
Story by Ferrum on SoFurry

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A hyena and vulture managed to kidnap a gazelle and plan to have fun with her. Well, she doesn't have fun. Includes hard vore, rape, and necrophilia in a way.

Chapter 2! Cleanup!

(OH ALSO: This story contains hard vore, rape, and hard language, so if you're not about that, don't about it)

The front door's hinges whined as it slowly opened, a wave of chlorinated air flowing through Bloodbeak's feathers as he stepped inside.

"Rifki, you need to lock your door! Anyone could sneak in here." He looked around the entryway for the hyena, but he was nowhere to be found. Instead, he followed the chemical smell to a bathroom at the back of the house, ignoring the muffled sounds coming from the adjacent bedroom.

Inside the bathroom the hyena was bent over the sink, jamming what looked like a long toilet brush into the drain. The air burned the bird's eyes as he coughed and took a step back. "Jesus, come on. Open a window or something before you pass out."

Rifki looked up from his work, plucking one of his earphones out with the handle of the brush. "Oh hey, didn't hear you come in! What's up?"

"Well first off you left the front door open, and second-" He reached for the window and opened the slats, breathable air flowing into the toxic room. "You're going to get yourself caught or killed, working like this."

The hyena frowned and tossed the brush into the sink. "The fuck, you're the one telling me to keep the windows closed when I'm working!" Rifki pulled off the elbow-long gloves and threw them in with the brush. "So what do you want, come over just to tell me how to clean again?"

"No, listen, I got another job from the cops and I was wondering if you wanted to help. Why -are- you cleaning, anyway?" Bloodbeak's eyes still stung, not used to any kind of cleanliness in the hyena's house.

"Fuckin' gazelle shit the bed. Didn't have time to clean her out before she did it, but she's strung up now." A few muffled whimpers leaked from the bedroom, making Rifki snarl. "So what's this job? Anything fun?" His ears were perked back up again, the anger in his voice replaced by curiosity.

"Nothing exciting, just a bloody homicide. Victim has no family, and the body's still fresh, so it's ours for the taking if you want."

"Eh, why not." The hyena shrugged and pulled out the other earphone. "I was planning on keeping this one for a while anyway, so I could use some more food. Do you know what species it is?"

"Don't know, didn't ask. When will you be ready?" The vulture was already hungry, and the thought of fresh meat was starting to make his mouth water.

"Just gimme a few minutes. Gotta make sure girl's restraints are gonna hold. Maybe give her a snack." Rifki giggled to himself, teeth bared in a sadistic grin. He went into the guest bedroom and the vulture followed.

The room was brightly lit, its walls discolored and the floors stained with various fluids. In the center of the room was a king sized bed attached to the floor, its steel posts bolted to the ceiling. Suspended face up from the posts was a bloodied gazelle, her eyes widening as she saw the two furs enter the bedroom. Her screams were muffled by a thick gag as she tried hopelessly to escape. Bloodbeak grimaced at the sight, wishing the hyena would work on cleaning this room, too.

Rifki surveyed his bound victim, making sure all the restraints were secure. Moving around to the head of the bed, he grabbed the terrified gazelle by the antlers and twisted her head to face him. "Now, if you move or try to get out or do anything... Hahaha, well, you've seen that other guy in the corner, right?" He twisted her head again so she could see the mutilated corpse of some long dead fur chained to the wall. "Anyway, we'll be back in a bit. Have fun!" He let go and gave her a hard right hook into her back, the sound of cracking ribs nearly drowned out by the muffled screams.

With a laugh, Rifki turned back to the vulture. "Alright, let's go!"

They arrived at the crime scene, located in the dense of the ghettos. They both got out, Bloodbeak locking up as Rifki dragged out the cleanup supplies. When a fur dies, the police don't always take care of the bodies. Instead, an outside agency will come clean up the mess. In nicer parts of town a fur would hire a nicer cleaning crew, like Mary's White as Snow or Bleach and Bolt. When a mess needs cleaned and the landlord just wants the place reopened, they call Bloodbeak's Clean Scene.

Bloodbeak unlocked the apartment's main doors with the previous owner's keys and walked through the halls until he found a door covered with police tape. He tore it down and unlocked the door, letting Rifki carry in two heavy duffel bags. The main room wasn't so bad, if a little bare. A few dried bloody footsteps led the way back to a bedroom where the victim was.

Lying on the blood soaked mattress was a lion with his mane and genitals roughly cut off, his tongue hanging through a slit cut in his neck. Definitely drug related, probably also a pedophile, judging by the other marks.

Rifki stuck his neck around the corner. "Haha that sucks, I wonder if they killed him first." The bleeding around the lion's crotch didn't suggest so. "Anyway, he doesn't smell too old. Know how long he's been here?"

Bloodbeak shrugged. "I got the call about three hours ago, but I don't know how long ago it was called in to the cops, or even how long ago he died." The vulture squinted, confused. "Why do you care?"

"Just curious. I'm hungry now, wanted to know if he was still warm. Here, gimme his leg." He set down the duffel bags he brought from the jeep and pulled out a hacksaw.

"Hey, we're working, you gotta suit up first. Can't use this guy's shower unless you want to clean that, too." Bloodbeak was already putting on one of the white painter's jumpsuits.

"Yeah I know, I just want a snack. Think this guy has a microwave?" He finished sawing through the lion's ankle and started on his knee, tossing the foot into a garbage bag Bloodbeak was holding.

Bloodbeak pulled out another saw and started working on the lion's opposite hip. Tearing through the final bits of flesh, Rifki jumped up with the lion's leg and yelled "Be right back!" as he ran into the kitchen.

The lion had been dead long enough that he didn't bleed much, not that it mattered on the blood soaked bed. It did mean easier cleanup and transfer, which made the vulture happy. A loud fizzing and flickering of the lights, followed by the hyena's surprised yelp from the kitchen made him pause in his work. A minute later and Rifki walked back in, the lion's calf in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other.

"Guy had a bullet in his leg, messed up the microwave. Musta been there for a while." He stood watching Bloodbeak work, eating the calf like a drumstick.

The vulture stopped and glared at the hyena. "Stop fucking around and help me, or you're not getting any more of this." With a grumble, Rifki stuck the knife in his food and dropped it to the bed to suit up.

Half an hour passed and the lion was divided up into multiple garbage bags for later storage. Bloodbeak was scrubbing at the walls to get the blood out, though it was already soaked in too deep. Rifki sat on the floor, deck scrubbing the wooden slats hopelessly as he complained about the fun part being over. The leg sat mostly eaten at the foot of the bed. Bloodbeak sighed and backed up from the still stained wall.

"They're going to have to repaint the walls, this isn't coming out. What about the floors?"

Rifki sat back on his legs and shook his head. "Hey, I tried. I soaked up as much as I could but it's not coming out of this wood." Bloodbeak shrugged.

"Alright, fuck it. Nothing we can do. This mattress is ruined, too. Get that plastic sheeting out, we'll seal it up and take it to the dump. Gather up everything else, too. I think we're done."

With a mattress strapped to the jeep and a dismembered, de-membered lion in the back, the two drove off. Bloodbeak turned to Rifki.

"So, how much of this one do you want?"

The hyena shrugged. "I dunno, I mean I have that gazelle to feed, but I also just got a shipment of fresh meat in today."

Bloodbeak nodded knowingly. Rifki ran a butcher shop a few blocks from his house. He didn't live in the ghetto, but it was near the edges of it and the neighborhood was trashy. "Hey, I never asked. Do you ever sell anyone anything we get? Have you ever sold anyone fur meat?"

Rifki grinned. "Nah, but sometimes I want to. I get bitchy customers, 'Oh, I want the freshest meat you have, not this stuff that's been out all day!' I fucking hate that. I usually just cut new stuff and rub my balls on it, tell them it's the freshest I have. I have had a few guys come in and ask where they could get some fur meat though."

"Man, people are fucked up." The vulture chuckled to himself and the hyena let out a high, choppy laugh.

"Fuckin' right. Hey, hang out at my place for a while, I'll cook up this lion and you can do stuff with the gazelle. Sound good?"

Bloodbeak grinned. "Can't wait."

Rifki may not have been the cleanest, kindest, or even the smartest, he could cook. The smell of cooking meat filled the whole house, even back to the guest room where Bloodbeak was alone with the gazelle. She whimpered as he approached, and tried jerking her head away as he reached for the gag.

"Come on, stop moving, I'm trying to ungag you. Good. Now, has he fucked you yet?" Bloodbeak winced and leaned away as she screamed again. Grabbing her horns, he forced the gag back into her mouth before stepping out.

"Hey Rifki! You haven't fucked her yet have you?"

"Nah, but go ahead man! Just uhh, don't break her yet, alright? None of that psychological stuff, I want her fighting when I get around to her. You got half an hour before dinner's ready!"

Bloodbeak grinned and pulled the door back shut. "Hear that? Half an hour of fun! I think that's plenty of time, don't you? And if you're good, you might even get to eat with us! Now, where's..." The vulture suddenly ran out of the room, back to the kitchen where Rifki had the trash bags open. He dug through them and pulled out one of the lion's forearms, waving it at the hyena. Rifki just giggled and kept cooking.

Once he had the bedroom door shut again, Bloodbeak lowered the gazelle onto the bed but kept the chains tight, her body face up and spreadeagle. He waved the arm at her.

"See this? Got it off a guy earlier today, so it's still kinda fresh. Rigor mortis seems to be in full effect though, so..." He tried unballing the fist the arm was making, but couldn't unclench it. "So yeah this is going to be uncomfortable."

He lubed up the fist and placed it against her ass, pressing hard, but her struggles knocked him away. The vulture tightened the chains and managed to strap her torso to the bed before trying again. It was a blunt force, but after he put his weight into it, the fist popped into her asshole, followed by a good few inches of the arm. The gazelle struggled and shrieked through the gag, barely managing to shake the bolted down bed.

Bloodbeak looked down at his pants, noticing for the first time the rock hard bulge pressing against his zipper. He undid his pants and let his already dripping cock get some air. The gazelle was still struggling and didn't see what was about to happen. With expert balance, the vulture put his foot on the amputated end of the arm and leaned against it, enjoying the rising screams ringing in his ears. He pushed against it until all but a few inches of the forearm stuck out.

The guest had stopped struggling as much, either from shock or exhaustion, and Bloodbeak took his chance. Jumping onto the bed with his cock in one hand, he shoved himself into her exposed vagina. The first thrust made him shudder, a slow wave of pleasure surrounding his shaft that spreac through his whole body. He slid back and forth a few times, enjoying the raw feel of fucking another fresh, living fur. Only after the initial rush did he start to notice the extra tightness caused by the massive object in her ass. He kneed the amputated stump of an arm, shoving it in another inch and making the gazelle scream again. The tightness and screams were enough to send him over the edge. Burying himself deep inside of her, Bloodbeak emptied himself into the gazelle. When he finished, only soft whimpers came from Rifki's guest. He collapsed on top of her, playing with her breasts with a free claw.

"Ahh, that was nice. I like having someone so vocal, you know? Mff, the screams... I can't tell you how nice it is. I wonder how long Rifki will keep you around; it's been a while since he's had something as exotic as you. Well either way, you're fucked." He pulled out of the used gazelle, wiping his cock on her thigh. He carefully grasped the lion's arm and slowly pulled it out, sighing in annoyance as feces and specks of blood stuck to its fur. He quickly rinsed it in the bathtub and left it for later. Dinner should be ready by now, he thought.

"All done, food's ready!" Rifki's voice sounded faintly from the kitchen. Perfect timing, he thought, as he washed up.

"Ooh, smells good. Can't wait to see hat you cooked up this time. Oh, thanks for the fuck. Her ass might be a little loose for a while, though." He cut off a slice of the lion's thigh, its soft meat almost melting in his mouth. "Oh Christ, this -is- good." Rifki grinned triumphantly at the compliment.

"Yeah, but that might be all the coke in his system. Hey I'm kidding, he's clean. Enough. But yeah, that's fine, I'm probably going to keep her for a while. Uncommon species and all." He stuffed a slice of meat into his mouth and bit off a chunk. "Hm, nice. Hey, clean up when you're done, I'm gonna go feed the girl, yeah?" Rifki stood up, taking a big portion of the roast with him to the bedroom, leaving Bloodbeak to enjoy the meal by himself.