Kathryn - A Quiet Afternoon

Story by Skabaard on SoFurry

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I hope you guys and gals don't mind Sage and Kathryn for a little bit. This has been mostly-written for some time, so I finished it up during a little down time.

As much as I like nice, simple relationships that have little actual friction, that's not to say that I don't recognize that even the best of pairings don't carry with them some baggage that, while not necessarily needing dealing with, should be brought forth and acknowledged. I felt like this needed to be discussed, and without any interference from other, external parties. So here you have it, a nice, quiet little outing between two ladies that might have a few things that need to be talked about.

Do enjoy.

A Quiet Afternoon

Written By: Skabaard

She loved days like this. They always brought a smile to her face and added a happy little bounce to her steps. The little dirt path she walked on was warm against the pads of her paws from the bright spring sun that filtered through the layer of green that laced across the sky above her. To each side of her walkway, stretching off in both directions as far as she was allowed to see, were the gnarled boles of countless apple trees, their interlacing branches lightly meshing together over her head and providing ample shade from the afternoon warmth. It had been a warm day for the season, and she appreciated the dappled shadows and cool breeze that added a chorus of rustling sounds to the placid calm around her.

A sea of open, off-white blossoms dotted the canopy around her, and there could be seen flights of busy honeybees and butterflies flitting from flower to flower. The air was sweet and heavily laden with their scent, and it left her nose twitching as the lovely aromas tickled at her sensitive sinuses. She walked, awash in a sea of pleasant sensations, and hummed a happy tune as her slender tail waved gaily behind her. It was going to be a busy night for her, and there were few things she enjoyed more than spending a little time before the stress of a strenuous shift at the Chalice.

Her hands, one of which held a simple cloth bag against her chest, were continuously running over her dress, making sure time and time again that it rested as it should on her svelte frame. It was a plain, pale yellow affair that hugged her body and fell to the middle of her calves in a frilly curtain, but despite how its snugness accented the fact that there wasn't really much curve to her body, she was always told how the color brought out the bright blue of her eyes. The sleeves covered her to her elbows, and the neckline rode high against her throat, hiding much of her splotchy, calico fur, but her pattern still made itself apparent on her face, at least when her crisp, white hair wasn't disobediently drifting in front of her eyes. She was letting it grow out, and she was still unused to her now shoulder-length mane.

She walked through the warm calm for a while, keeping a sharp eye out for her destination, but she knew she was approaching it before she had a chance to actually reach it. Another voice, richer and more lovely than her own, was lifted into a different song just off the path ahead, and she quickened her pace to meet it. After turning off into the trees, she crept along under the flower-laden limbs, her triangular, feline ears perked up and focused ahead and her soft paws padding silently along. She saw a splash of color between the orderly-lined trunks, and she hurried toward it as quickly as she could without stumbling over the occasional exposed root.

In a nondescript location off of the path that ran through a rarely-traveled corner of the orchard, there was a large brown blanket, easily six feet to a side, spread between the trees. Upon it rested two things, one of which rose to her feet to greet the approaching feline. "Hello, Darling." purred the beaming vixen as Kathryn swallowed her excited squeal and bounced forward into her friend's arms.

She didn't bother reining in her manic smile or her flailing tail as she embraced the other woman. "Hi, Sage." she replied, already breathless with excitement. "Sorry I'm a little late. They needed me longer this morning than I thought they would."

"Nonsense, Darling." the fox murmured, giving her a tender peck on the cheek, "I would wait until the skies burned and the world crumbled beneath me for you. I'm sure I can handle a few minutes, especially on such a lovely day."

"Y-yeah." she said with a nervous titter. "Here," she added, handing over her parcel, "I brought something for us to share. I... I didn't think to bring glasses."

Sage laughed and accepted her gift with another giddy grin, pulling from the bag a stout glass bottle full of a light white wine. It was crisp, with just a hint of fruity sweetness, the perfect drink for such a day. She'd been saving it for a special occasion, and any occasion with Sage was special enough. "That's perfectly fine, Darling. I've got one in the basket, provided you don't mind us sharing."

"No, no." she answered as Sage spun away to set the bottle down on the blanket the fox had spread in the shade, "Sharing's fine with me." The vixen giggled and gave her a sly look over a shoulder, and she felt herself flush. The other woman popped back up and sashayed over to take her hand and pull her over. The grass was soft and pleasant against her paws, and the blanket was smooth and luxurious. Sage hugged her again, pressing intimately against her, and her hands slipped up to cradle the fox's back as she squeezed in reply. "I've been thinking about you, Sage." she murmured happily.

"And I of you, Darling. Now come, sit. I packed a banquet for us."

Kathryn grinned and licked her lips as Sage slipped away to begin removing the contents of the basket that sat in the middle of the blanket. The vixen had clearly spared little expense for their meal. There was a platter of strips of what she thought was beef, heavenly seasoned by the smell that filled her delicate nose. There was also a sizeable hunk of rich, yellow cheese, a loaf of fresh-looking bread, and what really caught the cat morph's attention, a parcel that bulged with a mound of small, honey-glazed sweetcakes. "You didn't have to bring all this, Sage. Stale scraps would have been enough."

"Maybe, maybe." the fox purred softly as she set out their extravagant meal, "But we don't get to do this as often as I'd like, so why not treat ourselves?"

She stared thoughtfully at the vixen's back. Sage had certainly dressed for the occasion of a banquet, cramming her slim, voluptuous form into an intricate, layered dress of deep, dark blue. Fitting snugly against her was a simple, if elegant, gown that fell to her ankles. It covered her back and shoulders, but it swooped low in the front, deeply enough to put on display a slice of tantalizing cleavage. Atop all that, and covering even more of her bright, red-orange fur, was what looked like another dress, but this one was made almost entirely of sheer, silken lace that was delicate enough to be almost entirely transparent. The rich color of it offset the fox's brilliant, fiery red hair and complimented the deep blue of her large, happy eyes. Her fluffy, white-tipped tail danced behind her as she turned around to gaze back at her feline observer, and the corners of her mouth tweaked upward into a small, more private smile, "Do you like it?"

Kathryn was finally able to make her legs work, and she nodded her obvious appreciation. "You're beautiful, Sage."

The vixen lifted a demure hand to wipe feigned nervous sweat from her brow. "Whew. I was worried for a second. The color seems a little... extravagant though, don't you think?"

"No." she intimated with a shake of her head. Hesitantly, she draped her hand over Sage's shoulder, feeling the delicate fabric. "You're perfect. You could dress in a frumpy, brown potato sack and I wouldn't be able to focus on it past your eyes, and your hair... and your fur..."

Sage stopped her insensate babbling with a quick kiss. "You always did know how to make a girl feel special." The vixen then flopped unceremoniously down on the blanket, theatrically patting a spot next to her with a smile. "Would you sit with me, Darling? I don't think I can eat all this on my own."

Trying to keep her blush under control, she settled down into the indicated spot, folding her legs beneath her and curling her tail around herself. Sage hummed happily and reached over, pulling from the basket the fine, fluted glass she had mentioned. Using her sharp, vulpine teeth, she yanked the cork from the wine bottle and poured them a drink, wriggling her eyebrows as she helped herself to the first sip. "Delicious, Darling. Here." She passed it to Kathryn, who accepted it and took a sip of her own. It was everything she expected, and she smacked her lips as the vixen scooted closer, leaning into her. She was a few inches taller than the other woman, allowing Sage to rest a cheek on her shoulder while reaching toward their meal.

It was delicious as it was expansive. The cheese was sharp, and went well with the thin slices of modestly seasoned beef. The bread was soft and crusty, and they talked and laughed and took turns feeding each other nibbles of sticky, cloying cake that they washed down with what was eventually the entire bottle of wine, split between them. She was pleasantly full when she was finished, and her nose tingled from the beginnings of inebriation as she patted her stomach and heaved a fulfilled sigh. Nearly half of the food that Sage had brought was still there, and neither of them seemed to have the heart to take another bite.

Instead, the vixen leaned more heavily into her and answered her sigh with a satisfied one of her own. "Ah... I haven't eaten like that since... what? Last harvest? During the festival."

Kathryn grinned at the memory. "I'm surprised you remember much of that night. We'd both had more than a couple drinks."

"Nonsense, Darling." the vixen scoffed, "Didn't you know that whiskey is good for you? Sharpens the mind and quickens thoughts... or was that the eyes? Maybe I'm thinking of brandy? Or was it a fruit?" She paused, her eyebrows sinking downward in thought before she shrugged. "You get the point. I remember that night very well, thank you very much."

She answered with a dubious hum, "Was that the night that you and Hawk tried to dance, but you were both so drunk that he just ended up throwing you into that water trough?"

Sage's cheeks heated with embarrassment. "Perhaps. It... wasn't my most elegant moment, I suppose, but I maintain the defense that I was simply out of practice. I don't get to dance as often as I'd like to. My feet barely know the steps anymore."

"Then why don't you dance more? The Chalice has music almost every night. Sometimes it's even good! There are plenty of people who would dance with you."

"Come now, Darling. I spend enough of my time trying not to get stepped on by oafish strangers. I think I'd prefer that something more intimate occupied my leisure hours. Perhaps if I had someone more familiar to dance with? Someone young, and limber, and beautiful?" She let the sentence trail off, directing a meaningful look at the feline against whom she leaned.

Already, anxiety threatened to twist her gut into knots. She fervently wished that she could do something around Sage besides blush furiously. "Oh... I-I can't dance, Sage... I'd only make a fool of myself. You deserve to dance with someone who can keep up with you, someone less clumsy."

The fox let out a breathy laugh at her ridiculousness. "Please. I don't know of any young woman more graceful than you." She opened her mouth to protest, but Sage would have none of it and pressed a finger against her short, feline muzzle. "No one can dance at first, Darling. Maybe you just need some practice too, hmm? Here. Up." The vixen rose demurely to her feet and beckoned down to her. She cautiously accepted the outstretched hand, and was promptly hauled to her paws and dragged away from their discarded meal and out into the fresh, spring grass. "I'll teach you something easy to start with. Something slow and fit for the court of a king. All those stuffy nobles like to pretend they can move."

"Sage..." she breathed anxiously, "I can't... I'll just embarrass you..."

"In front of whom?" the shorter, curvier woman asked of her, "The bees? The butterflies? I'll take my chances with my honor, Darling. They won't tell anyone anything." Sage stood before her and squared her shoulders while taking hold of both her hands. "Now, to start, you take my hand like so, and then put the other on my hip." The fox lowered the indicated hand until she could settle it just at the intersection of her slender midsection and the smooth flare of her hip. She then rested her own fingers on Kathryn's shoulder. "You'll have to lead for me. It will be easier for me to follow your steps than you mine, at least until you get the hang of it."

"Wh-what do I do?" she asked, staring down at her feet like they were alien to her. Sage's toes wiggled, digging happily into the grass as she started a slow, simple beat, drumming her fingers on the cat's shoulder, adding her voice in a low hum as she sang a quiet, lilting melody. Adding words to the rhythm, she told Kathryn what to do, where to put her feet and on what count. It really was simple, only four easy steps, and as the vixen swayed to her own music the feline spun her around in a small circle while glaring at her own toes, trying desperately not to step on anything she wasn't supposed to. She kept faltering, hesitating and losing the beat for a few steps before she could pick it back up, but her partner followed her lead effortlessly, taking each mistake in stride and waiting patiently for her to correct herself.

Her breath was short in her chest as she nearly hyperventilated each time she took a misstep, the air catching in her throat and refusing to move until she got back on track. Self-conscious color burned across her cheeks, visible through even her splotchy fur, but despite her anxiety, Sage seemed to be having the time of her life. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were locked into a gleeful smile as she focused on her song. She didn't even appear to need to see where Kathryn was putting her feet; she could tell by the movement of her body, and almost instinctively reacted to her.

After a few minutes, and through much trial and error, she mostly got the hand of it. The fox and cat bounced on their paws to the beat of the simple tune that Sage hummed, and they twirled across the grass, their dresses sweeping out from them to flutter through the air much like the butterflies that were their audience. "See, Darling?" the vixen whispered, still not opening her eyes, "You're a natural, lovely and light on your feet. Let your legs do the hard work and just enjoy yourself."

"I'm trying.' She breathed back, swallowing hard past the dry lump in her throat. "The wine isn't helping."

"Isn't it though? How else could I get you on a dance floor, even one of grass?"

Her ears folded ashamedly back against her skull. "I would dance with you if you asked, Sage, no matter how nervous I was."

The vixen drifted closer as they slowly spun, close enough to press against her and lean her head into Kathryn's shoulder. "I know you would, Darling. I know. I just didn't want to drag you into something you wouldn't like doing. Sometimes I just get... selfish, I suppose. Sometimes I just want to dance with someone I really care about."

Her grip tightened on Sage's waist, but if the vixen noticed, she paid it no mind. "But... what about Hawk, or Emma, or... I mean..."

"It's okay. I know what you mean just as you know what I mean. Our friends are all well and good, and I care for them deeply, but sometimes I crave what they can't give me. It makes me as helpless as a child when you're around me, because you give me what I can't live without."

"Wh-what is that?" she asked, quiet and meek.

Sage let out a low, breathy laugh at herself. "I don't know half the time, Darling. Happiness? Companionship? The sound of your voice, and... and the... and I... I need you, Kathryn, right here, next to me, sometimes more than I need to breathe or sleep."

The hint of words unspoken tingled in her ears, and they reverberated in her soul for a tender moment. She could do little but hold the other woman to her chest, cradling the vixen against her with gentle arms, and they both quickly gave up on keeping their motions in-time with the music that had long since ceased. Instead they remained in place, swaying from side to side with little care about time or the world around them. But for the way her tail wiggled joyously through the air behind her, Sage seemed asleep, eyes closed and breathing deep and steady as she rested against Kathryn's shoulder. The cat released Sage's hand, letting it fall to her other shoulder while she wrapped her freed arm around the vixen's back and hugged her close for a long minute. "What step is next?" she wondered aloud.

Sage's ears perked up, but little else moved. "Let's keep it simple for now, Darling. I'm rather content right here as I am."

Silence, save for the wind in the trees and the buzz of fat, fuzzy bees as they drifted from flower to flower, reigned while they swayed and spun, each indulging in the other for another series of affectionate minutes. Kathryn gazed down at Sage, beautiful and vulnerable, and then looked up through the canopy above her, staring at the white, puffy clouds as they drifted by while she wrapped an arm further around the vixen. "Sage..." she said haltingly, uncertainly. "I... I lo-"

Sage's finger found her once again, pressing against her lips. "I know, Darling. I know."

"Please, Sage. Please let me say it."

The vixen looked up at her, eyes glimmering wetly in the light from above. "It's okay, Darling. I know how you feel, and I care more deeply about you than anyone else. I would die without you. I need you, for my sanity, to survive. Isn't that enough?"

A ball of cold iron tightened in her gut. She should drop it. She knew she shouldn't push Sage, make her feel uncomfortable, but a well of stubborn selfishness that made her more ashamed than anything blossomed within her against her will. "No. It's not enough for me, Sage."

The fox recoiled away from her like Kathryn had lashed out and struck her, and she instantly regretted opening her mouth again. "D-Darling, I... I don't... I'm sorry, I-"

"No." she said, reaching back out and taking Sage's hand, "No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I need this." The vixen looked up at her, but barely made eye contact before trying to slink forlornly away. She held on, kept her close. "I need to tell you how I feel. I need to be able to tell you how I feel. I... I-I need you to let me tell you." She gripped Sage's arm and held her still with the intent of speaking her mind. "Sage... I understand if you don't feel the same way. It's okay. You don't have to feel the same way about me, but... I _need_this!"

She squeezed hard, tightly, desperately, but she quickly realized what she was doing and released the vixen with a shocked jerk. Sage just stood there, ears folded back and tail curled sadly between her legs. She opened her mouth to apologize, but the other woman was faster. "I'm sorry, Kathryn. I've wronged you terribly, but I'm afraid." She reached out toward the fox, but Sage simply shied away, dodging backward and avoiding her touch. "I can't... I can hear those words. Not from you. I care about you too much, and I've heard those words far too many times, from far too many people. They mean so little to me, Kathryn. They're just words to me, meaningless words to be whispered into someone's ear. I can't... Please."

"Sage..." she whined, stepping forward but halting as the vixen backed away, "Sage, I know. I know I'm being selfish, but-"

"No!" the fox shouted, "That the worst part, what makes me feel like dirt! You aren't being selfish! You're kind, and sweet, and lovely, and you deserve to be with someone who can... who can love you back!" Her hands rose to her head, and she laced her fingers through her luxurious hair, threatening to pull it out in her distraught frustration. "I'm afraid! I'm terrified that I can't! I want to, but I hear those blood-soaked words every_day and night, over and over! I _fuck!" she cried, spitting the word like a blistering invective, "I fuck my friends to see the looks on their faces, to share in a little pleasure, and I like it! I fuck strangers for the coin in their purses, and I like it! I like fucking! I'm damn good at it! I've built a reputation, a business on that one skill, and I make piles of silver doing it! But it hurts sometimes, just like anything you like doing..."

She reached out to hold her, to wipe away the tears that were streaming down her face, but Sage slapped her hand away. "Every night..." the vixen croaked, "Sometimes they understand, but even then, there are others who just... They come in, they rip off my dress, or my corset, or whatever they'd requested, they shove a foot or more of thick, hard, hot... meat inside me, and I scream and moan while they pump me full over and over, and I like it. I enjoy it! I can't wait for the next one! And all the while they grunt those fucking words in my ear, and I know they don't even know what they're saying!"


"Sometimes... sometimes, I just want to dance a little. Sometimes, I want something more than senseless rutting. I want... I like having sex, Kathryn, more than most. I've shared a bed with more people than I can count and enjoyed doing it, but enough of them have loved me to break those words down into nothing. But you, you're special to me, more so than anyone else. I treasure you because you're the only person I can never just fuck. There is more to you than some debased desire. And I don't know if I could survive you lowering yourself to their level."


"I need you Kathryn, to survive. I can just... go to work if I want sex, good, hard sex with a stallion twice my size. And if I want to mess around, feel wanted and appreciated, I can go find Emma, or even Hawk if you're sister will leave him alone for a few minutes. But... there's only one person I can seek out if I want to feel loved. There's only one person that I've ever made love to, Kathryn, and the more I do, the more certain I am that you giving those words meaning again would destroy me." Sage looked exhausted, and she dropped heavily to her knees, sobbing, "I understand how you feel. I know how you feel. I can hear it in your voice and see it in your eyes. I just wish that I could give you what you give me. I wish I could be the woman you deserve."

Kathryn thought the way her heart ached at the sight at would kill her, instead she scrubbed her own tears from her eyes and stepped over, lowering herself gently to her knees next to the weeping vixen. "I don't care what I deserve, Sage." she said as she brushed a hand across the fox's cheek, wiping away the wetness that had gathered in her sleek fur. "For better or worse, I know what I want, what I need. To hells with everything else."

Face scrunched up in misery, Sage blinked blearily up at her, and she leaned over, bundling up the anguished fox in her arms and embracing her firmly, resolutely. She held the vixen's head against her shoulder, tenderly, and she let her weep against her. "It wouldn't destroy you, Sage. It couldn't because I wouldn't let it. I may not be much, but I'd protect you, I swear. I'll protect you. It's part of what I feel. I'll keep you warm and safe, and I'll hold you when you cry, and you just don't have any choice in the matter." she finished matter-of-factly.

Sage sniffled into her shoulder and pawed at her, hugging her tight. She sat there for a minute, and was resolved to sit there for as long as she needed to, but she broke the silence while pressing a warm kiss into the fox's scalp. "I'm going to tell you, Sage."

"Please..." whimpered the delirious vixen, "Please, Kathryn..."

"I'm not going to do anything else. I'm not going to expect anything from you, and I'm not going to expect anything to change. Nothing's going to change, Sage. I'll still feel the same way; I'm just going to tell you. I'm going to hold you and tell you exactly how much I care about you. Or maybe... maybe I'll remind you how much those words really mean. Will you look at me while I say it? Please?"

Sage's hair was a disheveled mess, and she was oozing various fluids from every orifice on her face, but she still looked every bit as entrancing as she did moments prior. More so, because she was warm and real and vulnerable, huddled in her arms, and she cradled that softness against her as the vixen looked up at her, blinking past stubborn tears. "I love you, Sage" she said simply, confidently. "I love you."

Her love tensed, quivering against her, and began crying anew with a fresh wave of tears that dampened the yellow of her dress. "I know." she wept, "I always knew. I just... I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Kathryn whispered in reply. She raked strands of beautiful, red hair from the vixen's face, letting her continue to meet that melancholy gaze uninterrupted, and she was suddenly struck with a wave of giddy energy. She'd finally said it, and the freedom gained by getting the weight of her thoughts off of her chest pulled a broad grin onto her face. "You make me so happy, Sage."

The woman she loved leaned heavily into her, and she happily braced her, holding her up and spending each breath in a crooning, comforting whisper. She rubbed her claws through a spot of Sage's hair, just between her ears, and the lengthy, tapered organs gradually unfolded from their distressed position. She couldn't help but manifest her relieved pleasure in the form of a low, rumbling purr that started up in her chest. At the sound of her audible contentment, the fox hugged her tightly, nuzzling against her while gradually recovering. "I'm sorry I'm such a fool, Kathryn."

She pressed a kiss into Sage's forehead in reply. "I'm sorry it's so hard for you to see that you're not, but I'll wait until you can, as long as I have to. I love you." Her purr made her voice shudder in her throat, but she couldn't bring herself to stop the soft sound.

Sage took a shaky breath and scrubbed at her face with her palm. "What am I supposed to say? What do I do?"

"You don't have to do anything. You don't have to say anything."

"What... what if I feel the same way about you?"

"Then you'll make the happiest cat in the world even happier."

With a series of meek sniffles, Sage tried desperately to regain her composure, but each time she did, Kathryn would hug her closer for a heartbeat, and she would break into sobs again. "Damn me... I'm such a coward..." The feline opened her mouth to debate the truth of that statement, but she continued on anyway. "I feel like I'm letting you down every time I... I'm failing you when I can't tell you that I... I care so deeply for you, more than anyone has a right to feel about anything. I don't deserve what you give me, Kathryn. You fill my heart to busting, so much that it hurts sometimes. I just want to be with you, and make you happy. I want... I just want to be able to tell you that I... but I... I can't..."

Kathryn simply smiled, her own chest tightening in the same way that her gut filled with butterflies at the sound of the vixen's voice. Her slim fingers found Sage's shoulder and gave it a firm, confident squeeze. "You don't have to."

"But I want to! I need to give you that much. You deserve at least that much!"

She swallowed, and the purring stopped, prompting Sage to look up at her, more tears handing threateningly in the corner of her eyes. "Then tell me. If you want to, if you feel so strongly about it, tell me, but only if you want to."

"But... but what if I'm wrong? What if I hurt you? I-I'd die if I hurt you like that! I can't live without you."

Kathryn lifted a hand to scratch behind Sage's ears, pushing aside anxiety and uncertainty to make room for the sweet, pulsing ache of affection and compassion. "Are you wrong? Would it be a lie?" she asked quietly, trying to keep any hurt from her tone.

The fox reacted like she had stabbed her in the stomach. "No! No, Kathryn! I could never lie to you! I wouldn't-"

"I know...: she reassured the woman who was vibrating against her, fighting against herself. "I trust you, Sage." The vixen stumbled over another handful of words, and she silenced her blubbering with her lips, letting them drift over Sage's own. She kissed the fox, and it was as if the world went silent in respect. She wrapped both her arms around her love, and in return the fingers on her shoulders tightened their grip. Sage quivered against her, and though she kept her mouth closed, she poured every ounce of pent-up passion she had into the intimate contact. The smaller woman trembled against her and returned her kiss with faltering motions, as if she had forgotten how, an impossibility, Kathryn knew.

She drew away briefly only to go back, making a series of cute smacking sounds with her lips on the fox's. Her tail waved behind her like a fuzzy, slender serpent, and contrasted against Sage's own, which flailed around like that of a hyperactive squirrel, nervous and twitchy. She poured herself into the kiss, forgetting all else in favor of her lips, warm and soft. She cushioned Sage's mouth, pulling away each time the vixen tried to push her tongue into her. Every time, Sage withdrew, chastised, with an uncertain pout, only for her to press a continuing kiss back into her moistened lips. She lingered for minutes, leaving all else to fate as she focused the entirety of her being on her intimate connection with the other woman, and only when Sage whimpered in a soft, little moan did she finally slide away to pant inches from the vixen's face. "I love you, Sage."

The fox looked shocked and excited and distraught all in one. "You really mean it."

"More than anything." she whispered with utter confidence.

Sage's hands drifted up to her cheeks and took her jaws in a death grip. The vixen was suddenly nearly hyperventilating. "I love you too."

Her heart skipped a beat. It felt like she was falling, and that same unreliable organ was suddenly in her throat, thundering against her vocal chords. She blinked away her own unbidden tears to stare at Sage. The vixen was shaking, nearly afraid, but as the reality of what she had just said washed over her, she relaxed, shoring herself up with layers of unhidden happiness. She repeated the short, impossibly meaningful phrase, hissing it into Kathryn's ear like a tattling schoolchild. She mewled it with worshipful tones as if she was telling the feline the one, single truth of the universe, like it was an edict from the gods themselves. To her it may very well have been. To the feline, it was simply rapture in sonic form, and each time she heard the word that clicked something into place within her, she felt nearly agonizing, spiritual bliss spark and grow in the depths of her soul.

As if to preserve the sanctity of the phrase, Sage eventually quieted, but the small, private smile that was stretched across her vulpine muzzle never faltered, even for a single fluttering heartbeat. Kathryn could help but giggle as ecstatic glee bubbled up within her chest, and she dipped her head forward when the vixen did, resting her forehead against the other woman's. "Was that so hard?" she whispered barely able to see through her giddy excitement.

"Yes..." Sage croaked, clearly on the verge of tears again. She hoped they were ones of joy this time. "But it was worth it." she added after a shaky breath.

She chuckled once more, taking her love's head in her hands and petting her fondly "If you ever have trouble with anything else, come get me. I'll hold your hand."

"Damnit..." laughed the vixen in spite of herself, "I'm supposed to be the strong, confident one. What happened to the timid, little kitten that was so nervous she nearly puked when we first met?"

"She fell in love... Don't worry though. I'm still nervous, and I'm still about to puke. And I still haven't even asked what I wanted to ask you yet."

Sage rubbed at her eyes in an attempt to be able to see her through the infuriating layer of joyous tears that continually welled up in her eyes. "Oh? What emotional hurdle could possibly be more intimidating that this?"

With a loud swallow, Kathryn steeled herself. "I want you to move in with me." she blurted before anxiety could give her lockjaw.

"Wh-what?" the fox stammered abruptly.

She emptied herself of her reasoning in as close to a sensible statement as possible in her current state. "I've been thinking really hard about it, and I love you, and now that we both know that you love me, I think we should live together. I... I want to be with you as much as I can. We don't work too far from each other, and... and being able to wake up next to you in the mornings would be better than any heaven the gods could come up with." Sage lifted an eyebrow and opened her mouth to speak, but she forged on. "I know I don't have much space for another, but... m-maybe I could talk Corvus into letting us use a suite. I could pay for it. He pays me enough; he's even letting me make drinks now. He says he's going to teach me how to brew, and it's like a promotion, and I was so excited, and now you... you've got me all flustered and I really, really want to be close to you all the time."

Her outburst seemed to shock the vixen back to sobriety. "D-darling... Kathryn... you live in a back room of an inn... I-"

"I know..." Shame reddened her cheeks, "It's not a lot, but I can't afford much more and still save enough to-"

"Hush, my love." Sage whispered. The use of the phrase brought the feline to a startled halt. "That's not what I meant. Let me speak. I need to do something other than cry today." Kathryn quieted down. "What I meant was that your little room wouldn't be very comfortable for the both of us. I would sleep on a bed of nails if it meant I would be lying next to you, but if we're going to be living together, sharing a space, don't you think we should both contribute?"

"B-but... But I-"

"Shush." the fox breathed, "If we pool our coin, we can get a little place of our own, someplace cleaner than a shack in the outer city, but not some nobleman's manor, either. Two rooms, maybe three, with space for a big, soft bed for us to share. I wouldn't mind that, would you?"

"N-no. But Sage, I couldn't afford even half of something like that... I don't want you to-"

"Would you withhold your stubborn pride, Darling, for me?" Kathryn spluttered, but Sage pressed a dainty finger to her lips. "I wouldn't expect you to pay any more than you do right now for what Corvus lets you use. I know you want to provide, but you'll never save enough to buy the Chalice from him if you keep spending all of your savings on me. I've reached all of this life's goals. I work doing what I love, and I live doing who I love. I'm happier than I could have ever imagined being back when just a little kit, and people pay me mountains of silver to do with me what they could very well do to themselves with just a single hand. It's like I'm stealing from them. You... you're trying to make something of yourself, starting from scratch, and I want to help you, because I love you. When you become a successful business woman I promise I'll let you build me a castle to grow old and wrinkly in, but for now, would you let me give you this?"

She nearly broke down into agonizing sobs once again, but she staved it off. There had been enough crying between them both for the day. "I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

"Not even in the slightest, Darling." Sage assured her.

"Then... Then I guess we'll have to get a place for us to live."

"As soon as possible." said the vixen with a thoughtful nod. "If your sister can find a place to live _and_start a business in just a few weeks, we should be able to even faster. She was even new to the city. I'll pack my things as soon as I get back. I... know quite a few people who can help up furnish a home, a carpenter for tables and chairs, and of course a strong, sturdy bedframe for us to put our big, soft mattress on. No mesh cots or mats of straw for us, no. We'll have nothing but silk linens and goose-down pillows. There will be a broad hearth for cold winter mornings, and a long window to let us watch the sunrise over the walls. I can see it now, like we're already there."

Sage drifted off, staring into the distance at something only she could see, and sighed beatifically. She sat there, nearly in Kathryn's lap, for almost a solid minute without sound or motion, but when the feline grinned and made to rise, she snapped back to reality. Slender fingers clutched at her arms, and the vixen pulled her back down to the grass. "What's wrong?" she asked, a knot of worry forming in her gut.

A thoughtful smile dominated Sage's expression, and the fox seemed to genuinely consider the question. "Nothing, Darling. Absolutely nothing. I cannot think of a single thing that could darken this day. I feel... liberated." She glanced sheepishly at the ground for a spell, her happiness faltering for only a split-second. "I gave too many people too much power over my feelings. I see that now, and I'm sorry for putting you through that. It won't happen again; I promise."

"I was never really worried about it, Sage. I knew how you felt... I... I hoped, at least, and hope was enough for me." She laced her fingers together on her lap, fidgeting anxiously. "I do feel better now, though, even though I shouldn't, even though I was already sure... I feel better now."

A demure hand grazed her cheek as Sage leaned toward her. "Good, because I will make it my mission to make each day of yours better than the last, every one, and every day I let you down will be a personal failure on my part. I only need one more thing from you, Darling."

She perked up, her triangular ears quivering at attention. "What? What is it?"

Sage wiggled and rose up to meet her, lips inches from her own and breath hot on her soft, feline nose. "I need you." the vixen purred throatily. "I need you to give me a little more, and I need you to make love to me." She let out a shaky breath and swallowed heavily as her demeanor gradually shifted. Her broad, pink tongue snaked out to run over her lips, and she gave Kathryn a heated stare. "I need you so_badly, Kathryn... My respect for you is the only thing keeping me off of you right now. I... I need you to do what they never can; I need you to make love to me, I need you to tell me how you feel while you're doing it, and I need you to _mean it."

"Wha... B-but I do mean it, Sage. Are you sure that I-"

"I'm as sure about it as I can be about anything." Sage interrupted with a hungry glint in her eye. She didn't know what to do with her hands, but the vixen quickly remedied that issue, taking up her fingers in dainty ones of her own and guiding them to where they were needed. The fox smiled, practically panting already, and pulled her hands down between them. They pressed her fingers in over the vulpine woman's crotch, and Kathryn gasped at the lewd, wet squelch that accompanied the motion. She felt wetness, and stared down in startled awe. Where she had been guided, a damp spot in the rich fabric of Sage's dress had developed, and when her love pulled her hand back up to show her how needy she was, she noticed how one of her fingertips glistened with moisture.

The vixen on her knees before Kathryn seemed to have trouble keeping her tongue inside her mouth, and it was without hesitation that she pulled the cat's finger up and slid it between her lips. The hair along her spine bristled and her ears stood perfectly straight upward as Sage gave her a smoky, half-lidded stare and suckled on her slender digit. The fox's tongue swirled around her finger in smooth, rhythmic motions, echoing the pace of the waves of suction to which she was unashamedly subjected. Her finger was cleaned and then cleaned again, each spot of it savored for a moment before it was left to shine with nothing but saliva as the amorous woman pulled away with a soft slurp.

Even then, Sage didn't give her control of her hands back. Her fingers were led like obedient children until they came to rest on the vixen's slim shoulders. With an unsteady breath, she did what the fox wanted her to, dug her claws into the fabric of her dress and held on. Her love was already breathing more heavily, and it only deepened as she pulled her hands downward, using Kathryn's grip to slide part of her arms from the dress and baring an expanse of milky white throat and chest in addition to the fox's red-orange shoulders. "Can you handle the rest for me, Darling?" said the vixen in a husky purr.

Sage smiled knowingly as she whispered her reply, "Yes, I think so." A brief huff escaped her lungs when the vixen leaned forward once more, planting her own kiss upon her lips, and she tensed as those same, teasing fingers danced over her shoulders to begin doing the same for her.

Unlike the fox, she had few curves to speak of, so her dress was necessarily snug on her, simply to keep it from falling off. Sage's hands tickled lightly over her shoulder blades before beginning to undo the laces that held the cloth to her body. Hungry lips probed her own, and it was all she could do to remember to breathe under the abrupt, ardent assault. The vixen's dress was likewise secured up the back, with a line of buttons hidden beneath a flap of concealing cloth, and her fingers shook enough to make the process of slipping them from their holes an arduous one.

The other woman leaned heavily into her, and the motion brought their breasts together to squish suggestively into one another. Sage was curvier by a large margin, with a lusher bust and hips that actually strained at the fabric that covered them, but as the fox managed to loosen enough laces to free a hand, she slipped it between them, sweeping lightly over Kathryn's sides before fondly caressing her chest. Even through her dress, Sage's bluntly-clawed fingertips left lines of electric effervescence on her furred skin, and she moaned softly when her passionate lover managed to drag her dress down, exposing her front with a gentle tug.

Immediately, the vixen cupped a palm around a pert, little breast. She wasn't even enough to fill Sage's petite hand, but that didn't seem to affect her lover's fervor, and she whimpered as willowy fingers drifted in tantalizing circles around her perky, pink nipple. She was pushed back a little, and this time she couldn't help but permit the entrance of a hot, nimble tongue into her mouth. It danced along her own as a different hand closed around her neglected breast and deftly manipulated her, and she felt herself react, her tail flailing violently around her as she shivered time and time again.

With increasing desperation she pawed at Sage's buttons, feeling them pop from their holes with agonizing slowness. The dress separating her from her lover's opulent figure was soft and silky, much like the fur that it hid, but it was no replacement, and she mewled in a hoarse, triumphant cry when she managed to get enough of them free to treat the fox's chest to what had been given to hers, liberation. With a velvety rustling sound, the vixen's dress slid down, and the contact with her breasts was broken for a moment only for her lover to pull her arms from her sleeves.

Parting from her lips, Sage helped her, wriggling sensuously to slide her dress completely from her body, grunting cutely as it passed over the breadth of her hips and pooled on the ground around her. She kicked it away, draping her tail coyly over her loins while she turned her attention to Kathryn's remaining garb. The cat could only stop and stare at the vixen's exposed breasts, ample and soft and supple, and the sweeping curves drew her hands like magnets as her love worked at removing her stubborn clothing.

Sage complained halfheartedly as she took the chance to push forward and return the kiss she had been given while redoubling the passion behind it. The vixen giggled, and then moaned as Kathryn's fingers played with the pillowy mounds that filled her slender chest, hefting and groping and caressing. They were perfect, and the feline said as much in muffled, hushed tones as she transitioned her lips down and along the fox's jaw. The way her spine was bent made it difficult for her dress to be convinced to release its tight grip on her svelte frame, but she didn't care. She just pushed and pushed, and only the sudden jolt of Sage's back falling to the soft, sun-dappled grass was enough to momentarily tear her mouth from the contour of the vixen's throat.

Her otherwise timid heart thundered behind her meager bust and served to further enflame her heated blood. The skin beneath her fur flushed, and when her lips began to dimple the yielding flesh of Sage's cushiony bosom, the fox gave up on her dress, simply petting her mane of snowy white hair and cradling her head against the generous assets. She pushed back into her love's hands, letting the short, canine claws that graced them scratch her scalp between her ears while her own fingers went to work. She took the vixen's breasts in each hand, squished them together, and buried her muzzle into the resulting valley of plush cleavage. An appreciative hum vibrated in her chest, and her tongue slipped free to lap along the edges of ruddy areolae.

The body under her stiffened when she pulled a stiff, excited nipple into her mouth. She suckled gently, swirling her rough, feline tongue in quick circles around the eager bud, listening to the euphoric sounds that lingered in the back of Sage's throat as she did so. She fondled the sensitive flesh around it, making the motions of milking even if she expected nothing to come of it, and by the way the vixen's fingertips laced into her hair to grip her tightly and pull her forward, she was doing well. When the lust-pebbled skin was well-and-truly slicked with a sheen of her saliva, she released it with a muted_pah_ so she could switch to the other teat and share her attentions between them.

"Oh..." Sage hissed softly, clenching her fingers in Kathryn's hair and clutching the cat's shoulder in the same tense motion, "Oh... You're so good at this. Harder... Oh, that's it, right there. Oh! Nnh..." She fumbled with the dress that clung resolutely to the feline's waspish hips, scrabbling with the remaining laces and numbly tugging on the cloth.

As she finally began to make headway, Kathryn winced and drew back an inch. "Careful, it's... sensitive."

"Then pull it up off of you. Just hurry!"

She assented, gathering the simply, yellow fabric of her dress up around her knees and dragging the whole, obstructive mess up and off of her to toss it aside with the fox's own. The single, sinuous motion thrust out her chest, exhibiting the perky little bumps of her breasts, and she shook out her hair when she was done, letting the unruly mess fall around her face in as playful a display as she could muster. Her chest rose and fell rapidly and deeply, and the sight of Sage laying there, hot and needy, legs slightly parted with her fluffy tail hiding their intersection, it pulled at her. "You're perfect." she panted. Her whole body ached deliciously, but the brunt of the inferno was situated between her legs, and she followed the vixen's simmering gaze down to her crotch.

Kathryn glanced down at herself, at how her firm erection stuck out from her loins. It was tiny, five inches at best, but Sage gave a delighted hum at how her barbed, feline member twitched and throbbed, like she was staring up at a banquet. Not even the heat of embarrassment could dull her ardor. She was already glowing with desire, and she pounced before the vixen could react. She eagerly, but gently, pushed apart Sage's legs, waiting for even a hint of resistance, and grinned like a madwoman when there was none. The fox pawed at her own breasts, arching her back and writhing beneath her hungry kitten, but her tail infuriatingly proved a more effective barrier. Every time Kathryn dipped down, it would bat at her face and flick over her nose, making her blink and recoil only for horny determination to drive her back in.

Sage laughed at her, and that only spurred her on. A playful growl rattled her throat, and she cried out victoriously when she managed to snag the offensive appendage between her teeth. Taking a firm hold of the vixen's tail, she pulled it down, despite its defensive wriggling, and managed to trap it between her legs. It seemed to like it there, because it immediately ceased its struggling, deciding rather to tickle at the weight of her furred sac, occasionally pushing further back to brush along the lips of her slick, excited womanhood.

Triumphant, Kathryn dove lips-first into Sages now-bared nethers. The fox convulsed as she pushed her muzzle between plump lips, lapping greedily at the entrance to her throbbing tunnel, the cat's rough tongue sending bolts of bliss up the vixen's spine and into her brain. The vixen hadn't been lying; she was hot, and wet, and she shuddered spastically as the feline bore down without mercy on her lust-slicked lips. The dexterous fingers of a single hand gripped her hair, and it seemed to be struggling with whether it wanted to pull her closer or push her away. "W-wait." Sage grunted meekly, "I can't take any more. I'm too close. I need you inside me, Kathryn. Please... Dripping Ichor, please."

She pulled hesitantly away, viscous, feminine lube smeared over her lips and face, to pant with almost delirious urgency. "Are you sure? I don't want it if you don't. This is about you; let me please you."

"It's not me." Sage replied, nearly incoherent, "It's us, and nothing could please me more. Please, Kathryn. I need this."

The vixen's bright blue eyes pleaded with her, and she carefully lapped up the juices slathered around her mouth while she crawled forward on her hands and knees, meshing her form with the one beneath her. Sage's hands pawed at her back, pulling her down, and she let some of the weight of her slight frame press down into her lover. Her breasts met with luscious pillows that sat high and proud on the fox's chest, nipple grinding momentarily against the corresponding plump, excited nub. The sound of heavy panting filled her ears, making them twitch and quiver amidst her hair, and she let her head droop enough to allow her to push a kiss into the lusher woman's slim throat. "I love you." she said in a hushed, nearly religious whisper.

Wriggling her compact hips, her tail flitting through the air behind her, she aligned herself with Sage's loins. The vixen's legs couldn't have been more spread without cracking the pelvis that connected, them, and Kathryn planted a steady hand in the small of her lover's arched back, lifting just enough to give them both a prime angle. Her eyes closed. The fox's breathing matched her own, and delicate fingers clawed at her shoulder blades, dancing expertly down her spine and to the base of her tail to tease at her before drifting even further back, rolling over the tight curves of her petite backside, gripping and fondling. She repeated the phrase that resonated within her like a mantra, like it was the only thing she could say, that she had ever been able to say, and each time the words slipped softly from her lips, she felt the deft fingers on her tighten and relax as if she were stimulating Sage with little but sound.

Blood pounded through her veins to the beat of her fluttering heart, and it all seemed to concentrate within her loins, making her feel like she would burst. Sage rubbed her, caressed her thighs. Gentle digits flowed like the tender touch of a warm breeze, brushing between her legs from behind. Harmless, blunt claws found her aching, feminine sex and skirted around it, probing carefully at her moist, parted lips. She knew she was being teased, being driven mad, and she knew her lover enjoyed each deft stroke, the way each smooth motion made her shiver with the beginnings of ecstasy. While the vixen reached around her slender body to get at her exposed womanhood, she took the more direct route, reciprocating Sage's shameless titillation with the only tool the fox would accept, the one she was born with, the one she had loathed for so long.

The crown of her fleshy, spined member pushed lewdly against her lover's pulsing entrance, and she held herself there, on the edge. She could feel Sage's depths reject their emptiness; she could feel their hunger through the meager contact, and when she began to push forward into the vixen's vicelike tightness, both she and her love let out a pair of terse moans, bodies shivering against one another. The hands on her lean butt clamped down on her, tried to pull her in, but she resisted, pressing onward in a slow, easy pace as she fed inch after inch of herself into her love's slick inner passage.

Even then, it took little time to hilt herself within her vulpine lover. Sage hissed into her ear as her soft, feline barbs raked at the walls that tensed down against them, and gasped at the profoundness of the contact. She felt each breath Sage took, every quiver of the vixen's body. Though she couldn't hope to give the foxy woman any hint of a stretching, her unimpressive member was snugly hugged by her love's hot, grasping walls, and she whined with each rippling contraction.

The vixen's fur was beneath her lips, her hands bracing her lover's body, gripping a slim shoulder and the hollow of a slender back. The grass was warm beneath her, and the occasional breeze that managed to slip between the trees ruffled her splotchy, calico fur. As she pulled half her well-slicked tool from Sage's dripping slit, the fox hissed an ardent breath into her ear. "Don't hold back, Darling. Show me how much we both need this!"

Sage yelped when she slammed back home with a sharp thrust of her narrow hips. Their crotches met with a wet smack, and she wasted no time in pulling free once again to repeat the process. She hadn't the angle to buck brutally, but it was more than enough for her as she let the weight of her lower body drag her down into the vixen's womanhood, sliding her into her lover like a hand into a greased glove. She bore the other woman down with the weight of her passion more than the heft of her long, skinny body, and with each rolling buck of her hips, the breath left her lungs in a low, growling moan. The contours of the silken walls that so intimately hugged her rock-hard tumescence enveloped her again and again, and with every solid jerk forward, arcs of ecstatic lightning emanated from her loins to spiderweb through her body.

Each sudden jerk drew the air from Sage's chest in the form of sharp, shaky grunts, the interim filled with a mixture of throaty groans and barely-coherent pleas for more, and the vixen's lips sought out Kathryn's to find them and latch onto them in a kiss that was continually interrupted by their combined motions. Neither cared, and they slathered saliva across one another's lips as messily as their mixed fluids were smeared over their interconnected sexes. Whenever she pulled back, Sage briefly lost contact with her unemployed femininity, but when she forced herself into the source of her growing pleasure, lithe fingers would wrap around her modest rump to thrust into her own silken flower, parting her netherlips and snaking up against each sensitive spot the vixen could reach. She nearly faltered as those same fingertips swirled in tight circles, grinding around her electrically-sensitive clit, and she squealed as the fox gave it gentle strokes, rubbing it against its own hood as she convulsed in her bliss.

Her building rapture fueled her nearly insensate humping, and she did her best to rut the fox into the lush grass beneath her. Her voice, as well as that of her lover, rose in pitch over the space of only a couple harsh, savage minutes, until each was squirming and moaning and on the edge of a nearly violent release. "Cum for me!" Sage very nearly screamed in her ear as the claws of a shaking hand raked across her back, mussing her fur and stimulating her burning skin, "Please! I can't-Nngh! I can't take any more! Say it! Say it and-Nnh... and cum for me!"

Sage's oozing gash wrung at her feline tool, mirroring the desperation in the vixen's words, and she swallowed around nothing, her throat dry and her breathing fast and shallow. She refused; she refused to be the first to release. She staved off her ecstasy, curling her clawed toes in on themselves and gritting her teeth in a frantic, defiant snarl. She redoubled the pace of the now-erratic pistoning of her hips, devoting her all to the simple task of stimulating everything she could of her lover as quickly and effectively as possible while pinching her eyes shut and panting into the hollow of Sage's throat. "I love you." she mewled through clenched teeth, repeating it again and again as fast as her lung would allow her.

Her efforts paid off. Sage tensed beneath her as she reached the edge of her endurance, and then convulsed with primal ferocity as she shoved the vixen beyond that sharply-defined line. Once, twice, three times the fox spasmed silently beneath her, jerking up against her in time with her frantic thrusting, and only then did her vulpine muzzle split open to unleash a long pent-up scream. Arm like bars of iron slapped down on her perky rump and dragged her in, forcing her to bury herself into the fox's dripping slit, and she was treated to everything her lover's feminine sex could offer her.

Sage wailed and thrashed beneath her, her back bent enough to lift her chest off of the ground, and Kathryn's feline maleness was treated to the same sort of unleashed desperation. The walls around it collapsed inward with tightness that robbed her of her breath and then began to contract in rippling waves, sucking greedily on her normally timid shaft. She tensed and bit down on the vixen's unguarded shoulder, putting only enough force behind her teeth to anchor them together as she was finished by her lover's body. She tried to continue her brutal fucking, but Sage's arms would allow no such nonsense, and the only thing she managed to do was grind herself around inside the scorching tunnel.

It was enough, more than enough. Her voice joined Sage's as her unimpressive sac drew up against her loins in the beginnings of a combined orgasm. Her own womanhood gushed a slick spurt of slimy girlcum over the vixen's fingers, and her less womanly endowments did the same, firing jet after thick, pearlescent jet into Sage's suckling passage. As she emptied herself with a mindless wail of bliss, her seed was forcefully pulled from her, drawn away as quickly as she could pump it into the fox's loins with muscles that desperately milked her for all she had. Her lover's hand was a tight fist against her back, shaking spastically, and it was all they could do to gasped and quiver against each other as they rode out their intertwined orgasm.

Panting and what felt like on the edge of consciousness, Kathryn was the first to finish. Exhausted, she collapsed into a boneless heap atop Sage's still-shaking body, overwhelmed by the sensations tearing through her mind. The vixen took over for her, using slender arms to move with her, making her roll her hips in tight circles as she dribbled the last of her kitty spunk into the vixen's greedy flower. Her lover continued to spasm and shake for some time, and all the while the last dregs of her orgasm were dragged from her body as fast as it could dredge them up. She whined and moaned, and when Sage finally fell limp back to the grass, they were both stunned into wordless silence by the results of their passion.

For several long minutes, it was all they could do to breath and maintain awareness of their surroundings, but finally they began to move. Sage's hand lifted up to her hair, running through the snowy mess, and her own twitched from where it had fallen in the grass to tickle up the vixen's side before weakly gripping her love's shoulder. "Are... Are you okay?" she breathed between deep, cooling breaths.

Sage seemed unable to lift her head from the ground. "Yes, Darling." she cooed, wincing as Kathryn withdrew her softening member from her velvet flower with a drenched sucking sound. "Oh... I'm better than I've ever been."

Grinning happily, she let herself drop to the side, keeping a hand wrapped around Sage's waist to rub at her trim belly. "I really do love you."

The fox turned her head to look at her, sublime glee shining in her eyes. "I know." Rolling over onto her own side, Sage slid closer, pressing their fronts against one another and dragging Kathryn into a tired, clumsy kiss. "We're going to live together." she said as an afterthought, as if to remind herself.

Giddy excitement soared up in her chest, pushing away some of her fatigue. "Yeah, we are."

"We'll have a lot of work to do." Sage mused.

"Yeah, we will."

"We should probably pick ourselves up and get to it, then, you know?"

"Yeah, we should."

"But we're not going to, are we?"

"Not yet." she purred, the sound beginning to rumble again in the depths of her chest. She slid her spindly arms around Sage's curvaceous body and dragged it into her, hugging her lover with desperate strength and sliding fur against fur. Her flaccid tool twitched at the way the vixen's body compressed suggestively into her own, but she ignored it in favor of another kiss. There was a lot about to happen in her life, and she figured they deserved a little relaxation before facing it.