Shadow Nova part 2

Story by Catharsis on SoFurry

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#2 of Shadow Nova

/Welcome back everyone. Due to the lack of feedback I will just be using my better judgment on changes. (Thanks a lot guys, what am I even paying you for, you being the six people who have read chapter 1). But enough screwing around, let's get back to the story. Please ignore the change of tense/

I turn around to see Patas, my bully. I feel daring today and promptly say "Bugger off Patas!" He's such a wanker, and speaking of wankers here comes my boyfriend. (He's not really my boyfriend, but what he doesn't know can't hurt him.) His name is Simon and he's a cute little fox.

3:50 PM

My old pals Semal and Janice walk up to me after school. Semal puts his arm around me and nougies me and says "It's good to see you back to normal Derek."

"Yeah" I reply, and guess who walks past us? That sexy fox I said was my boyfriend. He and I are friends, but unfortunately that's it. My eyes follow him as he walks by, and unbeknownst to me, my mouth is gaping like a dipshit.

Semal waves his hand in front of my face. "Uh, Derek? You still with us?"

I shake myself back to reality. "Uh, what?"

Janice looks at me concernedly. "What is it with you and that guy?"

I sense her becoming upset, though I'm not sure why. "That's my friend Simon." I hear her release a held breath as I say the word friend. "I'm gonna go talk to him." I run over to Simon and we exchange greetings. "Hey man, you wanna go see a movie?"

"Hell yeah!" He replies energetically. "You know, before I met you, I had never met a Kanara with a British accent before."

"And I had never met a fox with such a cute rear before." I mutter.

"What?" He replies. Luckily from not hearing me rather than from shock.

"Nothing." I casually lie.

We leave the movie theater at 6:03 PM. Simon tells me a story about the time his friend got drunk during the holidays.

"I told him if he fell on me again that I would glue his feet to the floor." He and I both laugh, and, not watching where I'm going, I trip into a fountain. "Crap, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think I just fell for you." I say laughing.

"What?" He asks, again not hearing me. He reaches his hand out to help me. But I pull him in with me. "Ah, you suck!" He yells playfully while splashing me and tackles me. I blushed crazily, not from the heat of the moment, but from the embarrassment as everybody watches us.

Some guy yells at us to "Take it off!"

I reply by yelling "We're seventeen!"

He replies with a swift "Never mind."

Simon and I decide to get out of the fountain before management comes after us. I suggest to him that he should spend the night at my place.

"Well... maybe." He responds.

"I insist." I beckon. He nods and I grab his hand, running off to my house.

We arrive at my house at 6:12 PM. I open the door and yell "Mum, I have a friend over. He's going to stay the night."

She replies "That's great hun."

I look to Simon and say "Let's go up to my room." and we race up the stairs. When we reach my room I realize that we're drenched in fountain water. "Oh, let's get you out of those wet clothes. You can take a shower while you're at it."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He replies pretending to be hurt. I look at him with a deadly glare and he laughs. "I didn't bring any clothes."

"You can have some of mine." I tell him with an indistinguishable trace of shenanigans to come in my voice.

"Thanks man." And with that he's off to take a shower.

I open my dresser and say to myself "What could I give him to embarrass him?" A bikini! (Don't ask why that's in my dresser) I get excited as I think of what he might look like in a bikini. I look down at my wet pants realizing that I not only need to change clothes as well, but that my "sword" is unsheathed. I blush wildly as I try to determine if I have enough time. And when I hear the shower stop, I get my answer. I decide to just give him normal clothes. I don't want to ruin what slim chance I have with him. He comes into my room in just his underwear, and i unsuccessfully try to not look down at his glorious bulge. I throw some clothes at him and look away blushing. "I gotta go change" I say awkwardly, exiting the room.

/I'm gonna end this part here because my tablet is going crazy because of all of the text, but you can expect the next part in an hour or so./