07 Bunny Tracks

Story by Kalt on SoFurry

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Chronicles of Cold Winter - Chapter 7

I hope you guys like. Any and all feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

Water flowed in from the open side door, rushing in to replace the air inside. The

choking puma felt the water. His entire body went stiff as he instantly floated above the cabin

floor, his eyes turning bluer than usual. Holding his paws out at his sides and his palms up,

everything stopped in place.

Siena and Davy, breathing heavy from the excitement, looked around. Both saw the

puma floating, the only moving water they could see was what was flowing in thin tentacles over

his body. The rest seemed frozen. Not as ice, but as in stopped amid time without motion.

The jet rocked a little more.

The kitty's jaw opened. His voice seemed to echo through the water surrounding him.

"All is well. You have my word. Relax and I will get you to safety." They looked at each other.

The jet rocked more as it was buoyed up to the surface of the water. All the water in the cabin

flowed back out except the water tentacles flowing around the puma.

Davy looked down at the other fur on the ground which was just beginning to stand up.

Siena saw Davy's expression change from wonder to anger to hate in the blink of an eye.

Unbuckling his seatbelt, he jumped up, and took a few big steps to the back. The other fur didn't

have even a second to register how close Davy was before he felt a fist hit him square in the jaw,

knocking him back to the floor of the jet. The puma watched it all with a detached interest, his

entire focus on the water and moving the jet to shore.

"I thought you were dead! WHY CAN'T YOU BE DEAD!" Davy bent down to one

knee hovering over the semi naked white tiger with the blue stripes. He punched him again, and

again, blood flowing and spattering out of the tiger's muzzle. The tiger tried to fight back but the

anesthetic fluid he had been subjected to made his reactions too slow. Davy kept attacking him

until he was pulled off the tiger by Siena. "NOOOOO! HE MUST DIE! HE'S ALREADY

DEAD! NOOOO HE HAS TO DIE!" The sounds of anger mixed with sobs could be heard in

his screams as he struggling to get out of her surprisingly strong grip. Siena pulled Davy off of

the tiger completely as the jet flopped over near to a forty five degree angle.

"You are safe." The puma looked at the other three before the water around him flowed

out the door taking him with it. They watched him go. Not knowing why, but the feeling of

suddenly having a friend then having it ripped away swept over them. As if he had just come in

to their lives just to say good bye. But they all had other things to think about.

The tiger tried to speak, stuttering a bit, "Wha... wha... what is going on?" Siena

stepped in front of Davy and kept him from attacking the tiger again. "Who are you and why are

you mad at me?"


The tiger tried to crawl back from the angry bunny standing just feet away from him.

"I... I don't... I don't know what you mean." A very confused and fearful look crossed his face.

Siena immediately felt sorry for him. "I don't... I don't remember a thing." He looked around.

"Where am I? Who am I?"

Siena turned to Davy, Speaking to him sternly but calmly, "You need to settle down. I

don't know who he is or what he has done, but we all just need to stay calm and see if we can get

help. We've crashed and we need assistance."

Davy nodded. "He has to be watched. He's extremely dangerous." She could tell how

much hate he had for this tiger on the floor of her jet.

"I'll watch him." She picked up a stray gun from the floor and stepped in front of the

open door, facing back into the jet. "You check out the radio and see if you can reach anyone."

Davy slowly turned, keeping an eye on the tiger pulling himself up into a back seat.

Davy turned the pilot's seat sideways so he could check out the radio as well as watch the

dangerous fur.

Siena looked at the tiger. "You don't remember anything?"

A bewildered and stressed expression filled his face. "The last thing I remember is a

bright flash of light and another fur silhouetted in front of me. His arms were held out to the

sides as if he was trying to protect me from the light."

The koala nodded. "You are remembering what just happened to us a bit ago. Probably

got it confused with the puma that just saved us."


Siena and the tiger looked up to the front of the jet at Davy.

"No. You are remembering it right. The fur you see is a dog. A white german


Recognition hit the tiger. "Yes. Yes, it was." Siena looked back and forth between the

furs with her, not sure what to make of it. "Someone close to me. Someone I cared for."

Davy growled as best a bunny can, "Ya. And you cared so much for him you tried to kill


"No. I'd never do that."

"You did."

"Why do you say that? Why would I want to? I loved him." The tiger sat up. "Wait.

He was my boyfriend. I loved him."

"You said you did. And you might have at one time, but you turned on him and tried to

kill him. And in the process, you made him what he is today."

"Tell me. Please. I need to know what you are talking about."

"Come off it, Baron. You know what I'm talking about." Davy reached for the gun he

carried in his pocket. "You tried to kill him and me a few years ago because you wanted to hurt

him. And you did. You hurt him really bad. And I won't let you do it again."

"Baron? Ya. That was my name. Is my name." He thought for a moment. "And the

accident was just a bit ago. Maybe a day?" He clutched at his head. "It's coming back now."

He gritted his teeth as the thoughts of his life came back to him, flooding in without any logical

order or connection. The place he grew up, his mother that raised him alone, all the schools he

went to since he moved around a lot, how he lost her when he was almost an adult, and how he

met a cute doggy at a restaurant and fell in love with him. The memories of them making love

were pleasant, but they were mixed in with the others, including those of him and his white

doggy working in the lab together on an experiment of his that the doggy was very supportive of.

He came in one night as a surprise with dinner. They made love in the lab... Then the accident

happened with his lover stepping in front of him to protect him from the explosion. The dog's

body seemed to take in the light, and the whole area seemed to get cold. And he remembered

some fluid landing in his mouth. Of the accident, that was all that he could remember. But he

could also remember the ocelot standing over him as the lid closed on the tube and it was filled

with the liquid that made him sleep. His last memory before waking up in the jet was of his arm.

Looking at his right arm, he pulled off a large bandage from it. Under was a scar where

parts of him had been carved away. He didn't know what happened to him or how, but he knew

it had happened.

"I remember.... Kalt." He stood up and looked at Davy. "His name was Kalt."

"Ya. And you won't get another chance at him." Davy pulled up the gun, ready to fire.

Siena stepped between Davy and Baron, the gun in her paws facing Davy. "You are not

going to kill anyone, Davy. Not without good cause."

"I HAVE good cause. He killed over five hundred soldiers. He leveled an entire

complex because he was trying to kill Kalt, that dog that just got sucked out of the door before

we crashed. That dog is my friend and I love him very much. I won't let anything bad happen to

him again if I can help it."

"He is probably already dead. I doubt anyone could have survived being sucked out of

the jet like that."

"You don't know Kalt. He is resourceful." Davy grinned a bit. "And I love him so

much I would know if he had died."

The radio kicked on a bit, making Davy jump and stare at it. Through the static, the

voice came through, ".... tracked to the shore of... lake... ten minutes... stay calm... medical

supplies... message repeating..." It repeated again giving not much more information than


Davy looked back at Siena then behind her. Baron was gone. He stood up fast. She

turned around. He leaped to the door and saw the footpaw prints in the sand leading off the

beach and into a clump of trees. He jumped down to the sand himself and followed the prints.

The prints disappeared at the edge of the beech. There was no way he could track Baron now.

He was gone. "Damn it." Hearing some movement behind him, he turned to see Siena coming

up behind him.

"Do you see where he went?"


"Look. I don't know who you are and I don't care. But you probably need to get out of

here and at least hide. They rescue team will be here soon and I'm sure they will want to arrest

you." Davy looked at her questionably. She smiled at him and nodded before she turned and

walked back to the jet wiping away all the footpaw prints in the sand. "And, by the way. Tell

Tag the next time he is to send operatives to interfere with my part of his operation, I would like

to be informed."


She paused, looking at Davy. "Tag has more help than you may realize. I'm sure you

don't know how deep his influence really goes or how dirty he himself is. But I think he is our

best chance to stop Gentry and what he is doing."

"How did you know I worked with Tag?"

"I know of Kalt and some of the things he has done and that he works for Tag. He was

protecting you when we found you so you must be part of his team." Something drew her

attention to her left. Both she and Davy looked. Headlights. "You had better get hidden."

Wiping away the footpaw prints again, she backed up to the jet.

Davy nodded at her and ran into the woods, looking for any sign of Baron as well as a

good hiding spot. It was still dark out so it wasn't difficult for him to find a place to hide.

Moments later, three jeeps arrived filled with soldiers and medical professionals. General

Gentry was with them as well. Davy couldn't decide who he hated more, Gentry or Baron. The

soldiers looked over the jet and the surrounding area. The medical staff gave Siena an

examination before they took her back. Gentry went with them and the soldiers stayed to guard

the jet. Davy presumed that there would be cleanup crews here soon as well and he had better

leave while there were not so many people to hide from. As he stealthily walked from his hiding

place in the woods away from the jet, he was being watched.

Baron sat up in a tree, hidden as best he could by the shadows. He didn't remember ever

having white fur before or blue stripes, but he liked it. 'I have to find Kalt. I'm sure he is

worried sick about me.' He sat there thinking about this as he watched Davy leave. 'But the

rabbit said he loved Kalt. He said I tried to kill him and killed others trying to do it.' He thought

hard about this. 'I can't remember anything about that. No. That's not me. I could never do

that. Especially to Kalt. But...I have to find out for sure what has happened to me.' He looked

around to see if anyone was around. The closest he could see was the soldiers at the jet. He

jumped down to the ground, landing on his footpaws easily, his tail swishing slightly behind him.

A mile away, Davy was crossing the road. He stayed out of sight as best he could. The

uniform he was wearing would not allow him to pass himself off as anything other than military.

He kept his ears low to his head and kept to the shadows, but he was about to get back into the

city limits which would make it much more difficult to hide. The amount of cars on the road was

increasing already. An old station wagon followed by a new pick-up truck. A semi-truck and

trailer followed by a family van. They just kept coming. He was sure to be seen, but there was

nothing to be done about it. He had to get back to town and find some way to get a message to

Tag, Dack, or Dakota and find out what to do next. He had to risk it.

Standing up and stepping out of the last set of trees, he walked towards the city, keeping

his head down so his face wouldn't be seen easily. He stared at the road as he walked, avoiding

eye contact with the passing cars. He looked up at the driver of a semi as the horn honked. The

driver saluted him as he drove by. Davy waved to the driver but didn't interact with anyone else

until the old farm truck stopped in front of him.

It was really the smoke from the truck that got his attention first. It almost choked him.

Sputtering and choking on the exhaust, he waved his paw in front of his nose in a futile effort to

wave it away. He looked at the truck, the driver's paw waving at him to come up to the truck.

He slowly walked up to the driver side of the truck, continuing to choke on the fumes. Inside

was an old skunk.

"What are you waiting for, boy. Get in. You seem to be going my way."

"huh?" Davy said through his coughs and sputters.

"You're walking the same way I'm driving. I'm assuming you are in need of a ride. And

I always help a soldier when I can." He shook his head. "Just get in the truck, boy."

Davy nodded, the fumes making him light headed and confused. He came around to the

passenger side of the truck and got in, still choking.

The driver pulled away and the rush of fresh air through the windows was nice to Davy.

It was scented a bit with the skunk's natural musk, but that was better than whatever fumes were

coming out of the truck's tailpipe.

When the chocking subsided a little, he tried to talk to the skunk. He had to clear his

throat and try again. "Thank you, Sir."

"You don't have to call me "Sir". The name's Father Marsh." He held out his right paw

for Davy to shake. Davy slowly took the paw in his and shook it.


"Yup. I'm a priest." He raised his muzzle a bit exposing the collar. "The way it sits on

my neck, it's hard to see unless I do this. heh heh heh"

Davy smiled, his head started to clear from the fumes.

"How did you find yourself stranded back there, soldier?" He paused and looked Davy

up and down. "Though, I am assuming you are a soldier."

"We had an accident back there. No working radio really and no phone so I'm walking

back to get some help."

Father Marsh looked between him and the road, "Anyone hurt?"

"No. Just need to get some help with our vehicle. It's dead." Davy looked out the

windows at the buildings as they entered the city.

Father Marsh nodded and checked his mirrors. "Where do I need to drop you?"

"Anywhere I can use a phone would be fine, Sir...er... Father."

The skunk grinned and his ears flicked back and forth. "Well, I'm running a little late. If

you want, I can let you use the phone at the church. It's just another bit of a drive from here."

Thinking for a moment about this, Davy slowly agreed.

They sat in silence until Father Marsh parked the truck in the parking lot behind the

church. The exhaust filling the area fast. Davy choked on it again, trying to wave it away from

his face as before. Father Marsh not affected by it. Davy thought this was interesting.

"Oh, dios mio, padre." Looking up to the open door at the back of the church Davy

noticed a nun standing at the door. From her face, Davy guessed she was an opossum. Her

voice was choked a bit from the exhaust smoke as well but it was clear from here accent she was

from Spanish decent. "Dat teruck needs replaced." She waggled her finger at him.

"Yes, mam." Looking back at Davy, he grinned, "She thinks trucks grow on trees." The

nun shook her head at him and went back inside, the door closing behind her automatically.

Father Marsh smiled and winked at Davy who grinned back. "Besides, this truck has been the

vehicle of the Father here for over forty years. It can't be replaced. One day I'll be able to

afford to get it fixed, God willing. Follow me, boy. You can call from inside here", he motioned

to the closed door.

Once inside, Davy was left alone in a small sitting room where he could make his phone

call in peace and quiet. Davy dialed the phone. Listening to the ringing, he looked around the

room. Nothing special. A small book shelf by the door had around twenty books on the shelf,

most of which he could see the title were for religious study and teaching.

The phone reception crackled before a familiar voice answered. "Ya've reached Bruce's

Bar and Grill of southern Texas. How can ah help ya?"

"Dakota, this is Davy."

"Davy? Thank God. How are ya guys, bunny boy?"

"I'm ok. At a church and needing picked up."

"Which one?"

Immediately feeling stupid, Davy realized he didn't know which church he was standing

in. He knew what part of town, but not which one specifically. He looked around the room

again and found a pamphlet from the last service and he read the top of it. "Looks like I'm at the

Church of Aslan on the corner of Lampo St. and Sparoom."

"Ok. Dack and ah can be there in an hour. We are on thu other side of thu city at thu

safe house. I wanted ta get more supplies before we went ta the other safe house. We'll be

leaving in a New York minute. Ya just stay there and we'll getcha. Tell Kalt ta keep his cool as

well. Ah'm sure he's chompin' at thu bit ta do somethin' other than sit there."

"uh... Kalt was sucked out of the plane. I don't know what happened after that." There

was silence on the other end of the line. "Dakota?"

"It's ok, kid. Don't worry about thu big doggie. He can take care of himself. We all

know that." Dakota was trying to sound ok, however, Davy could hear the worry in his voice.

"I know."

"Dack and ah will be there as soon as we can."

"Ok. Thanks guys. See you soon."

The phone connection died as they both hung up. Davy looked up to the wall at a

painting he didn't notice before. It was mostly golden yellow in color. The center of the

painting stood a robed figure of a lion clad in golden robes. He was standing outside a simple

stone hut that was generic of all ancient stone huts with thatched roofs. The lion's mane was

thick and full, flowing over the back of his shoulders and he had a beard that hung down a bit

from his muzzle. Golden beams of light shown from his face illuminating the area around him.

At the bottom of the painting was an inscription. "Aslan, Lord of all. Saviour of the world."

"That is my favorite painting."

Davy jumped and spun around. Father Marsh stood at the door.

"What's wrong, boy?" He looked concerned but made no move.

Davy had not noticed the tears falling down his cheeks until then. He wiped them away.

"It's nothing. I'm ok."

Father Marsh closed the door. It was just the two of them in the room. "You sure, son?

You seem awfully upset."

Sniffling, Davy nodded, "Yes, Sir. I'm fine." He tried to grin. "Just worried about

someone, that's all."

"Want to talk it over, son?" The skunk smiled at the upset bunny. "I'm good at keeping

secrets you know. It's my job and I don't want to get fired."

Chuckling, Davy smiled more. "I'll be fine, Sir. Really. Thank you for your concern."

Father Marsh nodded, knowing he has done all he can for the moment. "Did you make

your call?"

"Yes, Sir. They will be here in about an hour." Davy looked around nervously. "I'll go

outside and wait for them there. I don't want to inconvenience you anymore."

"Nonsense. It's not bad weather outside today considering the freak storm we had last

night, but it's still winter. You seem to handle the cold well, but I'm not going to have you wait

outside no matter what. If you want to sit and wait for them, you can stay in here or you can sit

in the church. Either place will be quiet. At this time of the morning we don't get a lot of people

in here. And I think you probably have a lot to think about and commune with God about."

Davy's nervousness jumped a little. "Sir... "

"Now, boy, you have to remember. My name is Father Marsh. And if you can't

remember that, Father will do. Ok?"

He smiled. "Yes, Father." He remembered how much Kalt always sounded the same

each time he called him Captain. "It's just..."

"You are not a religious person. I know, son. And that's fine. A church is not about

always communing with God. Sometimes you have just to commune with yourself. And, a

church is a good place to do that. It's safe and everyone around is understanding. The décor

itself is designed with all that in mind. It's a good place to just sit and think." He held out a paw

to Davy.

"Thank you, Father." Davy shook the skunk's paw.

"This way."

Father Marsh took Davy to the main church hall. "If you need anything, just ask

someone. If they can't help you, have them come get me. I'll be available for you as long as

you are here, son."

"Thank you, Father. Thank you very much."

The skunk grinned at Davy before he left him. Davy walked up the midway point of the

aisle and sat in a pew. He looked around and noticed two other furs in the church. Both of them

were sitting by themselves and seemed to be praying. In front of him, on the back of the pew in

front of him, was a little cubby that held a few books. Two were hymnals and full of sheet music

for the congregation to sing along during mass. The third book was a Catholic bible. He

checked his watch. Another fifty minutes to go probably. He picked up the bible and opened it

to a random page and started reading.

The story of Aslan and how he rose on the third day after he was crucified on a cross.

The way the story was written, Davy could see the lion appearing out of nowhere to his people

and his resurrection proved that he was the son of God and after a walk out into the woods, how

Aslan rose into the heavens on his own power and disappeared into heaven.

The large doors at the front of the church exploded in. Davy stood fast, looking back.

He could hear screaming from the thirty or more people around him as they were all scared.

Some stood and looked back as he did, others shielded themselves in the pews. Lightning and

wind filled the church followed by water tentacles flowing every direction. Tumbling through

the air, Kalt and the sheep from the jet fell into the church, still fighting. The sheep was on fire

and Kalt was trying to freeze him as they grappled and wrestled in the air. The congregation

were didn't move, just stood or knelt where they were. Davy felt then saw the water flowing on

the ground a couple inches deep. He tried to move, but the water weighed his footpaws to the

floor. As he struggled to pull at least one footpaw from the water, a tentacle reached up grabbing

his knee and pulling him down, trapping him further.

He looked up, noticing that Kalt and the sheep were still fighting above everyone, the

sheep's fire was leaping out trying to burn anything and anyone it could reach, but Kalt's

lightning was deflecting it and keeping it from doing harm. Davy pulled out his gun to shoot the

sheep, but the water tentacles latched around his arm and shook him, making sure he couldn't get

a good aim. He looked down at the water. He expected to see the puma's face from the jet, but

instead he saw Dakota.

Sitting up with a scream and pulling away from Dakota the frightened bunny surveyed

the area. The doors were where they should have been, the church was not flooded, there was no

fight going on above him, and the only two parishioners in the place were staring at him. Dakota

and Dack stood at the end of the pew smiling at him.

"Sorry ta wake ya, bunny boy, but ya were starting to snore."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Davy grinned at them.

Father Marsh walked up quickly. "Are you ok, son?" Dakota and Dack regarded the

skunk with a nod.

"Yes, Father. I'm fine. I apparently dozed off and my friends woke me from a


"Ah." Father Marsh sighed, relieved that Davy was ok. He shifted his sight to the

raccoon and bear in front of him. "He's been through a great deal, I think. Probably more than

he let me know. Please, care for him and see to it that he gets whatever help he needs."

"We will, Father." Dack reached out a paw. The father shook it, his own paw dwarfed

by the size of the bear's.

Moments later, Dack, Dakota, and Davy were all in the van and pulling away from the

church. Davy smiled at how welcome he felt because of Father Marsh and he looked at Dakota.

"Hey, coon."


"When this is all over, I have a new project for you."


"That can come later. Where is Tag and Misty?"

Dack leaned forward. "They are on their own right now, we're not sure where. Misty

found some information that there were more special furs out there and they went to investigate


"Do either of you know where?" Dack and Dakota shook their heads. "Damn. We need

Misty to help find Kalt. I don't know what happened to him, but I do think he is alive. I just

need to find him."

Dakota thought for a moment. "We might be able ta find out where they went if we can

find thu same info Misty found."

The big bear from the back seat leaned farther forward still. "How do we do that?"

"We go see a friend uh mine. One uh the best hackers in the bizness." They turned a

corner. "Dack, give the bunneh the change of clothes we got."

"Here, Davy." Dack handed him a stack of clothes.

"Ya don't mind changing in front of us, do ya?" Dakota winked at Davy.

Davy shook his head and chuckled as he unbuttoned his jacket. "It's nothing you have

not seen before, I'm sure, Coon." He glanced back at Dack and noticed his eyebrows raise. "He

and I have not done anything, but we've been in the showers together before. I know he's your

coon and I won't touch." Dack looked out the window and mumbled something. The only thing

Davy could understand was something about who had said that Dakota was his. Dakota

chuckled at Dack. Davy continued, "Besides, you know I'm still in love with a dog." He felt a

raccoon paw on his leg and a bear paw on his shoulder, both offering comfort/

The steel door opened. "Hi. What's up, Dakota?" A bear cub stood there in a t-shirt and

khaki shorts. He pulled Dakota into a hug.

"We need your help."

"Sure. What do you need, hon?" The cub stepped out of the way and let the three of

them in.

"These are ma friends. Dack and Davy". Dakota motioned to each of them respectively.

"Guys, this is Ghosty."

"Cool. Nice to meet you." He nodded to them both. "How can I help?"

Davy took note of the cub. He stood a little shorter than six foot tall, perhaps around five

eight or five nine. His face fur was all brown, but like Dack's, the flurfy headfur and beard fur

were darker than the rest of his body, but the right side of his face was all white. Davy couldn't

tell if it was natural or if it was bleached out on purpose. He sported blue barbell earrings in his

ears. He had a nice chubby look to him that Davy liked. In fact, he was turning the bunny on.

"We need ya ta get on your computer and hack inta a government database."


The cub walked to his bedroom and sat at his computer desk. "Sit anywhere you guys

want." The only other chair in the room was taken by Dakota. Dack and Davy sat on the bed.

"What exactly are you wanting me to look for and in which database?"

"Well, not sure, exactly, which database." Dakota looked sheepish.

"Really, Dakota?" Ghosty grinned at him and shook his head. "What am I going to do

with you?" He leaned over and kissed Dakota on the cheek.

Dakota sighed and glanced back to see if the other two saw the kiss. Dack was smiling at

him and his eyebrows were up. Yup, they did. Dakota sighed and turned back to Ghosty. "All

ah know is it's uh database uh special furs in the project. It's top secret or better, and it's run by

an ocelot named Gentry."

The bear cub clacked away on his keyboard. Here and there Dakota offered some help,

advice, and further information as he thought of it. Dack fell asleep on the bed as they worked,

but Davy was restless. Ghosty told him to make himself at home and told him where to find the

kitchen and the bathroom in the house. He mentioned that he had a roommate that would be

back from work in a few hours.

Davy went to the bathroom. He stood at the toilet and pissed a long stream. He couldn't

remember the last time he had relieved himself. Zipping up, he stepped up to the sink to wash

his paws. As he patted them dry with the towel, he looked at himself in the mirror. The white

shirt and blue jeans made him think of Kalt more. He missed him. He wished he had told Kalt

how he felt about him before. The two times he had really wanted to he felt were bad times.

The first was the mission that they had killed Baron, or thought they did. The second time he

actually walked up to tell Kalt but over heard him discussing Apollo with Tag.

He lowered the lid on the toilet and sat down. Untying and unfastening his boots he took

them off along with his socks and stretched his toes out. It felt good. He sighed and sat back.

Catching the scent from his boots made him smile. It wasn't rank, but a little musky. After all it

had been two days in the same socks and boots which had been on him for almost all that time.

Though it reminded him of the first time he and Kalt had played together.

Kalt slumped against the wall, breathing heavy as Davy walked in to the weight room

carrying his gym bag. Kalt looked over at him and smiled and nodded a hello.

Davy smiled at him, "Captain."

The white dog squinted at the tawny bunny. "How many times do I have to tell you not

to call me Captain. My name is Kalt."

"Sorry, Sir. I follow my orders and military protocol."

"Davy, we've been friends for almost a year now. There's no reason for protocol with

me. Besides you are a true First Lieutenant and I'm only an honorary Captain."

"Honorary or not, Sir, you are a Captain and I respect you."

Kalt shook his head. "Ok." He stood up, looking the bunny over, taking note of the way

he was dressed in the army drab tank top, drab sweat pants, and his army boots . "Why the late

workout?" He walked up to him.

"Couldn't sleep. Just need to work off some frustration."

"Need some help?"

Davy smiled, raising his head to look up at the big dog. "It looks to me that you are

about to finish up. You look like you've been working out for a while."

Smiling, Kalt looked into the bunny's eyes, "I've been in here for a while. But I doubt

I'll be sleeping any time soon. I have some frustration to work off as well." He sighed heavy,

the smile fading.

Reaching out a paw to rub the dog's arm, "I know. I wish I could help you find Baron

and that we could help him get back to the way you told us he used to be. But it will happen.

We will find him and get him help. You know you can count on us. Even Agent Tag, as much

of an ass he is."

A great big belly laugh escaped from the big dog. "Ya. He is a bit of an ass. But I

suspect he cares for his soldiers more than he lets on. He has this way about him that he keeps it

all to himself, but some of it slips through once in a while." Kalt's other paw, crossed his chest

and placed itself on Davy's. The looked in each other's eyes.

Davy looked away, a little shyly, and cleared his throat. "Well, I think I need to get

started on my work out." He pulled his paw back from the dog's arm. "Feel free to stay and

keep working out if you want. I won't bother you at all."

Nodding, "Sure. I'll be back over here at the punching bag if you need anything."

To Davy, Kalt moved in slow motion. He was able to see how the black tank top the

white dog wore didn't hide the blue streaked fur from under his arms as it bushed out. He

noticed, as he had before, that matched his headfur in color and knew from the showers that it

matched the pubic bush hidden under the white sweat pants Kalt was wearing. But the outline of

the tank top around the belly was what really got Davy excited. He loved a chubby belly and he

rarely saw one on the base unless it was on a bear. It was rare to see one like Kalt's on a canine,

especially with as much as he worked out. It was as if the belly refused to go no matter what he

did. Davy just wanted to rub all over that belly with his paws, to feel the fur under and between

his digits. Reaching the punching bag, the big white dog gave it a good punch that sent it

rocking on its chains. He knew Kalt was gay, but it was rare that he would play around with


The dog punched and kicked at the bag a few times before he noticed the staring bunny.

He grinned at him. "Uh, Davy?"

The bunny snapped out of his staring. "Ya?"

"You ok?"

"Ya. Just deciding what I want you to do first. Uh... what I want to do to you first.

UH... What I want to do first. To workout, I mean."

"HAHAHAHA" the big white dog laughed hard and dropped to his knees, his arms

wrapping around his chubby belly as he fell back, continuing to laugh.

"Uhhhhh I'm sorry, Captain." He picked up his gym bag fast. "I should go."

"No... " Kalt kept laughing but grabbed Davy by the footpaw as he walked by towards

the door. The laughing was still present, but he was trying to settle down. "I'm not laughing at

you, just how it sounded. It was cute."

"Just let me go, Captain. I just need to go."

"Oh, no." He twisted up to his knees and pulled Davy towards him. Davy grinned,

dropping his bag on the floor. "You're not going anywhere just yet, First Lieutenant."

"Sir...", Davy tried to struggle free, but failed, and he failed at not laughing at the big

dog that was pulling his leg. "Sir... you're going to make me fall. Let go."

"NO!" Kalt pulled him hard, knocking him off balance.

Davy fell on Kalt and tried to wrestle with him, but Kalt wrestled back. They rolled over

a few times as they play fought and laughed at each other. They knocked over a small set of

loose weights. The clanging made them stop and look at the weights, which were sitting on the

floor now. Their gazes turned back to each other and the wrestling continued.

A few minutes later, Kalt was on his back and he was giving up with Davy on top. Davy

let go of Kalt's wrists and sat up, his eyes opening wide. "Umm, what is that I'm sitting on?"

"Well, First Lieutenant, if you don't know at your age, then you need to go back to

biology." A white paw moved to Davy's crotch, feeling the bunny's hardon. "Besides, I think

you have the same condition."

"Captain, I'm not sure we should do this."

The white paw pulled away a few inches and rested on the dog's chest. "We don't have

to if you don't want to, Davy. But I do find you amazing and sexy. I always have. And lately,

you have been there for me both in the field and here as a friend. I can tell you care for me and I

know I care for you."

The blush in the bunny's cheeks was deep enough to show through his tawny fur. Kalt

sat up as best he could, held himself up with his paws behind him. Davy looked into the dog's

deep blue eyes before he leaned in and kissed the white furred lips lightly. He pulled back from

the peck only a few centimeters as he looked into the big dog's eyes more. Giving in, he kissed

the dog more, full of passion and love. Slowly, they lay back on the floor, the dog's big white

paws rubbing under the back of the bunny's shirt, his claws scraping gently under the fur and

across the skin. They kissed deep, their tongues mingling, rubbing around all over each other,

and invading each other's muzzles.

Davy broke the kiss and took off his shirt before he pulled at Kalt's shirt to take it off.

Kalt arched his back to let him. When his arms were up, Davy leaned in and sniffed at one of

the exposed armpit. The dog left his arm up, letting the bunny do what he wanted. After getting

a good sniff of the dog's scent from there, he gave it a good licking, taking in what little sweat

there was there, licking the blue streaked fur clean of all scent then he moved over to the other

side of the dog's body, pushing up his other arm and repeated his sniffing and licking. The dog

moaned as the bunny sniffed and licked at him. It was the first time someone had done that to

him and he loved it.

After he was done with the other pit, he moved on to the dog's nipple. He gave it a good

licking and a slight nibble. The moans he heard and feeling the muscles relax under him told

him that the dog was enjoying it. He nibbled and licked slightly harder. He was surprised he

could chew on them a bit as well.

Kalt's head rose and looked at Davy. "I'm not unfamiliar with BDSM, Davy, but I didn't

know you were so kinky."

"hee hee Well, you never gave me the opportunity to show you."

"You can show me anytime you want." His head lay back again to let the bunny work on

his other nipple.

"You know... ohhhhh... anyone can walk in on us... mmmm... any moment."

Not letting the second nipple out of his teeth, "gooch, leth them."

A low growl of pleasure escaped from Kalt's throat.

Davy moved down to the white belly, his paws rubbing over it, the fur under his

unpadded digits feeling wonderful as he pulled his paw down the belly, then up the belly and the

fur rubbing between his digits. His own moan-purr escaping from his throat. He leaned down,

nibbling and licking on the white belly below him, his paws untying the string on the front of the

white sweat pants the dog was wearing. Once untied, he pulled them down as the dog lifted his

rear off the floor for him. The sweats were thrown off to the side. Davy stood up untying his

own sweats. "Do you always workout without underwear?"

"I usually go commando."

"That's not regulation, Captain." His own drab sweats landed on top of the white ones,

followed by his regulation boxers.

"WOOF! Bunny is packing." Kalt's tongue slipped out from his muzzle as he saw the

hard cock in front of him. He sat up and didn't hesitate to take it in his muzzle and to play with

the bunny's balls with his paws, eliciting moans and whines from the bunny. The cock easially

touched the back of the dog's throat and was thick enough to make him gag a little, but he was

able to control himself. It tasted good to the dog, and he wanted all he could get from it, but he

pulled off of it after a few strokes and looked up. "Is it true what they say about bunnies and

how fast they are done?

Grabbing the white dog's blue streaked headfur he pulled him away a little. "Not this

bunny." He saw the dog smile. "Now, on your knees and paws." Kalt's eyes widened happily,

and he did as he was told, flipping over onto his knees and his paws. Davy spit on his paw and

rubbed it on his cock as he raised the white tail in front of him and spit on it as well.

Maneuvering his cock to the dog's tailhole he pushed it in slightly and slowly.

"Ohhhhh, Davy."

"You're tight, Captain."

Kalt looked back with a smirk at the title. "I don't get... ahhhh... play like this often...

especially from...", he gasped, "... from someone as big as you."

"We might have to change that."

"WOOF! Yes, Sir."

"mmmmmmm", Davy pushed harder, giving up being gentle. Being called "Sir" brought

out the Dom in him. He hilted himself fast inside the tight hole.


The cock flexed inside the tail hole as the dog whimpered and whined. Davy had to be

sure all was fine. "You ok?"


"Good." He pulled almost all the way only to thrust back in hard, making the dog moan

and cry out. He reached over and picked up his underwear, throwing them down next to Kalt's

head. "You're too loud, puppy. Put those in your muzzle."

"Yes, Sir." He took the underwear and stuffed the crotch in his muzzle as ordered. The

underwear muffled the whimpers a little. The musky scent from the underwear that had been

worn all day drove the dog wild and he licked the underwear all over as best he could.

Davy fucked Kalt hard and strong, his balls slapping against the ones that hung down

below the dog's tail. The dominant bunny slapped his sub's ass as he thrust In and out of it and

he pulled and bit at the tail.

Close to ten minutes later, Kalt had collapsed onto the floor as he had been pushed down

hard. Davy pulled out telling Kalt to get on his back. He held the white legs on his chest as he

put his cock in the dog's tail again. He plowed the dog's hole hard and fast as he licked and bit

on the white legs and footpaws. One of the tawny paws stroked the pink doggy cock between

the white legs, making Kalt's moans louder and more frequent. He slowed his stroking until he

was close to cumming himself then he stroked Kalt fast, not neglecting pressing and rubbing on

the dog's large knot.

He bit hard on Kalt's leg as he filled the tailhole full of bunny spunk. At that same

moment, Kalt exploded all over his own belly and the bunny's paw.

Davy pulled his paw away from Kalt's cock and licked it clean, his still hard cock

keeping Kalt plugged tight. He reached over and picked up a boot close by and sniffed it. It was

his not Kalt's. He chuckled.

Kalt laid there breathing heavy and gave a muffled wolf at the bunny. Davy pulled the

underwear from the dog's muzzle. "Woof woof, Sir. That was amazing."

The bunny smiled. "Yes, it was, boy."


The bunny's smile widened as he pulled slowly out from the dog. His still hard cock

throbbing in the air. He lay down on his back next to the dog.

"How long until that thing goes down?"

"Well, it depends."


"How many more times I get off."

Kalt's eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

"It will stay like this for a while and settle down on its own, or I can get it of a few more

times before it's done."

The dog whistled. "I'm impressed. And here I just thought you were a simple vanilla

guy that was purely innocent."

Davy chuckled. "Not too innocent as you can see, Captain."

"Davy... stop that."

"Sorry. Force of habit."

"I know." Kalt rubbed the exposed bunny balls in front of him. "You're going to have to

forgive me. I need some time to recuperate before we do that again."

"I understand. I can take care of this on my own." Davy looked a little rejected.

"No you won't."


"I said I needed some time to recuperate before we do THAT again. I didn't say I wasn't

interested in more from you." He grinned slyly as he wrapped his paw around the bunny's cock

and stroked it slowly. "So, do you always take the dominant role?"

"Not always." A moan escaped from his muzzle. "I'm a switch."

"Good. So am I." They smiled at each other.

"Why didn't we do this sooner?"

"Because you were acting all shy."

"I am shy, just not with people I fuck." He chuckled.

"Well, let's take advantage of you no longer being shy and.....

The knock at the door brought Davy back to where he was, sitting in a bear cub's

bathroom with a raging hardon, and a big wetspot made by his pre. "Uh, ya?"

"You ok in there?"

He could tell it was the cub. "Ya." He stood up, picking up his shoes and socks and

opening the door. "I just was sitting down and enjoying some time alone."

Ghosty saw the wetspot. "Did you have an accident?"

"Uhhhh no. I just...."

"ohhhh I see. That's why you wanted to be alone." He winked at the bunny. "It's ok,

sexy bunny. I don't mind. "


"I said I don't mind. It's fine. Really. If you want, you can use the spare room over

there for some privacy." He pointed to a closed door.

"I'll be fine. Really."

"Ok. But if you change your mind, go ahead. I won't care at all." He let Davy step out

of the bathroom and he stepped in. "And if you want some help, just say so. I won't mind that


He closed the bathroom door, leaving Davy to wonder if he was kidding or serious.

Davy went back to Ghosty's room. Dakota was stretching a bit, his footpaw held in his

paw and both stretched above his head as he twisted himself around a little. He dropped his

footpaw and did the same with the other one. He noticed Davy walking in slowly. He talked

softly, "Oh, hi. Ah just feel a bit stiff." He dropped his second footpaw. "Hmmm, looks like

someone else is stiff as well." He grinned.

Blushing, Davy tried to hide his outlined erection from the raccoon. "It's nothing."

"Well, I understand. Ghosty is one hot cub. And he's fun in the sack. Very kinky, too."

He stretched his second footpaw and leg as he did before. "And he says he finds you hot as


"DAKOTA!" Ghosty said loudly, sanding in the door way.

Davy's eyes went wide.

Dack snorted as he woke up from the exclamation. "What's going on?" All eyes looked at Dack. "What?"