Master and His Pet

Story by Denali Husky on SoFurry

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#1 of Master & Pet

Short story (may continue) about a master and his pet.

Alright, I think I might continue this story if people think it's good enough. Feedback and suggestions would be great! Anyways enjoy~

"Hey pup... I'll be back later... Gotta go to work" the deep voice of my master woke me from my sleep his soft kiss against my neck waking me senses. I yawned softly and stood on my knees near the edge of the bed wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him back before he was too far from me, I lowered my arms and hugged his hips softly murring in his ear. "Do you really have to go so early?" my voice was as delicate as crystal my paw resting on his bulge, I pulled down his fly and unbuttoned his pants gripping my masters big musky balls through his tight briefs. He moaned softly and let me continue. I let go of his hips and got off the bed getting on my knees in front of him. His hard cock was clearly visible even in the low morning light, I dragged my tongue up his shaft through his briefs making my tongue rub the soft fabric against his sensitive tip pre already leaking. "Fuuuck... Husky..." he whined softly and lightly pushed my head away "I have to go... Can't be late again..." he looked down at me his deep blue eyes shining like jewels.

I gave him puppy eyes and nodded standing up again "aww... Alright, fine... You owe me..." he laughed softly and walked over to some scattered clothes on the floor. "You've been a good pet... Play with this until I'm back. Oh, almost forgot. Get dressed up too, I'm taking you somewhere" my master walked back to me and pressed a pair of musky briefs against my nose. "Take a deep whiff..." he grabbed the back of my head and wouldn't let me go until I obeyed his command "Mmmm... N-no" I tried resisting but had to give in, I took a deep whiff of his pungent scent shuddering as I took more and more breaths. "Good boy..." my master softly murred "I'll be back later, have fun" he softly slapped my ass letting me drool like an idiot over his dirty underwear

I flopped on the bed pulling down tight panties sucking on my masters briefs, I got off on the thought of my masters big manhood against the fabric slowly rubbing against it. I gripped my hard blue cock slowly pumping as I moaned like a bitch thinking of all the times my master made me submit by spurting his thick load all over my face marking me leaving his scent on my nose.

"You're such a dirty pup you know..." I could hear my master softly talk in my ear as I he forced his fingers in my hole. "You want to be bred don't you?" his warm breath against my ear always made me hard. "I want to tie you up in the living room and let my friends use you, want that pup?" I nodded and whined as he fingered my hole faster "Yes master I want that!" I cried out softly as the tips of his fingers rubbed my sweet spot over and over. "Oh? I didn't know my pup was a whore... You're lucky I don't mind... You want other men to use you like a toy? To shoot their load in you and just leave you there?" my cock throbbed hard and spurted my thick load against my stomach as I let out a loud feminine moan.

I was snapped back into reality after getting off to that memory. My master never did let me get used by his friends...