A Lonely Anniversary

Story by Torokumaru on SoFurry

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Before I begin, allow me to first describe Aran, our lovely Vaeuunari Priestess of Light. Aran is, first and foremost, a Vaeuunari, which is a species of my creation. The Vaeuunari are anthropomorphic velociraptors. Aran herself is 4'5", 89 lbs, has light-tan skin with brown stripes, and has a wiry build. Her eyes are hazel. On her left shoulder blade, there is a mark in Vaeuunari hieroglyphics depicting her name and clan status.

Aran gingerly stepped out of the shower and grasped for her towel, wrapping it around her lithe and seemingly fragile frame, and walked to the mirror. Thank the Light, she thought. That bruise is finally gone. With a light sigh, she exited the bathroom and briskly walked into her bedroom, shutting the blinds with a wave of her hand. "Never let anyone see what you truly are," Falcon had said. "You don't want to go back there, do you?" Not a day had gone by since Falcon had rescued her that she didn't thank that man, wherever he is. Aran looked to the far wall at the calendar, casually checking the date from afar: June 2nd, 2015. Two years today, she noted, since he pulled me out of that dungeon. Falcon had taken her to New Waters, Rhode Island after her horrible ordeal and gave her what he called one of his "safe houses" without so much as asking for anything in return. She could never thank him enough, she told him, so she made a habit of doing so every day.

With a relaxed breath, she laid flat on the bed, letting the towel unravel without restraint. A smile spread as she brought the memory of Falcon back into the present; how she longed to see his face! The tinted motorcycle helmet he wore frustrated her, but thankfully, his thick, black leathers left little to the imagination: he was tall, nearly six feet, and fitter than any human she's seen since. She had fantasized often about what he looked like, but knew she would probably never know the true face of her savior. She had half a mind to get herself in trouble just to see him again, but always turned the pestering thought away, knowing nothing was worth going back to that place... Even two years later, she remembered almost every detail: the glass tube she awoke in, the cold steel floor, the armored soldiers that nearly reclaimed her... Aran shuddered, banishing those memories back into the corner she had forced them into originally. I can't live in the past, she told herself. I just need to be thankful I am alive. Of course, this led back to thoughts of Falcon... His gloved hands holding her up and taking her away from all of her troubles, his thick muscles rippling against her skin, even his deep, confident voice vibrating the air about him. He was all she needed and wanted, but he was never there. Always somewhere else, doing some other heroic deed for some similarly distressful damsel. Falcon had earned a place in her heart no mere man could enter.

Aran's hand idly wandered as her thoughts rambled on, leaving her oblivious to her own body's desires. Her fingers stroked her soft hide, tracing the faint lines of her figure, working their way up her belly to the base of her breasts. Her blunt claws lightly traced the base of her mounds and slowly climbed, spiraling to the very top. A contented sigh emerged as she was finally stirred from her frantic thoughts. Back under its owner's command, her right hand lowered, sliding down her belly to her pubis. She slowly ran a finger along the length of her slit, lingering at its top for a moment, and slid it in millimeter by millimeter. Aran purred, savoring the pleasure that she found in her tight folds. A gentle massage along the roof of her opening increased her purr's volume and made her squirm, ruffling the towel she laid upon. Her pleasure mounted quickly, hurried on by the fantasies of her savior, until she was just at the edge. She quickly removed her finger, which dripped with her juices, and rolled onto her belly. She crawled across the bed to her nightstand and opened its bottom drawer, revealing her favorite toy. She snatched the obsidian appendage from its resting place with a delighted squeal and shut the drawer. With a short grunt of effort, she rolled back over and lied there for a moment, letting the pressure she built up out of impulse release itself. She emptied her thoughts, calling back on her training as a priestess, and meditated in silence. Within minutes, her physical desires threatened to break her concentration, but she remained strong until the last of the tingling left her. Once it was gone, she maneuvered her obsidian toy into position and spread her shapely thighs wide, opening her slit ever so slightly. She rubbed the head along the length of her slit, but soon lost patience and slid it in, inch by inch. "Ahh..." Hands steady as ever, she pulled it almost completely out almost as slowly as it had entered. "Mmm..." Aran pushed her toy back into her folds, quicker than at first, and retrieved it once more. "Nnyahh..." She quickened her motions further, making her pant with ecstasy and expectation. "Ohh..." With a few more strokes, she began to feel her pounding heart between her folds, making her squirm uncontrollably. "Ahh! Ahahh...!" Just a few more, she told herself, barely able to keep up her motions. With a final stroke, her folds clamped onto her inanimate lover, trapping it within her. "Ah, aah! Nnyaah!" She tugged at the toy and released it, letting her juices gush out of her. "Aahahh!! Ahh... ohh..." For a moment, Aran lied there, reveling in her release, and whispered softly "If only you were here..."