Golden Boy (Part 1)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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#1 of Golden Boy

For those of you who have been waiting for Golden Boy for premiere, it's finally here. The first part of the new series (along with a new aunt for Bobby to play with).

I apologize that it took so long for me to finally get this posted. I was stuck for months trying to decide where I wanted to go with this part. Hopefully I'll be able to update this more frequently now that I actually have this series underway.

Oh, and just so everyone knows, when I finish episodes of Golden Boy, they'll be posted on my Inkbunny account first. I'll get to posting them here when I have the opportunity to do so.

Golden Boy (Part 1): Bobby's Other Aunt

NOTE: This story takes place where "Man of the House (Part 9)" left off...

When morning came, Bobby woke up to find himself in bed, spooning up against Vanessa as she lay asleep next to her new mate. Inside her uterus, the eight egg cells had already been fertilized by Bobby's sperm and were implanting into her womb, beginning to grow into their future first litter. However, she did not know she was going to be pregnant yet and her mind was still focused on having Bobby mate with her repeatedly until she felt satisfied that she would have eevee pups in her womb. However, Vanessa wasn't the only one who was still interested in sex.

From the moment he woke up, Bobby placed his arms gently around Vanessa and leaned in closer to her, using his tongue to softly lick at her neck while he thought about how much he loved her. At the same time, his eevee cock rapidly unsheathed, pushing against Vanessa's soft rump and tail, much to the delight of the young male.

He soon started humping Vanessa softly, continuing to lick her sweetly while doing so, having his precum spurt onto her tail and lower back as she yawned and started to stir. A few moments later, she opened her eyes, feeling the warmth of Bobby's penis brushing against her from behind as she looked back towards him with a smile. "Good morning, sweetheart", Vanessa softly called out to Bobby as he murred sweetly and kept rubbing his shaft against her backside. "I can see that you're just as anxious as I am to get back to it", she added a few seconds later with a giggle, making Bobby blush a bit in the process.

The two of them soon exchanged a deep kiss with Bobby moving one of his hands down towards Vanessa's flat belly, rubbing it gently as if he knew that their sons and daughters were already growing inside her. They kissed for about a minute before stopping while Vanessa reached back to grab Bobby's erection with one of her hands. "We'll take care of this later, OK honey? Right now, I think we both could use a little bit of breakfast to get our day going", Vanessa told Bobby sweetly as he nodded and stopped rubbing his length against her body.

The two of them then got out of bed, making a brief stop to take a shower along the way before heading towards the kitchen to get something to eat. They figured they would have to make their own breakfast this morning, but were surprised to see that Belinda was already there, wearing a kitchen apron over her otherwise naked body as she noticed the two young adult eevees and smiled. "There you two are...I was wondering when you were going to get out of bed", Belinda commented sweetly to them as she was just finishing up making a fresh batch of bacon. "Anyway, why don't you two sit down at the table. Breakfast is just about ready", she added a few seconds later.

Bobby thought it was a bit odd to have his mom make breakfast for them, considering that he usually did it for himself. However, there was no way he was going to turn down a freshly cooked meal that his mother made and went with Vanessa to sit down in the dining room. They were the only two at the table, with the rest of the family either tending towards some daily activities (not relating to sex) or in the case of Fawn and Isis, having a little bit of "sisterly bonding".

A few minutes later, Belinda brought breakfast for her son and future daughter-in-law, setting the plates down for both of them. Breakfast consisted of a couple of eggs, some bacon, hash browns, toast, and orange juice. Then, once Belinda had brought breakfast to the table, she placed her arms around both of the young eevees and kissed them both on their cheeks. "I thought you two could use a little extra something to help you start a family of your own", Belinda mentioned softly to them before turning to her son. "By the way Bobby, when you're done eating, aunt Luna wants to talk to you", she added before kissing Bobby on his lips and making his eevee ears twitch. "Anyway, I'll leave you two alone to eat while I go straighten up the bedroom a little", she told both of them in a soft, motherly tone right before walking off.

Along the way, Bobby looked at his mom from the backside, noticing her large and fluffy eevee tail was raised high and moving from side-to-side a bit. Though he was now mated to Vanessa, he still had very strong feelings for his mother and saw her as a secondary mate. He would still do all of the things he did with her before Vanessa entered his life, but with him passing his seed onto Vanessa's eggs, Vanessa was now Bobby's "alpha female". With that in mind, Bobby focused more on his breakfast and began eating while he and Vanessa touched tails.

Meanwhile, as Bobby and Vanessa were having breakfast, Belinda was about to take off the apron she was wearing and head back to the bedroom when the front doorbell suddenly rang. Since she was the closest to the door, Belinda went over to answer it, curious to see who it was since they very rarely had visitors there. When Belinda got to the front door and opened it up, she saw a strange looking female she didn't seem to recognize. The mysterious female had lavender-colored hair that extended down past her shoulders and sky blue eyes. But that was not the only thing unique about her. She also seemed to have several pink and white "ribbons" coming from her body, some of which were able to peek out of the white dress she was wearing. Her fur was mostly white with some pink on the hands, legs and ears. She looked a lot like an eevee, but didn't seem to be one.

Belinda looked a bit puzzled by this strange female standing at the door. "Can I help you?", Belinda asked curiously, wondering why she was here as the unknown female seemed to blush a bit.

"Don't you recognize me, Bel?", the unknown female quickly answered as Belinda continued to feel confused. Belinda wondered how this female knew the name that her sisters referred to her as.

"I'm sorry, I don't seem to recall meeting you...and how do you know my name?", Belinda asked a few moments later.

That's when the unknown female blushed even more and came to a realization. "Oh, my appearance. I'm sorry, I should've mentioned it before. I've changed since the last time you saw me", the unknown female continued, trying to convince Belinda that she knew her, but Belinda didn't seem to understand.

"Who are you...and why are you here?", Belinda asked, beginning to wonder if she needed to go get Luna or Rena to help chase this intruder from their property.

"I'm not surprised you don't recognize me, Bel. However, I'm sure you remember my brother Rob", the unknown female answered back as the name "Rob" instantly rung in Belinda's ears. Rob (or Robert) was the name of Belinda's husband, and Bobby's father. Belinda also remembered that Rob had a twin sister and that was when she started to put the pieces together.

"Sylvia, is that you? You don't look anything like I remember you", Belinda asked curiously as Sylvia blushed some more and giggled.

"I know. You're used to knowing me as an eevee, but I've changed since then", Sylvia answered as Belinda recognized the voice in comparison with how she knew Sylvia and realized that it was really her sister-in-law.

"Yes, I've noticed. I've never seen anything like what you've become before and I'm a bit curious to know what happened", Belinda mentioned to Sylvia. "Anyway, I suppose it's alright if you come inside. We can talk about this over some coffee", Belinda added as Sylvia accepted and came into the house while following Belinda. Belinda escorted Sylvia into the living room and had her sit down on the couch for the moment while she got more appropriate clothing on. While she was doing it, Belinda hoped that none of her sisters spotted Sylvia, even though they knew who she was, they (like Belinda) only knew of Sylvia as an eevee. If they saw Sylvia in her current state, they might think she was an intruder and aggressively kick her out. Fortunately, the rest of the family was too busy to know that Sylvia was there, so Belinda was able to get dressed and get back to the living room without anyone knowing about the guest they had.

After Belinda made some fresh coffee and provided her sister-in-law with a cup, the two females started to catch up on what had happened over the past several years. "So...tell me, Sylvia. What happened to you? The last time I remember seeing you was at Rob's funeral and you looked like an eevee", Belinda asked Sylvia as the sylveon female sighed and cried a little.

"Bel, I'm sorry I haven't come to visit you and Bobby sooner. I really wanted to be there for his eevolution day. However, I didn't know how you or your sisters would react to me when they saw me like this", Sylvia answered while crying a bit more as Belinda moved closer to her sister-in-law and place a hand on Sylvia's.

"Sylvia...sweetheart...why do you think I'd treat you any differently from before? Sure, you look like something I've never seen before, but that doesn't change who you are deep down. The Sylvia I know is sweet and friendly, and adores her nephew. Besides, you remember what Bobby was like when he was a young pup and we had you babysit him, don't you", Belinda answered calmly, making Sylvia think back to when Bobby was just 3 years old. Back then, he was a cute and slightly chubby little eevee, full of life and playfulness. She remembered how Bobby would often rub his cheek up against Sylvia's while he hugged his aunt and murred happily when he was in her arms.

Sylvia remembered that Bobby told her that he loved Sylvia, as much as he did his actual mother and wanted Sylvia to stay with them, making Sylvia's current form blush and smile. "I should've stayed with you when Bobby told me he loved me. I know it would've been hard since I don't feel the same way towards you as you do about me, but Bobby could've used my support too", Sylvia answered as she started to feel embarrassed again.

Belinda softly rubbed her cheek against Sylvia's and kept holding her hand. "Honey, you know that I've had a crush on you ever since I first met you and Rob. I would've liked having a relationship with you if it were possible, but I'm not going to make you do something you don't want to", Belinda answered sweetly, even going to as far as kissing Sylvia on the cheek. But then, Belinda removed her hand and backed away from Sylvia a little. "Sorry...I couldn't help myself", Belinda quickly answered back as Sylvia smiled and nodded.

"It's OK Bel...I know how you've felt about me for years. Besides, at least you kissed me on the cheek, instead of my lips this time", Sylvia answered as she remembered how Belinda kissed her on the lips the first time the two females met. This was part of the reason why Sylvia stayed away for this long, because while she loved her nephew and cared about Belinda, she didn't want Belinda (or any of her sisters) to get the wrong impression about her.

"Anyway, back to what we were talking about did you end up looking like this, Sylvia?", Belinda asked a moment later, going over to a nearby chair to sit down while Sylvia took a sip of coffee and sighed.

"Belinda, we've known each other for years, and you've seen how Rob and I got along together before he married you, right?", Sylvia answered as Belinda listened and perked up her ears curiously. "You see, I didn't want to bring this up to you before, since I saw how my brother took an immediate liking to you and I wanted him to be happy, but Rob and I were closer to each other than what you saw", Sylvia explained.

"You see, Rob and I had a relationship similar to the one you have with all of your sisters. We were very close to each other, and I allowed Rob to express how he felt for me physically once we were old enough to do it. The very first time I felt my brother stuck to me, warming my insides with his semen made me feel like I had the best brother in the world, and I hoped that we could do it forever", Sylvia continued while Belinda listened and saw exactly what she meant.

"So, you and Rob used to have sex together? I don't see anything wrong with that, Sylvia", Belinda assured her sister-in-law. However, Sylvia shook her head and blushed a bit.

"No, you don't quite get what I'm saying, Bel. I was still in love with my brother when he married you. I wanted him to stay a part of my life and continue to have him make love to me every once in a while, though I held back on acting on these feelings because I didn't want to drive a wedge between you and him", Sylvia answered. "I let my brother have you to himself because you had become as important to him as I was, and you could give him a family, which is something I could not", Sylvia continued as Belinda saw how much Rob meant to Sylvia and moved back over to take her hand.

" should've told me this while Rob was still alive. I would've shared him with you. I wouldn't want to stand in the way of the love you two had for each other. After all, Rob had no objection to me wanting to have sex with my sisters", Belinda answered back to Sylvia as the female sylveon smiled and even licked Belinda's cheek.

"Thank you, Bel", Sylvia told her sister-in-law as she felt Belinda's soft eevee hand on top of her sylveon hand. "Anyway, when Rob died, I felt as a part of me died with him, and it wore on me for several years before I saw my brother appear to me in a dream...only he looked very different", Sylvia continued.

"He looked like a male sylveon, which looks a lot like how I do now. After I changed, I looked it up and saw that it was a very rare eevolution that resulted from having close physical contact with a sylveon spirit*. My brother came back to visit me because he had missed me and gave me this form as a gift", Sylvia explained to Belinda.

Belinda got curious when Sylvia told her this and grabbed a nearby laptop computer to look it up, confirming Sylvia's story as the female eevee discovered what a sylveon could do. "So, you've become a healer?", Belinda asked Sylvia as the female sylveon nodded.

"Well, that's part of it...but it's not the whole story, Bel. I also specialize in giving love and pleasure to others...particularly males", Sylvia answered, giving the impression that she had been quite active sexually since she became a sylveon. "However, as I've been traveling, I've come to miss my nephew dearly and I would love to have a chance to see him", Sylvia continued as Belinda put down the laptop and thought about it for a minute.

"Sylvia, if you're thinking about doing what I think you want to do with Bobby, you should know that he's a married male now. I mean, yes, my sisters and I have sex with him too, but we have an understanding about that with his wife. I don't know if she would be willing to let you do it with him, especially considering the fact that she's also bi, and you are not", Belinda calmly explained to Sylvia, thinking that maybe sex with Bobby was on Sylvia's mind.

"Can you at least try for me, Bel? I haven't seen Bobby in years and I want to see what my nephew has become since he was a little pup", Sylvia asked.

Belinda nodded and stood up, walking in the direction of the master bedroom. "I'll ask them...but I'm not making any promises", Belinda answered Sylvia, leaving the sylveon female to sit alone in the living room for a few minutes.

Meanwhile, in the master bedroom...

After they had finished having breakfast, Bobby and Vanessa made their way back to the bedroom without knowing that Belinda and Sylvia were in the living room. Bobby was about to make good on his promise to Vanessa as the two eevees were naked together on the bed, with Vanessa on top of her mate. Bobby's hand touched Vanessa's flat belly, gently caressing it as he knew that their first litter of pups would soon be inside her womb. At the same time, Vanessa rubbed her outer lips against Bobby's sheath, causing his foxhood to come out gradually. They planned on mating foxy-style and turning the tie again, just like they did when their pups were conceived, but Vanessa wanted to stay on top of Bobby until they were both fully aroused.

Eventually, as more of Bobby's shaft came out of the sheath, Vanessa moved up a little so that her warm outer folds touched his flesh. This made Bobby's foxhood throb excitedly as it unsheathed faster while he moved his hands to her back and held her close. The two young adult eevees touched noses and looked each other in the eyes, feeling their loins getting ready for sex as Vanessa's vaginal juices began to drizzle onto the throbbing eevee shaft beneath her. They felt like they were almost ready to mate as each of them closed their eyes and moved in closer for another deep and passionate kiss, thinking that they'd be joined together sexually very soon. However, just before their lips and tongues touched, the door to the bedroom opened as Belinda arrived.

Bobby and Vanessa immediately turned towards the door, both of them blushing intensely over being caught in the middle of an intimate moment. Sure, each of them had their fair share of intimate moments with Belinda, but this was intended to be a private moment just between the two of them. "Mom! What are you doing here? I'm kinda in the middle of something!", Bobby exclaimed when his mother surprised them.

Belinda sighed and blushed a little bit. "I'm sorry, I really didn't want to disturb you two, but this is important", Belinda explained while she stood in the doorway. "Bobby, Aunt Sylvia has come for a visit and she told me that she would like to see you. However, I also told her that you were probably busy and I don't want to keep you two from having your private time. Still, I think it would be appropriate if you at least came out to see her while she's here", Belinda continued as Vanessa looked at Bobby curiously.

"You have another aunt?", Vanessa asked while she remained on top of him as Bobby looked Vanessa in the eyes and nodded.

"Yes...Aunt Sylvia is my dad's sister. That's why you haven't seen her before", Bobby commented as he thought about what his mother had told him. "I probably should go see my aunt, I haven't seen her in a long time and I do miss her", Bobby continued as Vanessa pinned Bobby down to the mattress and kept rubbing her warm crotch against his fully erect penis.

" with me first. I really need you right now and I know that you want to put this in me", Vanessa coaxed in a soft tone, knowing how horny her mate was, feeling the warm and stiff eevee cock pulsate as it touched her vaginal lips.

Bobby was definitely tempted by Vanessa's warmth and the feminine goo that trickled onto his shaft. However, Bobby remembered all of the times when his eevee aunt would snuggle him to her warm fur, kiss his forehead softly and treat him almost the same way as his mother would. Bobby saw Sylvia as his second mother and he loved her quite a bit.

He let out a sigh and kissed Vanessa on her lips. "Sweetheart, I would love to mate with you right now. But I haven't seen my aunt in a very long time. It would be very rude of me to make her wait", Bobby explained calmly. "Please let me take care of this. I promise that you and I will have our time together after Aunt Sylvia leaves. In fact, I'll give you double the pleasure later on if you let me go", he added, trying to convince Vanessa to let him go.

She sighed, knowing that the inside of her vagina was very moist and ready to receive Bobby inside of it. However, she also knew that she had to let Bobby do what he needed to and reluctantly climbed off of him. Once she was off of his lap, Belinda went over to Vanessa, taking one of her hands and holding it tightly. "Don't worry honey...I'll take care of this for you while Bobby spends time with his aunt", Belinda commented softly to Vanessa while reaching down to the silver-colored eevee's aroused vagina, groping it gently and making Vanessa blush. The two females then headed for the door to go to Bobby's old bedroom to be intimate together as Belinda looked back to her son.

"Oh, by the way Bobby. Aunt Sylvia is in the living room. You can meet her there once you've put on some clothes", Belinda told her son before the two female eevees went into Bobby's old room to cater to Vanessa's immediate needs while Bobby got up from his bed, slipped on some boxers, shorts, and a t-shirt, then made his way to the bedroom door to see his aunt.

Meanwhile, Sylvia waited in the living room by herself, thinking about what Bobby would look like now that he was a young adult. She figured that Bobby probably looked a lot like his father now, with the only real difference being in the eyes. This made Sylvia wonder if she could possibly have the same kind of relationship with her nephew as she did with her brother, but only time would tell.

Bobby made his way down the hall towards the living room, having calmed down sexually after his mom had told him about Aunt Sylvia. He didn't think that his aunt would want the same kind of lifestyle that he had with his other aunts and would try to keep his sexual urges in check while he was around her. Then, a few moments later, Bobby arrived in the living room and saw the female sylveon sitting on a chair by herself. Needless to say, Bobby was a bit surprised. "Aunt Sylvia?!!", he exclaimed, looking at his aunt curiously. However, Bobby wasn't the only one who was caught by surprise.

Sylvia looked towards her nephew and saw that he looked like an eevee, but with golden-colored fur in addition to his bright blue eyes. " that you?!!", Sylvia answered back in surprise, not expecting her nephew to look the way he did now.

Although Bobby was puzzled by Sylvia's appearance, he could tell from her voice that it was indeed his aunt and moved in closer. "You look a lot different from when I last saw you", Bobby told his aunt softly as Sylvia stood up and walked towards Bobby.

She smiled and came in close to him, letting a couple of her ribbons touch his cheeks. "That's funny, because I was going to say the same thing about you", she answered back in a sweet tone of voice, caressing Bobby's cheeks with her ribbons, letting him feel the velvet-like fur on them touch him. As they did, they produced a warming sensation that Bobby felt throughout his body, making him feel relaxed. He was now 100% convinced that she was her aunt and while she didn't look like the female eevee he remembered, his love for Sylvia remained strong.

He immediately took Sylvia in his arms and hugged her tight, feeling Sylvia do the same for him while all of her ribbons now touched his body from behind. "I missed you, Aunt Sylvia", he commented softly while embracing her, showing Sylvia that she was still his favorite aunt.

Sylvia kissed Bobby softly on the cheek and then nuzzled him gently. "I missed you too, honey. I'm sorry I couldn't be here for your eevolution day, but I didn't know how you would take it if you saw me like this", Sylvia commented as Bobby looked at his aunt from head to toe. Although Bobby was convinced that she was his aunt, he still didn't understand why she looked so different.

"Aunt Sylvia...why don't you look like an eevee any longer?", Bobby asked curiously as Sylvia blushed and let go of him, though she remained close to Bobby.

"I'm a sylveon now, honey", Sylvia told Bobby in a soft tone as the two of them stood just a few inches apart with Bobby looking at Sylvia again from top to bottom before becoming a bit confused.

"What's a sylveon?", he answered a few seconds later, scratching his head a bit and acting a bit like how his mom did when she first saw Sylvia.

She wasn't surprised by Bobby's reaction and simply moved back in to hug him some more. "I'll explain it to you a little more later, sweetie. Right now, I just want to spend some time with my favorite nephew", she commented in a cheerful manner, making Bobby both blush and smile as he held her again and murred softly, closing his eyes to the feeling of love and warmth that Sylvia provided. But, that's not the only thing Bobby felt.

The combination of him hugging Sylvia, plus the warm sensation that her ribbons transferred to him caused his foxhood to come back out of his sheath and bulge into his shorts. He knew it was coming out and felt a bit sheepish about it. "Oh God...not now!", he thought to himself, hoping that Sylvia wouldn't notice the bulge that was developing in his pants.

However, this is exactly what Sylvia wanted. Bobby didn't know it at that time, but the warm feeling she was giving him was actually meant to stimulate his sex drive. She soon felt the bulge touch against her crotch and giggled. " looks like someone else is happy to see me", she commented in a playful manner to Bobby, making him blush even more and sweat a bit at the same time.

Bobby wasn't sure what to say about this, he simply looked at his aunt while sweating and feeling nervous, all while his maleness grew larger and more aroused. Sylvia saw the nervousness in her nephew's eyes and decided that he needed to relax a bit. So, she leaned in and kissed his lips while reaching into his pants and wrapping her fingers around his throbbing length, grabbing it firmly.

"Relax honey...I know what you really want. You want to show me how much you love me, don't you?", Sylvia asked after she kissed Bobby, making him blush a little more as the feeling of her hand touching his horny foxhood aroused him even further.

"Well...maybe...", Bobby responded to Sylvia's comment as his now fully erect shaft started to twitch and drip with precum. Bobby never expected Sylvia to behave the same way as the rest of his aunts. However, since it seemed as if she was interested in having sex with him, Bobby felt as if he should give it a try. Besides, he had never been with a female sylveon before, so this would be a new experience for him.

Slowly, Sylvia slipped her hand out of Bobby's pants and embraced him tightly, making sure to let her crotch rub against his bulge. She could feel it pulsate a little when she touched it, showing that Bobby was really eager to get inside her. "C'mon sweetheart...take me to your bedroom so we can make love to each other", Sylvia coaxed while grabbing Bobby's rump tightly, making his eyes light up and his tail wag.

He no longer felt nervous about being horny for his sylveon aunt. He wanted to do to her what he had done to the rest of his aunts previously. As such, he reached around towards Sylvia's backside and placed his hands on her rear-end grabbing at it gently. In addition, he started to rub his bulge against Sylvia, humping her gently as she giggled.

He was starting to make her insides become warm and wet, getting ready to accept Bobby's shaft inside her. The feeling of having him hump and softly grab her felt good to Sylvia, but she wanted more intimate contact and released her grip on his butt cheeks a few seconds later. She then looked into his eyes while his bulge kept touching her crotch. "C'mon Bobby...I want to see what you have down there. You're making me feel very excited down there", Sylvia told her nephew softly before she kissed him again on the lips, causing his ears to stand straight up and his maleness to leak precum from the tip.

Bobby murred with excitement and soon picked Sylvia up in his arms, catching her by surprise. Though Sylvia didn't really mind being carried by her taller and stronger nephew. "OK Aunt Sylvia, if that's what you want, that's what you'll get", he commented happily, carrying Sylvia towards the master bedroom and setting her down on the bed while Bobby closed the door behind them.

Once the door was closed, Sylvia got up from the bed and walked over to Bobby, kissing his lips once more and taking a moment to run her hand across the bulge in his pants. "Why don't you take your clothes off and lay down on the bed. Once you're ready, I'll take mine off for you", she suggested.

Bobby agreed and followed his aunt's advice, removing his shirt first and then the rest of his clothes. This gave Sylvia her first look at Bobby's erect penis, seeing how stiff and thick it was. She also noticed the droplets of precum that beaded from his tip, drizzling down to the floor, which made Sylvia's tail wag with excitement. He looked comparable in size to his father and remembered how Rob felt when he and Sylvia had sex together quite well. This made Sylvia's vaginal walls spasm a bit from excitement as the moisture within them increased. She was getting more eager to receive Bobby, but felt as if she needed a little more stimulation before she was ready to do so.

Meanwhile, Bobby continued to follow Sylvia's suggestion as he climbed onto the bed and got onto his back, resting his head on the pillow and looking at Sylvia. Now it was her turn to undress.

Sylvia slowly slipped off her dress, revealing that she didn't really wear a bra underneath it. Instead, her breasts popped out immediately with her pink nipples looking quite stiff and puffy. Bobby murred when he saw this, feeling his shaft twitch with approval as he started to think back to when he was a young pup again. He remembered one time where he actually attached himself to one of Sylvia's nipples, just like he did to his mother and started to suckle on it. Of course, Sylvia was without pups at that time and Bobby wondered why there was no warm and sweet eevee milk coming from Sylvia's breasts. She had told her nephew that only "mommies" make milk and she wasn't a "mommy" at the time. However, she did let him suckle on her nipples anyway since it seemed to calm him down, plus it did tickle her a bit to feel Bobby do it. Now that Bobby was an adult male, he wondered if Sylvia finally was producing her own milk and looked at her nipples with considerable interest, not even noticing that Sylvia had stripped completely naked as of yet.

Sylvia then came back towards Bobby, crawling back onto the bed and over her nephew. As she did so, Sylvia brought her crotch to touch up against Bobby's shaft, letting her outer folds rub slowly against his length. She wasn't quite ready to receive him just yet, but it wouldn't be much longer before she was.

She made sure to let as much of her warm body touch his as possible, making Bobby's length pulsate strongly and produce even more precum as it was being touched by his aunt's vaginal lips and clitoris. She also looked into Bobby's eyes while having her hands on his cheeks and smiled. "Do you like this, Bobby? Do you like how I feel down there?", she asked sweetly, making the male eevee blush and murr.

Sylvia didn't need to hear Bobby speak to know that he was definitely interested in her and moved in even closer while rubbing her crotch against him a little faster. "I'll bet you'll like it even more once its inside of me", she added in a soft and playful tone, catching Bobby by surprise as she kissed him on his lips. She even went as far as to put her tongue in his mouth, touching his as she let out a soft and loving murr.

For a second or two, Bobby acted out of complete surprise over Sylvia's actions. However, the warmth of her loins combined with his feelings for her made Bobby relax. Soon afterward, Bobby joined his aunt in a deep kiss, swishing his tongue in her mouth while she was doing the same to him, both of them murring softly to the sensation.

At the same time, Sylvia used two of her ribbons to touch Bobby intimately. One of them wrapped gently around his sheath and the other tickled against his ballsack. Bobby felt this touch and let Sylvia continue, still sharing an intimate kiss with his beloved aunt. Meanwhile, the inside of Sylvia's vagina had become very wet, with a little of her juices now leaking out of it, starting to drip onto Bobby's foxhood as she rubbed against it. Her walls were convulsing on a regular basis now and her external parts had become more sensitive to touch.

She seemed to be ready to have sex now and stopped kissing Bobby as more of her nectar dripped onto his throbbing length. She remained on his lap, pressing her folds against his maleness, feeling the pulsations of it against her flesh while one of her ribbons kept caressing his balls softly. "Are you ready for me, honey?", Sylvia asked Bobby sweetly.

Bobby smiled and grabbed Sylvia by her butt cheeks, pulling her even closer to him as he licked her nose and looked into Sylvia's blue eyes. "Yes, aunt Sylvia...I'm ready", he commented softly, making Sylvia's tail wag eagerly while another bit of her juices landed on Bobby's eevee cock.

When she heard his answer, Sylvia climbed off of Bobby and repositioned herself, laying beside Bobby as she used one of her ribbons to caress his entire length. She had thought about riding it, but the more she felt him react to her warmth, the more Sylvia wanted Bobby to lead. "How do you want me?", she asked softly, giving Bobby the option of which position he wanted to mate with her in. Sylvia was open to any position that Bobby had in mind, including letting him mate with her foxy-style and allowing Bobby to turn the tie with her if he desired. In fact, Sylvia would've preferred to be tied to Bobby, to her it would seem like he truly loved her in the same way that he did with his other aunts or his mother. However, Sylvia still wanted Bobby to decide for himself.

Bobby felt the softness of Sylvia's fleshy ribbon touch his length, moving slowly across it while he thought about what he wanted to do. He thought Sylvia looked rather attractive in her sylveon form and Bobby was a bit curious to see the look on her face when he came inside of her. Besides, he also thought that maybe he'd have a chance to suckle on her nipples if he was on top.

With that in mind, Bobby rolled over on top of Sylvia, catching her by surprise a little as he placed his arms around her. At the same time, his eevee shaft rubbed against her vaginal lips, humping against them gently as he tried to penetrate her. She knew what was going on and let Bobby lead the way, helping him out a little by using one of her ribbons to wrap around his length, grabbing onto it and bringing it down towards her opening. She made sure that his tip was aimed at her vaginal opening before she let it go, looking up at her nephew while two more of her ribbons touched his upper body. "Go on, sweetheart", she coaxed sweetly to Bobby, letting a bit of her healing aura pass through her ribbons and onto Bobby. However, instead of "healing" him, it was actually programming his body to be able to use sylveon abilities, though it would be a little while before they would actually appear.

Bobby leaned in towards Sylvia while pushing his shaft against her opening, feeling his tip slide through it and into her warmth. The instant she felt Bobby go inside her, Sylvia grabbed onto his butt and held it tightly, allowing Bobby's shaft to enter deep inside her passage. She felt the strong pulsations in his length as it moved through her canal, receiving a few spurts of precum at the same time that hit deep inside. His shaft felt warm and very stiff as it went deeper, showing just how much Bobby had grown over the years.

From his end, Bobby seemed to enjoy how Sylvia felt around him as well. Her vagina was tight and rather moist, making passage fairly easy while also maintaining a strong grip on his foxhood. His ears twitched a little and he started to feel his balls tingle slightly, already preparing a batch of his semen for his aunt. In addition to the warmth around his penis, he continued to feel the warmth of Sylvia's aura throughout his body, continuing to alter the cells in his body so that he could learn to use sylveon abilities.

He kept pushing forward until all but his knot was inside Sylvia and then started to move at a moderate pace, letting his maleness rub against her insides. Sylvia continued to hold onto his butt cheeks while taking her nephew's shaft, feeling it throb some more as it moved back and forth through her canal and spit more precum against her insides. She started to moan softly from the pleasure she received, also feeling his knot periodically touch her vaginal lips, adding to the pleasure she received. During this time, Sylvia wondered what her brother would say if he were still around and he knew that she was letting his son have sex with her. In all likelihood, Sylvia figured that Rob would likely encourage Bobby's behavior, especially seeing how they used to have sex together frequently.

Meanwhile, Bobby kept plunging his shaft deep into his aunt's warm reproductive tract, feeling her insides tighten around him a bit as they both became more aroused. He started to pant a little, feeling even warmer all over his body as the effects of Sylvia's aura were starting to change him. During sex, golden ribbons started to appear from Bobby's upper chest, looking similar to the ones that Sylvia had only in his fur color. As a golden eevee, Bobby had the power to use any ability that he acquired through his aunts while maintaining his eevee form, and while Bobby had not yet acquired all of Sylvia's abilities they were starting to show.

Sylvia noticed the ribbons coming from Bobby's chest and brought her own chest ribbons to touch his, allowing hers to intertwine with Bobby's while her hands groped his buttocks even tighter. As she did this, her ribbons produced a powerful sexual stimulant that was transferred onto Bobby, quickly working its way to his genitals. Bobby's eyes lit up as he felt the powerful and strangely arousing sensation inside his balls and along his entire eevee cock, making the pulsations in it grow even stronger while it thickened considerably inside Sylvia's vagina.

He let out a long and loud murr before moving faster, plunging his shaft rapidly through Sylvia's passage, spraying her insides with warm precum every few seconds. His knot kept pushing against her outer lips every time he moved inward as the desire to knot his aunt was growing inside Bobby. He felt the churning inside his balls become very strong as large quantities of sperm awaited release into Sylvia's womb.

Sylvia knew she had Bobby where she wanted him. It was only a matter of time before she felt the rush of his semen enter her and his pulsating knot bond them to each other. She wanted to make Bobby fill her to his heart's content. She wanted to accept every last drop of her nephew's precious seed and know for certain that he loved her. As such, Sylvia moved one of her hands up to Bobby's lower back and caressed it lightly while her other hand kept holding onto his butt.

" are you feeling honey?", Sylvia asked sweetly, listening to Bobby's constant panting and feeling a little bit of his warm drool dripping down onto her chest ribbon. She could tell that he was loving every second of their sexual encounter and made it even better for Bobby by tightening her grip on his shaft and opening up her cervix. " like being inside me, don't you?", she added a few seconds later, brushing one of her head ribbons lightly against his cheek. "I'll bet you want to fill me up and make me feel all warm and tingly on the inside, don't you?", she continued while touching him, finally getting a spoken response from Bobby.

"Ahhh...yes! I love you, aunt Sylvia!", he called out to his aunt while moaning loudly in pleasure, feeling his sensitive and thick foxhood rub vigorously against her tight and wet folds as his knot kept bumping against Sylvia's vaginal lips and clitoris. It pushed against Sylvia a bit harder each time he moved inward, trying to pass through the pink sylveon folds.

Sylvia kept rubbing his back with one hand and holding onto his butt with the other, pushing him in closer to her while doing so. "Go ahead sweetheart...get it inside me and fill it up. I want to feel your love spreading throughout my insides", Sylvia coaxed happily, hoping her words would be enough to get Bobby to go all the way.

Sure enough, Bobby reached for Sylvia's hips and grabbed them tightly, moving at full speed through her vagina as the feeling around his length suddenly became very warm and very ticklish. The churning inside his balls grew rapidly until he finally felt them convulse from the inside, just as his knot pushed through Sylvia's outer lips. The instant his knot was inside Sylvia's warmth, he stopped moving and allowed his knot to grow while the tip of his shaft erupted with multiple shots of his thick cream, launching deep into Sylvia's womb.

The hot and creamy semen spread throughout her insides quickly, making her feel a bit ticklish in there as a curious thought entered her mind. "I wonder what it would be like if I could have Bobby's pups", she thought to herself a little while receiving his cream. Sylvia had a desire to have pups of her own for years, which was part of the reason why Sylvia allowed Bobby to suckle on her nipples when he was young. He was like a son to her and while Belinda's "choice of lifestyle" clashed with Sylvia's, Belinda didn't mind Sylvia treating Bobby the way she did. In fact, Belinda had hoped for years before she married Rob that she, Rob, and Sylvia could form a bit of a "love triangle", though that never came to pass.

Bobby's knot soon reached full-size, becoming stuck firmly inside Sylvia while more of his seed shot deep inside, passing through her open cervix and pooling inside her uterus. She took everything Bobby gave her, caressing his back with her hand and using her ribbons to hold his newly formed ones. She then took a moment to kiss his lips and rub her nuzzle against his. "Your father would be so proud of you", she told him sweetly, licking the side of his nuzzle afterwards, feeling the warmth of Bobby's semen spreading throughout her womb while she made sure that his knot would stay inside until he was finished.

As he continued to cum inside Sylvia, he looked at his aunt beneath him and had a thought going through his mind. "Aunt you think we can do this more often? I missed you so much, and I'd love to have you stay", Bobby asked his aunt curiously.

Sylvia kissed Bobby on his lips again and let out a sigh. "Honey, I'd love to stay here with you. However, I'm afraid I can't live the same kind of life that your mom and her sisters live. It's not that I have anything against it, it's just that I don't feel the same way about other females as they do", Sylvia mentioned to Bobby calmly. "But...if you'd like, I can come visit you more often, and I can also give you my address in case you want to come visit me", Sylvia added.

Bobby seemed to understand what Sylvia was telling him and accepted it, continuing to fill his aunt's womb with more of his sperm as she touched a finger to his cheek, tracing a heart-shape on it. "Besides, I would love to be stuck to my favorite nephew in the traditional way", Sylvia commented, referring to her desire to let Bobby turn the tie with her.

If Bobby didn't have Vanessa to think about, Bobby likely would've done it with Sylvia right then and there. However, he knew that Vanessa was eager to receive him and he didn't feel like making her wait too long to feel his foxhood back inside her canal, so he stayed on top of Sylvia and came inside his aunt for several minutes, feeling his sex drive slowly calm down as the warmth of Sylvia's aura started to fade.

After a couple more minutes, Bobby pulled his shaft out of Sylvia's freshly filled vagina, leaving a little bit of his cum dripping out of her opening afterwards, though most of it was deep inside her reproductive tract. By now, Sylvia's insides felt very warm and ticklish from what Bobby gave her, making her moan happily from the sensation. "Mmm...that's my good boy", she called sweetly to him after he pulled out. Although Bobby wasn't quite done with his aunt just yet.

While he was on top of her, Bobby moved down so that he could reach her puffy nipples, taking one of them into his mouth before starting to suck on it. Sylvia immediately felt this and giggled. "Sorry sweetheart, there's still no milk in them", she told him softly, making his ears droop down a bit, feeling disappointed that he couldn't taste any of Sylvia's milk. However, that didn't stop Bobby from sucking on her nipple anyway. He still liked doing it and wagged his tail happily as Sylvia pressed him up against her bosom and let Bobby do as he pleased with her nipples.

"Mmm...I love you too", Sylvia commented happily while letting her nephew suck on her nipples, still touching Bobby with her ribbons, though no longer producing the aura from them like she did earlier. She had what she wanted from Bobby and was very happy with it, there was no need to hog him to herself when she knew there were other females in his life that wanted him as well.

Bobby continued to suckle on Sylvia's nipples for several minutes, feeling warm and content after he had put his seed in her womb as Sylvia kept him by her side. She embraced Bobby with her arms and caressed his cheeks and lower back with her ribbons, letting him know that her love for Bobby was very strong. It seemed as if they were quite happy together and nothing could interrupt this peaceful moment. That is until the door to the bedroom suddenly opened and Luna appeared.

Luna had been waiting to speak with her nephew for a while and wondered what was keeping him, thinking that maybe he was a bit "tied up" at that moment. While Luna didn't want to disturb Bobby while he was having sex, Luna didn't hear any sounds of sexual activity coming from the bedroom as she walked by, deciding to take a peek and see if Bobby was available. The instant Luna opened the door and peeked inside, she saw Bobby lying on top of the female sylveon that she didn't recognize and started to growl while her eyes turned blood red and her normally blue rings turned a similar shade of red, glowing brightly.

To be continued...