A little Something Different, Part 6

Story by Darkvampire95 on SoFurry

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#7 of Something Different

Wrote this on a request from a friend of mine. :p

As always, thanks to my newest readers for giving me feedback and continuing to read my work! I appreciate it guys! :)

One time I got caught giving my boyfriend a blow job in public.

Now that I've got your attention, one time I gave my boyfriend a blow job in public. And got caught.

We were going to the movies on a Thursday afternoon. It was a cool, clear day outside, but instead of laying around at my house or Jordan's campus, I suggested we go see a movie.

"What do you want to go see?" he asked as we headed for my car.

"Oh," I paused, thinking. I was already planning to pay for the movie, but not watch the movie. "Whatever you want to see," I said.

"Ok," he got in the shotgun seat of my car, I fired up the engine, and we backed from the driveway and went barreling down the road.

Jordan found us a movie to watch, and I nodded. It was some Marvel movie. Age of Ultron, I don't really know what we saw. Like I said, I didn't watch the movie.

We drove to the theatre, the windows down and the radio on like always. It was summer and the weather was gorgeous. Sunshine and white clouds. I ran my fingers down the panda neck while we drove, hanging my left paw on the steering wheel but driving as well as I always did. It drove Jordan insane if I drove with one paw, but that's just how I am.

* * *

At the theatre I paid for our tickets, and Jordan and I made for the back of the theater as we found our seats. It was dark in the theater already, and there weren't many other furs. A wolf couple near the front, and two rows down to the left was a cat my himself, his feet up on the seat in front of him.

I sat down with Jordan to my right. The movie was only just starting, and the lights had already been dimmed. I leaned against Jordan, putting my paws on his chest and pressing my face against his side. He put an arm around my shoulder, and laced his other paw into mine. I smiled, my cheeks pink with my blush. But my mind was in the gutter. I'd always thought about this. Getting intimate, in public. In a movie theater specifically. And now, here I sat. With Jordan in a dark theatre.

I kept my paw in his as I touched his chest, then ran a paw down his chest, going south. He shifted at my touch, and I leaned out, kissing his neck. He moaned, and I kept my paw going down.

"No," he put a paw over mine, stopping me at his stomach. "Babe come on," his tone was hushed.

"Baby..." I moaned softly, taking my lips away from his neck. I kissed his cheek, then kissed the corner of his mouth. He turned to meet my lips, and as we kissed I took my paw out of his. I rubbed his belly, and he kissed me harder. He loved it when I ran my paws over him. From neck to ankles, he loved it. I rubbed his stomach more, then left his lips. I kissed his cheek again, then in his ear whispered, "This is a thing for me babe! Come on, let me suck you!"

He moaned, his voice so quiet. "No," he said again. "I don't want to get caught..."

"Babe relax!" I whispered softly. "No one's going to see, I promise!"

"Uhhh..." he moaned. I took my paw from his stomach, then touched his waistband. I went under his shirt, feeling his warm fur, and pushed the tips of my fingers into his shorts. Another moan, and I kissed his neck. That was his weak spot I knew, but I wasn't trying to take advantage of it. My role as submissive in our relationship was more than clearly defined, but right now I wanted this. I knew he wanted it as bad as I did, but I _really _wanted him.

And he let me have him. I pushed paw into my pants, then touched his length. He was hard, he always was when he was with me, and I knew he was. I let go of his paw and got out of my seat. I slid onto my knees, and Jordan let me get in between his legs.

I pulled his pants down, keeping a paw around his length, and tugged his shorts down, then his underwear. He shifted in his seat, and I leaned in. I kept my paw around his length and put my other paw on his wide muscled thigh. Then I touched his tip with my tongue. I tasted pre-cum already, and I pushed him into my mouth eagerly. I had been with him more than seven times since he'd come back from Spain, but that wasn't nearly enough. I was burning red hot for Jordan, and now I finally had him alone again.

With him in my mouth I sucked slowly, bobbing up and down with a quick, easy pace. I didn't have to bother with being quiet, because the movie was blaring at what I was sure was full volume. I sucked him harder, stroking his cock with my paw. I gripped his thigh with my other paw, and above my the panda moaned. I moaned over his length, pushing him hard into my mouth.

I came back up, pausing to lick away the pre-cum that was on his length, then came off with a small pop.

"Ah," Jordan moaned, shifting in his seat. He put a paw to my head and tugged at my hair. _Keep going _the tug suggested. I giggled quietly to myself, and licked my lips.

I went back down, bobbing hard on him, and sucking just as hard. He throbbed in my mouth and put both paws on his thighs now. I sucked hard and slow, loving him in my mouth. I have him a long suck before letting him go again. I put a paw around his cock, stroking him gently, and licked his shaft. "So fucking good..." I whispered.

"Uh..." Jordan gripped my head, a fistful of my hair in his paw. I giggled again, and licked his shaft. A drop of pre-cum rolled down his length and I licked it away, letting the sweet taste roll over my tongue. I pushed him back into my mouth and went down hard on him, pushing him in deep. I sucked hard, a paw still wrapped around his length. I sucked hard and fast now, going up and down. He was just so fucking good.

"Oh fuck..." Jordan pulled my hair, and I let out a soft grunt. I looked at up him, and he meet my gaze.

Then he leaned down, and whispered,

"Get up here and let me fuck you."

"Oh," I let my tongue flop from my mouth and Jordan pushed his own tongue into my mouth, gripping my hair in his paw. I put my tongue into his own mouth and moaned. He put his other paw on my shirt, tugging me up.

So I got up obediently, and sat down in my seat again.

"Lay down," Jordan said.

I laid down, still doing as I was asked. Jordan kicked off his shorts and I pulled down my own pants. He put a knee in his seat and I put an arm over the seat I laid in. I hung one leg over the seat and left the other leg in the seat. Jordan took his cock in his paw, then leaned down.

"Uh..." I half expected him to lick his fingers and shove them in my rear, but when he didn't I realized he was going to get right to it. _Oh shit _ran through my mind, but then I took a breath. _Relax _my mind told me.

Jordan put his tip to my backdoor, then pushed. Hard. I immediately put a paw over my mouth to stifle my cry of pain. It was rough, going in with just a half slicked up length into a dry hole. I'd never gone in dry on my end. _Another first _I told myself.

When Jordan pushed into me and then slid in, I took in a long sharp breath. I groaned, a paw still over my mouth, but he was in now. He paused for just a second, then got to it. He pumped me slow first, going in slow, then pushing in deep just as slow. The pain shot through me for a second to accommodate all of his panda cock into my rear, and I took another breath. But I didn't whine, or tell him to slow down. He needed this, I knew he did.

He fucked me rough just after a few minutes. He went slow at first, getting me warmed up, then he laid into me, pumping me hard and fast. He slapped my ass with his groin, and I kept a paw over my mouth. I moaned as quietly as I could, now cursing myself for picking a movie theatre to get fucked in. I was a bit of a wailer when it came to getting bent over and fucked. I got loud, get my tongue hang out of my mouth, and took it.

But this time was rough. The spit and pre-cum seemed to dry up quickly, but it spread through my loins well enough to where it wasn't completely dry. Like I said, half slicked up wasn't the best. But Jordan had his rhythm picked up, and I gripped the top of my seat as he laid into me hard. He grunted, his face close to mine, his beautiful chocolate brown eyes gazing into mine as we made love.

"Mmmmm!" I bit one of my fingers when Jordan pushed in deep, getting my sweet spot. Pleasure rolled through me, but the initial pain was still around. I laid there and took it though, like the good submissive I was. Jordan grunted above me, his breaths hushed but rough.

"Come on babe," his breath was warm. "Come on."

"Yeah!" I said through my fingers. "Fuck me!" I moaned quietly. I put a paw to my cock and felt pre-cum on my stomach. I put my paw back on the side of the seat though.

"Fuck yeah," Jordan growled, leaning close to me. I picked my head up to kiss him, and he pushed his tongue into my mouth.

"Mmmm," I moaned softly, his length still pumping me as we fucked.

"You like that?" he grunted.

"Yeah!" I moaned through my fingers. "Yeah baby!" my voice was picking up, and I bit my finger again.

"Oh yeah," Jordan grunted, slowing down to his hard thrusts. "Oh fuck..." he groaned.

"Come on babe..." I moaned, taking my paw from my mouth. "Cum for me!" I asked softly.

Then he came. Jordan pushed himself into me hard, making his groin slap my bottom, and he came. He gasped, biting his back teeth as he emptied himself into me. I felt my bottom heat up even more as he filled me with his seed, and I let my tongue flop from my mouth.

Another wave of cum rushed into me, and I gripped my seat. I was in a total throw of ecstasy, and both Jordan and I were breathing hard.

But then, we both froze. I heard a foot first, then there was light. Bright light. It came from behind Jordan, and I saw the rays come over the panda's head. I froze, my heart stopping dead in its tracks. I swallowed, and then the light slowly faded. I heard feet again, then a soft voice spoke.

"As long as you get those seats clean, your both in the clear."

In a move of total boldness, I looked to my left. A lean wolf with light grey fur was standing near Jordan and I, a small flashlight in his paw. On his face was small smirk. I swallowed, my life flashing before my eyes.

Then the wolf threw something to Jordan and I, and somehow I caught it in my paw. A white towel. I dared to meet the wolf's eyes, and he smirked at me.

"Just clean up," he said quietly before turning around. His flashlight clicked off, and then he went down the theatre stairs.