Story by Reaping on SoFurry

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Synopsis : Two college artists encounter a suspicious clerk in a store where he trades one sketch each with odd artefacts.

First story after a while. For those into growth, I spent lots of time and wrote down lots of details in the growth process and I hope you like it. There MIGHT be a sequel, but judging by the end, I guess you know enough what is likely to happen. The end might seem rushed, but it's always intended: after the transformation, I guess there isn't much to see.


"Don't EVER say that again to me, you freak!"

He shut the door abruptly behind him and left running.

Spring was coming to life. The early beams of sun shone upon the chilly air through the countryside. Equinox just passed a few days ago. Every morning, the bright sun rose up earlier and earlier by the day. The snow was melting down at a rapid pace, literally flooding down some streets.

Yet again, Ray was late for the bus. Just being accepted in college a few towns away, he was obliged to take the bus every morning at least an hour before he started classes. Barely 20 years old, the young man had been accepted a year ago in animation. For that matter, his backpack was filled with binders and pencil cases wand the portfolio in his hand was stuffed with countless sketches, ideas and projects. There were only a few more weeks of school to attend to before it was finally over until next September.

Not far ahead, the young man could see the bus arriving closer and closer to the stop he was running to. Barely on time, Ray made it at last. He jumped in the bus and squeezed himself through the heavy morning crowd. Average height at 5'10, he was not especially tall nor eye-catching. His hair was as dark as night, short and clean, his face shaven of any facial hair. Behind a pair of thick but small glasses, his eyes were a profound green, like a tree's leaves. He played some badminton or did some bicycle in the college gym in school, giving him a decent look, but he was not considered really muscled or fat.

"Oops, I'm sorry."

The bus ride was quite turbulent; Ray barely had time to take a grip on a metal pole with his free hand as the bus made a tight turn, which resulted hitting a girl about his age with his portfolio. After about a thirty minutes ride on the bus, he arrived at the terminus and hurried for the next bus, which would lead him right to the college. On his way, he actually met one of his comrades, Cam.

"Hey, Ray, how's it going?" His friend greeted him, raising up a hand to salute.

"Not too bad, quite relieved the car project is over to be honest." He replied in a yawn.

"Gee, I can see that." Cam chuckled.

Side by side, Cam loomed over his friend. 6'2 tall, he did also have a slightly developed body. Wide shoulders and defined arms, he also had quite some facial hair as well, a light brown goatee circling his large mouth. His hair was unruly, a little greasy, long, a dark brown. A tad more sportive than his friend, he also hit the gym from time to time, even though he never had been able to develop a six-pack yet. Just like Ray, he wore glasses, a little more nerdy-like with their big rectangular shape, under which light gray eyes shone.

As far as he knew, Ray knew Cam was attracted to men, having dated one or two in the past year. The taller man liked showing off his goods, which was why he always wore tight clothes on him, either black or white. Even his black coat looked tight on him, showing the slight "V" shape procured by his large shoulders. As both of them entered the bus, they squeezed themselves to the back were a few seats remained empty. Just as Cam sat on a tight seat, between two other people, he asked Ray if he were doing anything that night after school. After all, their projects as well as the week would be over by then.

"Nothing much. I thought I might check out the few last Grimm episodes. Have to catch up with these." Ray chuckled. "Do you have anything planned?"

"No, nothing planned yet. Hell, I've been so much into that fuckin' car project that I forgot I have a life." Both guys laughed a bit at that.

"Well, do you want to crash at my house tonight? Ever since my parents made a bachelor, I've got my own space." Ray offered.

"Or you could come at mine, my parents are going to my sister's opera tonight."

"Damn, that's right, your sister's a... what's that again? Colorado?"

"Coloratura." Cam corrected with a smirk.

"Whatever that means..." The smaller man shrugged off.

After a twenty minutes ride, the bus stopped in front of the college. While walking through the dense crowd of students, the two friends continued talking.

"What do you have this afternoon again?" The bigger student asked.

"French literature, you?" Ray inquired.

"Physical education, 'till four PM."

"Same. So, we meet..."

"At the cafeteria?"

"Sounds good."

4:00 PM. Most of the classes were finished for the week by now. Ray, who'd finished earlier than planned, was waiting patiently in the cafeteria, chatting with a few friends of his. A couple minutes later, he was rejoined by Cam, who was just back from gym. From a first look at him, he looked sweaty and hot, walking around in a tight black t-shirt and pair of long shorts, revealing his quite hairy thick legs. He held his coat under his arm and his own portfolio in a hand, backpack on a shoulder. In a tardy manner, but with a smile painting on his face, he sat down next to the group of artists.

A girl and her boyfriend stood up, reminded of the time passing by and that they had other things to attend to. Amy, a nineteen years old girl next to Ray, winced at the arrival of the sweaty man. Not that he smelled awful, but the sight of sweat disgusted her. She also stood up and left. All did until there were just the two long time friends standing, ready to go their own way as well. From there, they headed to the front door of the college and waited for their bus to arrive, which took about fifteen minutes.

Twenty minutes of ride and talking later, they finally made it to the terminus. From there, as they looked up at the board indicating the arrival of the next buses, an announcement appeared. Some congestion apparently, prolonged the next arrival by nearly half an hour. Displeased, both men headed back inside the terminus. Despite the warming days, the evening was still chilly and thus they preferred to stay warm inside the building.

"Damn, and I was getting hungry..." Cam complained, sore and hungered from his workout class.

"Yea, me too. Want to go take a look around?" Ray suggested, looking at the various markets at the terminus.

"Yea, I could definitely eat a danish."

Both of the men walked down the aisle inside the large building, like a little mall. They headed for a Starbucks, not far from where they entered. The inside was as crowded as the outside of the building. However, the pleasant smell of coffee and bakery slowly filled their nose as they approached the counter. From where he stood, Ray could even hear the stomach of his friend grumble in anticipation. While Cam stared at the various snacks through the glass at the counter, something caught the attention of his comrade.

Next to the coffee shop, he could see a poorly lighted shop, dimmed under old neons. Intrigued, and without realizing, Ray started to walk toward the odd shop where nobody seemed to go in or even look at. He did come to this mall from time to time but he couldn't remember having seen this store ever before. Perhaps it was new, although it didn't look new at all. Completely forgetting his friend behind, as if he were hypnotized, the artist entered the shop. On the walls, there stood massive shelves full of books, artefacts and many odd items.

"Hello there."

The welcome came in a smooth man's voice, from the back of the shop. Ray jumped slightly at it, surprised. He turned around and could see the silhouette of a man, hidden in the shadows.

"Huh... Hey... What's this place about? I've never seen it before."

"That's for sure." The man in the dark said, walking to nowhere in particular, his steps echoing coldly in the empty store. For a brief moment, if Ray would have paid attention, he would've noticed that he couldn't hear the people outside the store. It was like an invisible wall separated the shop from the exterior.

"So I guess you're new here then, right?"

"That would make plenty of sense to you, does it?"

Ray frowned. The man "answered" to his question by another question. Shaking his head as he realized the shopkeeper only played with him, the college student was off to leave the place, enough weirded out already.

"Hmm... quite interesting stuff you have here, man. Gotta go, but..."

Faster than light, the stranger jumped out of the shadows in front of the young man. He stood taller than him in a dark suit. His eyes, as black as night, were playful, behind a pair of round glasses. The clerk smiled warmly.

"Aww, c'mon, you haven't even take a look yet."

"I'll be fine, I have to go, my friend..."

"Alright, kiddo, but let me ask you a question first... What does your heart desires?"


As if mind controlled by that stranger, Ray dove right into his thoughts. Every thoughts led to that same person : Amy. That girl in his class he's had a crush on since he started college. He wanted to have his way with her. Before he knew it, he began imagining her right under him, in his bed, his decent cock plunged deep inside her. Right at this moment, Ray faced back the reality: he was starting to bone in front of that creepy clerk. He instantly flushed red of embarrassment and stepped back slightly.

"What the f-..."

"Love... How could I not guess it sooner! You want to conquer the heart of that person you love but for that... for that, you need to show that person you are the best option it can have! You have to show yourself so that person can't resist you!"

Still in shock from what he just experienced, as if that man entered his head, Ray turned back to the exit. Cam was there, looking for him, calling him.

"Looks like someone's looking for you, show him the way in." The stranger told him, already behind the counter.

Wanting nothing else than getting out of the store, Ray watched in horror his friend coming in his direction, as if he hadn't seen him before.

"That's where you've been, Ray. What is this place?"

"Welcome to my shop, young man. How may I help you?"

"Let's go, Cameron." Ray told his friend, ready to leave.

"Gee, you're so rushed, calm down, there's still a good fifteen minutes before the bus departs."

Before Cam was about to turn around and follow his friend, a spark caught his attention.

"What's that?" He wondered, intrigued at the shining object on a shelf.

Cam tok it in his hand and looked at the object for a couple seconds. It was a small crystal-like ball with the head of a wolf inside.

"How much for this?" The tallest man in the store asked.

The clerk grinned and approached him slowly, looking straight in his forest green eyes.

"Your portfolio." He demanded.

"What?" Both students were awestruck by the demand.

"Open your portfolio, Cameron."

"What for?"

"You see, this shop is particular. I am interested in goods. I see that you are both artists. In exchange for this, I want something you put your whole being in... I mean, something you drew would be just fine."

A bit sceptical, Cam proceeded to open his portfolio and searched through his various drawings. The wolf, like the one inside the artifact, was his favorite animal. If some scrap of paper he did would suffice to give him in exchange, he was willing to give what it takes. Still, from the opposite corner of the shop, Ray waited impatiently for his friend. Looking through the pile of papers, the shopkeeper suddenly picked one with his fast and agile hands.

"That would be perfect." The clerk smiled, looking at the sketch of a werewolf howling to the moon. "You do like wolves and werewolves, do you?"

"Yeah, a lot." Cam blushed a little, grinning as he said so.

"Are you sure you don't want anything?" The stranger asked to Ray.

"C'mon!" His friend cheered him. "Get one like mine, Ray!"

"Ugh... Fine, fine..."

Ray put his art luggage on the counter in front of the shopkeeper. He opened it and, right at this moment, the older man took the first art piece he found on top, a drawing he did of Amy.

"Hey! Not this one! It's... for a friend of mine." The young man snatched it back. "Feel free to look, now."

After quite a sigh from the man in black suit, Ray checked him pick up a paper filled with a sketchy portrait of some girl's face. "Freak." He thought. As if the man actually heard his thoughts, he shot him a dark glare. Ray stepped back, but kept it cool, not saying anything. His friend Cam asked if it were okay now to take the cristal ball.

"Yeah, it's fine. Hope to see you soon boys."

"That man freaked me out! He like jumped out of nowhere in front of me! I bet he could hear my thoughts, man!" Ray whispered to his friend on the bus ride.

"You're exaggerating, Ray." His friend laughed at him.

Before they knew it, they arrived at Cameron's home, located on the far end of the town, next to a terminus. Both of them hurried inside and headed for the basement, where Cam's father kept a bar for when he had guests. He took a bottle of rhum and started pouring some glasses for both of them.

"Some Coke?"

"No thanks. Better straight."

Cam chuckled a little and, taking it like a dare, he didn't pour himself any. They chugged and put some metal, some music to fill the empty basement. After a few drinks, both men started fooling around, making stupid bets and telling each other awkward anecdotes. After a little while, feeling the alcohol kicking in harder, Cam stood and walked for the bathroom. On his way, he felt dizzy and nearly fell down. He held himself with a hand on the wall. The impact lead him to hit accidentally his head on the wall and slide a little. Anything to make his friend Ray laugh louder at him. Steading himself, Cameron entered the bathroom and closed the door.

Meanwhile, on the couch, Ray took the odd artefact he traded with the clerk earlier. It sure looked like a wolf's head, very detailed, with black fur and yellowed eyes. Pointy white fang and a thick coat of hair down its nape. He squeezed slightly the ball between his thumb and index, only to find little resistance to it, as if it could break if he pressed too hard. Unbeknownst to him, the slight pressure he gave was enough to spread very little cracks on its surface. As Ray put it back in his pocket, he failed to notice a very faint dark gas escaping from the sphere.

Just finishing up pissing, Cam stood up from the toilet groggily, all the while feeling a warm sensation through his short's pocket. Up, he plunged his hand in and felt the artefact he exchanged for a piece of art earlier and noticed the faint cracks on it. He grumbled. When he knocked the wall earlier, he must have pressed it against. Having known it was such a fragile object, he would have taken it out from his pocket as soon as he entered his house. Cam was about to leave the room when he noticed something out of place through the mirror. Intrigued, he walked closer to it and brought a hand to his face, his goatee looked... unkept, longer, spread wider on his cheeks.

Usually, he preferred the clean conventional look but something else stood out. Like this, it looked... better? No, that wasn't the word to describe it. Manlier? Perhaps, that was closer to the truth, at some point. What once was half an inch thick goatee was now a little thicker than a full inch. Overall, the thicker goatee suited better that way with his long hair, falling down half of his broad back. Then, it happened. Right in front of his eyes, his goatee started to stretch longer, thicker, coarser. Stubble started to cover his cheeks like a 5 o'clock shadow. In mid-fear mid-fascination, the college student opened his eyes wide, unsure if he was starting to hallucinate things under the effects of the alcohol. The thing he knew, perhaps he heard, was his hands and fingers cracking.

His eyes moved down to his hands on the counter, clenching, tensing all at once. As the pressure diminished, he moved his fingers, somehow... different. Again. Pops and Cracks he heard, but now he noticed what happened this time. His fingers stretched slightly longer, a little puffier. His palms swelled slightly, a bit puffy as well, while the hand shape overall popped larger. His wrists pulsed thicker to accommodate the bigger hands. He used to have long and thin fingers like a pianist's as his mom told him, but now they were as large as a manual man's. POP. CRACK. POP. CRACK. Wider still, longer still, like a construction worker's. CRACK. CRACK. POP. POP.

Fascinated but itching at his face all of a sudden, Cameron looked back up in the mirror and opened wide his mouth, the previous goatee now forming a thick short beard spreading high on his cheeks. It even has started to grow and spread down his neck a little. The young man smiled numbingly as a loud POP echoed from his jaw. His quite angular face stretched very subtly wider, almost square-like, but his round cheeks grew rounder as well, making his face look rounder. The cracking sound of his hands took back his attention. He looked back at them again and gasped as they kept twitching, popping and growing, about the size of dinner plates by now.

All of a sudden, they stopped their growth at about 10 or 11 inches long, at least 5 inches wide. It left him with huge wrists, leaving the comparaison with the forearms exaggerated. His decent biceps, a good 16 inches before anything started looked way smaller with such big destructive hands. Suddenly, a sharp pain pulsed through both his body down to his feet. They ached.

"Wha-... What the fuck is happening to me?" he said in a slurry way.

CRACK. POP. The same sounds, although louder, thumper, echoing from inside his shoes.

"Dammit!" he groaned, the shoes suddenly snugger, numb.

In attempt to get to his feet, mixed with the alcohol and the numbness, Cam fell to the ground on his ass. POP. POP. CRACK. The man stretched his legs away, the pain and numbness unbearable. It felt as if his feet would fuse with his shoes if he didn't do anything. Fighting through the pain, he held his breath and pulled his feet closer, trying to take them out. He tried pulling at a shoe to let his foot slide out but it swelled up so much already, it was stuck inside. CRACK. POP. CRACK.

"Ngghhhhaaaa!" Cameron groaned.

He's had big feet as he actually wore size 12 tracking shoes, ideal for all the walking he did during day, but now they had to be far beyond that. On a last attempt, he hurried to untie the laces. Unfortunately, with his now massive hands, he didn't even have the agility to do so anymore... and them, his hands, started cracking and stretching even larger then.

"N- no! St- stop!"

Loud stretching and tearing sounds were heard as Cam's feet suddenly burst through the end of his shoes. His once confined toes stretched all of their length, the smallest one at an inch long. As some of the pain from his confined feet disappeared, a new emergency occurred. His feet kept growing longer but wider as well. As they grew on thickness, the laces still tightly tied were starting to cut the blood flow in his feet. In pain, Cameron fell on his back, now laying on the cold ceramic bathroom floor. With his slowly enlarging hands, he thumped the ground... until his feet finally split the laces as well.

Panting and exhaling loudly, in a blissful and peaceful state of mind, Cameron moaned and closed his eyes. Free from the shoe prison and with the socks stretching and ripping like a tissue, Cameron smiled at the nearly orgasmic sensation of being free. The feet stretched beyond two tiles on the floor... even three before stopping. He looked at one of his hands, laying on the cold floor, engulfing more than a tile. He pulled himself to sit and look at the dommage that happened to him. His feet were humongous. If a shoe size 26 existed, probably it would have been a tight fit. They were unbelievably thick and wide, disproportioned to his body like his hands. Just like his wrists, his ankle were massively wide. If he were wearing pants instead of his long shorts, the hem would have been tight.

He struggled to get himself up and when he looked back in the mirror, he saw that the short beard he sprouted on earlier looked even more unruly, thick and longer. Wilder. That was it. He looked wild. Thick beard, long hair, massive hands, big feet...

"Only needs a big fat cock with that." He smirked at himself.

All of a sudden, his crotch started tingling and throbbing in his pants.

"Oh, fuck yes..." he moaned. "Make it bigger..."

Being 6'2, Cam always felt ashamed of sporting an average 6 incher hard. Now, the only thing that he wanted was to make it grow bigger. Maybe he was lost in a drunken madness, but maybe it was all real, or maybe was it only a pretty vivid wet dream or fantasy. Anyway, in any of these scenarios, he agreed on one thing: he wanted a bigger cock. A pulling sensation stretched at it as he felt himself grow hard. His cock was thickening, wider... and wider... then beyond his previous hard state. The same thing occurred in length, stretching to five inches, six inches... to seven inches... It was not stopping.

Curious, Cameron unbuttoned his long gym shorts and gasped at the truth: he was not a damn thing hard. Eight inches. Still not a single bit hard. Nine inches. Not even harder. His soft cock finally stopped stretching at ten inches long. No way was he going to be ashamed to take a shower after gym. People would finally stop caring how reeked he smelled afterward... or not, he kind of liked it deep down. It made him felt wild. Wild.

Closing his eyes, Cameron slowly started to fondle his cock and balls, thinking how wild he'd look, getting out of the gym, all sweaty and hard, both muscles and cock. A soft stretching sensation felt and sounded almost like a balloon filling. His balls were swelling. His cock as well. He thought about how the guys would look in shame at his bigger endowments, lowering their heads as he show them who's the alpha male. Such thoughts made his cock twitching and filling more with blood, growing hard. Eleven inches. The straight bastards, all sexy and virile, but too closed-minded to let him suck them or to get fucked. Twelve inches. All that he wanted was a manly man, muscular, in charge... Thirteen inches. Hairy... Fourteen inches. ...and most of all... Fifteen inches. ...in charge. Sixteen inches.

Cam opened his eyes and looked down in awe as his cock was turning into a MONSTER cock. Harder and harder, bigger still. Seventeen inches. He never were that much of a grower before. Eighteen inches. But in a way, it was perfectly normal to have such a big cock. Nineteen inches. After all, he had MONSTER hands to take care of it. Twenty freaking inches. Cameron took both of his gargantuan hands and started stroking all of the twenty inches monster he had. It felt so big in his massive hands already. His ball sac completely willed the large boxers he was actually wearing, already pumping testosterone through his still-average body.

The horny college student pressed his butt against the bathroom counter, not noticing he was actually cracking even more the sphere containing the wolf head in it, which freed more dark gas in the air that soon was absorbed by his body, even through the clothes. With the testosterone pumping in overdrive through his body, body hair increased slightly, but also facial hair. His inch long beard sprouted longer and longer, creeping down his neck toward his chest. Soon, both chest hair and beard when unified.

Suddenly, Cam felt a constricting sensation at his throat. At first he though it was his collar but no. It came from the inside. He forced out a moan only to find it reach higher than usual... before dropping a bit lower. He repeated the action a couple times, but each time his vocals ended up even lower. His Adam apple was actually stretching outward, bigger, rounder. His neck followed suit and stretched thicker, his traps rising slightly higher as he did so. It felt like going through puberty for a second time. Voice cracking and dropping deeper, hair growing all over, muscle mass increasing, horniness increasing, but something was missing.

"Grrroooooaahh..." he bellowed with a deep bass.

A tension started building up all over his body, from his head down his neck, spreading to shoulders and down the spine and down the legs. Especially from the slight pain down his legs, he recognized what it was. He had lots of it in the past: growing pains.

Pre oozed out of his massive cock as new popping and cracking sounds were heard, echoing from his body, from his spine, his shoulders and legs. He could practically feel his butt starting to slide up on the counter as inches piled on to his height. Six feet three. One hand let go of his cock and took grip on the bathroom counter. He panted and groaned. The pain and pleasure were both creating a new feeling altogether that he never experienced before. It felt surreal, inhuman. It was more. Six feet four. His butt cheeks were sliding a little more on the counter yet it was not enough to make him slide and sit... yet. The popping bones stretched his shoulders wider, widening his stance, widening his back. Six feet five.

The shoulders filled the shirt's sleeves. Even his biceps bulged out, swelled bigger with muscles, as if to catch up with the monster hands. With each breath, his lungs grew and so did his chest. A rip formed at a shoulder. Now, he brought gain his second hand to double jack off. Six feet six. His butt slipped on the counter on which he now sat. New rips formed on both sleeves as his arms were slowly outgrowing the sleeves. As he grew taller, hands feet and endowments tried catching up to grow in proportion but not by much. It was more his overall body growing to math with such limbs.

Six feet seven. RRIP. RRRRIP. RRRRRRIIIIP. With every breath, the shirt he wore started to split at his chest and back as he spread larger. The bottom of his shirt was not covering down to his waist anymore. An inch line of his slightly round but now furry belly was shown. Despite the growth of his muscles of in height, he did not seem to lose any belly fat. Six feet eight. Thighs were starting to crush on his balls. The long shorts were awfully small, now tearing at the seams. Six feet nine. Cam threw his head back as the growing pains which were slowly diminishing were quickly coming back and harder.

He opened his eyes which had been closed for a moment and looked straight forward. The door frame was actually lower than him now. Six feet ten. Cameron had to spread apart his legs. The action made the shorts to completely rip at the seams, revealing such hairy legs they could have looked covered in light brown fur. Seated on the counter he could feel his ass widen more, taking up more place, pushing bottles, towels and clothes away or on the ground. Six feet eleven.

"When's... it goin' to stooop...." he groaned, a full octave under his normal vocals.

He threw his head back again, breaking the mirror accidentally as frame widened considerably faster for as few seconds, bringing him much wider than the bathroom door. Seven feet tall. CRACK. The orb-like object in the shredded shorts broke completely. A dark gas cloud spilled out, massively thicker and was soon absorbed in Cam's body. His whole body spasmed and blacked out a few seconds. He closed his eyes and opened them, a bright amber color. Cam let go of his cock and held himself on the counter. He winced and growled loudly, jerking his head side to side. An energy like none he's had before invaded his body.

His throbbing cock pumped bigger, redder, fuller. 21 inches. His mouth, wide opened protruded an inch away from his face. His nose curved out, blackening, moist. His massive feet thumped the ground a few times, cracking the ceramic floor. CRACK. They were stretching longer. Again. He winced and groaned, pressing his back against the broken mirror, feeling it expanding again. Bigger, larger... POP. taller. Seven feet one. Cam jumped on his changing feet, feeling them stretch longer and longer, claws bursting through his nails, staining the floor with a little of blood. 22 inches cock. His changing feet were sprouting hair, changing in a digitigrade form, pushing an extra foot taller His head bumped at the ceiling, spine stretching more still. Eight feet two. The long hair on his head grew longer and longer, almost like a mane. His face pushed forward a little more, teeth sharpening, growing longer. Eight feet three.

Cam used of his hands turning into hand-paws to rip off from him the last remnants of his torn clothes. He was still stretching wider, nearly as wide as two doors. Eight feet four. His head pressed more against the ceiling. He was actually starting to break the plaster, cracks appearing all over, dust falling down. With a step, he accidentally hit the toilet and tear it off from the ground, making the water piss out everywhere in the room. 23 inches cock. He turned around, unsure what to do, clouded in a horny frenzy, masturbating his growing monster cock, reddish and pointed, but still human shaped. Eight feet five. The transforming monster fell on his ass which made the entire house shake. The impact made it realize a little bump was poking out just over his butt, a tail, slowly stretching, covered in hair.

He kept jerking off, feeling closer than ever to climax. Pre oozed out every where, coating the fur coat he was still growing. A massive foot-paw hit and burst through a cupboard, the other foot extending to the other corner of the room and breaking the shower glass door. Eight feet six. The beast looked down at its massive cock, licking its lips. It bended over and started sucking itself, feeling his cock stretching to a two-feet-long monstrosity. The instant he engulfed the tip in its mouth, his whole face stretched forward, extending into a complete muzzle. The pointed cock head got deeper and unleashed a torrent of cum.

As soon as climax was hit, the growing monster felt another massive rush of energy fill him. His body stretched even taller and faster, by spurts. He hit eight feet eight, then eight feet eleven to finally grow to a towering nine feet two height. With each cum spurt in his muzzle, his shoulders hit the wall behind him, breaking the plaster and ceramic, digging a massive hole through the wall. His legs and paws stretched further away and apart, breaking through the walls. At some point, as he grew taller, his head was pulled away from his cock, leaving the monster cock hitting spray on his face and powerful chest. His ears pointed just like his fangs and claws, stretching over his head, huge, making him nine feet four in height if you counted them.

The little pudge he had of a belly solidified into a hard muscle gut, nearly as prominent as his massive pecs, just enough to protect diamond hard abs underneath. His tail grew longer and longer until it reached at least four feet in length. Alpha-like, he raised his tail in superiority, but also in need of some good fucking. His alien cock was still pumping out cum although the climax was mostly over. It was neither human's nor a wolf's: it was a monstrous hybrid. The head was pointy and reddish while the shaft had dark black skin. The pointy head was partly covered in foreskin. The beast smirked, looking at itself in the cracked mirror. He was a werewolf. Although he never considered becoming one himself, he always liked the dominance these creatures had. He extended both arms on either sides and flexed. Arms bulged bigger and bigger until the bicep stood up and swollen beyond the size of an earth globe. His massive thighs were even bigger, the size of massive tree trunks. Pride built within him: he was invincible.

Cam stood up on his massive legs and before his head could even reach the ceiling, his upper back and shoulders did and dented it enough to break a massive hole through it. He was horny and in need of a man. His ass shivered at the thought of a massive cock invading him. He scratched his large round but hard furry ass, anticipating the next fuck. He headed to the tiny door, a little less than half his size, in width. He broke through it and the nearby walls to end up in the hallway to the living room.

Strangely, until this brutal appearance, Ray, on the couch asleep seemed to never have noticed anything. His friend, in a less intoxicated state than Cam was before the transformation, umped on his feet and hurried for the exit door. He went through just in time and as he was about to close it, the massive werewolf stretched an arm through. Without forcing its way out, Cam only let the door opened, not wanting to hurt his friend either.

"Ray!" a brutal and deep bass voice called him. "It's me, Cameron! Let me through!"

"No way!" Ray said, having a hard time with his friend's strength. "That man turned you into freakin' monster!"

"Just let me, man! It feels so good! I need you to fuck me!"

"FUCK OFF!" Ray cried, taking pan near the basement door than hitting the monster's arm with it.

"Ouch! I thought you were my friend!"

"I'm not gay!"

"Soon you'll be begging to fuck me!"

Ray blushed red as the image displayed in his head. He's been aware of something occurring in the bathroom where Cam was, but despite how much he wanted to go check him out, a force hold him tightly on the couch with his eyes closed. It was the clerk's fault, he had to go back to him.

"C'mon! I need you! I love you, Ray!"

A part of Ray's heart bled. Odd feeling were coming to him, he did not know why or how... No, he knew why and how: it was the clerk's fault. Wrath filled him. He was going to make that man pay for what he had done to him and his friend. He took the little sphere from his pocket and through it on the kitchen ground, shattering it in pieces.

"Don't EVER say that again to me, you freak!"

He shut the door abruptly behind him and left running, unaware of the dark cloudy gas emanating from the broken artefact that was following him from behind.