To Serve and Submit Chapter 1: "What Big Eyes you Have!"

Story by PupThumper on SoFurry

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New story I've been working on. Let me know what you guys think!

As always if you enjoyed the story, rat it, fave it, and leave a comment! If you guys want more, tell me! I'm always eager to hear from you all

As I close out the programs on my computer, I heave a gigantic sigh and push away from my desk. The day was packed with constant calls from customers complaining about their devices. Text messaging, phone calls, wi fi and data problems, warranty, master reset; it all spiraled around in my head. Many of the issues I could handle fine with basic troubleshooting. But there were those that would just not work, which meant handing off the issue to a specialized team who would try to resolve it as soon as possible. Try explaining that to someone. It goes over very well.

I gathered up my things, looking around my area. Most everyone had already left for the night. There were a couple humans left over in neighborhood 2 and a fox and a german shepard in neighborhood 3. The only one left in my area was Donnie. He had also just finished up his last call, which by the look of it didn't go well. He was leaning back in his chair, rubbing his eyes with his paws. He looked over to me and gave me one of those "you won't believe the call I just had" looks. I knew those looks well, having made them so often at this job.

I met Donnie about a month ago and we became good friends. He was a tiger about my size. He usually wore a golf shirt and slacks when he worked. Today however he was dressed in a navy blue shirt and ripped jeans, with a pair of old tennis shoes on his feet. He must have been running late today.

We shared the same shift and parked in the same lot. So we decided to try and head out together after our shifts ended. You can't be too careful and its good to have someone there just in case something happens.

"Holy shit, how many times does it take to tell someone that we can't just do a warranty!?, Donnie said as he started to close his programs and shut down his computer. "We have to go through the troubleshooting first!"

I chuckled. "Apparently it's in the triple digit range, from what I could overhear." I knew what he was going through. It may not make sense, but it's a policy we have to follow. It's either that or get fired.

I cleaned up my area and waited for Donnie to do the same. Once he finished, we walked towards the elevator and headed down. We were both glad to be done for the night. The night shift tends to slow down the later it gets, but sometimes you get those calls that are so off the wall that they take an hour just to resolve. We both experienced that issue tonight.

Donnie and I got off the elevator and headed outside. It was the middle of May so even though it was almost 10 pm, it was still warm out. A slight breeze brushed past our faces as we crossed the street. The parking lot we normally parked in was a couple blocks away. We had just passed a nearby café when I heard him swear.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my heart racing a bit.

He shook his head. "I forgot I carpooled with Mike today. He was still taking a call last I saw. Damn it."

"I can wait. I don't have anywhere to be. Besides I have the weekend off"

"No, you go ahead. Who knows how long it will be anyway? Unless you'd rather wait..."

I thought for a moment. We had been sticking together at the end of our shifts for about a month. And I did remember that one night when Donnie left before me. And he's still here. So what could go wrong?

"I'll be fine. It's just one night anyway," I said as I started to walk down the sidewalk, waving at the tiger. "Have fun."

Donnie rolled his eyes and crossed the street again, heading back into the building.

I continued my way down the street, being extra wary. I had walked this same path every day and night. Yet today it felt more....chilling, as if it was my first time walking down these streets. I knew the odds of something happening to me were slim, but I kept a watchful eye out just in case.

I was about to pass down a familiar alley when I saw a figure running out of it, yelling their head off.

"HERE BOY! WHERE ARE YOU? COME HERE BOY!" he looked in every direction until his eyes fell upon me. I froze, my heart began to pound in my chest.

It wasn't until he walked up to me that I finally got a good look at him. He was a larger wolf, wearing a leather jacket and gloves. He had on a pair of jeans and leather work boots. In one paw, he was holding a leash with the collar still attached. Looking at his face, he had gray fur with a patch of white under his chin. His yellow eyes stared at me, making me shift uneasily. Those eyes, I couldn't put my finger on it, but somehow they entranced me. My eyes darted from his muscular figure to his clothes and then back to his eyes.

He spoke and his voice sounded low, even though I could tell he was distraught "Please, have you seen a Dalmatian anywhere? I was taking him for a walk and he got out of his collar and just took off! I've been looking for him for the past ten minutes! Oh God, what if he got run over!?" He started taking sharp breaths. It almost sounded like he was about to whimper.

I didn't speak for several seconds. I was caught off guard by his looks and then his voice completely took me by surprise. I tried to remember that he was still a stranger, but his situation forced me to let my walls down.

"I'm....I'm sorry. I just got off work. I haven't seen a Dalmatian anywhere." My tone made it sound like I had something to do with his dog's disappearance.

The wolf looked around again, rubbing his head with his paw.

What came out of my mouth next threw me for a loop. "I could help you look for him, if you want." I stopped and looked away. What was I thinking?? How do I know I can even trust this guy? Question after question popped into my head.

The wolf looked at me, tilting his head a bit. " will?? Oh thank you so much! You are the best!" he embraced me in a tight hug. My eyes grew wide as I felt his fur touch my cheek. My cheeks blushed and I could feel my shaft getting hard. Good God, I hope he couldn't tell.

He let me go and smiled. "He got away a couple of blocks from here. I've checked alleys and parking lots but I can't find him anywhere."

I nodded, still unable to stop myself from speaking. "Well let's see if we can find him. What's his name?" I started to walk with him down the sidewalk. I could hear a voice in my head telling me to run the hell away. But my body refused to listen.

The wolf hung his head. "I....actually haven't named him yet. I just got him a few days ago and I've been having trouble coming up with one. Embarrassing, isn't it?" He smiled and chuckled. It was strange but he seemed like an okay guy. My nerves started to disappear.

He held out a paw as we walked. "Name's Drake."

"Will", I said as I shook his paw. We continued down the street a bit until we came upon another alley. We both looked around, but only saw a dumpster and a heavy metal door leading into a building.

"Ah damn it" I turned to see Drake on one knee, tying one of his boot laces. "Stupid laces. Can't seem to get them to stay tied."

I left the wolf there and started to slowly walk down the alley. Passing by the dumpster, I thought I saw something move on the other end of the alley. I walked forward, squinting to get a better view.

"Hey Drake," I called out, still walking forward. "I thought I saw something. Could be your dog."

"Yes, I think I see him too. Right in front of me."

My eyes grew wide and I was about to turn when suddenly I was hit in the back and I fell to the ground. The wind was knocked out of me and I tried getting up, until a knee was pinned into my back, holding me down.

"What the f......mppphhhhh!!!" I tried yelling but the wolf's leather glove covered my mouth. I screamed and struggled, but it was pointless. No one could hear me and he was too strong to break free from.

A deep growl came from the wolf, as he held me down. "Bad puppy. You know how angry Master gets when you don't obey orders. You don't ever get away from me again, are we clear?"

When I didn't answer, he pushed down harder and I shouted in pain. He chuckled, digging his knee into my back. "Good boy. You learn quickly. Now let's get you back in your collar."

I shook and struggled, flailing my arms and kicking my legs as much as I could. If I could get one good punch in then I could get back up and run. It didn't matter what this wolf did, I had to....

A loud snarl came from behind and I could feel his breath on my neck. He kept growling, and he opened his mouth and started to scrape my skin with his sharp fangs. My heart beat faster and I cried from behind his leather paw. The growling continued until he spoke: "I'll bite down and watch you bleed, mutt. But if you're a good boy and do as I say, then that won't happen. Understand?"

I whimpered and nodded slowly. Tears fell from my cheeks. I wanted to escape but I didn't want to die.

Drake smirked, then placed a collar around my neck and fastened it, making sure it was tight. I heard him pull something else out. He moved it in front of my face to show me. It was a leather gag that could be tied around the head. Before I could say anything, he removed his gloved paw and stuffed the gag in me, tying it quickly around the back of my head. I grunted from behind it, shaking my head violently.

"There, now I have a free paw. Gotta make sure you don't try anything. We're almost done here, puppy. Then we get to go for a ride" He reached into his jacket, pulling out something that made a rattling sound. It wasn't until he was binding my wrists that I knew they were handcuffs. After securely tying my wrists, he got up and tugged on the leash.

"Up pup. Come on boy." He kept tugging until I finally stood up. He wrapped a huge arm around my neck as I thrashed about. He snarled and squeezed my neck tighter, pulling me along with him.

"You've been a very bad puppy tonight. When we get home, you're going to get the punishment of a lifetime. Now move puppy!" he tugged the leash harder. Not that it mattered; he had me in a headlock and was pulling me alongside him. At this point I was too afraid to try anything else. I was already in deep shit, not to mention he was much stronger than me. And bigger.

We moved out onto the street. I looked desperately around, hoping someone would see what was going on. My luck turned to shit. The street was empty, not one car passed by, only a white van sat alone parked near the sidewalk. Was that there when we were walking before? I couldn't even remember.

Drake opened the back doors, throwing me onto the floor. I struggled to get up so I could maybe move past him, but he blocked the entrance, climbing into the back with me and closing the doors. Soon the van started up and we began moving. Someone else was in on this as well!

Drake kneeled down, giving me a wet lick from my neck to my cheek and up to my forehead. Slobber dripped off of my face. I whined and squirmed, trying to wriggle away. The wolf petted my head with one paw and spoke.

"Shhhh, it's okay puppy. We're heading home right now. You're probably all tuckered out running around the city. You should get some sleep." He then pulled out a syringe full of some liquid. I knew what was going to happen.

With the strength I had left, I tried rolling away but Drake kept my leash under his boot. He moved closer, the syringe inching towards my neck. I thrashed about, knowing that it was pointless to try and resist. The needle entered my neck and I felt myself slowly fade away. I laid down on the floor, feeling the vibrations of the van run through my body. I whimpered one last time before I blacked out, hearing Drake whisper into my ear.

"You're mine now, boy".