Into the Depths

Story by offox on SoFurry

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Commision for Poojawa on

Captain Poojawa has decided that she needs to have a few of her favorite crew members in for a little private reward session for their amazing service aboard ship. Of course she also has a few ulterior motives.

Poojawa sat with her legs crossed looking at the four men she'd selected from her crew, all of whom seemed somewhat nervous to have been called into their captain's quarter's so unexpectedly. She gave each of them one of her most stern and considering glares before moving on to the next, getting just a little bit of enjoyment out of watching them squirm as she looked them over. It was nice to know that her crew respected and feared her a little. After a moment she got up from her chair and began to pace the room.

She stopped before the first of the men, a beautiful tan-colored fennec fox with his large, alert ears twitching to follow her every motion as she moved across the wood flooring. She looked him full in the eye, not a trace of the smile she felt building up inside of her on her face. If these men knew what they were in for they might be excited. Or terrified, maybe both. She wasn't exactly sure which, but she guessed most of them would be excited. After all, they were big, brave men, and she knew for a fact that each of them had pleasured themselves while thinking about her on more than one occasion.

She moved on to the next in line. He was a wolf who had served her crew exceedingly well over the years. He had a nasty scar across his right eye and he'd lost vision in that one, but his other was still keen, and his nose was considered miraculous. He didn't even waver a little when Poojawa came snout to snout with him. He was certainly a man of strong character.

The next of the men she'd selected for this task was a tall, slender cheetah with sharp eyes and an expression that never wavered far from the curious. His ears twitched nervously as she came to stand in front of him. He had been a known trouble-maker for a while, but lately his performance had been exemplary, and the captain had come to respect his efforts. She stared him down for a moment, and then moved on to the last of the gathered men.

He was the shortest of the four by far, a mouse with a curious worried expression, but a sharp, strong face, and determination built into his posture. He might have been worried about things, but he was brimming with the confidence necessary to handle whatever it was that his captain threw his way. That was a good trait for him to have considering what she had planned. She stepped away from the four men then and returned to her seat in her captain's chair, letting her seven purple tails fall however they might about her. She knew she was beautiful, and that the many tails of the kitsune were a very attractive feature. She enjoyed flaunting it.

"I suppose you four are all wondering why you've been called here today?" She said, which got her some general nods of consensus and a few Yes Ma'ms. "Well, I assure you that none of you are in any trouble at all." She said, and immediately a wave of relaxation seemed to pass through them. She let herself smile then.

"I've been watching you all for a long while, and not just you, the whole crew. I've been looking for something very specific in my crewmen. I want strong men, men willing to work hard to get a job done. Each of you has shown me that you have what it takes to be an important part of my crew. That's why you've been called in here today." She didn't add the part about how she'd also chosen them because she found them attractive, and knew that they fantasized about her. "I would like to personally reward each of you for your efforts aboard ship." She said, and this won her smiles and the thanks of her gathered men.

"Here, let your captain poor you a drink" She said, and she reached behind her chair and pulled out four small, wooden shot glasses and quickly filled each with a bottle of her finest spirits. Of course, what she wasn't telling them, was that the glasses had all been filled with a little something extra before she added the alcohol.

"Xavan, here." She handed the cheetah a glass, choosing the glass she wanted him to have specifically from the four.

"Tenin." She handed the scarred wolf his drink, again, it was chosen just for him.

"Rooke." The fennec received a shot glass that had been prepared for him.

"And Kern." She handed the mouse his glass last, a special gift just for him.

She took a fifth glass for herself and filled it, though this one had nothing extra in it. She raised it. "To a great crew!" She said, and lifted her glass. As one, the five of them each downed their drink and Poojawa sat back and smiled to herself. They sat their glasses down and for a few minutes they had a regular conversation about shipboard business, and then strange looks began to descend upon the men's faces.

Xavan looked down at the shot glass he'd drank from, and then back at his captain in surprise. "What was in . . . " That was as far as he got before there was a big puff of smoke and he vanished. The other men stood up jumped back in shock, but by the time they'd begun to react they too were disappearing into clouds of smoke. Poojawa laughed in amusement as she watched them go, and soon were her four men had been before, were now just piles of clothes. She knelt down over the lumps of cloth, all of which had something moving in them.

Xavan got out of his clothes first. Well, the now much reduced Xavan. The cheetah, who had been the tallest man on the ship, was now just a little taller than his captain's hand.

"Hey there, little one." Poojawa said with a pleased smile.

Rooke was out next, and he was about half-again as tall as Xavan was. The first thing he noticed was that he was now naked, and he immediately went to cover himself up with some of his now far-too-big clothing, his little sheath not quite fitting beneath his hands. Tenin emerged next, smaller than Rooke, but larger than Xavan, and the little mouse, Kern emerged last. He was now the tallest of them, about two and half full hand spans in height, and looking about the size of a very, very large feral rat.

The men were lost somewhere between confusion, distress at being small and naked, and curious about what was happening.

"None of this is permanent, my little crew." Poojawa told them with a smile. "This is just for a little playtime with your captain. That sounds nice, doesn't it?" She asked, though she didn't wait for an answer. "I have some . . . needs. Things that just can't be met by normal crew men, and I think the four of you would be perfect for what I want." Her seven tails wagged and twined with each other as she spoke. She was getting excited. She scooped up her four crewman and carried them into the part of her quarters that served as her bedroom. When she got there, she sat the men down on her bed and then stood back.

"Would you four like to see more of your captain?" She asked in a sultry voice as she unfastened the top button of her shirt. She knew they did. She was already getting wet thinking about what she had in store for these men.

The men still seemed confused, but Poojawa could see their now tiny little cocks becoming hard as they began to get over their fear of the situation only to discover that something quite exciting was apparently planned for them.

The captain finished undressing, tossing all of her clothes into a pile on the floor as she exposed her beautiful purple and white coat for her four crewmen to see. She grabbed her large, full breasts and gave her nipples a firm squeeze and then walked over to the bed and put one of her feet onto it. She spread herself over the shrunken men so they could see up into her body.

"Do you like it?" She asked, a hungry smile on her face.

Tenin came forward and placed one hand against her folds, and then ran his other along her slit down to her hole where he easily pushed his entire arm inside of her. Poojawa let out a small sigh of pleasure.

"That's good, but I'm going to need even more than that." She pulled away from him and crawled into bed, spreading herself wide atop the mattress and scooting herself down so that all four men were right between her legs. She reached into a drawer next to her bed and pulled out a long, thick sex toy and sat it down before the small men.

"You can start by using that on me." She told them.

All of the men looked excited now. There wasn't one of them who didn't have a full erection as they came forward to lift the toy. They had to cooperate because it was quite heavy for them at this reduced size, but soon they were walking forward and pushing the tip of the dildo inside of her body. Poojawa moaned in pleasure and reached down to stroke her clit, rubbing it in a deep circle as her tiny crew worked her body with the same precision that they would work the riggings of her ship. This was why only skilled men would do for this particular job.

She had to consciously remember not to thrust her hips lest she scatter her men, and that was no easy task as they strained to drive the toy into her again and again. She came not long after they'd begun, an orgasm that rolled through her entire body and left her feeling tingly and warm all over. Her body had clenched on the toy, pulling it out of their hands, and she laughed as they were thrown free of it by the ripples of pleasure coursing through her

"That's enough of that." She said as her body settled a little. She pulled the toy away and put it back in her nightstand. "Now I want you boys inside of me. All of you." She pointed at Xavan first. "You go in first, and once you're all the way inside I want you to get off in there. Stroke your sexy little cock for me."

Xavan looked at the others, but his cock was twitching in excitement. He approached her folds, and soon she could feel his small body pushing against the tight muscles of her sex as he made his way deep, deep into the tight pink tunnel of her body. She let out a pleased moan.

"Tenin, you go in next," She said between gasps of pleasure. The scarred wolf advanced on her, bigger than Xavan. As he leaned forward to gauge her insides his hand pressed against her clit, which sent another surge of pleasure cascading through her body. Tenin pushed inside of her, harder than Xavan had, and stretching her just a little more as he worked himself deep into her wetness. Had Poojawa been a cat, she would have purred at the pleasure building in her.

"Rooke." Next the fennec came forward, and again he was bigger than the two before him. He took his tiny hands and pulled her sex open as he pushed himself inside. Poojawa was starting to throb in pleasure now as she could feel all three men inside of her, hopefully each of them getting off inside her wet tunnel. That thought was extra exciting.

"Alright, Kern, you show them who the biggest man is now." She told the little mouse, who was now the biggest of his shipmates.

Poojawa was already feeling pleasantly full, but the idea of having one more man inside of her was very arousing. The first three inside of her she could feel getting off, the motion of their hands as they worked their own cocks was like a pleasant little vibration against the delicate inner folds of her sex. She rubbed her clit as Kern began to push himself into her body.

He squeezed part of himself in, but he was having trouble getting the rest of the way in. The 'sune reached down between her legs and grabbed the little mouse by his legs and pushed him inside of her, intending just to help him with what he was doing. However, this caused her to buck her hips and moan in pleasure.

"Mmm, Kern, that's quite nice." She said, as she realized she liked that more than she had intended to. She began to stroke her clit with one hand and with the other she started sliding Kern in and out of her sex at an increasingly quick pace. He was like a little, wiggling, living version of the toy they'd used on her. The poor little mouse was probably getting all kinds of dizzy, but Poojawa was feeling amazing. From inside of her body she heard the sound of one of the men within her cumming, groaning loudly as he released, and felt the tiny spasm of his body as he emptied himself inside of her.

This was the final spark she needed to drive her the rest of the way into the full embrace of an orgasm. She pushed Kern deep inside of her and came around his tiny little body, her sex gripping him tightly, as well as the others inside of her. The pulsing excitement of her body was so strong that it actually pulled the rest of him out of her hands and sucked the little mouse up inside of her. She rode out the waves of her pleasure, but when it was over she wasn't feeling completely satisfied so she grabbed her toy from the nightstand drawer again.

She put a hand down to her sex and spread her lower lips. "Sorry boys, but I need even more inside of me." She said, wishing she'd gotten a fifth man, or maybe left one full size so he could fuck her while she had the smaller ones inside of her. The thought of covering those little men in the seed of the man who was fucking her was wonderful. She decided she'd remember that little fantasy for next time she decided to do something like this.

She pushed her toy into her sex with the four crewmen already in there, and she could feel them shifting around to try and make way for this new visitor. Feeling them moving around inside of her was making her so wet that she was dripping as she began to masturbate with her favorite non-living toy. It slipped into her tightly packed sex with some difficulty even though she was soaking wet. The boys inside of her were pushed into the walls of her sex by her efforts, but she could feel their tiny, hard penises pushing into her, so she knew they weren't having too bad a time with the whole situation

Her tails flicked in ecstasy as she picked up the pace of her self ministration. Another of her men came inside of her, his orgasm punctuated by a moan and a particular quiver of his body, and then another, and finally the last of the four exploded in a big orgasm. This was the final push Poojawa needed. She came hard around her toy, her inner muscles pushing her four crew members tight against the surface of her dildo as her tight sheath convulsed with the force of her orgasm.

She let out a delighted gasp. "Such good men!" She said as her body rocked one last time with the trailing end of her climax. She settled back into her bed, her sex still pulsing in aftershocks from her pleasure. She rubbed her wet folds gently, humming in a pleased tone. That had been exactly what she needed.

She slipped her toy out of her body with some reluctance, and then spread herself open and called to the men inside of her. "You guys can come out now. You've all done very well." She told them, a satisfied smile still on her lips.

Kern came out first, his entire body dripping with the leavings of his captain's pleasure, and then Rooke, Tenin and finally tiny little Xavan crawled out of her. Each one that exited her left her just a little bit more empty as they pulled themselves, dripping from her still swollen and pulsing pussy. None of them looked particularly distressed about what had just happened, even if they were all quite messy, slick with Poojawa's juices.

"Did you boys have fun?" She asked with a satisfied growl.

She received a generally pleased consensus from then, with Xavan even asked if they'd be allowed to do it again some time. Poojawa's insides clenched pleasantly at that thought and she gave her lower lips a little rub. "Mmm, yes, I think we will definitely be doing that again some time. Did you all get to cum good?"

Kern blushed a little, but nodded, and the others agreed that they'd all had an orgasm while inside of her. The captain was very pleased. She'd selected the right men for this job after all. She'd worried that one or more of them might not like what she was going to do, but it was clear they'd all had a very good time inside of her.

She let out a playful growl and shifted her position so she could lean down closer to them. "Now that we're done with that, which one of you wants to be swallowed first?" She asked, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. Suddenly the boys looked a little less sure of themselves.

Without further hesitation she reached out and grabbed them up, popping them into her mouth one at a time and pushing them back into her throat with her tongue. She made sure to lap up her own sex juices as she did so. Their was a little struggling at first, but as they realized she wasn't going to crunch them up and devour them they seemed to relax. Plus, they seemed to really, really enjoy the feel of her tongue as it pushed them down into her body. At least a couple of them got hard again as they traveled down her throat to her stomach.

There was nothing quite so good after sex as a really, really satisfying meal, Poojawa thought to herself as she swallowed down the last of Kern.