into oblivion chapter one

Story by Voltar shadow claw on SoFurry

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here is the first chapter in the into oblivion series

Into oblivion chapter one: a fresh start

The moon rises slowly on a warm summers evening in the sky reflecting pools of light which skip across its surface onto the planet below obsidian black is resting against a tall oak tree on top of a hiss looking out over the distance whilst in deep thought, a small tear rolls down the fur on his cheek and slowly pools at the bottom of his chin before dropping off onto his purple hoodie, he is 6ft tall fox and has rich glossy black fur that covers his body except for his sides where there is a stripe of pearl white fur on both his sides which resembles a lightning strike with a fierce fiery red outline, his chest, stomach and sheath were a pearl white to, His hair is short but covers his ears and wisps around to the front which has an emo looking fringe which is styled and held into place with hairspray and his eyes are a dark brown but have slight hints of green in them.

He had been sat there for some time lost in his thoughts and trying to clear his troubled mind before he travels back into town to go back to the hotel he is staying in before he enters the nightfall academy, he didn't know where the letter had come from but when he opened it he felt an inner calling talking to him saying that he should join the academy. It couldn't come at a better time he had thought at the time as he was being forced out of his home by his parents just because he was gay and hadn't gotten a job, even though he was always there for them whenever they needed something or something happened he was always treated like dirt beneath their feet and when he finally told them he was gay it was like in that moment they had cut all ties and bonds with him emotionally and started berating him with abuse and then saying that he will go to hell even though he thought that he was there at that moment.

After that all he could remember was grabbing a few essentials and the letter he had received from the academy and then teleporting himself to the city in which the academy was in, he checked into a small hotel room for the evening so that he could go and clear his mind before he entered the academy's walls so that they couldn't see that he still angry and upset about his parents reaction and being forced out of his home.

After that he wondered the streets until he saw a large oak tree on a hill overlooking the town and leant against it whilst watching the 2 suns set and the large blue moon rise up and fill the evening sky with its calming and peaceful rays, he lets out a small sigh as another tear leaves his eye duct and slowly runs down his fur to his chin.

"Now I feel more lonely than I ever have before"

The fox whispers out barely audible and the looks over to his brown satchel and pulls it closer to his body so he can look inside, the small golden latch opens and the fox pulls out a small medallion which looks like a silver open claw with a blue sapphire and gold vines and red leaves which twists around the claws of the medallion and around the outside of the sapphire.

He places the chain which it is on around his neck and lets out a small sigh

"I'll never forget you nan, you were there when no one else was"

He dries his tears away and starts to pull himself up off the floor so that he can start the walk back to his hotel so that he could get some rest before he gets up early tomorrow

While walking back he takes in all the sights from the streets and the facades of shop windows that he passes, he turns into a small street with an old hotel building at the end of the streets he thinks to himself

"That must have been here about a 100 years before these modern houses were built on this street"

As he neared the door of the old hotel he noticed an old sign laying on the ground and nearly covered in weeds he thought that he should clean up the sign with his powers if he could and see if he could hang it back up for the owners as a nice gesture before he left the next morning, he reached out his small paws to grab the object and looked at his paws and thought

"I'm 6ft tall yet I have tiny hands and large hind paws"

He chuckled to himself thinking of the saying which humans have when you have big feet and thinks

"Well I can't complain there"

After picking up the sign he started removing the years of dirt and soil which had accumulated on it and started using magic to repair missing paint fragments and old links in the chains which hold it up which were to rusty and would just snap when the chain has the full weight of the sign hanging on it.

After all the grime was cleared away and the paint and chains repaired he found the old hook on the signpost and hung the sign back up, he stepped back from the sign and admired his work whilst trying not to be to smug about it

"Well now that's better it brings the whole outside together and gives this place a name which you can see so you don't have to enter the building to find out what it is called"

A small smile crept across his muzzle as he thought about how he use to help his nan fix things when they were broken and remembering her saying

"Never throw anything that is broken away, if you give it enough love and attention you will make it good as new when you fix it"

He turned around from the sign and started walking into the hallway of the building before closing the door with his telekinesis, as soon as he walked up stairs he opened his room door and curled up on the bed like a new born fox cub and fell into a peaceful slumber

He awoke the next morning to the sound of the bird's morning chorus outside his window as the sun shone through the panes of glass the trees whistled as the slight morning breeze rustled through their leaves, a small smile came across obsidians muzzle as he through that he had never heard or seen a more perfect morning in his life

As he stretched his arms and paws and let out a small yawn he looked at the clock on the wall to see what time it was

"7:00am, not bad at least I got some sleep throughout the night"

He stood up on his hind paws and walked over to the bathroom he couldn't help but notice that his morning wood was poking through his sheath and made him chuckle

"I guess I should have a cold shower to sort this out"

He chuckled again and then walked the rest of the distance to the bathroom before turning on the shower, as he stepped in he grabbed his coca butter shower gel for his fur. Once in the shower he lathered up the fur on his body with the coca butter so that he could look presentable when he enters the academy

After his shower he walks back into the room to change into his clothes, he notices the birds still singing there morning songs and the ever so slight breeze bristling through the trees, he takes a deep breath in and smells the air full of anticipation for what the day would bring him.

He turns towards a small mirror whilst holding 2 ties one crimson red the other navy blue

"Hmm which one shall I wear?"

He ponders to himself whilst glancing back and forth between the mirror and the ties in his paws

"This one goes well with the shirt I'm wearing but I do like the blue tie"

A quiet knock comes from the door and he walks over to see who it could be

"I wasn't expecting anyone and seeing as none of my family knows I'm here so it can't be them and they wouldn't care anyway "

A small tear runs down his cheek

"Obsidian it's me Mrs Harrison I came to talk to you before you leave if you have time"

The elderly woman waits for a response by the door taking off her small glasses to clean them, obsidian opens the door

"Hello Mrs Harrison sorry to keep you waiting I was trying to decide what tie I should wear"

Aw my dear you don't have to be sorry my late husband had the same problem before he passed away, here let me help you"

The elderly woman walks into the room and picks the crimson tie from his paws and places it around his neck and ties it up, a small smile comes across his face and a memory stirs from when his nan taught him how to tie a tie when he was younger

"Thank you Mrs Harrison you didn't have to do that but at least I mot still stood here thinking which one goes better with this outfit"

They both let out a small laugh and then Mrs Harrison starts speaking to obsidian about why she came to talk to him

"Obsidian was it you who fixed the hotels sign?"

"umm well I saw it broken in the flowerbeds and I thought it could use a bit of a clean so I used a small amount of my powers to clean and repair it so it could hang back up once again"

He scratches the back of his head with his righ paw while a small blush of embarrassment came across his cheeks

"No need to worry my dear it was a lovely gesture and I was beginning where the sign had gone because I couldn't find it anywhere, but now you have repaired it that's one less job for me to do"

She walks over to the young fox and embraces him in a friendly hug then lets go and starts walking out the rooms door before turning back and saying

"I hope you have a good time obsidian where ever you go and remember that there will always be a room for you if you wish to come and stay again"

"Thank you Mrs Harrison I will"

Then she closes the door behind here and starts walking down the hallway to greet her customers at the front desk

Obsidian turns to look at his cases and starts packing all his belonging back into them using his telekinesis skills, as he finished packing he uses a miniaturisation spell on his luggage so that all the bags would shrink so he could place them in his backpack and wouldn't have to carry them to the academy.

(A short while later)

Obsidian sees the large wooden doors of the academy at the end of a long street and starts to walk faster, his paws nearly glowing with anticipation on what the rest of the building will be.

He stops at a small clearing midway along the wide street and looks up to see how large the academy really is and how it's not just one building but lots, large, small glass, wood he was amazed at how they all seemed different and had their own purpose but yet all together they formed the academy

He took one last deep breath and walked the rest of the way to the doors and then went to push them open, but they didn't budge

"Hmm that's strange why aren't the doors open or why cant I open them?"

Suddenly the doors opened and a large eagle stood in the entrance out of breath and slightly flustered

"Oh my dear young fox I am so sorry I completely forgot to unlock these doors before I started my morning rounds"

He pauses to catch his breath

"Please let me introduce myself, I am blaze the keeper of the keys for these doors and head of security for the academy"

The large 7ft 5in eagle bowed his head and flapped one of his wings up in the air and the other to his chest in a welcoming gesture

Obsidian was stunned by the large eagle and how handsome he looked his pure white feathers around his neck, his dark ink black feathers covering his muscles on his chest and his large bronze talons and large wings

"N n no need to be sorry Mr blaze I am probably the one that is a bit early "

"no my young fox you are exactly on time master alpha expected you to be here by now and he will come and meet with you shortly, but for the meantime you can look around the academy or you can relax in the courtyard"

He bows once again the gestures with his right wing for obsidian to enter and look around, as soon as obsidian enters blaze closes the big wooden doors behind him

As obsidian walks further into the academy he is taken back by how large the courtyard is

"Well I didn't think it would be this large from how it looks on the outside"

As he looks around he takes in all the sights and smells of the courtyard looking at all the neatly edged flowerbeds and the neatly trimmed bushed which all flow and follow certain lines which lead you to the centre of the courtyard, as obsidian walks towards a large statue in the centre he notices that there is a large glass building behind the courtyard it is an angel watching over a globe with a plaque saying "even in the darkest moments when all hope is lost, an angel will always be watching over you and guarding you until for return to your spot in heaven"

As he was looking at the statue a male lion with golden orange and yellow fur walked slowly over to him slowly watching every move and expression he makes

"I hope I am not disturbing you obsidian, I thought it is about time I introduced myself"

"No sir you are not I was just looking at this statue"

"ah yes the statue of the angel serenity who looks down on us all, come I have much to show you and I bet you want to know what all these buildings are as well"

"Yes I do sir but what is your name?"

"Ah yes I almost forgot to tell you, I am master alpha the head of this academy but you can call me Leon"

Leon stands next to obsidian and puts his paw on his shoulder and speaks softly to him

"And I know all about you young obsidian"

The lion turns around and looks at obsidian in his eyes

"I see a lot of pain in your young eyes, what troubles you young fox?"

"It's my family"

Obsidian replies with a sigh and turns away to hide the pain in his expression

"Ah I'm guessing you are missing them quite a lot aren't you young fox"

"No sir it's what happened before I left which still scars my memories but hopefully in time it will ease then go"

The lion looks concerned by the tone in which obsidian replied but before he can speak obsidian says something else

"Can we talk about this another time please I don't want the thought of them to ruin the day"

The lion looks back into obsidians eyes before saying

"Very well obsidian my door will always be open if you need to talk, now let me show you the library"

Both obsidian and Leon start walking to the far right hand side of the courtyard where a large diamond shaped building made mostly from glass and steel beams, it has its own small courtyard at the bottom of its atrium and then spiral levels which go up to the top floor and then opens out to a large open space with tables, chairs, flowers arranged according to which season they are in and in the centre a small area with cushions on the floor surrounding a circular stand in which a holicron can be projected for meetings or lessons you students in the academy who are younger and being brought up and taught what their abilities are

"this magnificent looking building houses the library and all our extensive collections of spells, books on magical enchantments, and the prophecy scrolls and we also have a collection of books on all species in the galaxy with in-depth writings on their origin, there strengths and weaknesses, how magical abilities affect them, and on the 5th floor is my office which overlooks all the main spiral so I can see everything that happens"

"Wow this building is beautiful"

Obsidian says whilst looking in amazement at the structure of the building

"Come we will go to my office where I will assess your abilities and then find you a corresponding training program and a place to stay"

They both enter the large atrium which is full of exotic flowers and plants

"This is where all the students and teachers like to read, we don't like it being plain and boring so we made this full of flowers and plants so everyone can find somewhere to relax and study, come you will have time later to look around here after I have assessed you and brought you to your room"

As the ascend in a glass elevator obsidian looks around to take in all the sights of the hundreds of book cases and tables laid out on each level each of them offering up a glance of what wonders they may hold inside there rows of books and spells

As soon as the elevator reaches the top floor both obsidian and Leon walk out into a large office covered in large ruby vines, mahogany tables, crystal glass chairs as well as 3 small bookcases and shelves with leons prize scrolls and texts he has collected over the years, Leon walks into the centre of the room and intakes a large breath of air then after holding it for a couple of moments the releases it from his lungs and says "ahh I have missed my office these last few weeks" then Leon walks over to a small flower resting on his desk in a small glass and says "ah a fine flower if there ever was one I do love the fire rose its beauty is only matched by the splendour when it dies off after the start of winter, oh where are my manners, come obsidian I'm sure you don't want to be stuck with me all day"

Obsidian is stood still next to the elevator taking all the fruity smells of leons office and wondering how he came across all these plants and books, then suddenly he hears a cough as he looks up and sees leon looking at him and he starts to panic trying to think of what he could be talking about

Leon stands up and says "its ok obsidian I didn't mean to put you on the spot just then, so how do you like my collection"

"its wonderful all these different texts from different parts of the world in different languages and the smells of the plants its just ummm well"

"What's the matter obsidian is there something wrong" Leon looks at obsidian to see if there anything noticeably wrong then he slowly raises his paw up to check if his spirts energy levels are ok and not fluctuating

Obsidian takes a deep breath and then says "well I just don't understand why you would want me here I mean I had never heard of this place before I met one of the staff who was looking for me"

"well my dear fox you have every right to be here" Leon brings obsidian over to his desk then gestures for him to sit down as he sits down on his black marble chair

"you see this is a very special place where we only train the best of the best students and help them shape their futures for instant some students are chosen because the show good skill at certain elements or being able to craft things so they come here and we teach them all they would need to know to master their skills and then they will be ready to take on a job of their choosing in that field, you see we chose you because one of the teachers in your school who helps us finds students like yourself said that she felt something pure and inspiring about your aura and I have to say she was very true to her word about you, you are indeed very talented and there is something about your aura that I haven't felt in a while"

Leon brings his paw to his chin and rubs it then looks at obsidian and the gestures for him to stand up "now let's get this over with, I have been blabbing on for too long as it is" he holds his paw palm up and a small globe of light flickers from it and starts to rise up and scan obsidians body while causing his hairs to stand up on end as it wizzes around, after a couple of minutes it lends back on leons paw and turns green then sinks back into his fur

"What was that" wonders obsidian then looks at Leon, Leon looks down towards him and says "that is a arcane sphere it helps me look at your aura to see which lessons and subjects will be good for you and to tell me if you need any specific training"

"But what does my aura do"

"Well" says Leon "it is a part of you which shows all of your talents and magic and then how you are as a person at the moment and then we can craft the lessons to help you around what your aura tells us, don't worry nothing bad has happened or been found in fact you seem to be a very powerful young fox"

Obsidian just looks back at Leon with a very puzzled look on his muzzle as he still is very confused about the whole thing but then he just shakes it from his mind as he sees leons lips start moving as he talks so he regains he focus to hear what he is saying

"now my young fox lets show you to your room so you can get settled in and don't worry all your things will be there waiting for you" Leon places a paw on obsidians shoulder and then starts walking towards the elevator once again with obsidian following close behind

Once they get down to the bottom of the elevator the glass doors open and s small breeze blows by them and obsidians fur ripples as the breeze connects with the individual hairs on his body, then obsidian sorts his jacket out to its comfy against his fur then he looks up and notices that Leon has walked on ahead not realising that he had slowed down

(sorry for the very late posting of this, I have been going through a lot and I am hoping to start posting chapters every 2 weeks and hopefully I will create a patron account so I can get money towards getting new note books and a stuff so I can poste more often and so I can share more content with everyone who reads this and hopefully create a good story going with donations people give me so that I can start working on more things and post more as well as be able to send people drafts or the notes I create for each chapter, if you have any comments I will respond to them as soon as I can and I will always add ideas that you have into the story as it comes along and grows)