Scent Seduction Short: Xue and Felicia

Story by MonaK on SoFurry

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Scent Seduction Short:

Xue and Felicia

Slipping into one of the many robes hung on the changing room wall, Felicia quickly joined the bubbly lynx heading for Stevie's office. Hand in hand they sat waiting for the tigress who was clearly running late for the meeting. Exchanging looks of both excitement and fear, the couple distracted themselves by giggling at the silicon replica of Stevie's ass on the desk being used as a paper weight.

Having recently moved into their own apartment, Xue and Felicia had taken only their clothes and a bed with them. Wanting to really create a place they could call their own they decided it would be best if they started fresh with decorating it with all new stuff. Their plan was to say the least poorly laid from the start. After all was said and done they had been left with almost no money to pay for food let alone decorate a whole new apartment.

Though she had already been in dozens of films herself, Xue couldn't help but be nervus about doing a movie with her mate. The lynx's tension didn't help the Dobie at all who was clearly terrified about the prospect of being in a porno film. To add to the anxiety of it Stevie had made it very clear that the filming was going to be done with a completely new concept. The only problem was the tigress had yet to tell them what that concept was.

"What do you think she has planned for us," Felicia asked watching her big breasted mate as she put up her long silver hair.

"I have no idea," Xue purred, grinning at the staring Dobie.

Pressing her breasts together in her already strained bra, she smiled when they finally broke free from their lace prison. Giggling at her gawking mate, the lynx leaned over kissing her gently to offer reassurance. The door swung open just as Felicia's hand had wandered to Xue's exposed chest. Redoing the clasp on her bra quickly as Stevie walked in Xue looked away innocently, trying to hide the smirk on her face.

"Don't bother hun, you aren't going to be needing the bra anyway," Stevie laughed as she traipsed to her desk with what looked like a gas mask slung around her neck.

"So what exactly is this shoot going entail," asked Xue her eyebrow raised in worry.

"We are going to have you two just do what comes naturally. We want to see your love, lust, and deepest desires come to life on film," Stevie explained, completely ignoring them staring at the gas mask.

"You are going to pay us ten grand each for a standard sex shoot," Xue asked, rasing her eyebrow even further.

"That I am! Now lets get you two onto the set," Stevie exclaimed, clapping her hands together in excitement.

Clutching her robe a little tighter, Felicia followed the others closely trying not to let her fear show. From what the Dobie could tell things on set didn't appear any less suspicious then Stevie's behavior had implied. Everyone working on set was wearing or carrying around a gas mask just like the one Stevie had slung around her neck.

Sitting nervously on the edge of the plush bed centered in the middle of the set, the Dobie glanced quickly to the unflinching lynx for some kind of reassurance. Smiling back Xue placed a loving hand on Felicia's shoulder. Several set workers hastily lit the candles surrounding the whole set before the overhead lights shut off, leaving the couple in an ambient glow.

"The set's hot everyone," Stevie shouted in a muffled voice. "Felicia lose the robe and try to relax sweetie, we'll be starting a few minutes."

Shrugging off the robe Felicia nervously covered her now exposed breasts. Feeling Xue draw in closer, and take her in her embrace calmed the Dobie greatly. Sighing into the lynx's ear, Felicia nuzzled against her cheek gently. Calming more and more with each deep breath, she found herself nuzzling Xue's cheek more affectionately.

"Are you sure about this yƃ n," whisper Xue kissing the Dobie gently.

Responding by ripping open the lynx's bra, Felicia kisses back with an overwhelming sense of excitement. Taken aback by the Dobie's actions the feline pulled away momentarily before returning her lover's passion. Caressing one another gently at first they were soon groping wildly as the cameras moved in on them.

"You wet for me baby," asked the dobie ripping down Xue's panties.

Not waiting for an answer Felicia slipped a finger inside the lynx and twirled it around till her juices began to flow. Chest heaving she started grinding her nipple against Xue's, making them rigid with anticipation. Running her now sopping finger along her own excited flesh she brought it between their lips and continued to kiss letting their tastes mingle.

Moaning as Xue's hand found her slit, Felicia continued with her fingering of the lynx wanting to keep an even pace. Panting heavily into each other's mouths as they kissed, they each added another finger to their quickening stimulation. As a puddle began to form between them, the girls started to moan louder. Feeling herself clench around the fingers inside her, Felicia cried out as the lynx tightened around her fingers in turn. Both bodies quaking in pleasure they continued to moan as each wave sent them grinding into one another.

Clambering on top of the Dobie, Xue made her way to Felicia's hungry muzzle. Smiling down at her grinning mate the lynx blew her a kiss before grabbing her hair and burying her head between her thighs. Squirming as Felicia's tongue went to work on her still quivering gash, Xue bucked uncontrollably knowing she wouldn't last long. Flooding the Dobie's mouth with her appreciation, she turned around unsteadily to further show it.

Parting her labia ever so gently, Xue playfully ran a finger along her lover's silky pink folds stopping to toy with her protruding clit. Dipping her tongue in and out of the Dobie repeatedly, she began kissing and massaging with her lips. Wailing with pleasure as Felicia buried her face back into her snatch, Xue began tonguing the Dobie furiously.

"Cum for me," Xue cried as her open mouth filled with Felicia juices.

Once her own waves of ecstacy had ebbed, Xue pulled herself up to her panting mate. Each wearing a face full of the other's love, they kissed and nuzzled in a half-hearted attempt to clean their messes. Smiling, Felicia felt so relieved it had been so much easier then she had thought it would be.

"Raise the lights and snuff those candles," Stevie ordered through her gas mask. "Give them an hour and then we'll get set up for the strap-on scene."