Runaway Experiment Redux - Part 7: Domination (Ending B)

Story by StrikerSA on SoFurry

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The airfield on the western outskirts of Eastrock, unlike the city's commercial airport, served the needs of the rich and famous. Instead of giant passenger jumbos, there were dozens of private jets, light aircraft and even a jumbo or two belonging to the very wealthy of Eastrock. Highly professional ground crews tended to the aircraft while private security guards loitered all over the airport, keeping away intruders and paparazzi from their paying clientele.

One of the private jets, a Lear Gulfstream Jet painted in red and white colors with the name "HOOD INDUSTRIES" on the wings and tail, stood ready on the tarmac while the guards and pilots awaited the arrival of their boss. A white limousine drove up to the aircraft and stopped. The driver got out, opened the rear door and lowered a ramp. He then proceeded to help Sir Hood, who is in his motorized wheelchair, out of the vehicle.

"Thank you, Alfred." The hyena industrialist said to his driver, who simply nodded in reply.

Hood guided his wheelchair up to the aircraft captain, a female weasel dressed in an impeccable flight uniform. The captain and her crew saluted Hood, who raised his paw in greeting.

"Ah, Captain Ellen. Good to see you. Is everything ready?" Hood said.

"We're all set, sir." Captain Ellen replied in a formal yet respectful tone. Working for Sir Hood was an honor for them, especially given his reputation for generosity to his employees.

"Excellent. Then let's proceed with all haste." Hood said eagerly.

The crew and guards all nodded. Hood's wheelchair was placed on a special elevator that brought him up to the hatch of the aircraft. The crew and guards began to board the jet to prepare for flight. It took a few minutes to close all the doors, remove the walkways and vehicles and finally get clearance from the air traffic controllers. Once the all clear signal was given, the Gulfstream's engines came to life. Ground crews removed the blocks that kept the plane from moving.

The jet taxied onto the main runway and then on to its one end. It then made a U-turn and started going down the runway. The plane sped up as the whine of the engines became louder and louder. The jet's wheels left the ground and the aircraft was now airborne. The landing gear was retracted and the plane gained altitude as it turned towards its destination: Huskyville.

Inside his mobile command post, General Whiska was getting berated by the Defense Minister and his superior officers over the fiasco in Huskyville. The raptor was seated by a table, facing towards a bank of monitors with two of his aides standing on either side. On the screens the minister, a lion with a particularly impressive mane, and other high-ranking generals were all with very displeased looks on their faces.

Whiska was barely listening to the minister's angry words, his mind more focused on his failed plan in Huskyville and the splitting headache he had developed afterwards. In particular, he angrily remembered the three soldiers in that tank who ruined his plans. Who were they? How did they work for? Who sent them? He had so many unanswered questions that it made his headache worse.

"General! Did you hear me?" The minister's loud, commanding voice brought him back to reality.

"Yes, Mister Minister." Whiska lied. "I can understand your anger, but I promise you that this matter will be resolved very soon."

"And how do you intend to do that?" The lion asked skeptically.

"I've made some arrangements with some of my air force colleagues to help with a plan I have in mind."

"You have too much power, General Whiska." One general with air force ribbons on him said accusingly.

Whiska continued, ignoring the general's remark, and explained his plans to the minister. There were grumblings and whispered discontent, but no one interrupted Whiska. When the raptor had finished, the minister spoke.

"Do you really think this plan will succeeded, general? And without the same result as the previous one?" The minister asked.

"Absolutely, Mister Minister." Whiska nodded. "All steps will be taken to avoid outside interference."

"And what about the creature's victims?" Another general stepped in. "This idea of yours could lead to casualties."

"There is unfortunately going to be casualties, general." Whiska said, though he wasn't the least bit concerned about any deaths. "Besides, look at it this way: if we are too concerned about a few civilian deaths we won't be able to kill this thing and it will then overrun the country. If one's leg is trapped and you're drowning, it's better to cut off the leg to survive."

No one disagreed with Whiska. They had all seen the events at the stadium, and the idea of that scene repeating itself all over the country overrode any concerns they had about any casualties that may arise with this plan.

"Very well, General Whiska." The defense minister said. "Do what you need to do. But I want that thing neutralized ASAP. Not tomorrow, not after breakfast. Now. You understand me?"

"Loud and clear, Mister Minister." Whiska said, relieved at being given another chance to deal with the situation.

"Don't screw up again, general." The defense minister with a rumbling of agreement amongst the generals. The screens then went black as they all signed off. Whiska was tempted to give the finger to the blank bank of monitors, but decided against. He'll show them, he thought. He was NOT going to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor. The plant was going down, and the raptor will make sure that it stays dead this time.

As for the plant's victims... Whiska just shrugged mentally as he got up and left.

The limousine's lights pierced the night as it traveled from the private airfield towards the lights of Huskyville in the distance. It was alone the road, since most of the people who use the airfield had long since left the town due to the recent events there. Inside the limo Sir Hood the hyena was in the back seat while his driver, a female tabby cat, was behind the wheel. A sound-proof glass partition separated the front from the back.

Hood was studying the personnel files his spy in the secret research facility where the plant originated from had sent him. In particular, he was looking at Tanzi's file. It gave many details such as her education and prior experience, but Hood wasn't really interested in those. His eyes went back and forth between her file photo and the part on her psychological evaluation. To Hood she looked beautiful and well built, though whether this was natural or due to being in the first plant he was unsure. Her personality was also attractive to the hyena male. She was described as independent, somewhat dominating and very competitive, which Hood though almost matched his own nature.

Hood's eyes then wandered to the cellphone that lay on the seat next to him. He was wondering whether he should make that call, but there was some lingering doubts over whether this was a good idea. He knew what the plant could do. The hyena had seen all the evidence.

At the same time, Hood knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He could not let this slip through his fingers. He had spent too much effort and money, and the plant represented so much potential that it made his head spin. The hyena also knew the military was after this plant and would destroy it, regardless of its victims' fates.

Still, it took Hood a good while of thinking before he finally made his decision. He reached for the cellphone and dialed the number he was given.

Tanzi sighed happily after orgasm swept through her nude body. The female hyena was inside her own private pod that hung from the ceiling of the super plant's feeding chamber, along with a male German Shepherd she had brought up to her. The male was panting heavily inside the tentacle mask covering his muzzle, his throbbing cock quivering inside Tanzi's vagina while tentacles held both him and the hyena female. However, Tanzi had chosen not to get submerged in the preservation fluid like the other pods and was covered in a thin layer of slime. She needed to be ready for the special call she was expecting. Tanzi glanced to one side, where a small sack hung next to her pod. Through the transparent skin lay a cellphone that the hyena had acquired from the previous owner, who was now among the victims below. It was silent, for now.

While resting, Tanzi looked around her. Her pod was not the only one to dangle from the ceiling. Other pods were clustered around hers, each containing the plant/furry hybrid females who served as her agents. All of them shared their personal abode with a male they had chosen to be their own personal pleasure slaves. The agents used their own tentacles to stimulate and tease their partners, driving up their sex drive as they yiffed the hybrids in an uncontrollable lust. Tanzi grinned, seeing the happy faces of her servants and their victims.

Tanzi's gaze then shifted to the tubes that lead from the top down towards the pods, watching as yet another female's nude body traveled down to an unoccupied cell. That's when she heard the cellphone ringing.

"That better be my friend." Tanzi said. If not, well, she could track down the caller and invite him or her for a permanent visit.

Tanzi sent out her signal to the plant. Holes appeared in both her pod and the sack holding the phone. Tentacles then dropped from the ceiling and reached into her pod to take away the male canine. Tanzi inhales sharply as his cock popped out of her pussy, causing a gusher of juices to come from inside her. Once he was removed, she reached through and picked up the vibrating, ringing device. The hyena female pressed the answer button and put the phone to her ears.

"This is Queen Tanzi." She answered.

"Miss Tanzi, this is Hood." Came the reply from the other end.

"Ah, Mister Hood." Tanzi replied, leaning back inside her pod and smiling. "I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me."

"Where are you now?" Hood asked.

"I'm inside my domain, watching my subjects submit themselves to my pet." Tanzi replied smugly.

"That's a vague answer." The hyena businessman said.

"Of course it is. I'm not about to reveal my pet's to you. We haven't even met face to face."

"And yet how are we to meet if I don't know where you are?"

"Are you in Huskyville?" Tanzi asked, now a little more serious.

"Within a few minutes." Hood replied. "Do you want to arrange a rendezvous?"

"Maybe, if you're still serious about that business proposal you mentioned."

"I am." Hood said earnestly.

"Good." Tanzi smiled. "Then come to this location." The hyena female gave Hood the address of a golf course beyond the Huskyville city limits. She had the location sought out by her minions, and it was a good, isolated spot to meet.

"All right." Hood said after repeating the address. "Any specific time?"

"How about sometime tomorrow tonight?" Tanzi suggested. "You wait there until I show up."

"Very well." Hood replied with satisfaction. "I will meet you there, Miss Tanzi."

"I will be looking forward to it." Tanzi said with a grin. She then terminated the call and put the cellphone back inside its sack. Once her pod was sealed up, she signaled to her plant that she was ready for some more fun. The hyena grinned as her nest began to fill up with tentacles and liquid.

Unbeknownst to either Tanzi or Hood, a military listening post had eavesdropped on their conversation.

The Cloverleaf Links Golf Course was a sprawling landscape of tees, fairways, sand bunkers and brightly-colored greens. Lines of trees separated each tee from the other, while at the one end of the course stood the clubhouse. At this time of year the course would be the playground of both professional and amateur golfers, but the events in Huskyville have driven the course to close its doors. Even the night watch at the clubhouse had fled along with the customers, leaving the entire course abandoned and shrouded in the darkness of the night.

Dark except for the piercing lights of Hood's limousine, which stood parked near the golf cart depot by the clubhouse. Hood himself was in his wheelchair positioned in front of the headlights looking out at the golf course. The female tabby cat driver was seated behind the wheel, filing her claws and leaning backwards in her seat. Hood scanned the golf course, taking an occasional glance at his watch.

"This is the time and place." Hood said to himself. "I certainly hope she does show up."

Hood continued to look over the grass of the courses when he noticed a bulge forming on one of the greens. The bulge grew bigger and bigger, causing the course flag to fall out of the cup it was standing in. The bigger the bulge grew the more the ground cracked to expose the loose earth beneath. After few moments the earth gave way to the green, smooth skin of the Super Plant. Stems with closed buds rose up from the plant's main body, sprouting large purple flowers that lowered themselves to ground level. Hood noticed three bulges in the hourglass shape of females traveling up the stems towards the blooms.

The bulges reached the flowers just as the blooms' centers opened up. There the plant deposited the females onto the concrete. All of them were completely nude, which made Hood feel uncomfortable between the legs. Other creatures appeared with the females as they looked like spiders the size of a small pet. They scurried around the females as they walked up to Hood. Hood recognized the hyena female in the lead as Tanzi. My Gods she was gorgeous, thought Hood.

Tanzi was smirking as she stepped ahead of her group, her big melons bouncing a little with each step she took. "Sir Hood, I presume?" She asked.

"That's right. CEO of Hood Industries." Hood replied, holding out a paw. "And you are Miss Tanzi?"

"Queen Tanzi, actually." Tanzi replied, shaking Hood's paw while looking at the hyena in the wheelchair. "You're certainly not whom I imagined. What happened to your legs, handsome?"

"Industrial accident." Hood replied. "A crane collapsed at a construction site of one of my projects and a steel beam crushed my legs. That was almost a decade ago."

"You poor dear." Tanzi said, though the industrialist wasn't sure if her concern was genuine. She glanced behind Hood, probably looking towards his parked limousine. "And I appreciate the gift you brought my pet." Tanzi said smugly.

Hood frowned, wondering what Tanzi meant by a gift, and then he heard a brief shout from his limo. He quickly turned to look. The tabby cat driver was stripped of her clothing by another flower that had sprouted next to the vehicle. Green tentacles were penetrating every orifice they could find, pushing into her ass, pussy and mouth. The feline squirmed and struggled, her breasts jiggling and swinging as she tried to break free of the plant. The flower's centre had opened up and was slowly bringing its hapless victim to it. Hood stared in shock and amazement at his first sight of how the plant fed.

Tanzi took this opportunity while Hood distracted to go and plant herself on his lap, spreading her legs around him and putting her arms around his neck. Hood quickly swung his head around to find himself staring at the hyena's tits just inches away from his muzzle. Immediately he felt his pants tent from his erection. The male blushed furiously under his fur while his eyes popped wide open.

Tanzi laughed, running her fingers through his hair. "Now let's talk business, shall we?"

Hood took his eyes off his driver just as the tabby was being pushed head-first into the flower's gaping maw. He locked eyes with Tanzi, trying to contain his excitement. "Er... yes. Let's talk."

Tanzi grinned. Hood was almost entirely under her spell, but she decided not to take it further beyond the teasing. At least, for the moment.

"I read up on you and your business empire." Tanzi said. "Seems you have stakes in all kinds of sectors, ranging from manufacturing, transport and refining to more advanced stuff such as bio-technology, rocketry and space exploration and everything in between. I'm impressed."

"Just a result of business acumen, Miss Tanzi." Hood said, struggling to keep his eyes off of Tanzi's heaving breasts.

"I bet it is." The female hyena smirked, running her fingertips down the front of Hood's jacket to just above his belt. "I read up on those sectors and apparently your company is busy working on some kind of rocket that can be fired into space to help make it rain."

"Uh, yes. You're talking about the Poseidon Project."

"Poseidon, that's a nice name for it. How does it work?" Tanzi pressed on as she gently glided her paw over Hood's groin.

"Uh..." Hood began, trying to remain focused despite his raging hard-on. "Well, the rocket isn't actually launched into space per se. It is launched into the upper atmosphere whereupon it releases a number of capsules containing rain-causing spores that seed the atmosphere to the point where it can become heavy with moisture and then turn into rainfall. We've already done several test launches with good success."

"And where is this project located?" Tanzi asked sweetly while grabbing Hood's erection through his pants and squeezing it tightly.

Hood yelped and inhaled sharply, his claws digging into the armrests and his eyes bulging. "Uh... uh... It's... I cannot tell you."

"Aw, and why not?" Tanzi asked sweetly, but with a slight frown. She closed and opened her paw around Hood's malehood for additional effect.

Hood struggling to contain himself, feeling the stimulus from his cock rushing into his brain. He shook his head to clear up his mind while mustering as much deviance as he could get.

"Because I know what you are up to." Hood stated, locking eyes with Tanzi.

"You do?" Tanzi asked in surprise.

"Yes, I do." The industrialist lied in an attempt to get the upper paw.

Tanzi stared at Hood for a while, her frown becoming pronounced and her smile slowly vanishing. Finally the female took her paws off Hood's groin and climbed off his lap.

"Then I guess it's time for a different approach." Tanzi said.

It was Hood's turn to frown, but unbeknownst to him one of the mind spiders had scurried up behind his wheelchair and was climbing up behind him. The hyena opened his muzzle to say something, but instead of words a yelp erupted from his lips as the mind spider stabbed its probe into his neck. His eyes went wide, then he collapsed forward. This allowed the spider to climb in under his jacket and latch itself onto his back while securing its hold on his mind. Tanzi just stood there, smirking and resting her paws on her curvy hips while watching the creature take control of Hood. After a minute or so, Hood sat up again and looked at Tanzi.

"What is your wish, my Queen?" The mind-controlled male asked Tanzi.

"My wish is to know where the Poseidon Project is located." Tanzi asked, getting straight to the point.

"The project is being run at the Hood Industries Aeronautics & Launching Facility, located 200 miles to the north of here." Hood stated.

Tanzi smiled, then bent over and gently petted Hood's cheek. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" The hyena male smiled back, if only at the behest of the creature now controlling his head.

Queen Tanzi then sent out the signal to her pet that they had gotten what they needed and it was time to leave. Two of the hybrids walked up and used their tentacles to gently lift the crippled hyena from his wheelchair while stripping him of his clothing. Tanzi smiled and her tail wagged as Hood was undressed, his clothes falling to the ground until he hung naked in the air. Despite his age he still looked good, plus he was well-endowed. Tanzi's plant then brought its flowers closer to pick everyone up for the journey.

A long way from the Cloverleaf Links golf course was the mobile command post of General Whiska and his remaining troops. Inside Whiska was standing next to a technician who was monitoring a radar tracking device. They looked at the green, circular screen which showed the geography of the area they were in. A red dot blinked periodically on the radar. The raptor knew what the red dot represented: the tracking device they had implanted into the agent who posed as Hood's driver. He knew what her fate would be when she encountered the plant, and the general improvised a plan with which to track the monstrosity.

"There! It's moving again, general!" The technician exclaimed.

Whiska looked closer at the screen. Sure enough, the red dot was moving away from the spot where it had remained stationary.

"How fast is it going?" The raptor asked.

"One moment, sir." The technician replied as he checked the readings. "It's moving at about 10 miles per hour, sir."

"We got it!" Whiska said triumphantly. "It has to be our target. Keep tracking it and inform me of any course changes or when it stops."

"Yes, sir." The technician nodded.

Whiska stood up and walked off. He had a few phone calls to make.

Nestled between the ocean and a range of hills that ran the length of the coast was the Hood Industries Aeronautics & Launching Facility, a vast complex of laboratories, hangars, workshops, runways, radar dishes and launch pads on an open field of grass. It is here that new aircraft, rockets and satellites are designed, built and tested for either civilian, government or military use. An army of scientists, technicians, engineers and workers has jobs at the facility. While some staff members lived off site, many stayed in the dormitories on the complex.

Lizelle the female Fennec Fox was one of the scientists who worked there. In fact, she was a project leader, one of a dozen who oversaw various new experimental designs that were being undertaken. Although short in stature she not only had a lithe body and good looks, but also the brains to go with it. Today she wore the usual white lab coat with her name tag over their red business dress as she went through security checks before entering one of the biggest rocket hangars in the complex. The Fennec came to a door flanked by a young husky guard who stood next to a security scanner.

"Good morning, Miss Lizelle." The guard greeted her with a smile.

"Morning, Sasha." Lizelle smiled back.

"Think Poseidon will take to the air today?" The guard named Sasha asked.

"We hope so." The Fennec answers as she placed her paw on the scanner pad. The laser scanner went over her paw once before clearing her for entry. The doors slid open quietly, allowing her step into the hangar.

The hangar was basically a large cube the height of a twenty-story building and just as wide. Even so, the hangar was cluttered with everything from small tables and computers to forklifts, tugs, crates and large machines to giant metal frameworks, ladders and of course the experimental rockets that was the central focus. Everywhere worked technicians, engineers and scientists of various species and genders, with most of the work related to the rockets.

Lizelle stopped to look the rockets over. The rockets, all jointly named Poseidon, were tall cylinders that stood almost as high as the ceiling with round, red-painted tips and tiny wings near the front and rear. Each rocket had a trio of rocket boosters, enough to blast them to where they needed to be. All along the bodies were hatches for the rockets' payloads. Right now, the payload bays were empty to allow workers to make the final adjustments and checks. The logo of Hood Industries was sported proudly on the glossy metal sides of the rockets.

Lizelle walked past the rockets, greeting her co-workers as she went by until she came to where the rockets' payloads were being readied. Mounted on wheeled racks were a number of transparent spheres made of plastic, each of which would contain the seeds needed to produce rain. Several of her colleagues were checking each sphere's locking mechanism to make sure they would open when released from the rockets. The Fennec walked up to the large they were working around.

"Good morning, everybody." She greeted them.

"Morning, Liz!" A female panda responded pleasantly. The name tag on her lab coat not only gave her name as Ying-Lee, but also indicated her position as Lizelle's deputy project lead.

"How's things looking here, Ying?" The Fennec asked, looking at the spheres.

"Aside from one sphere with a faulty mechanism, all these balls are ready to be filled up and loaded onto the rockets." Ying responded, picking up a sphere and tapping it with her finger. "If things go well, we'll be able to launch Poseidon by noon."

"Excellent," Lizelle smiled, also picking up an empty sphere to examine. "If this works, Hood Industries will be the darling of the global agriculture community."

"Just like in everything else, right Liz?" Ying replied.

Both the fennec fox and the panda giggled.

"Speaking of, it's a pity Sir Hood can't attend today's launch." Ying continued.

"Yes, it is." Lizelle nodded. "I did try calling him yesterday, but they told me he was off on a business trip."

"He's always a business trip." Ying jested. "Perhaps that business trip involves lovely beaches and babes."

"Cut that out." Lizelle giggled while the panda smirked. "Let's just get all of this ready for today's big event."

"You got it, Liz." Ying nodded as she returned to work while Lizelle went over to have a closer look at the rockets.

Little did Lizelle or Ying know that deep beneath their feet the Super Plant was burrowing through the ground until it was right beneath the hangar. It was guided by instructions given to it from Tanzi as she acquired it from Hood, who was now sharing the same pod as the female hyena. And Tanzi found it very easy to persuade the male to give her the information she needed as well as giving them both a good dose of sexual pleasure.

Once it got under the hangar, the plant moved up towards the surface until it was a few feet below the concrete floor of the building. This presented an obstacle for the plant at first, but after a few minutes of probing around it found a weak point: plastic pipes that were part of the water supply system. The plant quickly breached the pipes in several places, both to drain them of water and allow its stems to begin digging their way up to the floor of the hangar above.

It didn't long for the first stems to break through...

Lizelle was half inside a rocket for inspection when she hear what sounded like metal crashing to the floor and several shouts. At first she though one of the metal frameworks had collapsed. But as the Fennec started to back out of the rocket she could hear screams, even more shouting and sounds of objects falling to the floor. Something was now definitely very wrong. The female scientist doubled her pace and quickly climbed out of the rocket, bumping her head against the edge of the hatch. She ignored the pain to see what was going on.

What she saw made the Fennec froze with shock.

Dozens of large green tentacles were bursting out of pipes and parts of the walls and floor. The huge tendrils were moving about, knocking over any loose object that got in their way as they proceeded to barricade every exit out of the hangar. Smaller tentacles sprouting from their larger counterparts reached out to grab any fur unfortunate enough to be in reach. They would even proceed to squirm their way into their victims' clothing and then tearing them apart. Once stripped naked the tentacles would then thrust into any available hole: mouths, asses, pussies were all fair game to the green lengths. The other scientists and workers were in a panic and scrambling to try and escape from the monstrosity that had burst into their workplace less than a minute ago.

A familiar shriek jolted Lizelle from her state of shock. She looked and saw her friend Ying being lifted into the air and stripped of her clothing to leave her nubile body completely naked. The panda squirmed and tried to call for help, but her voice was silenced when several tentacles thrust into her mouth and then into her lower body's holes. Ying's eyes nearly popped out of her skull and her muscles stiffened as she was violated.

"Ying! Hold on!" Lizelle shouted to her friend as he quickly climbed down the ladder. Ying barely heard the Fennec, the panda female groaning and bucking from the yiffing she was receiving in mid-air. Lizelle almost got to where her friend was when something grabbed her ankles, causing her to stumble and fall to the floor. Lizelle grunted in pain from the impact. Before she could recover she was lifted off the floor and into the air, hanging upside down. The Fennec saw that two tentacles had managed to grab her.

Lizelle tried to reach up and pull her feet free, but she couldn't even touch them with her fingertips. She then tried to call for help, but as she looked around she saw it was every fur for him- or herself. By now most of her staff were caught, stripped naked and begin raped by the swarms of green tendrils. Only a few remained free but they were being cornered and grabbed one-by-one. The massive green trunks were now everywhere and the Fennec could see large purple flowers blooming at the end of each stem. That's when she felt something, several somethings, slide in under her clothes.

"No, please!" Lizelle begged, but the tentacles paid her no heed. They slid into every nook and cranny they could find, causing the vixen to shiver from the creepy feeling over her body. Her clothes were then ripped off her, the sound of fabric tearing and snapping as the tendrils worked to remove her lab coat, clothing and finally her underwear. Lizelle blushed and shivered as she felt the cool air-conditioned air blow over her now nude body.

Lizelle's arms were forced against her sides and her legs spread in an embarrassingly compromising position. The Fennec kept struggling, trying desperate to break free from her captors.

"Save your strength, my dear. You will need it later." Came the calm female voice.

Lizelle and looked in front of her. Standing in front of one of the large flowers was a female hyena, completely naked and unashamed of displaying her firm breasts and fine curves. Standing behind the hyena were two more naked females, but they looked oddly green and sickly to the Fennec. She then shuddered in disgust when the vixen noticed the same green tentacles sprouting from their bodies. The hyena stepped forward, her melons gently bouncing with each step.

"I am Queen Tanzi, and you must be Lizelle. Am I correct?" The hyena introduced herself.

"Yes." Lizelle replied, ceasing her squirming to look in surprise at Tanzi. "But how did you know?"

"Your employer, Sir Hood, told me." The hyena said with a smirk. "He spoke highly about you."

"Hood? Where is he?" Lizelle asked suspiciously.

"Oh, you'll see him soon enough." Tanzi replied mischievously before changing course. "But first you got some work to do for me and my pet. Since you're the head of the Poseidon Project I figure you could help repurpose these rockets for my benefit."

"Repurpose?" The Fennec asked, her suspicions of the hyena's motives deepening.

"That's right. And you will be rewarded for your assistance." Tanzi smiled.

"Right! I refuse to help you! Besides, security will soon be all over you and your... pet." Lizelle growled before resuming her struggles.

"Tsk, tsk. Perhaps you should sample some of the rewards before making a decision, Miss Lizelle. As for the guards, I very much doubt that they will be too much trouble." Hyena said confidently, then turned around and waved a dismissive paw at the vixen. That was the signal for the tentacles to close in.

Lizelle's eyes flew open and she inhaled sharply when she felt the poking under her tail and between her legs. She tried clenching her holes' muscles as tight as she could, but with her legs spread and the strong probing from the tentacles it was a minor act of resistance. One tentacle wiggled into her pussy, followed a few seconds later by the other forcing itself into her ass. Lizelle cried out as she was double penetrated, feeling the rough-skinned lengths worm up into her fennec body. She felt something curl under her breasts and looked down; two tentacles were slithering around her melons like a pair of constrictor snakes squeezing her furry mounds and making her nipples poke out like cannons. Lizelle fought the sensations even though it making her mind swim.

The fennec tried to distract herself from the pleasure by looking around and observing what was going on. By now, virtually everyone who was in the hangar had now been captured by the creature; dangling in the air naked while tentacles filled and pumped every available hole and sucked onto any sensitive spot. Her friend Ying was now hanging limp in the grip of her tentacles, groaning softly while the tendrils thrust in and out of her moist pussy and tailhole. Lizelle then saw another of the giant flowers push out a nude female arctic wolf from its "mouth". Unlike the hyena's two bodyguards, this one appeared normal. She was carrying a round object the size of a football in her paws. The fennec watched as she placed the green, slimy object on a table where other females were also placing similar objects. She then recoiled when she saw the odd creature sitting on their backs with its antennae sticking into their victims' necks.

Lizelle then felt her body tensing up as her orgasm grew closer and closer. She tried to resist, but it was of little effect on the tentacles sliding up and down against her inner flesh tunnels. In fact, tightening her muscles intensified the pleasure that shot up through her body to her brain. Finally the Fennec vixen let out a feral cry as she come, her body shaking and thrashing in the air. Droplets of her moisture leaked from her pussy to drip down onto the shiny tiled floor. Her mind was overwhelmed by pleasure and her eyes lost focus for a bit as her orgasm took over for a brief moment.

Nearby Tanzi grinned as she watched Lizelle enjoy the yiffing from her pet despite the Fennec's best efforts to resist. It won't be long before the vixen is completely under her spell.

The hyena then turned and walked to the table where the objects Lizelle saw were being placed on a table. The slime-covered green orbs were the plant's seeds, freshly harvested from a number of females who had "volunteered" to be hosts. A group of mind-controlled plant victims were busy putting the seeds into the transparent spheres that lay on another table, the plant's goo dripping and running down their nude bodies to pool on the clean floor.

Tanzi approached one of her hybrid lieutenants, a rabbit female who had pinned a male rabbit engineer to the floor and was eagerly grinding her pussy upon his cock while keeping him pinned and gagged with her tentacles. The girl was crying out in passion while her partner was staring back at her with a look of surprise and unwilling pleasure.

"Having fun?" Tanzi asked as she approached.

"Yes... my queen..." The rabbit replied in between each deep breath.

"Good." The hyena giggled. "Is everything control now?"

"Yes, my queen... we... we have managed to... capture all the... staff members... and security... cannot get inside..." The rabbit continued, grabbing the male's paws and placing them on her furry bosoms.

"And the rockets?"

"Being prepared as... as we cum... I mean speak!" The female corrected quickly. "Many of the... scientists and... engineers... are now... eager to help us... We should... should be ready very... very... soooooooooohhh!" Her voice trailed off into a cry of pleasure as both she and her groaning partner orgasmed.

Satisfied and grinning, Tanzi left her lieutenant to enjoy her prey and walked over to inspect the rockets for herself. With the Poseidon Project now under her control and the facility's security unable to get into the barricaded hangar, Tanzi's plans were getting close to fruition.

But one big obstacle to her plans was on its way.

The B-52 bomber skimmed the clouds high above the countryside, its four large engines leaving a trail of white smoke behind it. Seated behind the pilots in the cockpit was General Whiska, wearing a set of earphones while holding a clipboard. He was busy receiving the latest intel from the ground crews who were tracking the runaway plant monster. From what he was hearing the raptor's suspicions has been proven correct; the plant had stopped at some kind of industrial facility it had been heading to.

"And it hasn't moved since?" Whiska spoke into the headset's microphone.

"Not an inch, sir," Was the reply over the earphones.


"Give me its current coordinates." Whiska requested, taking out his pen.

The voice on the other end gave the raptor the coordinates pinpointing the location of the plant. Whiska wrote down the numbers on the clipboard. Once he had written it down he offered the clipboard to the navigator, who sat at his station behind the co-pilot.

"Fly to this location." Whiska ordered.

"Yes, sir." The navigator replied as he took the clipboard. He input the coordinates into the computer in front of him before replaying the information to the pilot. The pilot acknowledged and instructed his co-pilot to turn into the direction indicated. The large aircraft slowly turned to the direction it needed to take.

Towards the Hood Industries Aeronautics & Launching Facility.

Back inside the hangar, Tanzi's plan was in full swing. All the captured staff members have either been "coerced" into helping or are on their way to the plant's belly. They worked alongside the mind-controlled victims from the plant to ready the rockets for launch while putting the plant seeds into the transparent spheres and loading them onto three of the big structures' cargo bays. Lizelle was now fully cooperative and sharing details with Tanzi in exchange for not being denied her orgasms from the tentacles.

Outside the facility, security teams were trying to force their way into the room, but the Super Plant and its various minions successfully managed to deter every attempt at entry, and even managed to snag a few new meals in the process. All-in-all, the operation was proceeding smoothly, the hyena female thought as she sat her furry butt down on an empty chair.

"We may have a problem." One of her lieutenants said as the female vixen walked up to Tanzi.

"What problem?" Tanzi asked, sitting up immediately.

"I overheard a conversation between the facility security chief and General Whiska." The vixen answered, holding up a handheld radio she took from a guard.

"What did they talk about?" The hyena queried.

"Whiska is on his way to the facility in a bomber. He intends to carpet bomb us and has ordered the security chief to evacuate everyone from the vicinity of the hangar."

"He's certainly getting desperate to stop us." Tanzi mused, getting up from her seat. "I think it's time we got rid of that interfering general." She turned to the vixen. "Get the others." She ordered, referring to the other hybrids.

"Yes, my Queen." The vixen replied, bowing her head before going off to get her friends.

Tanzi then turned her attention to her plant and give it set of instructions. It took the plant only a few seconds to respond as several of the stems that were not doing much began snaking up the walls towards the ceiling, using pipes and light fixtures to support their weight. They soon reached the support beams that ran along the ceiling and curled along them to the centre. The vines came to an open skylight, slid through the open window and began to pull on the ceiling's edges. The roof, having not been designed to withstand such force, tore and peeled back like a banana skin. Glass shattered and metal groaned loudly as the plant tore a big hole into the ceiling directly above the rockets.

Once the hole was made, Tanzi then instructed her minions and mind-controlled victims to begin preparing the rockets for launch and to load up their cargo of plant seeds. However, one rocket was not be loaded and instead left empty. Using the information given to her by Lizelle between each of the Fennec's orgasms, it did not take long to ready the rockets for their maiden launch. The hyena had a few of the scientists create a special something for the empty rocket. They worked quickly, putting the device together from scraps they collected around the hangar.

High above in the clouds the B-52 Bomber was now flying over the launch facility, making an initial first pass in order to scout their target. In the cockpit Whiska received an update from the aircraft's bomb technician.

"We've pinpointed the target structure, sir." The technician told the raptor.

"Good. Prepare to drop the bombs on our second pass." Whiska replied.

"Yes, sir." The technician acknowledged before heading back to the bomb bays.

Whiska undid his seatbelt and got up. He turned to the pilots.

"Make a second pass over the target and kept it steady. Be ready to make another pass in case we fail to destroy the target." The raptor ordered them.

"Yes, sir." The pilot and co-pilot responded in unison.

Whiska left the cockpit and made his way through the body of the aircraft until he came to the bomb bay. Several crewmembers were getting the munitions and targeting systems ready. Inside the bomb bay were several large "Daisy Cutter" bombs, each one powerful enough to turn a large area into a flat, burnt out moonscape. Whiska has omitted to tell the security chief of the facility below about it, but at this point he didn't really mind the collateral that would result from dropping one of these monster bombs.

Whiska watched as the crew went about their preparations for the big drop. His moment of triumph was now within his grasp...

Back in the hangar the rockets were now ready for launch. The plant's flowers opened wide and began to swallow up both the mind-controlled victims and their latest prey. Bulges of naked males and females moved down along the stems as the plant, like a glutton, consumed everybody in the hangar, everyone except Tanzi, who was watching the whole scene with a smile. Her eyes watched as Lizelle the Fennec was pushed head-first into a flower's open maw, her cute tush sticking out. The hyena walked up and playfully slapped each of Lizelle's cute buttocks, eliciting a startled yip from within the plant. One of her lieutenants then walked up to her, carrying a laptop.

"Here you are, my Queen." She said, holding out the laptop to the hyena. "Our drones have programmed the rockets to be launched with this laptop."

"And is the guidance system on that other rocket ready?" Tanzi asked, taking the laptop and looking at the brightly-lit screen.

"All set, my Queen." The female hybrid nodded.

"Good." Tanzi grinned, still looking at the on-screen program. "Now let's go. Destiny awaits."

With that the lieutenant and the last remaining furs on the surface were taken by the plants. Tanzi waited until everyone was inside the plant then went over to her own flower. Still holding the laptop with arms outstretched, the flower's vines lifted the hyena up and into its mouth. The female was pulled in, her naked body sliding easily into the stem until the flower closed behind her feet. With that, the plant started to retreat. The flower petals closed back up and the huge green stems retreated back into the earth from where they had come. All that remained now were the rockets, surrounded by overturned equipment, torn clothing and puddles of goo everywhere.

Inside the stem Tanzi pressed a button the laptop. Inside the hangar one of the rockets' engines kicked to life, shooting out powerful blasts of jet fuel that billowed into huge clouds of smoke. Within seconds the hangar was obscured by white smoke, which boiled out of the hole in the ceiling like a witch's brew. Seconds later, the rocket burst out from the smoke. It rose up into the sky, the sun gleaming off its metal sides.

But this rocket was no longer a mere rocket.

The B-52 bomber was now approaching the facility again after turning around from its first pass. This time the bomb bay doors were open and the bombs themselves were now ready to be dropped. Despite warnings from the crews, Whiska had entered the bay and was looking down towards the ground through the open bay doors. Below him he could see the launch facility, a collection of square boxes and grey stripes on a green background. There was very little cloud cover to obscure his view. Perfect.

"We're approaching the target. Readying munitions." One of the bomb crews reported.

"I have a clear view of the target." Reported another crewmember, who sat in front of the computer that allowed him to target and drop the bombs. "Releasing in five... four..."

This was it, Whiska grinned as he looked down.

That's when he saw something. At first the general thought it was just his imagination, but very quickly he realized that there was something directly below him which was growing in size very quickly. He strained his eyes, trying to figure out just what it was.

Whiska wasn't the only who saw the object coming. The targeting technician also saw it coming. "Wait a minute... I see something coming up to..." His voice trailed off, but then his eyes bulged out of his skull.


The words hit Whiska like a bucket of cold water. Inside the bomber the news was quickly relayed to the pilots. They tried launching counter measures and pull off evasive maneuvers, but the raptor could now see the missile coming directly towards them. What he could not see was the camera mounted on the nose of the rocket-turned-missile, which allowed Tanzi to guide it towards the bomber with the laptop. The hyena grinned, catching a glimpse of the general as she aimed the rocket right at the open bomb bay doors.

"Sayonara, general." Tanzi said with a self-satisfied smirk.

"Well, fuck." General Whiska said through clenched teeth just as the rocket flew into the bomb bay.

The rocket's nose smashed into one of the Daisy Cutters with such tremendous force that the explosives inside were triggered and the bomb exploded. This set off a chain reaction as the force of the one blast caused the other bombs to detonate as well. Within the blink of an eye the sky was filled by a huge fireball, the shockwaves from the blast forcing the clouds away in a circular pattern. The bomber itself was instantly vaporized by the explosion, leaving only fine particles that drifted harmlessly to the ground.

Down below, while everyone on the surface beheld the spectacle in the sky, Tanzi pressed one more button on the laptop. This time the three remaining rockets inside the hangar took off one-by-one. Again the hangar was filled with smoke as the rockets, carrying the seeds of the plant, lifted up into the sky. The three of them flew higher and higher, leaving behind a trail of white smoke. They passed through the huge black cloud that had formed after the explosion of the bomber, lifting up ever higher.

Ejecting the first-stage boosters, the rockets split up into different directions as they reached the extreme limits of the planet's atmosphere. But rather than continue into space, each rocket changed their trajectories until they flew horizontally over the world. They continued flying until they reached their intended destinations: three remote corners of the globe where large forests and jungles grew. Guided by their programmed instructions, the rockets began to descend back to earth at angle. Their boosters switched off as momentum took over. Lower and lower they went until had glided back into the atmosphere.

That's when their cargo doors opened, allowing the plastic spheres containing the green seeds to drop out and fall down into the clouds. Normally they would open at this point, but the locking mechanisms were reprogrammed not to. Thus dozens of the spheres rained down over a vast area, tumbling down to the ground like so many green marbles. The rockets, having dumped their cargo, activated their self-destruct mechanism and guided themselves towards whatever large body of water was located nearby.

The spheres continued their fall, breaking through the clouds and eventually coming to the ground. Just before reaching ground level, the spheres finally opened up and split in half, releasing the seeds into the air. After a few more seconds, the seeds finally landed.

While a few of them were unfortunate enough to land on rocks or hard ground, the majority of the seeds fell into trees and bushes and survived. Within moments of coming to the ground, the seeds germinated and grew several small vines with which they began to dig into the earth. Minutes later the seeds were all under the ground, safe from any possible threats while they started to grow...

Two years later...

The city of New Lagopus was a modest-sized metropolis that lay in the middle of the large flat plains that made up the countryside. It is a typical city, with sprawling suburbs surrounding the tall skyscrapers of the central business district. On the whole it appeared normal. Indeed, even a brief flight over the city would not reveal that there was anything different about this city from any other.

That is until one noticed that the city was very quiet. Indeed, there wasn't any traffic in the streets or even anybody visible. New Lagopus was abandoned, devoid of any citizens. Cars stood parked in the streets, buildings stood empty and grass grew in cracks in the roads. Gardens and parks were overgrown and animals that had not been seen here in a century have moved back in. Everywhere there were signs of abandonment. Only the traffic lights kept working, flicking between green, orange and red lights. Every now and again there was a spot where the ground had broken up to reveal a circular pattern of earth below it, with worn and torn clothes scattered around them.

A few pigeons were trotting along a sidewalk, pecking at the ground and appearing unconcerned about the lack of people in the streets. A loud crash and a startled shout from inside a nearby store startled the pigeons, sending them into the air with wings flapping. After a minute the front doors of the store swung up, allowing a huge Bag Fly to emerge. Its abdomen was stuffed with the nude bodies of several stray furs it had managed to catch today, their cries and shouts muffled. The fly used its front legs to brush off a pink bra that had gotten stuck on its face, then flapped its wings and took to the skies.

The giant buzzing creature flew off, disappearing around a building and leaving the streets as quiet as they were a minute ago. The pigeons returned and resumed their leisurely pecking, as if what happened was just a minor bother.

Similar scenes repeated themselves in almost every other city on the planet...

With her own personal pod Tanzi relaxed as she came down from yet another orgasm. The hyena leaned back, held by tentacles and floating within the goo that filled up her domain. The female wasn't alone: with her was Hood, the male hyena who was now her sexual partner. The two of them were bound together by the tentacles, his cock buried within Tanzi's vagina along with several small tentacles. Right now his eyes were closed, the hyena sleeping and regaining his energies. Tanzi regarded him with satisfaction, and then turned to look over the chamber that was the Super Plant's stomach.

The interior of the chamber was now huge and vast, filled with rows upon rows of pods containing the plant's victims. Below her pod Tanzi could make out a few familiar faces. She could see the three mercenary females named Airie, Tsing-Tao and Lithium, whose actions had prevented her pet's destruction and who were now being made to orgasm continuously. Nearby were the Fennec vixen Lizelle and her panda friend Ying, their naked bodies pressed against one another in the same cell. She saw Andronia and Collin in their joint mating, the Huskyville mayor-turned-sex battery Luna and many other familiar and new faces. Every single one of them was now focused only sex and pleasure, letting them be harvested for their energies to feed the plant.

A few new additions were located amongst the pods: large, domed, and non-transparent pods where any young offspring from females who had gotten pregnant from their mates were being cared of. These nurseries allowed the young to be fed and nurtured by mind-controlled furs that were too old to be yiffed or had shown to be good mothers. Not only that, but once they reached adulthood the young would then become the plant's fresh food. This would help now that its immense bulk made it very difficult for the plant to move more than short distances at time.

And it wasn't the only one. The seeds that had been spread out two years had now matured into massive plants, which then spawned their own young. It did not take long for most of the world's populace to now find themselves all inside the bellies of these magnificent beasts (at least to Tanzi they were). Though there were still a few scattered remnants on the surface and even a few resistance movements, the Super Plant and its young now dominated the world. And all its victims are nothing more than food, sexual generators to keep the plants' engines running. The Age of the Super Plant has arrived, and Tanzi was the Queen, the ruler of that age.

A thrust inside her vagina made Tanzi look back at Hood. His eyes were now open, looking lustfully at the female with a grin just barely visible around the tentacle on his face. Tanzi grinned back, grinding her hips as the tentacles started to yiff them all over again.

The couple resumed their never-ending yiffing, their moans of pleasure lost amid the din of all the other victims' lustful noises...


Story by: Gerhard "StrikerSA" Naudé

All mentioned characters copyright to: Their owners

Proofreading by: Kazufox