Bondage Stream Story 9: Not Even a Ghost of a Chance

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Txeptirea is this little story of Sonic the Hedgehog and a little bit of trouble he got into in a haunted house. I had a surprising amount of fun writing Sonic, I have to say.

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Not Even A Ghost of a Chance for Txeptirea by Draconicon

After places like Green Hill and other areas, the Haunted Hill Mansion was a new experience for the speedy blue wonder. Sonic had to take it slow over the rocky, ruined way up to the house proper, and his feet itched to get back to the fast-paced action that he was used to.

"Man, talk about a mood killer."

He waved a gloved hand through some cobwebs by the front door before forcing it open, shaking his head as he got a look at the interior.

"Whoa, and I thought Sally's old palace had a lot of weird junk."

Stepping by a pair of suits of armor, the blue hedgehog stared up at dusty portraits and large, jaw dropping landscapes. Or they would have been stunning, if they weren't ruined by dust, mildew, and age. He shook his head.

"Well, not gonna get anything done seeing the sights. Let's get this done so I can get back home."

Stretching his legs for a moment, Sonic leaned back and then shot forward. The curtains went flying in the wake of his charge, and the looser tapestries came flying off the walls with a crash and a bang. The bits of dust on the floor went flying through the air, and a billow of smoke followed after him as the little bits of paper and old books on the ground caught fire from the friction of his speed.

He was moving so fast that the doors slammed open whenever he hit something ahead of him, and he charged down the length of the house with his head flicking from side to side, looking for anything that the Resistance might be able to use against Doctor Robotnik. Everywhere seemed to be locked off, though, and he didn't have time to break down all the doors and find out what was in every room. He needed to -

He-he-hello there!

He skidded on his heels, his shoes throwing up sparks as he came to a halt. The smokescreen from his run shot past him, filling the room at the end of the hallway with a ton of the stuff, as the blue hedgehog examined a gold plate hanging from one of the doors.

"Lord Politoo's Laboratory. Well, if the egghead was half as good at science as he was at money..."

Surprisingly, the door wasn't locked. Sonic pushed it open without any issue, but inside -

"What the heck are you guys?!"

He stared at the two floating things that were in the middle of the lab. They looked almost like his friend Tails, but they were see-through and didn't have the double tails that his friend did. The two foxes looked at him in surprise, but Sonic was already on the move, running straight at them.

"Think you can get the drop on me, huh? I didn't think Robotnik would stop with the robots, but I'm not getting caught by surprise."

The fox things waved their hands back and forth, almost like someone trying to explain themselves, but he wasn't going to listen. He jumped in the air, spinning until he had his feet pointed at one of them. One of these kicks could take down one of old Super Egghead's soldier bots. These things wouldn't -


Somehow, he went flying through it, his legs passing through the fox thing without doing a darn thing. Sonic hit the ground and went rolling, spinning towards the wall. He threw his feet out to try and stop himself, but with his shoes now covered in a strange green ooze, he kept sliding until he faceplanted against the wall.

After five seconds, he managed to pull himself out of it, shaking his head and standing by the person-sized crater he'd left behind.

" you ain't like Robotnik's bots."

The foxes shook their heads.

"Fine, I can still outrun ya."

Besides, there was nothing in the lab, anyway. He threw one leg back, but before he could start running, his leg froze in mid-move. Or, to his shock, his shoe did. Sonic turned his head and stared as he saw that his normally white and red shoes were glowing bright green, and the brightest part was from the goo that had collected along the underside.

"What the -"

No sooner had he turned to stare than he felt his gloves get hit with a blast themselves, his white gloves turning green as they stared glowing as well. His hands and feet suddenly shot out to the sides, making his body into an x-shape as the foxes started floating down towards him.

Oh boy...this ain't good.

"What do you want? You want me to go? I'm going."

The foxes didn't answer. At least, they didn't answer him. Instead, they looked at each other, and even though he was only a few feet away, he couldn't hear any sound coming from their mouths as they 'talked' to each other.

What the heck are they? It's like they're -

And that was when he saw it. One of them was floating above one of the tables, and he finally saw that the fox's foot was bobbing up and down through the table, floating through it. Sonic gulped.


"Hey, little buddies. I'm sorry for coming in here uninvited, and -"

One of the foxes threw another glob at him before he could react, and it went down his throat before he realized what had happened. Sonic gagged around it, but it was already heading down to his stomach. He could see the glowing goo through his body, and he shuddered as it made its way down from his throat towards his belly.

More splashes of the weird goo rained down on him, one of the foxes throwing it at him while the other was moving him around, spinning him in place with the goo around his shoes and gloves. Around and around he went, and he felt that weird sloppy goo landing everywhere on him. It hit his face and his back, his chest and his stomach. It hit his legs and ran into his shoes, making it feel all slimy around his feet, which was a very weird new feeling.

But when it went under his little tail, splattering over his blue butt and between the cheeks, and worse, over his crotch, the hedgehog started to blush.

"Hey! What do you guys think you're doing?!"

The ghosts still didn't answer, but Sonic blushed as he felt the goo sinking into his cock. At a gesture from one of the ghosts, he felt like a hand was grabbing hold of him, and as the fox shook his hand up and down, he felt that invisible hand jerking him off. Sonic moaned, his toes curling in his shoes as the ghost teased him.

"Hey! Hey! Let me go!"

They didn't. Instead, they floated him above the lab, holding him spread-eagle in mid-air, his body still in the shape of an X. No matter how he pulled at his gloves or shoes, he couldn't even bend his limbs, let alone get away.

The constant stroking continued as his cock got harder and harder, bigger and bigger down below. Normally, it couldn't even be seen - which was a big plus while he was running - but now it was at least as long as his hand, and it glowed bright green as it started dripping to the floor. The hedgehog bit his lip, particularly as the other ghost started making a gesture of his own.

Sonic felt his hole twitch as the fox ghost made a tight circle with his finger and thumb, and he had a pretty good idea of what the glowing finger heading towards it meant. He braced himself, but it meant nothing as he felt something bigger than he expected sliding in. There was nothing there, but as he was bent almost in half, he could see his hole opening around...nothing. It was like something invisible was being shoved into his ass, and then pulled out, and rammed in again.

With one ghost stroking his cock and the other fucking his ass, Sonic couldn't even think straight. He squirmed against the weird bondage that they'd put him in, but now he couldn't even look away. His head was pointed right down towards his crotch, so he was forced to watch as he was violated again and again, his body used by the creatures down below.

He gasped as his hole was held open and one of the creatures floated over to it. He saw it conjure up another handful of goo, and slowly tilt its hand.

"Oh, come oooooooooon!"

His exasperated complaint stretched out into a moan as the goo slid into his ass and surrounded something very sensitive inside of him. The thing invading his ass pulled out, but the fox pushed a finger against its palm, almost like it was pressing a button. As soon as it did it, Sonic gasped as that same thing in his hole felt like it was getting teased, rubbed, and squeezed all at once, the stimulation making him drip pre onto his face.


The two of them did it at the same time, and the hedgehog felt his entire body stiffen as he went to the verge of an orgasm. He couldn't take much more of this. What Robotnik's best torments couldn't do, these ghosts had managed in the space of a few minutes, rendering him helpless and begging for mercy.

"Guys, mo-OOOOOORE!"

They had done it again, and this time, he did cum. White splattered over his blue face, squirting over his cheeks and nose and everything. Some of it even landed in his mouth, making him taste the salty goo for the first time. He barely noticed, as the two ghosts kept pushing their 'buttons' again and again, making him keep cumming until he passed out from the pleasure and the exhaustion it left him in.


Sonic didn't wake up until dawn, but when he woke up, he jumped up with a start. His head whipped this way and that, looking for any sign of the ghosts that had knocked him out.

However, there was nothing to be seen. The lab was empty, and the light shining in from the glass ceiling revealed that there was nothing here for the resistance. It had been a completely wasted night, and worse, he could hear Robotnik's patrol 'bots in the distance. If he didn't get out of here now, he'd be stuck until nightfall again.

"Dang it...Sally's gonna kill me."

He rushed off as fast as his feet could carry him, never noticing the slight green trail coming off of his gloves and shoes.

The End