Shadow Nova part 1

Story by Catharsis on SoFurry

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#1 of Shadow Nova

This will be a gay love story between a fox and a created species.

*This is my first story on this site and my second time writing this chapter (stupid phone). This is a gay love story between a fox and a species I created called Kanara, they're sort of a mix between canine and feline features. The main character is named Derek Clarke, he's 17 years old and was born in the UK. This is going to be a LONG story (again). I literally have 11 written pages beside me and I'm just getting started. For those of you that will be with me for the whole ride, and even those who just read a page, thank you. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Now it's time to see if I remember the revisions I made while typing this up on my stupid phone. Fingers crossed it works this time. *

I tossed and turned in my bed. I hit my head on the bed frame and woke up. "Fuck!" I said, more from the nightmare than from eating my bed.

*Okay, before I continue, you know that meme with the guy in front of the computer saying "I have no idea what I'm doing"? That's me. I just misclicked on log out, didn't write down my password, and spent 15 minutes reseting my password 3 or 4 times because I'm an idiot. Back to the story. *

My mom walked into my room with a concerned look on her face. "You have that dream again?"

I was panting heavily and tears were streaming down my face. "Yes." I replied somberly.

"This is the fourth night in a row. Do you want to talk about it?" She said with a tired look on her face.

I could tell she wasn't in the mood and was just being nice, and lucky for her I didn't want to talk about it either. "No. I'll be fine."

She had a brief look of concern on her face, which was soon replaced with one of resignation. "Okay hun," She kissed me on the forehead, "good night." She quickly exited he room. I fell back onto my bed and started crying.

Unfortunately, or so I had thought at the time, I had to go to school. "It's been three months since my dad died in the war. Three depressing months. My friends all abandoned me, they said I was a bummer to be around. But they wouldn't understand, their dads are still alive. Though this war has taken something from all of us we've never tried to stop it, but how could we? We're insignificant. I guess I should explain why my dad 'joined' in the first place. I'm a member of an extraterrestrial species, like the Adekas. But unlike the Adekas, my species, the Kanara, has only been here on Earth for twenty years. So two years ago, America decides to go to war with Egypt over oil, and apparently my species's twenty years of inhabitance on this rock is still not enough to make people (the politicians) trust us, so low and behold, my species is forced into this war to prove our 'allegiance'. Ha, our allegiance is to the planet, not to any particular country. And the most despicable thing is that the politicians forced us into the war and then threw us under the bus, saying we caused the war. Fortunately not many people fell for it. Well anyway, here we are, Hell. Some people find it funny that I'm a Kanara with a British accent, but..."

*"Hey. Who the hell are you talking to?" A voice said nearby. *

And it was at that very moment I realized I had been talking out loud.

Okay guys, I'm going to leave off here. This was a bit annoying to write for obvious reasons, but I'm using my tablet now (not much better). Tell me what you think so far about the story. Should I do longer or shorter parts? There's a very special surprise that will eventually reveal itself at some point in the story. I should have the next part up within a week.