Lead The Way

Story by AuraWolf on SoFurry

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*Author's Note - This is my take off of Foxxfire's pic of "Lead On". The idea of the challenge from Toumal seemed too good to pass up so here is my shot at it, bang.

Story © AuraWolf*

~WARNING! This is your only warning, this is a yiffy story, whether you are of legal age or not, you read at your own risk. Don't blame me if you get into trouble from it..~

James squirmed in his bed, his fur nice and warm under his electric blanket as his clock alarm buzzed next to him. Slowly his black paw came out from the sheets, quickly pressing the button and putting his paw back under the blankets as he curled up more under them.

"JAMES!! YOUR ALARM WENT OFF! NOW GET OUT OF BED," yelled his mother from downstairs, the smell of breakfast already in the works drifting through the house. He takes a couple of sniffs, smelling the bacon, pancakes, milk, and whatever else that was being made. His eyes open up quickly, tossing open his blankets as he jumps out of bed. The 6' fox stood there shivering when his warm fur hit the cold, his black paws quickly clutching around his white chest fur as his orange tail twitches behind him almost frozen behind him. He barely could take a step with his black footpaws but managed to start moving.

"Damn, got out too fast again..." James thought to himself as he rushed to his dresser to take a pair socks and underwear from his drawer and put them on. He then went to his closet, rushing to get his shirt and jeans on and sprinted down the stairs for breakfast. His eyes instantly went to the table stacked with food that his mother has been making all morning, waiting for him to get up.

"About time you got up sleepyhead," his mother, Alyssa, told him. She walked over to him, the white fur on her underbelly, accentuated the orange fur on the rest of her body. The black fur on her legs up to her knees and on her arms to her elbows, looked like boots and gloves, respectively, on her. The black tipped tail of hers had its normal sway that accompanied her 6'1" size quite well. Her form, which is quite attractive to anyone looking at it, doesn't seem to affect her son all too much. She smiles at him before petting his head; ruffling the tuft of fur he calls hair, and takes a seat next to him. "I still haven't figured out why you're always so tired in the morning James," she raises an eyebrow and starts to grab breakfast for herself.

"Oh, you don't want to know mother..." he smirks to himself inside as he begins to eat breakfast himself. It didn't take him long to eat his breakfast, but he ate more than usual, making his mother give him a strange look as he finished and dashed back upstairs to his room quickly. "I can't wait to get to my friend's house. She said we're going to do something exciting today." He grins to himself and finishes up his morning routine in his room and heads back downstairs. "MOM! I really wanted that downstairs room! Then I wouldn't have to go up and down the stairs all the time!" He yells to her playfully.

"Well, then you should've moved your stuff into that room before your brother got to it," she said with a smile as she washed the dishes from breakfast, not bothering to turn around to look at James.

"Yeah, I always take advantage of you little brother." Eric, James older brother, says, opening up his door. The brown fox came out of his door. He stood at his 6'4" frame in the doorway, obviously inherited from their father's side of the family. The white underside of his contrasted with his back brown fur, but no one really cared much about that.

"In more ways than one Eric," he gives his older brother a wink, waving his tail playfully at him.

"You know it James," Eric says sticking his tongue out at James.

James pounces his older brother, grinning at him, making him land on his back just in front of the couch. A small wrestling match ensues, and Eric ends up on top and smiles down at James, poking his sides, eliciting a small meep from him as Eric laughs softly. "Now get going, or you might miss getting to school on time. And we wouldn't that now..." Eric says with a sly voice to James as he gets off of him.

"Yeah, yeah...I know. I'm excited and I don't even know what it's for though." James asks questionably, only to have his brother shake his head as James gets up to head for the front door. He grabs his backpack, puts his shoes on, and heads out, waving to his mom on his way and heads to the school about a couple of blocks away. "I hate living so close...can never be late for first hour..." he thinks to himself more as he heads up the stairs to the doors. He pushes them open, feeling the warmth of the overactive heaters of the school rush against his fur and heads down the hall to his locker.

"Hey! James! Over here!" A familiar female voice called out to him. "About time you get here," she said as she stopped next to him as he opened up his locker.

"Yeah, but the only bad part is that I can never get here late Em. I hate living so close to the school," he turns to look at her. Emily, as she is called, stands about his size. The tigress was about 6' tall and very well developed from the way she looks. Her chest puffs out enough to give you ideas, but she wears her clothes good enough to hide what she has as her tail sways behind her in a sensual fashion towards the fox. James shuts his locker and starts walking with her to their first class together. "So...um...I have to be at your house after school today right?"

She giggles and taps his nose, "Of course silly, I'm the one who made the plans for this little endeavor of ours."

James blushes a little and rubs his tail against hers softly, making her nudge him in the side roughly as they enter the classroom and take their seats. "Damn, another boring day at school. I can't wait till I get out of here..." He thinks to himself as he gives a yawn and the bell for first hour rings.

Soon enough the bell for lunch hour rings and all the students hurry out of their seats, leaving the teacher partially blinking and talking at an empty classroom.

James and Em got their lunches and sat at a different table, one near the wall of the room, rather than the normal one at the center.

"Why are we over here Em? Usually we sit over there." He said pointing to their regular table.

"I don't want anyone else to see this," She grins as she pulls out a leash and a rather large collar. "It's your clothes for tonight James..."

"MY WHAT!?" He screams as some kids look over and they try to hide the collar and leash from view.

"Shhhhh...quiet. We don't want people to know. This isn't something you want the whole school to know about." She sighs, giving a relieved breath as no one saw the leash and collar and she stuffs them back into her backpack.

"Well, at least I'll still have clothes on. Would certainly be strange if I didn't, right Em?" He gives a small chuckle as he looks back at Emily, who just leans back in her chair and grins at him, causing his chuckling to stop and give a worried look at Emily. "Em? I'm...I'm right aren't I," he quickly asks her, getting more and more nervous. "Great, now what did I get myself into..." he thought to himself, looking down at the table.

"I only said we'd be Role-Playing you as a pet. I didn't say how we would go about doing that..." her voice trails off in a grin. "You'll find out tonight what's all going to happen, James. Now come on, let's hurry up our lunch so we're not late for our fifth hours," she stated, returning to eating her lunch. Every once and a while, she would look across at James, noticing his nervousness, trying to not giggle at him as he slowly picked at his food, sighing a couple of times. "He'll feel better about it tonight. I'm sure..." she smiled inside to herself as she finished and picked up her tray, waving bye to James and headed off to her class, leaving a worried fox at the table.

James took a glance at his watch, seeing he had a few more minutes before he had to go to his next class. He sighed as he pushed his chair back and got up; taking his tray with him as he was too nervous to finish any more food he had. He dumped it out and set the tray aside as he walked out of the cafeteria and into the hallways bustling with other students rushing to get to their class. He stopped by his locker and opened it, collecting his necessary books for the rest of the day and took another glance at his watch. He opened his eyes wide realizing he had less than a minute to get to his class or he'll be late and he took off running towards it. "Shit, Mrs. Krummel is going to kill me if I'm late for class again," he whispered to himself as his fur was flowing in the wind he created, rounding corners quickly, almost skidding and sliding down some of them. He soon reached his class and stepped through the doorway just as the bell rang for his class. Panting hard, trying to get his breath back he walked to his seat.

"Cutting it close I see aren't you James?" His teacher, Mrs. Krummel, asked him.

"Yes...Ma'am...I know. But...at least...I wasn't late...this time..." he told her, still trying to catch his breath as he flumped down in his seat, dropping his books on the desk as his breathing started to slow down more.

"Next time, try to give yourself more time. That way you won't have to be so rushed in order to get here. Unless you're asking for a detention from me," she mentioned as she turned back to the board and started her class for the day.

"Of all days, I don't need one today. Emily would be mad at me if I did. I'm still nervous now though. I don't know if I can do this..." he thought to himself over and over again, turning his attention to the teacher to try and take his mind off of it.

James took a big yawn as his last class seemed to be taking forever as only a few minutes were left in the class but the teacher was still talking. He was starting to lose his focus and almost fall asleep as the teacher's voice got louder and his eyes snapped open.

"Alright then, that's it for today and you have about a minute left so just wait until the bell rings," Mrs. Krummel said as the teacher walked over to his desk.

Soon enough like the teacher said, the bell rang and everyone quickly headed out of their seats and rushed into the hallway, bumping each other out of the way as they went. James lazily made his way through, yawning multiple times trying to keep himself awake as he reached his locker.

"Where is Emily? Usually she is here at the end of the day, or maybe..." he thought to himself as he took a gulp and opened his locker stuffing all his stuff in there except his homework and what he needed as he reached for his backpack, pulling it out and stuffing it, shutting his locker and headed out of the school. He started heading down the steps of the school when his ears perked up at the sound of a honking horn and his brother Eric call out to him shortly after. James rushed over to him and looked through the window. "What are you doing here," James asked his brother.

"Emily told me you were supposed to be at her house today. So, she asked me if I could give you a lift there," Eric replied, "Now hop in, she said to be urgent."

James smiled at Eric and rounded the front of the vehicle and opened the passenger door as he moved quickly to get in. He tossed his backpack in the back seat, and then got into the passenger seat, shutting the door and put his seat belt on.

Eric looked over at James a couple of times seeing his brother's reaction to the drive since it was going to take a while for them to reach Emily's house. While looking over at him, he noticed that his brother didn't look like his normal perky self. "Something wrong there James?" His brother asked him, keeping his eyes on the road.

James stared out the window, so entranced by all the passing buildings that he never heard his brother talk to him. He let out a gentle meep as his brother poked him in the side and he jumped a little, quickly turning to look at Eric. "Whaaaat," he asked a little bothered.

"I asked if there is anything wrong James," Eric replied back quickly.

"No, no, nothing at all..." his voice trailed off as he looked down at the floor of the car and closed his eyes, trying to imagine what was to come.

Eric slowly nodded, reaching a paw over to stroke his brother's ears and smiled a little, still concentrating on the road. "Alright then, just asking because I have to worry about you once in a while at least," Eric teased.

James smiled weakly and leaned back in the chair as he opened his eyes again and turned his head to look at Eric. "Thanks," he softly said with gentle look in his eyes.

"Anytime bro," Eric replied back as they continued.

They soon got to Emily's house, although it seemed to take longer for the two since neither of them said much during that time. Eric stopped the car along the curb and parked the car, leaving it running as he looked to his right, seeing James unstrapping his seat belt and started opening the door until he felt Eric's paw on his shoulder. "Don't forget, I'll pick you up in a few hours k?" Eric asked James, giving a nod back. "Alright then, don't try to have too much fun then," Eric said as he let out a small giggle.

James blinked at Eric who only gave a smirk and helped James out by pushing on his rump as he almost stumbled out of the car. "I'll expect you to be here by then Eric," he said shutting the door, almost getting his tail caught in it.

"Oh don't worry, I'll be here James..." Eric thought to himself as he pulled away from the curb, driving off, leaving a nervous and lonely fox on the sidewalk.

James took a gulp, looking at the front door of the house as a warm breeze brushed by, blowing his fur off to the right as he started walking towards the door. He took a couple of knocks on it, finding it already open as he moved his muzzle into the crack of the open door, seeing Emily's backpack on the floor near it. "Well, she's home, I know that much at least." He looked around for anyone then cautiously stepped inside and shut the door behind him, double-checking to make sure it was shut tight. He leaned down and started to untie his shoes, kicking them off with ease, leaving them in the corner by the door.

"Emily!! You in here anywhere's?!" James yelled through the house, but doesn't get a response back. He took a few more steps and was ready to shout again when he heard a noise from upstairs, his ears twitching quickly towards the noise as he clung to the wall, getting his breathing back to normal slowly as he heads towards the stairs and looks up them.

"Emily? Was that you?" He asks, more nervous now then ever. Gaining a bit more courage he heads up the stairs, moving up them one at a time, not in a big rush for he doesn't know what he'll find. "I certainly do not like this. At least, not like Eric said..." he thought to himself as he looked back and forth down the second floor hallway. He reached the top of the steps and looked over at Emily's room, seeing a light on so he expected her to be in there.

"Come on Emily, this isn't funny." He yelled out towards her room as he reached the room and just walked right in, expecting to find Emily inside. He stopped, surprised to not even find her in her room. While looking around, he noticed the blinds were shut, keeping any outside light from getting on so the room was only illuminated from the lamp. A slammed door behind his breath catch in his throat, his eyes shut tightly, and made him jump. His fur felt like it was standing on end as he slowly turned around; desperately hoping it was the wind that shut the door, the thought easily shot down as there was no wind in the house. Gathering up some unknown courage, he started to open up one eye to see just exactly what shut the door behind him.

Slowly he opened his eye partway, but flinging both open as he notices no one standing by the door. "W...what is going on here?" He asked himself, taking a couple of steps back from the door, unsure of his surroundings. Something bumped into him from behind as he was walking backwards, but before he even had a chance to turn around, a blindfold was quickly wrapped over his eyes and tied behind his head.

"Let me go! Who are you?" He yelled out to his captor as he started to reach up towards the blindfold with his paws which were swiftly grabbed from a different part. James started struggling now, instinct kicking him and telling him to get away. That soon proved futile as something grabbed his ankles from the front, a warm tongue dragging along his right foot as he twitches.

"Who are you people!?" He screamed out as his body was lifted and tossed on a bed, which he assumed was Emily's. His right arm was still held onto as it was pulled up to apparently the bedpost by some sort of fluffy rope. Without realizing it, he rolled over and moved his free arm over to it, having the wrist gripped hard and pulled mercilessly back to the opposite post and tied in a similar fashion. He now really felt trapped, flailing his legs about in a useless fashion, twisting and turning his body every which way to try and find some way to escape. Four paws, two on each leg, soon pinned his legs down to the bed, spreading them apart as James really started to get nervous, fear entering his mind and body now. He shut his eyes, feeling like they were going to tear up.

"Please...just let me go," he begged to his captors now, guessing there was two people since he felt four paws. He started to cry now as he felt his legs spread more as some type of metal bracelet was put around his ankles and something connected to them, preventing him from moving his legs back together. He groaned gently, feeling his body being pulled down like the rack from medieval times towards the bottom of the bed. A few clicks later and he struggled, feeling his legs latched down from the bracelets, rolling side to side, still trying to see if he can get free. He started to realize he couldn't escape, letting his body flump against the bed, causing it to make a squeaky noise from his weight upon it. The paws left his legs after a gentle rub, making him elicit a quiet meep from his muzzle. His ears gave a twitch, focusing on the voices he now heard, assuming that they were of the two people in the room. He couldn't quite make out what they were saying but all he could make out was the word 'naked'. This worried him a bit as his flattened back against his head while his tail twitched off to the side of him.

James erfed as a large furry body hopped onto his belly, moving up to sit on his waist. The weight shifted forward as he felt the tip of a claw press against his throat, meeting the collar of his shirt. The collar began to tug down until the claw started causing it to rip down, slowly revealing his white furred chest. The shirt then split open, his entire chest revealed as the claw tore the arms of the shirt off, causing it to fall down onto the bed below him. He couldn't help but let a naughty thought pass through his mind as he adjusted himself with the weight of whoever was on his waist.

The next thing that caught James' breath was the opening of the crotch in his jeans. Feeling and hearing the zipper slide down gave him another naughty thought as the paws ripped apart his jeans; James shivering from the touch of cold air on his leg fur. More thoughts passed through his mind as he felt himself fighting back against the thoughts that were causing a slight tightness in his boxers. The person between his legs let out a giggle as they tore off his boxers and James' body shuddered as the air hit his now revealed crotch.

By now, James' body started to submit to this feeling on him, but his mind was stilling trying to fight against it all with futile attempts. He once again felt weight back on his chest, a furry tail flicking across his nose causing him to sneeze. A warm tongue over his sheath brought him back to the sensations on his body as he gritted his teeth at the rough tongue gliding over his sheath. That was soon followed by a pair of paws wrapping around both of his thighs and grabbed a hold of his rump cheeks, pulling them apart slowly. He couldn't bear to grit his teeth and keep his muzzle closed any more as a cold nose pressed up against his tailhole, breathing warm air over it which got replaced by a warm tongue licking and covering it gently. He let out a moan of satisfaction, being fascinated by these feelings to his virgin body. His body shuddered with relief as his sheath was swelling from the suckling upon it from the rough tongue, the tip poking out as it was wrapped around by the tongue. That furry tail was still swishing across his snout from time, causing him to sneeze multiple times during that. The warm tongue on his tailhole had James' own tail twitch and freeze up as it pressed tightly up against it, rubbing up and down it, covering it in saliva. James' was in almost pure bliss by the attention as his cock started to further extend from his sheath to be enveloped in the warmth of a muzzle.

"Shall we take it off him?" A female voice said that sounded quite familiar to James as the feeling around his cock left.

"What? Is that you Emily?!" James shouted from his muzzle, twisting his head from side to side.

"Guess so, he got the right answer." Another voice spoke up that sounded male as the tongue retreated from his tailhole, leaving the fox empty and lingering for more.

Finally, James felt the blindfold being lifted from his eyes that were open in eagerness. The light greeted his eyes as he stared at the scene by his lower half. On his chest was indeed the tigress Emily. Her naked form was sitting on his chest, bent over slightly and facing his crotch as she gave James a wink. He looked over, seeing her rump pretty close to his muzzle and the thin line of her nether lips just visible through her fur. Emily moved to the side, taking James' gaze off her rump and down to his crotch to let him see a familiar wolfish muzzle greet him.

"Hey, long time no see there bud," the muzzle replied, grinning from end to end.

"Aaron? Is that you?" James asked quickly, tail twitching faster and faster at seeing him.

"That's right. Emily called me and told me she wanted to break you in as a pet. And of course, I agreed easily to it," Aaron said as he stood up. The 6' 9" wolf looked older than both of them as he took a stretch when standing up. He was also naked with his tail was happily swaying back and forth behind him. His fur looked like a completely semi-grey color with no other distinctions on him. "Now then, we just have to wait for you clothes to get here James," he smirked as he knelt back down putting his muzzle between James legs again.

Emily was waving her rump in front James' muzzle, making him lick his lips at it and trying to reach at it with his tongue but just cannot quite reach it. He laid his head back on a pillow and sighed a little, making Emily giggle at him as a knock on the bedroom door made him lift his muzzle back up. James blinked a couple of times seeing his brother, Eric, standing in the doorway, completely naked with the collar and leash in hand.

"E..Eric? What, what are you doing here?" James quickly asked, completely surprised to see his brother here.

"Why, I'm here to help of course James," Eric told his brother, stepping into the room towards his brother with the collar and leash. "We're breaking you of your virginity, along with becoming Emily's pet," he finished, snapping the collar in place with the leash dangling from it.

James was in near shock, not really knowing what to say as he watched Eric move up onto his body, just in front of Emily and faced him. James watched as his brother dropped the leash and put his paws on the front of the bed above James' head and leaned over him. He looked down, noticing his brother's shaft peaking out of its sheath as it moved towards him in a hypnotizing way. He eeped quickly as Emily bent back over, slipping his shaft into her muzzle, running her tongue over it as she went down on it. Eric quickly took advantage of James' open muzzle and pressed his hips forward. James eagerly allowed his muzzle to take the shaft, wrapping his lips around it as his moan was muffled from Aaron leaning back over the end of the bed and sucking on James' tailhole. James heart was racing, beating quickly as his brother's shaft grew into his muzzle, letting his teeth graze the skin lightly as it pushed into his muzzle.

Eric gripped the head of the bed with his claws to keep himself steady. His tail was flagging up and down as he moved his hips back and forth with a steady rhythm in and out of James' muzzle. Each push into the muzzle, the warmth, tongue, and teeth pleasuring his sensitive flesh causing his knot to inflate as it was pressed against the lips on each drive forward.

Emily was busily working on James' own shaft with her muzzle. Her rough feline tongue working the shaft good and hard, wrapping around it as it throbbed within her muzzle. Her paws were cradling his knot, lightly rubbing it and stroking the base which her tongue couldn't reach. She was dragging the fingers of her other paw up the orbs of the fox which held what she wanted.

Aaron, on the other paw, was having a little trouble at keeping James' tail out of the way as his paws kept the fox's rump spread so he could have access to the crevice of it. He blew warm air over the tailhole, causing the owner of it to shudder with pleasure. His tongue pressed up tight against the tailhole, licking up and then moving his tongue back down over it. He moved the tongue inside, pressing his lips against the hole in a kiss, tenderly licking inside the tight tailhole.

James was by now, just shuddering with pleasure. His body was racked with feelings that spread through him, giving him a wonderful pleasure. His sucklings upon Eric's cock get stronger, holding it steady between his teeth as his tongue worked its way on the head, eliciting a moan from his brother above him. His eyes shut tightly, feeling his breath catch within his body as Emily moved up and sucked only his head, giving his knot a firm grope causing him to lift his hips a little and give a strong groan. His body pumped their seed into her muzzle, getting his first orgasm achieved. His muzzle clamped down during his orgasm, hearing Eric's breathing get faster as he leaned more over James' and slammed his knot against his muzzle as the knot swelled and shot Eric's seed into his brother's muzzle, filling it up nicely.

James felt Aaron lift and remove his muzzle from the tailhole as Emily squeezed James' knot, milking it more of its seed until it slowly died down. The rest of James' seed hit her muzzle as she slowly pulled off, licking her lips of the bit that hit her. James' kept his muzzle tight around his brother's cock, letting the seed flow into his mouth and down his throat, causing both of them to squirm in blissful delight.

Eric slowed more to a panting as he pulled his cock from his brother's muzzle, letting the fox breath in more air for himself as the rest were panting, but ready for more. "Now, time to really complete you brother," Eric grinned as he got off James and went to the foot of the bed.

"Yes sir..." James trailed off as Emily had spun around and quickly kissed his lips, mixing a taste of Eric's and his own cum in his mouth. He growled harshly, feeling a cock spread his tailhole, pressing its way into his tight walls which were accompanied by a moan that belonged to Aaron. His muzzle opened a little during the growl, in which Emily opened her lips and swished her tongue into his muzzle and grabbed his tongue, keeping them locked together.

Eric was rubbing his shaft slowly, watching his brother be taken and Emily sliding down slowly, the tip of James' shaft just touching the wet lips of her sex, making him grunt in the kiss. Eric twitched a little at the scene and wanted to speed it up a bit as he moved behind Aaron and stood behind him, pushing his hips forward and darting it into the wolf's body up to the knot. They both grunted as Aaron's knot met flush with the tailhole of James.

The quick thrust into James' tailhole caused him to move up, the head of his shaft penetrating into the sex of Emily. His ears twitched as he heard Emily let out a meep as she broke the kiss, her eyes closing as he opened his own.

James muzzle was open and panting quickly as he felt Aaron's cock fill him with each in thrust. The pounding of Aaron's cock into James' tailhole had Emily slip more and more of his shaft into her sex. With each bounce of Aaron's thrusts, James gave a moan and bounced Emily up and down on his cock.

Emily was wet, leaking her juices out over James' cock and down his balls to the bed. Her walls were gripping and pulling his shaft in deeper with each bounce on his shaft and knot. She wanted it in her, to be tied until James came into her body. Her wish soon came earlier than she had expected as her body shuddered and her lips swallowed the knot, spreading enough to let it in, but not back out as James arched his back and let out a loud groan of pure pleasure.

Eric was just pounding himself away, taking Aaron's tailhole for himself. His hips pushed forward in a rough manner, almost as if raping him, but more as pleasure for the wolf. His rough humping was rewarded with a slip inside of the tailhole, grunting loudly as his arms wrapped around the chest of the wolf, causing him to tie with James. Eric humped a couple more times until he soon shuddered, his cock twitching inside the tailhole as it let loose his semen into the body of the wolf.

Aaron moaned with a slight growl as the rough tie with Eric plunged his own knot into James' squirming body on the bed. Aaron let Eric make him thrust into James' tight tailhole for him as he was lost in pleasure from the two brothers. The thrusts from Eric made Aaron tense up and jiggle a little as he let his own semen pump from his balls into James' body, coating the insides quite nicely.

James was in pure bliss once again. He struggled to keep an eye open and watch Emily's face contort in pleasure from his shaft stabbing into her sex. The rough knot forced into his tailhole made him whimper and shut his eyes tightly; causing a tear to fall but his hips rose, sliding his knot easily into Emily as she pushed down. His body was racked with pleasure, more then when he paws himself.

James felt Emily move up and down as best she can tied by the knot. He didn't know how much more he could hold it as his body screamed out in bliss as he orgasmed hard into Emily's sex, just as she hit her own.

The room was filled heavy with the smell of sex all around. Each of them panting quickly, gasping as they came down from their orgasmic peak. Aaron was first to move as he retreated from the foxes tailhole with a gentle slurp and tug. While Aaron moved, Eric followed behind him, keeping his hips flush against Aaron's rump but sighed as he pulled out and stroked a paw up it, causing Aaron to make a small meep.

Emily blushed as she fell from her orgasm, lying onto the chest of her new pet, stroking his cheek with a paw. "Mmm...you will be an excellent pet..." she lightly worded between pants.

Aaron and Eric were already starting to remove the bonds from James, letting his body lay flat on the bed, allowing him to catch his breath as they looked at him and walked into the hallway to put the bonds away.

James opened his eyes back up as he felt Emily get off of him slowly and wander to the place to put her clothes back on. James moved himself to sit on the edge of the bed, playing with the leash in his paws. He kept his head down to not look at Emily directly as he spoke, "Thank you, my mistress."

Emily had a smirk on her face as she finished putting her clothes back on and stepped towards her pet, giving him a light kiss on the cheek. "Your welcome my pet. Now let's go, we need to get you some new clothes at your house."

James ears perked up and smiled at his new mistress, happily swaying his tail as she led him out of the room by his paw. When they reached the hallway, he saw Aaron and Eric, both dressed already and ready to head back downstairs.

Eric shook his head playfully at James. "My, my Emily, he does look dashing," he said with laughter in his voice, which causes James to blush. He gave James a light pat on the head and headed downstairs, followed by Aaron.

The front door opened and then shut as Emily turned back to James. "Well, ready to go?" She asked him softly.

James held up the leash with his pinky, smiling an irresistible smile. "Lead on my mistress," he teased as she grabbed the collar quickly. He was yanked quickly by the leash with Emily so happy as they rushed out to the car with new ideas already planned in their minds.
