Chapter 20: The Virgin Princess

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#20 of The Mating Season 3

Chapter 20: The Virgin Princess

Kilyan knelt there on paws and knees, terrified for Keeno when that black, winged monster bore him away in her arms. It was more than obvious to him that Keeno was about to be raped. God, what was this place? This place where wolves had wings? Where females had dicks and raped each other in the light of the moon? But Kilyan barely had time to wonder. The teenage shemales went happily back to their orgy, but Kilyan felt a length of rope being tied securely around his neck, and looking up, he saw Black Ears smiling down at him. Her dark eyes were mischievous. He was reminded with a pang of Lea, of Lea's playful eyes when Kilyan was so tired after a long day of patrol and yet Lea insisted on caressing him into a hard-on, insisted on sitting on him until he came. God, he missed Lea. And Black Ears' silver fur reminded him of Ohana. He moaned sadly as Black Ears tugged sharply on his rope and led him away. Was he to crawl after her like a pet? He climbed to his feet at once, and she stopped, gazing up at him. But he was relieved when she only smiled: he hadn't forgotten the terrible strength of those slender paws, and apparently, neither had she.

Black Ears started away again and Kilyan followed her, walking at her side so that the rope tied to his neck hung slack. She was such a little thing. It was maddening to him that she had such power over him, that she possessed such strength. If not for her strength, he wouldn't be half as afraid. But he was afraid of her, and at the same time, his dick was rigidly hard for her. He couldn't stop staring at the slight movements of her high breasts as she walked. She lifted her paw to flick a stray lock of mane back from her eyes and those breasts were smashed together for one delicious instant before her paw dropped away again.

Kilyan groaned. Why must he be left to suffer this constant craving? At home in the summer village, if one of his wives saw him in distress, pining for them, they happily took that craving away. Half the time, he didn't even have to ask -- especially not with Ohana. Ohana always seemed to find his desire cute, and she would giggle at him as she led him into their bedroom, and while Lea was away, she would fuck him like she'd never see him again. Her passionate cries and his deep growls would fill the hut. And that craving would go down. And life was sweet.

Glancing behind Black Ears at her swishing tail and plump little buttocks, Kilyan dearly missed those times. He wondered what Lea and Ohana were doing now, what his little ones were doing, if they were behaving, if Ohana had had to administer any spankings to wild Zane. He thought of his mother crying beside the fire that last day he saw her, thought of his father sick in bed, and a terrible ache filled his heart. He bowed his head as they walked and it was a while before he realized they had left the village. They were in the jungle, passing beneath the trees, passing through beams of moonlight as it reached pale blue fingers to caress the underbrush.

Kilyan glanced at Black Ears again and realized she was talking to him in that language of hers. She glanced at him sideways and smiled. It was such a girlish, such a youthful smile that he smiled back. She was so small, so happy and young. Kilyan was reminded of his little sister before her first mating season or even of Lea. Giggly and young. Girlish. Happy. Free.

He wanted to ask Black Ears so many questions in that moment. What was that alpha wolf? Was it her mother? Her father? He realized that it could have been either one: the shemales seemed to fuck each other and thus reproduce. And Kilyan wondered what life was like for the shemales on this island. They didn't have warriors: they didn't need them, for there weren't any neighboring villages -- at least there didn't seem to be -- and all the shemales possessed a super strength that Kilyan didn't even want to think about. And unlike the rest of the world, there was no malice about sexuality: everyone here was the same. They all had the same set of organs and there was no other gender to feel attracted to: they were both. It amazed Kilyan, the simplicity of their lives here, while the outside world was roaring and raving about such ridiculous things as who wanted to fuck what. He thought of Aren and how he'd been tossed out by his father for being a tail chaser, and he thought of his own father who was attracted not only to males but to females too. And yet, if Kel tried to have a husband and a wife the way Kilyan had his two wives, he would have been cast out as a lone wolf in a heartbeat. Perhaps even stoned to death.

Why was the world like that? Kilyan didn't want to think about it. He went back to studying Avi, her body, her face. And he sensed a goodness in her. Despite the brutal rape of his mouth, despite how violently she had participated in the orgy back at the village, he sensed a gentle soul. And he sensed suddenly that there was some kind of reason for those yellow bones he saw everywhere back in the shemales village. The sorcerer Zaldon had once told him a story about wolves in distant lands who worshipped their ancestors: they used their bones in everyday decorations. It was supposed to honor their memory. Sixteen-year-old Kilyan had shivered at the thought: wearing his grandmother's bones did not appeal to him. But looking at the bones in Black Ears' mane and the reverent way in which she touched them every now and then, Kilyan thought he was beginning to understand her culture and her ways at last. He felt an immense relief. Maybe they weren't going to be eaten after all! Thank god for Zaldon's stories!

As they continued on, Kilyan realized that the trees were beginning to thin, and he smelled the cool scent of water up ahead. Alert now, his eyes peered through the trees in the distance, and he realized they were drawing near to a pool of water. It stood glowing in the moonlight, reflecting the moon and the stars and the trees pressed around it almost like glass.

Kilyan saw Black Ears pick up a banana that had fallen from a tree. She casually peeled it open, and Kilyan was shocked when she dipped it in her pussy and offered it to him, jibbering a question at him in her language. He bit the banana at once, closing his eyes when he tasted her juices on it, and she giggled at him. She led him to the edge of the pool and they sat side by side, dipping their feet. Kilyan couldn't stop watching Black Ears. She was sucking on the banana, smiling at him out of the corners of those slanted eyes. She knew damn well that it looked as if she was sucking a cock. He wanted to tell her not to tease him like this, that he was tormented enough, but he knew she wouldn't understand, so he grabbed her cock instead and squeezed it. That made her stop. She choked on the banana and had to swallow it quickly. She playfully squeezed Kilyan's cock in retaliation, then leaned over and gave him a loving kiss on the lips. Her black eyes sparkled at him and she stroked his mane.

Kilyan sighed. What was he, her pet? He grabbed the rope tied around his neck and yanked it. "Take this off!" She only stared at him as if she couldn't believe he had spoken. Kilyan realized for the first time that she had probably thought he couldn't even talk!

"Take this off!" Kilyan repeated, the green eyes commanding.

Black Ears stuck out her bottom lip in that teenage pout. She had realized what he was telling her to do, of course, but she seemed to have no intention of doing it. She snapped a word at him, and he knew it was "No!"

"You're not as confident as you pretend," Kilyan said to her, pinching her chin in his finger and thumb.

Black Ears jerked her chin away, rambled something off at him, and poked him sharply in the chest. Kilyan laughed. It was something Ohana would have done if she was mad at him. And he could see that she was shaken by his touch. Just his touch on her chin had made her lips tremble. He saw her cock stiffen a little -- not completely hard but very near. It lay quietly against her shapely little thigh and her legs were spread: he could see her pussy lips were swollen for him.

Seeing Kilyan's staring, Black Ears snapped her legs shut. Oh, that was too cute! And her breasts jiggling from her sudden movement were irresistible. He reached over and cupped one. It was so soft and high in his paw, so supple when he squeezed it. She closed her eyes and shuddered, holding herself. She looked as if she wanted to pull away, but she didn't. And Kilyan realized for the first time that she was frightened of this power he had over her, this power to give her pleasures she apparently did not know with the shemales. What was it about his touch that made her tremble that way? Tremble like a virgin, tremble as if she'd never had her breasts caressed or squeezed?

Perhaps it was because he was a real male. His body was not curvy but angled, his chest were devoid of breasts and broad, his arms were bulging as were his calves, and his fur was not downy soft like a female's but rough and almost coarse. He even smelled differently than a female. It occurred to Kilyan that Black Ears had probably never even seen a male before, let alone had been touched by one.

Kilyan rubbed her breast now, barely letting his paw graze it. She trembled again, watching in dismay as her nipple grew very hard. She grew even more dismayed when Kilyan leaned over and gave that nipple a slow, wet suck. He moaned. That nipple pulling in his lips was the most exquisite thing. He sucked it again, gently tasting her, grazing his tongue over her. His kisses traveled over her breasts, up her neck to her cheek, and he whispered in her ear as his fingers found her pussy, "Take this off me!" He put her little paw on the rope and closed her fingers around it. She rambled something off in her language and looked up at him with helpless black eyes.

"Just take it off me," Kilyan whispered, smiling at her. "And I'll give you this!" He closed her other paw over his rigid cock, and, god, it felt so good to have a female's slender paw there.

He smiled when she blushed. It was strange to think he had ever looked so bashful, so embarrassed and confused, but he knew he had. He still did from time to time. But it was almost shocking to see Black Ears this way -- Black Ears, who had raped his mouth the very first night they came here! Black Ears, who had brutally raped another shemale before his very eyes! But as Kilyan's fingers slipped again in Black Ears' pussy, he realized why Black Ears was so afraid: she was a virgin still. Ah, so she had raped but had never been raped! And it all suddenly made sense: who would rape the daughter of that terrible winged black thing?

"Ah, little Black Ears, you are unbroken," Kilyan whispered in her ear and he fingered her deeply, realizing for the first time that that hymen was a stiff shield his fingers could barely sink past. When he pulled back she was blushing again, and he knew she had gotten the gist of his words: the tone of his voice said it all.

Kilyan pulled his fingers from her and guided her paw into a stroke over his cock. "Do you want me to?" he whispered, looking deeply in her eyes.

Black Ears' mouth hung open, and she seemed paralyzed by the intensity of his gaze, but she nodded dumbly and blushed again, drawing her leg up and closing it against the other as if she was suddenly embarrassed to have him looking at her sex.

Kilyan pulled again at the rope collar. "Then take this off of me!" he whispered, his eyes never shifting from hers. "I am not your pet!"

Black Ears seemed to understand: Kilyan's eyes were flashing his indignation. She scurried up on her knees and fumbled to untie the rope. When it fell away, Kilyan pressed her to the ground, but she stopped him. She was breathless and frightened. Her little breasts were heaving. She touched a paw to her collarbone and whispered, "Avi."

Kilyan blinked at her.

Black Ears smiled at him and repeated, "Avi!"

Kilyan smiled as it dawned on him. She was telling him her name.

"Avi," he whispered, smiling at her. He touched his chest and said to her, "Kilyan."

Avi smiled, even as her thick lashes fluttered out tears. "Kilyan!" she repeated, as if she liked the sound of it.

As Kilyan leaned down over Avi, she gazed up at him in wonder. It made him laugh. Her breasts were heaving against him as he kissed her cheek, her neck, and she rambled something off. Something breathless and worried. He paused and looked down at her. She was still afraid.

"Avi," Kilyan whispered, cupping her face, "I'll be gentle!" He knew she didn't understand his words, but his eyes were loving and kind as he looked at her, and she melted under him, smiling gratefully. God, how her eyes shined up at him! She almost looked lovesick. And he understood suddenly how he must've looked to Lea when they were pups: Avi looked as if she felt the same way he felt for Lea -- she adored him! It amazed him and he laughed again, kissing her cheek.

Kilyan buried hungry kisses in Avi's neck and his paws roamed all over her body, smoothing over her buttocks, squeezing those sweet little thighs. His paws ran over her hips and up to cup her breasts, then he suckled them each, moaning that he had wanted to do this to a female for such a long while now. She trembled beneath his suckling and her little arms held tightly to him. Hadn't she ever been suckled before? Was the alpha wolf's daughter exempt even from that?

Kilyan's paws traveled down again and he spread her little thighs wide. He would need them wide to get inside that tight crevice. He couldn't believe how small, how tight that hymen was. He could barely stick two fingers inside. She started trembling beneath him, as if she knew what was about to happen. Kilyan wanted to tell her to relax, and even though he knew she couldn't understand his words, he whispered them in her ear and smoothed his paws up and down her thighs, her waist, kissing her to calm her. She seemed to sense what he was trying to tell her and he felt her relax just a little, but her thighs would keep shaking.

Kilyan held her tightly in his arms, then slowly sank himself inside. She whimpered in his ear and he paused. He had never taken a female's virginity before and he was suddenly as frightened as she, but she kissed his cheeks and he knew when she jibbered eagerly at him that she wanted him to keep going. Kilyan sank himself deeper and let out a delighted moan when her hot walls enfolded him. But she seemed to be in pain, for he felt her body tense. He kissed her wetly on her neck, her cheeks, then closed his mouth over hers. After practicing so much with Aren, he should have been a kissing master, and apparently, he was by now: Avi melted under his kisses and seemed to forget her pain. He moved inside of her carefully, taking his time, his body moving in one slow rhythm on top of her, and the more she moaned, the deeper he pressed his hips.

"Am I hurting you very badly?" Kilyan whispered, communicating his worry with a frown.

Avi smiled at him with sparkling black eyes again and shook her head, grabbing his buttocks in fistfuls in response. Ohana used to do this to him. Ohana loved squeezing Kilyan's ass. Kilyan smiled as he thought of his wife, of all those nights she had whispered in his ear that he had the perfect ass. He laughed.

"You know," Kilyan whispered happily to Avi, "you remind me of my wife. Ohana. She was as lovely as you at your age -- she's still lovely, of course. But, god, when I was sixteen I couldn't keep it down around her."

He looked down at Avi to find her smiling at him in wonder. Maybe it still hadn't sunken in that he could talk. Or maybe she just liked the sound of his voice: her ears were pricked forward, much the way Tyne's had whenever Kilyan spoke in front of him. And her black eyes drank him in. They were fixed on his face, intent, adoring.

"I wish I could steal you, Avi," Kilyan whispered in her ear. "I'd steal you away from this place, make you my third wife." He laughed to himself. "And then Loryn would probably challenge me for you. You'd probably be happier as Loryn's wife anyway: I don't like cock, but he does, and he wouldn't mind you fucking him."

Avi looked at Kilyan with large eyes and then rattled something off at him. He heard his name in the jumble of words, and they smiled at each other.

"I wish I knew what the hell you were saying! Ah, well . . ." Kilyan fell silent as he realized just how wet she was. He didn't realize it, but she was wet with blood. "Oh, god," he whispered, feeling himself swell. He was climaxing. "Oh, Avi, I'm going to -- I have to pull out --"

Kilyan tried to free himself of Avi's tight sheath, but Avi grabbed him with that terrifying strength, shaking her head. She closed her mouth eagerly over his, and Kilyan whimpered behind the kiss as it happened: he came. He felt himself release, and breathless now, he buried his face miserably in Avi's neck. Oh, why didn't she let him pull out? He prayed she wasn't going to have his pup now.

Meanwhile, Avi was clinging happily to him, stroking his mane, kissing his cheek in gratitude. She wrapped her arms tightly around Kilyan's neck when he tried to rise. He closed his eyes and smiled at this clinging. She was such a pup. Sweet little Black Ears. He stroked her mane as he climbed to his feet with this slender little creature clinging to him like a child. Her legs wrapped quickly around his waist and his cock was still inside her, soft now after his passion. He reached under to touch their most intimate places, these parts of them that were joined together, and he saw the blood came away on his fingers. She was probably so sore there, and yet she wouldn't let him go!

Sighing to himself, Kilyan waded into the pool and started washing them both clean, scooping up water and splashing it against their joined cock and pussy. He felt Avi's cock stiffen against him at this gentle cleansing and she pulled back to look at him with that same wide-eyed adoration. She kissed him suddenly on the cheek and he laughed. Then she started talking to him, saying his name every once in a while. Kilyan listened to her sadly, frustrated that he didn't have a clue as to what she could be telling him. But he supposed she had felt the same when he was talking to her before, whispering to her as he moved inside of her.

As Kilyan was reaching to scoop more water, she grabbed his paw suddenly and placed it on her cock, guiding it into a stroke. Kilyan saw her close her eyes and shudder when he squeezed his fingers around her shaft, brushing his thumb over the soft head. Her breasts trembled nicely when he touched the head of her cock, so he brushed his thumb over it again and felt himself stiffen inside of her when she trembled a second time. She felt him too. Her eyes flew open wide and she gasped. Kilyan kept stroking her cock, and he drew her close in his arm and kissed her. Their mouths smashed together, and he was moaning to taste this hot little mouth, its urgency, its hunger against his own. He felt her pussy lips cling tightly around him. He wanted to take her a second time, but he didn't want to hurt her anymore and made this known by pulling back, by frowning down at her.

"Kilyan," Avi whispered, cupping his face. She rambled more words he didn't understand, but he understood it went she pulled his face to hers and kissed him hard. Kilyan melted against the kiss and groaned, feeling himself getting even stiffer inside of her. He took her plump little buttocks in fistfuls and started lifting her up and down on his cock, thrusting inside, pressing his tongue deeply in her mouth. She moaned against his lips and whispered his name. And, damn, she was getting so deep . . . He hunched his back, stabbing himself up into these gushing walls, these throbbing, contracting walls that were refusing to let him go. He felt her juices sliding over him, even dripping over his fingers as they cupped the lower curve of her buttocks, and he lifted her again, stabbing himself up even deeper this time. Her head fell back and she moaned his name. He kissed her cleavage, wishing he could get at her nipples. God, it was happening again -- he was getting close. And so was she. Her cock was dripping and her fingers curled on his shoulders, the nails cutting. He was sure to have marks on his shoulders and what the hell was he going to tell his wives?

The thought flew from Kilyan's mind when Avi's dick erupted. Some of the cum hit his stomach, but he didn't care. Her pussy had become gushing wet at the same time and he felt his dick release inside of her. He let go with a groan, his juices rushing out of him, and felt her trembling in his arms, murmuring words in her language. She was weak when it was over. So was he. She slumped against his chest, and he carried her back to the bank, where they both lay on the sand together, panting.

When Kilyan opened his eyes some time later, he realized they had fallen asleep together. Avi was curled against his chest, smiling in her sleep, her paw closed over his dark nipple. He liked the curve of her hip in the moonlight, the way the pale blue shafts played across her silvery fur. One of her shapely little legs was thrown across his own, the knee bent. She looked so peaceful, so happy, her shoulder shrugging as her back curled to spoon against him. Kilyan smiled at her and stroked her mane. The bones in her braids clanked and her eyes fluttered open. She smiled breathlessly at him, and Kilyan blushed. Would she ever stop looking at him that way? He reached over and picked a flower from the underbrush. It was dark and beautiful -- just like her eyes he told her as he offered it to her. She smiled in amazement and took it, putting it to her nose and sniffing it as if she hadn't grown up on this island with it, as if he'd just given her the most wonderful treasure.

Avi sat up and took Kilyan's paw. She wanted to go back. Kilyan glanced darkly at the rope lying on the ground some feet away, but Avi only shook her head and smiled at him, pulling him to his feet with her. She led him back to the village by his paw, and the whole time, she kept glancing up at Kilyan with girlishly happy black eyes. Kilyan didn't for a second flatter himself that she was now in love with him, but she was.

They entered the village square where all the teenage shemales we now lying with their lovers on the ground in quiet repose, the drums having stopped hours ago. The shemales leapt up when they saw Avi approach looking as happy as a new bride, blushing and giggling and holding to Kilyan's paw, and he knew as they gathered around chattering that Avi was telling everyone she had just slept with him. He stood there uncomfortably enduring their giggling and staring, but was horrified to see the alpha wolf come bursting out of her hut.

The alpha wolf barked a few words at the gaggle of teenagers and they quickly dispersed, looking terrified, their tails disappearing behind them as they dove into their huts. Avi looked terrified too but stood her ground as her shemale mother came marching over to her with shattering steps. She smacked Avi hard across the face -- so hard that Avi staggered to one knee.

Kilyan stiffened as the alpha wolf turned her wrath upon him next. She punched him before he could think. He fell on his back in the dirt, blood spurting from his nose, and he felt more blows coming on his sides -- she was viciously kicking him, snarling, roaring. Her wings were flapping everywhere. Kilyan curled under the blows, sputtering on blood, and he could hear Avi screaming at her mother, saw flashes of her silver fur as she struggled to hold her mother back. But Avi was such a tiny thing: her mother grabbed her by the face and shoved her away, only to continue her attack on Kilyan. Kilyan rolled out of reach of her blows, but before she could land another, a wolf was blocking her. Kilyan squeezed his eyes shut gratefully when he heard Keeno's voice.

The alpha wolf halted, staring at Keeno, those vicious yellow eyes softening. Kilyan opened his eyes again and couldn't believe it when Keeno cupped the alpha wolf's face and she actually backed off. Her eyes gazed down at Keeno warmly, she nodded her head and turned away, but before she had gone, she glared a last time at Kilyan, spit at him, and muttered an insult in her language, "Luhpoota!" Kilyan glared back, watching as she disappeared into the giant hut. He was a little shocked when he felt Avi throw her arms around him and sob brokenly into his chest. He sat up and held her, but his green eyes traveled in amazement to Keeno.

Keeno knelt at Kilyan's side, peering anxiously into his face. "You all right, brother?"

"Are you?" Kilyan laughed, wincing when he felt a sudden pain in his side.

Avi felt him wince and pulled back to look at him anxiously. Kilyan stroked her cheek to assure her he was fine. Keeno's eyes darted between them and he smiled.

"Goddamn, Kilyan. Can't you ever keep your dick to yourself?"

"Not when every wolf I meet wants to blow me," Kilyan returned.

They laughed and clasped paws, and Keeno pulled Kilyan to his feet. Avi rose as well and stood staring sadly up at Kilyan.

"Kilyan, you fucked the princess!" Keeno said, shaking his head. "She was supposed to stay a virgin until she was married."

Kilyan's face colored up. "Whoops . . ." he said, glancing apologetically at Avi. "Well, shit, it's not like I raped her! She led me off into the jungle --!" he snarled, dragging his wrist across his bloody nose.

"Doesn't matter," said Keeno darkly. "Avi wasn't supposed to have anyone fuck her. Not until she was married. And now Roriana will be after your blood --"

"Roriana?" teased Kilyan, cocking an eyebrow at his friend.

Keeno gazed uncomfortably in the opposite direction and folded his bulging arms. "Yeah, well, I kind of fucked the alpha wolf and she likes me now and we got to talking . . . she speaks a little of our language. . . ."

Kilyan laughed at Keeno's embarrassment.

"This shit isn't funny, Kilyan! I can't keep her off you all the time! Which means we have to get out of here -- tonight!"

"Right. But how? Are they going to just let us walk out? That Roriana probably wants to keep you now that you went and fucked her, Keeno!"

"Well, what about you!" Keeno demanded, shoving Kilyan in the chest. "You're the one who had to go fuck the princess! It's your goddamned fault we have to leave tonight --"

"Yeah, that's right, everything's my fucking fault!" Kilyan snarled over him, shoving him back.

"You bet your ass it is!" Keeno roared and tackled Kilyan to the dirt.

They started wrestling wildly, grunting, roaring, snarling, their legs flying everywhere as Keeno finally locked Kilyan's neck under his arm. He bit hard at Kilyan's neck, growling viciously, shaking his head in a mad fit as his fangs sank into Kilyan's black scruff. Kilyan gave a roar and flipped Keeno away over his head. Keeno tumbled through the dirt but quickly found his footing, and they lunged at each other again.

Avi stood paralyzed, watching with a hard cock as these two males snarled and tossed their manes, their muscular bodies flexing and straining, their dicks flapping wildly as they punched each other and shoved and grappled. She couldn't take her eyes off Kilyan's ferocious expression: his brows were drawn down in a sharp frown, his fangs were bared, and he was snarling as he struck Keeno with a backhanded blow that knocked him to his knees. Keeno knelt there panting, then suddenly tackled Kilyan around his legs. Kilyan crashed to the dirt to find Keeno on top of him, pulling his fist back, preparing to punch -- but he was shocked to see Avi wrap her arms around Keeno's neck and yank him off with that incredible strength of the shemale. Keeno fell backwards in the dirt. Avi stood akimbo over Kilyan, barring him from Keeno, shaking her head darkly. But to Kilyan's surprise, she looked at Kilyan and shook her head darkly at him too.

Kilyan and Keeno glared around Avi at each other, but both realized how childish and stupid they were being and dropped their eyes away.

Avi rambled at them in her tongue and they knew she was scolding them. And why shouldn't she? They were acting like stupid little pups who hadn't even had a mating season yet. As they sat there with their chest heaving, glaring at the dirt, they both realized in that instant that they weren't really angry at each other: they were angry at the situation, angry that they might never see home and their families again.

Kilyan looked at Keeno again and realized he had cut Keeno's temple: blood was leaking freely from his tan mane. And Keeno saw Kilyan wince and clutch his side and realized he had beaten his already-bruised and beaten friend. They crawled sadly to each other through the dirt, and Kilyan touched Keeno's temple with tender affection. What had he done? Keeno was like a brother to him. He might as well have cut his own flesh and blood!

"Sorry, Kil," Keeno sniffed, giving a sad half-smile. "I guess I just wanna go home."

"Me too," Kilyan whispered back heavily.

They pulled into a one-armed hug, sighing miserably against each other, and they heard Avi chattering happily.

Kilyan laughed thickly through his bloody nose. "Yeah, thanks for stopping us, Avi. We might've killed each other."

Kilyan and Keeno pulled apart to look up at Avi, who was smiling down on them, her arms folded under her bosom. She squatted down and sat in Kilyan's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. Kilyan laughed miserably. She was never going to let him go.

"God, Kilyan, tell me your secret," laughed Keeno, staring in disbelief at Avi's doting affection. "It used to be that you begged me for my secrets. Now I wanna know yours!"

They laughed.

"So ..." whispered Kilyan. He paused and darted a nervous glance at the giant hut where he knew Roriana might be listening. "How can we get outta here?"

"Kilyan, you'll never guess where we are," Keeno said happily.

Kilyan just blinked at him.

"We're home, Kil!" Keeno cried, grinning.


"Rori flew me around for a while. We went so high, you can see the sun village in the distance. Kilyan! This isn't an island we're on! It's a peninsula! Just a piece of land reaching off the continent! We can freaking walk home from here!"

Kilyan sighed happily. "So we were rowing the right way. Thank god!"

"But the only thing is," went on Keeno in a low voice, "we've gotta sneak out of here. I know Roriana has grown attached to me and you've got your own little stalker, I see." He nodded his head at Avi, who had nestled her face in Kilyan neck and closed her eyes with a smile.

"Yeah," said Kilyan sadly. "I don't know what to do with her! I shouldn't have even slept with her but, god, I was horny, and I never thought she'd get so attached --"

Keeno snorted. "Attached is an understatement here."

"I wish I could talk to her," Kilyan said. "Make her understand."

"Avi," Keeno whispered. When Avi looked at him, he put his paws together and flapped the fingers at the sky. His paws were in the shape of a bird when he whispered, "Kilyan must leave. Leave?" He pointed at Kilyan, then made the bird signal again.

Avi looked alarmed at the prospect of Kilyan leaving her. She shook her head vigorously and clung to Kilyan tighter. Kilyan felt a pang of guilt when Avi looked at him sadly and kissed him urgently on the mouth. She pulled the flower out of her mane that Kilyan had given her earlier, then she showed it to him as if to say, "What about this?"

Kilyan closed his eyes miserably. Oh, god, what had he done? He looked Avi in the eyes and touched her chin, the same way he had before. He was saddened when her lip started to tremble. How could he make her understand that it was just sex? They weren't in love! They didn't even know each other -- didn't even speak the same language!

Avi's lip was still trembling and now tears poured from her eyes. She let out a string of choked words, words that sounded accusatory, sad, as if she didn't understand why he had hurt her like this.

"Oh, Avi, I never meant to hurt you," Kilyan moaned, pulling her into his arms. He stroked her mane, wishing he could make her understand. And she was so young. He felt like a complete ass in that moment. "But please understand -- I can't stay here! I can't be with you --"

Avi pulled away from Kilyan and smacked him hard across the face. He had forgotten the strength of those paws. It was like being struck by a big male. His head spun, and he flexed his jaw, as if it'd been knocked loose. It certainly felt loose. When his head cleared, he saw Avi running away from him to the giant hut, her face in her paws. He wanted to go after her, to make things right, but Keeno was pulling to him to his feet, Keeno was telling him they had to run -- now.

"I know you hurt her badly and you want to fix it," Keeno told Kilyan sympathetically as he dragged him away by the arm, "but once she sicks her mother-father on you, you'll be too dead to fix it!"

Kilyan wanted to protest but he had to admit that Keeno was right. So they darted through the dark torchlit streets, and it wasn't long before they heard a terrible roaring behind them. It was coming from the village square, and everywhere they looked, shemales were poking their heads from huts.

"Oh, no," moaned Keeno.

They could hear the flapping and a shadow blocked out the moon.

"Quick!" Kilyan hissed.

They ducked between the huts and off the streets and kept running, but the wings pursued them. They could see the dark shape of the alpha wolf cutting across the sky. Something whistled past Kilyan's ear, and he realized the alpha wolf was firing arrows at them! She bellowed a whooping roar at the sky, and Kilyan knew she was sounding the alarm. They pressed on, zigg-zagging as they ran between the huts. Kilyan felt an arrow whiz past his tail and tucked it between his legs. Thank god -- the village gates! They flew into the jungle, and they could hear the other shemales now, chattering angrily as they crowded through the gates in hot pursuit. They shemales were shrilling off war cries that chilled Kilyan's blood.

Kilyan and Keeno ran faster, their manes flying out behind, their chest heaving. They ducked between the trees, smacking the branches aside, trying to ignore the sound of feet pounding ever closer. They could hear the angry chattering, and then another wild whooping cry. That last cry had come from the alpha wolf, who was soaring over the trees and was thus not able to reach Kilyan and Keeno with her arrows but could probably catch glimpses of Keeno's bright tan fur. She was telling her shemales where to run, and they were listening. Kilyan's heart leapt when he realized the shemales were drawing ever closer.

"We're never getting out of this," Kilyan panted as he and Keeno hurtled over a log.

"Kilyan, you're hopeless -- don't you smell that?" Keeno panted back. "Water! We're drawing close to the river!"

"So what?" Kilyan gasped. "Shemales can swim --!"

Kilyan fell silent as an arrow whizzed past them: the shemales had caught up. Kilyan and Keeno dashed together down a steep incline, crashing through the undergrowth now, panting loudly. Why keep quiet? Thanks to the alpha wolf, the shemales knew where they were! But sure enough, they had come to the river. They found themselves on a cliff above it. The drop wasn't too steep, but it was steep enough to make Kilyan's head spin. He stood there not wanting to jump but breaking out in a sweat to hear the shemales crashing right behind.

Frantic, Keeno grabbed Kilyan's paw and said, "Okay. On the c-count of three?"

Kilyan closed his eyes and nodded.

"One --!"

Kilyan screamed as he was yanked after Keeno over the cliff. They hurtled paw in paw, arrows whistling down after them, their manes streaming in the air above them, and Kilyan could hear the angry chatter of the shemales fading as the rushing sound of water drew nearer. They hit the water, and in the heat of the jungle, it wasn't too cold. Kilyan gasped and sputtered as the water swirled into his nostrils, sprayed his eyes, blinding him as he reached for Keeno. He could hear Keeno coughing, and when he blinked the spray from his eyes, he saw his friend clinging to a rock as the water rushed around him. Kilyan was almost swept with the current, but Keeno grabbed his arm. Kilyan pulled himself along Keeno's arm like a rope, and they huddled there, ducking their heads when more arrows sprinkled from the cliff. They inched their way around the rock until they were shielded from the shemale archers. The shore wasn't too far away. They could swim to it if they were fast. Kilyan glanced at Keeno and knew the same thought had passed through his mind. They nodded at each other and would have started quickly for the shore, but the alpha wolf landed on the muddy bank, a bow in her paw, a quiver of arrows on her back. She looked livid, those great breasts heaving, the yellow eyes glinting.

Kilyan and Keeno hovered in the water, shivering, drenched, clutching grimly to the rock as the alpha wolf fitted an arrow to her bowstring and aimed it at Kilyan.

"NO!" Keeno snarled as the arrow sprang free. He blocked Kilyan's body with his own, even as Kilyan was roaring, "KEENO, DON'T!" The arrow sank in Keeno's shoulder and he sputtered, blood tossing only to swirl away in the water. Kilyan caught Keeno in his arm as he was sinking and let out a sob. He glared angrily at the alpha wolf. But the alpha wolf was standing in shock on the bank, tears in her yellow eyes. She threw her bow aside and swooped toward the water. Kilyan went tense as she glided low, but she only gathered Keeno into her arms and carried him back to the bank.

Kilyan swam desperately for the shore. He staggered up from the swallows, his tail heavy with dripping water, rage coursing through his veins, and seeing the alpha wolf kneeling over Keeno's limp body, he snatched up a large rock from the mud.

"Get . . . the fuck . . . away from him," Kilyan warned, staggering up the bank.

The alpha wolf looked over her shoulder at Kilyan and bared her fangs, giving him a low, warning growl. She reached over her shoulder for an arrow but realized with a little shock that she had thrown her bow aside in her haste to save Keeno. Her bright vicious eyes darted to the rock in Kilyan's paw, then to the sneer on his face, and her face darkened.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Kilyan roared, hurling the rock.

It glanced off the alpha wolf's shoulder and she backed away with a hiss, clutching at herself where the rock had hit home. Kilyan thought he'd heard her bone crack. She swept into the sky with a sob, her wings flapping frantically, and Kilyan ignored her as she soared away, falling to his knees beside Keeno.

Kilyan's heart sank to see Keeno splattered with blood. But it was only a flesh wound: the arrow had sunken in the back of his shoulder, very close to his arm. Thank god! Kilyan knew better than to take the arrow out of Keeno's back: he could have slowly bled to death. Kilyan walked miserably to a cluster of nearby palm trees and gathered some leaves, then he returned and made a bandage to go around the arrow and over the wound, working carefully so as not to put Keeno in anymore pain than he was already in. Then Kilyan put Keeno's arms around his neck, lifted Keeno onto his back, and started following the river east and toward the sun village.