Wandering Hands

Story by The Codfish on SoFurry

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Something I wrote after seeing a suggestion from a user on the r/transformation subreddit. He asked for a touch-based transformation; I hope I've delivered. Let me know what you think.

Amy smiled sweetly. "Hey, Zach?"

Her boyfriend glanced over at her from the movie they were watching together, some shitty monster flick from twenty years ago. Amy had suggested it as an ironic pick they could mock, but after the first poorly choreographed fight scene between two men in rubber dinosaur suits she had come to regret her decision and lost interest. Zach had clearly done the same. "Yeah?"

"I was wondering..." Her courage failed her for a moment, so rather than come right out she decided to be more circumspect. "Do you want to do something else?"

He cocked an eyebrow at her, then shrugged noncommittally. "Sure. I'm not really digging this movie."

Trying to avoid hurting her feelings, she knew, given that it was her bad suggestion. How sweet. "Neither am I," she said with a giggle. "It's even worse than I expected."

Zach took the opening and grinned. "The monsters are pretty shit." After a couple of seconds of laughing, he continued, "So what do you have in mind?"

As she stood, Amy gave him a rather...suggestive look. One that he most definitely received. With a coy smile, she gestured over his head at the door to her bedroom. "Oh, I'm sure we can find something to do," she said innocently.

Before she could finish speaking, her boyfriend was on his feet and headed towards the door. Amy shook her head playfully as she followed. Only a few of the many nights they'd spent in her modest apartment had ended with anything more than kissing, but they'd certainly been enjoyable. Zach was pretty impressive in bed for a man with as little practice as he had; granted, she realized, she wasn't that great of a judge, with little more experience than him. Tonight, if all went well, would be particularly memorable.

Zach was standing by the foot of her bed when she entered, looking...excited? Nervous? Probably a bit of both, Amy decided. The wide smile on his face was all eagerness, though. "So..."

Amy smiled back, though she struggled to muster one up. She was all nerves, herself. This was a moment she had thought about for a long time. If it succeeded, well, it would be wonderful; if it failed, she would most likely never see Zach again. At the very least it would ruin their relationship, one she found wonderful. She hoped desperately that wouldn't happen.

"Listen, Zach..." The serious tone to her voice wiped the smile from his face. He stared at her curiously, attentively. "I want to try something new." Amy winced; that wasn't it. "I mean, it's...we both have things we'd like to change about each other, right? Physically, I mean?" No, that wasn't it either! Why was it so hard to say?

For his part, Zach looked confused. "I...guess?" he replied hesitantly. Clearly, he was worried about offending her, wondering if it was a test. "Nobody's perfect Amy; I'm sure as hell not, and neither are you. That doesn't change how I feel about you. You know that, right?"

And just like that, her worries were gone. Poof. Now it was her turn to smile widely, and Zach's to return it faintly. Now she knew what to do. Crossing the space between them with a few steps, she flung her arms around her boyfriend, hugging him tightly. He was definitely surprised, but he quickly returned it.

"You trust me, don't you?" she whispered into his ear. He made a noise of agreement. "Totally? Completely? Without reservations?" Zach moved as if to pull back a little, to give her a look, she knew, but Amy held him tightly. He was left with murmuring, "Of course."

"Then strip. Buck naked."

Then she released him, pushing him away a bit to give them both room. Zach was still shooting her bemused looks, but he was also doing as she told him, pulling his shirt up over his head and off. Amy set to removing her own clothes, though for the time being she left her underwear on. Better to make him wait a little, she told herself.

Within thirty seconds, Zach stood before her in all his glory. She remembered the first time, how he'd been shy about it all, but in her opinion he had nothing to be shy about. He wasn't the most muscled guy out there, but he was definitely fit. She ran her eyes over his body, from his short brown hair and blue eyes to his long, muscled legs; Zach had always been a bit on the lanky side. But the real object of her attention was what lay between his legs, a rather impressive dick that she'd come to love. It was a little larger than average, from what she understood (though he'd assured her it was a significant difference), and at the moment it was pretty much at full mast. Oh, he was excited, all right. But he'd seen nothing yet.

Amy reached out and took his hand with both of hers, coming a little closer. "I love you," she said simply, holding it up to her eyes, examining it front and back, running her fingers over it. "And I don't expect perfection, really I don't. But I'm...well, I have interests that range beyond what you might call strictly human. And a few abilities that might also fit that description."

Before he could answer, she set to work. "Buck naked," she had said a few moments ago, and now she wanted to make it clear that the emphasis was on the "buck." Gently but forcefully, she massaged his hand, working her magic (or whatever it was) into the bone. She squeezed his fingers together in pairs, and watched as four became two. They curled around his fingertips, squeezing, and when they parted again the ending was entirely engulfed by a hard, black material. A quick swipe across his palm left rough black pads, another across the back of his hand caused short brown fur to sprout in its wake. Amy worked quickly and methodically, covering the entirety of Zach's appendage, and when she was finished she pulled her hands away to reveal the finished product.

Her boyfriend held up his new hoof-hand to his face with a look of what she hoped was shock and awe, and not horror. Judging from his member, though, he certainly hadn't lost interest. Amy knew from experience that the sensations from the change were...far from unpleasant. Very far, in fact. She was hoping that would help ease Zach through the transition.

"A-Amy?" It was a whisper, barely audible, and she definitely heard fear in it. She'd have to work quickly, then. In a flash, she was standing in front of him, leaning against him, almost pushing him onto the bed. "Trust me," she whispered back throatily, trying to make it sound as sexy and alluring as possible. She prayed that it worked, because she was certainly going to.

One hand had gone to grab his wrist, moving his hoof away from his face. It slowly slid its way down his arm, leaving more brown fur in its wake. And perhaps the muscles bulked up a bit as it passed, too; just because she was satisfied with her boyfriend's current physique didn't mean she wouldn't mind a little more. Her fingers traveled all the way up to his shoulder before finally stopping, leaving behind a well-muscled, brown-furred arm tipped with a black hoof. If he hadn't realized where she was going before now, well, he had to be getting close. Her other hand had been just as busy, doing the same thing in reverse; it traveled from his opposite shoulder down to his other hand, with the same effect. There both hands joined together to work the same magic they had before, and in short order his arms matched entirely.

Zach, for his part, had been content to let the sensations wash over him, panting heavily and letting out a moan when his fingers merged. Now, as they paused for a moment, he opened his eyes and looked at his new limbs with amazement. When his gaze turned to Amy, the fear was gone; in its place was pure wonder. She wondered if he could feel how much stronger he was, if the pleasure had overwhelmed him or if he was really coming to accept this. But that was a distraction from the task at hand, and she had a long way to go.

She leaned into him, snuggling up tight, and her hands now went to his rather tight behind. Amy fondled it softly, caressing it, feeling the muscles tense and then relax under her ministrations. Brown fur spread there as well, along with some white, covering it in a lovely soft coat. Zach sighed in contentment, then yelped as one hand went to the base of his spine and pinched. But he was relaxed again as the other hand set about stroking his back and sides, melting away a few traces of fat and leaving more and more brown fur behind. She teased a short tail out of him, pricking it up, the top brown and the bottom white and very fluffy. Finally, when she was satisfied that his back was covered by a pelt, she pulled back to admire her handiwork once more.

Contact between her front and his had done as much work as her hands; soft white fur now covered his chest and stomach. Any trace of softness there was gone; his pecs were well-defined and his stomach showed hints of a six pack. Amy gave a short nod and, placing her hands on both his shoulders, shoved Zach back onto the bed. They were getting there.

Now that he was perched on the edge of the bed, she could get to work on his lower half. Her hands started on his hips, this time, and slid down along the outside of his thighs. Here, there was not much to be done beyond fur; Zach was a runner, and his legs were already quite well-formed. Pausing at his knees, she went back and ran her hands down his inner thighs, spreading white fur there, though she conspicuously avoided his crotch; that was for later. She continued downward until the tops of his ankles, where she hesitated. This was going to be unpleasant, for her at least. She looked up at Zach, who was watching her calmly. With a smile, she pushing down on both legs sharply, and with a crack they reversed, creating a new digitigrade joint. Zach's eyes widened in surprise, but other than that he seemed unaffected, so she continued.

The brown fur covered most of the rest of his legs, though she tipped the ends in white. Gently, she bent his feet, locking him in a permanent tiptoe stance. Until, of course, his toes and a good portion of his foot were compressed into a hard, black hoof instead. She worked and massaged both of his feet, and when she was finally done she straightened, surveying her work. He was almost done.

Zach knew, by this time. He understood completely. So when Amy leaned in for a kiss, he accepted it without hesitation, almost eagerly. She closed her eyes and kissed him deeply, passionately, and held it for a long time. When she was finally done, she pulled back, his mouth following hers for a ways before their lips finally parted. At that point, she opened her eyes again.

Her boyfriend's familiar brown eyes stared out from an unfamiliar face. His nose and mouth had combined into a long, thin cervine snout, tipped with a black nose. The white fur from his chest had crept up his neck and chin and covered his muzzle; it also surrounded his eyes, islands of white in a sea of brown. Fur had sprouted everywhere, absorbing his hair entirely and covering his entire head. The wide, unfamiliar smile on his muzzle said it all, and he leaned forward for another kiss.

"Not yet," she said, putting a finger on his nose. "There's still a few more finishing touches to be made." After he nodded in understanding, her hands went to either side of his head, and with a single tug his ears grew out, becoming furred and rounded. He flicked them experimentally with a grin. Then Amy's hands went to his scalp, a single digit on each marking two points. She drew them up slightly, and watched as two hard nubs followed them. These she grabbed between two fingers, tugging on them again, and again they grew, angled slightly away from each other. Once they were large enough she took hold of them, and this time her hands went out rather than up. The antlers followed, spreading outwards and sprouting branches as she went, giving Zach the rack of an impressive ten-point buck.

There was just one part left, Amy knew. She took a step back and knelt, bringing herself practically eye-to-eye with his crotch. By this point, Zach's member was fully erect, throbbing almost painfully, with just a touch of pre glistening at the tip. Lovingly, she reached out and cupped his balls, fondling them gently and feeling the soft white fur sprout. She had to be cautious - too much attention and he would erupt, and she didn't want that yet. So she ran a hand slowly, carefully, up his shaft. Zach shuddered and moaned aloud, his cock twitching in her palm as it lengthened and thinned ever-so-slightly. She didn't want it to be perfectly anatomically correct, although she did add a short white-furred sheath around the base. After a few gentle strokes, she leaned back and looked up at her masterpiece.

Zach was gone. In his place was a stunningly handsome stag, tall and muscled. Amy nodded in satisfaction; he was just like she'd envisioned, perfect in every way. He looked back down at her with a wild look in his eyes - clearly he'd been close when she stopped. His hands went to grab her head and bring her attentions back to his needy member, but she stopped them and shook her head. Zach whined in need.

Amy quickly regained her feet. Her heart almost melted in pity at the look of despair on Zach's face; he'd been awash in arousal and incredible sensations for quite a while now, and his desperation for release was palpable. "We're almost there," she reassured him, "but a stag needs a proper doe." This should be much quicker.

Quickly and easily she removed the last of her clothing, baring herself to him fully. She was proud of her body, but there was still room for improvement. She rubbed her hands together, dry-washing them, and when she was finished they matched Zach's, if a bit smaller and daintier. She ran her new hooves along her arms as if cold, and fur followed. Bending to touch her toes, she rubbed her bare feet for a moment and nearly lost her balance as they changed to hooves; she struggled even more as she straightened and ran her hands up her legs, making them match Zach's digitigrade pair.

Hands on her hips widened them, bones cracking; she didn't want anything crazy, but she'd always been a bit on the skinny side. The same thoughts went through her mind as her hands caressed her ass, kneading her white-furred cheeks and plumping them a little. A pinch at the base of her spine made her jump - that really did feel strange! - though she smiled as she caressed her new, short tail. She gave herself a hug, willing the fur to spread from her hands to cover her entire back. Finally, her hands covered her face, rubbing at her eyes as if tired, before pulling away and bringing a new muzzle with them. She ran her fingers through her red hair, making it long enough to hang to the small of her back, and flicked her new ears at Zach mischievously. Neither the red hair nor the green eyes really fit a deer, but she was proud of both of them and so she kept them. Zach surely wouldn't mind.

And now for the grand finale. Amy let her hands roam all over her chest, melting away the last stubborn vestiges of fat she'd struggled with for so long and leaving white fur in their wake. Then she brought them up to her breasts. She'd always been content with her B-cups - anything larger would get annoying, certainly - but tonight she decided to go bigger. Pleasure coursed through her body and she moaned deeply as they swelled, passing the D-cup range. That ought to please him.

Last, but certainly not least, she reached down to her crotch. There wasn't much to be done - a little more fur added, perhaps a few cosmetic changes - but she wanted to draw Zach's attention there. To show him just how wet she was, how much she wanted this.

"Well?" she asked flirtingly, one hand fondling her crotch and the other cupping one breast. "I'm all yours, stud."

Before she could blink, Zach was on his feet - hooves - and had swept Amy off of hers. She squealed in delight - he could never have picked her up before, not that easily! - and found herself lying on her back on the bed. Zach loomed over her, panting heavily; she smiled up at him, but before the words of encouragement left her lips she felt his shaft teasing her entrance.

The changes had set her body afire as much as they had his, and within seconds she found herself screaming for him to quick screwing around and stick it in her. Zach was more than happy to oblige, and Amy found herself emitting a chorus of moans, screams, and bestial bellows that Zach added to. He pumped in and out of her, declaring his dominance, and she eagerly submitted. Again and again he coated her insides with his seed, again and again she screamed in pure bliss as orgasms racked her body and turned her brain to jelly, and again and again they adjusted their positions and went right back to it. Zach's stamina was incredible - Amy had seen to that - and they went on for what seemed like forever in a haze of indescribable pleasure.

Hours later - Amy only knew how long by looking at a clock - they lay next to each other, truly exhausted. Her throat was sore, or it had been before she changed it so it wasn't, and Zach had told her that his dick felt the same. She doubted it, but had been happy to change that too. When that was done, they lay in silence for a moment before Zach asked, "How did you know?"

Amy looked at him in confusion. "How did I know what?"

"That this is what I've always wanted." Was he blushing? "I never worked up the courage to tell you, but...well, it's always been a dream of mine to be something like this." He held up a hoof-hand and stared at it. "How did you find out?"

For a moment, Amy couldn't find the words. "You've always wanted to be something like this?" she finally got out.

"I know, it's freaky. I get it. But -"

Zach was cut off by Amy pounding on his chest. "Dammit! Are you serious? I freaked myself out for nothing?"

"What - oomph, that hurts - Amy, what -"

"I've always wanted this too!" she shouted at him. "I've dreamed about something like this for years! Even after I found out what I could do, I was still lonely and afraid that whoever I showed it to would be terrified! I agonized over this night for months! And you're telling me that was all for nothing?"

She was shouting, but she didn't care. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She'd been so scared he'd run, she'd been certain that at best the amazing sex would convince him to stay, and now she learned that he wanted it?

Zach, for his part, was dumbfounded. "You...you wanted this too?"

"I was living out my fantasy," Amy replied, struggling to calm down. Why was she upset? She should be ecstatic. "I never thought it'd be yours, too."

"Are you serious?"

"Does it look like I'm joking?"

The two regarded each other in silence, amazed.

Suddenly, Amy was leaping back atop Zach, kissing him furiously, one hand fumbling for his crotch as his reached up to grope her expansive, furry chest.

It would be several hours more before they separated again.