hey there." Artemis said as he looked at the deliciously strong-looking male, his cock surging and causing a bit of liquid latex to splash on the man's arm and face as Artemis wrapped his tentacles around his wrists and ankles. "You look like you want to have some fun." The other male didn't reply, he couldn't as the rubber began to spread across his face as his eyes rolled back in the same pleasure that Artemis felt...

*two hours later*

"I'm standing here in front of the Howard's Office Building in downtown, where reports of a latex monster similar to what besieged an industrial complex yesterday has taken over two dozen hostages and covered them in what appears to be white rubber." The tigress in front of a building surrounded by police said. "Luckily it appears that Red Ranger has come to the rescue, and has gone in to confront the creature."

Meanwhile Artemis drank the last of the rubber like a fine brandy as the being known only to him as Red Ranger stood in front of him. "Stop what you are doing, monster!" He shouted.

Artemis chuckled and crushed the empty can before he tossed it behind him. "Well well, if it isn't the Red Ranger, come to stop me." He replied with a snicker. "I'd say that my name is Artemis and I'm about to lead you to your doom, but I'm sure you've heard that already. Instead... let's skip straight to the part where I show you the sweet embrace of rubber. Shall we?"