Chapter One : First day of school
Well Summer was over and it was the first day of school, Students walked towards the school entrance clad in their usual Blue and black uniforms. Zanix high school was the most respected school for having the highest scores every year.
Chad sighed hanging his jacket over his shoulders out of habit, his school bag hanging over his left shoulder anchoring the jacket down. Holding his paw out infront of his face he still couldn't believe his eyes. Since that night his father had injected something in his system, his sickness was gone. He looked healthier and stronger, but it came with a price he had been having some weird dreams of a shadow figure always telling him to be careful.
"Chad!" A voice called out.
Looking up he saw his long time friend who had always been there for him, making sure he was doing okay and taking care of him.
"Vanessa! Hey, how ya been?" Chad smiled waving.
Vanessa giggled running towards him, skidding to a stop. The cheetah girl blinked looking at Chad, suddenly going around him and checking him out.
"Hey, what's going on?! You don't look yourself?" Vanessa said as she went all around him, lifting his arms, poking his sides.
Chad blinked and blushed suddenly, he held her wrist gently and pulled her in front of him. He gave a smile that made Vanessa blink.
"Well, I actually have some great news! My doctors finally found a treatment, and I am doing way better thanks to this new treatment. In just a few days my immune system suddenly spiked." Chad smiled rubbing the back of his neck.
Vanessa's eyes lite up rightly, she jumped into Chad's arms.
"Oh my gawd!!!! This is amazing!" Vanessa purred.
Chad chuckled calmly and hugged the slim petite cheetah, he blushed hugging her tight nuzzling her neck. He wouldn't tell her but he had a crush on her since before he got sick. Vanessa and him always stuck with each other, since they were kit and pup.
"Ch-chad! your squeezing me!" Vanessa blushed herself, feeling her long time friend hug her so tight her breasts pressed hard to his....his toned chest.
Chad merfed and let go, blushing like mad now, rubbing his arm. HIs ears perked hearing a bell suddenly go off. Both of them jumped and took of running noticing they were late!
"Okay students, today is our first day of school. I am your home room teacher miss Icarus. It's a pleasure meeting you all." Miss Icarus said bowing her head. The white tigress smiled.
Chad looked to his books his father had ordered ahead of time, he was the highest scoring student of his school. So his father always made sure he had the best of everything. Looking to his map he saw the marked classes he was taking this year and studied the map to memorize it, after that he looked up to listen quietly to his teacher as she explained the rules and what is expected from students. Every year started this he could probably even give the speech himself.
Vanessa blinked looking over to Chad, she looked at his face with a blush. What was going on here? Her heart fluttered and her stomach felt like butterflies were trying to escape from it. Her eyes scanned over Chad's figure, his arms, chest and shoulders. They looked more toned and broad, even his legs looked more thicker, was it the treatment and the physical recovery making him that way. He looks like what he would if he never got sick. Chad blinked and looked over to her blinking somewhat, tilting his head. Vanessa stared at him her cheeks pink under her yellow and black spotted fur, suddenly realizing he was looking back at her she went wide eyed and snapped her head to the teacher her tail poofed out.
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! He saw me staring at him! What do I tell him I was practically drooling right then and there!" Vanessa thought to herself rubbing her thighs together.
Chad blinked arching a brow and shook his head, what was up with her? I am getting better and she stares at me like I am someone completely different. What is up with her?
The day went by slow for the two, in each class they took notes on what to expect from the classes. Home room being the only one they had together Vanessa hugged her books to her chest. Her heart still pounded in her ribcage, like it wanted out. Chad was quiet through out his classes, not even noticing some girls looking at him. He paid attention to his studies thanks to his sickness and Vanessa always helping him. The final bell rang and everyone walked out of the classes to their lockers, the courtyard of lockers was filled with students.
Chad pushed through quietly and gently to get to his locker, he winced as a few students would step on his hind paws. Getting an apology quick he only waved it off with a smile. Getting closer now, he sighed with relief day is almost over. A sudden push made his back hit a locker hard he grunted and winced, holding his ribs
"What the hell are you doing showing up suddenly like you're hot shit Chad!" A bull snorted.
"What are you talking about Beck?! I am just here to get my school work for the next week and go back home. I didn't think I was hot shit." Chad stood up slowly still holding his ribs.
"Yeah what ever fucko! My girl couldn't stop staring at you in P.E. !' Beck snorted again rolling his sleeves up.
Chad blinked holding up his paws suddenly.
"Whao wait Beck, I didn't mean anything of it. I was just sitting there!" Chad swallowed hard, he has never been in a fight.
"Beck! Leave him alone!" A doe yelled holding the large bull's arm.
"Fuck that! You're my girl!" Beck pushed her aside, making her squeak.
Chad blinked and looked down to the doe, the bull snorted again and charged at him suddenly. Throwing a punch towards him, Chad winced at the on coming punch ready for the hit to him. Only it never made contact, when he opened his eyes looking to the bull who had his eyes opened in shock. When he looked up he was holding the bulls wrist bending it backwards, the bull groaned falling to his knees.
"Let go! you're gunna break my wrist!: Beck yelled grabbing at his wrist.
Chad swallowed and let go backing away quickly, what just happened. HIs paw, it was like it reacted on it's own. Looking around the student's all blinked in shock, Beck was the toughest guy in this school and in one move he was crying on the floor holding his wrist. Chad swallowed again he turned and took off out of the school running as fast as he could. He didn't stop until he was at his favorite spot by a creek, he panted and looked to the water running through the fur-made crevice. Wait did I just run all the way here?!? Looking back he blinked in confusion, this place was atleast atwenty minute walk from the school, he made it here in just ten minutes!
"Wh-what is happening to me!" he shouted to himself.
"Nothing, you're just becoming stronger." A voice said out of no where.
"Who said that?!" Chad growled looking around to see no one.
"Why me, your only friend and protector." The voice said behind him again.
Chad turned around to see nothing once again, he blinked looking around feeling scared now. Was he going crazy or just hearing things?
"You're not hearing things.Go towards the river." the voice said behind him.
Blinking Chad looked back to see no one, then looked to the river. Swallowing hard he walked to the river slowly looking down into it, seeing nothing but his reflection.
"Where are you?" Chad said.
"Right here." HIs reflection said suddenly. His reflection moved on its own!
Falling back suddenly on his butt Chad freaked out and crawled away from the river as much as he could.
"There is no running Chad, I am part of you. I can make you see things and I am the reason you have become what you are now." The voice said once again in his head.
"What.......what I am?" Chad arched a brow.
"Yes, what you are now. Or rather what we are now. You see I have been created to bond with my host and make sure they live so that I may live. But don't worry, I won't take over or anything. I will just help you react and protect you when you are unable to." The voice said calmly.
_ "What do you mean take over?" Chad asked now calming down, he hugged his legs to his chest._
"I mean that by taking over completely, it seems I am unable to. But don't mistake that as hostil, When I was put in your body, I noticed you had some cancer growing with in your body. So, I made sure to get ride of them. During that time I also noticed your muscles were not healthy either, I worked on everything with in one night. Your heart, Muscles, blood, skin and fur. I made sure to make them better and healthier, other wise we would have died. In doing that though it seems it has weakened me and made it impossible to repair your brain to what I wanted though. You see I am a parasite that works the body to a better....hmmm, how shall I put it. Weapon? After that I go for the brain to make sure that "I" have control of said weapon." The voice explained.
Chad blinked as he listened quietly, weapon?
"What do you mean by weapon?" Chad asked.
"Hold out your right paw." The voice said.
"Okay." Chad did as he was told.
"Okay now, I want you to think of something your fingers can change into. Something sharp and for stabbing." The voice said.
_Chad blinked, like knives? As he thought of that, his fingers suddenly shifted and stretched out into blades! Metallic blades glimmer in the sun light, under that which connected to the base was his muscle! He gasped and crawled back as if to try and get away from his paw! _
"What the fuck is this!' Chad yelled his paw shakingly turning the blades hitting one another, a metallic clang could be heard.
"Like I said Chad, I made you into a weapon for a purpose. What purpose is unclear to me. My nature demands I make this body into a weapon then to change the brain to what I need. Since I cannot go to the brain, you are in control. I only aid in your purpose." The voice said.
Chad swallowed hard and looked over his paw, flexing his fingers. In his shock the blades bent like fingers, he blinked and tested that again. Looking up he walked to a small brush of bushes. Holding up his paw he swiped at the bush feeling every branch hit his bladed fingers, felt like nothing. The small bush's top popped off cleanly cut. Chad swallowed hard as he watched his paw change back to normal, flexing his fingers and backing away.
"this is too much." Chad looked around making sure no one saw him.
"You will get" The voice said tiredly.
"What's wrong?" Chad asked.
" Conscious...for a small...window." The voice soon faded.
"Wait!I have some more questions!." Chad blinked hearing nothing.
"Okay, what did you have to ask then?" Vanessa asked from behind him.
Chad spun around and blinked blushing slightly, how long was she there?
"How long where you there?" He asked nervously.
"Not long, I just got here. I was about to leave then you told me to wait. What did you have to ask?" Vanessa blinked.
Chad paniced and rubbed his neck suddenly, his cheeks burning hotly now.
"Oh1 Ummm......I was gunna you'd get something to eat! Yeah that's it!" Chad smiled having to think of something up really quick.
"That's it?" Vanessa blushed hoping for something else.
They both walked back to town, awkward silence between them.
To be continued.