Prince's orders

Story by Daelin_the_Storyteller on SoFurry

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#2 of Furry Joke Classics

Maybe more of a short story than a joke, but enjoy:

Somewhere in the desert, on a grand, extraordinarily decorated palace lived a very wealthy prince. He owned this country, and the next, and the next after that; the range of his influence was not limited by the horizon and his wealth could buy him yet another country, if he wished so. The young leopard had the finest of clothes, the most exquisite of dishes made for him, and servants enough to service a small army.

He had servants to wash his paws when he had been carried around in the desert on his carried throne, bards and jesters to entertain him whenever he pleased, heavily armed and highly professional guards to keep him safe, and gorgeous whores enough in his harem to make any male green with envy.

Indeed, his life was a worriless and perfect life.

One day, however, his far cousin, who was stronger in his heart than in his head, had been as unfortunate as to forget the points in a speech he had been asked to make during a very important feast to honour the Queen of the Capitol. The result had been more than awkward; his improvisations had made the mood quite sullen, and the nobleman and his court had been chased away by the royal guard dogs.

While waiting for thing to cool down in the Royal Family, the Prince's cousin had asked if he could work undercover in his cousin's palace. The Prince had accepted this, giving him the job of responsible for supply accounting; a quite high occupation, a furre of his status deserved.

After a couple of days, the Prince exited one of the smaller of his many chambers. A female servant rushed to him, a bowl with warm water and a cloth in her paws to clean his cock hanging out from his open pearl-fitted white silken robe as he strutted casually down the hallway. He had just mated with a young house cat, no more than twelve summers of age; that was the young Prince's preference: Female and young! She was still lying in the room, filled with his seed and recovering from his barbs, but he had no more time for her. Naturally, other servant would care for her.

The Prince, once decently clothed went to see his Cousin, as he was about to give him his first task as a supply accountant.

"Hail, cousin" he said, while giving a single, quick waving of his paw at his servants, ordering them to leave.

-"Hail, my Prince" the slightly shorter, slightly plumper cousin said, bowing, but his cousin stopped him.

-"No need to bow, I know that you are here in secrecy but family is family"

He continued:

"I have a task for you. I need a few extra hmm ... supplies today, just for my own needs, so it's not something overwhelming, you will just need two slaves or so. I need you to fetch me some Jasmine Aromatic Oils, Fireflower Essence, and Ambra Fragrance from the perfumery. Then I need my ceremonial robe back from the palace tailor, and oh yes: Please see if he has any of those new, platinum-plated shoes I saw the Khan of Rouimah wear during the last ball here. And most importantly: I need you to let one of the slaves send a message to Tourazul at the Forbidden Desires to bring me "Something young, to suck without teasing". I am sick of this slow-going with these damned whores at this palace. You can use whatever clothing or accessories you need to hide from the Queen's eyes when in the Capitol."

-"Yes, cousin" came the reply "I will try my best to remember it he said, scratching his ear thoughtfully.

-"Of course you should write a note. Anyways, I will be off to do some diplomacy meetings, I expect the items to have arrived when I return in two hours" the Prince said.

-"I will, leave it to me" his cousin said, and they each went to their own doings.

Everything went well so far for the Prince's forgetful cousin. He disguised as a merchant, wrote a note, checked it through, accidentally left it under his massive pile of cushions, and then went to the Capitol with two slaves to fetch the Prince's ordered items.

When he reached the arch of the entrance to the Capitol, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten the list, and in part rage, part panic over the risk of letting the Prince down, he stomped around in the sand for a few moments, realizing that he would not have time to go back and check.

"... but then again" he thought. "How hard can it be? It's just: Jasmine Aromatic Oils, Fireflower Essence, and Ambra Fragrance. Then on to the tailor for the ceremonial robe, and the platinum-plated shoes and then send one of the slaves to the brothel for "Something young, to suck without teasing". Easily done"

As they went through the arch and into the Capitol , the leopard repeated the list in his head: "Jasmine Aromatic Oils, Fireflower Essence, Ambra Fragrance, the ceremonial robe, the cadmium-plated ... no, platinum-plated shoes and then ..."

The cousin sent the slaves to fetch the things, keeping an eye on them. The jaguar was very relieved; everything was going to be just as ordered by the Prince.


The Prince went in through the West entrance to the main hall, rushing down the hallway to find his ordered items outside one of his mating rooms. He smiled, satisfied. He could see his cousin coming towards him in the other end of the hallway, smiling and waving to him. He gave him a quick wave back, but could not wait to see the whore his beloved cousin had had delivered for him. He slowly licked his lips before calling off the guards; he wanted peace to get to work, and went into the room through the pearl curtain while the other leopard was about to reach the crates outside the room.

From inside the room, a surprised "ulp" could be heard. Soon, the Prince strutted out of the room to stand right in front of the pearly entrance, facing his cousin.

"What in the name of night and day is this?!" He shouted, pointing over his back with his thumb, into the room.

His cousin's ears dropped as he saw the Prince being furious with his plaything.

-"Is this not what you wanted?" asked the cousin.

-" You imbecile moron! I said "Something young, to suck without teasing"!"

The cousin hid his face in his hands, looking very sorry saying:

"Oh, forgive me, great Prince. There was so much to remember, and I was sure that you said: "Something strong, to fuck without ceasing"

That was where their conversation ended as a big yak bull put his giant hand on the prince's shoulder and dragged him back into the room. The young Prince was protesting, flailing his arms and trying to call the guards but oddly enough stopping just as a deep bovine grunt could be heard, followed by a cascade of high-pitched, wailing kitty-cries that didn't decently drown the rhythmic slops which grew a little wetter and wetter each time they sounded.


Hastily going through the East exit, the Prince's cousin was asked by a guard:

"Where are you going, your eminence?"

-"Back to the Capitol court"