Chapter 13: Passion Fruit

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#13 of The Mating Season 2:

Chapter 13: Passion Fruit

It was a bright sunny morning, and today, Zalia was supposed to observe her mother in the pastures. She would one day have to tend to the family sheep, protect them from lone wolves and predators, and help pregnant sheep birth their lambs. It was boring work, and Zalia had been helping her mother in the green hills behind the village since before she could talk. But that day, she didn't complain and was actually on her best behavior. At high noon, Zalia and her mother drove the herd to a small scattering of trees where they could graze out of the sunlight. Then they sat down and had lunch together. Zalia declared that she wanted some fruit with her bread and fish and could she go pick some from those trees in the distance? There was a small wood on the other side of the pastures. This wood led to the village gravesite. Few went there, not even lone wolves, so Aliona didn't see any reason why her daughter could not go. And since Zalia had been on her best behavior today -- no complaining or shirking her chores or badgering her mother -- Aliona wanted to reward her. This was what Zalia had been hoping for and she hurried off.

"Don't take too long!" her mother called after her.

Zalia walked into the trees, trying to appear casual. She had barely made it into the gloom when a pair of arms grabbed her from behind. She would have screamed, but a paw clamped tight over her mouth. Her heart was beating hard in her chest now, her breasts were heaving, but when she felt a hot tongue slurp her cheek, she shoved the arms off and cried out indignantly, "Keeno!"

Keeno backed away from her slapping paws, snickering. With a lusty fire in his eyes, he grabbed Zalia by the hips and drew her to him, smashing her hips against his throbbing sex. Without preamble, he started kissing and licking Zalia's neck, and he whispered in her ear, "What took you so long?"

"I had to act casual about it," whispered Zalia and shivered a little when Keeno sucked a kiss into her neck.

"Well, you took so long that I'll have to go back soon. Aros said he could cover for me for about half an hour. So what was your excuse this time?"

"Said I wanted some fruit," said Zalia, rolling her eyes. "Let's get some so I don't look guilty when I go back."

Keeno nodded. He put his arm around Zalia and they walked through the trees. Every now and then they found a bush with large red berries and Zalia stopped to pick them.

"So do I get to put it in you this time?" Keeno whispered, pressing Zalia back against a tree.

"If you put it in me and I get with your pup, my father will put his spear in you," Zalia teased, then popped a few berries in her mouth.

Keeno kissed her suddenly, and the red juice dribbled over their lips. He kissed Zalia hungry and deep, slurping through the juice to press his tongue against her tongue. He rested his weight on one paw against the tree. The other paw massaged at her high, black breast, rotating it, cupping it, his thumb brushing over the nipple. As they moaned through the kiss, more of the red juice spilled down their necks. Zalia felt small drips of it hit her breasts. Keeno pulled away to lick the juice from her tits, kissing them, then slurping the juice off. He took more of the berries from Zalia, and wherever he smashed them, he licked the juice away: he crushed them on her cheeks, on her neck, on her nipples, on her belly. Zalia moaned when he smashed the berries on her thighs and licked there too.

Zalia shivered under these long, loving laps. Keeno was holding her by the hips, lapping the red juice from her belly and thighs. Then he took her by the paw and pulled her down on the ground with him. Taking a big pawful of the berries, he knocked Zalia's thighs apart and smashed them on her sex too.

"Oh, god, I'm going to reek of juice," laughed Zalia.

"No, you won't," Keeno answered, gazing hungrily at her body. "I'll make sure of that."

Zalia felt Keeno bury his mouth hungrily in her sex and she thought he'd never licked her in such a frenzy. The pleasure kept building the more he slurped her and it seemed to her his tongue was everywhere, slipping between her pussy lips and into her hot sex, gliding over her clit and lapping down hard. She moaned his name and it seemed he only became more urgent, now licking up and down her thighs, grunting as he ate her out. She sat up, rubbing his head and gasping as his mouth worked her.

"I love eating your pussy," Keeno whispered after Zalia's juices had gushed from her, mixing sweetly with the berry juice. He hovered over Zalia, smiling down at her. They smiled breathlessly into each other's eyes, then kissed.

"Zalia, I wish you were old enough that we could have the same first mating season," Keeno moaned, showering her neck with fervent kisses. "I thought about waiting for you, but there's no way they'd let me. . . ." He dropped his forehead sadly against hers.

"I know," Zalia whispered, stroking Keeno's mane. "Don't think about it, Keeno!"

But Keeno's tan face would still crease in a sad frown. Zalia smoothed her paws down over the white stripe on his chest, knowing that this rubbing always soothed him. Then she stroked his ears and cupped his face and kissed him on the lips again.

"Mmm," moaned Keeno. "You still taste sweet, like the juice."

Zalia was about to answer that Keeno had better lick her again then, but a trembling voice made them both freeze:


"Oh, god," moaned Keeno and scurried off of Zalia.

Zalia scrambled up. Her heart sank when she saw her mother come storming through the trees, her breasts bouncing under her shawl. She stood very still, glowering at her feet, and did not cry out when her mother slapped her hard. Her face was burning, and she heard another blow and knew Keeno had been slapped too.

"Get out of my sight, Keeno," Aliona growled. "And don't you think for a moment that I won't tell Yzlo. Get going."

"Yes, ma'am," Keeno said miserably. He hurried off.

Zalia stood with her head bowed, waiting for the storm.

"Have you completely lost your senses?" she heard her mother hiss. "The second your father is away, I find you in the bushes with a male? And you're not even close to the mating seasons!"

"I'm not a pup anymore, Mom!" Zalia cried sulkily.

"Don't you open a mouth to me!" Aliona warned, and Zalia bowed her head again. "So you think you're an adult now? You're old enough to let some male lick your fourteen-year-old pussy! Then you're old enough to stay in your grandmother's hut everyday until I come home."

Zalia's breasts heaved angrily. She bit her lip and said nothing. She would never see Keeno or anyone again if she was forced to stay indoors! She heard her mother rustling through the bushes and knew what she was searching for. She felt a tear gather in her eye and hated herself but was determined that even if she cried, she would not make a sound.

"Do you know what could happen to you if you let a male take you before your first mating season, Zalia?" demanded Aliona in a low, deadly voice.

Zalia dared to glance up and saw that her mother was holding a long, thin stick. Oh, god. The thinner they were, the harder they stung. She could have thanked god that this was her mother about to whip her and not her father, but she knew better: Aliona could strike as hard as any male.

"Do you!" Aliona shrieked, her blue eyes bulging in her wrath.

Zalia flinched and whispered, "No, Mother." But she did know. She had heard this lecture a thousand times.

"If you let a male touch you before your first mating season, you could get with his pup. Girls who have pups before their mating seasons are disgraced. They never take a husband, they never have a mating season. They live isolated in a hut with their child, and the child grows up in disgrace. Is that what you want, Zalia?" Aliona growled.

"No, Mother."

"Then why the fuck --"

Zalia flinched as a blow caught her off guard: her mother struck her across her breasts with the switch and the burning sting made her gasp shrilly.

"-- have I come in here to find you with a male between your legs!" Aliona shrieked.

Zalia felt more tears coming in the burning wake of the switch across her breasts. The switch had hit one of her dark nipples, and now it stood out hard. Her breasts were still trembling from the blow. She moved to stop them, but Aliona smacked her paws with the switch and she fell still, staring at her feet. God, this wasn't happening. She had been seeing Keeno like this for months without getting caught. Why did she have to get caught now?

"Answer me," Aliona demanded in a deadly whisper.

"I may never have Keeno otherwise, Mother," Zalia mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Aliona demanded sharply.

Zalia dared to look up again and was stung by the livid glint in Aliona's eyes, but she pressed on. "Keeno is two years older than me, Mom. He's going to have his mating seasons before I have mine. I figured once he was married he'd -- he'd forget about me . . ."

Zalia bowed her head again and did not see it when her mother's face softened.

"Have you let him do anything more to you? Anything besides disgrace you by licking you before your first mating season?" Aliona demanded in a low voice.

Her head still bowed, Zalia shook her head vigorously. "He has only kissed me and l-licked me, Mother. . . ." she whispered, her ears flat on her head.

"I understand young love, Zalia. I was young once too. But there are consequences for defying the rules, no matter the intentions behind them. I would not see you disgraced because you were desperate for a male's affection. There are other males, my daughter, and if Keeno really loved you, he would claim you during your first mating season."

"As Father claimed you?" sniffed Zalia.

"As your father claimed me," confirmed Aliona. "Now turn around and hug that tree. This will serve as a good lesson for you. And if it doesn't, maybe a whipping from your father will tame that willful spirit of yours."

Zalia knew better: Aliona could hurt her just as badly as Kel. She turned around and hugged the tree as told, then lifted her tail without having to be commanded to. This was not her first whipping, after all. When she was but a small pup, she'd been whipped for other offenses.

Zalia bit her lip as the first stinging blows rained across her buttocks and thighs, determined not to make a sound. But her mother kept bringing the switch down harder and harder until Zalia broke down in sobs. She cried into her arm, only the sound of the switch slapping down a rival for her sobs. And then Aliona whipped her so hard she was screaming, the cries muffled in her arm.

When the whipping was over and Zalia was told she could let go of the tree, she sank to her knees, sobbing quietly. She could hear her mother moving behind her, and then felt her mother's paw rest a moment on her head.

"I am not going to keep whipping you for the next three years, Zalia," Aliona whispered. "If you insist on doing these foolish things, then I will let you do them. But when you are sitting miserable and alone in your tiny hut on the edge of the village with a disgraced pup, I hope you remember that your mother tried to save you from your fate. Now come. We will pen the sheep and I will take you home."

The next day just as Aliona promised, Zalia was made to stay in her grandmother's hut all day. It wasn't until the end of the day when Lea came to visit her there. Zalia was kneeling outside the hut before a washtub, in which she was miserably scrubbing her grandmother's dirty sleeping furs. She dropped her paws from this work and dragged one under the curl of mane falling across her eyes. But when she saw Lea approaching, shaking her head in righteousness, she glowered and quickly went back to her work.

"Well, I told you you'd get caught," Lea said, kneeling at her friend's side. She set down a basket and gave Zalia's mane a few strokes that she coldly ignored.

"Stubborn thing!" cried Lea and gave Zalia's high buttocks a slap.

Zalia cried out and looked at Lea with round eyes. "What in the world has come over you!" she cried, trying to hide her obvious pleasure: it had been a playful slap and Lea's fingers had accidentally grazed her pussy lips when they clapped under.

"I heard you like fruit, so I brought you some," said Lea with twinkling eyes.

As shameless as Zalia usually was, she colored up prettily and fixed her eyes on her work. "That isn't funny, Lea! I'll never see Keeno again!" she cried and her lip trembled.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic," said Lea, rolling her eyes. "You know, you're like your brother in that way."

Zalia snorted. "I'm nothing like Kilyan! Mother always said if Kilyan was the cold moon then I was the burning sun."

In a way, it as true: where Kilyan was shy, Zalia was bold. Where Kilyan was terrified, Zalia was fearless. But what did this matter now? Lea was getting impatient. She smacked the dirty sleeping furs from Zalia's fingers and took her astonished friend's paws in her own.

"My hut is empty, Zalia," Lea hissed in girlish conspiracy. "Mom is in the pastures and Dad is on patrol!" she said excitedly. "Mom let me come down here to visit you. We can go back to my hut."

"So?" snapped Zalia, snatching her paws free. She turned sulkily back to her work. Nothing at all mattered if she couldn't be with Keeno!

Lea rolled her eyes again. "Ugh, you're such a brat. Come on, Zalia! We can try my fruit!" Lea sang, and when Zalia turned she saw her friend pull a large strawberry from the basket.

"Where did you get those?" Zalia demanded, for Lea had been on lockdown since the incident with Eno.

"My mother must have picked them. They were in the hut this morning, so I took them in my lunch and saved them for us."

Zalia's eyes grew round as she watched Lea place a small grape on her tongue. Well, the fruit did look delicious. And she had already been whipped once. What more could they do to her?

Zalia threw the sleeping furs in the basin with a splash. "Okay!" she cried, taking Lea's paw. "Let's go!"

The girls hurried paw in paw through the village streets to Lea's hut, giggling together that they were doing something that could surely get them whipped and put under even tighter surveillance, but they didn't care. It was fun suddenly to do these bad things when they had already been whipped once, when they both could not have fun with the males they wanted anyway. And Zalia especially was feeling spiteful. How angry her mother would be to know she had skipped out on her grandmother! That's what the old wolf got for taking her Keeno away! It was all too fun.

Still giggling, the girls ducked into the gloom of Lea's hut and hurried to her room. There on the sleeping furs, they opened the basket. There was all manner of fruit inside, most of them small but very juicy. There was a great orange melon, as well as a few bananas, and all manner of little berries and grapes. What a treat! Lea's mother was going to be so mad to know they'd eaten these!

"I don't know what's come over you, Lea!" Zalia cried in amazement as she watched her friend pop a few grapes in her mouth. "But I think I like it!"

Lea laughed. "I'm taking a lesson from you! After the way I saw you chase Eno away, I decided I wanted to be bold like you, to do daring things!" And so saying, Lea leaned forward and kissed Zalia warm on the mouth.

The juice in Lea's mouth gushed into Zalia's. She put her arms around Lea's neck, and they continued kissing in this manner, feeding their tongues desperately into each other as well as the fruit. By the time they had finished off all the berries and grapes, they were feeling oddly woozy. They rocked unsteadily on their knees, laughed brainlessly, and kissed and touched and grouped with wild abandon.

They peeled the bananas, licked them, then slid them into each other's pussies, drawing the bananas out to lick their juices from them, then inserting them again. Zalia finally crammed a banana right up Lea's vagina and proceeded to eat it straight out of her while Lea, kneeling with her head back, moaned her ecstasy to the ceiling. With each bite from Zalia, the banana was shoved a little deeper, driving sticky and wet into her sex, and she thought to herself that this was Kilyan inside of her, and when she climaxed, her juices spilled over the banana and Zalia lapped them up as well.

When the banana's end was too deeply in Lea's pussy for Zalia to get, Lea squatted with her thighs wide apart and pushed the sticky banana out of her, then enjoyed Zalia's licking again with a little content sigh.

Zalia staggered stupidly on paws and knees, snatched the melon from the basket and pried it apart. Turning back to Lea with a woozy smile, she smashed the melon against Lea's big pussy lips. Lea wriggled and squealed that the juice was cold, but her head fell back and she moaned as Zalia started lapping hungrily at the juice between her legs. Lea took the other half of the melon and did the same to Zalia. They smashed the melons on their mouths, on their breasts, licking off the juice, becoming steadily intoxicated and hardly noticing. When Lea finally gave a cross-eyed giggle and slumped in a dead faint into Zalia's breasts, Zalia -- her face stained with the juice -- picked up a melon and stared at it.

"What hell kind of fruit is this?" Zalia wondered drowsily. She rocked unsteadily on her knees, Lea still crushed into her, and just before she passed out, she thought she saw a tall shape part the bedroom curtain.