Little Kitty Wants a Treat...

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Okay so, new story, haha! I am still trying to improve my writing and all, but my ADHD is being a real bitch. it kinda made me lose interest in writing after my fourth story, but luckily for me, I beat it and have written up a nice story, I will do my best to keep interest in writing for whoever reads my story, just please leave a comment, a few pointers for writing, and whatever else you think would help with my writing! enjoy and hopefully more of my stories will be uploaded sometime later.

Clare groaned in her sleep, wiggling around in the bed constantly the whole time she slept, which wasn't very long.

The young female Leopard soon woke up, and since she were up, she couldn't go back to sleep. she opened her eyes with a slight growl, looking around her Poorly lit room for a moment before she reached a paw out from under her larger blanket, and turned the lamp on her bedside table on.

it lit the room quite well, making most of the room visible while also making the room look more snug. Clare snuggled into her blanket for a few minutes with a huff, her gaze continuing to shift back and forth around the room, and sometimes at the shadows of her brother walking past her door and down stairs.

The female Leopard soon was awake enough to think straight, and removed the blanket from over her, revealing her slim and curvy body. She looked like most Leopards her age, which for her was only 16. but even being that young, her body were very well matured.

Soon after pulling the blanket off of her, she immediately gave out a yip and shivered at the cold air, wrapping her arms around herself to try and warm her nude body a bit, she she hopped off of her bed, and walked over to her dresser.

She opened the drawer closest to the top of her dresser, and pulled out a robe like thing, then taking it and wrapping it around herself. nuzzling into the side of the silky robe with a giggle. After getting the robe onto herself fully. she walked over to her door, then cracking it open a bit to look around the upstairs hallway.

She could see her brother's door cracked open, while the lights were off. so she knew he were asleep. but the downstairs living room light was on, meaning her mom or dad were up. Being the little thief she was, she started to slowly creep down the hallway, and stopped at her brother's cracked door.

She peeked through the crack of the door, noticing that he were indeed asleep. with a slight smirk, she opened the door the rest of the way quietly. and Sneaked into the dark room, closing the door behind herself. luckily for her, she could easily see around the room with her feline eyes,so she could see most everything in the room pretty clearly.

She turned her gaze to what she were first after, which was his mini fridge. she started to walk over to it slowly, making sure to not step or trip on any of the games or controllers of her brothers game console . which were lying all over the floor.

She got over to the fridge pretty fast, and were about to open it before she Knocked something over by accident. whatever she had knocked over fell to the floor, making a pretty loud thud, and as soon as this happened, she bolted away and crawled under her brother's bed.

All was quiet, she heard the 19 year old lion, and her brother, Cass, shift in his bed over her, making her shiver and huff a bit holding her breath until all went silent again, when she felt him go still on the bed. She inhaled through her nose deeply. and instantly got a thick musky scent of her brother's arousal.

Clare's nose twitched at the smell, while her tail swayed slowly behind herself, making quiet thudding sounds while it did so. She wanted to leave the room, but that smell...the amazing smell of musk, made her body disobey her thoughts, and soon. she had crawled out from under the bed.

The Leopard watched her brother curiously, looking at the large tent in the blanket, where the amazing scent was coming from. She knew it were wrong to do what she were doing, it were her own brother. but she were too caught up in the amazing scent to care about how she actually felt about the situation.

With a quick movement, she hopped up onto the bed, and went to rest in between her brother's slightly spread apart legs, she then removed the blanket off of him, revealing his Tan thick coat of fur, and his boxers. which stood high over his bulge. The sight made her smirk, her ears flicking while her tail wagged excitedly behind herself.

After a little while of admiring the view, she decided to take action, She then backed up a bit, getting on her knees. and grabbing both sides of her brother's boxer shorts. then pulling them down slowly, and once she pulled enough, his large shaft flung out of them, making it easier for her to pull them the rest of the way down. She pulled the boxers down to his knees. before she looked at his large, barbed cock.

Moving back a bit more, she raised her rear a bit into the air, and moved her nose over to sniff at her brother's throbbing member. She could tell he were excited, for awhile now. because of how hard he were. After a few long minutes of inhaling his amazing and strong scent, she poked her tongue from her muzzle, and gave the tip of Cass's cock a long, hard lick. Causing the lion to shudder in his sleep, and grip at the blankets a bit.

Clare Smirked, her tail swaying slowly while being raised high in the air. her being in a position that would look like she were playing with a cat toy. She started to lick her brother's Barbed cock a bit more constantly now. Raking her tongue across every inch she could manage, and as a reward. she received low grumbles of pleasure from her brother each lick she did.

The leopard were in heaven, the taste of her brother's meat was amazing, and his scent even better. her groin ached, while her tail continued to sway slowly. Although soon enough, she could feel her brother's heat increase, meaning he were close. "ooh, i must be good with my tongue if i can make him get so close to Climax in such a short time..." The female thought to herself with a giggle, before sitting up.

Once she did this, she got an idea. her brother had a lot of "Toys" that his girl friend had brought over to keep them safe from his Girl friend's parents. Clare then turned and hopped off of the bed, before going to rummage through some things to find what she were looking for, and soon enough, she found it. A large and thick Rubber Canine Cock, with a built in Vibrating function.

She took the amazing looking toy, and brought it back to her brother's bed, her then hopping up onto it, and getting into the position she had been in earlier. Clare loved the sex toys in her brother's room, she would always use them when her brother left for work. but the one she had now was new...and she couldn't wait to try it out.

She lifted her rear into the air a bit higher then before, and rested her head against her brother's mattress, one of her front paws supporting herself from falling over while the other one moved the cock towards her tight little Vagina.

When she felt the cold rubber of the Canine cock touch her entrance. she lined it up, and quickly thrust the thing into herself, letting out a quite loud moan of pleasure and a hiss of pain, luckily for he. her brother were a heavy sleeper. and his room were pretty much sound proof.

The feeling of the Canine dildo in her soon turned to solid pleasure, she could barely stop panting now from the feeling, her virgin walls clamping around the rubber of the dildo and massaging it like it were a real cock. Which luckily for her added to the pleasure.

Soon enough, she got the strength to move a bit, making sure the cock was deep in her sex, she then flicked a button on, turning the vibrator part of the sex toy onto it's highest setting, immediately she let out a loud moan of pleasure, and started to whine at the amazing and too strong of pleasure running through her body, but before she could allow herself to turn it off, She moved both her paws over to her brother's cock, putting one on each side of it and stabling it to point straight towards the Ceiling.

Clare continued to whine and moan in pleasure, but before she got too loud, she wrapped her muzzle around her brother's thick cock, and took it as deep down her throat as she could, which was about 3/4 of the way, and started to suckle on his warm and tasty member with shudder.

The pleasure coursing through the small female's body was almost too much for her, an orgasm was fast approaching. But she couldn't orgasm before she finsihed her brother off. so without hesitation, she took him fully into her muzzle, coughing around his cock which only added to the sleeping male's pleasure, He gripped his covers and panted hard, while Starting to leak pre into his sister's awaiting maw.

Soon, Clare couldn't take it anymore, the vibrations had finally won the battle, and without being able to stop it, she started to orgasm, sending her female juices all over the toy and anything that leaked out of her pussy fell to the bed before soaking into the covers.

Her orgasm had made her moan and whine loudly, which only added to her brother's pleasure, the moan had caused her to cough. making her throat contract around her brother's large cock, and soon. he let out a low groan and thrust hard into his sister's muzzle. releasing string after string of cum into his sister's young muzzle and down her throat as he reached his climax. his paws gripping the bed hard, his claws piercing through the blankets.

Soon, the two were completely exhausted, Clare reached over and pulled the sex toy from her sex, turning the vibrator off as well, once the toy were removed, her sex liquids started rushing out of herself out onto the covers below. she had also pulled her muzzle off of her brother's shaft, which was now shrinking and going into it's Sheath.

Clare coughed slightly, her vision blurry while she watched her brother for a moment, before she dropped the sex toy to the floor, and was soon taken by sleep, falling to her side at the end of the bed, she curled into a small ball. and fell into a deep and wonderful sleep. but before she did, she couldn't help but think "What am i going to tell everyone tomorrow?"