Biota Book 2: Brave on many fronts

Story by Biota on SoFurry

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#2 of Biota

Heyo part 2 please leave a comment on what you think, love or hate it!

Biota: Book 2

Brave on many fronts

If you have not read the first story you should before reading this one. The first story was more of world building and introducing the characters.

Vraalson's truck was a large, larger than normal for a pickup truck. It looked like he had multiple scientific equipment that Chris could not identify. Chris felt a little nervous, he was about to enter a vehicle of practically a complete stranger. Although Vraalson was a robot he did seem genuine and he did save Chris from getting punched in the face. Besides, Chris felt like he could use some real excitement in his life.

Vraalson placed his axe in a special mount in the hull of the truck as well as placing Chris's beach chair in the hull. He then sat in the driver's seat with Chris sitting next to him in the passenger seat.

Vraalson: Don't worry this is a short trip.

Chris: No worries I have nothing better to do.

Vraalson: Good I have lots to teach you today on maintaining my specimens.

Chris: Specimens? As in animals?

Vraalson: Yes, I specialize in invertebrates of multiple phylums, nothing cute and cuddly like what you Gaians like.

Chris: I don't mind

Vraalson turned on the truck and it made a low humming noise and it started to move.

Chris: Woah! That's not the sound I thought this big truck's engine would make!

Vraalson: That's because this is electric, we Solbots have moved away from fossil fuels over 230 years ago.

Chris: Wow...and we are still trying to find a clean energy source.

Vraalson: It's all around you...

Chris: Hm?

Vraalson: Solar energy! You have practically infinite energy all around you during the day yet you Gaians have not put that much research into solar energy, or research into anything for that matter.

Chris: Well...our technology is getting smaller and faster.

Vraalson: That's all fine and good but it is fleeting if you don't have a clean energy to power it. And yet you Gaians call yourselves "children of the nature goddess."

Chris: Well...we honor her in other ways.

Vraalson just makes a metallic grunt. As they drove they passed many shops with people walking around and enjoying the simple life.

Chris: How advanced are the Solbots?

Vraalson: More than you could imagine. Let's just say if you stare at the moon, someone is staring back at you.

Chris: No way! Really?

Vraalson: Indeed, while wolf Gaians are busy howling at the moon we are busy mining hydrogen3 from craters in its poles.

As they drove they left the city and entered a more rural part of the island that was surrounded by mangroves until it opened up to another beach with people lounging about. On the water's edge was a large black and grey building with a dock with a ship and a large garage that opened as Vraalson pressed a button in the truck. Chris has seen this building when he scouted the island for jobs. It's a decent walk from his house but it looks so uninviting he did not check to see if anyone was hiring here.

Chris: Oh is that your lab on the beach? Why do people still loaf around here?

Vraalson: I seriously rarely see your kind do anything productive, but then again this is a vacation spot. So I guess I'm being a hard ass for no reason.

People moved out of the way as Vraalson drove on the sand and into the garage. The garage itself looked like a mad scientist's lab. On the right wall was what looked like some sort of super computer. On the left was what looked like a dissecting table with tools lying on a counter, and all around were cabinets. On the back wall were multiple doors, Vraalson points at the far left one and says.

Vraalson: This way is the specimens. (Next he points at the middle door) This is, or was a bathroom, but since I have no need for its intended purposes I just use it as a supply closet. (He then points to the rightmost door) And this way is a hall that leads to my office, my study, and my library. Do not enter this door without my permission.

Chris: Okay

Vraalson: Good, now follow me.

They enter the door that leads to the specimens; the room was large and had the sounds of filters and buzzing of oxygenation machines for tanks filled with marine life. Chris could identify only half of the animals; they ranged from corals and sponges to arthropods and cephalopods. There was even a small area for terrestrial animals with menacing looking spiders and other critters. Vraalson showed Chris how to clean the filters; clean the tanks, feed the animals, and monitor and record the animal's progress.

Vraalson: (Tapping on the glass of the menacing spider's tank) I'm testing a growth gene on this spider. You must gas it with this spray can to knock them out cold for a few moments, when they are dormant you must measure the length of their abdomen, leg-span, and record their weight in grams.

Chris now started regretting working here, the spiders looked so scary and the fact Vraalson is making them grow _bigger_scares him even more. Chris's fears were quite noticeable with his ears flopping down and him making a panicking mewling sound.

Vraalson: (Makes a metallic sigh) Look Nephila clavipes is a very kind and docile spider, its venom is very weak and they never bite people ever. Their web is so strong; their Australian cousins can catch birds. Since their web is so strong they have no need to be so aggressive because their web will do all the work for them. That's why I want them to grow bigger, so they can produce more webs that can be used to make simple things like clothing and to make powerful things like a wire stronger then steel. (He hands Chris the spray can) This is not meant for your safety, it is meant to make them more corporative, now gas them.

As Chris holds the can you can hear the marble inside rattle with him quivering.

Chris: O-ok but I-I still don't want to touch them with my bear hands.

Vraalson makes a motion with his single digital eye that one might equate to rolling his eye and he fetches a box of plastic gloves. Chris reluctantly puts them on and notices the gloves have an extra finger. Vraalson says nothing about it so Chris composes himself and lifts the lid off of the tank and sprays the spiders. The arachnids go limp in their webs and Chris summons enough bravery to gently lift them out of the tank and onto a meter stick next to the tank.

Vraalson: Ah you are very gentle, more than myself, good, good!

Chris: Wow I can't believe I'm doing this! I'm so proud of myself!

Vraalson: See this spider has a yellow tag? Use the different colors of the tags to differentiate the individual spiders.

Chris nods and writes down the spider's weight and length of its dimensions on a clipboard under the tank and places the spiders back on their webs and closes the lid of the tank. Vraalson then shows Chris that the tanks next to the spiders are filled with crickets that he uses to feed some of his specimens. Each specimen had a different thing for Chris to measure. Some were how fast the creature caught its prey to what color is it today to simply write down the pH, salinity, and chemical levels in the water of the specimen's tank. But Vraalson saved the best for last.

Vraalson: (While walking over to a large tank in its own cubicle room) And these are Sepia latimanus .

Chris: (While making a joyful feline squee) OH MY GOD CUTTLEFISH! (And then starts to purr loudly)

Vraalson: You know of these animals?

Chris: Yes! Yes! I watched tons of documentaries! And read multiple books about these guys!

He then puts his paws up to his face and wiggles his fingers like tentacles at the cuttlefish. The cuttlefish then start flashing bright colors and then swim up to Chris.

Vraalson: Hmmm they seem to like you, probably because this is their first time seeing an anthromorph of any kind.

He then grabs flash cards that are under the tank

Vraalson: Watch what I taught them.

He then holds up multiple cards that read out "2+3=?" All five cuttlefish line up and display on their bodies' five dots like you would see on a six sided die.

Chris: Amazing! You taught them math?!

Vraalson: Yep, only addition and subtraction. I keep giving them medicine that increases their intelligence. One day I will get you to teach them multiplication. Here you try. (And hands Chris the flashcards)

Chris holds up cards that spell "6-4=?" The cuttlefish then display on their bodies' two dots. Chris mews with glee and shows them more math problems. To his surprise they got them all right!

Vraalson: Okay, okay that's enough math for one day, time to reward them.

Vraalson shows Chris a mini-fridge with fish inside and a bottle of pills.

Vraalson: Just give them ONE fish, and put one pill behind each gill. I taught them to share and not eat their sibling's fish, however, if one does get greedy let me know, I know how to punish them. (And then glares at a cuttlefish with a green tag.) And that's all you need to do in regards to this room. I want you here every day 9-5, if you finish early I might send you off to do some extra work. Oh and if you can't make a day call me. (He then writes down a number and hands it to Chris)

Chris: What kind of phone do you have?

Vraalson: One built into my head, just call me if you have to miss work or if you have any questions. And if you do call me and I don't answer, I'm busy, trust me I heard you call...I have no choice but to hear it.

Chris washes his hands and says his goodbyes to Vraalson

Chris: This job is so cool! If I had friends I'd be bragging so hard!

Vraalson: (As they walk to his truck) You are going to learn a lot on this job, Chris. I look forward to being your boss and teacher. Do you need a ride home?

Chris: Nope! I Live close to here! Over that sand dune and up that boardwalk leads to my house.

Vraalson: Really? Then why were you at the beach on the North end of the island?

Chris: That beach does not have some giant ominous laboratory on the water's edge...

Vraalson: Right...I still don't understand why people lounge on this beach even with my presence.

Vraalson pats Chris on the head and sends him on his way with his beach chair. On the way home Chris bumps into Tony again...

Tony: Hey! Hey you! Femboi!

Chris: Oh it's you...look don't make me summon my robot boss! I have his number!

Tony: Woah! You got me all wrong babe! I just want to chill wit u!

Chris: Again no, you're not my type, you already thrown a punch at me, go away.

Tony: (Frustrated) C'mon babe! Give me another chance they don't call me the alpha hunk for no reason!

Chris: I bet you call yourself that, look what happened to that pink cheetah guy you are probably fucking?

Tony: Hey, hey, he's just some whore I can have effortlessly, but you, you are different!

Chris: I'm not some pervert with my ass hanging out.

Tony: Those cut jeans beg to differ my sweet; anyway you are more...highbrow.

Chris: Well Gaston I'm still not interested in you.

As Chris walked home he was still being pestered by Tony. He was even reluctant to go to his house and let Tony see which house was his fearing Tony would always be stalking him. But there was a blessing in disguise...Feminists. As he approached his neighborhood there were women in red and burgundy camo uniforms and power armor of the same color, one lioness shouted out.

General Lockus: YOU THERE MALE! Let one of our soldiers quarter in your house! Pay your tribute for Feminism this way!


Tony sprinted off with two Feminist scouts chasing after him. Chris complies reluctantly.

Chris: Uh...sure...sure just as long as I get the bed...

General Lockus: DENIED! Like I'd let one of my soldiers sleep in the same building as a pig!

Chris: But where will I sleep?

General Lockus: I don't know or care manpig! Go sleep on some park bench like the rest of the homeless! Now show Private Kipel to her temporary quarters!

Chris sluggishly walked as Kipel, a tan canine Gaian, chewed bubble gum and listened to her mp3 player, which was on max volume, Chris could even hear all the lyrics about killing men. Kipel was in a red and burgundy uniform, and on her shoulder was a black female symbol with a warhammer in the circle part of the symbol. Chris was now approaching his house; it was in the shape of a large igloo with windows and doors made to look like a cat face and the ears that served as a skylight. He unlocked the front door and stepped inside. Indoors his house had one main room with his beanbag-like bed in the center and a counter that encircled the house that had a kitchen section, a dining section, an entertainment section, and a washing machine section. The only other room was his bathroom.

Private Kipel: (shouting over her mp3 player) WHERES YOUR BATHROOM? I HAVE TO TAKE A MASSIVE SHIT!

Chris points at the restroom door and Kipel snatches his house keys from his hands


And with that Chris grabbed a change of clothes and his favorite books and left his least he knows someone who might let him sleep indoors...