Those Puppy Dog Eyes, Part 2

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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Charlotte kept a close eye out around her as she pulled her car into a parking space. It was the same hotel she'd been meeting her son at in secrecy for the past couple years now, their own little place to be together ever since Logan had moved out of the house.

"Doesn't look like I was followed this time, either. I'm getting really good at staying out of the public eye!" she praised herself, stepping out of the sedan and closing the door behind her, mindful of the soft, fluffy fur of her curled tail. She knew that there had been some murmuring around the neighborhood that something unusual was going on in her family behind closed doors, but she did her best to keep things private and beyond that, pay the rumors of the town no mind.

She was having far too much fun fucking her son to worry too much about the implications of being caught.

"Checking in for the day?" asked the front desk attendant, as Charlotte walked through the automatic, sliding doors of the hotel. She'd become something of a regular at the location, and her contact information was already pulled up by the time she was leaning over the counter.

"Mmhm. Just the one night this time, Matt," she replied, being as courteous as she ever was to the young hotel manager, a tall and proper Great Dane that Charlotte couldn't deny thinking about every now and again, but at the end of the day, she only had eyes for her son, and she wasn't about to risk that by having a fling with anybody else.

Matt hit a couple keys on the keyboard and reached under the desk, gathering up a couple keycards for Charlotte. He'd gotten used to her asking for a second one at some point in the night, and this time, he was prepared for it. "You know, you _really_should think about getting a rewards card here. With all the nights you've racked up, you'd have a couple free ones by now, no doubt."

"I've got my reasons not to, Matt," Charlotte said, giving the tall, stately man a quick wink, letting him know not to pry any further. "But I do appreciate you looking out for me."

She took the keycards from the still baffled hotel manager and headed down the hallway the right of the front desk, towards the guest rooms. Charlotte spared no expense in making her son feel appreciated, and instead of going to some seedy, sleazy hotel in the bad part of town, she went to a well respected franchise hotel, with large, comfortable rooms, and in this case, it was a suite, to boot. Already, lewd fantasies of bedding her son in the master bedroom, dragging him out to the sleeper sofa in the living room for another go, and having him bend her over the counter in the kitchen were flooding her mind, and the faintest hint of the nectar of her arousal was gathering on her labia, staining the surprise that she'd hidden under an otherwise normal looking outfit. The jeans and a comfortable shirt were casual enough, but the slim lines and tight, silky fabric of the lingerie underneath wouldn't go unnoticed. She felt sexy hiding the garments underneath her street clothes, but beyond it, she just felt confident. She was sure Logan would notice it when he finally did arrive.

Beep beep. The frequency reader on the door to her hotel room accepted the keycard, and Charlotte entered perhaps the nicest room she'd been in, in the many months that she'd been staying at the hotel. The full service kitchen in the entryway made sure that she and Logan wouldn't have to leave the hotel room all day or night if they didn't want to, and the couch that hid the sleeper sofa from view was large and plush, looking comfortable enough for her to sprawl across it and be asleep in seconds. There was a large TV nestled neatly into the corner, but Charlotte wasn't concerned about that at all. What she was concerned about was what awaited her beyond the closed double doors that blocked away the master bedroom. She rested a curious paw on one of the door handles and turned in, pushing in, swinging the door open with relative ease. Her tail picked up in a delighted wag, swaying back and forth excitedly as she saw a king sized bed right out of her dreams, covered in soft, silky throw pillows and a down comforter than was taken straight from the clouds above. The bright, stark white decor would be the perfect contrast for her lingerie, and she immediately started plotting her display. Her shirt was tossed carelessly over her head, and her paws, sliding slowly down over her own body to tease herself into a frenzy, finally did reach the button on the front of her jeans. She arched her back, rump perking up into the denim as it slid down over her body, ending up in a pool on the floor with her forgotten shirt. All that was left was a tight, lacy black thong and a bra made to perfectly match, with leggings that stopped just about mid thigh. She knew her son wouldn't be able to resist her when he saw it, and if her guess was right, he'd be coming in only moments later.

He wasn't quite that close behind, but he was definitely in a hurry.

Logan was swerving in and out of traffic, making his way down the highway and only ever slowing down when he finally reached the exit that the hotel was off of. He'd never been late to a rendezvous with his mother, and he didn't want this time to be the first, knowing what a demon she could be in the bedroom. Keeping her waiting wasn't ever the best idea anyway, and he urgently cut off a slower driver, getting into the right lane so he could turn into the hotel. The enraged driver threw up a less than friendly salute as Logan passed him by, but the lustfully charged husky didn't care even if he was followed into the hotel parking lot; the pleasure that awaited him at the end of his drive was of a caliber that no other woman could give him, one that he would do much worse things for than driving arrogantly. He whipped through the parking lot and passed by his mother's car just to make sure that it was there, and went around to the backside parking lot of the building, keeping an eye out for anyone who might be snooping, just like his mother did before him. Content that he made it there safely, he stepped out, locked his doors and tried to shake off the rushed attitude that accompanied such frantic driving. His tail curled confidently and he took a couple deep breaths, gathering himself into the sensual young lover that his incestuous partner had become accustomed to. Even if it might be wrong, it wasn't hard to see why Charlotte enticed Logan in the first place: He was a prime example of everything that people loved about huskies. Bright, piercing blue eyes, a strong and well built frame that was given just enough muscle to peek through the tight, white t-shirt that clung to his body, and a tail that was soft enough to squeeze and curl up to after a long, passionate bout of lovemaking.

_Hope she hasn't been waiting too long,_Logan thought, as he made his way to the back entrance of the hotel, thankfully still unlocked in the middle of the day. He opened the door and stepped inside, sure that his mother saw his car pulling into the parking lot from the window of her room. His phone buzzed, and he pulled it from his pocket, reading the text that he knew who it was from, "Room 112."

Turning down the hallway for the guestrooms, Logan immediately deleted the text tried not to look too hasty in his approach. He and Charlotte had become professionals at not rousing suspicion about their taboo affair, and he wanted this secret to stay a secret every bit as much as his mother. It went so far that Charlotte actually left the door to the hotel room cracked open just a bit so Logan wouldn't have to go to the front desk to ask for a keycard, and when Logan quietly entered the room, he didn't call out for 'Mom' or 'Mother,' but instead, he looked around the empty common area and yelled, "Charlotte?"

There was no reply.

Nothing had been left in the kitchen, the sofa was untouched, and the TV was left off. If Logan didn't know any better, he'd think that his mother was playing games with him, but there was something in the air that made him absolutely sure she was waiting for him somewhere inside. That delicious, purely feminine aroma of need that filled the hotel room simply wouldn't let Logan leave, and as it teased across his nostrils, beckoning at his lustful intentions like a freshly cooked meal to an empty stomach, the husky closed the door behind him and dead-bolted it, not wanting anything to interrupt what was to come.

He moved slowly through the common area, half expecting his mother to be hiding in a corner. He kept expecting her to pounce out at him and pin him to the floor, but no such thing ever occurred. Instead, the only thing that dropped was his jaw as he pushed open the partially open doors to the master bedroom and saw his mom spread eagle upon the pearly white sheets, black lingerie covering up the soft, plush fur on her body, barely containing her full, supple breasts and doing nothing to hide the thin streams of liquid desire that poured from her covered slit.

"I was starting to wonder if you were going to make it, Logan. Don't tell me you're bored with me already?"

Her son could hardly answer. The steely blue orbs that were his eyes were still wide with wonder at the sight before him. In all of their previous romps, Charlotte had never gone to quite such an extreme to look like the pin up of Logan's dreams. "N-not even a little bit," Logan stumbled over his words at first, swallowing back a lump in his throat as Charlotte rested a paw over her thong panties, giving her swollen netherlips a much needed touch. "I just had to work a little late, and traffic was horrid. This...this makes it all better, though."

"That's what I'm supposed to do, after all. Do whatever it takes to make my boy all better..." Charlotte replied with a confident grin, following her son's eyes right down to the lewd display she was putting on for him. _Bet he's the only boy who can say he ever got to watch his mom masturbate for him,_she thought, delighting in the absolutely forbidden nature of the thought. She was far beyond caring about things being taboo at this point in their relationship. "But a son shouldn't keep her mother waiting, and I can smell from here that you had a long day at work...get in that shower and clean up for me."

Logan was used to his mother being a bit sexually demanding, and he was always happy to oblige. Giving a nod of agreement, Logan made a show of getting ready for the shower, tugging the t-shirt away from his body and pulling it taught over his head, making sure to stretch out his back and push his abdomen out, the valleys of his muscles drawing Charlotte in even further. Being a little bit older and still being able to bed a hot, muscular young canine in his prime was a turn on that could borderline on unnecessary, as needy as she already was, but as Logan peeled his jeans away from his sweat-soaked fur and kicked his boxers away, leaving a tasty looking sheath and the very tip of his cock starting to emerge, she found herself even more aroused, near to the point of it being painful. More than ever, she simply had to have her son...and she wouldn't be denied.

"As a matter of about you let me help clean you up?" she suggested, though Logan knew she wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, and he would have been a fool to argue against it.

"I could certainly use a little help scrubbing my back," Logan replied teasingly, knowing that his mother had far more devious intentions than that. Not even waiting for her to stand from the bed, Logan strode in the bathroom, naked as the day he was born and giving his mother a great look at his toned backside before he snuck into the lavish shower.

Charlotte knew her son was shocked by the gasp of disbelief as he saw the sliding glass doors that encompassed a shower head on each wall of the shower, easily big enough to fit eight people inside without anyone bumping elbows, and yet, it was reserved, just for the two of them. "Can't spare any expense when it comes to taking care of my baby," Charlotte whispered into his ear, having snuck up behind him as he stood in the entrance of the shower, dumbfounded. It was simply massive.

Skillful paws snaked up Logan's back and teased around to his chest, clawtips raking against the firm muscles that could easily be felt. "Nnngh..." Logan gasped quietly, absolutely loving the attention, and his mother's preferred method of bringing him back to reality. "You really went all out this time, Mom. What's the special occasion...?"

"Anytime I get to bury that thick cock inside of me is a special occasion, Logan," his mother explained, her voice teasing through his ear like the delicate song of the sirens, and her warm breath on his flesh brought goosebumps up to the surface. "Now how about we turn on the water and wash away your worries...?"

Charlotte could feel the tension in Logan's body as she teased her clawtips through his delicate fur and stroked the pads of her paws back from his chest, over to his taut shoulders. Whether it was the high stakes of the situation or just a long day at work, Logan wasn't quite relaxed, and Charlotte gave her son a gentle nudge into the shower, eager to get him to relax as much as possible. "Sounds wonderful to me, Mother," Logan said in a low, tempting growl, his paws eagerly reaching to the panel on the wall that controlled the flow of water. He turned on all three shower-heads at once, soaking himself in a mere instant, and Charlotte followed suit as she stripped away the last of her lingerie and stood right behind her son in the shower.

He could feel her body shivering, despite the warm water cascading over it. He knew that Charlotte absolutely loved the incestuous nature of their forbidden affair, and just hearing the word 'mother' from him was enough to send chills up her spine. Knowing that he had her body aching with need, Logan slowly turned around and embraced his mother, pulling the female husky into his arms and holding her close, letting her bury her cheek in against his chest. She rumbled lowly from her throat, pressing her hips into his body and grinding hard against his growing cock, absolutely loving the feeling of the flesh growing against her fur. "So much for getting cleaned up then, hm?" he asked, tiny spittles of precum squirting across his mother's tummy as she teased his cock through her fur.

"Being c-clean is overrated," Charlotte said, stuttering as the need within her continued to grow, and having that delicious looking member so close to her snatch but not quite in it was the most exciting form of torture she could imagine. "I think it's time you made your mother nice and messy, Logan..."

Logan angled his hips, letting the now fully engorged length of his cock slide between his mother's thighs. The extra heat coming off of his manhood made Charlotte gasp, biting down on her son's chest and immediately leaving a deep mark in his flesh as she humped down desperately against the flesh, trying to get it past her absolutely soaked labia. "Feels like you're the one getting me all messy!" Logan pointed out, trying to hold back a gasp of pain and pleasure as he felt her fangs pressing tight into his flesh. He was almost of a mind to punish his mother and keep denying her, but as he felt that slick, heavenly, natural lubricant coating his cock with each errant thrust, his resolve to do anything other than fuck his mother like a wild animal completely faded away. Spinning her body into the tiles of the shower wall, drawing a loud yelp of surprise and delight from Charlotte, Logan pressed her warm, perky breasts to the cool tiles of the shower and gripped her tail, making sure it stayed well out of the way. Charlotte acted like the needy husky she was, pushing her rump all the way back into his tapered length, and with the rapport they'd developed in their years of incestuous encounters, he impaled his mother on his cock, spreading her labia wide open and filling her body up hard.

" YES! It's in...oooooohgodyesit'sin..." Charlotte screamed in elation, gasping her way through praising her son thereafter as her claws raked at the tiles and she bucked her hips backwards, forcing the husky male behind her to fuck her even deeper. Her tongue lolled out the side of her maw as she panted, finally getting even just a taste of what she'd been needing all along.

Logan winced his eyes shut tight as he rutted his own mother, his paws gripping tight around her curvy hips and holding on for dear life, claws dug into her flesh as he hammered away at her. Knowing she didn't need to be worked up slowly, Logan had no problem thrusting so hard that his sack slapped up against her clit with each hump, giving her yet another wave of pleasure to drown in. "'s s-so tight!'ve got such a good pussy!"

"Better than anyone else you've ever had?" Charlotte asked, looking back at her son with a devilish grin and narrowed eyes.

Logan could feel her eyes on him, and he peeked one open, managing an exasperated smirk. "Ever had and ever will have..." He knew his mother was just stroking her own ego, but his prize for giving the right answer was a series of tight, gripping squeezes by her inner muscles, grabbing his cock at different points with each thrust and nearly milking him right to an orgasm there and then.

"That's what I son has such a lovely cock..." she praised him, loving the different sensations his tool gave her with each squeeze. "Fuck me good, Logan...fuck me hard like the dominant husky you are!"

He certainly didn't need any further urgings from his mother, already pounding away at her like a feral beast, but he wasn't one to leave her unsatisfied, either. Gripping even tighter, his claws leaving a light red glow under her white fur now, he started into an even harder pace, and sweat started to bead down his forehead as billows of steam came from the floor of the shower, adding even more sensuality to the moment. That delightful steam helped carry the wonderfully aromatic scent of his mother right up to his muzzle again, a scent he found so sweet that it nearly made him drool. "M-Mom...what...uh. What is that?"

The pleasure started to fade from Logan's voice as he heard something out in the hotel room, but he wasn't sure what. He knew he'd locked the door, but there was definitely some sort of sound coming from the bedroom. "Damn it!" Charlotte shouted as she regretfully pushed her son back and slid the door open, grabbing a towel. "That could be your father! I'm sorry Logan, I have to take this!"

Logan had to grit his fangs to hide his disappointment, and he couldn't stop himself from turning off the water in the shower. His cock still glistened and dripped with the juices from inside of Charlotte, and his own precum formed a slow drip down to the shower floor. He'd been nearing the verge of orgasm, and the random fluttering of his mother's inner walls told him that she had to be nearing the same. Well...we'd been having a good run lately, anyway. We were due to have a little hiccup, right? No need to get grumpy at her. I'll just try and make the best of it.

The wave of relief that passed over Charlotte when she checked her phone and saw that it wasn't her husband at all, but just coworker that she readily ignored nearly was orgasmic. It did bring her attention to keeping her husband and her daughter from being suspicious, however, so she immediately punched in a text to Clayton and tried to think of a good reason that she'd still be out and about for the day.

On my way home. Do you need anything from the store? I'm picking up dinner.

Generic, not all suspicious, and entirely plausible, Charlotte was satisfied with her message and sent it immediately. Logan, having calmed himself down enough to try and be a little more of a sensual, romantic lover with his mother in case they both had to disappear, was busy wrapping a towel around his waist as he heard his mother fiddling around with her phone.

"Where does he think you are?" Logan strode out of the bathroom, a white hotel towel wrapped around his waist. He came up on Charlotte from behind and planted a kiss on her neck. The older husky could feel her son's cock pressing into her back through the fabric of the towel, and she smiled.

"At the store, getting dinner. I told him there was traffic on the route home, so we have plenty of time." She twisted in his arms, planting very taboo kisses on her son's muzzle. As the stronger husky picked her up and carried her to the hotel bed, his lips parting her own, all thoughts of her husband and daughter fled from her mind.

"That means we have plenty of time to finish up after all..." Logan said, his voice just a bit dreamy as he imagined how wonderful it would feel to finish after such a long delay. No doubt, Charlotte felt the same, and Logan didn't let her body go untouched, snaking a paw between her thighs and dipping a pair of pawtips into her tight treasure.

Charlotte gripped her claws tight into Logan's back as he carried her and teased her at the same time, making her feel like quite the princess on one hand, and quite the naughty little lady on the other. She was still dripping wet from their earlier attempt, and her son's pawtips slid inside of her easily, curving up and hooking towards her g-spot, just like she'd taught him to so many secret visits ago. "We do, but now I have to make a trip to the store, still...mnnn...finger me harder, baby!" Charlotte commanded, biting her own pawtip to keep from gasping too loud and disturbing their potential neighbors, though she worried once she finally climaxed, there wouldn't be enough pillows in the world to bury her muzzle in. "Let's not get carried away, Logan. We don't need anymore foreplay. This little husky needs a bit, thick male to mount her, NOW!"

It was lucky for Logan that the walk to the bed was so short. His cock, growing erect again in just seconds at the thought, pushed his towel away from his body and down to the floor, and knowing just what she needed now, he put his mother down on the bed none too gently and pushed her body into position. She easily complied, pressing her paws down tight to the plush down comforter and getting on her knees, lifting her ass up for Logan's viewing pleasure, and her tail curled out of the way to make sure nothing was obscured. Bringing his pawtips up to his muzzle and licking up every drop of that delicious nectar, Logan let out a rumble of approval and rubbed his own spittle into his cock as he gripped it and climbed up onto the bed, behind his mother's swaying rump, fully enticed by it. The display was so naughty, so decidedly _canine_that anyone lucky enough to watch the lustful pair in action would think they just happened upon a female husky in heat getting bred. In her heart of hearts, that was just what she wanted, and Logan was more than ready to fulfill that duty, as he leaned over his mother and mounted her like a proper canine. His paws gripped tight around her tummy and his claws dug in, keeping her firmly in place beneath of him as he blindly humped away at her, his length spilling precum all over her rump before he finally struck gold and filled her up once again, her already well-fucked slit offering no resistance to his thrust, but rewarding it with a pleasant squeeze.

"Yes...fuck yes! Bury that cock deep inside me, Logan! Your mother needs a knot, and she needs it now!" she demanded, having already come so close to her climax in the shower that she knew she wouldn't last long. It would be a proper canine breeding: Hard, fast, brutal thrusting, and a big, thick knot at the end, complete with enough seed to put out the flames of even the worst heat.

Logan watched as Charlotte looked back at him with a mix of bliss and desperation on her face, already so deep in pleasure, but still needing just once more thing to truly consider their mateship complete. "A-anything for my lovely mother," Logan gasped through his words, thrusting entirely from his hips and hammering away at her as he bit down on the scruff of her neck, using every advantage he could to aid his hips in hard, punishing thrusts. The lewd, naughty sounds of their incestuous coupling grew louder with each pass of their hips, as his sack slapped harder against her clit, her moans became louder and louder, and his desperate, canine growls started filling the room, and no doubt disturbing any neighbors they might have.

Neither one of them cared.

Panting breathlessly and absolutely rutting his mother, Logan couldn't contain the pleasure welling up in his stomach any longer. The thick, bulbous knot that Charlotte so deeply desired finally emerged from his sheath and started pounding at her already spread labia, trying to get them to accommodate just a little bit more cock than they already were. Charlotte knew she was finally getting her prize, and her eyes rolled back in her head, her maw agape with pleasure as she pushed back, assisting her son in their forbidden mating. Spreading bit by bit, Charlotte pushed back little by little until one last hard, powerful thrust from Logan popped the massive bulge of flesh inside of her, keeping them tightly stuck together and pushing them both over the edge at last.

"That's it! Gimme that knot, Logan! Yes! Yeeeeeeeees...I'm cumming...I'm cumming _all over_that wonderful knot!" Charlotte cried to the high heavens in pleasure, her supple breasts swaying as her son pounded into her body so hard. She couldn't wipe the grin from her muzzle, having been fucked silly and loving every second of it.

Logan couldn't last any longer, as the dirty words from his mother were just an added bonus and unneeded encouragement. " MOM! YES!" He cried out, barking his praises right into her ear as he released her neck scruff, unable to hold back his moaning any longer, much to his mother's delight. "Damn, it''s so much! I'm c-cumming everywhere! Ahnnn!" he carried on, shouting out in pleasure so great that he didn't even notice the knocking on the other side of the wall, and wouldn't have cared if he could hear it. Humping his kin all the way through his powerful climax, Logan panted just as hard as Charlotte as the latter was filled up with burst after burst of fresh, hot, sticky cum, coating her inner walls and filling up her womb well past the point of containment. Excess seed was already dripping out of her well-fucked folds even before she started to come down from her own release.

The proud mother leaned up a little bit, making sure not to disturb the tie that they'd formed, pressing her back into Logan's chest and urging his paws up so he could cup her sensitive breasts and give her one last teasing delight. "You have no idea how long I've been needing that..."

Always eager to play with her breasts, Logan gently squeezed the soft, supple flesh in his paws and took a turn tweaking each nipple, knowing how hard it was for Charlotte not to gasp when he did that. "Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea, Mother..." he teased, still a little bit breathless himself from the nearly jackhammer pace of his hips.

Charlotte looked back to her son, curling an arm under and behind his head to turn him in for a deep, passionate kiss, sealing her lips against his fiercely for a moment and biting down on his lower lip the moment that he started to pull away. "Then don't keep me waiting so long next time," she cautioned, grinning at him once he was far back enough to see it.

"I wouldn't dream of it, mommy dearest."

" that case, when we're untied, what do you want for dinner? You're coming over for a visit."


It was definitely a shock to Clayton when he saw his son helping his mother carry the groceries in the house. After he'd moved away a couple years ago, it felt like he only saw the young man at the holidays.

Even Charlotte saying "Look who I ran into at the store!" seemed like more than a coincidence to him, and he couldn't shake the fact that his son looked a little too comfortable around his mother.

Logan had picked out a simple meal to make things easier on Charlotte, having picked out some rotisserie style chicken that simply had to sit in the oven for a couple hours while they waited for it to reheat, and some potato wedges that were cooking up in the juices. After all of the other groceries were put away, the family of four was sitting comfortably in their cozy living room, and for some reason, something seemed to be amiss.

Perhaps it was just how excited Clayton was to see Charlotte when she came home, acting more much enthused than he normally did.

It could have been the way that Kate wouldn't stop licking her lips like there was some sort of tasty treat on them, and the way she was looking at Logan, as if she were sizing him up for something rather unsavory certainly wasn't helping things.

They all noticed it, but none of them could say a word about it, not with either pair revealing what had happened that day.

"Excited to be home, son?" Clayton finally asked, giving a fatherly smile towards the young man that had grown so much, even since he moved away.

"Thrilled, Dad. Can't wait to share a meal with the family again," he replied sincerely.

He didn't know that before he left, he might be sharing much more than a meal with them.