A little Something Different, Part 3

Story by Darkvampire95 on SoFurry

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#3 of Something Different

Ah, finally another one for the books! I do apologize for the wait, as I had finals this week for my college, and I have been very busy!

But here's this for all my new readers to read, and again I'm sorry for the wait!

Jordan and I, we've been fucking for a while now. And it's good, don't get me wrong. No _definitely _don't get me wrong on that.

But Wednesday, yesterday as a matter a fact, was by far our best fuck yet.

It started out like any other day really. I got up, early to hand in a portfolio for a creative writing class.

The sky overhead had been a light blue and the sun was out, shinning bright as I left my campus and drove to his. The familiar nerve was tightening it's paw around my chest and my heart, but I rolled down the windows, and turned up the radio. It would be great to see him again, and I was always ready to jump into his arms and hug him tight.

It wasn't any different when he met me after his test. It and been a presentation about gender studies, and from what he told me he'd set the bar high as soon as he started the class. He came up behind me, soundlessly, then pulled me to him. I felt his strong arms wrap around me and I hugged him back immediately, my heart hitching in my chest. His arms were furry and I pressed my lips and face to them, feeling the heat he was giving off.

"Hi," he said as he came around to my side.

"Hey," I said in my usual quiet voice. I was nervous around him, not anymore. But he heard me.

"Whats up?" he asked.

"Not much," I said. "The usual."

He smiled at me and I blushed hard. I felt the heat fly into my cheeks and I bit my bottom lip. He was so adorable. The white and black fur on his face, the gorgeous brown eyes. Even the stub of a tail that poked out of his shorts made me smile like a giddy school girl.

* * *

We talked with his friends for a while, but then left his campus, and took the highways back to my house. It was a nice drive and I kept the windows down while we smoked. Not cigarettes, at least not for me. I was fine with him smoking though, as long as it didn't get in my car. But he sufficed to use my vaporizer, and while I drove us home I ran my fingers down his neck and his back. I was already so horny though, and a major part of me wanted to pull over and pull his pants down. But I reigned myself in until we arrived home.

* * *

When we got home we had the living room to ourselves. My mom was out, and Jordan and I put our feet up and watched TV. I don't remember what we watched, but I wasn't interested in the TV. I was interested in him, obviously.

We sat with our feet on the footrest in my living room, and he kept his arm around my shoulders while I kept my paws on his chest. I laid on him, my body pressing against his side. His other paw laid by his side near his phone, and he occasionally looked at it.

But for the most part I stayed pressed against him, my arms laying over his chest while he kept me pulled close to him. He would occasional nip at my ear and make me giggle, or kiss my forehead and make my cheeks blush fire red. He was more than my boyfriend, to be honest. He felt more like a soul mate. Someone I'd always needed, but never seen until recently. We had know each other for years and years, since middle school and high school, and we'd graduated in the same class last year.

He'd always liked me, he'd told me himself a week or so ago. Even since middle school, he'd found me attractive, and handsome. But he hadn't know if I was bi curious, or gay, so he'd never made a move. Now that he'd told me though, that made me love him even more. He confessed a liking for me, and he'd liked me for so long. I hadn't know because he hadn't told me, but now that he had, I had so much respect for him. I wasn't a big deal for him to tell me, and it had made me blush.

Now, laying on the couch with my feet next to his, while he kept me pressed against him, I wouldn't have it any other way. It was perfect.

I turned my face to his and he turned his face to mine. I leaned in and he put his lips out, but because he had a good three or so inches of height over me, I had to stretch my neck to meet his lips. When I did they were soft and warm, and I pushed myself even harder against him. I felt my heart flap its wings in my chest, and he pulled me closer to him. I moaned softly against his lips, my body in such a state of glee and pleasure I didn't want to do anything else but kiss him.

When we pulled away though, I whispered,

"I love you," in an almost silent voice.

"I love you too," he whispered back.

I kissed him again at those words, and put a paw to his face. My insides were a fire, and I wanted him so bad so suddenly. I wanted him to bend me over the couch. I wanted him to pull my hair, and make me his again. He was good at that part, making me his. He would pressed against a wall or against my bed, and kiss me rough with tongue. I shuddered just thinking about it.

But now, just laying with him was nice. We talked, we made out, but eventually got bored. My mom came home later, and we decided to head back to his campus.

* * *

The drive back was nicer than the drive from, because the sun was going down. I had started to get much more in touch with my, well, I guess my feminine side. I started to loosen up and not care about how other people saw me. It was getting warmer outside too, and I had been wearing shorts and tank tops when I was off work. Often times, I would get a bit self conscious about how I looked, but lately I had learned that Jordan didn't care about how I looked. Not a "I don't care about you because you don't care about yourself" but it was more of a "I love you so I don't care how you look, because to me you look perfect." I could read that in his eyes whenever he was with me. He nerved had to say it.

When we got back to his campus, he told me to drive to the parking deck. I pulled into the deck, then he told me to keep going. My body tingled suddenly, and images and visions of Jordan pulling my pants down filled my head. But I took my turns gently as we went around the corners. The drive to the top floor was no big deal, and it was getting late in the day.

"No one will be up here this late," Jordan said when we reached the top.

"Yeah," was my reply. I was a bit nervous, but mostly excited. We were in a somewhat public place, and that excited me. I parked and killed the engine, and Jordan got out. He made for the back seat of my car, and I followed him. I popped the door open, but then he paused.

"Wait here," he told me. I waited.

He walked across the parking deck to a stairway that was glass and concrete, and looked around. He came back a minute or so later, and this time I followed him. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I was so ready to have him bend me over and fuck me. My body was hot, and I wanted my clothes ripped off so bad. But I walked with my paws behind my back, and followed Jordan into the stairway.

It was empty of any other furs, and there were no cameras. _Of course there aren't any cameras you idiot _my mind told me. I swallowed, my body hot with anticipation. Jordan looked around again, then pulled me to him. He kissed me rough and hard, how he liked it, and grabbed my ass. I moaned against his lips, and pressed my paws to his chest. I gripped a fistful of his shirt when his tongue invaded my mouth, but I pushed my own tongue into his mouth. We both moaned and he pressed me hard against him.

We pulled away, and I turned around a pressed myself against the wall. I took his paws in mine and pressed them against my sides, and he pushed me against the wall. I moaned, putting my paws on the wall. I looked back at him, then said.

"So..." and pulled out a condom. He also and a small packet of lube. I shivered in absolute pleasure.

"Won't someone see?" I looked to the wide window, and Jordan frowned.

"Come this way," he said. I followed him across the stairway, to where we wouldn't be seen. It was cool in the stairway and I put an arm against the wall. Pulling my pants down with my free paw, Jordan unbuckled his own pants, and opened the packet of lube.

Then when he was ready, he took my ass in his paws, and pushed his length into my tight hole. I moaned, feeing his tip rub against me. Then he pushed into me, and a moaned against. But I kept my moaning and groaning quiet as Jordan slid easily inside of me. When he gave it to me good, like he always did, I had a tendency to moan like a horny 16 year old school girl, and my voice would carry.

So as he started to fuck me, I stayed quiet as a could, but panted heavily. He was so eager, I felt him slap me hard and fast, and he wrapped his paws around my slender hips. I moaned and pushed against him, by butt getting hot as he worked me. He put a paw on my back and pushed me down, and I belt to obey him. He was as good to me, and even when his length slipped from my bottom I moaned, bitting my bottom lip. I turned to look at me and he meet my eyes, smiling softly. He knew I loved it when he fucked me.

He pushed back into me and I moaned again, still being quiet. Our relationship, aside from us always fucking like rabbits and snuggling like bunnies, could be easily described as master and slave. Not the whole "tie me up and slap me across the face" kind of thing. That's NOT my thing at all. I'm talking more of the "slap my ass while you fuck me and put a collar around my neck and pull the chain while you fuck me" kind of thing. The little kinky things that spice up an already healthy relationship.

Back inside me Jordan fucked me hard, and I moaned, panting with my tongue out of my mouth. I held my shirt up with my paw but I looked down, in between my legs. I could see him pumping me hard and fast, and the pleasure was almost indescribable. Guys, if you've gotten the business you know what I'm talking about. When he does it REALLY good, and he does it REALLY hard. Jordan's like that all the time. He can go slow and make me moan softly, but I much prefer him to bend me over and pulverize me. He's just better that way.

He slipped out of me again and I moaned louder, but still stayed quiet. I bent my ass down, still bitting my bottom lip.

Jordan let out a whoosh of breath as I straightened up. He looked at me, then said

"Come here," and monitored for me to follow him. I obeyed again, tugging up my gym shorts. Jordan tucked himself away, and we both came down a set of stairs. There were bars on this window, and the trees rose high. There was also a rail in front of me, and I bent over on Jordan's command. I gripped the railing as he pushed himself inside of me, I moaned, and we went back to fucking.

He fucked me good and hard, his paws gripping the front of my hips as his thick length pumped and slapped against me. I moaned openly now, not bothering to be quiet. My voice had picked up that horny 16 year old girl tone, but I didn't care. Jordan was fucking me so good, so hard, and with such an even pace. I gripped the rail and pushed against him while we fucked, moaning all the while. I felt my own length shake and shudder, probably loosing a few drops of pre-cum.

Jordan slid out of me again, and I stood up, both of us breathing hard.

"Ok, lets go to your car," he said.

"Mm," I followed him quietly up the stairs, and we both pulled our pants up. We walked back outside, and walked across the parking deck to my car. It was getting cool outside, and the sun was going down. But we went back to my car, and Jordan opened the backdoor.

"Bend over," he said.

I went down immediately, my body on fire from his passionate and hard love making. He took me again as I laid down, and I stretched out my arms ahead of me. He fucked me hard now, grunting as my ass jerked with his length inside. I moaned openly again, bitting my teeth and laying my face on the car seat. While he fucked me I went back and forth, my body jerking. But he speed up, going harder and harder. I moaned as he punished me, my paws barely able to grip the seat because it felt so good.

"Oh..." Jordan moaned, still fucking me. But then, as soon as the words left his mouth, I moaned as loud as ever.

"Can I come in you?" he asked between grunts.

"Yes!" my reply was immediate as I looked back at him, my tongue hanged out of my mouth.

The words were music to his ears, and he gave me another few hard pounds, then moaned his loudest. Another hard pound, and he slowed down. I moaned as he moaned, then he pulled out of me.

I turned around as he took a step away, and I pushed my ass against the seat. My body was on fire, and I was in such a state of euphoria that I couldn't have even begun to describe it. I wiggled my ass against the seat, and Jordan grinned at me. Finally he'd cum, and he done it inside me. The sensation didn't feel as intense as I had imagined, but all the same it was incredible.

"That was so fucking good!" I moaned the words. His length was still rock hard, and I reached out, taking it in my paw. I pulled at him and he came closer, moaning. I pulled his length hard and a drop of cum came out. I licked it away eagerly, tasting his sweetness. He moaned and pulled me off though, and I whined in protest.

"Stop, Im sensitive after I cum," he breathed hard. I frowned at him. A mistake. Well, not really a mistake.

He saw me frown and stepped towards me, putting a paw to my neck. I opened my mouth immediately and let my tongue hang out, but he pressed me agisnt the back seat now. He pushed his other paw in between my legs, then pushed a finger into my still hot hole.

"Don't you frown at me," he said quietly. He started to push his finger into my hole and I moaned, my tongue still hanging out. "You know who your master is," he said. His lips brushed mine, and he kissed me hard as he kept his paw on my neck. It was a sensation I'd always dreamed of feeling. Having someone dominate me, but on a subdued level. Jordan was defiantly that someone.

He came away from me and I moaned as his finger left my hole. I moaned in absolute protest, but didn't frown at him. I liked it when he was rough with me, but I had my limits. If he got to rough with me it would bother me, but so far he knew what I could handle.

* * *

After we both pulled our pants up, I opened the back of my car and Jordan and I sat there to watch the sunset. Does that sound really gay? Well that's fine by me. I'm more than happy to say it. I laid against Jordan's shoulder, and he kept his arm around my shoulders.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he replied.

I blushed brightly and pressed myself against him. I was in love. I realized it now. As I watched the sun sink over the top of a distant building, I took Jordan's paw, and he squeezed it. I blushed deeper and pressed myself to him. He planted a kiss on my forehead, and I thought my cheeks would light of fire. But they only stayed a bright red color.

The sun got lower and lower, and I kept Jordan by my side for as long as he let me. But he got up eventually, taking me by the paw, and wrapped me in a hug. It was a "I'll see you next time" hug but it made me frown all the same. I knew I would see him again, but right now I didn't want to go. But when we pulled apart, Jordan kissed me long and deep. I took his face in my paws and stood on my toes, and he wrapped his arms around me. I moaned against his lips and he kissed me firmly.

When he pulled away, he smiled at me. He was telling me he loved me without even saying it, and I smiled back at him. I would see him again soon.