Roen's Tale, Chapter 4 1/2: An Evening With Niva

Story by Sovereign Kyle on SoFurry

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#6 of Roen

Continuing Roen's Tale... An evening with Niva, Is she worthy of his love? Does he really love her? What about Railu?

(it's a half chapter because it's so short.)

--Feedback is welcome. Kindness is appreciated--

Next: Chapter 5

Finding myself back at the café for supper, I wonder what I'm really here for, the food, or the company. Niva moves gracefully from table to table, dropping off meals, picking up dishes, and refilling drinks. After she drops of my meal she disappears into the kitchen area.

After a couple minutes, she comes out with another plate and sits next to me. "May I?" Taken slightly by surprise, and having a mouthful of food, I nod. She sits and sighs, "Finally get my lunch."


She takes a bite and nods, "Mina's out sick, and Arin's been helping in the kitchen instead of bussing tables."

"Sorry to hear." I take a drink and then ask, "Do you want to do something later?"

She stops and looks at me with a surprised look, and I find myself equally surprised that I just asked that question. "You, want to spend some time with me?" she asks quietly.

"I'm offering to, if you want to," I admit.

She starts to slowly eat again as she state, "I don't get off for another two hours. What would we do?"

"Have a drink, talk, whatever."

She blushes and curls her tail around her. "Whatever?" she asks, seemingly hopeful.

"I would not say no to such a beautiful female."

She grins shyly, "Well, I'll see you later then."

I smile, and stack her empty plate on mine. "I'll be back."

She leans into me and gives me a nuzzle, and I hear her sniff deeply. "I can't wait," she coos.

I spend some time roaming the market, and find a fox paw pendant. I buy it as a gift for Niva, and then return to the café. I watch as she and Arin, a raccoon, clean up the tables and collect any remaining dishes.

When she sees me, she smiles and waves to me. "Almost done." I politely wave back and lean against a post to watch her. Knowing I'm watching, she adds a happy wiggle to her walk, and her tail flows behind her like a ribbon. For the first time, I realize that her two piece wrap reveals her midriff, but being black in color, it only shows it across her back.

When she finally bounces over to me, she wraps me in a hug. "Hey."

"Hey yourself." I extend my arm, "Shall we?"

She hooks her arm through mine, "Where we going?"

"For a short walk. I'd like to get to know you better, and I have a feeling you want to do the same."

She blushes, but nods. "What's her name?"

"My mate's name is Railu. She looks a lot like me, just a little shorter."

She looks up at me, as we walk, and smiles, "When'd you last see her?"

I let out a sigh, "It's been nearly...four months."

She wraps her arm around me, "Long time, to be away from someone you love."

"I know, but this job pays too much to have passed it up."

"Does she work?"

I chuckle, "A little, she's in training so it's not much."

"Training? For what?"

"Scout, like me."

"Oh." We walk in silence for a minute, till she asks, "Ever though about a second mate?"

I sigh, "I have...considered it. I think it'd be a good idea to move from Arroketh first." I look down at her and smile, "Can I ask you something? Why me?"

She stops walking, and I turn to her as she sighs, "I saw the real you. You didn't hide the way you care about being away from your mate. I had a mate once, but he didn't really care about me, just wanted me to take care of him."


She nods and starts walking again, "Yeah, few months ago, he left for Three Lands, got jumped by some bandits, he didn't make it."

I pull her close, "Sorry to hear."

She sighs, putting her head against my arm, "Yeah, figured out that I wasn't really in love with him, either."

Now near the west edge of the village, we lean against each other and watch the sun set. As the dark sets in, I feel her start to tremble. "You ok?"

"I don't like the dark."

I hug her to me, "The dark doesn't bother me."

She seems to calm a little, until a predatory cry pierces the silence. Feeling her tuck her head into my chest, I pick her up. "Come on, let's get inside."

She wraps her arms around me, "Where're you staying?"

"North Gate Inn."

She smiles. "Closter than my apartment. Have a room to yourself?"

I look curiously at her. "Are you wanting to spend the night with me?"

She nods. "I'm in heat."

"I know." I turn to the north, heading for the inn. "I can smell you."

"And yet you said nothing," she softly states.

"I did not want to presume a need when one was not implied."

She rubs her small muzzle along mine and wraps her tail around me. "Let me be your second mate, at least for the night."

I open the door to inn's common room, grateful to find it empty. "It would be an honor." After opening my rooms door, I gently lie her on the bed and drop my satchel.

She reaches up and pulls me down to her. After lapping at my nose a couple times, she works her way under my chin and gently nips at my neck. Her nimble hands start untying the wrap I'm wearing.

Feeding off her heat, I start untying her wraps as I lick at her ears. She moans quietly and starts to squirm under me, working herself out of her clothes. After a moment, she rolls me over and then climbs onto me, tossing her clothes aside. With a hungry smile on her face, she starts to growl softly and runs her fingers up my chest through my fur.

I return her affection, running my hands up her belly, felling her six vestigial teats, before taking hold of her soft breasts. She gasps and starts rocking her hips, encouraging me out. Her scent is unshakable, and my excitement quickly builds.

Seeing me exposed, she raises up. I pull my knees up and rock my hips, aiming for her heat. Without hesitation, she takes me in. She is hot inside, and I gasp. Raising up again, she closes her eyes before coming back down. I feel my knot swell inside her and she lets out a gasp and then sighs.

With her not being a canine, she doesn't hold me in, instead she sets a steady rhythm, coming down to my knot before raising back up. I fight the urge to compare her to Railu, and reach again for her breasts.

I start kneading them, teasing her nipples as she continues her rhythm, occasionally taking my knot in, only to let it out again. My hips start to move on their own, in time with hers. She starts to gasp with each thrust, taking my knot more often.

Feeling her start to claw at my chest, I sit up and start to suckle on her nipples. She pulls me closer with a sharp gasp, cramming her breast in my mouth. I wrap my arms around her and gently claw her back. She reciprocates, clawing my back. I switch breasts and increase the force of my thrusts. She picks up her pace, matching my energy, but she's starting to pant, tiring.

I pull her down to me, and roll us over, she wraps her legs and tail around me as I pickup the rhythm. Now having a passive roll, she starts gasping with each thrust, occasionally nipping at my neck and chin. Feeling my release coming, I push harder, and she starts to whimper, holding me tightly as I work.

With a final, deep thrust, I push my knot deep inside her and release. She squeals and sinks her claws into me.

After a few moments, she slowly starts to relax. "Don't...move," she pants, working her muzzle into my neck. "Just...stay."

Finding myself too tired to move anyway, I simply relax onto her, and let sleep take me.