Clyx - Chapter GL.CO - Ffzz^!kshh

Story by Xadera on SoFurry

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"Do you smell that?" Fil sniffed at the air of the forest, buzzing in towards a point in space. "A couple of you get over here," he commanded some of his troupe, "Focus some mist right here. It feels like something is coming..."

Most were confused by the lack of anything relevant. Nevertheless, a couple took up positions around Fil. They brought in some purple mist, concentrating it at the point. The mist grew darker and darker around a foot-wide circle. And the darkening color wasn't just the faeries' doing either...



The little, pink girl with long azure hair screamed as she shot through the fluctuating mist-circle, flying through the air with a white liquid trailing behind her. The faeries were tossed aside into the surrounding brush, knocked out by the bizarre ripple that preceded her.

Her plump thighs skidded across the grass as she landed on her butt with an "Oof". When she came to a halt, her green, insectile eyes woozily looked back down her trajectory, following the thick, drizzled trail that started between her legs.

Several feet that trail went, disappearing into a tear, in the air itself, a few inches above the ground. Purple mist dissipated around the jagged edges of the tear that streaked up to the sky, five feet tall. Through it could be seen a dark alleyway between two brick buildings behind a paved street. A rip in space-time itself! Not that anybody would actually know that...

Two, wispy feelers reached through the hole from the opposite side, followed by a head of long, white hair. The bushy bangs completely covered the eyes of the fair face. Light blue skin, smooth and delicate, with no nose; just a pair of soft, tender lips. Her head tilted as though she were looking, the feelers drifting this way and that. The lips parted slightly, her face full of intrigue.

Then, at the bottom of the hole, a slender leg stepped out, balancing itself upon its pin-point tip. It was soon joined by a second, with nearly a third swinging in between them. The third dribbled with the other end of the white trail, reaching down to the knees of the two real legs as it softened. A gargantuan cock, slightly purple as the blood rushed under the blue skin, that had recently fired. The round, meaty buttocks and succulent orbs on her chest jiggled as her pin-tipped legs wobbled to balance themselves on the much softer, grassy ground, the third leg only making things worse.

"Dammit, Pin! I thought you already came once this hour!" The two-foot tall girl rubbed her rear with her dual-digit hand, the other pressing down on a bloated belly to squeeze more of the cum out into the puddle under her crotch.

One hand of the six-foot tall woman wedged behind her large endowment and rubbed her feminine sex idly, while the single, pin-shaped finger that was her other hand settled against her bottom lip. "I tried to, but I scared the girl away, so I was pretty backed up...," she said, distracted.

"Well you could have warned me! I would have been bug-splatter on that brick wall if I hadn't made a portal fast enough. I mean, look at that hole. It's not supposed to do that!" The tiny girl's antennae jerked straight up atop her head in anger as she jumped onto her two-toed feet, her curvy proportions also quivering a bit. She didn't have penis to set her off her balance, just some red and slightly sore nethers.

"Quiet, Deets! I'm trying to focus..."

The glossy eyes of the little girl narrowed with even more anger. She charged towards the blue woman in an annoyed fit. A pointy leg quickly brought her to a halt as it poked her forehead. Her antennae wrapped themselves around the leg as her clenched fists flailed harmlessly at the air in utter futility.

The blue woman still gazed about with her feelers. "Someone was being really naughty around here." Her lips curled up into a perverted grin as she stepped away, heading for whatever it was she had sensed.

The little girl quickly regretted having entwined her antennae around the blue leg. She struggled to crawl along as she was dragged, having difficulty unraveling from it...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"I'm sooo glad I went shopping with you today, Rachel. So much more food~!"

The four-and-a-half foot tall grey girl huffed from the gills on her naked chest as she tried to keep up with her bigger companion. She struggled to keep the hefty grocery bags away from the large, lone eye on her belly so she could see where they were going. Her mouth blew the dark, sleek hair from her face before speaking. "Next time we go out, Lez, we're getting you a backpack to carry all this stuff... Or better yet, a carriage so you can pull me along too!"

"Oh~ I see. You just want a little horse-play, huh?"

Two more bags hit the ground. The bigger girl knelt down to the sidewalk, walking step by step forward with her hands until the majority of her enormous, scaly rump rose out of her much-too-small skirt. Her bountiful breasts hung from the similarly too-small shirt, with so much under-boob that her plump nipples were all that kept the fabric from sliding off entirely. She waved her head exotically, causing her long, blonde hair to fall from her shoulders.

"Nee-hee-hee," she mimicked erotically while fluttering her long eyelashes and pursing her luscious lips. Without legs, she straightened her tail out, kinking it against the ground the best she could to finish the impression. Just for a little extra punch, her skirt bulged in the front, hinting at the another possible connection to the animal.

The short, mousy tail above Rachel's butt shot straight out with her eye going wide. In an instant she twirled around, clenching her eye shut. "Don't do that! You already made me ditch my panties back at the store, I don't wanna mess my shorts too!"

"Aww, it's alright," Lez giggled. "You can just take your skirt back then. I wouldn't need-" She paused before her tone shifted from giddy to awed. "Rachel, look!"

"Nah-uh. I'm not falling for that again! The last time those blue buggers spooked me like that, I damn near tore myself on them!"

"No, no, not that. I swear! Look!"

Rachel slowly opened her eye. With no cocks in sight, she let out a sigh and the red tinge left her cheeks. She twisted back towards Lez. Still no cocks, but the pointing finger guided her sight to the nearby alley. Both mouth and gills gasped in unison. Good thing she didn't have breasts or she would have sucked them inside.

White blotches adorned the pavement and oozed slowly down the walls. Yet, that wasn't the main attraction. Gooey, yes, but definitely not as impressive as the bright hole in the brick wall at the end of the alley. Through its jagged edges shone vibrant greens of a forest amidst a mid-day sun. It was nearly night in the middle of a large city on this side, so to say it was strange is quite the understatement.

"What is it?" Rachel dropped her bags to the ground as she stepped toward the light. Lez slithered behind. They both ignored the sticky gunk as it stuck to feet and tail alike.

Reaching forward, Rachel could feel the warmth of the sun on her naturally damp hand. As it moved through the hole, there was no sense of danger. She paused before going any further.

"Don't worry Rach, I'll protect ya." Lez nudged Rachel through the hole in her own eager curiosity.

The two took a moment to feel the plush grass. Then Rachel started to smear the goop from her feet while Lez whipped her serpentine tail about until her belly scales were their sandy color again.

"What is this place?..." Rachel pivoted around again and again, amazed by this little world in an alleyway. The forest went on as far as she could see, even beyond the hole they entered through.

"Like I'm supposed to know?" Lez was just as perplexed and nearly bit through her lip trying to comprehend it.

Cautiously and curiously, the girls began exploring the forest, leaving the alley and their food behind.

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"W-What happened?" Fil began to wake with his troupe.

As faeries buzzed once again to the air, their own curiosity took them the other way through the rift. The inhabitants of the city were in for the night of their life. But that's neither here nor there. I just wanted to make this note for continuity's sake.

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::Knock, Knock::

Some incoherent voices called back and forth within the household before some footsteps were heard coming to the door. It creaked open with a doll-like girl in a maid outfit on the other side. Her glistening eyes grew at the sight of the visitors.

"H-Hello. How may I help you?," Dae'nin asked politely, despite her surprise.

"Hi... umm... we're-"

"We're lost! And hungry!" The serpentine woman interrupted the grey one as she lunged at Dae'nin, enveloping her in a pleading hug. "Food! Please! Food!"

Rachel shut the eye on her belly and slapped her forehead in embarrassment of Lez's over-dramatization. Her eye slid back open as it just occurred to her she saw an extra fleshy thing under the maid's frilly skirt. As Rachel focused from her lower vantage point, Dae'nin crossed her legs and tugged her skirt down in an attempt at modesty.


Seti fell from the doorway into the room. Her chest almost leapt from the top she had haphazardly threw on as her backside hit the floor.

"Are you alright?!" Dae'nin wrestled free of Lez's grip and rushed to help Seti up.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine." Seti rubbed her tail as she finished pulling up her slip behind the doorway. "Next time I'm going to get dressed before I run for the door." She rose up off the floor, coiling her tail underneath her. Turning around, her mouth opened to greet the visitors... and her jaw dropped in awe. "You're... You're... You're a..."

Dumbfounded, Seti stared at Lez. Lez stared back. Two (mostly) female lamias deadlocked in wonder.


"FOOD!" Lez whipped forward, attacking Seti the same way she had Dae'nin. Faking despair, she buried her head in Seti's bosom as she tried to cry. "Ple-he-hease foo-hoo-hood!"

"Lez!" Rachel admonished.

Lez came to the sudden realization of her actions and sprung away from Seti with an extremely embarrassed look on her face. "Oh, I'm s-so sorry! I didn't mean to be this rude! I was just so hungry... I'm sorry, I'll leave right away!" She covered her face with her hands as she turned back to the door.

"Wait! It's alright, I don't mind... The kitchen is right down the hall, I can cook something up for you!" The promise of food enslaved Lez once more, perking her right up and sending her dashing down the hall. Seti called out after her. "My name is Seti, by the way!"

A hand patted Seti's rear. "It's okay, she does that sometimes. We were lost for a few hours when we should have been eating dinner. I'm Rachel, nice to meet you Seti." The grey girl stuck a hand up.

Seti took it and shook it. "Nice to meet you too, Rachel. And her?..."

"She's Lez. A very hungry Lez, at that. I swear, she's normally shy, but we should probably chase after her before you don't have a kitchen left..."

"Ahh... I know the feeling sometimes." Seti chuckled. Before guiding Rachel to the kitchen, she gave Dae'nin a nod. Dae'nin nodded back and headed upstairs to take care of the children. They've had bad experiences between new guests and certain kids before, so this precaution had become the norm.

"Food?...," Lez said meekly as the other two walked in. She sat coiled in her tail beside the table, rubbing a gurgling stomach.

"Oh... This is bad. She's reverted to using just the ‘food' word... I'm sorry we're imposing so much on you like this, but she needs to be fed quickly."

"No problem!" Seti grinned, happy to show off her skills.

Even though these were complete strangers, she really wanted to make a good impression on the first of her kind she had ever met. Diving into the pantry, she came up with arms full of tasty morsels. The stove burst aflame, pans and dishes tossed about everywhere. This would be a meal to remember!

Lez drooled with the scents that filled the air. Her hand wedged into some underboob, lifting the breast up. She bit through the shirt to suck on herself for the small amount of milk she produced. Rachel quickly whacked Lez's tail, scolding Lez away from that bad habit. The breast flopped back to her chest as she pouted, a wet blotch left on her shirt. The hungry girl was in a stupor by the time heavy footfalls approached the kitchen.

"Okay, most of them are napping and Dae'nin and Kiir are watching whoever isn't. I fed a few of them so they should be out for a while. Anyways, who's our... guests...?," Rael came to a halt as she spotted Lez. The same bit of surprise as everyone else. She finished hiking her dress strap over her shoulder to cover a breast, her nipple still erect and leaking enough to be quite obvious.

Dazed, it took a few moments for Lez to notice Rael gazing at her. She gazed back. She licked her lips as she sized Rael up...

"FOOD!" Lez pounced onto Rael just like she had every other member of the household so far.

Though...uhh... this time Lez undressed Rael as she dove into the juicy bosom. The strap Rael had put on slipped back down her arm, her perk nipple bobbing out with a dribble. Lez squealed with glee at the long teat before enveloping it with her mouth. Everyone was caught off-guard for the first several seconds

"Uhh... Hello there." Rael scratched her head with the only response from the serpentine woman being the squishy sucking echoing from her mouth.

"I'm so sorry!" Rachel ran over and grabbed Lez's tail the best she could. She tugged again and again with no success. "Come on Lez! You're being rude!"

"Hungry, huh?" Rael looked down to Lez. With the milk satiating her somewhat, Lez at least had the sense to look back up and reply with a nod. Again, her inhibitions caught up with her and the tit grew warm from the red in her face. She would have apologized immensely but...

"Can't let go, huh?," Rael asked bluntly.

Lez shook her head no.

"Well, it's gonna be a few minutes before the sticky stuff wears off... sooo... Have your fill, I suppose." Rael gave Lez a comforting smile. Lez took a moment to ease from her embarrassment and eventually started humming back with content as she suckled.

"What're your names, by the way?" And once more everyone was introduced...

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"Kudos to the chef. ::urp:: ... Excuse me," Lez apologized, her mentality reinstated.

"Thank you. I'm glad you liked it!" Seti gleamed. She snuck a peak at Lez's backside. Rubbing her own tail, she didn't compare to the bulbous cheeks of the other lamia in the slightest. It was like Lez had a plump tush, though she didn't seem to have the anatomy to match it otherwise. Even her tits were larger, though Seti doubted the woman had yet to even breastfeed a child. But that butt...

"And to the entrée as well." Red tinged Lez's cheeks. "I'm still so, sooo sorry for my actions earlier."

"It's alright." Rael chuckled. "It's not the first time a strange guest has suckled from me. At least you were gentle. What were you doing out here without being prepared anyways?"

Rachel leaned back in one of the children's high-chairs, her eye bulging thanks to the extra proportions behind it. "Well, we were coming home from the store and, in the middle of the city, there's this hole at the end of an alley." Rael and Seti had no clue what most of that sentence meant. "Through the hole was this biiig forest. It was really pretty and pleasant, so we wandered about. And then... umm... We have a hard enough time finding our way through a city, let alone hundreds of trees that all look the same, and... we got lost."

Rael twiddled a utensil in her hand. "Maybe later we can help you-"

::Knock, Knock!::

The interruption made them all freeze.

"That's odd... I've never had this many visitors before..." Seti slithered off to answer the door for the second time in one day.

With a creak, she pulled it open. A tall, blue woman stood on the other side, holding up a pink balloon, paled by its contents. It wasn't a balloon.

"Hello. Umm... Might I ask who the owner of this is?" Pin squished the condom with her other hand, giggling at the resulting sound.

"Oh my... It must have rolled off my daughter's tail while she was playing this morning..." Seti blushed at her daughter's lascivious nature.

"Daughter?," Pin smiled. "May I meet her?"

Seti blushed further as her eyes finally looked past the bloated condom to the nude body of the blue woman. The rising pole between the woman's legs made things slightly awkward.

"Pin?! What are you doing here?" Lez peeked into the room after hearing the familiar voice from the kitchen.

Pin leaned to the side, her feelers looking ‘behind' Seti. "Oh, hi Lez! I found this bag-o-spunk out in the woods and followed the scent all the way back here," she jiggled the condom a bit. "And what were you doing here? This place reeks of sex." Not that she looked put off by it.

"Me and Rach got lost..." Lez sniffed the air, flicking out her forked tongue to taste it. "Now that you mention it, there really seems to be a lot of smut in this house..."

Seti's face was ablaze. Was it really that noticeable?... She quickly changed the subject. "Uhh... Umm... D-Do you two know each other?"

Lez smiled. "Yeah, her name is Pin. She's a friend of ours from back home."

"Oh, then please, come in, come in." Seti moved aside to let Pin through. "And I'll take care of that..." She reached out and took the filled condom.

"Ahh, thank you." Pin was happy to oblige, freeing her hands to hug her swelling monster of a cock into her cleavage to maintain her balance. She turned for a moment to call out the door. "C'mon Deets! Get your juicy little ass in here!"

"Aww..." A little voice came from outside. "I was just getting comfortable too!"

Short breaths huffed as the little creature stood from the ground. The two-foot-tall girl waddled through the doorway, cradling an engorged belly. Dried gunk between her thighs made her steps even more awkward.

"Hi," Deets looked up to greet Seti.

"Hi," Seti replied with some confusion.

Without another word, the little bumbling bug of a girl followed the fair-skinned, giant-cocked, blue woman into the house. Lez waved them in her direction so they all may socialize at the dining table. Seti scratched her head at the wide diversity of guests she had that day, placing the condom down on the floor to be cleaned out later...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After yet another round of introductions, Pin just stood at the entrance to the kitchen. Her feelers ‘stared' at Rael as she rubbed the throbbing cock against her chest as its beating veins deepened its purple hue. Rael watched cautiously as Pin slowly stumbled towards her.

"Umm... Can I help you?" The lustful look on the blue woman was a bit disconcerting.

Rael squeaked as pointy hands prodded her chest, mooshing the flesh under the dress. Pin's feelers drooped in and out of the cleavage, tantalizingly admiring the mounds. Her own breasts squished into one of Rael's as she leaned into them.

"Gee... You've got some big tits." A bit of clear goop pulsed out onto Pin's cleavage.

Rael's face turned wry with confusion. Rachel leaned over to her ears and whispered, "Pin's blind. She ‘sees' with those feelers on her head. When she's not feeling you up the normal way, that is."

"Ahh." The statement helped alleviate some of the confusion, but Rael was more concerned with the way she was being molested otherwise. She turned back to Pin. "Uhh... Yeah. They're pretty big... Though they're a bit on the small side right now."

Pin lathered some of the goop about her glans with a pointy hand. "Can I fuck ‘em?"

The rather blunt proposition left everyone speechless for a moment.

"Wh-What?" Rael hugged her tits in embarrassment, trying to pull them out from under the beating cock and horny woman.

"It's not often I'm with anybody big enough to do it. So I'm hoping to take advantage of the situation while I can."

"Well... Uhh... I don't fault you on the logic there... But... Here?"

Pin looked around, ‘feeling' up everyone in the room from a distance. "Why not? Lez is normally nude anyways, Rachel's been wet since before I even arrived, Seti fights back an erection every time she glances at Lez's rear, and you smell like you were masturbating before you put those clothes on. You've even got a few stains leftover on that dress you're wearing."

The amount of blood flowing to faces was enough to add a touch of heat to the air. You'd think I were tired of all these awkward silences by now, but no.

Seti averted her eyes as Lez stared back. One of Lez's hands covered the front of her skirt, trying to hold back an anxious lump underneath. This was the first time she considered looking at Seti ‘that way'.

Rachel gave up and lifted her feet into the air. Her skin-tight shorts pried away from her waist as she pulled them from her thighs. Webs of clear, gooey strands trailed after them all the way down her legs. She let them drop with a plop on the floor beside her, leaning back to spread her legs and ‘air out' a bit. So much for not messing them...

Rael looked around at them all and let out a sigh. "You got me there... But you better lube up well, I don't want cock-burn on my chest."

"Don't worry about that." Pin's lush, red lips parted into a sultry grin as she balanced away from Rael. One hand held the tip of her monster still while the other pressed against the front of its base. Slowly, it pushed upward, squeezing the inner tunnel. Barely an inch up the two-foot long cock and the tip was already gurgling with pre-cum, drooling down the glans and dripping onto Pin's hand.

"Oh..." Rael was fairly impressed by the lavish amount of natural lubrication. Having been interrupted by the first knocks of the door, she didn't mind getting back into the mood. In one, swift motion, her dress was pulled up over her head and tossed aside. Her nipples had inverted during the dinner, but with a hand moistening up the dried juices in her crotch and another jumping from breast to breast to massage them, it wasn't long until her teats started to show.

"Normally I would try to get to know my partner first before getting right to the fun part, but it doesn't seem like you'd be able to wait much longer." Rael knelt down on the kitchen floor, ready to relax to her butt at a moments notice.

"Aww, how considerate," Pin giggled. "I'll try to hold back a little, then."

A fountain of pre cascaded down the length of the cock as Pin rolled her hand up the other way. She stepped towards the lowered Rael and let go. Gravity brought the monster down, burrowing the tip deep in Rael's cleavage. Rael leaned back further as Pin stepped closer, the pre-cum painting the skin as the cock worked in and up. Soon the head reappeared, reaching out to Rael's face.

Rael laid flat on the floor as Pin came down to straddle her belly. The reddened glans glowed compare to the blue of the rest of the woman, radiating warmth across Rael's chin. Her tongue drew out, teasing the urethra as she swirled around its goop. The action pleased Pin greatly.

"My kinda girl," Pin grinned.

She reached forward for the mounds. Her feelers perked up at the nice addition of handles. Gently, the pointy hands wrapped around Rael's nipples, squeezing in the sticky stuff and forcing out some drops of milk. The thin tips of her legs dug into the floor as she pushed forward, pulling herself by the teats. The monster squished through the canyon. Rael opened wide to greet its way into her mouth.

It didn't stay in there for long. It drew back out in an instant as Pin was far too thrilled with the situation. A few more test runs through the breasts and they started to grow, swelling with milk as some of Rael's vaginal flesh peeked out below. This was just too good. Pin's legs wrapped around Rael's torso, gripping Rael in a tight hug. Pin dug her own feminine sex into Rael's belly, her juices creating a fine runway as she glided across the skin. As Rael's tits grew larger, with milk spilling everywhere, Pin was going to make this exquisite setup last for a while longer.

"...Umm...," Lez started to ask Seti. "Do you really get a hard-on when you look at me?"

Seti's face burned. She tried to hide behind her hands, but one had to drop back down to hide something else. After a few moments of being overwhelmed with embarrassment, she peeked through her fingers.

"Yes..." Her hands dropped down in concession. "I'm sorry. I've just never met someone like me and... well... you're pretty."

"I think you're pretty too." Lez twirled her belly-button ring around with a finger. Her other hand still pressed her skirt back.

"Would you like to try to..." Seti couldn't finish the question on her own.

"Okay, come on you two. I'm gonna run dry waiting for you to get them out Lez." Rachel had walked across the table, standing at its edge between the two. Her eye glared while she bled clear lube just inches below.

"But..." Lez was still being shy.

"Alright, that's it!" Rachel leapt from the table, hands and arms sprawled as she flew at Lez.

Luckily, Lez didn't try to dodge. She recoiled back on her tail as she caught Rachel. Before she could steady herself, Rachel tore away the tight shirt, letting Leaz' bust breath more easily. Just when Lez did finally manage to stand up straight, Rachel unbuttoned the skirt and let it fall away.

With her hands busy holding Rachel, Lez couldn't hide the bright blue things that slowly snaked out of her sandy belly-scales. Whereas Seti's skin and scales were distinctly separate, Lez's blended together at her waist. With no apparent vagina, a new slit widened amongst the scales where a normal one would have been. Yet, from it drew out two, writhing penises that twisted about each other.

Almost with a mind of their own, they squirmed about. Bright blue cocks, much darker than Pin's skin. Their heads pointed up towards Rachel's bottom, but were caught a few inches too short, being dragged back together into a thick blue-grey foreskin. Lez struggled to maintain some will over them, sending them back into their shared stalk before they could wander out much further.

Lez saw Seti staring at her exposed inner ‘demons' with a look of shock and surprise. The reaction made Lez meek. "They're... my cocks."

"They umm... look different than mine." Seti was more ponderous than frightened.

"Different?" The intrigue spread to the other lamia.


To level the playing field, Seti pulled her slip down from her waist. She had to slide a hand in to unhook the fabric from one of the barbs as it got caught, letting her member spring free. Pulling it down further, Lez could clearly see Seti's vagina at the end of her human-like torso. Both member and slit drooled slightly, but Seti was quick to wipe it away with a hand and smear it across the slip behind her.

"Yeah... That's different." Lez gazed at the barbed member, which didn't twist or curl at all. It just stood there, erect and beginning to throb with the attention.

"Aww, you're killing me. Get with the smexings! I'm horny here!" Rachel cried out, dipping her ass down. She tried to lure the cocks back out of the foreskin with some of her dribble.

"Umm... How?" Seti looked back and forth at their physical differences.

"Oh, right!" Lez caught on to Seti's problem. She reached down past Rachel, curling her tail upwards so she could even reach past her cocks. A couple inches below, her fingers reached into her scales, revealing yet another previously-indistinct slit. Her vagina.

"Ahh." Seti paused again. "Umm..."

"You might wanna go upside down. Or... I can lay back..."

"THAT'S IT!," Rachel shouted. "You, lean back!" Lez leaned back towards the floor. "You, get over here!" Seti hovered over the two. "Turn around!" Seti twisted around so that she was looking directly at the blue twins. "Lez, hold yourself back a bit more and Seti, go on in!"

Lez took in a deep breath and struggled to concentrate. Her tail muscles strained as they pulled the stalk at her waist back inside, despite the cocks' defiance. Even then, there was an apparent bulge under the scales with beady blue eyes peering out. But, it was enough to give Seti the space she needed to slide herself in, barbs and all. Lez quaked gently as she was filled all the way to her divergent cervixes, Seti's member brushing against the sensitive flesh in between.

The twin cocks couldn't hold back any longer, exploding from Lez's waist. Seti moaned as she could feel them pushing against her member within, rushing over the other side of Lez's vaginal wall. Normally, the cocks would clamp Lez's slit shut when they were erect thanks to their long, thick stalk pressing from behind. However, Seti's barbs managed to push back enough to give her some space to thrust.

There were two wet holes awaiting the twins as they sprung free of Lez's concentration. One leaking just inches above and another beginning to moisten just inches below. The cocks split up, going in opposite directions.

Both Rachel and Seti let out gasps as the anxious things dove into them simultaneously. Seti's arms hugged Lez's tail, anchoring herself while kissing the other lamia's belly-scales. Her own tail pressed Rachel into Lez's bosom, wrapping them both up with a single loop while the rest of her length trailed behind them. Lez's tail would have done the same for Seti, but it was busy cushioning them all in a large coil.

"YES!" Rachel cried with ecstasy, her insides being swirled about by a foot of squirming blue cock. Her vision was slightly blurry, her eye being contorted with the rest of her body. Though, she was used to it and rather quite fond of it.

The mass of bodies and tails squirmed around on the floor as everyone humped someone else. Lez arched her back over Seti's tail, Seti bent from side to side from the writhing of Lez's tail, and Rachel was squished happily between them both. There were so many motions going on, it was too difficult to describe. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!





Rael caught the end of Seti's tail as it twitched by, the fore-scales of the larger member beginning to pleasure it. Rael wiped the thick layer of white gunk away from her eyes, letting it all fall and join the pool still soaking into her cleavage. Fortunately, the greater proportion of the stuff was stuck against a wall. Which was hard to believe considering how much oozed from between her tits, as well as a grand supply of slick lube and milk frothing all the way down to her crotch, spilling over her own arousal.

"Okay, its my turn for a little fun!" Rael's vaginal flesh swung back and forth between her ankles, roused by her affair with the blue woman. She yanked off the rest of Seti's slip. As her flesh touched the tip of the gargantuan cock, Seti's tail reflexively began to lift up into her. All Rael had to do was drape herself over it and the member's foreskin knew what to do from there.

As Rael was lifted into the air, with member sliding up into her womb and milk drizzling from her teats, she gave one last regard to the former partner. "I hope you enjoyed it Pin, but I need someone a little bigger." Rael gave Pin a wink as she patted her inflated belly. The member within was already expanding, dislocating her pelvis and stretching her to more than pregnant-sized levels.

Pin sighed to herself. The tasty, engorged orbs were excellent, so much so that she actually came rather quickly. The warm milk covered her fair skin, making it that much more supple to the touch. Her feelers still swooned from her expulsion. Despite the satisfaction of exploding over Rael's face, her own monstrous cock still bounced against her chest, craving more. "Poo... Where are ya, Deets?..."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Ok, the last of the girls are fed and down for nap-," Kiir stopped abruptly as she stepped into the kitchen. "What the hell did I miss?!"

Seti was entwined with two newcomers, with Rael at the other end. Rael leaned over the two other girls, her boobs stretching to their mouths as they suckled. Rachel's chest sputtered against Lez's belly, practically drowning in the sweat, milk, and cum that dripped down from above, with her mouth stuck to Rael's teat. But, she still had a smile that nearly stretched from ear to ear, her eye rolling up from the gratification of her innards being tenderized by a frenzied cock.

Even Seti enjoyed the blue thing. It filled her to the point where it twisted around within, a coil of squirming deliciousness. The pulsating throbs behind her own member made hers beat stronger, pounding against the sensitive barrier between Lez's dual-cervixes, splattering both pre and actual cum into both. She hugged Lez's tail so tightly that, for once, it wasn't Lez's cocks that made the tail go numb. Nevertheless, Lez was still practically cross-eyed from overwhelming pleasure, her stomach especially happy for the extra milk to mix with her previous meal. Though, Rael's bulging clitoris, while not painful, almost made her laugh as it humped through her soaking wet hair. And all around, warm, moist bodies enveloped her own.

Just staring at the orgy made Kiir wet.

"Aww... Couldn't you have at least waited for me?" Kiir pouted, her own clit slowly rising between her breasts. She couldn't spot anywhere she could join in. "Now what am I going to do?..."


Kiir jumped and twirled around to the voice beside her. Her eyes went wide at the much taller blue woman that stood there and the throbbing purple cock that was pointed right at her face. A moment later, her lips curled into a grin.

"Well hellooo," Kiir cooed at the thing that dripped before her.

"You like?" Pin matched Kiir's expression.

"I like." All at once, Kiir pivoted around and fell onto her hands and knees. She lifted her rump into the air and looked back at the woman, her tail waving to tantalize the cock. "Now shove it in there before I start doing it myself!"

"I'm really beginning to like this family." Pin leaned forward until she balanced on her pin-tipped legs and pin-shaped hands. Like an animal in mating season, she gave Kiir's sex a sniff with her feelers. Very much appeased by Kiir's state, she mounted the girl.

Kiir's eyes fluttered up into her head while her tongue lolled from her mouth happily. Her tail whipped around the back half of the cock while the front half filled as much as she could take. Pin was slightly surprised by how Kiir controlled her thrusts, making sure as much of the cock was used as possible. It wasn't often her partner took the lead.

"Hey, what about me!" The even smaller girl stepped in front of both of them with a very cross look and still excessively large belly. "It's like the narrator completely forgot about me!"

Yes, yes I did.

"Watch out, I'm getting in there..." Deets also got on all fours. Her belly brushed across the floor when she hunched down further. She backed up under Kiir with Kiir giving a good lick across her rear and spine as she went. With some random poking, Kiir's clit hit home and was engulfed by Deets' desire.

"Ow! Hey! There's a lot of hard things inside you!" Kiir complained to Deets.

"Oh, whoops, gimme a sec."

With the tip of Kiir's clit still inside, Deets muscles flexed to push it out. However, it was the other things inside of her that she was actually trying to move. One by one, nearly half a dozen hard objects squeezed out of Deets. Deets bug-like eyes bugged out with each one, grunting and panting at the intense strain spreading her far too wide. The objects rolled down the back-side of her thighs, piling up behind her knees. Kiir couldn't see what they were, but she felt them roll between her legs as Deets gently kicked them out from under the trio.

Deets took a few deep breaths, her skin coated with sweat and her antennae limping with fatigue. "Ok... I'm good now..."

Kiir gazed at the back of Deets head. "What the hell was that?"

"I ain't got no pockets, so where the hell else am I going to carry them?" Deets shot back right before thrusting the majority of Kiir's clit into her.

Kiir shivered with the little girl's fervor, completely forgetting her original train of thought. All her tits dragged over the girls soft back while the soft butt pressed against her thighs.

In moments, through some careful timing, they all started thrusting together. A series of pumps, Pin into Kiir and Kiir into Deets. Plenty of jiggling was to be had amongst the many breasts, some far more ample than others while all were tender with arousal. The group just squeezed together even more to pleasure themselves, the friction satisfying the sensitive areas. The kitchen grew even more excited, the three contributing their moans and sighs to the chorus.

Pin quickly became a little too excited, the thrusts becoming more powerful than Kiir could control with her tail. Kiir's back slowly curved upward to accommodate the hard rod within her, her body shuddering with the strength of each poke. It almost felt as though Pin were pounding against the back of her head. In turn, Deets was forced to squint and wince as Kiir grabbed onto her antennae, using them like reins to balance against Pin's bucking. The clit within also helped for some leverage, lifting the smaller girl off the floor just a tad. The power of the erection made it obvious that Kiir wasn't in the very least disappointed with the situation.

"Ungh!," Pin gasped as she fell onto Kiir, reaching around to hug Deets as well. The pressure at the base of her spine was building up to her finale. One thrust and her muscles tensed. She managed to hold it back, her whole body working to make it last. A short gasp escaped her lips, able to only pull out a few inches...

The monstrous cock plowed back forward, choking Kiir from the inside as a volcano of cum burst forth.

Kiir could feel her insides squish and strain at the pressure, so much so that she stole Deets breath as well as she crushed the little girl's ample bosom in her grip. The little girl's plush form was far more suited for an orgasmic embrace than simply her antennae. Kiir's already sweaty body felt like it was on fire by the steamy load filling her up. The pressure didn't ease as fast as she had hoped either. She could hold her breath that long, yes, but it felt like her inner bubble of juices was near ready to burst. And she wasn't ready to become impregnated by some stranger. So, her tail squeezed.

"YAI-," Pin let out an audible yelp as her climax came to a sudden halt, like she had just smashed her cock against a wall. Kiir's tail had wrenched the base of the cock to the point where the flow of gooey cum was dammed up. Her feelers flailed about with the torturous stop, her face gone wry. Clearer goop squirted from her other sex, but it didn't help.

Kiir paused for a moment to take a breath. She rolled her bloated belly across Deets' back, sliding the monstrous cock out while still holding it tightly. Looking back at Pin, Kiir could easily see the strain in the woman's face. So, she quickened her pace, letting the head of the cock fling out with a pop at the same time her clit dragged out and flicked through Deets rump-meat. She nudged Deets a little forward. With the skill of Kiir's tail, Deets soon found herself filled by a thicker, more familiar, phallic object.

"Ahhhh..." Pin crooned as the last of the pressure was released, pouring gobs upon gobs of her seed into Deets womb.

Deets was also quite content with the result â€" for once she wasn't sent flying through the air as she was filled. Her belly distended out, a pot of warm seed boiling within. Pin panted with the bizarre twist in her sexual experience, collapsing to the floor to get some rest. Her cock slid out, still pulsing with blobs of after-gunk, but it was indeed going limp.

Kiir stood up, mooshing her belly around so that it didn't feel like the cum was all the way up in her throat anymore. She looked down at the shorter girl who was also coming to a stand. In terms of volume, Kiir had plenty more, but in terms of proportions they were about the same.

"So, what are you going to do with all that?" Kiir chuckled.

"Give me a few minutes and I'll show ya. You?" Deets poked Kiir's bulge.

"I can take care of mine now."

Kiir squat over the kitchen floor, preparing for her ‘trick'. Deets grinned as an orb started to form at Kiir's slit. It quickly grew, the sound of rushing cum being blown out of her cunt echoing around the room.

Well, it mostly just blended in with the moaning and ecstatic cries from Lez, Seti, Rachel and Rael, as they panted and gasped for air in their sweat/milk/spunk filled pile, climaxing together together. More spunk spewed from the many orifices, combining with milk until the scaly tails were practically white in color. Rachel had completely disappeared to the collective stuff, save for the gills that cracked open to heave for breath. They all collapsed into each other, swimming in the pool of flesh, scales, and liquids; too high in their afterglows to move apart, too exhausted to continue with more. Kiir's bubble-blowing soon became the only action in the room.

The bubble swished and swayed, losing it's spherical shape to a more elongated one with the great amount of its contents. A few last squirts, and Kiir stepped away, sealing the bubble off.

"That one was pretty big...," She remarked to herself. She turned to Deets. "Okay, your turn."

Deets nodded. With a little smile of pride, she too squatted down. Another grunt escaped her throat as she began pushing, the girth of her belly receding. She squeezed and pushed, her labia spreading far wider than Pin's cock had originally forced her to. Another white orb appeared, though this was strictly more solid. Light blue specks decorated it with a snowy design.

As the round thing came to crown, Deets squat down even further. Her eyes were about to pop out of her head, her hands strangling her thick hips. "Oooohhhh...," she groaned, half in pain and half in mind-numbing pleasure as the thing reached its maximum girth.

Her legs buckled a bit as she came to a stand, the rest of the egg easily sliding out to the floor. Deets spent a few moments of panting and catching her breath. "Yeah... That one was pretty big...."

The two short girls giggled at each other before their rears flopped to the floor, tuckered out.

Seti reached over to her waist, pressing down the barbs within Lez. She slowly pulled out, a bit of goop trailing. It was nothing compared to the amount that was seeping out from her other sex; Lez's twins having relaxed and exited already. In fact, they were lazily drooping over Lez's hips, occasionally expelling afterglow gobs of cum.

Rachel was barely maintaining her hold on the engorging amounts within her. Her vulva bulged outward to hold it all back. Both her and Lez were caked in a layer of Rael's milk, Rael's breasts having hidden Lez's head. Rael was also leaking all over the place from her other end, thanks to Seti.

All this in the middle of the kitchen...

Suffice it to say, there was a hell of a mess.

Seti's stomach grumbled with her own desire for dinner. She pouted a bit at her reluctance to move out of the pile. She managed to lift herself slightly to survey the damage. Her face went pale. How the hell was she going to clean this all up quick enough?

Ominously, Seti's thoughts were interrupted by a creaking sound. Seti's eyes went wide with fear. Kiir's cum-bubble wobbled and groaned, having difficulty with its contents. No... Don't pop... Don't pop... Don't!


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Seti jumped up from the bed, her breath quick from the sudden fright. A warm sweat still enveloped her. Looking around, the many bodies of all her family lay silent, breathing gently with sleep. The arousing dream-turned-nightmare was over...

She looked down at her waist to see a rather excited member. "Oh, shut-up you."

Seti gave her erect member a gentle flick before rolling over and going back to sleep...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

And all was well once more.