But what if I said no?

Story by FwuffyMouse on SoFurry

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#1 of Timeline A2

An alternate ending to this story: https://www.sofurry.com/view/857259

Shameless self promotion aside, I wanted to draw the line between full male Tyledis and 'other' Tyledis. (I hate the term Cuntboy). In this one, he said 'no, to the old wolf's question. The events leading up to this tale are talked about early in this story. As you can see, things turn out differently for the version of Tyledis that said no. He hasn't seen Gauge for weeks, and their conflict more or less ended at the same time. One of his other friends has taken a bit of interest in him, however...

Murmurs and mumbles soon turned into actual words as Tyledis felt himself coming around. He was covered in a blanket, and he could feel a needle shifting in his arm when he moved it. The smell of sterile equipment and fresh sheets soon tickled his pink nose. When he finally opened his eyes, he was looking up at what he thought was a familiar face.

"Mr. Hutch?"

"Who? No no; I'm Dr. Front, remember?" Said the husky standing over him. Tyledis blinked and scratched his head with his free arm.

"Right, You're the guy who did the gene treatments on me. It took me a second..."

"That's normal, The last session is usually the worst. Just to be safe, do you think you can remember why you're in her for me?" Asked the old doctor as he flipped through a folder.

"How far back do you need me to go?"

"The very start, if you can..."

"Well, I was sitting in Mr. Hal's front room. He'd offered me food because I was delivering something from rather far away. I realized while I was there that one of his sons happened to be the guy that kicked the shit out of me a few days prior." Started the blue haired mouse, pausing to think. "When I explained why his son was so angry at me, he asked me whether I was okay with how I was built."

"And you said you weren't." Asked Dr Front, showing that he was paying attention, despite having his muzzle buried in a binder.

"No. I mean yes..." Replied Tyledis, taking a deep breath and finding a more comfortable spot to rest his head. "He told me that I should take some time to consider what I'd been given. He explained that People would pay him their life's savings to change the color of their fur, and how much more it would cost someone to get their sex changed. He asked me If I'd ever had any health problems due to being intersex."

"And your answer?"

"Aside from getting my tail beaten a while ago, nothing. He got real pissed when he heard his son had physically hurt me. Stood right up and just marched to his son's room. All he did was stare at him; his son broke down pretty quick too. After dealing with that he had me come back to sit with him again. He offered to get me genetic treatments. I went in for a preliminary exam and the doctors pricked at me and made sure that they had the right setup. They started with a couple of surgeries to get everything ready, then they got busy rewriting my code. After a few weeks we wind up back here, in this room" Said Tyledis, completing the story.

"Good, you haven't had any memory loss. Short term anyway, you might have forgotten something further back."

"Oh good, that's reassuring..."

"I have to be honest with you, since you're my patient." The husky doctor finally came back over to the cot Tyledis was resting on and started checking the various monitors he was hooked up to. "Heart rate's normal, Temperature, blood pressure, breathing all good." He muttered before going to work disconnecting the various machines from Tyledis. After finally removing the needle in his patient's arm, the doctor helped Tyledis up into a sitting position.

"Let me know If you start to feel dizzy, okay?"

"Yes sir." Agreed Tyledis. The old doctor put on a stethoscope, directing Tyledis to breathe and making a final few miscellaneous checks.

"You should be fine in an hour or so, then we can have you home to try out your new stuff." Said the doctor with a smirk.

"I don't feel too different down there..."

"That's because it's all your natural flesh. As far as your brain and your nerves know, It's always been that way. You'll remember your old self just fine, but you won't have any trouble getting used to the change" Explained Dr Front.

"Okay, thanks. Should I call my ride now then?"

"Might as well, I don't foresee any problems. If you'd like, we can go for a walk and get you some food while you wake up."

"Sound's good, Do you have a gown or something for me?"

"There's some loose clothes in the closet there" Answered the doctor, stepping out the door to wait.

They made a lap around the residency hall before heading to the lounge for food. Tyledis had some trouble walking in a straight line at first, but the little mouse got his bearings quickly and soon felt good as new. He sat in the lounge with a sandwich and some forms while he waited for Booker to arrive and pick him up. Tyledis was still groggy, so the ride home passed in silence. After thanking his friend, he went into his house to get started on the schoolwork he had missed.

Some of his friends would feel a bit awkward around him for a few weeks, but Booker and Raishe were able to joke with him about the whole ordeal. Raishe in particular seemed to be cracking more lewd jokes than usual, but it didn't bother the newly male mouse. If anything, they started becoming closer together. Tyledis even started spending time at his friend's house, something neither of them ever cared for in the past. Raishe lived in a small house with his parents, and there wasn't really much to do aside from sit around and watch TV or surf the web. They much preferred visiting at Tyledis's house, even though there wasn't all that much more to do there either. They would just sit and chat in the fluffy mouse's room, hopping on the computer to show each other funny stuff they found.

Today, they had just finished doing homework. Raishe was picking around in Tyledis's closet while his friend surfed the web.

"Yeowch! Tyledis, I stepped on something gnarly in here. You need to be careful what you leave on the floor.

"You need to remember to turn on the light when you poke through my stuff. I keep warning you about what you might find in there.."

"Honestly, I have an idea what to expect. Hold on, is this a padlock?"

"Yes, there's a lock-box in there, no I won't open it for you."

"No, I stepped- HOLY SHIT DUDE!"

Tyledis jumped up from his seat and rushed into the small closet to find Raishe standing over an open bin. is the fennec's hands, wrapped in a towel, was a large silicone dildo resembling some fantasy creature. Tyledis blurted out what first came to mind.

"I don't use that one..."

Raishe burst out laughing, gently placing the sex toy back in the box and stumbling out into his friend's room. After several minutes of genuine, and almost hurtful laughter, Raishe looked back to his friend. Tyledis had sat down in his desk chair while he waited for his friend to quiet down.

"I was gonna say, you must have a pocket dimension for an asshole if you're sticking a large duke in there!"

"A large what?" Replied Tyledis with a stupid grin on his face.

"Crap, I mean... Crap..." Sputtered Raishe, before shaking his head and smiling "I guess we're both a couple of pervs, huh? I don't have any of my own, since nothing there really interested me." Said the fox in an effort to recover.

"You didn't seem like the type, but it's still pretty funny that you knew what it was called."

"I spent a couple hours looking that site over the other day. You left out a stress ball or something with the name on it, couldn't help my curiosity."

"I left that there on purpose, but I must not have closed the lock properly after I got it out." Explained Tyledis.

"Do you still use any of that? It's all dildos in there; You've lost a hole recently."

Tyledis sighed and thought for a moment, debating whether or not he should answer honestly. Of course he still used them, and the one Raishe found was a new addition, thanks to a recent windfall. He'd been given a huge tip for delivering the package to Mr. Hal, back before starting to correct his body.

"You wanna find out for yourself?" Said Tyledis coyly, finally having thought of a response.

"No, that's... Aren't we the only ones here tonight?"

"We're usually the only ones here on the weekend, tonight's no exception."

"Just show them to me or something, I don't need to see you use them."

"Sure, just let me get something first. I might have left my stress disc in the bathroom." Said Tyledis, padding out into the hall. Once inside the bathroom, he opened a drawer and removed a large Syringe meant for feeding medicine to young. He ran a bit of warm water in the sink after making sure there wasn't any fur stuck to the sides, taking a syringe full and crouching down. This was probably the worst part of using the toys, but he'd not have to use much water if he stuck to a smaller one. That was all so long as Raishe actually wanted to see him use one, But he wanted to be prepared.

About 15 minutes later and newly cleaned out, Tyledis reentered his room to find all his toys laid out on the floor. Raishe looked up from the one he was inspecting and blushed on the hairless inside of his ear.

"You have five of these things. Why?" Asked the puzzled fennec.

"I'd say I wanted variety, but I haven't found one that really, _really_works..."

"TMI, but I guess I did ask."

"Do you want to explain why you're in your underwear, Raishe?"

"I was, um... comparing a couple of them to-"

"Yourself? Trust me, you'd do a much better job..." Said Tyledis catching himself. "I mean the real thing would do a much better job..."

"I'll let that slide, Ty. This is already a pretty stupid situation." Said Raishe, climbing onto the bed. "So... are you okay with showing me how they work?"

Tyledis made a ring in one hand with his index and thumb, and repeatedly pushed his other index into the ring.

"Smartass..." grumbled Raishe.

Neither of them really quite knew what was going on at the moment. Tyledis was having fun just screwing with his friend, but Raishe seemed a bit antsy. Tyledis started disrobing, watching for any objection from his friend. The fennec watched, occasionally stopping himself from reaching for his groin. Once down to his briefs, Tyledis turned on his heel and removed them by bending at the waist. He kept his legs and ass in full view of his friend. As he stepped out of his briefs, he could hear Raishe shuffling out of his own.

He turned around and grabbed a bottle and his smallest toy. "You need to put lots of this..." Started the mouse, popping the lid on the bottle. "...all over the toy. It's supposed to look and act like cum, but it smells like plastic and tastes worse." He said, not looking up from the toy he was now covering in viscous lubricant. He fondled and played with the toy as he did so, and when he looked up he could see Raishe sporting an erection. Tyledis hoped they were thinking the same way, and that Raishe would let him play for a bit.

"That's pretty cool though. It looks damn close to the real deal."

"Yeah, but it makes a mess. I'm glad you laid out the blanket though, as long as I wash it after a session, It's great for keeping mess off the floor." Said Tyledis, turning around and getting on all fours. He almost hoped Raishe would come mount him, but was left to finish lubing up in peace.

Finally, with the toy in hand, he looked under himself at Raishe and winked, lining the up the tip and pushing it in. He eased it up to the knot, which didn't take long due to the way the toy tapered. He pumped the toy in his tailhole for a while before finally popping the knot inside. He took his hand off, leaving his ass in full view. A few sways of his knotted hindquarters was all it took to entice Raishe to have a closer look.

"It's tied to you then?"

"Yep, and if I wiggle my hips a bit, it feels really good in there." Answered the mouse.

"Won't it be dirty when you pull it out?"

"That's why I ran to the bathroom. If you put some water in there, and give it time, you can do this without worrying about _unwanted_mess."

"So If I were to do this..." Said Raishe, tugging on the toy with just enough force to pop it back out. Tyledis almost turned to inspect it, but Raishe put a paw on his butt to stop him. "You're right, it's clean. It still smells like shit though."

"Did you expect it to smell like a rosebush?"

"No" Growled Raishe. His arousal was making him a bit more aggressive than usual. He rubbed the tip of a finger against his friend's tailhole, getting a bit of lubricant on it in the process. "You mind?"

"Gently, I don't want any extra holes poked in me." Answered Tyledis, shocked at what his friend was about to do. Sure, they joked about screwing each other from time to time, but only to make fun of how much time they spent together. Yet here they were, with one wiggling a finger around in the other.

"Ahh, down and forward Raishe. Like you're reaching for my dick through my tailhole." Raishe responded by digging in deeper, managing to hit Tyledis's prostate a few times before giving up. Tyledis squeaked happily each time, giving a little shake at the relatively new sensation. A few weeks prior, he didn't have a prostate at all, and now he had been probed by someone else.

"You got any condoms?" Asked Raishe, rubbing his friend's bottom. Now we're talking thought Tyledis. He had been hoping his friend would want to try sex with him, to see if they could make it work.

"Top drawer, in the case for my old phone."

"Okay, I've got one, do you want one too? Er, I'm not going to bottom for you or anything..."

"It's up to you, but I'd like to see if I can make a mess." Answered the kneeling mouse, bouncing his fuzzy new scrotum in a hand. He had quite a pair now, thanks to being a rodent.

"Fine, just don't cum on me."

"Oh alright..." Sighed Tyledis as his friend sat down and rolled the condom over himself. It stopped before the knot, but it would do its job just fine. Tyledis turned around again and lifted his tail. When he looked under himself, he could see Raishe rubbing fresh lube over his cock.

Raishe hopped up and stood over Tyledis's backside, rubbing a bit of lubricant over the mouse's crack.

"You going to be okay? I don't wanna hurt you"

"You saw the toy go in there, didn't you?"

"You're right, just take a deep breath or something." Said Raishe as he pushed himself into the submissive mouse's ass. Tyledis murred as his friend bottomed out, stopping at his slightly engorged knot. Tyledis nodded back to his friend and the fox started slowly working his length in and out of his friend's ass.

"You're tight... I guess you didn't keep that toy in long enough."

"It's a muscle, not a plastic bag..."

"Good - hurff... Good point." Stuttered Raishe. "I'm going to go faster now, okay?"

"Yeah. Just don't get too rough; I'm not as used to using that hole for sex"

"Aren't you a virgin?" Asked the fox, picking up his pace and grunting every several thrusts.

"Huff... Mutual masturbation- Grrf..._toying in front of Booker- _Squeak..."

Raishe slowed down some so he could apeak. "Right, kind of hard to tell with you." He went back at it, faster than before. Tyledis Could feel his prostate getting rammed every few thrusts, but Raishe didn't seem to understand. Tyledis didn't really know how to tell him either, but the pair were enjoying themselves- and each other- just fine.

"Your knot- Haaah... Swe-_Hurrr..._swelling" Gasped Tyledis between quiet, squeaky moans. Raishe started pounding his friend's ass, with almost feral intensity. Tyledis put his head down and submitted himself to his friend, who was gripping his hips and pulling him at the same time as he was thrusting. The fox's knot eventually got in, but not before having swollen to a dangerous degree. Tyledis screamed in a combination of pain, fear, and an entire lack of pleasure, taking a mouthful of the blanket he was on and yelling into it. Raishe was aware of his friend's distress, but couldn't stop himself from tugging his knot and trying to cum. Tyledis cried softly into the blanket, waiting for his friend to finish.

Pain always seems to make time go slower, and Raishe actually finished faster that it felt like. His seed erupted from his throbbing shaft, forced deep inside and held there by a natural seal. Raishe leaned over Tyledis and started licking his neck. The fox apologized between kisses

"I'm so, so_sorry.... Please forgive me. I didn't mean... It's just...." Raishe could hardly keep himself from crying at this point. "_I'm so sorry."

The pair didn't remain knotted for long, Raishe having lost all desire in mere moments. The fennec pulled out of his friend and sat back. The poor mouse remained as he was, ass in the air and dribbling his friend's cum. They remained like this for several minutes, Raishe muttering apologies every time he could bear to look at his friend. Something else was resting in his mind. It boiled in his heart, stirred up his soul, and all but leaped his tongue. The easiest lie, so incredibly difficult to say when true.

Three impossible words.

Raishe sat up and raised his voice. "I love you!"

Nothing. Tyledis just remained there, mouthful of blanket and tears streaming over his muzzle.

Raishe crawled over to his friend, leaning over to whisper in his friend's ear. "_I love you"_not waiting for a response, he started licking his friend's sore tailhole. Tyledis gasped as he felt his friend's tongue against his flesh. First outside, then digging in deeper. The dismayed mouse got back up onto all fours and reached for his own maleness, once again rising to attention. This time, Tyledis reached his own orgasm, spraying seed onto the blanket below him and involuntarily clenching around his friend's tongue. Raishe, the one male who never joked about oral, who'd always been disgusted when Tyledis tried to tell those jokes, had just tried to kiss his tailhole better.

Raishe removed himself from Tyledis's behind, sitting back as Tyledis turned to face him.


"I love you too." Said the mouse, nervously rubbing his hands together. "That hurt like hell, by the way."

"I know, I just couldn't stop. I should have tried harder, but-

"It's fine. You know why?"


Tyledis smeared his hand across his friend's face leaving a patch of sticky fluid. Raishe gave Tyledis a quizzical look.

"You just let me cum on you." Said Tyledis, grinning like a fool.

"That's gross, but you aren't." Said the fox, bending forward and offering a kiss. Tyledis moved forward and wrapped his arms around his friend, returning the gesture. What started as a bit of a hug turned into a deep, loving kiss. They locked their muzzles together and explored every inch of each others mouths.

"I just ate your ass out, by the way..." Said Raishe upon breaking the kiss.

"My ass isn't complaining, is it?"

"Not exactly what I meant" Muttered the fennec, before accepting another incoming kiss from his friend.

The two spent a long time just kissing and exploring each other's furry bodies. They stopped when the sound of the front door alerted them to Tyledis's family members coming home. Swiftly and skillfully, Tyledis cleared up the toys and locked them back in their box. When both of them had gotten dressed, Tyledis took Raishe by the hand and walked with him down to his car. They shared one final kiss through the window of the car before parting ways for the night. The happy mouse boy met his mom on his way back up the stairs, sharing a knowing look.

"You smell different tonight, honey." She said with a wink.

"I bet I'm walking differently too, hmm?" Replied Tyledis. ' Architect bless that woman.' He thought as he padded back to his room, tail swaying happily with each step.