After the job

Story by Eebit on SoFurry

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Two mercenaries have some time to kill after their latest job...

This story was thanks to a suggestion on my tumblr!

"So. Are they real?" A voice muttered over the faint crackle of a radio placed in Garren's ear.

"Really? Is now the time to ask that?" Garren grumbled back into his mouthpiece, keeping himself tightly pressed against the cool metal wall, hand trailing across it for a moment. He needed to think of something fast, the target had fortified herself behind a barricaded door, a still smoking hole replaced the locking mechanism, making for a makeshift hole where she could see clearly, while providing enough cover for her to fire upon the two mercenaries that had been tasked with bringing her in, alive.

The dark red figure on the opposite side of the archway made a sweeping motion with his hand, "Oh come on," the voice crackled back into his ear, "You look like a cliché from ancient Earth, they've gotta be fake." The figure leaned forward to get a better look at the door, a sudden red beam of light shooting past, causing the figure to stumble back in surprise.

"Look, I'll show you when-" Another blaster shot whizzed through the air, searing fresh marks into the wall beyond them. Garren snorted faintly, changing his frequency to an open channel where he was certain the target would hear him. "Almost got me with that one! If you'd just come out with your hands up, we won't need to see anyone get hurt."

An alien language that his suit either refused to translate, or couldn't, hissed through the speaker, making Garren wince slightly, then sigh, swapping back to his private channel with his partner on it. He motioned towards the barricade. "Any plans, smartass?"

"Oh absolutely, I always keep vacuum flashbangs on me. Stupid useful, you should do the same." The red figure shrugged again, snickering slightly. "Look man, I just wanna know why you chose to play dress-up on this mission." He moved his hand down, opening a small compartment on his upper thigh, grabbing a small, capsule shaped device. he tilted his head around the corner again, the emergency lights on the ship dimly reflecting off his visor. "Betcha I can get it in on the first throw. I get to see you outside your suit on the way back if I do it. You win, I'll shut up and give you half my pay."

"More money is more money. Fine, first throw." Garren looked around the corner again, able to see the white hazmat suit the target had stolen. It didn't help that the trim was a neon green, designating the role of the suit's owner. He looked back to his partner, who insisted on using a code name, 'Red Razor' or something equally ridiculous. Garren managed to talk him down to a simple 'Red' for most of the mission. Not that it amounted to anything but 'find the ship' and 'retrieve the target' at least until a few moments ago, when the shootout started.

Red rolled the capsule between his fingertips for a moment, seeming completely enthralled with it, then lightly pressed the button on the device. It blinked with a white, then green light as he armed it. "All right. Aaaand..." he lined up the throw, accounting for the lack of gravity within the ship they were in. It had been cut just an hour before, just enough time for the two mercs to be disoriented and allow the target to escape their first meeting, a mistake the two men weren't willing to make again. Red counted quietly within his head, tapping his foot against the metal floor grabbing their target's attention.

One more bolt seared through the space between the two of them. "Perfect!" Red shouted out, snickering once before suddenly leaning around the corner and tossing the device forward. It sailed lazily forward, a light spin on it causing the blinking green light to pop in and out of view consistently. Red patted his body down for a moment before he looked over to Garren, "Y'know..." The tone in his voice sent a shiver up his spine, "I don't think that was a flashbang..."

Garren's eyes widened behind his visor, a small red cross appearing in the corner of his view, warning him of his heart rate's sudden, sharp rising, "We need her alive!" he shouted out, "You idiot!" he quickly ran around the corner, praying that the blaster their target was malfunctioning at this point, his heavy boots slamming against the floor as he leapt for the device to try and deactivate it in time, to save the target and, in his own stupidity, himself. The device snuck between his fingers, and entered the hole perfectly, just as Red wanted.

A sudden, bright light filled Garren's vision, and a loud sound so sharp managed to smash his senses, causing him to crumple against the door like a toy doll as he was knocked unconscious.


Mechanical sounds and the smell of impure oxygen greeted Garren as he woke up again. He felt dizzy and nauseous, and as his eyes blinked open, he swore he was blind. Strange purples, greens and blacks made him feel like hurling as he snapped his eyes shut again, turning onto his side and getting into the fetal position on a bed that was familiar and uncomfortable at the same time.

"Captured alive. Final copy; Target is incapacitated and in the hold. Suit is staying on for the safety of the subject and disarmed for our own safety. We are on our way back, she has been captured alive."

It was Red's voice, playing over Garren's earpiece, the voice alone making his head ring. Something annoyed the hell out of him when it came to Red's voice, but Garren grunted instead, a loud enough sound to be picked up by his suit's microphone. He shifted slightly, slapping his belly once and hearing a leathery slap as he hit his inner suit.

"Heeey." There's that annoying voice again, Garren thought to himself, "You're awake, you don't need to pinch yourself, Garren." Even so, he kicked a leg out carefully, kicking the wall closest to him, hearing the faint clang of his foot against it. "You've been out for -"

"You took my armor off." Garren interrupted Red, slowly picking himself off, keeping his eyes closed. "You took off my boots, my armor...but not my helmet?" He stretched slowly, yawning out, hidden by the visor. "I thought you were interested in seeing if they were real." He motioned upwards. His helmet had two large swoops towards the back, Garren had explained they were antenna , extra senses for him, to Red before the mission even started.

"Well. Duh. I'm still interested. But I'm not going to strip you down in your sleep, that'd be creepy!" Red laughed for a moment, eyeing Garren with a devious grin. "In fact, let me start, ok? It'll make you feel better, even if you owe me. You did lose the bet after all, even if you tried to interfere." Red teased the other male, slowly lifting his hands up to his helmet to unhook it and gentle slide it off.

Under that dark crimson armor was a pale green, reptilian face with round scales capping his cheeks. The humanoid iguana was grinning widely, watching Garren with a bright expression on his face. "See? Now it's your turn." The grin widened slowly, while Garren watched Red from behind his helmet.

He finally relented, shrugging softly. The mission was over, and at this point, there was no need to keep his helmet on. Red hadn't cut and run, and Garren didn't do anything worth keeping himself anonymous for. Still, he was nervous about revealing his head, and as he carefully uncoupled the helmet from the rest of his suit, he carefully lifted his helmet up and off, slowly revealing his face.

Red stared at Garren in astonishment, despite being prepared. Under the black metal of his helmet, Garren sported a blunt muzzle, short and feline in nature, black and white rosettes and sharp, green eyes. Garren revealed himself to be a snow leopard, save for the small, yet rather important addition of two large stalks that sprouted from just in front of his ears, both advertised antennae twitching faintly as they were released from the confines of Garren's helmet. They were insectoid in nature, and looked no larger than a pen in thickness each, and they both ended with a small bend that caused them to look like rabbit ears that gently twisted from time to time.

There was a silence between the two of them, as they stared at each other, no more helmets in the way to preserve any amount of privacy, at least when it came to their faces. The both of them kept watching the other, and Garren's nose slightly twitched, whiskers fanning out before Red finally broke the silence. "So...You're a feline, huh..?" he let his gaze slowly wander downwards, tracing his gaze down across his body. "Here. I'll be...super honest." he raises both of his hands. "We've got a lot of time to kill before we make it to our destination. We were instructed to stay out of wormholes in order to keep the target safe. Whatever." he shifted his weight from side to side. "The Med-AI says you're fine, the main force of the blast was on the other side of that door, and our target is still out cold. You've woken up after an hour."

"So?" Garren's left eyebrow arched in a quizzical manner, "What's your point?"

"To risk sounding creepy? I want to see you outside your suit." Red responded, shrugging his shoulders, still watching Garren, moving closer to Garren's bed before slightly reaching out, "I mean. You could say no, I've already doomed us to an awkward ride home."

"Sure." He hadn't meant it to sound so casual, but rather than risk boredom, he figured he'd entertain Red for the moment. Considering their mostly successful mission, Garren was rather cheerful, even if his ears were ringing with no signs of stopping. He stretched out on his bed for a second, resituated himself for a moment, shuffling back and forth before looking down along his legs, then up to Red, who simply stood there. "Seriously. You can't just stand and stare."

"You want me to to-" Red was quickly cut off by the feline, his eyes narrowed.

"I mean sit. You're hovering and it's...kinda creepy." Garren admitted, his antennae twitching once before Red seemed to get the picture. He looked around the room for a moment, and grabbed a nearby seat, quickly plopping himself down onto it, eagerly watching Garren, despite the feline's nervous state.

Garren took in a slow, deep breath, the simulated leather suit that softly clung to his body made the faintest of sounds, like plastic against rubber, a muffled squeaking as he gathered the courage to lift one gloved hand and grab at the zipper that hung loosely at his throat. He gently toyed with it, procrastinating as Red's eyes widened, little by little. Garren had to look away from the iguana as he slowly worked the zipper down, his ears folding back for a moment as he slowly exposed his flat chest to the air, the snow leopard masking the sound of his unzipping with a faint purr.

"You don't need to go slow just for me, Garren." Red murmured, though he certainly looked enthralled as the suit slowly split open, exposing more and more of Garren's fur to the artificial atmosphere, his heart racing as the zipper stopped just above his groin, at the end of its line. Another deep breath in, then back out.

"This is only because you were a good partner, you know." Garren insisted, then slowly pulled his arms out of the suit, exposing his digits and giving them a slow wiggle, making sure they all worked, and by the looks of it, they did. He then arched his back, lifting his hips off the bed and slowly pushed his suit off his body, leaving Red to stare once again.

"You're naked."

"Thanks genius." Garren rolled his eyes for a moment then explained, "I don't wear anything but the suit and armor. Too constricting otherwise. Besides, when I'm not on a mission, I'm a nudist...or have you noticed the lack of luggage space?" Garren gestured around in general. They were using his ship, after all, and while many systems and designs were standardized, he had customized most of the 'storage' space to accommodate his targets, whatever, or whoever, it may be.

"That...explains why you wanted to use your ride, you got me there." Red admitted with a faint chuckle, "Still. No underwear? Seriously? Doesn't that...feel gross to you mammals?"

"No, does having anything smooth touch your scales feel gross?" Garren snapped back, shaking his head after a second. Red was watching him, as he kicked his suit to the corner of his bed, laying out in the nude for the iguana to admire. Garren noticed his eyes, when he looked over, his snow-white body twisting just slightly so he could get more comfortable. "You're staring at my junk."

"Now look who's the genius. If you've got those things on your head, your dick's gotta be weird too." Red snickered softly, leaving Garren to sit upright in his bed again, casting a glare over at the iguana. "Not that it means something bad, unless, y'know, your dick's gotta mouth and teeth and it needs to go out for walks like a feral does."

"Oh. Right. Because that makes perfect biological sense. A dick that can.." Garren shook his head, "That's stupid. And you're ignorant. My dick's fine. Maybe it's your dick that's stupid looking." the feline sneered out before rubbing at his temples. "You haven't even seen it, so you can't say anything."

"Yet. I haven't seen it yet." Red was slowly detaching sections of his own suit, placing the armor on the side table, near Garren's own armor fragments. The reptile leaned over to give the snowleopard a good look, "The bet was I get to see you outside the suit. You, as in all of you." he grinned widely once again, his thick tail slowly swaying back and forth as he laid a gloved hand on Garren's groin, giving his balls a light rub.

The feline froze up at that touch, looking surprised, if nothing else. His breathing slowed as he shot Red another glare, but he didn't entirely know what to make of the situation. "Look..." Garren finally spoke, "Look can't do anything if you keep that outfit on. I'll let you check my junk out if you're wearing your armor and all that crap. Last thing I want is a recording on the outer-net."

"Well, it wouldn't be POV anymore," Red joked, the feline lashing out and kicking him in the gut and making up cough out softly in surprise. It wasn't a forceful kick, but it got his point across, either way. Garren's nose wriggled, as did his whiskers, and he softly whispered, "Seriously, no recording. Or I'm the only one getting the bounty."

"A compelling argument..." Red's hand didn't move, despite the assault, staying right atop Garren's groin, before it started to very softly move, his thumb starting to rub along the underside of the feline's sheath, back and forth, causing it to steadily swell as blood flow was redirected to his hidden maleness. Garren's heart started to speed up just a little more, bit by bit, as his sheath fattened up further with the iguana's touch.

"Seriously. Take that thing off. I can't be the only one naked." Garren insisted, starting to blush as he locked eyes with Red, the iguana seeming to take his sweet time to even acknowledge his partner's request. Lazily, the reptile nodded, and pulled his gloved hand away from the feline's sheath, just as the pink tip started to show.

"I was just starting to enjoy that look on your face." he commented, chuckling lightly to himself before he slowly got up and reached for the zipper on his suit, slowly working the zipper down his body. The armor that had not yet been removed from the outfit caused it to sag off his limbs like undercooked noodles, before suddenly hitting the ground with a dull, metallic pang. The iguana's green scales were only covered, at the point, by a tight pair of red boxers, outlining the bulge of his maleness.

Garren watched him quietly, then made a small motion with his hand, "Take those off, too. If you want to make fun of my dick, I get to at least see yours." Red let out a uncommitted grunt of frustration, then nodded his head. He slithered his claws under his boxers, slowly moving them back and forth for a second, to get himself ready, then slowly slid his underwear down, off of his body.

"Aha! You are the one with the weird junk!" Garren snickered, grinning toothily. Red looked away for a moment, shaking his hips. Situated between his legs was a reptilian vent, with two bright red lengths peeking out and faintly twitching, "You have two though...that's...kinda neat I guess." Garren mentioned after giving it some thought. His fluffy tail twitched in thought before he slowly reached down to his sheath, giving it a gentle squeeze as he worked his digits slowly across his length as it grew.

Red looked down to his own pair of lengths, starting to very gently rub at them, "At least I don't look like a bug." he snickered under his breath, rubbing at himself slowly and steadily to get to full hardness, making sure that Garren could watch him and every detail of his twitching pair of lengths, the dull, steady throbbing matching Red's slow, calm pace, the reptile seemingly relaxed as he exposed himself to the feline.

When both males were hard, Garren couldn't help but try and mentally compare the both of them, his eyes locked onto the iguana's maleness, watching the way they twitched with life. In a fit of curiosity, the snow leopard's eyes trailed up, noticing Red's grinning face. "Alright. New idea. You made things awkward, now I'm going to make things weird." He scoots his rump on the bed slightly, making some extra space on his mattress before he takes in a deep breath, reminding himself that they have plenty of time. "I want you to...uh...straddle my lap. I want to rub my junk against yours."

"You want to..." Red shook his head, "Alright. Just don't be all...gross about it." He eyed Garren's length for a few long moments, watching as it throbs to his quick heartbeat. Red shifted his weight, from one foot to the other before he slowly got onto the bed with the feline, carefully straddling the mammals hips and pressing his lengths down against the pink shaft as it twitched again. A small helping of precum bubbled from Red's twin shafts, and he reached down to wipe himself clean, at least he was going to before Garren softly slapped his hand away.

The furred male wrapped his soft fingers around all three shafts, squeezing them gently together as he looked up at Red's face for a second. "I don't like the feeling of scales on my dick." He murmured bluntly, "Too rough for my liking, even after lotion." He snickered to himself, his antennae bobbing as he started to stroke the both of them off, watching as the sensitive skin slightly bunched up against his touch, before getting stretched taut, milking precum from them both and smearing it all along their shafts with long, smooth strokes.

Red's head slowly tilted back, letting out a rather surprised, yet soft, moan, his toes curling as he squeezed his knees together to keep a steady hold on Garren as he did all the work. Back and forth the furred hand moved, stroking and squeezing, rubbing at all the right places, at least for Garren. The reptile's lengths twitched gently, and added more of his precum to the mix between them, signalling the fact that the feline knew how to pleasure his partner, this time. His fluffy tail twitched while the fur stood on end.

A deep breath in, and Garren could smell their mix of sexual musk, filling the cabin as he started to grind his hips up to add to their stimulation, while Red's tail gently curled around Garren's ankle once, keeping a soft hold on it as he panting faintly. "That's it..." Red muttered first, "Not what I expected...but it's something I want...k-keep going, warm-blood." The snow leopard couldn't help but glare up at Red as he made the comment, but he continued his work, nevertheless.

Red's hips rocked steadily, and increased in pace as he let out a strange little hiss of what sounded like pleasure, his head rolling to one side, before tilting as his jaws parted with another lewd groan. "You're rather vocal," Garren commented, chuckling once under his breath, "At least I can tell you're enjoying yourself..." He looked back down to the hemipene that he had his grip on, squeezing once more as his antennae bounced, able to sense something different approaching.

The two, ruby red lengths started to twitch and throb with more force, and Garren looked down just in time to notice, a stream of pearly seed suddenly shooting from both lengths, landing in long lines across his belly and sinking into his fur to make a sticky mess of the feline. The warmth made him quiver, and the the way Red had groaned out made Garren squirm and blush, thrusting up into his hand quickly, the feline's rough tip teasing his partner's length and causing them to spurt extra strings into Garren's fur to make the mess even worse.

The snow leopard suddenly tensed a moment later, trembling from head to toe and shoving his hips upwards. A few faint gasps before he let out a low growl heralded his own peak of pleasure, his tip flaring for just a moment, his urethra bulging as his cum shot out of it, mixing with the iguana's seed on his belly, making an even bigger, sloppy mess of his stomach fur. He closed his eyes slowly, a smile spreading slowly across the feline's face as they laid there in his bed, happy to sleep away the couple of hours that would be necessary for them to complete their trip.


"It took you long enough!" A disgruntled looking possum anthro leered at the two men he had hired, unable to gauge their reactions from behind the blacked out visors. "I had a tracker on her the entire time, did she get lost on the way back? Is that what took you so long?" he sneered.

Red shrugged his shoulders quietly, "All safety precautions were taken, sir. You wanted her alive. She is here, alive." He gestured to the teenage possum next to him, handcuffed and her head slumped low. "Lucky she's ok, too. She fired at us. We could have blasted her to dust and-"

"Enough!" Their employer shouted out, waving his hands wildly like he was swatting away flies, "That is enough. Despite you two wasting my time, I suppose I have to pay you, don't I? Rules are rules." he snorted out in anger, grabbing his daughter by the arm, causing her to wince in a mix of pain and shame, being dragged into her home by her short-tempered father.

"Fancy little shits," Garren muttered over the radio to Red, "This is probably his fifth bio-bubble, no wonder she's a brat..." He crossed his arms, looking down at his armor. One of the black plates had been replaced with a red one, looking over to Red' to see that his missing piece was on the iguana's suit instead. It didn't seem like their employer knew the difference, at least.

"Here." The possum grunted out, showing off two credit sticks, then forced them into the merc's hands. "Idiots don't even know how to use wormholes, my daughter could have died out there!" The frustrated man slammed the door to his home shut, but even more frustrated, at this moment, was Garren.

He glared at Red, "I'm sorry. I don't think I heard him right, did he just say...?"

"Whelp. Cat's out of the bag." The iguana let out a hissing chuckle, then shrugged. He pocketed the credit stick into an armored pocket before making a finger-gun at Garren, "I just shared my details with you, should be in your C-HUD, yeah? We should partner up again soon!"

And before Garren could retort, Red ran off to the hangar where his fighter lay, leaving the feline bewildered as he returned to his ship, scanning his directory for new bounties. "One helluva character..." he mumbled, picking out a courier request, something easy, and shot off into the stars.