The Hooded King's Retirement

Story by The Shadow Master of Weapons on SoFurry

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An old commission that took me much longer then it should have it about a character belonging to a good good friend based partially on a Role Play we did once. The Hooded King, a underground champion fighter is ready to retire, but sadly, he doesn't get his chance to just vanish like he had hoped in the crime filled world. Instead, he takes a new job, and finds the perks to be much better in time.

The Hooded King's Retirement

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon. Only the idea and OC's.

Author Notes:

-X-This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.

~xXx~ This will identify where each paragraph breaks.


Rick could only look around and wait for now, hoping for the best. His past that he had been working so hard to get out of had finally caught up to him and now, here he was sitting in a lone dark cell. The lucario was a great fighter, it was one of the few things that he could do and do right without much thought, even when he was younger. Of course, in this crime filled world, he always knew that someday, his past might catch up with him.


When his parents had died leaving him stuck alone raising a younger riolu brother with a lung condition, Rick took up a new name to earn the money he needed to raise them both as safely as he could.

Under the name of The Hooded King, Rick took action in the underground fight rings that littered the continent. Always wearing the same mask and smoke gray slightly oversized and lightly armored hoodie, Rick fought hard, keeping his real identity a secret and after just a few matches, he even had a sponsor. With that stroke of luck at the time, he doubled all his winnings, something he desperately needed to help keep up with Luke's condition until he could save up enough to have it dealt with properly.

No one ever came to look for him, the real him at least as he always kept to himself, always hidden until he was on the arena floor. Because of that, he had always assumed himself safe, and was always looking for a different way to make the money he needed.

A few years after he became The Hooded king, luck finally happened upon him, when he came into possession of a small sum of gems. Having taken them to a jeweler, the man stated that he couldn't offer cash for the gems, cash he didn't have to buy them with, instead giving him room and board, as well as taking the chance to show Rick how he could pick up the art himself. Rick took it to it easily enough, learning to cut and rate gems with ease and patience.

His mentor was short lived however, old age and sickness catching up to him a year later, leaving everything he had to Rick. With a true break at last, Rick finally opened up a shop himself in memory of the old man who taught him so much, and left him with the means to learn so much more.

With his shop, he slowly started to show up less and less at the arena, hoping he could just fade away and be forgotten. The night of his last planned fight however, he was met at the door by someone who claimed to want to talk. Knowing how bad the city was, he instantly refused and went to find an alternate route to his shop.

Before he could get far though, he had found himself surrounded by what he had to guess was at least 2 dozen or more men, split between psychic types and ghosts. And now, here was, sitting in the cell, trying to recall as much as he about that dark spot in his mind, knowing that the psychic types had gotten to his mind.


Rick looked around the cell one more time, trying to figure out how he could break free quietly. It had only been a day, but he knew that Luke could handle himself for a week or two if needed. They had a strange sense of hospitality however, keeping him decently fed, with plenty of water, and decent clothing. About the only thing they didn't really do was give him good light, but he didn't see much light down here at all.

Despite that, they still refused to talk to him, only telling him that he had to wait for his sponsor to show up. And so, he waited while he looked around.

After a few more hours, or what Rick thought had to be hours anyway, there was some kind of commotion. The guards were quick to move around, a fresh pair brought in as every else seemed to all head off in one direction. He couldn't use his aura sight here from strange reason, but he could still hear things very well as he looked over the two new guards. Normally, they kept six to ten in the room with him or next to him, but these two, he could tell that these two weren't the other normal groups.

Even if he couldn't tell what they species were, they were dressed like they were in some kind of what he assumed to be samurai armor, he knew that they were skilled, hands on their swords, always looking his way, but never coming close. He could hear someone talking in another room way off, but couldn't make out the words.

This kept up for a while before at last, Rick heard someone moving, slowly coming closer, at last the door to prison opening up, two more formal guards walking in before someone else, lights being flipped on highlighting the entire room now. Rick was blinded for just a few, having gotten use to the low light, but once his eyes adjusted, he knew that his chances for escape were gone.

A total of six armored guards were present in the room, all with swords and heavy scale crossbows, old weapons yes, but they worked just as well in these days still, and he knew it. He quickly made sure to reinforce his mental barriers, hoping that they didn't know just who he was and what he had on the line.

Sitting in the middle of the group of guards however, was not someone he had expected to see, the current Chinese Emperor, a slowking, dressed in traditional Chinese royal robes even if Rick didn't know his name.

"The Hooded King, or Rick as they say your name is." The emperor spoke up, a deep slow voice coming from him, even if his lips never moved. "Do you know who I am?" He asked looking over Rick.

"Not someone I expected to see..." Rick replied slowly moving back to his bed, away from the bars. "But hey, given the state of this world, can't say I'm too surprised to see you acting like everyone else. Why not, it certainly has its profit."

"Crime is everywhere these days, trying to undo it gets you nothing anymore. It's all pointless until you have the means to remove the serviper's head." The emperor stated. "You must learn to adapt and merely try to survive in weak countries such as this. I've got more then enough trouble keeping my own country in check and running, preventing crime from escalating. Order... its not an easy thing to create, doubly so when your life is always in danger. I can't help everyone when I'm forced to spend so much just keeping myself alive, knowing that the next man would just let all that work go to waste."

Rick just nodded, he couldn't argue with some of what he had been told. Still, he just had to wait for now, hoping that something could work in his favor for now as he leaned back.

"Which do you prefer, Rick or The Hooded King? I would use a name when speaking to you, and I'm sure you would prefer one as well." The emperor stated.

"Rick will do fine... since you already know it, there's no point to not use it." Rick replied. "And what about you, I'm not exactly just going to keep calling emperor or whatever title you use, certainly not while I'm living outside your country." Rick stated, doing his best to keep a respectful tone, but he refused to believe that this man wanted anything good from him and had no reason to think otherwise.

"Rick it will be then. And you may refer to be as Chan for now. What I want is you, or more specifically your services." Chan stated.

"Look, I never wanted to fight in the arena as it was, even if I had my reasons. I'm done, I want out, I'm tired of fighting." Rick stated firmly, hoping that on some off chance, he could just be let go.

"I sponsored you for nearly a decade. When you started, you showed some promise, promise that has paid off." Chan stated. "Many of the rival lords who would fight against me directly use such pits to recruit warriors, and so along side a few of my advisors, I study them. The best, I sponsor to see how far they can go. If they have certain skills, I hire them."

"So I caught your eye, I'm still not working for you. Like I said, I just want out. I want to quit now that I don't need the money. That was the only reason I fought, and now I don't need it." Rick stated again.

"You were the odd one out. Never killing unless you had no choice, never using cheap tricks, always protecting your wards in those special matches." Chan stated clearing ignoring his words. "You were the shining knight in the fights, so vastly different from other pit fighters, even the slaves they brought to the rings. You are an asset, one I will not lose. I sponsored you in the ring because you were different and showed promise, and as your sponsor, you should know that I essentially own you. The crime lords who run the operation know this and out of respect for my continued "business", they have not tried to capture you." Chan explained. "Today, I've come to collect on that asset. You knew this day would come, you've seen other fighters vanish, a few to return to as chosen champions of those who really rule this country. You must have known exactly what you were getting into joining up to fight in the arena. Your skills can still be put to use, elsewhere in the world, like my castle. Or you can wait until one of the other crime lords decide that you are too valuable and come for you another way. With each fight you win, the price on your head grows, as does the value you have as a fighter, and surely you can't lose, you can't afford to. Today, I'm offering you the only safe way out." Chan stated as he nodded to one of his guards, who pulled out a scroll and rolled it open before walking to Rick, waiting for him to come forth.

Rick just sat still however, thinking hard. As much as he hated to admit it, Chan was right. He had already dealt with others who had tried to collect on him, part of his reason for leaving. He also couldn't afford to let himself lose a fight, far too many of the fights had a cost for failure, among them including his head as a trophy to the victor if they wanted it.

In the end though, no matter how Rick looked at it, this was his way out of the arena. But at what cost, what would Chan have him doing. At last, he looked up. "What kind of job..." He grumbled. "And how long will this take."

"My daughter... she needs protection. As it stands I have an entire army protecting the castle, but they are not enough anymore. More and more assassins are getting closer to me... to her... to my ruling counsel. I know how to fight, and can subdue all the but the strongest dark types one on one by myself, and most of my counsel can do the same. My daughter is not such a fighter however." Chan explained. "She enjoys and hates watching the fights, unsure of how she should react to them, but that is the world it is now. She is strong, but not strong enough and for that reason I seek the means to defend her. I could continue to protect her with the dozen guards she has already, but what kind of life is that always under the eyes of so many who are always on guard. You could not only protect her just as much as them, but do it better. I've seen how you refuse to let the slaves you've been forced to guard never once take a hit in those slave killer matches." Chan explained.

Rick nodded, the slave killer fights were always the worst for him, and always random. He did his best to avoid them whenever he could, but sometimes he was stuck with them anyway. What made the fight so hard for him was that it was a fight to the death, both contestants forced to wear an explosive collar. The rules however was not to defeat your opponent straight up in a fight, but to kill the slave that they were tasked to defend. It added a whole new level to the fights, some of their best ratings came from a Slave Killer tournament even. On those nights when he had been forced into them however, he never once let his slave die, always taking every hit, not matter what it was.

When it came down to it, Chan was right, he could defend one person from a near onslaught if he had to, and do it very well. He slowly looked to the contract wondering if this was still worth it. "And what else would I be doing?" He asked. "If I find out at any time that I'm doing something other what you tell me, I'll kill your daughter myself. Shouldn't be too hard, doubly so if I'm going to be protecting her." He warned, wanting the complete truth up front.

"You will strictly be protecting her. In the same manner that I am ready to offer assistance to the one you already protect." Chan stated.

Rick had to hold himself back a bit, not to just snap and threaten Chan for even mentioning his brother.

"Calm yourself. My warriors have already told me of your problems. It certainly explained how one such as you came to the arena in the first place, as well as proving quite a surprise to me. I may employ such underhanded tactics, but I hate using them. You're job is as stated. As long as you work, you will retain a great deal of freedom." Chan stated.

Rick took a few deep breathes as he calmed himself, finally looking back to. "Then let me add my own conditions as well. Luke never leaves my side, gets full schooling and medical care, and I continue my own work as jeweler. If I find out at any time that Luke is being mistreated in any way or you try to use me to kill someone, I will kill your daughter, and then I will come and kill you." Rick warned him as he looked the emperor straight in the eye. "At no time am I some puppet for you entertainment, as long as you understand those rules, then I guess we have an agreement." Rick stated finally getting up and tearing up the contract knowing that in this day and age, it was just another piece of scrap paper. With that done, he offered his hand through the bars.

Chan slowly stood up and walked over to Rick, taking Rick's hand and shaking it. "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the airfield." Chan stated. "Elric... stay with him, keep him safe and help him pack. Sung, prepare a sizable check that should cover all the expenses Rick here will need to close down his shop and have his things moved to the castle." Chan added as he turned to walk away, leaving Rick free to prepare for the trip and new job.


Luke was in shock as they entered the airfield, with private guards no less, only to be escorted to the private lounge as they waited. The riolu couldn't believe it as his older brother led him around. Always asking questions, until his lungs hurt, the riolu was easily tired out in the open air, his lungs unable to handle the rough pollution, only for one of the guards to hand Rick something, an inhaler of some kind.

The guard told him that it would help his brother, but also make him very tired as they waited. Rick didn't like it, but at last, he gave Luke the inhaler, letting him use it as he quickly stopped coughing, only to pass out soon enough, before he could even see the plane. Rick just knew that his little technology nut of a brother would have gone nuts trying to get up close and inspect the plane, a private VTOL air craft, which was waiting for them. Once they boarded, it was a long flight from the eastern coast of America all the way China.

While on the flight, the guards gave him the general idea of things, showing off replicas of the castle grounds, many of the ways to identify secret passages and hiding spots, and most importantly, his new gear. The Emperor had taken lots of time preparing a new outfit for Rick, based off what Rick has always worn.

Primarily just a black jogging suit with a custom hoodie, Rick knew that he could easily wear the suit and do everything he needed to, although his new mask and hoodie were something he would have preferred to be less styled. The mask was that of a traditional grinning samurai demon's face, with large fangs and grin, panted black with a few dozen delicate red lines and images over it. Additionally, it had some kind of lenses for eyes, that glowed red when looking at it, but actually only served to provide him with a map module and night vision as needed, already programmed with the castle in mind. His new "hoodie" was far more stylized however, new covered in thin layered strips of thin leather and scales, having been turned into an actual suit of armor. Fashioned much like the royal guards, it looked as if someone had condensed an entire suit of traditional armor over the hoodie, but not at all sacrificing the free movement that he so heavily relied upon to do his work.

By the time that they had landed at the castle grounds itself, a private heliport already set up and ready to receive, Chan waiting for them along with his personal guard as the VTOL landed and opened up. "I am honored to extend my greetings to the newest of my royal guards, as well as his brother." Chan stated, only to notice that Rick was still carrying a sleeping riolu. "Hmmm, perhaps that medicine was a bit too strong. I trust he is still all right and breathing fine? Should I have my in castle medical staff look over him for you?" Chan asked as he walked up to them.

Rick just nodded. "I want to see the medical facility and know for sure myself if it can take care of Luke's condition." Rick stated.

"Of course. My daughter is occupied for the moment, as she will be for the next two days. That should give you plenty of time to see that I will honor my end of this agreement. Although I am unfamiliar with the medical condition that your brother has, allow me to assure you that our air here is much cleaner, and all of the air in the castle and surrounding buildings are filtered heavily. Three years ago, a weezing along side a muk of all things, such dreadfully smelly creatures when they need to be, so much worse they killed, were hired to try and kill me. We spent weeks airing out the castle and to avoid doing that again, I have the finest in air filtration installed now. Your brother will never choke on the air itself while here, he can only exhaust himself while inside the castle."

Rick nodded, knowing that was a great thing for Luke to have at his advantage now, as he followed along, finally making it the medical center in the castle, so many doctors and nurses, all kinds of various tools and machines, the lead doctor quickly coming up. "Medical history on the boy?" The medicham asked as he took Luke and set him down on a table. "It was never faxed over, so I assume someone messed on your end?" He looked to Rick.

"I never could afford to get a full record done for him back home, but... I know the general idea of what he has." Rick stated as he took a seat.

"I shall leave you to be. I assume the new armor I have ordered will work well for your job?" Chan asked.

"Its too fancy, but yes, I can use it... if I have to." Rick replied.

"I expect you to wear it proudly here." Chan stated as he finally leaving Rick to talk with the doctor.


The next two days passed quickly for Rick and his brother, Rick doing his best to keep Luke under control and out of trouble, the curious riolu always interested in all the new things around him, all these new machines and devices around him. He had worn himself out more then once over the two days, the king keeping his word though and providing proper medical gear as well as treating Luke properly for the most part, but still telling Rick to slow Luke down a bit if possible, he was still a guest in the end and Chan expected him to behave as such.

Rick understood why Chan had said that, it was still a castle belonging to the Chinese government after all and they had lots of work that needed done. Rick made sure to have a talk with his brother about things, Luke going to start his tutoring in just a few hours. In those same few hours, Rick himself would start his new job, the protection of the princess, Xiao Chan.

Deciding to spent his last few hours loosening up some, he led Luke back to their room, where the tutors were preparing, eager to see and get to know him, Rick glad that they were going to be nice with Luke helped reassure him futher. With Luke dropped off now, he moved to the gym and spent his last hour doing some stretches and shadow boxing before the king showed up to meet with him.

"My daughter is now up and enjoying her breakfast. Come now, I will introduce you." Chan stated as he walked into the gym, Rick slipping on his mask and putting his hood up. "There is one detail that I have left out however. My daughter... she is a bit of a 'fangirl' as you Americans call them." Chan explained before Rick could argue.

"I see... are we talking plushies... art....full room décor...what?" Rick asked as he heard the explaination.

"A fair bit of everything. She's found her knight and I couldn't quite turn her down for some of the things she has. Others... she has acquired through different methods." He explained as he walked down the halls towards his daughter's room. "I will give you one warning now though. She is my daughter and you will treat her as the princess she is. If however... I catch you abusing her, hurting her, taking advantage of her in anyway, I will remind you that this contract is a two way street. For as much harm as you can cause me, I can do the same to you. So when I say treat me daughter as you would your own brother, I mean it." He warned as he came to her door.

Rick once again had to hold himself back, but he could understand Chan's words. "I will introduce you and then your work will begin." He stated as he knocked on the door, a servant coming up to answer it.

"Hello my emperor, your daughter is doing well." The servant smiled as she bowed and moved aside to let them enter.

As soon as Rick did however, he could only look around in shock, giving a gulp of slight nervousness. "You... never told me... who she was a fan of...." He stated slowly looking around, a wall of plushies the first thing he could see, all of various sizes and material, but one thing was in common, who the plushie was made after... The Hooded King.

"Xiao never once missed a Slave Killer match that you were in, no matter how much she hated the fights. Like I told you, she was torn between them, enjoying watching some, namely yours, and your supposed fights to free the slaves in them." Chan explained. "Watching you take smaller cash prizes to free the slaves you were forced to protect certainly made an impression on her, turning you into a knight in her eyes. She is fascinated with your methods and both hates and worships you, although it is clear to see which she prefers more." Chan stated.

"This... wasn't part of the deal...." Rick stated slowly looking around, several custom made posters of him in his gear around the massive room, as well as more plushies and even a hoodie or two modeled after the one he wore in the tournaments.

"This has very little to do with my choice to have you protect my daughter. I would very much prefer she took a different hobby, but I owe her at least some freedom in this world. With things getting as dangerous as they are however, I was forced to take action and thus in the end, recruit you. You are the best person I've seen defend others and so you were the logical choice... despite the conditions." Chan explained.

"I... suddenly get the point about treating her like my brother... and not abusing her..." He stated as he looked around more, only to hear someone yawn across the room, looking over to see a milotic.

"Xiao... come here." Chan called out as Xiao slowly stood up and stretched her arms some in her kimono, before turning, only to stop and stare at who was before her. She could easily make out his features that identified him as a lucario, looking over his "armor", just standing there quiet for several seconds.

"Is..." Rick started, only to have her squeal out and come running over, the water serpent morph crying out in joy as she circled around him.

"Is this really him, the real one, the actual Hooded King?" She asked quickly. "Are you the real deal, my new body guard, can I see your face, but then that would break the rules, you never remove your hood or mask." She gasped realizing who it actually was, quickly running for her favorite plushie only to stop, cringing a bit at the voice that boomed over her.

"STOP!" Chan's voice echoed in the room. "Is this any way to behave. You are a proper lady and you will act as such. If you have questions, you ask them in a polite manner and do so in a respectful peaceful tone." He stated firmly. "Yes... this is your new bodyguard and yes, he will be living here." He said, his voice returning to normal indoor levels. "I expect you to treat him with the same respect he will treat you. You will not abuse your position as my daughter to force yourself upon him. Is that clear." He stated as Xiao turned and quickly bowed to her father.

"Yes... father..." She said knowing that she had messed up. He was her bodyguard and if he was the real deal, just being around him was more then enough for her. She had prayed that she might meet her so called knight one day, and now here he was, The Hooded King was her bodyguard.

"You... really don't have to yell..." Rick stated slowly, knowing why he did, but couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed by what had happened.

"Xiao may be my daughter, but she is still a lady. As such, she will be respectful. Being a princess is not a free pass to do what she wants." Chan stated. "I know I have raised you better then that."

Xiao just bowed again as she looked to her father. "Yes, father. I apologize for my actions." She said blushing hard now in her mix of shyness and embarrassment.

"Now then, you will behave around him and you will not use his position as your body guard to you advantage." Chan stated as he continued to look over her. "I have work, be nice to each other." He stated as he moved to leave, allowing Rick to start his job as Xiao quickly returned to the back of her room, always watching him however as he nodded and slowly went to take his post at her door.


A few weeks had passed, the usual attempts on Xiao's continued as Rick once again stood on the edge of the princess' private bath chamber, looking much like an outdoor spa of sorts, with several large plants and a few small fountains, the main bath a much larger fountain. Steam filled the room as Rick remained in the corner, another samurai guard in the opposite corner as they faced the doors and windows, waiting for Xiao to finish.

It had been a few days since the last attack and so both of them were on guard, expecting another attack soon as they waited. The only sounds they heard for a while though were those of Xiao washing up, and the fountains as she started, only for Rick to notice something with his aura sight, tapping his belt and the communication unit on it. The other guard quickly looked to him as Rick just barely nodded to outside the window, giving a small thumbs down showing that he didn't recognize the aura. The other guard quickly nodded back as he called in the event, neither one of them alerting Xiao yet, unsure what this new body would do.

Still, the other guard moved towards the windows, circling around the edge of the bath chamber towards the windows, moving slowly as he gripped his blade. Just as he was about to reach to open the window, the entire room filled with smoke as the creature jumped through the still closed window, the ghost type slamming into the guard as Rick quickly dashed in front of Xiao, still in the bath, who screamed out as she ducked under the water.

Rick quickly took his stance as he finally made out what the newest assassin was, a cofagrigus morph that moved surprisingly fast for its kind charging for Rick. As it approached, it quickly opened up its casket, intent on just eating him whole or turning him into a mummy, but Rick was more then prepared. He merely vanished only to appear on its side, the use of extreme speed always serving him well even if it took a lot out of him.

Before the cofagrigus could do anything to respond, Rick already had two aura spheres the ready, slamming them into the side of the ghost type and knocking it off course into one of the smaller fountains, proving how strong they were. The cofagrigus was stopped dead by the fountain, not even a dent on it as continued to merely spray its water.

Rick could only compliment the stone mason that was hired to build the fountain as he walked over, the would be assassin slowly getting up as Rick grabbed his head and pulled him back, only to slam him into the fountain's side a few times while it was dazed. "Just give me a name and I might make this quick." He stated, his voice distorted as usual as he prepared another aura sphere.

The cofagrigus just whined some as it slowly regained its senses when Rick stopped, only to quickly sink down, Rick snarling a bit that the creature was very well trained with its abilities, far far more than the usual ghost types, as he used his aura sight to follow the creature. He snarled again as he ran for the main bath, jumping right in to grab a very surprised and still nude milotic as she screamed out when he jumped out of the pool, the entire bath stirring as the cofagrigus burst up out of the water looking around, jumping right after Rick and his target.

Rick landed easily enough, jumped back up, and using the assassin's head to jump up over it, blasting it once more with an aura sphere to blow it into the dirt that made up the floor of most of the bath chamber. The cofagrigus yelled out from the attack, unsure how it had happened, not knowing that Rick had spent lots time and work investing in ways to use his aura to counter act ghost types, his foot still glowing a bit as he landed with Xiao over his shoulder, quickly setting her down.

"Are you alright?" Rick asked as he handed her a towel as he took a stance, Xiao nodding lightly. "Then stay behind me." He stated as the cofagrigus slowly recovered, shaking its head as it stood, sinking into the floor.

Rick merely continued to look around after the ghost as he took a few steps back, always guiding Xiao behind as he worked to keep her away from the ghost type as he heard other soldiers slowly run down the halls, and then into the bath chamber.

"He's below the fountain, a cofagrigus, with master level skills regarding his abilities." Rick stated as they pulled out their were forced to pull out the devices they hated, but kept on hand anyway. Xiao was quickly surrounded as Rick guided them away from the ghost type as they kept their distance waiting as a few other guards armed their anti-ghost weapons.

Before anything else could happen though, another figure dived after the first, Rick only able to see the aura, but knowing instantly who it was, the emperor's personal guardian ghost. In a few seconds, both of the aura's were climbing up, both of them popping out of the guard, the cofagrigus and the gengar that forced it out.

Both of the ghost types struggled with each other lightly before the gengar managed to pin one of the cofagrigus's arms. "Rick, hurry while I've got him." The gengar shouted as Rick moved to act, a pair of aura spheres already as he charged forward.

Without missing a beat, Rick slammed both of the aura sphere's into the cofagrigus's chest, a bright blue explosion resulting from the attack, when the smoke and light died, the cofagrigus was out cold, the gengar holding him up. "We'll take care of him. Search for others." The gengar stated as Rick quickly looked around searching with his aura sight, but didn't see any aura he did not recognize.

"No... I don't see anyone else." He stated as he turned back to Xiao.

"Keep her guarded just in case, the rest of you, split up and search the grounds for anything else. I don't want to walk in on another gift like those the last assassin left." The gengar stated as the rest of the men quickly walked out, leaving Rick alone with Xiao, who just fell back onto the bench she was next to, panting and holding her chest.

"Are you alright?" Rick asked as he removed his face and the voice module it had with it. "Were you injured?"

The milotic just panted some more before finally looking to him, getting up and grabbing him, not caring that in her rush, her towel fell leaving her completely exposed to him as she hugged him, even wrapping her tail around him some. "Oh... Rick... that... that thing... how did he... he could have..." She whined lightly, this being the first real assassin to truly get close and actually pose a threat to her in person, rather then have her hidden away during the fight.

"Hey there... calm down now, its okay." Rick stated, his face flush with color as he did his best to try and comfort her, torn between hugging her and doing anything else to the nude milotic that was holding him. "Let's just finish your bath... get you cleaned up again and then... then we can get something to eat, its almost dinner time." He stated, finally carefully wrapping an arm around her back, gently guiding her back to the main bath.

She just barely nodded, going along with him slowly as he moved, not letting go of him as he walked her back to the tub. "There, see. The water is still warm, everything is fine now, its just us." Rick said softly, lightly urging her into the water once more, doing his best to advert his view from invading her privacy.

"J-join... join me...." She stated not letting go of him. "I... You'll protect... you can... you did... I... I-I..." She stuttered, the fear of actually being a target now there in her head as Rick blushed even more, doing his best to control himself.

"I... really don't... think that's a... a good idea..." He stated slowly as he made sure to keep looking at her face.

"P-please...I...I..." She stuttered a bit more, giving him a gentle pull to join her. Rick couldn't help but think of how she felt though, going against his better judgement once he made sure that they were alone. He nodded, Xiao giving him a few to get changed.

He slipped out of his hoodie and the shirt he had underneath, before heistantly taking off his boots, socks and pants, leaving him in the bandages that he used as one last piece of armor over his boxers, which left on as he moved to join her in the bath now.

She constantly kept looking to him, Rick unable to continuously advert his eyes now, just sitting there in the bath, doing his best not to move, despite the painful stirring in his loins, which did not work well trapped beneath his boxes and the heavy bandages tightly wrapped around his thighs, groin and waist.

"Rick... is... is something wrong?" She asked after a few minutes, very slowly continuing to wash up.

He shook his head as he looked to her, doing his best to avoid looking at anything below her neck. That action was quickly pointless however when she moved closer, taking a seat in his lap.

"Rick... please... come on... speak to me." She whined a bit.

"S-sorry..." He stated letting her take her seat.

"Did... is something wrong?" She asked leaning her head on his shoulder, a yell from outside the windows startling her a bit as she grabbed him. The effects of actually being under attack directly very clearly rattled her up, as Rick bit his lip a bit, once again wrapping his arms around her some.

"Its okay, they are just making sure everything else is good." He stated trying to reassure her. "You really don't need to be worried. I can protect you, its what I'm paid to do." He stated.

"Just like you protected all of those slaves right?" She asked referring to his past. "Those... those poor slaves... you protected them so easily, so fiercely... a real knight..." She said.

He blushed a bit more, but nodded. "Yes... I'll protect you... just like I protected them."

"I-I... really do... l-like you..." She said softly, surprising him greatly with a sudden kiss. "Please... won't you..." She gently rubbed her tail around some in his lap.

Rick quickly gulped feeling cutting her off. "I really don't think that's a good idea... if your father walks in..."

She once again silenced him with another small kiss. "I... I don'" She stated. "I've wanted... you... The Hooded King... my knight... for a long time..." She said hugging him tightly. "There are so few good people left in this world and I... I want one... I want you." She stated kissing him again rather deeply now.

Rick did his best to hold back, but despite all he did, that pain in his groin area, his growing member forced up against such tight restraints didn't help, the pain of it and his own lust a hard thing to ignore, but he still kept his head.

"Look, Xiao... you're a princess, I'm just your body guard. You're father would kill me or worse, force me to kill him when tries to punish me and Luke." He tried to reason with her, but she was set.

"Please... I want you, I need you. If my father tries anything, he'll have to do the same thing to me, I won't let him hurt you." She stated tearing up some.

Rick sighed lightly, finally nodding and accepting it, she was just as stubborn as her father, if not more so. "But... I would really prefer if he didn't find out." He stated still worried about Luke as he finally gave her a small kiss.

She smiled and nodded, kissing him back as she reached around slowly, finding the small metal clip that kept his final piece of clothing in place, as soon as it was removed, the first few layers of his bandages going slack, Rick nodding gently for her to continue.

It didn't take that much longer after it was started until Xiao left him in just his boxers, his member already causing a tent in his boxers which grew with every layer she removed from the bandages. A bit eager to be with him, she looked to him once more, Rick giving the final nod to let her take them off as she slipped them down his legs, setting them to the side as she looked over what he had to offer.

His slick canine member stood up proudly, completely out of its sheath as she leaned down to give him a small lick, Rick shivering lightly from the touch. Although he had been with others on rare occasions, it had been a long while since he had taken another in bed and he had to admit he missed the feeling.

She continued to slowly lick over him, ducking down under the water a bit to get to his knot, being a water type meaning she could work longer on him under the water. The direct contrast of the warm water and chilled air rippling over his member while she worked over his member quickly brought him pleasure as he used a toe to rub at her as well.

She smiled some feeling him working to please her a bit, giving a surprised gasp when she felt a jolt of pleasure, looking down as she kept working to see his foot giving off the soft glow of aura, another small jolt of pleasure rushing through her from his toe as he rubbed her.

She worked eagerly now, just focusing on licking over his member as he gave her a few more weak jolts, letting him pleasure her as she did the same for him, suckling his head as groaned out, surprised at how good it felt, even if he could tell that she was still very new to this as she worked.

Bit by bit, she slowly bobbed her head down more with each pass, his tip now lightly pressing against her throat some, but that didn't stop her as he groaned out again, pushing his big toe into her, feeling how tight she was already, still very clearly a virgin, but he knew that wasn't going to last the night.

"Take... take it slow." He stated, not wanting her to push herself too hard as she worked to take his entire length. "This... is about you." He smiled, patting her head, lightly pushing a second toe into her, wiggling them both around, her moan felt around his member as her throat vibrated a little over his member.

She didn't listen though, really wanting to thank him, taking his full length now as she sucked around his knot, using her tongue to curl around it and squeeze a bit even as she smiled as best she could from his words, even more when she heard him groan out again.

Rick couldn't help himself though, he enjoyed seeing her working to please him, giving her another jolt of aura as she continued, sucking even harder now, Rick knowing he wasn't going to last long. She pulled herself off of him, stroking him firmly, letting the mix of warm water and chilled air flow his member as she took another breath, before smiling a little shyly, only to open her mouth and take his entire length in one quick fluid motion. That was all it took for Rick, the lucario groaning out as he found his paw on the back of her head, out of instinct more then conscious thought, holding her there as he let his seed flow, a few thick squirts of it rushing down her throat, Xiao gasping out a little bit around it, but holding herself down over him, not wanting to waste his seed.

It took a few for Rick to calm down, blushing a bit himself, quickly releasing Xaio's head as she slowly pulled off, making sure to clean him as she went. At last she was just suckling light on his tip, smiling as she finally released him, looking to him, before standing and kissing him deeply, catching him very much off guard, Rick just sitting there as she leaned into him, stroking him again as she slowly gave him room to breathe.

"You... you'll be... gentle right?" She asked softly as she got out of the water, resting on the side of the pool, laying back and spreading her legs for him, her tail gently wrapped around his arm to pull him over her.

Rick smiled and nodded, moving over to her, moving between her legs, only for her to stop him. "I... I want... I want you... not... not... your tongue...." She said blushing hard, her tail trying to pull him up over her.

"No." Rick stated. "You treated me well now I have..." He started, only for her to give a slightly harder tug on his arm.

"You saved me... I... I want you in me... now..." She said very quietly, shyly as she looked to him, a begging look in her eyes.

"Bu-" Rick started only for her to shake her head.

"You... you take... take me or... or I tell... my father... you did so without... my consent." She stated. "You... you enjoy me... you... take me... and... just please..." She whined lightly, Rick looking over her, finally nodded as he moved over her, kissing her chest lightly as he moved up, his member resting on her folds.

"Are you really sure?" He asked again, just barely rubbing himself to her, giving her a gentle kiss on her neck. Instead of speaking though, he found her legs wrapping gently around his waist, pulling him down, his tip slowly slipping into her, spreading her lips at the intrusion.

Feeling her pulling him, he nodded lightly as he gave a small thrust of his hips, spreading her further as she gave a soft moan, letting his aura flow into her through his member as he continued to push him, finally feeling her hymen, and giving her one last chance to back out, only for her grip him with her legs, and then pull him the rest of the way in, his knot, even deflated having some trouble slipping into her.

She wrapped her arms over him as well, kissing him deeply, still giving a soft moan as he let her have more of his aura, doing his best to make this enjoyable for her as he slowly pulled out when he felt her legs loosen up over him.

Rick made sure to go slow, even though he did want to enjoy this gift she insisted on giving, he was now determined to make her enjoy it even more as he kept himself under control. Leaning his head down to lick at the top of her breasts, massaging one with his hand, the other with his tongue, giving her aura there as well as he did so, the milotic morph moaning out more and more as he did so.

IT was easy to see how new to this Xiao was, Rick enjoying her virgin walls over him, leaving his knot out for now, not wanting to tie her if he could avoid it as he took her, speeding up just a bit as he continued to play with her.

Xaio could only lay there though, loving this feeling, knowing that her knight was taking her at last, his aura only making it so much better as he continued to moan out for him, her legs finally resting back entirely as he kept her arms on his back, holding him close, not ever caring about the gently prick of his chest spike on her stomach, actually enjoying that too a bit.

Rick continued this slow pace though, even though he really wanted to speed up some, Xiao bringing him into another kiss. "Go... g-go ahead..." She moaned out, feeling his want to get a little rougher with her, to take her a bit faster. "Please... I want... this..." She said looking at him, her eyes begging him once again. "Tie me... I... I want it... the knot..." She said quietly, her words enough encouragement for Rick to speed up a bit, giving her more of his aura as he did so.

Her inner walls were already moist before, but now they were really getting wet as he worked, her added lubrication helping his smooth member slide in very easily now as he sped up, kissing her again he did so. He could feel himself gettig close again, her mouth felt great, but it was nothing compared to her tight folds as he started to press his growing knot into her, meeting up with some resistance, she wasn't meant for a knot afterall.

Still, her words were enough, Rick speeding up a little bit more, trying to tie her now, to give her what she really wanted, each thrust getting a bit more of his knot in her, only for it at last, to pop in entirely, his tip roughly pressing against her cervix, Xaio crying out a little in pain, from the action, but his aura was more then enough for her to find her first climax. Her small cry of pain was quick to change as she gasped out, her walls milking him hard as he found himself stuck in her, his knot unable to pull out, forced to give some very short, but powerful thrusts, grunting as he finally came again himself, his second load of seed, and all he had left right now filling her tunnel.

It took him a few to calm down this time, still holding himself up over her so that his chest spike didn't injure her, getting a very surprised gasp when he rolled them over, pulling her over him, and then grabbing his hoodie and placing it between their chests to cover his spike and just let her lay on him.

"I'm... going to be stuck like this.. in you for a while." He blushed, really regretting it knowing that if they were found tied to each other, it would be impossible to hide what he had done.

"The... the other guards know that.... Sometimes... pleasure myself...." She said quietly. "They will know not to enter." She said lightly just resting on his chest, giving him another small chest. "You... you will stay with me... won't you?" She asked.

Rick continued to blush a bit, but nodded. "Yes... I... I will... as... as long as my brother is safe..." He stated, Xaio nodding knowing that was the whole reason why he was really here.

"Just... just lay with me... for a while." She said lightly rubbing her out lips, feeling him inside her as she just rested.


Two months had passed since Rick had taken Xiao in the bath, and even now he questioned his actions. He had indeed fallen for her, and enjoyed his time with her, but there were still times, like right now that he really questioned all of this.

Once more he was in Xaio's room, but tonight was different as he shivered a bit again, the feel of a tongue over his member, Xaio's tongue over his member very welcome. Of course he couldn't move much, his arms and legs tied to the bedposts, something that she had begged and pleaded with for him to try.

He groaned out again as she gave him another lick, squeezing her breasts against him again as she smiled, blushing hard at the sight of him, having learned to love his body as she ran a finger down his chest again. Slowly, she stood up and moved over his chest, rubbing her already slick folds over his wet member, before gasping lightly as she pushed herself back over him, hilting him with ease. She was just about to pull herself off and start a small pace when the door suddenly opened up behind them, both of them freezing the second they saw who had entered.

"Sorry about not knocking Xaio, but this is a heavy load that you asked for." Chan stated as he walked in, his vision blocked by the large mound of cloth and dresses he had picked for her, a small cannon slowly following along behind him as he moved into the room. Although it was just a small decorational piece, Rick could still easily tell that it would fire if needed, and looked to be loaded even. Both Rick and Xaio just watched as he walked into the room, moving straight for her closet as he talked. "I'm afraid that my mind is a little weak right now, more assassins." He stated as he set the cloth down and pulled up a small dress, turning to finally face them. "I refuse to let.... Anyone.... One..." He stated only to see what was going on, easily able to see Rick inside his daughter from where he was standing.

"I... see..." He stated slowly looking them over. "I'll leave you two alone... just don't hurt my daughter..." He said as he moved to leave. "Oh... and Rick... I'd better see you in the morning in my chambers... you remember our agreement correct." Chan stated as he quickly left, moving and closing the door, leaving them be.

At once Rick tried to untie himself, Xiao quickly doing it for him, Rick getting dressed despite the issue between his legs, Xiao have learned quickly how to get him and keep him very much aroused.

Already fully dressed in just a minute, Rick looked around for Chan, glad that his face mask was on, hiding his intense blush as he was finally guided to the Chan's room, knocking as he tried to catch his breath. The door opened slowly as Chan was at his desk, already knowing who it was, Rick getting pulled slowly inside, hurrying himself up as he stood panting a bit before the emperor.

"You surprised me greatly. Those knots looked very secure." He stated not even looking up, Rick only gulping a bit, even more when Chan finally looked at him.

"You told me once what you would do to my daughter if something happened." Chan stated looking him over. "I really should have executed, keeping this from me for weeks instead of asking my blessing." He stated as he stood up, Rick knowing that he was in a bad spot now, in his rush to try and fix things, he could very much have walked right into a trap.

"I ask you this once. Are you still prepared to kill my daughter?" He stated, his face showing that he was very clearly thinking about something, Rick just hoping it wasn't about how to hurt him or worse, his brother.

"No sir." Rick stated quickly as Chan moved up, Rick hating it knowing that Chan had the advantage right now as he couldn't shake the thoughts of what Xiao wanted to do with him while she had him tied up, leaving him very unfortunately distracted. "I... I have no intention of hurting her." Rick quickly explained. "She made the first move, she threatened to say I raped her if I didn't accept her form of thanks after that last assassin. It shook her up badly." He started, only for Chan to cut him off, raising his hand to silence him.

He looked him over again, before throwing something at him, Rick reacting strictly on instinct, catching it ready to blow it to pieces with his aura, only to see what it was as the last second, an invitation of some kind. "You've very clearly slept with my daughter, so you'll forgive me for saying that you will marry her now. If you don't and try to treat her badly in any way shape or form... well... you know what it means for your brother." He sighed. "And so help me, if I find my daughter is pregnant before you two are married, I'm solving that issue from happening ever again." He stated before patting Rick on the back lightly. "I've said my piece, go back and deal with that annoyance would you, that tent is very bothersome to look at." He stated as he returned to his deck, Rick sighing and nodded, quickly leaving.

Nightborne Estate - Chapter 4

The Nightborne Estate Chapter 4 The Start of a New Daily Routine Two weeks had passed in quick order as Xaoto tried, and mostly failed at falling into his new life style. Although he was always quick to pick up many things, doubly so when he had...

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Nightborne Estate - Chapter 3

The Nightborne Estate Chapter 3 The Inheritance The small study chosen by Gregory was quite the normal room just as Gregory had stated; the only view of any magic present was just a single moving picture. There were plenty of books, but just looking...

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Nightborne Estate - Chapter 2

The Nightborne Estate Chapter 2 The Elves, The Gryphon, and The Dragon "Welcome to your new home Mr. Helukasti, Xaoto to the Nightborne Master." Its words rung in Xaoto's ears as he looked on at the creature. Xaoto shook his head once more looking...

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