[1] Log #3490-A - The beginning

Story by Arctacia on SoFurry

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#1 of Arctacia Mythos


[STATIC] $@#1Th-th-This is...day one of my search. [STATIC] Umm... I guess there's not much to report yet, but this was one of the first entries I managed to extract. And uhh... the first step to try to r-r@#rebuild and [STATIC]--member who I was. Well, at least the truth of it...all of it#!@%<

This is one of the earliest logs in existence...and the mere tiny rock of a long path I have ahead of me. Well...here's to memories...[STATIC]and the truth. [STATIC] @!%^*)!



DATE: 159:04:12880[DRL]

TIME: Z-010 X-58

SUBJECT: Project DALAF as headed by Zula'thrawlogwa Tythra'mawdoxenenladine

I am recording this log in hopes that someone will realize how right I am. They ignore me, cast me aside, berate me because they truly believe in this project and view me as nothing more than a naysayer. But, they will see...they will see just what chaos can be unleashed upon this realm.

Yes, we may be advanced and know some of the most incredible technologies, but where do we come off acting like gods? Just because we've been around longer than any other race we've encountered, do we really have the right to create life that we think will truly do us the world of good? I think not...

It's unbelievable what we're doing here. But, I will set my plan into motion soon and take flight from this place before hell breaks loose. I know what I must do. I just hope that the rest of you realize this before it's too late. But, why do I bother being the voice of reason in this? Clearly...it already is too late...

I'll see you all in your graves. By the time you even see this log, I'll be long gone...

  • Anonymous