FBME System

Story by DewBunny on SoFurry

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This document is here to outline the specifics of the laws enacted with the Pred-Prey Treaty update number FBME-V2.67.4 which defines non-consenting consumption of prey to prevent over population of Prey species.

Per the ruling of Instinct v. Logic it has been concluded that predation cannot be precluded from society without unreasonable loss of life and overpopulation. As such measures have been taken to prevent both overhunting and unnecessary predation. In the case of Prey v. FMBE-V1.59.3 the age bracket open for non-consenting predation has set at a minimum age requirement of 14 years of age and a maximum age of 24 years of age. Any predation that occurs in a non-consenting manner outside of this bracket carries a penalty equivalent to the act of murder.

Additionally with the ruling of Rayahl v. Senestral another constraint has been set. Any female prey known to be pregnant are given temporary Breeder status and are not allowed to be consumed until after their litter has been birthed. The restrictions that apply to this are as follows. First the female must not be carrying an incestuous litter, this may be verified by any qualified doctor. Secondly the female must not be carrying a litter when she turns 14, the pregnancy must occur after that age. Third, the prey must actively attempt to inform the predator of their condition. Pregnancy tags can only be issued once per individual.

The ruling that established FBME V2.00.1 also established social castes as follows. Prey, shall mean any animal falling into the Rodentia or Lagomorpha orders of the Class Mammalia as well as (...) however within the larger class of Mammalia, Rodentia and Lagomorpha orders contain the largest amounts of prey animal species, as such, they are more commonly used as a base for deciding a person's place within the Predator/Prey Spectrum. In the opposite end of this spectrum are nearly all of those species found within the Carnivora order. The proper way to classify a predator is based on the dietary needs of the ancestors of that species before Sentience occurred. Sentience is agreed to be the point where a species was no longer considered 'feral', though many species maintain behaviors from their ancestors voluntarily such as but not limited to breeding habits, nesting/sheltering habits, hunting habits and territorial habits.

With the development of the Feeder and Breeder systems new guidelines have been set in place to prevent overpopulation by prey species by ensuring only those individuals within the non-consenting bracket with high overall intelligence or skills deemed useful to society may be issued permanent breeder tags. Breeder tags must be warn on a visible location of the body above the clothing usually on the tail or ears. These tags when issued have a unique serial number along with registration date that is stored in archives to be managed by the Predation council which is to consist of equal numbers of predators and prey. In addition to this Breeder tags have a fail-safe which causes the predator to be paralyzed while the Breeder is reformed in much the same manner as with Feeder tags.

In the event of a forged breeder tag, the offender is to serve up to 10 years as an incarcerated Feeder. Incarcerated Feeders also known to be "InFeeders" are used as a substitute for regular meals for many of the incarcerated predators. Unlike Normal Feeders, InFeeders are not paid for the use of their feeder tags in the form of currency but are instead given shortened sentences based on the amount of their usage. Infeeders can only be forced to be devoured once per week. Additional uses of the tag can be rewarded with a week of reduced sentence time to a maximum of five years reduction. Incarcerated Prey may voluntarily enroll in the InFeeder program.

Feeder tags can be issued in a variety of ways but the tag itself is always the same. The tag will reform prey after they have been eaten. The mechanics involved in the reformation process are not necessary for the definition of law but are instead shortened to the term "Use". The tag monitors uses and cause of death, reforming the prey even in the case of death outside of predation or due to feeding habits. For every use, the person is paid a preset amount based on the initial cost to purchase the tag but is usually %10 of the initial price. For example if the tag is purchased for $450 the payout per use is $45. This payout is usually treated the same way one would treat a college fund, usually untouched by the holder until they go to enroll in trade schools.

Prices go up based on age and species. Popularity of the species, for example rabbits and mice being two of the top prey populations, determines the majority of the price of the tag and in the case of rabbits and mice the tags are more costly than other species due to a need to thin those populations. Certain species who are not classified as prey are allowed to enroll in the Feeder tag program. The younger the individual is when enrolled, the cheaper the tag. After the age of 24 individuals are eligible to enroll in the Adult feeder lifestyle which is outlined under FMBE- Vore Age Appropriation Act, controlled by a separate industry with its own rules and regulations. Those under the age of 24 that wish to enroll in the program are required to provide proof of consent from a guardian or parent to enroll themselves.

Among other ways to acquire a Feeder tag the most commonly used method is to have the tag purchased for them by a predator. This is usually done after the individual has been captured and forms a contract between both predator and prey in which the prey agrees to take the tag and in exchange the pred is contracted a number of uses of that tag. Until the contracted minimum is met the prey themselves are considered to be the predator's property and are subject to any treatment the predator deems fit.

The other way of acquiring the Feeder tag is to qualify for something along the lines of a scholarship. As long as the prey is consenting to the tag and to what it entails, the school may set its own guidelines which may include but are not necessarily limited to, the minimum number of uses per day/week/month/period, Minimum grades required to keep tag active, attendance rules and other necessary regulations.

Certain regions have differing laws but this is considered to be the widest spread system. Other systems include "EOP" or Equal Opportunity Predation, which allows for predation on every species, by every species. Though these systems tend to lead to a collapse in population leading to 'prey slums'.