Williamtown to Melbourne. A new friend

Story by The Prince Kovu on SoFurry

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#1 of A Flying 'Sex'cess

Well, I'm sorry I didn't get this up on Saturday. I was a bit busy. But here it is, my first attempt at making my own characters and storyline. The main character being a lion named Cyrus Black. He is a rich cat but no bragger. He loves his vodka and is silently gay. He is a first officer for a Australian commercial aviation company. Please forgive me anyone who does fly, if I got any aviation terms and procedures wrong. I am only a recreational pilot after all. However, this isn't about aviation its about love. So please enjoy, Let me know in the comments on how I can improve. Also Favourite, Watch and Vote.

5:00 am. The green numbers on the alarm clock next to his bed almost stinging Cyrus's eyes. The sound of the alarm screeching at him to wake. It was to early for this shit. But he had to wake.

Moaning and grunting with displeasure, the lion slapped the button to turn off the ear aching sounds from the small clock. Grunting further as he rolled himself over to see the blank space next to him in the bed. His king size bed, only holding the sad and single feline.

"Fuck it" he uttered as he stood up, stretched his arms above his head and straightened his tail towards the floor, then letting himself relax for a second. Staring at nothing as he slowly awoke his brain. Only small movements could be made at this hour of the morning, otherwise his mind would malfunction from lack of energy. Plus, he was a lion, no lion should have to get up before 9:00am.

Slowly he walked into the bathroom which was next to his bedroom. A small walk through wardrobe between the two rooms, designed so he could have a shower and then walk through to get dressed. then leave for work. The bathroom was neat, he was a tidy cat. Could not understand mess. Unless the mess was clothing in his room, that was different though. He walked straight up to the basin and turned the cold tap on, letting the water run for a second and then diving his hands underneath the flow and splashing his face with the cold fluid. Opening his eyes and staring in the mirror, Cyrus new it was going to be a long day.

Stepping into the shower, hot water running, steam filling the room. Only dull lighting to make the fair sized room to seem, gloomy. Just the way he liked it. The water warm against his fur, tickling him as it ran down his fine tuned body. He was toned and shaped perfectly yet, he barley worked out. It was just a natural thing.

Working the soap over his body, washing himself to make him look fine and smart. After all a pilot is meant to look smart. Feeling every curve and crevice of his body, he admired his muscles as if a work of art. Massaging them and combing through his short fur. Moving up to his mane, covering his chest, neck and head. Trimmed to be neat. However with the water flowing over it, the fur was stuck to his head, no fluffiness about it. Massaging the shampoo in, he smiled from the sweet smell of it, reminding him of a time he had with a lover he once had, but that was on his tour in Dubai, now he was posted to work in Australia, back home in New South Wales.

After the shower, getting into his work clothing. The white collared shirt looking rather fine in contrast to his tawny gold fur. Next moving on to the black pants, new and fine. Soft material that didn't want to stick to his fur. God it was hard to find clothes that didn't want to lather itself in fur, washing fur out of clothing was impossible. As Cyrus slipped them on, the small about of resistance it had whilst passing over his bulge made him feel a bit proud, the fact that his package was a tad to big to allow the pants on easily. Doing up his belt he walked out of the wardrobe, through his large bedroom. Being a pilot allowed for a nice salary. $320,000 American dollars each year. So that was like $410,000 Australian dollars. And he was an over paid pilot, he was very lucky. Yet still no one was interested in him. He wasn't a push over, he wasn't mean or abusing and he hated bragging, even though he had loads of money. Anyway, his bedroom was large and the rest of his house was as well, all because he could afford it.

Walking down the hallway and into the kitchen and boiling the kettle for his coffee, he grabbed a fry pan and eggs, 2 to be exact. Frying them with some bacon. Breakfast made. He smiled at himself. He was 24 years of age and had a good job, nice amounts of money and food. Yes definitely needed food. The coffee as well, it was a must. Without coffee he would fall asleep within an hour, or he might not even be awake.

After finishing his breakfast, putting the dishes in the dish washer and locking the house, Cyrus got into his Mercedes Benz C200 and reversed out the driveway, The clean black car humming as its engine moved it about. Putting the car into drive, Cyrus sat back, turned on the Bluetooth in his car stereo and started playing some good old rock songs from his phone. Happy, he drove off. Leaving his home behind as the week ahead was to be long and far away. Leaving today, Monday the 2nd of march 2015, and he would not be home till Friday.

Arriving at the airport, Williamtown, just a few hours north of Sydney, Cyrus got out of his car, Parking it in a staff parking lot that was intended for pilots like himself. He walked into the terminal building, putting his small cabin bag through security and then being checked by security himself. After that he picked up his bag and walked over to a small office to do his pre-flight paper work. He hated paper work, but it had to be done. Signing off on all the details of the flight today. He was taking 113 passengers in a Airbus A320. Leaving Williamtown at 7:50am. Arriving at Tullamarine Airport in Melbourne at 9:10am.

"Ok, the shit bit is done, now onto the fun" Cyrus chuckled to himself. Submitting the flight paperwork and exiting the office. Walking through the terminal and out the gate onto the tarmac, the aircraft had arrived and the previous pilot and first officer had disembarked. The lion chuckled at the word 'disembarked' as he saw that the previous pilot was a husky. 'barked' and 'husky. He chuckled again at his bad humour. Walking up the steps into the cabin of the aircraft and into the cockpit.

"First Officer" was all Cyrus heard as he entered the small room from where the plane is flown. He turned his head to see sitting in the chair on the left (The pilots seat) was a tall otter, who was obviously the captain for the flight. He had dark brown fur and deep blue eyes. He was young for a captain. Probably only 26, and he was tall, especially for an otter.

"Hi, I'm Cyrus Black" Cyrus said extending a paw to shake.

"Pleasure to meet you Cyrus, I'm Jacob Parker" the otter said, grabbing Cyrus's paw and shaking it.

"Reading to start the show?" Parker asked.

"Sure thing" exclaimed the lion.

The passengers boarded and the cabin doors were shut. The flight attendants seated everybody and gave them the pre-flight safety brief. One of the attendants, a young male fox who spoke with a soft feminie voice, obviously gay entered the cabin.

"All seated and ready for take off" He smiled

"Thank you James" the otter said smiling.

"Anything for you" the fox winked and laughed as he closed the door which then locked for safety reasons.

"So, you uhh, know that fox?" Cyrus questioned,

"Yeah, James and I have been on a few flights together, he is a nice bloke, very funny." The otter said

"Yeah, he seems uhh, enthusiastic" Cyrus stated,

"Yes, he is, and very gay. Funniest bloke because of it though. He makes the most outrageous jokes and pranks on people. He once dressed up as a woman and convinced some straight guy that he was a woman, and he kissed him. Like full on tongue" the otter was almost in tears of laughter from his own story. Cyrus chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, he seems nice enough. What does his partner think of that" Cyrus asked,

"Partner? he doesn't have a partner, a lot of people think I'm his partner but I'm not gay. Sure I think he is funny and I call him my friend, but no. He is a single fox. Why, are you interested?" the otter smirked.

"No" Cyrus said louder than he wanted to.

"No, I was just curious" Cyrus stated nervously whilst turning to the aircraft controls for start up of the engines..

The engines were humming beautifully and the aircraft was waiting on the taxiway next to the runway.

"Flight Oscar Charlie one seven nine zero, you are clear for take off runway three zero departing south for Melbourne" the voice through the radio from air traffic announced.

"Williamtown traffic, Oscar Charlie one seven nine zero, entering and rolling runway three zero" Cyrus replied, placing his paw on the two throttle levers and adding some thrust to allow the aircraft to taxi onto the runway. Once lined up, he smiled to the otter and pushed full power, the A320 was away.

*2 hours later.*

The flight had landed five minutes ahead of schedule and all the passengers had left the aircraft and met with family, friends, business partners and other associates. Cyrus was just leaving the aircraft when James, the flight attendant fox walked up behind him.

"Nice flying today mate" the comment from the fox surprised Cyrus as it sounded a lot more manly than his previous voice. Maybe he just put the voice on before the flight as a joke.

"Thanks" Cyrus replied kindly,

"I believe your next flight is OC1859 to Perth, correct?" the fox asked with a grin on his muzzle,

"Yeah, it is." Cyrus said, slightly taken back that the fox knew his flight.

"Its at 11:25 am tomorrow, I'm on that flight as well" the fox grinned. "Say, want to grab a coffee?"

Cyrus was again surprised by the fox but accepted his invitation to a coffee, because coffee was his life.

*1 hour later.*

"So, what is there to know about Cyrus Black?" James asked, staring into the lion's eyes,

"Well, not much. I live in Newcastle and I was born in Sydney. I did live in Dubai for a little while, but then I decided to work in Australia again. What about you, James is it?" Cyrus felt bad for not really knowing the fox's name.

"Well" the fox started, sounding excited and childish like a teen girl at a boy band concert. "My name is James Mason, I was born in Melbourne, I currently have an apartment in the city, I work as a flight attendant.. oh wait. you already know that haha." the fox was funny, Cyrus had to admit, but he was not intentionally funny, he just was. "I love going flying and one day dream of having someone who cares about me and also can fly a plane" The fox finished and looked back down at his coffee.

"Well, that's really nice, I hope you get what you want" Cyrus said, thinking about how the fox was kinda cute, he wished he could be that man in the foxes life. But he was a little bit scared of coming out. No one in his life knew he was gay. No one.

"Yeah, thanks. Anyway, where are you staying tonight?" James asked.

"Just in the staff accommodation" Cyrus replied.

"Eeeww, not those horrible old buildings with cracks in the walls and poor air conditioning and bedding that has who knows what in them, ew no."

"They are not that bad, they are free and have nice drinks in the fridge" Cyrus laughed.

"Well, up to you" The fox said

"What other option do I have?" the lion knew the fox wanted him to ask.

"Well... You could stay at my apartment, its in the city on the 23rd floor of the Eureka." The fox offered.

"holy shit, how much money do you have, those apartments are so expensive"

"Well Mr Mercedes Benz, there are not that expensive for your standards"

Cyrus blushed, he had never been called something like that, about his money, about being rich. And in the tone the fox said it was almost sensual.

"Look, I may be gay, but you don't have to worry about me coming into your room tonight if you stay at mine. We can have a couple of drinks, a laugh and then sleep for tomorrows flight. Sound good"

The lion just stared at his coffee, thinking upon the offer, he badly wanted to accept it, go back and fuck the tail right off of that fox's lovely ass that he did mange to have a sneak peak at when they were getting into the cab for the coffee shop. He wanted to go and stay with the fox, but he was afraid. He looked at the fox and then back at his coffee, picking it up and sculled it.

"If you wouldn't mind, that would be lovely, I need a good night sleep and some vodka, do you have vodka?" Cyrus asked

"Plenty" James smirked.

*9:00pm that night.*

Cyrus stared out the window of the apartment, he could see the entire city, its lights, buildings and roads. Hear all the noises and smell the city smell. He looked over at the fox who was making some sort of concoction in the kitchen. Something with vodka. Shaking a cocktail shaker and pouring the black liquid into a two martini glasses. He walked over to Cyrus and held out one of the drinks.

"Here, drink this, you said you wanted vodka, you got it"

"What is this, I thought vodka was clear"

"Its a black martini, it has 105ml of vodka and 15ml of black raspberry liquor" James smiled whilst taking a sip.

"Well, that's a lot of vodka" Cyrus said before sipping at it, the feeling of its influence almost instantly buzzing in his head.

"Woah, that's strong... I like it" Cyrus stated before sipping again. It sure was nice, and he needed it to. His nerves since getting to the apartment had risen, and he was thinking about telling the fox about his feelings. Getting to know the fox better throughout the afternoon had cause him to like James even more. But the fox had been respectful, keeping his distance and not hitting on him, the fox genuinely thought Cyrus was straight.

"James, you have an amazing apartment" the lion started, he wanted to flow through some conversation before getting down to asking how the fox felt about them possibly have some 'relations' tonight.

"Thanks, my parents disowned me when I came out, but my grandmother felt sorry for me. She was ashamed with my father for disowning me, so when she died, I received all her money, she left none to him or my uncle who also disowned me and called me a spawn of Satan, or a devil child and other stuff like that. So yeah, that's how I got the money for this place." James explained, sounding a bit sad.

"I'm so sorry James, that's horrible that your parents did that" Cyrus frowned at himself, he seemed to have made the fox sad, he tried a different conversation.

"How long have you been working for the airlines?"

James smiled again. "Well, it would be nearly five years now. I started when I was eighteen."

"Cool" is all Cyrus could think of saying.

They both finished off their drinks and with a heavy head, they both headed off to the spare bedroom, James showing Cyrus where everything was, the bathroom and the spare bedroom.

"If you need anything, just knock on my bedroom door" James said as he went to walk to his own bedroom.

"James" Cyrus said.

James turned but said nothing, Cyrus stood there awkwardly, the silence burning his ears, he wanted to tell him but he couldn't. He wanted to say that he liked him but he couldn't. The silence almost literally hurting his ears now.

"Yes?" James replied in a questioning tone.

"James, I'm afraid... I'm......" Cyrus stuttered for a second

"Afraid of what?" the fox asked, genuinely worried.

"I'm afraid my bed, will be to cold." the lion tried to smirk.

"Would you like me to get more blankets" the fox asked.

"No thank you, I would rather, well uhh." he smiled.

James suddenly realised what the lion was asking, and boy was he excited, a pilot, a rich pilot wanted to sleep with him.

James walked up to Cyrus. "would you rather, body warmth?" the fox smirked

Cyrus smiled "yeah"

Slowly they leaned in, both a bit nervous, James had never actually had sex before and Cyrus had never been with a guy. He had been with a girl so people would think he was straight but that was just a cover.

Their muzzles pressed together and they kissed. lips locked and muzzles still closed, it was gentle yet sensual. They continued by opening their mouths and letting each others tongues into their muzzles, the kiss getting faster and more energetic. The amount of saliva being past from one muzzle to the other and back. They were truly locked and loving each other. The smacking sounds of saliva and lips. the kiss was arousing them both, James pushing his body against Cyrus and grinding his bulge against Cyrus's.

The kiss broke. "Would you prefer to sleep in the master bed tonight Mr Black, It is much warmer and has some..... better qualities" James giggled.

"Oh I would love to" Cyrus said, now completely relaxed and without nerves, followed the fox into his bedroom where James took off his shirt, displaying a sleek body with well toned muscles, not huge and bulk but more stream line. He looked like an athlete. He then continued and removed his trousers, leaving the trunks on, but his bulge left nothing to imagination, the tight underwear allowing Cyrus to picture what the foxes package looked like. Cyrus himself took off his shirt and tank top, then his pants again leaving on his trunks, his bulge was awoken to and at full mast, the head of his cock peaking out the top of his underwear.

"hmmm, well, I'm feeling a bit hungry after that drink, you wouldn't happen to have anything to feed me would you lion? the fox said whilst seductively rubbing his crotch.

"I have plenty" Cyrus stated with a naughty tone, walking over to the fox who was on the side of the bed, kneeling so his head was at the same height as the standing lion. James slipped his right paw up the inside of Cyrus's legs and cupped his hidden balls, then massaged his hand over the bulge before grabbing the edge of the lions trunks and pulling them down to expose the lions hard cock, the smalls barbs poking out and the head lifted up, dripping small amount of pre. The fox continued to pull them down to expose the lions testicles, he quickly leaned in and licked them, inhaling their scent and tasting the sweat on the short fur. He then licked up the under side of Cyrus's cock. Again tasting it, smelling the musk coming from the overly aroused lion.

"Mine" James giggle before lowering his head down over the large penis, sucking hard as he pushed the member into his throat, he took it in so quickly, it was as if he had done it before, but he hadn't. The feeling was amazing for Cyrus. The pleasure was through the roof. James's tongue was playing around the shaft and causing the lion to shoot small amounts of pre into his mouth. James just swirled it around and then swallowed. Taking more of the lions penis into his mouth. Cupping the males balls and gently squeezing them, feeling the makers of the lovely liquid he was being provided.

"Oh my fucking god you can suck well. Are you sure you have never sucked on a cock before, because you are better than anyone who has sucked me" Cyrus stated through the moans of pleasure. More pre-cum squirting into the fox.

"Aww man your good" words started rolling off Cyrus's tongue.

"Shit man, you suck that like its a lolly pop"

"Man am I gonna blow a load into you tonight"

James kept bobbing until he managed to get the entire length into his muzzle and down his throat, no gagging at all. It made Cyrus feel a bit small actually. That a virgin could suck his cock to the balls without gagging. He pulled the foxes head up off his cock and smiled in a strange way.

"Are you sure you haven't done that before, you took my entire dick and didn't even gag once" Cyrus chuffed

"When I was nine I swallowed a bone from a stew, it was lodged in my throat for almost and hour, Since then, I have never had any gag reflexes." The fox smiled.

Cyrus felt a bit happier, or at least he didn't feel small anymore. He patted the fox on the chest and went to kneel to give him a blow job but James stopped him.

"What are you doing" James asked.

"Giving you the treatment you gave me" Cyrus exclaimed.

"No, I have a better idea" the fox winked and rolled onto his stomach, facing away from the lion, he looked back and slowly yet seductively pulled down his own trunks, the underwear slipping over his rounded ass and when they were between his knees he stopped. Wagging his tail and spreading a cheek with one paw, James bent down to give a plain view to Cyrus of his tight tail hole. The light orange fur around it and the clenched skin on the ring. It was a arousing sight. However Cyrus's cock proved he was already aroused. He bent down and shoved his muzzle between the foxes cheeks and planted a kiss right on the hole. Pushing his tongue into it and licking around on the inside. Licking up the crack to the base of the tale and then around the hole itself. James was moaning in complete bliss as the pleasure over took him. Cyrus pushed his tongue in again and deeper, the slimy organ slipping around the inside of the foxes bowels. James pushed back, Cyrus's nose being pushed under his tail to smell the sweat and fur. His tongue getting caught inside the fox as he clenched his ass.

"AAAAHHH, MY GOD, I NEVER KNEW IT FELT THIS GOOD. OH EAT ME UP YOU WILD BEAST" James yelled, Cyrus put his paw between James's legs and grabbed his throbbing cock, stroking it gently and feeling its pulse, the cock twitched with the touch.

"OH YES, THATS IT" James yelled. the pleasure being to much.

Cyrus kept stroking him and pushing his tongue in deeper, feeling the inside of the fox and enjoying the sounds both his tongue and the fox were making. All of a sudden the fox screamed again, his ass tensed so tight it actually sucked Cyrus's tongue in deeper and his cock tensed and fired its load, semen flying all over the bed and the foxes belly. The climax bringing the fox to tears it was that good. Cyrus pulled his tongue out as the fox released his ass muscles. The fox was certainly enjoying himself.

"Wow, that was amazing, your tongue felt so good. it just filled me and slipped around inside me. And when you grabbed my cock it was just so.." James was cut off by Cyrus kissing him deeply, tongue now deep in his muzzle. The two kissed again for a while, James broke it.

"Now its your turn to cum" James stated

"Ok hehe, umm. how do you want to do this?" Cyrus asked, a little embarrassed by what the fox said.

"Well, I'm ready so, in here big boy" the fox winked, rubbing his ass.

Cyrus moved up so he was on top of James, holding his cock in one hand, he pushed it between the soft cheeks of the fox, feeling the hole clench around him. pulling him in. The fox already moaning in pleasure. Wanting to be filled by this lion.

Slamming himself back against Cyrus's cock, pulling all of the cock into him, James yelped "Come on slow poke"

Cyrus just laughed and pulled out and then thrust himself back in again. The warm confines of the fox enveloping his thick girth, he barbs tickling the insides of the fox. Creating a reasonable pace, Cyrus and James moaned in unison, Both pushing against each other then pulling away, James tensing his insides and feeling the lions massive penis massage his tail hole and he felt his furry butt cheeks spread and then come back together and then spread again. The feeling was amazing, nothing could compare. He wanted to so badly stay with this lion, he wanted to feel this cock in his butt every night. The warmth of the lions pre-cum oozing into him every now and then. It was simply amazing.

Licking the back of James's neck, Cyrus slammed himself in deeper and harder, making both of them moan louder and want more. The warm tingling feeling inside him, calling on his balls to dump their load, He could feel what was coming. It welled up inside and the pleasure overtook him.

"Your awesome, you are so fucking tight, and you are just amazing" that's all Cyrus could muster before they both screaming in pleasure. James flooding into a second orgasm, Cyrus flooding James's insides with his hot lion cum. He slammed himself as deep as possible and just letting go, breaking out a small roar. The semen flooding out of James's cock and onto the bed. Cyrus's cum flowing through James's tight rectum. Warming the fox internally.

Slowly their orgasms died off. Cyrus pulled his semi-hard penis out of the foxes ass. James turning and leaning his head down to lick and clean up the lions member. Tasting his cum and inhaling its smell. They both were truly spent.

"Well, that was a nice way to finish as day" said James.

"Yeah, I think we need to keep each others beds warm more often"

"You think so?" asked James.

"Yes James, We need to do this a lot more often, your not a single fox anymore" Cyrus said.

They both smiled and then leaned in for one last kiss for that night. Both then cuddling up to fall asleep to get ready for their flight in the morning.

Cyrus's sheath pressed up against his ass. James smiled, Knowing he had found the one.