Cody and Jason: Chapter 5 Cody is mine?

Story by Jack Frostpaws on SoFurry

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#5 of Cody & Jason

The next Chapter in the Cody and Jason series, hope you all enjoy

Hamish stood outside of Cody's home holding the present he'd bought for him as Alex and Chase's voices rang through his head. The pair had caught him not long after he was leaving his own home and had challenged him regarding the bet.

"So you're going to do it right?" Alex asked as he danced around. "I already told Chase no..." Hamish grumbled. "Aww that's too bad, oh well, don't blame us if anything should befall that little bunny and your own reputation." Chase teased. "What's that supposed to mean?" Hamish whinned at the Lion. "He means if you don't finish our bet then we're going to do it for you and then we'll out you to the whole School." Alex chimed with a smug look on his face.

Hamish grumbled and clenched his fists. "You wouldn't dare!" "Over and over and over and over till he's too dry to cry." Chase laughed. "I swear if either of you touch him..." "Then just do it already, take a few pictures of you fucking the bunny and it's quits, you win the bet and everything goes back to the way it was." Alex explained after cutting Hamish off. Hamish sighed as he watched the pair of them leave and stood with his back to a wall for a good hour or so before he decided on what he was going to do and proceeded to go to Cody's party.

The party was being held in the back garden (back lawn or yard for my friends across the pond.) Since moving in Martin had turned the small field of grass into a proper Eden. Flower beds lined the fence on either side, a small pond and fountain in the centre with two paths leading on either side towards a small guest cabin and decking with a chimney and barbecue pit. Cody stood on the decking greeting the few friends who arrived, most were kids of the men his dad and papa Martin worked with but that was ok. His all-time favourite was a young Collie called Maxxie. His parents were like his own only both females, they got on ok together but Maxxie was much more outgoing and energetic.

"Hey buddy how you doing, long time no see."

"Hey Maxxie, great to see ya." Cody smiled.

"Hey no sweat, you know I've always got your back."

It was true despite his lack in size Maxxie had on occasion stood up for the young bunny when anyone had picked on him.

"Thanks Maxxie I appreciate it."

"So, there any drink at this thing?"

Only non-alcoholic I'm afraid." Cody chuckled lightly.

Maxxie sighed, clearly slightly disappointed but he didn't mind he could always get drunk later.

Cody smiled; Maxxie was always forever pushing the boundary of the law or just the rules no matter where he went.

"So who else is coming? "

Maxxie asked opening one of the bottles of NA bud.

"Well I did invite Hamish." Cody admitted with a blush.

Maxxie coughed and choked a little on his drink. "Hamish, the stallion, the football teams walking wall of death?"

Cody simply nodded.

"Dude I knew your choice in guys was a bit...obscure, I mean first stone cold Jason and now Hamish the Highland Tank."

"Can we please not talk about it?" Cody asked as his ears fell back.

"Oh yeah man, sorry, didn't mean to stir up bad memories." Maxxie splayed his ears and shrunk into his shoulders, he also had a habit of sticking his paw in it.

"It's ok, you didn't, I'd just rather not talk about it."

"Sure thing, so your dad's done a great job on this place."

Cody chuckled a little.

"Dad isn't very green clawed, this is all Papa Martin."

"Silly question, when you shout dad who answers?" Maxxie asked his tail wagging and a mischievous look on his muzzle.

"Screw you." Cody chuckled giving his friend a playful punch in the arm.

Maxxie simply continued his hijinks as he fell over clutching his arm and rolled around on the grass.

"Oh...oh he broke my down...police...I've been attacked by a vicious man killing rodent."

"He's not that vicious...but I am." Tony said with a playful growl making Maxxie scramble to his feet.

"Dad...don't be mean." Cody replied as he joined in.

"But I like being mean." He chuckled as he set down a tray of sandwiches for the vegetarians and a meat platter for the carnivores. Cody like most vegetarian species ate some meats such as chicken or fish but rarely ate pork or beef.

"No he doesn't and don't you let him tell you otherwise." Martin said as he closed behind Cody and Tony giving both of them a kiss on the cheek before setting down some more food.

"Oh Cody there's a very handsome Clydesdale in the lounge looking for you. I invited him to come through but I think your father scared the poor dear."

"What, I only asked him what his intentions were regarding my son."

"Uh huh, you then proceeded to interrogate the poor boy like you were in the CIA."

"All I said was that I had ways and means of making him talk."

With a soft sigh he left his parents to their playful banter and went inside. Sure enough Hamish was stood in the lounge looking like he'd seen a ghost.

"Sorry about my dad." Cody smiled.

Hamish almost leapt from his skin until he saw that it was only Cody.

"Man I don't think I'll ever make jokes about a gay guy again. That mother of yours is one tough Fox."

Cody opened his mouth to reply only to smile and close it again.

"Oh uh this is for you" Hamish said quickly as he held out his gift.

"Oh Hamish, you didn't have to do that." Cody beamed and gave the equine a small kiss on the cheek which made Hamish fluster.

"Uh Cody, is there somewhere we can go to talk?" Hamish asked sheepishly.

"Uh yeah sure." Cody answered a little confused but led Hamish to his bedroom.

The hulking equine sat down next to the bunny upon his bed making a very evident bend in the mattress.

"So..." Cody started.

Hamish sighed and turned his head to look down at the young bunny. "Listen, you're probably going to hate me forever for this but trust me when I tell you that what I'm about to do is better to the alternative."

"Huh?" Cody asked with a tilt of his head as he watched Hamish take out his phone and switch on the camera.

The next thing Cody knew was he was pinned down by the Highland hunk and was being kissed all over as he felt his jeans being pulled off of him.

"Hamish...Hamish wait...what's going on, why are you, why won't you answer me...hey, get off, Hamish!"

Upon reaching the front gate of Cody's home, Jason took some time to catch his breath, he pecked and panted to get some air back into his lungs. His heart thundered and his chest burned but he was here. Once he had calmed a little he made his way inside, he couldn't seem to find anyone in the house but he could hear voices and music outside. He was about to head out to the back garden when a more subtle noise pricked his attention. Curiosity getting the better of him he proceeded upstairs, the sound was coming from Cody's room.

He looked at the closed door and the door handle as he gingerly reached out and took hold of it in his paw. His heart thumped so hard he thought it was about to pop out of his chest, turning the handle and opening the door he was greeted by a sight he wished he'd never seen. Cody was upon all fours with his pants around his ankles and Hamish was leaning over him in a similar state of undress.

Cody's eyes darted to the open door and looked towards Jason with shock, surprise and fear. He tried to move but before he could say anything Jason had taken to his heels dropping the present he had held in his paws.

As Jason ran back downstairs he bumped into Maxxie. "Yo dude where's the fire?" "Tell Cody he's fucking welcome to him..." Jason yelled as he burst past and ran from the house. Completely confused Maxxie took off upstairs and found Cody and Hamish in more or less the same provocative position Jason did.

"Whoa, dude so sorry I didn't realise you guys were..." "Maxxie...get him off of me!" Cody pleaded. Maxxie was not a big guy but hearing Cody's pleas he saw only red and flew at the large equine giving him a flying kick to the side of the chest. Hamish in complete surprise stumbled over allowing Cody time to scramble free and hide behind his Collie friend.

"You ok?" Maxxie asked as Hamish started to get up again. "'t understand..." "You're damned well right I don't, I thought you liked me?" "I do like you Cody, that's why..." "Get out...just get out Hamish, I promise I won't tell anyone just get out now!" Cody yelled with tears streaming down his soft cheeks.

Hamish quickly redressed himself on the landing before he hurried out of the house continuously looking back over his shoulder as he left, his heart heavy with guilt, what the hell had he been thinking?

Cody waited until Hamish had completely left before he turned around and latched himself onto Maxxie. "Whoa, it's ok buddy, it's alright." Maxxie held his bunny friend until Cody pushed against his chest.

"You ok little buddy?" Maxxie asked as he ran the back of his paw against the bunny's cheek. Cody looked up at Maxxie with tears still in his eyes when he moved forwards and tried to kiss the Collie. "Whoa, whoa, slow down." Maxxie protested as he held Cody down with his paws upon the bunny's shoulders.

"I...I'm sorry...I...just...I'm sorry..." Cody pouted and tried to run but Maxxie held onto him. "Don't be sorry hun, look you've had a bit of a shock and as your friend I wouldn't want you doing something you might regret later." Cody nodded in understanding as Maxxie dropped his paws down to Cody's arms and hugged his friend once more. "Listen I gotta make tracks but you've got my number, if you need to talk, just give me a call ok?" Cody smiled and nodded before walking his friend to the door and saying goodbye before heading back into the garden.

When Hamish got home he isolated himself in his room, he lay down on his bed starring up at the ceiling. "What the hell was I thinking, I was so close, I actually could have had him. Cody could have been mine, why the hell did I listen to Alex; I could have taken those guys."

As Jason returned home Arron was sat outside when he saw Jason bolt past him with the most horrid look upon his face that he'd even seen. Stubbing out his cigarette he exhaled and went inside and slowly followed behind Jason to his room, although he was only upon the stairs he heard Jason's bedroom door slam shut. Arron's ears splayed atop of his head, even if he hadn't spoken to Jason yet he knew this wasn't going to be an easy conversation.

Reaching Jason's door Arron knocked lightly upon it. "Go away!" "Jason, it's just me, come on let me in." Arron asked softly. "No, this is all your fault anyway!" Jason yelled back. "What do you mean?" "Like you didn't know, come on you're supposed to be friends with that Scottish bulk." "Hamish...why what's happened?"

Jason walked to his door and opened it before looking up at Arron. "You honestly didn't know?" "Jason, I promise you I really have no idea what you're talking about?" Jason stepped forwards and wrapped his arms around his older brother and hugged him tightly. "It was awful, I got there, I heard noise coming from upstairs so I went up there and...H..Hamish...Hamish was on top of Cody and...they were..." "Ok, it's ok you don't need to say anymore I get the idea." "I was so close Arron, so close, I...I was going to apologise and give him the present, I hoped he'd forgive me and that...he...he'd be mine..." The tears just wouldn't stop no matter how hard Jason tried and all Arron could do to stop himself flying into a rage of his own was to cradle his tearful little brother.

Finally home himself, Maxxie dropped down onto his couch and stretched out. "Oh man what a day." He picked up the TV remote and began flicking through channels and thinking about when Cody had tried to kiss him. Sure Cody was his friend and he'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't have even just a few feelings towards the bunny boy but could he honestly see himself dating him? "Hmm maybe I could have Cody as mine?"

When Cody had returned to his room he spotted the present upon the floor, he picked it up and took it into his room. Sitting down at his desk he unwrapped the wrapping and when he looked at the tag tears came to his eyes once again. "Oh my god Jason...what have I done?"